abeō, abīre - to go toward, to approach
absum, abesse - to be away
agnōscō, agnōscere - to recognize (agnostic)
āmittō, āmittere - to lose
aperiō, aperīre - to open (aperture)
appellō, appellāre - to name (appellation)
appropinquō, appropinquāre - to approach + dative
audeō, audēre, ausus sum - to dare (audacity)
accipiō, accipere (ad + capio) - to take, to receive, to accept
accūsō, accūsāre - to accuse (accusative case)
adsum, adesse - to be present
adveniō, advenīre - to arrive (advent)
bibō, bibere - to drink (bibulous)
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (accident, occident)
cantō, cantāre - to sing (incantation)
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus - to shut (claustrophobia)
coepī, coepisse, coeptus (defective verb) to begin
cōnspiciō, cōnspicere, spexī, spectus - to look at, to see, to behold
cōnstituō, cōnstituere - to decide, to establish
coquō, coquere - to cook (precocious)
cupiō, cupere - to desire (cupidity)
cūrō, cūrāre - to care for, to see to
dēbeō, dēbēre - to owe, ought
dēlectō, dēlectāre - to allure, attract, delight, charm
dēleō, dēlēre - to destroy (Carthago delenda est)
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre - to point out, to show
dēscendō, dēscendere - to descend
discēdō, discēdere - to depart, withdraw
emō, emere - to buy (caveat emptor)
errō, errāre - to wander (aberrant)
exeō, exīre - to go out (exit)
exspectō, exspectāre - to wait for, to expect
habitō, habitāre - to dwell (cohabit)
iaceō, iacēre - to lie, to lie dead (adjacent)
iaciō, iacere - to throw (eject)
inquit (defective verb) - he/she said
intellegō, intellegere -
intrō, intrāre - to enter
inveniō, invenīre - to discover
lapor, labi, lapsus sum - to slip
labōrō, labōrāre - to labour, to struggle
lacrimō, lacrimāre - to cry
lūdō, lūdere - to pay
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to chose, to read
maneō, manēre - to remain
moneō, monēre - to warn
necō, necāre - to kill
perterreō, perterrēre - to frighten thoroughly, terrify
petō, petere - to seek
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to place
portō, portāre - to carry
prōmittō, prōmittere - to promise
pūniō, pūnīre - to punish
quaerō, quaerere - to seek, to ask
relinquō, relinquere - to abandon
rīdeō, rīdēre - to laugh (risible)
rogō, rogāre - to ask (abrogate, interrogative)
salūtō, salūtāre - to greet
servō, servāre - to save, preserve
spectō, spectāre - to look at, to watch
stō, stāre, stetī - to stand
surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrectus - to rise
taceō, tacēre - to be silent
temptō, temptāre - to attempt
teneō, tenēre - to hold
terreō, terrēre - to frighten
tollō, tollere, subtulī, sublātus - to lift, to raise
trādō, trādere - to hand over
timeō, timēre - to fear, to be afraid
vēndō, vēndere - to sell
verberō, verberāre - to beat, to whip
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
vīvō, vīvere - to live, to be alive
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to yield
cēnō, cēnāre - to dine
cōgitō, cōgitāre - to think
compleō, complēre - to fill, to complete
cognōscō, cognōscere - to know, to learn
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate
cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere - to consume
contendō, contendere - to strive
cūstōdiō, cūstōdīre - to guard
dēfendō, dēfendere - to defend
dērīdeō, dērīdēre - to diride, to laugh at
discō, discere - to learn
doleō, dolēre - suffer
edō, edere - to eat
effugiō, effugere - to escape
ēmittō, ēmittere - to emit, to send out
haereō, haerēre - to cling
hauriō, haurīre - to drain
ēripiō, ēripere - to rescue
excitō, excitāre - to excite
exclāmō, exclāmāre - to shout
faveō, favēre + dat. - to favour
festīnō, festīnāre - to hurry
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus - to break
impediō, impedīre - to hamper, to hinder
incipiō, incipere - to begin
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum - to rejoice
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to manage, to wear
lavō, lavāre - to wash
licet, licēre - it is permitted + dative + infinitive
incitō, incitāre - to incite
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre - to show
īnspiciō, īnspicere - to inspect
invītō, invītāre - to invite
nesciō, nescīre - to not know (ne + scire)
numerō, numerāre - to count (enumerate)
occīdō, occīdere - to kill
occidō, occidere - to fall, to set
oppugnō, oppugnāre - to attack
ostendō, ostendere - to show
perterreō, perterrēre - to frighten
perveniō, pervenīre - to arrive, to reach
placet, placēre + dative - it is pleasing
prōcēdō, prōcēdere - to proceed, to go forward
recumbō, recumbere - to recline
redeō, redīre - to go back, to return
regō, regere - to guide, to direct, to rule
reprehendō, reprehendere - to hold back, seize, catch
retineō, retinēre - to hold back, to retain
sinō, sinere, sīvī, situs - to allow, permit, suffer,
soleō, solēre, solitus sum - to be accustomed to
superō, superāre - to conquer, to surpass
taceō, tacēre - to be silent
tego, tegere - to cover
ancilla, ancillae (f) servant, attendent
baculum, baculī (n) - stick, walking stick
castra, castrōrum (n.pl) military camp
cēna, cēnae (f) - dinner
cibus, cibī (m) - food
cēra, cērae (f) wax
coniūnx, coniugis (m/f) spouse, wife, husband
cōnsul, cōnsulis (m) consul, chief magistrate
coquus, coquī (m) - cook
cubiculum, cubiculī (n) bed room
culīna, culīnae (f) kitchen
cūra, cūrae (f) care, worry
cūstōs, cūstōdis (m) guard
epistula, epistulae (f) -letter
fenestra, fenestrae F window
fundus, fundī (m) a farm; the bottom, depth, abyss,
fūmus, fūmī (m) smoke
fūr, fūris (m) - thief
hiems, hēmis (m) - winter
hospes, hospitis (m) -guest/host
incendium, incendiī (n) -fire
gaudium, gaudiī (n) - joy
gēns, gentis (f) - race, clan
genus, generis (n) class; lineage, king; type
genū, genūs (m) knee
impetus, impetūs (m) - attack (impetuous)
īnsula, īnsulae (m) island; apartment; city-block
lectus, lectī (m) - litter
liber, librī (m) - book
littera, litterae (m) letter, literature (in plural)
lītus, lītoris (n) - shore
lapis, lapidis (m) - stone
lēx, lēgis (f) law
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) - children
lībertus, lībertī (m) - freedman
lūdus, lūdī (m) - game; school
magister, magistrī (m) - teacher
medicus, medicī (m) - doctor
mēnsis, mēnsis (f) -month
merīdiēs, merīdiēī (m) -south
marītus, marītī (m) - husband
memoria, memoriae F - memory
mēnsa, mēnsae (f) - table
mercātor, mercātōris M - merchant
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
multitūdō, multitūdinis (m) - mass of people
modus, modī (m) - way, method, mood
ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis (m) - speech
pānis, pānis (m) - bread
plaustrum, plaustrī (n) -wagon
praemium, praemiī (n) - reward
praesidium, praesidiī (n) - protect, guard
pretium, pretiī (n) - price
proelium, proeliī (n) - battle
rāmus, rāmī (m) - branch of a tree
rēgnum, rēgnī (n) - kingdom, kingship
nihil - nothing (noun) in no way (adverb)
rīvus, rīvī (m) - stream (derivative)
tablīnum, tablīnī (n) - room for patronus in domus Romana, generally located a end of the atrium
tunica, tunicae (f) tunic
salūs, salūtis (f) - safety, salvation
sella, sellae (f) - chair
sententia, sententiae (f) opinion
tumultus, tumultūs (m) mound; uprisng
mūrus, mūrī (m) wall
nūbēs, nūbis (f) cloud
numerus, numerī (m) number
nūntius, nūntiī (m) - message, messenger
pecūnia, pecūniae F - money
pōculum, pōculī (n) - cup
porta, portae (f) gate
portus, portūs (f) port
prīnceps, prīncipis (m) - chief, leader (primus + caput)
somnus, somnī (m) sleep, dream
taberna, tabernae (f) - a shop
timor, timōris (f) fear
turba, turbae (f) - crowd, mob
umbra, umbrae (f) shade, shadow; ghost (umbrella)
aeger, aegra, aegrum - weak, sick, wounded, poor
albus, -a, -um - white
alius, alia, aliud - one…another, some…others
altus, -a, -um - high, deep
antīquus, -a, -um - old
mortuus, -a, -um - dead
necesse (indecl.) necessary, inevitable
niger, nigra, nigrum - black
nōtus, -a, -um - well-known, familiar
parvus, -a, -um - small
paucī, -ae, -a - a few
perterritus, -a, -um - frightened
stultus, -a, -um - foolish
tantus, -a, -um - so great, such a size
tōtus, -a, -um - whole, entire, all
vērus, -a, -um - true (veracity)
aequus, -a, -um - equal, fair, level, just
alter, altera, alterum - another, a second
barbarus, -a, -um -foreign
clārus, -a, -um - bright, famous, illustrious
crūdēlis, crūdēle - cruel, savage
dīligēns, dīligentis - diligent
dīves, dīvitis - rich
dēfessus, -a, -um - weary
invītus, -a, -um - unwilling
lātus, -a, -um - wide
prūdēns, prūdentis - wise
quālis, quāle? What sort?
ruber, rubra, rubrum - red (rubescent)
sacer, sacra, -um - sacred, holy
similis, simile - similar to + dative or genitive (simile, similar)
situs, -a, -um - placed, set, lying, situate (in sitū)
sollicitus, -a, -um - troubled, excited, anxious
quot (indecl.) - how many?
tot (indecl.) - so many
quotiēns - how often?
cotīdiē - daily
deinde, dein - then, next (in a sequence)
fortasse - perhaps
heri - yesterday
hōdiē - today
hūc - to this place
iam -now, already
ibi - there
illūc - to that place
ita (adv.) thus, in this way
itaque - and so
iterum - 2nd time, again
minimē - the least, not at all; no
nōnne? introduces a question with yes expected as the answer
num? introduces a question with no expected as the answer
numquam - never
nunc - now
ōlim - at one time
paene - almost
procul - at a distance
quō? - where?
quōmodo? - how?
quoque - also
simul - at the same time
statim - immediately
subitō - suddenly
tamen - however
tandem - at last, final
tum - then
ubi - where, where
umquam - ever
valdē - strongly, vehemently, energetically
frūstrā (adv.) in vain
hīc - here, in this place
lentē - slowly
libenter - freely
tacitē - silently
magis - more
male - badly, poorly
mane - in the morning
melius - better
modo - just now, recently
nimis - too, too much
multum - much
paulisper - for a short time, a little while
quandō? when?
satis - enough, sufficiently
sīc - thus, in this way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
tam - so
tantum - such a great amount, to such an extent
ūnā (adv.) together (universal)
unde? - from where, whence
vehementer - forcefully
vix (adv.) scarcely
Prepositions – Standard
apud - near, in the presence of, among
contrā - against
dē - about, down from
inter - between, among + acc.
per - through, along + acc.
post - after + acc.
prope - near + acc.
propter - on account of + acc.
ob - on account of + acc.
extrā - outside of, beyond + acc.
prō (prep. + acc) on behalf of, instead of, in return for, in front of
suprā (+ acc. ) above
trāns - across (prep. + acc.)
enim - for, in fact, indeed
dum - while
igitur - therefore
nam - for
neque / nec - neither, nor, and…not
postquam - after
quamquam - although
quod - because
sed - but
ubi - where, when
si - if
nisi - except, unless, if…not
ac = atque - and, and also
intrā - within
autem - however, moreover
nisi - unless, expect, if… not
simulac - as soon as
ita vērō - yes, yes indeed
minimē - no, in no way
ecce - look! behold!
ēheu - ah!, alas!
euge/eugepae - good job, bravo!
salvē - hello, greetings
valē - goodbye
List for Horatius Cocles
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus - to lose
adsum, adesse, adfuī - to be present
adeō, adīre - to go toward, to approach
audeō, audēre, ausus sum (semi-depoent) to dare
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to yield + DATIVE, to go (concede, concession)
citō (1) to stir (compare: excitāre, rēcitāre, incitāre)
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel, to drive together
cunctor, cunctārī, cunctātus - to delay, hesitate (Fabius Maximus Cunctator)
cōnor (1) to try
desiliō, desilīre - to jump down (salient)
demigrō (1) to depart, to move from
incipiō, incipere - to begin
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy + ABLATIVE
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus - to break (refraction, fracture)
haereō, haerēre, haesī (intransitive) to cling, to stick (inherent, adhesive, adhere, adhere, adherer, adherent, adhesion, adhesive, adhesiveness, coherent cohere, coherence, coherency, coherer, cohesion, cohesive, cohesiveness. inherent)
hauriō, haurīre, hausī, haustus - to draw (up or out); to drain (exhaust exhaustive)
impellō, impellere, impulī, impulsus - to drive forward, strike against, to push
lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsus - to play
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to advise; to warn
obtineō, obtinēre - to hold, to obtain
obsisto, obsistere, obstĭti, obstĭtus - to set, place, or post one's self before any thing
obstŭpĕfăcĭo, obstŭpĕfăcere, obstŭpĕfēci, obstŭpĕfactum - to astonish, amaze, astound, stupefy; to render senseless,
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectus - to put accusative in charge of dative
parcō, parcere, pepercī - to spare + dative
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative
precor (1) to pray
reprehendo, reprehendere, reprehendī, reprehensus - to hold back, hold fast, take hold of, seize, catch (apprehend, reprehend, comprehend)
recindō, rescindere - to cut back
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave, abandon
saepiō, saepīre - to hedge in, to surround
sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, subtentus - to hold up; sustain, bear, hold up, poise, hold, wave, check, withstand keep off; (sub and teneō)
soleō, solēre, solitus sum (semi-depoent)— to be accustomed to + infinitive
testor (1) to witness, call as witness (testify, testicle)
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublatus - to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum (+ ablative) to use; to employ + ablative
vadō, vadere - to go hastily or rapidly, to rush (evade, evasive, Quo Vadis?)
aciēs, aciēī (f) edge, battle line; battle; line of sight; sight
alacitās, alacitātis (f) alacrity, eagerness (alacrity)
cura, curae (f) care, worry, anxiety (sinecure)
fidēs, fīdeī (f) faith, trust, loyalty (bonafide, malafide, fidelity)
fragor, fragoris (m) crash, great noise
gradus, gradūs (m) step (grade, gradual, aggressive, egress, progress)
ordō, ordinis (m) rank, order, class (ordinal)
pavor, pavoris (m) fear, terror
pudor, pudoris (m) sense of decency, shame
pons, pontis (m) bridge
procella, procellae (f) storm
praesidium, praesidiī (n) guard, protection
plūs, plūris (n) more + partitive Genitive
repentinus, a, um - a sudden
statiō, statiōnis (f) position, station, post
subsidium, subsidiī (n) aid, support
transitus, transitūs (m) way across,
turba, turbae (f) crowd, mob
tergum, tergī (n) back
tēlum, tēlī (n) weapon
quisque, quidque (indefinite pron.) each one, each thing; everyone, everything
quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque - whoever, whatever (indefinite relative)
alius, alia, aliud (-ius paradigm) - other, another; one…the other
ambo, ambae, ambo - both (ambidextrous, ambition)
alienus, a, um - belonging to another; foreign
cunctus, a, um - all
clārus, a, um - distinguished, bright, famous
exiguus, a, um - very small, tiny (exiguous)
gratus, a, um - thankful
insignis, insigne - distinguished, remarkable
peritus, a, um - skilled at + genitive
plēnus, a, um - full of + genitive
propitius, a, um - favorable, well-disposed, gracious, kind, propitious
incolumnis, incolumne - unharmed
obstinātus, a, um - stubborn, determined, resolute
singulī, -ae, -a - individual
subitus , a, um - having come up suddenly; unexpected, sudden, suddenly,
tumultuōsus, a, um - swollen
tūtus, a, um - safe (in tūtum = into a safe place)
aliquamdiū (adv.) for some period of time
quamdiū (interrogative adv.) how long?
causā or gratiā - for the sake of + preceding genitive
comminus (adv. cum + manus) hand to hand
erga (prep. + acc.) on account of
ergo (postpositive) therefore
cum (subordinating conj.) when (circumstantial), since (causal), although (concessive) + subjunctive mood
hīc - in this place
hūc - to his place
hinc - from this place
illīc - from that place
inde (adv.) from there
magis (adv.)
nequiquam (adv.) in vain
parumper (adv.), a little while; for a short time (parum and -per)
minimē (adv.) very little; not at all; no
plūs (adv.) more
velut = just as
vix (adv.) hardly, barely, scarcely
ut (subordinating conj.) as, just as; when + indicative mood
ut (subordinating conj.) in order that; that
ut fit = as it happens
ut scis = as you know
ut solet = as he is accustomed
List for Genitive Case and Syntax
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum - to go toward, to attack (aggressive)
credō, credere, credidī, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
dēficiō, dēficere, dēfēci, dēfectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
misereor, misererī - to pity + genitive
meminī, meminisse (defective verb - no present system) - to remember + genitive
obliviscor, obliviscī oblitus sum - to forget + genitive
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain control of, to gain possession of + genitive (also + ablative case) Caesar tōtius Galliae mox potiētur = Caesar soon will gain possession of all Gaul.
miseret, miserere, miseruit - it makes the accusative (person) pity the genitive (thing)
obstinō (1) to determine, be firmly resolved, persist
occīdo, occīdere, occīdi, occīsus - to kill (ob + caedo)
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus - to press against, to overwhelm
oppugnō (1) to attack
orō, orãre - to beg, plead (orant, oration, orator) + double accusative of person and thing
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to fall forward, to slide forward (pro + labor)
paenitet, paenitere paenituit - it make s the accusative regret the genitive
pudet, pudere, puduit - it makes the accusative ashamed of the genitive (pudenda)
Pudet Ronitium amorum. = It makes Ronit ashamed of his love affairs = Ronit is ashamed of his love affairs.
redeō, redīre, rediī (re + eo, ire) - to go back, to return
ruō, ruere - to fall, to rush, to crash down upon (ruin)
sequor, sequī, secutus sum - to follow (non sequitur)
stringō, stringere, strinxī, strictus - to draw (strict)
stŭpeo, stŭpēre, stŭpui - to be amazed (stupefy, stupid)
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitus - to be quiet (intrans. verb) (tacit, taciturn)
versō (1) (frequentive of verto, vertere) to turn over and over (versatile)
tradō, tradere, tradidī, traditus (trans + do) - to hand over (tradition, trade)
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + to use, to employ + ABLATIVE
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (introvert, pervert inversion)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (invincible)
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem + dat. of reference
vīvo, vīvere, vīxī, vīctus - to live (vivacious)
amor, amōris (m) love
odium, odiī (n) hatred
avidus, a, um - eager + genitive
cupidus, a, um - desirous + genitive
fessus, a, um - weary + genitive
ignārus, a, um - ignorant of, unaware of + genitive
inscius, a, um - unaware of + genitive
memor, memoris (1 term. 3rd decl. adj.) - mindful + genitive
peritus, a, um - skilled at + genitive
imperitus, a, um - unskilled at + genitive
plēnus, a, um - full of + genitive
obliviosus, a, um - forgetful of + genitive
studiōsus, a, um - full of eagerness, desirous of + genitive
tot (indeclinable adj.) so many
tantus, a, um - so great, such a size
ūna pars vestrum fūgit. One part of you fled
plūs vīnī - more of wine
minus agrī - less of farmland
quid novī? -what of new? = What’s new?
nihil speī - nothing of hope
aliquid fideī - something of trust
multī mīlitum - many of the soldiers
aliquid vīrium - something of strength
quem nostrum - whom (which one) of us
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) someone, something
gratiā or causā require a preceding genitive = for the sake of
modus operandī - method of operating
modus vivendī - way of living
onus probandī - burden of proving
ars moriendī - art of dying
discimus docendō - we learn by teaching
at, ast (adversative conj.) but, and
deinde (adv.) then, next (in a sequence)
circum (prep. + acc.) around (circumvent)
circa (adv.) around, about
enim (postpositive) for, indeed, in fact
hinc (adv.) from this place
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hūc (adv.) to that place
forte (adv.) by chance
ne…quidem - not even
prae (prep. + abl.) before, in front of
prope (prep. + acc.) near
prope (adv.) near (propinquity)
post (prep. + acc.) after (postbellum)
postquam (subordinating conj.) after
plūs (substantive + partitive gen.) more
quam (adv.) than
satis or sat (adv. or noun) enough
statim (adv.) immediately
tantum (adv.) only
tum (adv.) then, at that time
inde - from there
unde - from where, whence
ut + indicative mood = as, when
Death of Priam/Deponents/Review of Adverbs
amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum - to embrace (amplexus)
credō, credere, credidī, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
dēficiō, dēficere, dēfēci, dēfectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
feriō, ferīre - to strike, to hit ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus, a, um - to bear, carry, endure (offer, relate, suffer, translate)
figō, figere, fixī, fictus - to fashion, fix, attach (fix, fiction, transfix, crucifixion, suffix, infix)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen (fiat lux) (copulative verb)
gradior, gradī, gressus sum - to step, to walk (grade, gradual)
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum -to go toward, to attack (aggressive)
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum - to go out; disembark (egress)
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum - to enter, to step into (ingress)
regredior, regredī, regressus sum - to go back (regression)
progredior, progredī, progressus sum - to advance (progress, progression)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure, allow (patience, patient, passive)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
(fut. part. moritūrus, a, um)
for, farī, fātus sum - speak (forum, fate, infant, forensic)
iaceo, iacēre, iacuī - to lie; to lie dead (adjacent) iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject, object, objective)
iciō, icere, icī, ictus - to strike, to strike blow (ictus)
incendo, incendere, incendī, incensus - to burn, set on fire (incense)
lapso (1) to slip (frequentive of labor, labi)
labor, labī, lapsus sum - to slip, to slide, to glide (lapse, elapse, relapse)
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - to speak (loquacious, eloquent)
miror, mirārī, mirātus sum - to marvel at, to wonder at, to wonder (miracle)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um) - to die (mortuary)
moror, morārī, morātus sum - to delay (moratorium)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + ablative - to strive, to rely on
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to collapse, to fall or slip forward (pro + labor, labi)
parcō, parcere, pepercī (+ dative case) - to spare
pendō, pendere, pependī, pensus - to hang, to weigh, to pay (pendent, pensive)
repellō, repellere, repulī, repulsus - to repel, strike back
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow (non sequitur, sequence, consecutive)
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ (use, abuse, utilitarian)
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavīsus sum to rejoice
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + infinitive to be accustomed to(Spanish soler)
fīdō, fīdere, fīsus sum to trust
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dative to trust have trust in confident
diffīdo, diffīdere, diffīsus sum (dis- + fido) + dative - to distrust, be diffident, be distrustful, despair (diffident, diffidence)
Deponent Verbs that Govern the Ablative Case as Direct Objective
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ, to enjoy (use)
abūtor, abūti, abūsus sum - to abuse (abuse)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy
fungor, fungī, functus sum - to perform (function, defunct)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain possession of + ablative or genitive case
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
inquit (defective verb) - he, she said
aes, aeris (n) bronze āēr, āēris (m) air
clipeus, clipei (m) shield hasta, hastae (f) spear
tēlum, tēlī (n) weapon, spear
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, end fīnis, fīnis (m or f.) end, limit (el fin, final, finite, imperium sine fine)
genitor, genitoris (m) father
ictus, ictūs (m) blow, a strike latus, lateris (n) side (lateral motion) lītus, lītoris (n) shore nuntius, nuntiī (m) messenger; message quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who?, what? Know the whole paradigm
sors, sortis (f) lot, chance; fate laevus, a, um - left (= dexter, dextra, dextrum) melior, melius (comparative of bonus, a, um) - better minor, minus - smaller; younger
maior, maius (comparative of magnus, a, um) - greater, bigger
plūrēs, plūra (pl. comparative of multus, a, um) more (#) (e pluribus unum)
raucus, a, um - noisy (raucous rabbit)
qui?, quae?, quod? (interrogative adj.) what? which?
quot? (adjective indeclinable) - how many? tantus, a, um - so great tālis, tāle - such, such a sort
tot (adjective indeclinable) so many
tristis, triste - sad
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what? etc.
adeo (adv.) to such an extent autem (postpositive) however, moreover
cur? - Why
forte (adv.) by chance
magnopere (adv.) greatly, much
magis (adv. comparative) more, rather
quam ab rem? - for what reason?
quō (interrogative adv.) where? to what place?
quondam - once, previously
tam (adv.) so, to such a degree sīc (adv.) thus, in this way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
aut (conj.) or
aut…aut = either… or forsitan (adv.) perhaps forte (adv.) by chance
iam (adv.) now, already
hīc (adv.) in this place, here hūc (adv.) to this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place, here
tandem (adv.) at last, finally tamen = however, nevertheless tam (adv.) so, to such a degree
simul (adv.) at the same time
umquam (adv.) ever
numquam (adv.) never
vix (adv.) scarcely, barely, hardly
ut = when + indicative verb ut = as + indicative verb
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
(fut. part. moritūrus, a, um)
for, farī, fātus sum - speak (forum, fate, infant, forensic)
iaceo, iacēre, iacuī - to lie; to lie dead (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject, object, objective)
iciō, icere, icī, ictus - to strike, to strike blow (ictus)
incendo, incendere, incendī, incensus - to burn, set on fire (incense)
lapso (1) to slip (frequentive of labor, labi)
labor, labī, lapsus sum - to slip, to slide, to glide (lapse, elapse, relapse)
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - to speak (loquacious, eloquent)
miror, mirārī, mirātus sum - to marvel at, to wonder at, to wonder (miracle)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um) - to die (mortuary)
moror, morārī, morātus sum - to delay (moratorium)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + ablative - to strive, to rely on
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to collapse, to fall or slip forward (pro + labor, labi)
parcō, parcere, pepercī (+ dative case) - to spare
pendō, pendere, pependī, pensus - to hang, to weigh, to pay (pendent, pensive)
repellō, repellere, repulī, repulsus - to repel, strike back
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow (non sequitur, sequence, consecutive)
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ (use, abuse, utilitarian)
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavīsus sum to rejoice
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + infinitive to be accustomed to(Spanish soler)
fīdō, fīdere, fīsus sum to trust
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dative to trust have trust in confident
diffīdo, diffīdere, diffīsus sum (dis- + fido) + dative - to distrust, be diffident, be distrustful, despair (diffident, diffidence)
Deponent Verbs that Govern the Ablative Case as Direct Objective
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ, to enjoy (use)
abūtor, abūti, abūsus sum - to abuse (abuse)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy
fungor, fungī, functus sum - to perform (function, defunct)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain possession of + ablative or genitive case
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
inquit (defective verb) - he, she said
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
clipeus, clipei (m) shield
hasta, hastae (f) spear
tēlum, tēlī (n) weapon, spear
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, end
fīnis, fīnis (m or f.) end, limit (el fin, final, finite, imperium sine fine)
genitor, genitoris (m) father
ictus, ictūs (m) blow, a strike
latus, lateris (n) side (lateral motion)
lītus, lītoris (n) shore
nuntius, nuntiī (m) messenger; message
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who?, what? Know the whole paradigm
sors, sortis (f) lot, chance; fate
laevus, a, um - left (= dexter, dextra, dextrum)
melior, melius (comparative of bonus, a, um) - better
minor, minus - smaller; younger
maior, maius (comparative of magnus, a, um) - greater, bigger
plūrēs, plūra (pl. comparative of multus, a, um) more (#) (e pluribus unum)
raucus, a, um - noisy (raucous rabbit)
qui?, quae?, quod? (interrogative adj.) what? which?
quot? (adjective indeclinable) - how many?
tantus, a, um - so great
tālis, tāle - such, such a sort
tot (adjective indeclinable) so many
tristis, triste - sad
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what? etc.
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
autem (postpositive) however, moreover
cur? - Why
forte (adv.) by chance
magnopere (adv.) greatly, much
magis (adv. comparative) more, rather
quam ab rem? - for what reason?
quō (interrogative adv.) where? to what place?
quondam - once, previously
tam (adv.) so, to such a degree
sīc (adv.) thus, in this way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
aut (conj.) or
aut…aut = either… or
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
forte (adv.) by chance
iam (adv.) now, already
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hūc (adv.) to this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place, here
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
tamen = however, nevertheless
tam (adv.) so, to such a degree
simul (adv.) at the same time
umquam (adv.) ever
numquam (adv.) never
vix (adv.) scarcely, barely, hardly
ut = when + indicative verb
ut = as + indicative verb
amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum - to embrace (amplexus)
credō, credere, credidī, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
dēficiō, dēficere, dēfēci, dēfectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
feriō, ferīre - to strike, to hit
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus, a, um - to bear, carry, endure (offer, relate, suffer, translate)
figō, figere, fixī, fictus - to fashion, fix, attach (fix, fiction, transfix, crucifixion, suffix, infix)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen (fiat lux) (copulative verb)
gradior, gradī, gressus sum - to step, to walk (grade, gradual)
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum -to go toward, to attack (aggressive)
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum - to go out; disembark (egress)
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum - to enter, to step into (ingress)
regredior, regredī, regressus sum - to go back (regression)
progredior, progredī, progressus sum - to advance (progress, progression)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure, allow (patience, patient, passive)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
(fut. part. moritūrus, a, um)
for, farī, fātus sum - speak (forum, fate, infant, forensic)
iaceo, iacēre, iacuī - to lie; to lie dead (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject, object, objective)
iciō, icere, icī, ictus - to strike, to strike blow (ictus)
incendo, incendere, incendī, incensus - to burn, set on fire (incense)
lapso (1) to slip (frequentive of labor, labi)
labor, labī, lapsus sum - to slip, to slide, to glide (lapse, elapse, relapse)
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - to speak (loquacious, eloquent)
miror, mirārī, mirātus sum - to marvel at, to wonder at, to wonder (miracle)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um) - to die (mortuary)
moror, morārī, morātus sum - to delay (moratorium)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + ablative - to strive, to rely on
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to collapse, to fall or slip forward (pro + labor, labi)
parcō, parcere, pepercī (+ dative case) - to spare
pendō, pendere, pependī, pensus - to hang, to weigh, to pay (pendent, pensive)
repellō, repellere, repulī, repulsus - to repel, strike back
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow (non sequitur, sequence, consecutive)
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ (use, abuse, utilitarian)
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavīsus sum to rejoice
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + infinitive to be accustomed to(Spanish soler)
fīdō, fīdere, fīsus sum to trust
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dative to trust have trust in confident
diffīdo, diffīdere, diffīsus sum (dis- + fido) + dative - to distrust, be diffident, be distrustful, despair (diffident, diffidence)
Deponent Verbs that Govern the Ablative Case as Direct Objective
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ, to enjoy (use)
abūtor, abūti, abūsus sum - to abuse (abuse)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy
fungor, fungī, functus sum - to perform (function, defunct)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain possession of + ablative or genitive case
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
inquit (defective verb) - he, she said
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
clipeus, clipei (m) shield
hasta, hastae (f) spear
tēlum, tēlī (n) weapon, spear
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, end
fīnis, fīnis (m or f.) end, limit (el fin, final, finite, imperium sine fine)
genitor, genitoris (m) father
ictus, ictūs (m) blow, a strike
latus, lateris (n) side (lateral motion)
lītus, lītoris (n) shore
nuntius, nuntiī (m) messenger; message
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who?, what? Know the whole paradigm
sors, sortis (f) lot, chance; fate
laevus, a, um - left (= dexter, dextra, dextrum)
melior, melius (comparative of bonus, a, um) - better
minor, minus - smaller; younger
maior, maius (comparative of magnus, a, um) - greater, bigger
plūrēs, plūra (pl. comparative of multus, a, um) more (#) (e pluribus unum)
raucus, a, um - noisy (raucous rabbit)
qui?, quae?, quod? (interrogative adj.) what? which?
quot? (adjective indeclinable) - how many?
tantus, a, um - so great
tālis, tāle - such, such a sort
tot (adjective indeclinable) so many
tristis, triste - sad
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what? etc.
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
autem (postpositive) however, moreover
cur? - Why
forte (adv.) by chance
magnopere (adv.) greatly, much
magis (adv. comparative) more, rather
quam ab rem? - for what reason?
quō (interrogative adv.) where? to what place?
quondam - once, previously
tam (adv.) so, to such a degree
sīc (adv.) thus, in this way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
aut (conj.) or
aut…aut = either… or
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
forte (adv.) by chance
iam (adv.) now, already
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hūc (adv.) to this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place, here
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
tamen = however, nevertheless
tam (adv.) so, to such a degree
simul (adv.) at the same time
umquam (adv.) ever
numquam (adv.) never
vix (adv.) scarcely, barely, hardly
ut = when + indicative verb
ut = as + indicative verb
Deponent Verbs for Friday’s Quiz - Deponent verb game on the back
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum (HV) to judge, to consider arbitrate
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum to try conation
for, fārī, fatus sum to speak Forum Romanum, infant, fate
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum to urge exhortation, exhort
moror, morārī, moratus sum to delay moratorium
mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum to wonder, admire miraculous, admire
vagor, vagārī, vagātus sum to wander vagrant
versor, versārī, versātus sum to be turned, to be engaged (in) versatile
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum to confess, acknowledge confess
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum to look at, to watch over tutor
reor, rērī, ratus sum to think, to reason rational, ratio
complector, complectī, complexus sum to embrace complex
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum to follow sequence, nōn sequitur
labor, labī, lapsus sum to glide, to slip, to slide lapse, elapse
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum to speak loquacious, eloquent
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative to use, to employ use, abuse
nascor, nascī, natus sum to be born natal
gradior, gradī, gressus sum to step, to walk grade, gradual
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum to go toward, to attack aggressive
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum to go out; disembark egress
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum to enter, to step into ingress
regredior, regredī, regressus sum to go back regression
progredior, progredī, progressus sum to advance progress, progression
patior, patī, passus sum to suffer, endure, allow patience, patient, passive
morior, morī, mortuus sum to die mortuary
orior, orīrī, ortus sum to rise orient, oriental
expērīor, experīrī, expertus sum to test, to try experiment, expert
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + inf. to be accustomed to (Spanish soler)
Vocabulary List with a Few Verbs, Interrogative Animals and Some Wretched Adverbs.
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bear; to endure; to carry (relate, refer, translate, melliferous)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to made, to happen, to become (copulative)
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem + dative of reference (copulative)
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum - to hurl (ejaculate)
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum - to watch over, to protect, to gaze at (tutor)
loquor, loquī, locutus sum - to speak (eloquent, elocution, loquacious)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer; to endure; to allow (passive, patient)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (orient, oriental, orientation)
Interrogative Animals (pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what? whose, whom?
quid? (adv.) why?
cūr? why? for what reason?
quārē - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (= size, magnitude) (quantify)
quālis, quāle (adj.) what sort? (qualify, quality)
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quā? by what means? by what route? where?
quō? - to what place? where? wither?
quam? (adv.) How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quamdiu? - how long?
quō modo? = in what way?
quotiēns - how often? How many time?
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where? whence?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
Adverbs and A Few Conjunctions
adeō (adv) to this point, thus far, to such an extent
adhūc (adv) up to this time; here
aliquō (adv.) to some place
aliter (adv.) otherwise
aut . . . aut (conj.) either…or
bene (adv) well
bis (adv) twice
certē (adv) surely (certainly)
clam (adv.) secretly
crās (adv) tomorrow (procrastinate)
cūr (adv) why?
deinde (adv) then
dēnique (adv) finally, at last
diū (adv) for a long time
eō (adv.) to that place, there
eōdem (adv.) - to the same place
etiam (adv) still, even, especially
facile (adv.) easily (facilitate)
ferē (adv.) generally
forte (adv.) by chance
fortiter (adv.) bravely
hīc (adv) here, in this place
hinc (adv.) from this place
hodiē (adv.) today (hoc + die)
hūc (adv) to this place, here
iam (adv) now, already
iam nōn (adv.) no longer
iam diū (adv.) long ago
ibi (adv) there; then (alibi)
herī (adv) yesterday
illinc (adv) from that place
illūc (adv) to that place
interim (adv) meanwhile
iterum (adv.) again, a second time
intrā (adv) inside
iterum (adv) again, second time
ita (adv) so, thus
itaque (adv) and so, therefore
iuxtā (adv) or preposition + ACC. = close by
magis (adv.) more
modo (adv.) just now, recently
melius (adv.) better
minus (adv.) less
mox (adv) soon
nēquīquam (adv.) in vain
nōndum (adv) not yet
nōn iam (adv) no longer
numquam (adv) never
nūper (adv) recently
ōlim (adv) once upon a time, formerly
palam (adv.) openly, publicly
parum (adv.) a little, too little, insufficiently
pariter (adv.) in like manner, equally
passim (adv.), here and there, in all directions; everywhere
paulisper (adv) for a short time
paulātim (adv.), little by little; gradually
plērumque (adv.) generally
pŏtĭus (adv.) rather, preferably, more ( pŏtĭus quam)
plūs (adv.) more
praesertim (adv.) especially
praetereā (adv.) besides
prior, prius (comp. adj.) before, earlier
prius (adv) before, earlier
prīdiē (adv.) the day before
prōtinus (adv.) immediately
saepe (adv) often
satis (adv.) enough
sīc (adv) thus, so, in this manner
simul (adv) at the same time
simul ac (adv) as soon as
statim (adv) immediately
subitō (adv) suddenly
tam (adv) so
tamquam (adv) just as, as if
tandem (adv) at last, finally
tantum (adv.) only
tum (adv) then
tunc (adv.) then, at that time
umquam (adv) ever
usque (adv) as far as
valdē (adv.) strongly, very much
velut (adv) just as, even as
vix (adv) scarcely, hardly
Juno, Minerva & Ajax Vocabulary List with Comparative Animals
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātus - to worship, to adore (Adoration of the Magi)
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus - to avert, to turn away (ab + verto) (avert, aversion)
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus - to pluck, to seize (carpe diem)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procession, procede)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult, colonist)
corripiō, corripere, corripuī, correptus - to seize (con + rapio)
desistō, desistere - to stand down; to give up; to cease (desist)
expirō, expirāre - to breath out, to perish (expire) (ex + spirāre)
ēvertō, ēvertere, ēverti, ēversus– to overturn (ex + verto)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter (effusive)
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositus - to place ACC. upon DAT. (imposition, impose)
incēdō, incēdere, incēssī, incessus – to stride, go forth (in + cedere)
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum (looks passive, has active meaning)– to throw, to hurl (ejaculate)
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectus -to discern, understand, to perceive
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say...that not (head verb)
infīgō, infīgere, infīxī, infīxus, a, um – to impale, to fix upon (infix)
premō, premere, pressī, pressus - to control, to press, to pursue (pressure, oppression)
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (position, apposition, opposition, exponent)
ruō, ruere, ruī - crash down, rush down
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- break, rupture (eruption)
sciō, scīre (4) to know (science, omniscient)
-complementary infinitive = to know how to verb
-accusative subject and infinitive = to know that Ronitius bites beavers
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, to set free, set sail (absolution, absolve, solvent, solution, solve)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to perserve, to keep
submergõ, submergere – to sink, submerge, drowned
transfīgō, transfīgere, transfīxī, transfixus, a, um – pierce, transfix
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (invert, extravert)
vetō, vetāre - to forbid, to prevent (veto)
IDIOMS that generate indirect statement (accusative subject + infinitive)
tenēre memoriā - to hold in memory that, to remember that
fiērī certior - to be become or be made more certain that
facere aliquem certiorem - to make some more certain that
licet, licēre, licuit– it is permitted (+ dative) + infinitive
placet, placēre, placuit – it is pleasing + dative + infinitive
necesse est + acc. or dat. + infinitive
oportet, oportēre, oportuit – it is fitting, it is necessary + accusative + infinitive
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air (trisyllabic)
aequor, aequoris (n) sea, surface of the sea
āra, ārae (f) an altar
altum, altī (n) the deep, the see = mare, maris (n)
annus, annī (m) year (annual, perennial)
classis, classis (f) fleet (of ships)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight (conspicuous)
coniunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife
fātum, fātī (n) fate
flamma, flammae (f) flame
furia, furiae (f) rage, madness
honor or honos, honōris (m) honour; political office (cursus honorum)
inceptum, inceptī (m) undertaking, tast, project
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) class, kind, type, race (Ronitius est sui generis; generic, genre, genus)
maiores, maiorum (masc. pl. substantive) ancestors (mos maiorum = custom/way of ancestors)
nūbes, nūbis (m) cloud
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power or authority (numinous)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
plūs, plūris (n) more + partitive genitive (a third declension substantive noun) ē plūribus ūnum; plūs amōris
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus = Black Sea)
pons, pontis (m) bridge
sāl, sālis (m) salt (salad, salary, saline, salinity)
scopulus, scopulī (m) rocky cliff
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority)
tellūs, tellūris (f) earth, land; mother earth
turbō, turbinis (f) whirlwind
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
velum, velī (n) sail
ventus, ventī (m) wind (Sp. viento; ventilation)
aeternus, a, um - eternal, everlasting (eternity)
maior, maius (comp. adj.) greater, bigger; older
minor, minus (comp. adj.) smaller; younger
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
peior, peius (comp. adj.) worse, quite bad (pejorative)
plūrēs, plūra (comp. adj. in plural) more (used for #)
prior, prius (comp. adj.) former, before (priority)
rapidus, a, um - swirling
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many
aliquantō (indefinite) by somewhat, by some amount
ast or at (strong adversative conjunction) = but, and
atque (coordinating conj.) and, and also
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (comp. adv.) more
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
nihil or nīl (adv.) in no way; nothing
quippe (adv.) surely, certainly, really (sarcastic in tone)
vix (adv.) hardly, barely
paulō = by a little
paulum = a little (distance)
plūs (adv.) more
nihilō - by nothing
minus (adv.) less
minus quam = less than
plūs quam = more than
secus quam = otherwise than
potius quam = rather than
magis quam = rather than
List for Quiz on Wednesday, November 6
SENSORY VERBS/HEAD VERBS that generate indirect statement.
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum - to judge (arbiter bibendī)
animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversus - to notice (to turn the mind to)
cogitō (1) - to think (cognitive)
cernō, cernere, crēvī, cretus - to discern
cognoscō, cognosere, cognovī, cognotus - to recognize, to understand
discō, discere, didicī - to learn (discāmus)
credō, credere, credidī, creditus- to believe (creed, credit, credible) a) + accusative subject and infinitive or b) + dative = to trust
dīco, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictum, dictionary)
existĭmo, existĭmāre, existĭmāvi, existĭmātus - to judge, consider, suppose, think, esteem (estimate)
sciō, scīre (4) to know (science, omniscient)
complementary infinitive = to know how to verb
accusative subject and infinitive = to know that Ronitius bites beavers
nesciō, nescīre (4) - to not know
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to consider
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, to perceive (sentient, sense)
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think (computer, putative, dispute, repute)
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātus - to hope, to expect (despair, desperate)
iudicō (1) to judge (judicial)
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectus -to discern, understand, to perceive
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say...that not (negate, negative)
nuntiō (1) to announce (pronounce)
narrō (1) to tell (narrator, narrative)
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātus - to prove; show to be credible; to try, put to proof; approve; permit, allow
referō, referre, retulī, relatus - to report (refer, relate)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to respond
reor, rērī, ratus sum - to reason, to reckon; to think (ratio, rational, reason)
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptus - to write (script, scriptorium)
doceo, docere, docui, doctus - to teach, to instruct (docent, doctor)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostensus - to show (ostentatious)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, money, monetary)
IDIOMS that generate indirect statement
tenēre memoriā - to hold in memory that, to remember that
fiērī certior - to be become or be made more certain that
facere aliquem certiorem - to make some more certain that
licet, licēre, licuit– it is permitted (+ dative) + infinitive
lubet, lubere - same as licet
placet, placēre, placuit – it is pleasing + dative + infinitive
libet, libere, libuit - it is pleasing + dative + infinitive
necesse est + acc. or dat. + infinitive
oportet, oportēre, oportuit – it is fitting, it is necessary + accusative + infinitive
Vocabulary List for the Death of Ajax and Infinitive Syntax
volō, velle, voluī - to want (volitive) Elliot ā quādam puellā capī vult.
nōlō, nōlle, nōluī - to not want (non + volo)
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer (magis + volo) magis = more Elliot ab hāc puellā sōlā petī mavult.
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + infinitive
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus - ought, to owe (debt, debit) + infinitive (Elliotius ipse aureum pomum cuidam puelIae dare debet.)
cupiō, cupere, cupivī, cupitus - to desire (cupidity) + infinitive (Elliot quandam puellam videre cupit).
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus - to try + infinitive (looks passive, translates active)
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus - to resolve, to determine, to decide (constitution) + infinitive
coepī, coepisse, coeptus (defecitve verb - only has a perfect system) - to begin + infinitive
incipiō, incipere, incepī, inceptus - to begin (inception) + infinitive
dubitō, dubitāre - to doubt, to hesitate (dubious) + infinitive
soleō, solēre, solitus sum - to be accostumed to (Spanish soler) + infinitive (Elliot quandam puellam semper cupere solet. Hoc est mirabile dictū)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum - to dare (audacity) + infinitive (Elliot eandem puellam petere audet)
optō, optāre - to wish (optative, option)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know (how) to do Elliot scit invenīre puellam pulchram.
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum - to judge (arbiter bibendī), to think
credō, credere, credidī, creditus- to believe (creed, credit, credible)
dīco, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictum, dictionary) (Elliot dīcit suam puellam esse optimam in tōtō orbe terrārum).
existĭmo, existĭmāre, existĭmāvi, existĭmātus - to judge, consider, suppose, think, esteem
sciō, scīre (4) - to know (science, omniscient) Elliot scit suam puellam victūram esse omnēs aliās et ingeniō et formā.
nesciō, nescīre (4) - to not know
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (auditory)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see (vision) Elliot et haec puella sunt mirabilēs visū.
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, to perceive (Elliot sentit sē amare quandam puellam)
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think (computer, putative, dispute, repute) (Elliot putat suam puellam esse pulcherrimam omnium).
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātus - to hope, to expect (despair, desperate) Elliotius sperat suum amorem cuiusdam puellae futūrum esse perpetuum.
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectus -to discern, understand, to perceive
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say...that not
nuntiō (1) - to announce (pronounce)
narrō (1) - to tell (narrator, narrative)
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātus - to prove; show to be credible; to try, put to proof; approve;
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptus - to write (script, scriptorium)
doceo, docere, docui, doctus - to teach, to instruct (docent, doctor) (Elliot docet artem amandī)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostensus - to show
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, money, monetary)
cogitō (1) - to think (cognitive)
cernō, cernere, crēvī, cretus - to discern
discō, discere, didicī - to learn (discāmus)
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātus - to worship, to adore (Adoration of the Magi) Elliotius eandem puellam adorat.
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus - to avert, to turn away (ab + verto) (avert, aversion)
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus - to pluck, to seize (carpe diem)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult) Ob hunc magnum amorem Venus Elliotiō ipsī colenda est. Elliotius, Elliotiī (m)
corripiō, corripere, corripuī, correptus - to seize (con + rapio)
disieciō, disiecere - to throw apart, to scatter, to destroy (dis = iacio, iacere)
desistō, desistere - to stand down; to give up; to cease (desist)
expirō, expirāre - to breath out (expire)
ēvertō, ēvertere, ēverti,ēversus– to overturn (ex + verto)
exurō, exurere, exussī, exustus – to burn (up) (ex = uro, urere)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - to pour, to scatter; to kill (effusive)
gerō, gerēre, gessī, gestus, a, um – to conduct, wage, to wear, to manage, to do (gerund, gerundive)
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositus (im+ pono) - to place ACC. upon DAT. (imposition, impose)
incēdō, incēdere, incēssī, incessus (in+ cedo) – to stride, go forth, to walk majestically) in + cedo, cedere
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum (looks passive, has active meaning)– to throw, to hurl (ejaculate)
infīgō, infīgere, infīxī, infīxus, a, um – to impale, to fix upon (infix)
premō, premere, pressī, pressus - to control, to press, to pursue (pressure, oppression)
ruō, ruere, ruī - crash down upon, to rush down (ruin)
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- to break, to rupture (eruption, rupture)
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus - to write (inscription)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, to set free, set sail (solvent, solution, solve, absolute, absolve, absolution)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to perserve, to keep (conservative)
submergõ, submergere – to sink, to submerge (submerge)
transfīgō, transfīgere, transfīxī, transfixus, a, um – pierce, transfix Elliotius ipse sagittā Cupidinis ipsius trasfixus est.
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (invert, extravert)
vetō, vetāre - to forbid, to prevent (veto)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air (a Greek word)
aequor, aequoris (n) sea, surface of the sea
āra, ārae (f) an altar (Ara Pacis)
altum, altī (n) the deep, the see = mare, maris (n)
annus, annī (m) year (annual, perennial)
bellum, bellī (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
classis, classis (f) fleet (of ships)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight (conspicuous)
coniunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife
fātum, fātī (n) fate
flamma, flammae (f) flame
furia, furiae (f) rage, madness
honor or honos, honōris (m) honour; political office (honour, cursus honorum)
inceptum, inceptī (m) undertaking, tast, project
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) class, kind, type; lineage (genus, genre)
mensis, mensis (m) month
mensa, mensae (f) table (for food)
mens, mentis (f) mind
noxa, noxae (f) crime
nubes, nubis (f) cloud
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power or authority (numinous)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus)
pons, pontis (m) bridge
sāl, salis (m) salt
scopulus, scopulī (m) rock, cliff
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority)
spuma, spumae (f) foam
tālis, tāle - such, such a kind
tellus, tellūris (f) earth, land; mother earth
turbo, turbinis (f) whirlwind
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
velum, velī (n) sail
ventus, ventī (m) wind
ūnus, a, um - one (-ius paradigm)
duo, duae, duo - two
tres, tria - three
acūtus, a, um - sharp (acute, acumen)
obtusus, a, um - dull
aeternus, a, um - eternal, everlasting (eternity)
laetus, a, um - happy
tristis, triste - sad
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
rapidus, a, um - swirling
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many
apud (prep. + acc.) among; in the presence of
ast or at (strong adversative conjunction) = but, and
atque (coordinating conj.) and, and also
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
quippe (adv.) surely, certainly, really
vix (adv.) hardly, barely, scarcely
ūnā cum = together with
Perseus, Andromeda et Belua Maritima
ārdeo ārdēre ārsī ārsus -to blaze, glow; be eager (ardent, arson)
calcitrō (1) to kick (recalcitrant)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to kill
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus (ob + caedo) - kill, cut down
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (occasion, cause)
occidō, occidere, occidī, occasus (ob + cado) - to fall, to set (occident, occasion)
feriō, ferīre (4) - to strike; to strike blow, to kill
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bear, to carry (odiferous)
iciō, icere, icī, ictus - to strike (ictus)
inmineō, inminēre (+ dative) to loom over, to threaten
iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctus - to join
ligō, ligāre, ligāvī, ligātus - to bind, to tie (ligament)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (looks passive but has an active meaning) (mortal, moribund)
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus - to brust, to break (rupture)
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to abandon, to leave behind (relinquish)
findō, findere, fidī, fissus,- to split, cleave, sever, crack; separate, divide (fissure)
frangō, frangere, fregī, fractus - to break, to smash (fracture, refraction)
operiō, operīre, operuī, opertus - to cover
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (looks passive but has an active meaning) orient, orientation
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek; to attack (compete)
repetō, repetere, repetivī, repetitus - to seek again and again (repetition)
spargō, spargere, sparsī, sparsus - to scatter, to splatter (sparse)
surgō surgere surrēxī surrēctus - to rise (surge, insurrection, resurrection)
sumō, sumere, sumpsī, sumptus - to take up, to assume, to consume (consumption, assumption, assume)
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold (tenacious)
tradō, tradere, tradidī, traditus - to handout over, to surrender (trade, tradition)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (revert, reverse)
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem (copulative) + dative of reference
vulnerō (1) to wound
aequor, aequoris (n) surface of the sea; the sea
aura, aurae (f) breeze; air
avis, avis (f) birdie (aviation, aviator)
āla, ālae (f) wing
āra, ārae (f) altar (for offering or sacrifice)
catēna, catēnae (f) chain
carmen, carminis (n) song; poem
fletus, fletūs (m) weeping; tears
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron, sword (FE)
fluctus, fluctūs (m) wave (fluctuation)
gemitus, gemitūs (m) groan, sigh, moaning
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) kind, class, race (genus, genre, generic, sui generis)
ictus, ictūs (m) a strike, a blow
ilia, iliōrum (n. pl.) groin
labor, laboris (m) labour, task
lūmen, lūminis (n) light; eyes
mensis, mensis (m) month
mens, mentis (f) mind
mensa, mensae (f) table
opus, operis (n) work of art, work; task, labour (opera; magnum opus)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth (oral, orifice) ōra (plural) = face
os, ossis (n) bone (ossification)
penna, pennae (f) feather (pen, penne)
praemium, praemiī (n) reward, price (premium)
pontus, pontī (m) sea
scopulus, scopulī (m) cliff, outcrop, rocky promintory
salūs, salūtis (f) safety, salvation
sanguin, sanguinis (m) blood
tellus, tellūris (f) earth; Mother Earth
vātes, vatis (m) bard, poet, prophet
vinculum, vinculī (n) chain
altus, a, um - high; deep
avidus, a, um - eager
dignus, a, um (+ ablative) worthy of, deserving of + ablative
indignus, a, um (+ ablative) undeserving of, unworthy of + ablative
īdem, eadem, idem -(is, ea, id + dem) = the same
dexter, dextra, dextrum - right (ambidextrous, dexterity)
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum - left (sinister)
dūrus, a, um - hard (durable)
mollis, molle - soft (mollify, mollification)
par, paris (one term.) equal (par, parisyllabic)
stultus, a, um - stupid, foolish
tālis, tāle - such, such a sort
circum (adv. or prep. + acc.) around (circumlocution, circumcision, circumvent)
infrā (adv. or prep. + acc.) below (infrastructure, infrared)
nisi (subordinating conj.) if…not, unless; except
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (comparative adv.) more
maximē (superlative adv.) the most, very much
vix (adv.) barely, hardly
Vocabulary List for Servius Tullius
aedificō (1) to build (edifice)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to manage, to lead (agent, agenda, action, actor)
discedō, discedere, discessī, discessus (dis + cedo) - to depart, to scatter
dormiō, dormīre - to sleep
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (conduct, reduce)
excitō (1) to stir, to rouse
expellō, expellere, expulī, expulsus - to drive out
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bear; to carry
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, to do
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to become; to happen (copulative verb)
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to wage, to manage, to perform, to accomplish; to wear
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussus - to order + acc. + infinitive
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose, to read (election, select, lector)
ligō, ligāre, ligāvī, ligātus - to tie, to bind
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
pōno, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (exponent, proponent, position)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
spectō (1) to look at, to watch
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (copulative verb)
veto, vetare, vetui - to provent, to prohibit
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (advent)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (province, invincible)
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
volō, volāre, volāvī, volātus - to fly
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight
deus, deī (m) god (deus in machina)
diēs, diēī(m) day (per diem, carpe diem)
bellum, bellī (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
dolus, dolī (m) trick, plot, deception
fossa, fossae (f) ditch (fossil)
fīlius, fīliī (m) son
līber, līberī (m) child
ictus, ictūs (m) a blow; a strike
locus, locī (m) place
mons, montis (m) mountain, hill
mora, morae (f) delay (moratorium)
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal)
mūrus, mūrī (m) wall (intramural)
nōmen, nōminis (n) name
pāx, pācis (f) peace
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR, vox populī)
prudentia, -ae (f) wisdom, prudence (jurisprudence)
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
rēs, reī (f) matter, affair, situation, state
rēx, rēgis (m) king
regnum, regnī (n) royal power; kingdom
somnus, somnī (m) sleep; dream
templum, templī (n) sacred space
urbs, urbis (f) city
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
vir, virī (m) man, husband, hero (virile)
vīs, vis (f) force (violence)
vīta, vītae (f) life
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp
altus, a, um - high; deep
ceterī, ceterae, cetera - the remaining, the rest, the other (etc. = et cetera)
ferox, ferōcis (adj. one termination) fierce wild
gravis, grave - heavy, serious
īrātus, a, um - angry
līber, lībera, līberum - free (as noun = child)
parvus, a, um - small (opposite of magnus, a, um)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
quīdem, quaedam, quoddam - some, a certain (indefinite adj.)
tantus, a, um - so great, such a great
is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective) = the, that, those
īdem, eadem, idem - the same
apud (prep. + acc.) with, among, in presence of
circum (prep. + acc. ) around
cum (subordinating conj.) when
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
post (prep. + acc.) after (post hoc propter hoc, postmortem)
sine (prep. + abl.) without (sinecure)
tum (adv.) then
ubi (subordinating conj.) when; where
Perseus - First Vocabulary List
anguis, anguis (m) sneaky snake
annus, annī (m) year (annual)
animus, animī (m) mind, spirit, courage
anus, anī (m) grandfather
ānus, ānī (m) ring, a circular form
ānulus, ānulī (m) ring (on finger)
anus, anūs (f) old woman
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help; aid
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, council
causa, causae (f) reason, cause; case
caput, capitis (n) head (capital, decapitate)
corpus, corporis (n) body
domus, domūs (f) house; home
dōnum, dōmī (n) gift
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
diēs, diēī (m/f) day
deus, deī (m) god
dolor, doloris (m) pain, suffering
bōs, bōvis (m/f) cow, ox; bull (bovine)
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter (Sp. hija)
fīnis, fīnis (m/f) end (finite, infinity)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
galea, galeae (f) helment
grātia, grātiae (f) favour, gratitude; thanks (ago gratiās tibi)
homō, hominis (m) man
infāns, infantis (m/f) infant; baby
insula, insulae (f) island; city block; apartment building
iter, itineris (n) journey, route, path, road (facere iter = to march)
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) a young man; a youth
labor, laboris (m) work, labour, task
lītus, lītoris (n) shore
locus, locī (m) place, location
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men (manual, manumission)
mare, maris (n) sea (3rd decl. neuter i-stem)
mensis, mensis (m) mouth
mors, mortis (f) death
nāvis, nāvis (n) ship (parisyllabic 3rd decl. i-stem noun)
ōrāculum, ōrāculī (n) oracle (oracular)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
pars, partis (f) direction; side, part; faction; role
perīculum, perīculī (n) danger (peril, Sp. peligroso)
puer, puerī (m) boy; slave (puerile)
regnum, regnī (n) kingship, kingdom, royal power
regiō, regiōnis (f) region, district
rex, rēgis (m) king (regal)
rēs, reī (f) matter, event, affair, situation (in medias res)
salūs, salūtis (f) safety, security; health; salvation (salutation, salubrious)
saxum, saxī (n) rock
sēdes, sēdis (f) seat; place, home abode (Holy See)
sinus, sinūs (m) fold; indentation; lap; bosom; bay (sinus, insinuate)
socius, sociī (m) ally; companion, comrade (social, society)
speciēs, speciēī (f) appearance (species)
tempestās, tempestātis (f) storm (tempest)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporize, contemporary)
terra, terrae (f) land; earth (orbis terrārum; terra firma)
timor, timoris (m) fear
urbs, urbis (f) city (often used for Roma) (urbane)
vir, virī (m) man; hero, husband
vīs, vīs (f) force; in plural = strength (violence)
beatus, a, um - lucky; blessed
benignus, a, um - kind
brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
fortis, forte - brave, strong (fortitude)
ignavus, a, um - lazy, cowardly
ingēns, ingēntis (one termination 3rd declension adjective)
gravis, grave - heavy; serious; pregnant (grave)
grātus, a, um - pleasing to + dative case
levis, leve - light; floating
longus, a, um - long
maximus, a, um - the greatest
magnus, a, um - great, large
omnis, omne - every, all, entire
parvus, a, um - small
paucī, paucae, pauca (always plural) few, few
perīculōsus, a, um - full of danger, dangerous
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful (pulchritude)
reliquus, a, um - the remaining; left
turpis, turpe (turpitude)
tūtus, a, um - safe
prīmus, a, um - first
summus, a, um - highest
imus, a, um - lowest
ultimus, a, um - last
adhuc (adv.) still
etiam (adv.) even, also, especially (often shortened to “et”)
magnopere (adv.) greatly, very much
minimē (adv.) the least; not at all; in no way; no
modo (adv.) only
mox (adv.) soon
ibi (adv.) there
tum (adv.) then, at that time
usque (adv.) all the way; continuously
vix (adv.) barely, hardly
Coordinating Conjunctions (must conjoin like parts of speech)
atque - and, and also
et - and
-que (enclitic) - and
nec nor, and…not
sed - but
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum - while (must have a finite verb in clause)
quod - because (must have a finite verb in clause)
cum - when (must have a finite verb in clause)
quia - because (must have a finite verb in clause)
ubi - where, when (must have a finite verb in clause)
Postpositive Words
autem (postpositive) moreover
enim (postpositive) - for, in fact, indeed
igitur (postpositive) - therefore, thereupon
quidem (postpositive) - indeed, in fact
Final List for the Matron of Ephesus
Be able to decline: quaedam fortis manus or hoc grave vulnus
Verb Game on: sequor, sequi, secutus sum or cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus
accidō, accidere, accidī (ad + cado) to happen; it happened that; to fall toward (accident)
aggredior, aggredī, aggressus sum - to approach, to attack (aggressive)
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel, to drive together
fleō, flēre - to cry
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus - to break (fragile, fracture)
fulgeō, fulgēre, fulsī - to shine
fruor, fruī, fructus sum (+ abl.) to enjoy
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum - to urge (exhortation)
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī - to lie (James lies on the floor with the fox. He is always lying on the floor with the fox. Yesterday James lay on the floor with the fox and would not get up. Adriel has often lain with the same penguin on the floor. God Bless the fox, the penguin and the English language.
indignor (1) to be indignant
licet licēre, licuit (+ dative) it is permitted
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to entrust, to send; to order
moror, morārī, morātus sum - to delay (moratorium)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum (+ ablative) to rely on
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impers.) it is necessary, it is fitting + acc. + inf. or ut/nē + subjunctive (noun clause)
obliviscor, obliviscī oblitus sum - to forget, be forgetful of + genitive case (oblivion)
orō (1) to plead, to pray, to beg (+ jussive noun clause or double accusative)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, to allow; to endure (passive, patient)
potior, potīrī, potitus sum (+ genitive or ablative) - to gain possession of
pateō, patēre, patuī - to be open, to be revealed, to lie open
persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī - to persuade + dative case + indirect command (ut/nē + subjuntive)
pereō, perīre (eo + ire) to perish
poscō, poscere, poposcī - to demand
probō (1) to approve; to prove (probe, probation, probate, approve)
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus - to burst, rupture, to break off (rupture)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - to loosen, release, to free (solvent, solution, ablative absolute)
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsi, sūmptus - to take up, to take (assume, consume, resume)
turbō, turbāre, turbāvī, turbātus - to disturb, to agitate (turbulent)
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
utor, utī, usus sum - to use, to employ + abl.
miseret, miserere, miseruit - it makes the accusative pity the genitive
paenitet, paeniterem paenituit - it make s the accusative regret the genitive
pudet, pudere, puduit - it makes the accusative ashamed of the genitive
taedet, taedere, taeduit - it makes the accusative tired/bored of the genitive
ancilla, -ae (f) female servant/personal attendant
arvum, arvī (n) cultivated field
exemplum, ememplī (n) example (e.g. = exemplī gratiā)
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, outcome, end (ex + eo, ire)
facultās, facultātis (f) opportunity, capacity, means
grātia, -ae (f) favour, influence, charm; thanks
imāgō, imāginis (f) image, portrait mask or bust; ghost
iūdex, iūdicis (m) judge (judicial)
lux, lūcis (f) light
lūmen, lūminis (n) light, eyes; lamp
mānēs, mānium (m. pl.) spirits of the underworld (Dis Mānibus = D.M.)
manus, manūs (f) hand; band
mēns, mēntis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
mōs, mōris (m) custom (mos maiorum, mores)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine authority, divinity (numinous)
onus, oneris (n) burden (onerous, onus, onus probandī)
praesidium, praesidiī (n) guard, protection
pondus, ponderis (n) weight (pound)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest (pectoral)
sententia, -ae (f) opinion, sentence (sentence)
spīritus, -ūs (m) air; breath; spirit, soul (spiritus mundi)
turba, turbae (f) crowd; whirlwind
ūsus, ūsūs (m) use
vīta, vītae (f) life (vital, curriculum vitae)
vitium, vitiī (n) vice, fault, flaw (vice)
vestigium, -iī (n) foot print; trace (vestiges)
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) - someone, something; anyone, anything
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adjective) - some, a certain
quisque, quaeque, quodque (indefinite pronoun) - each one, each thing
aeger, aegra, aegrum - sick, weak
brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
cupidus, a, um - desirous of + genitive
gratus, a, um - pleasing + dative
invītus, a, um - unwilling
ignotus, a, um - unknown, unfamiliar
memor, memoris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
melior, melius (comp. adj,) better
peior, peius (comp. adj,) worse
nōtus, a, um - known, familiar
ignotus, a, um - unfamiliar
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
perītus, a, um - skilled at + genitive case
siccus, a, um - dry (desiccated)
vērus, a, um - true (veracity)
vīvus, a, um - alive, living
vulgāris, vulgare - common (vulgar, vulgarian)
autem (adv.) moreover
at/ast (adversative conj.) but
diū (adv.) for a long time
diūtius (adv.) for a longer time
diūtissimē (adv.) for a very long time
enim (post positive) for, in fact
igitur (post positive) therefore
subinde (adv.) thereupon, promptly, constantly
ūnā (adv.) together
aut…aut - either…or
nōn tantum…sed etiam - not only but also
nec…nec - neither… nor
neque…neque - neither… nor
quondam (adv.) once, formerly
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many
quot? - how many
aliquot some (some number)
vērō (post positive) indeed, in fact
vērum (adversative conj.) but
exemplī gratiā
post hoc ergo propter hoc
onus probandī
modus vīvendī
modus operandī
mos maiorum
First List for the Matron of Ephesus
Be able to decline id melius opus or illud maius officium
Expect a verb game on the back with either morior, mori or iacio, iacere
affīgō, affīgere, affīxī, affīxus (ad + figo) - fasten upon, attach to (affix)
confiteor, confitērī, confessus sum - to acknowledge (head verb) (confession)
conspiciō, conspicere, conspexī, conspectus - to catch sight of (conspicuous)
dētrahō, dētrahere, dētraxī, dētractus - to pull/take down (detractor)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy + ABLATIVE CASE (fructose)
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī - to lie (adjacent)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (eject)
imperō (1) to command + dative + jussive noun clause (imperative)
impendō, impendere - to hang on, to weight, place on the scales (impending)
malō, malle, malui - to prefer + comp. infinitive
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to entrust, to consign, to order (mandate)
miror, mirārī, miratus sum - to wonder (at), be amazed (miracle)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (F.A.P. = moritūrus, a, um) - to die (mortal)
obliviscor, obliviscī, oblitus sum - to forget + genitive case. (oblivion, oblivious)
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus - to cut down, to kill
occidō, occidere, occidī, occasus - to fall, to set (occidental) sōl occidēns
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impersonal verb) it is necessary + acc. + inf. or noun clause
orō, orāre - to pledge, to beg, to pray (+ ut + subjunctive or double acc.)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow + acc. + infinitive (patient, passive)
pateō, patēre, patuī - to lie open, to be revealed (intransitive)
persuadeo, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + jussive noun clause
pereo, perīre, periī, peritūrus, a, um (per + eo, ire) - to perish
obeō, obīre, obiī, obitum - go to meet; to meet death; to die (obituary)
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (appetite, competition)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum (+ gen. or abl.) gain possession/control of
reor, rērī, ratus sum - to reckon; to think (rational, ratio)
sinō, sinere - to allow + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive (noun clause)
spectō (1) to look upon, see, to watch
tollō, tollere, subtulī, sublātus - to raise, lift
vacō (1) to be empty (vacant)
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
Three highly defective verbs (they lack the whole present system so only make perfect tenses)
odī, odisse - to hate (odium)
memini, meminisse - to remember (defective verb) + genitive case
coepī, coepisse, coeptus - to begin
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help (auxiliary)
ars, artis (f) skill, art
copia, copiae (f) supply, abundance; opportunity
facultās, facultātis (f) opportunity; capability, possibility, power, means, opportunity; skill, ability to do any thing easily (faculty) + genitive case
funus, funeris (n) funeral; death
gemitus, gemitūs (m) groan, sigh
homo, hominis (m) man (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem)
ingenium, ingeniī (n) genius, intelligence (ingenuity)
lūmen, lūminis (n) light; eye (luminous)
maritus, maritī (m) husband
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal, moribund)
mōs, mōris (m) custom (mores; mos maiorum - custom of ancestors)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power (numinous)
ordō, ordinis (m) rank, social class, order (ordinal, order)
officium, officiī (n) duty (official, officious)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
os, ossis (n) bone
ōra, ōrae (f) shore
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
opera, operae (f) attention, effort
ops, opis (f) power, influence
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR - Senatus Populusque Romanus)
praesidium, praesidiī (n) protection (praesidiō = for protection = dative of purpose)
plūs, plūris (n. subst.) more + partitive genitive
ratiō, rationis (f) reason (rational)
rūs, rūris (n) countryside (rural)
sinus, sinūs (m) fold, indentation, lap, bosom, bay, bend (sinus, insinuate)
supplicium, suppliciī (n) punishment (supplication)
studium, studiī (n) eagerness
quisque, quidque (indefinite pron.) each one, each thing
carus, a, um - dear + dative
cupidus, a, um - desirous + genitive
defunctus, a, um - dead, deceased (defunct)
fatālis, fatāle - fated; death-bringing
fessus, a, um - tired, exhausted (+ genitive case)
īdem, eadem, idem - the same (is, ea, id + dem)
idoneus, -a, um - fit, suitable, apt, capable
memor, memōris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
maior, maius (comp. adj.) great, bigger; older (major)
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
perītus, a, um - skilled at + genitive
imperītus, a, um - unskilled at + genitive
plēnus, a, um - full of + genitive case
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
pudicus, a, um - chaste, virtuous
prudēns, prudentis - wise, clever (prudenter = wisely)
studiōsus, a, um - eager for or to + genitive
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
at (adversative conj.) but, on the contrary
atque or ac (coordinating conj.) and
causā + proceeding genitive case = for the sake of
gratiā + proceeding genitive case = for the sake of
deinde - then, next
ergo (post positive) - therefore
igitur (post positive)- therefore
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (comp. adv.) more, rather
minus (adv. comparative) - less
nihil (nīl) nothing; in no way (adverbial)
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
totiēns - so many times
quotiēns (adv.) as often as, how may times?
quasī (conj.) as if
secundum (prep. + acc.) next to; in accordance with; following
sīc (adv.) in this way, thus
sine (prep. + abl.) without
ultimō (adv.) finally
exemplī gratiā (i.e.) for the sake of an example
post hoc ergo propter hoc - after this therefore because of this
onus probandī - the burden of proving
modus vīvendī - method of living
modus operandī - method of operation
discimus docendō
Pliny the Younger on Vesuvius
Misenum, Misenī (n) Cape Misenum, where Rome’s fleet on the Tyrrhenian Sea was based
aptō (1) to equip
adspiciō, adspicere, adspexī, adspectus - to look at, inspect, to examine
appareō, apparēre - to appear
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum (HV) - to judge, to consider (arbitrate, arbiter bibendī)
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescent moon, crescendo)
complector, complectī, complexus sum to embrace (complex)
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum - to try
cognosco, congnoscere, cognovī, cognitus - to recognize, to learn
conspicio, conspicere - to see, to catch sight of
cunctor, cunctārī, cunctātus sum - to delay, to hesitate (Fabius Maximus Cunctator)
ēgredior, ēgredi, ēgressus sum (egress) - to go out, to exit, to depart; disembark
expremō, expremere, expressī, repressus - to express
incohō (1) to begin (inchoate, inchoative)
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bring, to bear
flectō, flectere, flexī, flectus - to bend, to turn (reflexive, reflect, flexible)
for, fārī, fatus sum - to speak (infant, fate)
hauriō, haurīre, hausī, haustus - to drain, to drink down
iuvō, iuvāe, iuvī, iutus - to help, to aid
indicō (1) to indicate, to point out (head verb)
immineō, imminēre, imminuī - to loom over, to threaten + dative (imminent)
mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum - to wonder, to admire, to be amazed (miraculous)
adnoscō, noscere, novī, notus - to become familiar with, to inquire into, to investigate (nosce sē ipsum)
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum (+ ablative) - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
obeō, obīre (ob + eo) - to complete, to perish (obituary)
obstō, obstāre, obstetī - to block (obstacle)
pereō, perīre - to perish
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (sol oriens)
orō, orāre, orāvī- to beg, pray, pled (oration, orant)
persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī + dative - to persuade
poscō, poscere, poposcī - to demand
recubō (1) to recline
rego, regere, rexi, rectus - to rule, to guide, to direct
rogō (1) to ask
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum (Sp. sequir) - to follow
solvō, solvere, solvī, solutus - to set free, to release (ablative absolute)
surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrectus - to rise (surge, insurrection)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
versor (1) to be turned again and again; to be engaged in
animus, animī (m) courage, spirit, mind (animate)
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arboreal)
classis, classis (f) fleet (classification)
discrimen, discriminis (n) crisis, danger
hora, horae (f) hour
mensis, mensis (m) month
gubernāculum, -ī (n) oar used to steer a ship
gubernātor, gubernātōris (m) helmsman (governor, gubernatorial)
fax, facis (f) touch (for light but symbol of love and marriage)
fuga, fugae (f) flight
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command
lapis, lapidis (m) stone (lapis lazuli)
locum, locī (n) place, point, location
magnitūdō, magnitūdinis (f) great size, mass (magnitude)
miraculum, miraculī (n) miraculous or unusual thing/event
mons, montis (m) mountain
motus, -ūs (m) movement
nubes, nubis (n) cloud
ōra, ōrae (f) shore, shoreline
pīnus, -ūs (f) Italian Umbrella pine tree - See picture below
sinus, sinūs (m) fold, indenation, lap, bosoom; bay (sinus, insinuate)
speciēs, specieī (f) appearance (species)
spiritus, -ūs (m) breath (Spiritus Mundī)
alius, alia, aliud (-ius paradigm) another
angustus, a, um - narrow
eruditus, a, um - learned (erudite)
exterritus, a, um - terrified
defuntus, a, um (= mortuus) - dead
fortis, forte - brave, strong
indutus, a, um - clothed, dressed
opertus, a, um - covered
incertus, a, um - unclear, uncertain
invalidus, a, um - unhealthy, not strong
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam - a certain, some
quisque, quidque - each one, each thing
tam (adv.) so, such
tantus, a, um - so great, such a size
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
tālis, tāte (adj.) such a sort/kind
quam (adv.) how, as, than
quantus, a, um - what size, how great
quot (indecl. adj.) how many
quālis, quāle (adj.) what sort, what kind
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
ferē (adv.) nearly, almost
forte (adv.) by chance (fors, fortis (f) chance)
postea (adv.) afterward
procul (adv.) at a distance
magis (adv.) more
plūs (adv.) more
nōn modo (adv.) not only
nōn modo…sed etiam - not only but also
nōndum (adv.) not yet
semel (adv.) at once
tantum (adv.) only
alibī (adv.) (alius + ibi) = elsewhere
illuc (adv.) to that place
huc (adv. ) to this place
hīc (adv.) in this place
illīc (adv.) in that place
hinc (adv.) from this place
illinc (adv.) from that place
Pliny the Younger on Vesuvius
Misenum, Misenī (n) Cape Misenum, where Rome’s fleet on the Tyrrhenian Sea was based
aptō (1) to equip
adspiciō, adspicere, adspexī, adspectus - to look at, inspect, to examine
appareō, apparēre - to appear
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum (HV) - to judge, to consider (arbitrate, arbiter bibendī)
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescent moon, crescendo)
complector, complectī, complexus sum to embrace (complex)
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum - to try
cognosco, congnoscere, cognovī, cognitus - to recognize, to learn
conspicio, conspicere - to see, to catch sight of
cunctor, cunctārī, cunctātus sum - to delay, to hesitate (Fabius Maximus Cunctator)
ēgredior, ēgredi, ēgressus sum (egress) - to go out, to exit, to depart; disembark
expremō, expremere, expressī, repressus - to express
incohō (1) to begin (inchoate, inchoative)
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bring, to bear
flectō, flectere, flexī, flectus - to bend, to turn (reflexive, reflect, flexible)
for, fārī, fatus sum - to speak (infant, fate)
hauriō, haurīre, hausī, haustus - to drain, to drink down
iuvō, iuvāe, iuvī, iutus - to help, to aid
indicō (1) to indicate, to point out (head verb)
immineō, imminēre, imminuī - to loom over, to threaten + dative (imminent)
mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum - to wonder, to admire, to be amazed (miraculous)
adnoscō, noscere, novī, notus - to become familiar with, to inquire into, to investigate (nosce sē ipsum)
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum (+ ablative) - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
obeō, obīre (ob + eo) - to complete, to perish (obituary)
obstō, obstāre, obstetī - to block (obstacle)
pereō, perīre - to perish
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (sol oriens)
orō, orāre, orāvī- to beg, pray, pled (oration, orant)
persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī + dative - to persuade
poscō, poscere, poposcī - to demand
recubō (1) to recline
rego, regere, rexi, rectus - to rule, to guide, to direct
rogō (1) to ask
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum (Sp. sequir) - to follow
solvō, solvere, solvī, solutus - to set free, to release (ablative absolute)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
versor (1) to be engaged in
animus, animī (m) courage, spirit, mind (animate)
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arboreal)
classis, classis (f) fleet (classification)
discrimen, discriminis (n) crisis, danger
hora, horae (f) hour
mensis, mensis (m) month
gubernāculum, -ī (n) oar used to steer a ship
gubernātor, gubernātōris (m) helmsman (governor, gubernatorial)
fax, facis (f) touch (for light but symbol of love and marriage)
fuga, fugae (f) flight
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command
lapis, lapidis (m) stone (lapis lazuli)
locum, locī (n) place, point, location
magnitūdō, magnitūdinis (f) great size, mass (magnitude)
miraculum, miraculī (n) miraculous or unusual thing/event
mons, montis (m) mountain
motus, -ūs (m) movement
nubes, nubis (n) cloud
ōra, ōrae (f) shore, shoreline
pinus, -ūs (f) Italian Umbrella pine tree - See picture below
sinus, sinūs (m) fold, indenation, lap, bosoom; bay (sinus, insinuate)
speciēs, specieī (f) appearance (species)
spiritus, -ūs (m) breath (Spiritus Mundī)
alius, alia, aliud (-ius paradigm) another
angustus, a, um - narrow
eruditus, a, um - learned (erudite)
exterritus, a, um - terrified
defuntus, a, um (= mortuus) - dead
fortis, forte - brave, strong
indutus, a, um - clothed, dressed
opertus, a, um - covered
incertus, a, um - unclear, uncertain
invalidus, a, um - unhealthy, not strong
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam - a certain, some
quisque, quidque - each
ferē (adv.) nearly, almost
forte (adv.) by chance (fors, fortis (f) chance)
postea (adv.) afterward
procul (adv.) at a distance
magis (adv.) more
nōn modo (adv.) not only
nōn modo…sed etiam - not only but also
nōndum (adv.) not yet
semel (adv.) at once
tantum (adv.) only
alibī (adv.) alius + ibi = elsewhere
illuc (adv.) to that place
huc (adv. ) to this place
hīc (adv.) in this place
illīc (adv.) in that place
hinc (adv.) from this place
illinc (adv.) from that place
Mostly Subjunctive Related Vocabulary
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
dēcernō, dēcernere, dēcrēvī, dēcrētus - to decide, determine, resolve
dubitō (1) to doubt, to be uncertain
exhortor, exhortārī, exhortatus sum - to exhort
iubeō, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
imperō, imperāre, imperavī, imperātus - to command, to order + dative + ut + subjunctive (imperative, imperium, imperator)
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum - to urge (hortatory)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise petō a(b) + ut/ne + subjunctive mood (admonition)
persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + ut + subjunctive
peto, petere, petivi, petitus + a(b) + person = to seek from ___ or to ask ______.
orō, orāre - to beg (orant, oration) + accusative of person and accusative of thing
quaerō, quaerere + a(b) + person + ut/nē + subjunctive mood - to seek from, to ask
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātus - to ask (interrogate, abrogate, prerogative)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know
nēsciō, nēscīre, nēscīvī, nēscītus - to not know
Impersonal Constructions with noun clauses:
accidit (ad + cado) - it happens + ut + subjunctive
oportet, oportēre, oportui - it is necessary + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - it happened + ut (that)
lēx, lēgis (n) law
ius, iuris (n) law, right
testis, testis (m) witness
iussum, iussī (n) order
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, strategy
condicio, condicionis (f) condition
foedus, foederis (n) treaty
adeō (adv.) to such an extent
tālis, tāle - such
tot (indec.) so may
tam (adv.) so, such
tantus, a, um - so great, so large, such a size
tantum, tantī (n) such a great amount
sīc - thus, in this way, in such a way
ita - thus, in this way, in such a way
forsitan (adv.) perhaps iuxta (adv) near by, close
magis (com. adv.) more, rather
nec…nec = neither… nor
nequiquam (adv.) in vain
protinus (adv.) immediately, straight away
quā = where
quō (interrogative adverb) to where?
Subordinating Conjunctions
(indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood)
quod (+ indicative) - because
quia (+ indicative) - because
quod (relative) that which, what
cum - when (temporal clause + indicative mood)
cum - when (circumstantial clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - since/because (causal clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - although (concessive clause + subjunctive mood)
cum…tum (correlative conjunctions) both…and
sī - if
nisi (nī) - unless, if…not; except
dum (+ indicative) while
dum (+ subjunctive) until
dum modo + subjunctive = provided that (proviso clause)
ut + indicative mood = as, when
ut ante - as before
ut fit - as it happens, as usually
ut bene scis - as you know well
ut fama est - as the story is
ut traditur - as it is handed down
ut Chloe solet - as Chloe is accustomed
ut mos est tuus - as you custom is
ut ante dictum est - as it has been said ealier
ut + subjunctive = in order that (purpose clause)
ut + subjunctive = that (substantive/noun clause or result clause)
Interrogative Animals (pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs)
cūr? why? for what reason?
quārē - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (magnitude)
qualis, quale (adj.) what sort?
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quā? by what means? by what route?
quō? - to what place? where? wither?
quam? How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quamdiu? - how long?
quō modo? = in what way?
quotiēns - how often? How many time?
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where? whence?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
Indefinite Pronouns or Adjectives
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) - someone, something; anyone, anything
(ali)quis, (ali)quid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything (becomes quis, quid after num, nē, sī, nisi)
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adjective) - some, a certain
quisque, quaeque, quodque (indefinite pronoun) - everyone, everything
utrum…an = whether… or
-ne (enclitic) - signal a neutral questions
-ne (introducing an indirect question) - translate whether in an indirect questions
nōnne - signals a question expected a positive response
num - signals a question expected a negative response
num (introducing an indirect question) = whether
Other Related Words.
aliquantō - by some amount
aliquot - some (number)
aliquando (adv.) at some time, once, formerly
ne…quidem = not even - e.g. Ne Perisa quidem id bene fecit = “not even Perisa did it well”.
neuter, neutra, neutrum - neither of two
undique (adv.) from all sides
tam (adv.) so, such
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale (adj.) such
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
totiēns - so many time, so often
sīc (adv.) in such a way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
longē (adv.) far, by far
longius (adv.) farther, rather far
ibi (adv.) there, then
inde (adv.) from the place, thence
ita (adv.) in such a way
adeo (adv) to such an extent
tam…quam (correlative conjunctions) - as…..as
ut (subordinating conj.) as, when + indicative mood
ut (subordinating conj.) that, in order that + subjunctive mood
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two
nullus, a, um - no
ūllus, a, um - any
umquam (adv.) ever
numquam (adv.) never
peior, peius - worse
melior, melius - better
maior, maius - greater, bigger, older
minor, minus - smaller
plūs, plūris - more (quantity) + partitive genitive
plūrēs, plura = more (#)
minus (adv.) less
plūs (adv.) more
magis (adv.) more
New List with little but crucial words.
Verb game on the back with verb iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw or morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um)
credo, credo, credidi, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
for, farī, fatus sum - speak (forum, fate, infant)
iaceo, iacēre, iacui - to lie (adjacent)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (eject)
obiciō, obicere, obiēcī, obiectus - to throw against or towards; throw to, oppose, obiectus, a, um - thrown towards or against; opposite, projecting (objection)
imperō (1) to command + dative + ut/nē + subjunctive mood (indirect command/jussive noun clause)
incendo, incendere, incendī, incensus - to burn, set on fire
lapso (1) to slip (frequentive of labor, labi)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um) - to die
moror, morārī, moratus sum - to delay (moratorium)
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to collapse, to fall or slip forward
parcō, parcere, pepercī + dative case - to spare
pendō, pendere, pependī, pensus - to hang, to weigh, to pay (pendent, pensive)
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
repello, repellere, repuli, repulsus - to repel, strike back (repulsive, repellent)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum – to rise (orient, oriental)
sedeō, sedēre, sedī, sessum - to sit (sedentary)
ūtor, utī, ūsus sum - to use, to enjoy + ablative case (use, abuse)
Interrogative Animals (pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs)
cūr? why? for what reason?
quārē - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (magnitude)
qualis, quale (adj.) what sort?
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quā? by what means? by what route?
quō? - to what place? where? wither?
quam? How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quamdiu? - how long?
quō modo? = in what way?
quotiēns - how often? How many time?
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where? whence?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
utrum…an = whether… or
-ne (enclitic) - signal a neutral questions
nōnne - signals a question expected a positive response
num - signals a question expected a negative response
num (introducing an indirect question) = whether
Indefinite Pronouns or Adjectives
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) - someone, something; anyone, anything
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adjective) - some, a certain
quisque, quaeque, quodque (indefinite pronoun) - everyone, everything
Other Related Words.
autem (post postitive) moreover, however
aliquantō - by some amount
aliquot - some (number)
aliquando (adv.) at some time, once, formerly
aliquō (adv.) to some place
aliō (adv.) to another place
ne…quidem = not even - e.g. Ne Reona quidem id bene fecit = “not even Raina did it well”.
neuter, neutra, neutrum - neither of two
undique (adv.) from all sides
tam (adv.) so
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale (adj.) such
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
totiēns - so many time, so often
sīc (adv.) in such a way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
longē (adv.) far, by far
longius (adv.) farther, rather far
ibi (adv.) there, then
inde (adv.) from the place, thence
unde (adv.) from where
eō (adv.) to that place, there
eōdem (adv.) to the same place
ita (adv.) in such a way
adeo (adv) to such an extent
tam…quam (correlative conjunctions) - as…..as
ut (subordinating conj.) as, when + indicative mood
ut (subordinating conj.) that, in order that + subjunctive mood
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two
Deponent Verbs
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum (HV) to judge, to consider arbitrate
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum to try conation
for, fārī, fatus sum to speak Forum Romanum, infant, fate
fūror, fūrārī, fūrātus sum to steal, to pilfer furtive
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculatus sum to hurl ejaculate
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum to urge exhortation, exhort
cohortor, cohortārī, cohortātus sum to encourage, to incite cohort
comitor, comitārī, comitatus sum to accompany
contemplor, contemplārī, contemplātus sum to gaze at, survey, behold contemplate
cunctor, cunctārī, cunctātus sum to delay Fabius Maximus Cunctator
moror, morārī, moratus sum to delay moratorium
minor, minārī, minātus sum to jut out, to tower, to threaten menace
mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum to wonder, admire miraculous, admire
conspicor, -ārī, conspicātus sum to catch sight of
suspicior, suspicārī, suspicātus sum to suspect
testor, testārī, testātus sum to be witness, to give evidence testify, testicle
vagor, vagārī, vagātus sum to wander vagrant
versor, versārī, versātus sum to be turned, to be engaged (in) versatile
vereor, verērī, vērītus sum to fear, be afraid
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum to confess, acknowledge confess
polliceor, pollicērī, pollicitus sum to promise
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum to look at, to watch over tutor
reor, rērī, ratus sum to think, to reason rational, ratio
amplector, amplectī amplexus sum to coil around, embrace amplexus
complector, complectī, complexus sum to embrace complex
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum to follow sequence, nōn sequitur
labor, labī, lapsus sum to glide, to slip, to slide lapse, elapse
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum to speak loquacious, eloquent
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + abl. to strive, rely on
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum to set out, to depart
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative to use, to employ use, abuse
fruor, fruī, fructus sum + ablative to enjoy, to delight in Fructus Corn Syrup
frungor, frungī, functus sum +abl. to preform function
vescor, vescī + ablative to feed oneself, eat
ulciscor, ulciscī, ultus sum to avenge Mars Ultor
nascor, nascī, natus sum to be born natal
queror, quērī, questus sum to complain (about)
gradior, gradī, gressus sum to step, to walk grade, gradual
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum to go toward, to attack aggressive
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum to go out; disembark egress
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum to enter, to step into ingress
regredior, regredī, regressus sum to go back regression
progredior, progredī, progressus sum to advance progress, progression
patior, patī, passus sum to suffer, endure, allow patience, patient, passive
morior, morī, mortuus sum to die mortuary
mōlior, mōlīrī, mōlītus sum to pile up; build, erect, construct, to struggle, to toil
orior, orīrī, ortus sum to rise orient, oriental
ordior, ordīrī, orsus sum to begin (to speak) exordium
expērīor, experīrī, expertus sum to test, to try experiment, expert
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavīsus sum to rejoice
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + inf. to be accustomed to (Spanish soler)
fīdō, fīdere, fīsus sum to trust
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dative to trust have trust in confident
diffīdo, diffīdere, diffīsus sum (dis- + fido) + dative - to distrust, be diffident, be distrustful, despair (diffident, diffidence)
Deponent Verbs that Govern the Ablative Case as Direct Objective
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ, to enjoy (use)
abutor, abuti, abusus sum - to abuse
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy
fungor, fungī, functus sum - to perform (function)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain possession of + ablative or genitive case
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
vescor, vescī - to feed on
Aeolus List
Verb Game on iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctus and be able to declension istud maius vulnus
cado, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (intransitive)
caedo, caedere cecīdī, caesus - to slaughter (transitive)
dīcō, dīcare (1) to declare
exigō, exigere - to spend, to consume (ex + ago, agere)
flammō (1) to inflame
furo, furere – to rage
pōno, pōnere, posuī, positus – to place, to put (deposit, proponent)
indignor, indignārī, indignātus sum – to be angry, to be indignant (indignant)
iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctus - to join (conjunction, subjunctive)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum – to order + acc. + infinitive (jussive)
luctor, luctārī, luctātus sum – wrestle, struggle
metuō, metuere, metuī - to fear (metus, ūs = fear)
molliō, mollīre – to soften, sooth (mollify)
nāvīgō (1) to sail
portō (1) to carry
premō, premere, pressī, pressus– to control, restrain, to press
sciō, scīre (4) to know (+ complementary infinitive = “to know how to verb”) or (+ acc.subject and infinitive)
e.g. 1) Ea scit interficere lepores = She knows (how) to kill rabbits.
2) Ea scit me interficere lepores = She knows that I kill rabbits (indirect statement).
temperō (1) to temper, subdue, to moderate
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātus - to raise, lift; destroy
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag
videor, vidērī, visus sum - to seem (copulative verb) + dative of reference
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum (looks passive, but has active meaning) + ablative case – to use, employ, enjoy
volutō (1) – to turn over and over and over
animus, animī (m) spirit, courage; mind
antrum, antrī (n) cave
arx, arcis (f) citadel
aura, -ae (f) air, breeze
auris, auris (f) ear
aurum, aurī (n) gold
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven
carcer, carceris (m) prison, inclosure (incarcerate)
claustrum, -ī (n) blot, latch (claustrophobia)
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
conubium, -iī (n) marriage
homo, hominis (m) man (homo erectus, homo novus, ad homimem)
foedus, foederis (n) contract, treaty (federal, federation)
imperium, -iī(n) power, command, dominion (imperial)
locum, -locī (n) place (locative, location)
meritum, -meriti (n) service, reward, favour (merit)
mōlēs, mōlis (f) mass, weight. burden
mons, montis (m) mountain
nimbus, nimbī (m) storm cloud
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus = Black Sea )
pons, pontis (m) bridge
proles, prolis (f) offspring
tempestās, tempestātis (f) – storm (tempest)
terra, terrae (f) land (terra firma, terra incognita, terrestrial, orbis terrārum)
ventus, ventī (m) wind (ventilation)
vinculum, vinculī (n) bond, chain
vōx, vōcis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
ater, atra, atrum – black (atrocity, atrocious )
celsus, a, um – high, lofty
certus, a, um – sure, certain
diversus, a, um - scattered
fētus, a, um – teeming, full of, pregnant with + ablative case (like gravis, Willy)
laxus, a, um – set free, loosened (relax, laxative)
longus, a, um - long (longē = far)
maestus, a, um - sad, grieving
maior, maius (comp. adj.) bigger, greater (major)
maximus, a, um - the greatest, the biggest
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
moribundus, a, um - dying (moribund)
mollis, molle (2 term. 3rd. adj.) soft (mollify)
omnipotēns, omnipotentis (adj.) all powerful
peior, peius (adv) worse
praestāns, praestantis (adj.) outstanding
profundus, a, um – deep, high, vast
proprius, a, um - one’s own (property)
rapidus, a, um – swirling around
sonōrus,, a, um – roaring, howling (sonorous)
stabilis, stabilie - stable
talis, tale (adj.) such (talia = such things)
bis (adv.) twice
aliquantō - by some amount
aliquot - some (number)
aliquando (adv.) at some time, once, formerly
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (adv.) more
peior, peius (comp. adv.) worse
melior, melius (comp. adv.) better
minor, minus (comp. adv.) small
ne…quidem = not even - e.g. Ne Raina quidem id bene fecit = “not even Raina did it well”.
neuter, neutra, neutrum - neither of two
sexiēns - six times
circum (adverb or prep. + acc.) around
hīc (adv) in this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place
hūc (adv.) to this place
undique (adv.) from all sides
tam (adv.) so
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale (adj.) such
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
totiēns - so many time, so often
sīc (adv.) in such a way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
longē (adv.) far, by far
ibi (adv.) there, then
inde (adv.) from the place, thence
ita (adv.) in such a way
adeo (adv) to such an extent
tam…quam (correlative conjunctions) - as…..as
ut (subordinating conj.+ indicative mood) as, when
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two
Minerva & Ajax Vocabulary List
Verb game on the back with either caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus or servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātus - worship, adore (Adoration of the Magi)
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus - to avert, to turn away (ab + verto) (avert, aversion)
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus - to pluck, to seize (carpe diem)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to kill
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (occasion, cause, accident, incident)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procession, procede)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult)
corripiō, corripere, corripuī, correptus - to seize (con + rapio)
concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessus - to yield, to grant (concession, concessive)
conficiō, conficere, confēcī, confectus - to complete, to finish off
infero, inferre, intulī, inlātus - to inflict acc. upon dat.
disieciō, disiecere - to throw apart, to scatter, to destroy (dis + iacio, iacere)
desistō, desistere - to stand down; to give up; to cease (desist)
expirō, expirāre - to breath out (expire)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter (effusive)
gerō, gerēre, gessī, gestus, a, um – to conduct, wage, to wear, to manage
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositus - to place ACC. upon DAT. (imposition)
incēdō, incēdere, incēssī, incessus – to stride, go forth
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum (looks passive, has active meaning)– to throw, to hurl
infīgō, infīgere, infīxī, infīxus, a, um – to impale, to fix upon (infix)
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus - to drive off, to repulse (expel, repel, repulsive)
possum. posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive (potis + sum, esse)
premō, premere, pressī, pressus - to control, to press, to pursue (pressure, oppression)
ponō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (position, apposition, opposition, exponent)
ruō, ruere, ruī - to fall, crash down, rush down (ruin, ruination)
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- break, rupture (eruption)
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind (relinquish)
rogō (1) to ask (interrogative, interrogation, prerogative, abrogate)
subiciō, subicere, subiēcī, subiectus - to cast, throw under; to subdue (subject)
superō (1) to conquer, to defeat
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus - write (scribe, inscription)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, to set free, set sail (absolution, absolve, solvent, solution, solve)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to perserve, to keep
submergõ, submergere – to sink, submerge,
transfīgō, transfīgere, transfīxī, transfixus, a, um – pierce, transfix
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (invert, extravert)
vetō, vetāre - to forbid, to prevent (veto)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (victor, invincible, vēnī, vīdī, vīcī)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
aequor, aequoris (n) sea, surface of the sea
āra, ārae (f) an altar
altum, altī (n) the deep, the see = mare, maris (n)
annus, annī (m) year (annual, perennial)
bellum, bellī (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
classis, classis (f) fleet (of ships)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight (conspicuous)
coniunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife (con+iungo, iungere)
fātum, fātī (n) fate
flamma, flammae (f) flame
furia, furiae (f) rage, madness
honor or honos, honōris (m) honour; political office (cursus honorum)
inceptum, inceptī (m) undertaking, tast, project
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) class, kind, type (generic, genus, sui generis)
maiores, maiorum (masc. pl.) ancestors (mos maiorum = custom/way of ancestors)
nubes, nubis (f) cloud
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power or authority (numinous)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
plus, pluris (n) more + partitive genitive
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus)
pons, pontis (m) bridge
sāl, salis (m) salt (salad)
scopulus, scopulī (m) rock, cliff
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority)
tellus, tellūris (f) earth, land; mother earth
turbo, turbinis (f) whirlwind
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
velum, velī (n) sail
ventus, ventī (m) wind
ūnus, a, um - one (-ius paradigm)
duo, duae, duo - two
tres, tria - three
acūtus, a, um - sharp
aeternus, a, um - eternal, everlasting (eternity)
laetus, a, um - happy
tristis, triste - sad
maior, maius (comp. adj.) greater, bigger; older
minor, minus (comp. adj.) smaller; younger
durus, a, um - hard, harsh
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
rapidus, a, um - swirling
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many
aliquanto (indefinite) by somewhat, by some amount
ast or at (strong adversative conjunction) = but, and
atque (coordinating conj.) and, and also
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (comp. adv.) more
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
nihil (adv.) in no way
quippe (adv.) surely, certainly, really
praetereā (adv.) besides, moreover; then too; hereafter
vix (adv.) hardly, barely
paulo = by a little
paulum = a little (distance)
plus (adv.) more
nihilo - by nothing
minus (adv.) less
minus quam = less than
plus quam = more than
secus quam = otherwise than
potius quam = rather than
magis quam = rather than
Sensory Verbs that Generate Indirect Statement
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum - to judge (arbiter bibendī)
animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversus - to notice
credō, credere, credidī, creditus- to believe (creed, credit, credible)
dīco, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictum, dictionary)
existĭmo, existĭmāre, existĭmāvi, existĭmātus - to judge, consider, suppose, think, esteem
sciō, scīre (4) - to know (science, omniscient)
nesciō, nescīre (4) - to not know
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audition)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see (vision)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, to perceive (sensory, sentient)
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think (computer, putative, dispute, repute)
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātus - to hope, to expect (despair, desperate)
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectus -to discern, understand, to perceive
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say...that not (negate)
nuntiō (1) - to announce (pronounce)
narrō (1) - to tell (narrator, narrative)
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātus - to prove; show to be credible; to try, put to proof; approve; permit, allow (approve, probation)
reor, rērī, ratus sum - to reason, to reckon; to think (ratio, rational, reason)
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptus - to write (script, scriptorium)
doceo, docere, docui, doctus - to teach, to instruct (docent, doctor)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostensus - to show (ostentatious)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, money, monetary)
cogitō (1) - to think (cognitive)
cernō, cernere, crēvī, cretus - to discern
discō, discere, didicī - to learn (discāmus)
tenēre memoriā - to hold in mind
fiērī certior - to be become or be made more certain that (fio, fieri, factus sum)
facere aliquem certiorem - to make some more certain that
Narcissus Vocabulary List for Quiz
adspiciō, adspicere aspexī, spectus, - to look at; to behold, see (aspect)
agitō (1) to put in motion; drive; drive away; drive, pursue; stir up, arouse
alō, alere, aluī - to nourish (alumnus)
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus - to be on fire, inflamed (ardent, arson)
bibō, bibere - to drink (bibulous)
crescō, crescere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescendo)
cingō, cingere - to surround, to encircle (cinch)
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, cōnsultus - to consult; advise (consultation)
corripio, corripere, corripuī, correptus - to seize (con + rapio, rapere)
contingō, contingere, contigī, contāctus - to touch; take hold of; strike; attain, arrive at, reach (con + tangere) (contagion, contact)
cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītus - to desire (cupidity)
dēprēndō, dēprēndere dēprēndī, dēprēnsus - to catch, surprise, overtake (comprehend, apprehend)
discō, discere, didicī - to learn (discāmus)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus - to depart, to go away
fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsus - to deceive (fallacious, false)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter (effusive, confound, confuse)
haereō, haerēre - to cling, be fixed, sit fast, remain close (intrans.) (inherent) often + dative or ablative
incitō incitāre - to stir, to incite
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - to speak (eloquent, loquacious, elocution)
labor, labī, lapsus sum - to slip, glide, to fall (lapse, elapse, relapse)
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsus - to remain (permanent)
mergō, mergere, mersī, mersus - to dip, immerse, plunge (submerge)
mīsceō, mīscēre, mīscuī, mīxtus - mix
nesciō, nescīre - to not know (ne + scire)
nōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtus - to get knowledge of, become acquainted with; recognize; to know
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer; to allow (patient, patience, passive)
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātus - to try, put to proof; approve; permit, allow (probate, probation, probe, probability)
rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī, rīsus - to laugh or smile (risible, ridiculous)
secō, secāre, secuī, sectus - to cut (section, secant, dissect, bisect)
sedō, sedāre - to quench, to slake
specto (1) to look at
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctus - to touch (tangent, tactile, contact)
tendō, tendere, tetendī, tentus or tēnsus - to stretch; stretch forth or out, strain, lift, raise (tend, tendency, extent, extend)
turbō (1) to disturb
ūrō, ūrere - to burn (often with love)
aestus, aestūs (m) heat, boiling; tides
auris, auris (f) ears (aural)
augur, auguris (m) prophet who observes signs (augury)
bracchium, bracchiī (n) arm (brachiale artery, sp. braso)
candōr, candōris (m) brightness (candor)
capella, capellae (f) she-goats (love them for they have fur)
collum, collī (n) neck (collar bone)
cervus, cervī (m) stage
corpus, corporis (n) body (corporeal, corpse)
cōpia, cōpae (f) complete supply; abundance, plenty, force, numbers, ability, power, means (cornucopia)
cura, curae (f) care, anxiety, worry (sinecure)
decus, decoris (n) beauty (decorum)
exitus, -ūs (m) outcome; end; death (exit) ex + eo, ire
error, erroris (m) wandering, error (erroneous)
faciēs, facieī (f) face; appearance (facade, face, primā faciē)
fax, facis (f) torch
fons. fontis (m) spring; source (font, fountain)
forma, formae (f) shape, form; beauty
gena, genae (f) cheek
imāgō, imāginis (m) imagine
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) youth (juvenile)
lētum, lētī (n) death, destruction
lūmen, lūminis (n) light; eyes (illuminate)
mōtus, mōtūs (m) movement
nūtus, nūtūs (m) nod
oculus, oculī (n) eye (ocular)
osculum, osculī (n) kiss
pastor, pastōris (m) shepherd
pecus, pecoris (n) flock (of sheep) (pecorino cheese)
plangōr, plangōris (m) a beating (in mourning)
quiēs, quiētis (f) rest, quiet, tranquility
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
sēdes, sēdis (f) seat, place (Holy See = Vatican)
sīdus sīderis (n) star
signum, signī (n) sign, signal; image; battle standard (signal, hōc signō vincēs)
spēs, speī (f) hope; expectation
sitis, sitis - thirst note acc. sing. = sitim
simulacrum, simulacrī (n) likeness, image
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar, solstice)
sonitus, -ūs (m) sound
studium, studiī (n) eagerness; zeal; pursuit (study, studious)
unda, undae (f) water; wave (undulation, undulate)
umbra, umbrae (f) shade, shadow; ghost; reflection (umbrella, umbrage)
ūmor, ūmoris (m) liquid, water
uterus, uterī (m) womb (in utero vs. in vitro)
vātēs, vātis (m) prophet; divinely inspired poet
volucris, -is (f) bird
vultus, vultūs (m) face; expression; countence
cūnctus, a, um - all together, the whole, all, entire (from con + iūnctus, a, um)
dignus, a, um - worthy of, deserving of + ablative case (dignity)
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
geminus , a, um - twin, twofold; double, twin (gemini)
lassus, a, um - tired (lassitude)
liquidus, a, um - clear, flowing
mendāx, mendācis - false, lying (mendacity, mendacious) (1 term. adj.)
mirabilis, mirabile - miraculous
nitidus, a, um - shinning
niveus, a, um - snow white
opācus, a, um - shady,; obscure, darkened (opaque)
prior, prius (comparative adj.) before, earlier, prior
proximus, a, um - nearby, very close to (+ dative)
trepidus , a, um - agitated, uneasy, disturbed, trembling, affrighted (trepidation)
vānus, a, um - empty, useless; unfulfilled (in vain)
viridis, viride - green (colours for Willy)
circā (adv.) around
diū (adv.) for a long time
diūtius (adv.) for a longer time
diūtissimē (adv.) for a very long/longest time
frustrā (adv.) in vain
neque…neque - neither…nor
neque = et…nōn - nor, and…not
pariter (adv.) equally
paulum (adv.) a little distance, a little
quotiēns (adv.) how many times!?
tam (adv.) so
ut (sub. conj.) as, just as; when
Narcissus and Echo
List for Review of Latin Verbs - Beginning Latin II
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love (amatory, amorous)
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give (data)
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell, to live (inhabit)
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus-to praise (laud, summa cum laude)
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrative, narrator)
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight (pugnacious)
regnō, regnāre, regnāvī, regnātus - to reign; to rule
secō, secāre, secuī, sectus - to cut (section)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save (preservation)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to watch (spectator, inspection)
stō, stāre, stetī, status (estoy; substantive, status quo)
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (advocate, evoke, convocation, vocation)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum - to dare (audacity)
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus - owe; ought + complementary infinitive
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus -to teach (docent, doctor, indoctrinate)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus- to have (avoir, avere, haber)
iaceō iacēre iacuī - lie (adjacent)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsus - to remain
mīsceō, mīscēre, mīscuī, mīxtus - mix
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, admonish, monitor)
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move (movable, motion)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī + dative - to harm
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative
studeo, studēre, studuī - to be eager for; to support + dative
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possess (tenacious)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see (video, vision)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead (agent, agenda, action)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to kill
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (occasion, cause)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go, to yield (procession, procede)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus - to complete, bring together
credō, credere, credidī, creditus - to trust, to believe + dative (credit)
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to grow, increase
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum; correr)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictation, dictionary)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (duct, aqueduct, conduct, produce)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus -wear, do, conduct, manage
laedō, laedere, laesī, laesus - injure by striking, hurt
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose; to read (lecture, election, selection)
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmit, mission)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus - to show
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus - strike, beat, push, drive
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (competition,
pōnō, ponere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (exponent, position)
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctus - guide, rule
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- break, rupture
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus - write
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, set sail
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag (tractor, attraction)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (invincible, veni, vidi, vici)
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī - to live (vivacious)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture (captive, capture, caption)
recipiō -cipere -cēpi -ceptus - take back,
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, manufacture)
conficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectus - complete,
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (refugee, fugitive, centrifuge)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (reject, object)
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize (rapacious, rapture, rapine, raptor)
ēripiō -ripere -ripuī -reptus - snatch away
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open (aperture; abierto, abrir)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audio, audible, audit, audition)
muniō, munīre, munīvī, munītus - to fortify
saliō, salīre, saluī, saltus - to leap, to jump (salient)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know (omniscient, science)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus (sensitive, sentient)
serviō, servīre - to serve, be a slave + DATIVE CASE (serve, service)
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (venir; advent, adventure; veni, vidi, vici) inveniō -venīre -vēnī -ventus - to find, to discover (invention, inventor)
Irregular Verbs
possum, posse, potuī - to be able (potis + sum) + complementary infinitive
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (ser in Spanish; future) (copulative verb)
volō velle voluī - to wish, be willing + complementary infinitive
mālō mālle māluī - to prefer + complementary infinitive
nōlō nōlle nōluī - be unwilling + complementary infinitive
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - bear, carry, endure (odiferous)
eō, īre, iī/īvī, itūrus - to go (perish, spanish ir)
fīō, fierī, factus sum - to become, happen, be done (fiat lux) (copulative verb)
Final List for the Matron of Ephesus
accidō, accidere, accidī (ad + cado) to happen; to fall toward (accident)
aggredior, aggredī, aggressus sum - to approach, to attack
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel, to drive together
fleō, flēre - to cry
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus - to break (fragile, fracture)
fulgeō, fulgēre, fulsī - to shine
fruor, fruī, fructus sum (+ abl.) to enjoy
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum - to urge (exhortation)
licet licēre, licuit (+ dative) it is permitted
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to entrust, to send
moror, morārī, morātus sum - to delay (moratorium)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impers.) it is necessary, it is fitting + acc. + inf. or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause)
obliviscor, obliviscī oblitus sum - to forget, be forgetful of + genitive case
orō (1) to plead, to pray, to beg
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, to allow; to endure
pateō, patēre, patuī - to be open, to be revealed, to lie open
persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī - to persuade + dative case and indirect command (ut/ne + subjuntive)
pereō, perīre (eo + ire) to perish
poscō, poscere, poposcī - to demand
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus - to burst, rupture, break (rupture)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - to loosen, release, to free (solvent, solution, ablative absolute)
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsi, sūmptus - to take up, to take (assume, consume, resume)
Narcissus and Echo - Roman Fresco
turbō, turbāre, turbāvī, turbātus - to disturb, to agitate
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
utor, utī, usus sum - to use, to employ + abl.
miseret, miserere, miseruit - it makes the accusative pity the genitive
paenitet, paeniterem paenituit - it make s the accusative regret the genitive
pudet, pudere, puduit - it makes the accusative ashamed of the genitive
taedet, taedere, taeduit - it makes the accusative tired/bored of the genitive
arvum, arvī (n) cultivated field
exemplum, ememplī (n) example (e.g. = exemplī gratiā)
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, outcome, end (ex + eo, ire)
facultās, facultātis (f) opportunity, capacity, means
grātia, -ae (f) favour, influence, charm; thanks
imāgō, imāginis (f) image, portrait mask or bust; ghost
iūdex, iūdicis (m) judge (judicial)
lūmen, lūminis (n) light, eyes
mānēs, mānium (m. pl.) spirits of the underworld (Dis Mānibus = D.M.)
manus, manūs (f) hand; band
mēns, mēntis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
mōs, mōris (m) custom (mos maiorum, mores)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine authority, divinity (numinous)
onus, oneris (n) burden (onerous, onus)
pondus, ponderis (n) weight
pectus, pectoris (n) chest
sententia, -ae (f) opinion, sentence
spīritus, -ūs (m) air; breath; spirit, soul
vīta, vītae (f) life (vital, curriculum vitae)
vitium, vitiī (n) vice
vestigium, -iī (n) foot print; trace (vestiges)
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) - someone, something; anyone, anything
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adjective) - some, a certain
quisque, quaeque, quodque (indefinite pronoun) - everyone, everything
aeger, aegra, aegrum - sick, weak
brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
invītus, a, um - unwilling
ignotus, a, um - unknown
memor, memoris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
nōtus, a, um - known, familiar
perītus, a, um - skilled at + genitive case
siccus, a, um - dry (desiccated)
vērus, a, um - true (veracity)
vulgāris, vulgare - common (vulgar, vulgarian)
at/ast (adversative conj.) but
diū (adv.) for a long time
diūtius (adv.) for a longer time
diūtissimē (adv.) for a very long time
enim (post positive) for, in fact
igitur (post positive) therefore
subinde (adv.) thereupon, promptly, constantly
ūnā (adv.) together
aut…aut - either…or
nōn tantum…sed etiam - not only but also
nec…nec - neither… nor
neque…neque - neither… nor
vērō (post positive) indeed, in fact
vērum (adversative conj.) but
exemplī gratiā
post hoc ergo propter hoc
onus probandī
modus vīvendī
modus operandī
First List for the Matron of Ephesus
Be able to decline id melius opus or illud maius officium
Expect a verb game on the back with either morior, mori or iacio, iacere
affigo, affigere, affixi, affixus (ad + figo) - fasten upon, attach to (affix)
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum - to acknowledge (head verb) (confession)
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus - to catch sight of (conspicuous)
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus - to pull/take down (detractor)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy + ABLATIVE CASE (fructose)
iaceo, iacere, iacui - to lie (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
impero (1) to command + dative + jussive noun clause (imperative)
impendo, impendere - to hang on, to weight, place on the scales (impending)
malo, malle, malui - to prefer + comp. infinitive
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to entrust, to consign, to order (mandate)
miror, mirārī, miratus sum - to wonder (at), be amazed (miracle)
morior, mori, mortuus sum - to die (mortal)
obliviscor, obliviscī, oblitus sum - to forget + genitive case. (oblivion, oblivious)
occīdo, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus - to cut down, to kill
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow + acc. + infinitive (patient, passive)
persuadeo, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + jussive noun clause
pereo, perīre, periī, peritūrus, a, um (per + eo, ire) - to perish
peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek (appetite)
reor, reri, ratus sum - to think (head verb)
sino, sinere - to allow + acc. + inf.
specto (1) to look upon, see, to watch
tollo, tollere, subtuli, sublatus - to raise, lift
vaco (1) to be empty (vacant)
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
auxilium, -ii (n) help (auxiliary)
funus, funeris (n) funeral; death
gemitus, -ūs (m) groan, sigh
homo, hominis (m) man (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem)
ingenium, -ii (n) genius, intelligence (ingenuity)
lumen, luminis (n) light; eye
maritus, -i (m) husband
mors, mortis (f) death
mōs, mōris (m) custom (mores; mos maiorum - custom of ancestors)
numen, numinis (n) divine power (numinous)
ordo, ordinis (m) rank, social class, order (ordinal)
officium, -ii (n) duty (official, officious)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
opera, -ae (f) attention, effort
ops, opis (f) power, influence
populus, -i (m) people (SPQR - Senatus Populusque Romanus)
praesidium, -ii (n) protection
ratio, rationis (f) reason (rational)
rus, ruris (n) countryside (rural)
supplicium, -ii (n) punishment (supplication)
carus, a, um - dear + dative
defunctus, a, um - dead, deceased (defunct)
fatalis, fatale - fated
memor, memoris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
maior, maius (comp. adj.) great, bigger; older (major)
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
plenus, a, um - full of + genitive case
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
pudicus, a, um - chaste, virtuous (of a female)
prudens, prudentis - wise, clever
atque or ac (coordinating conj.) and
causā + proceeding genitive case = for the sake of
gratiā + proceeding genitive case = for the sake of
deinde - then, next
ergo (post positive) - therefore
igitur (post positive)- therefore
magis (comp. adv.) more, rather
minus (adv. comparative) - less
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
totiens - so many times
quotiens (adv.) as often as
quasi (conj.) as if
rus (acc.) to the countryside
ruri (locative) in the countryside
rure (ablative) from the countryside
secundum (prep. + acc.) next to; in accordance with; following
sīc (adv.) in this way, thus
sine (prep. + abl.) without
ultimō (adv.) finally
List of Ilioupersis, Result Clauses and Indirect Questions
Verb game on the back with verb iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw
credo, credo, credidi, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
for, farī, fatus sum - speak (forum)
iaceo, iacēre, iacui - to lie (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
imperoō (1) to command + dative + ut/ne + subjunctive mood (indirect command/jussive noun clause)
incendo, incendere, incendī, incensus - to burn, set on fire
lapso (1) to slip (frequentive of labor, labi)
morior, morī, mortuus sum (fut. act. participle = moriturus, a, um) - to die
moror, morārī, moratus sum - to delay (moratorium)
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to collapse, to fall or slip forward
parco, parcere, pepercī + dative case = to spare
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus - to hang, to weigh, to pay (pendent, pensive)
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
repello, repellere, repuli, repulsus - to repel, strike back (repulsive, repellent)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum – to rise (orient, oriental)
sedeo, sedēre, sedi - to sit (sedentary)
ūtor, utī, ūsus sum - to use, to enjoy + ablative case (use, abuse)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
clipeus, clipei (m) shield
exitus, -ūs (m) exit, end
fīnis, fīnis (m or f.) end, limit (el fin, final, finite, imperium sine fine)
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron; sword (FE)
fatum, fatī (n) fate
genitor, genitoris (m) father
hasta, -hastae (f) spear
ictus, -ūs (m) blow, a strike
latus, lateris (n) side (lateral motion)
litus, litoris (n) shore
laurus, laurī (f) laurel tree (note gender)
līmen, līminis (n) threshold
mens, mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
nuntius, nuntiī (m) messenger; message
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
os, ossis (n) bones (ossify)
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, beach; border
parens, parentis (m/f) parent
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
sedes, sedis (f) seat, place (Holy See)
simalcrum, simalcrī (n) image; likeness
sors, sortis (f) lot, chance; fate
tectum, -i (n) roof, building (tego, tegere, texi, tectus - to cover)
laevus, a, um - left; awkward, silly, foolish
melior, melius (comparative of bonus, a, um) - better
minor, minus (comparative of parvus, a, um) smaller; younger
plures, plura (pl. comparative of multus, a, um) more (#) (e pluribus unum)
raucus, a, um - noisy (raucous rabbit)
tristis, triste - sad quot? (adjective indeclinable) - how many?
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale - such
tot (adjective indeclinable) so many
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything (“ali” is dropped after sī, nisi, nē)
aliquantō - by some amount
aliquot - some (number)
aliquando (adv.) at some time, once, formerly
cūr? why? for what reason?
quārē - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (magnitude)
qualis, quale (adj.) what sort?
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quā? by what means? by what route?
quō? - to what place? where? wither?
quam? How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quamdiu? - how long?
quō modo? = in what way?
quotiēns - how often? How many time?
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where? whence?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
utrum…an = whether… or
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
autem (post positive) however, moreover
ergo (adv.) therefore, and so
magnopere (adv.) greatly, much
magis (adv. comparative) more, rather
ne…quidem = not even - e.g. Ne Raina quidem id bene fecit = “not even Raina did it well”.
neuter, neutra, neutrum - neither of two
undique (adv.) from all sides
quondam - once, previously
sīc (adv.) thus, in such a way (most commonly used with verbs) (sīc semper tyrannīs)
ita (adv.) thus, in such a way (used with verbs, advs. adjs.)
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
tam (adv.) so (used with advs. and adjs.) tam celeriter - so quickly, tam formosus, so sexy tantum, -i (n) so much + partitive genitive
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many (number)
tantus, a, um (adj.) so great, so large (size/magnitude)
tālis, tāle (decl. like fortis, forte) - such (quality, sort)
Vocabulary for Subjunctive Syntax & Indirect Command/Nouns Clauses
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive (jussive noun clause)
rogō, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - to ask + indirect command or indirect question
persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
iubeō, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
imperō, imperāre, imperavī, imperātus - to command, to order + dative + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum - to urge + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
exhortor, exhortārī, exhortatus sum + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
orō, orāre - to beg + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise + ut + subjunctive (indirect command)
petō a(b) - to seek from + ut/ne + subjunctive mood (indirect command) peto, petere, petivi, petitus
quaerō, quaerere + a(b) + ut/ne + subjunctive mood
moror, morārī, moratus sum - to delay
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + abl. - to strive, rely on
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise, to arise (oriental)
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow (sequencial)
Impersonal Constructions with noun clauses:
accidit - it happens + ut + subjunctive (noun clause)
oportet, oportēre, oportuit - it is necessary + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive (noun clause)
Subordinating Conjunctions
(indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood)
quod (+ indicative) - because
quia (+ indicative) - because
quoad + subjunctive - as long as
cum - when (temporal clause + indicative mood)
cum - when (circumstantial clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - since/because (causal clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - although (concessive clause + subjunctive mood)
sī - if
nisi - unless, if…not; except
dum (+ indicative) while
dum (+ subjunctive) until
ut + indicative mood = as, when
ut ante - as before
ut fit - as it happens, as usually
ut factum est - as it happened
ut bene scis - as you know well
ut fama est - as the story is
ut traditur - as it is handed down
ut traditum est - as it has been handed down
ut soleō - as I am accustomed
ut solēbat - as he was accustomed
ut + subjunctive = in order that (purpose clause)
ut + subjunctive = that (substantive/noun clause or result clause)
Vocabulary List for Ilioupersis/Death of Priam and Subjunctive Mood
amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum - to embrace (amplexus)
compleo, complēre - to fill (complementary)
credo, credo, credidi, creditus - to believe, to trust + dative or indirect statement (credible)
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
ferio, ferire - to strike, to hit
fero, ferre, tuli, latus, a, um - to bear, carry, endure (suffer, translate)
figo, figere, fixī, fictus - to fashion, fix, attach (fix, fiction, transfix, crucifixion, suffix, infix)
fio, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen (fiat lux) (copulative verb)
for, farī, fatus sum - speak (forum)
impero (1) to command + dative of person
labor, labī, lapsus sum - to slip, to slide, to glide (lapse, elapse, relapse)
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - to speak (loquacious, eloquent)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (mortuary)
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + abl. - to strive, rely on
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise, to arise (oriental)
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, to depart
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow (sequencial)
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + abl. - to use, to employ (use, abuse)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
clipeus, clipei (m) shield
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
casus, -casūs (m) fall, destruction, misfortune
coniunx, coniugis (m or f) spouse (here “husband”)
exitus, -ūs (m) exit, end
fīnis, fīnis (m or f.) end, limit (el fin, final, finite, imperium sine fine)
ferrum, ferrī (n) sword
fatum, fatī (n) fate
genitor, genitoris (m) father
ictus, -ūs (m) blow, a strike
hasta, hastae (f) spear
laurus, laurī (f) laurel tree (note gender)
līmen, līminis (n) threshold
mens, mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, beach; border
parens, parentis (m/f) parent
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
sedes, sedis (f) seat, place (Holy See, sedimentary)
tectum, -i (n) roof, building
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) anyone, anything (becomes quis, quid after nē, sī, nisi)
adeō (adv.) to such an extent
talis, tale - such
tot (indec.) so may
tam (adv.) so
tantus, a, um - so great, so large, such a size
sīc - thus, in this way, in such a way
ita - thus, in this way, in such a way
forsitan (adv.) perhaps iuxta (adv) near by, close
magis (com. adv.) more, rather
nec…nec = neither… nor
nequiquam (adv.) in vain
protinus (adv.) immediately, straight away
quā = where
Subordinating Conjunctions
(indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood)
quod (+ indicative) - because
quia (+ indicative) - because
cum - when (temporal clause + indicative mood)
cum - when (circumstantial clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - since/because (causal clause + subjunctive mood)
cum - although (concessive clause + subjunctive mood)
sī - if
nisi - unless, if…not; except
dum (+ indicative) while
dum (+ subjunctive) until
ut + indicative mood = as, when
ut ante - as before
ut fit - as it happens, as usually
ut factum est - as it happened
ut bene scis - as you know well
ut fama est - as the story is
ut traditur - as it is handed down
ut solebat - as he was accustomed
ut + subjunctive = in order that (purpose clause)
ut + subjunctive = that (substantive/noun clause or result clause)
Deponent Verbs for Transvestite Bunnies
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum (HV) to judge, to consider arbitrate
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum to try conation
for, fārī, fatus sum to speak Forum Romanum, fate
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculatus sum to throw ejaculate
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum to urge exhortation, exhort
cohortor, cohortārī, cohortātus sum to encourage, to incite cohort
comitor, comitārī, comitatus sum to accompany
contemplor, contemplārī, contemplātus sum to gaze at, survey, behold contemplate
cunctor, cunctārī, cunctātus sum to delay Fabius Maximus Cunctator
moror, morārī, moratus sum to delay moratorium
minor, minārī, minātus sum to jut out, to tower, to threaten menace
mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum to wonder, admire miraculous, admire
conspicor, -ārī, conspicātus sum to catch sight of
suspicior, suspicārī, suspicātus sum to suspect
testor, testārī, testātus sum to be witness, to give evidence testify, testicle
vagor, vagārī, vagātus sum to wander vagrant
versor, versārī, versātus sum to be turned, to be engaged (in) versatile
vereor, verērī, vērītus sum to fear, be afraid
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum to confess, acknowledge confess
polliceor, pollicērī, pollicitus sum to promise
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum to look at, to watch over tutor
reor, rērī, ratus sum to think, to reason rational, ratio
amplector, amplectī amplexus sum to coil around, embrace amplexus
complector, complectī, complexus sum to embrace complex
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum to follow sequence, nōn sequitur
labor, labī, lapsus sum to glide, to slip, to slide lapse, elapse
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum to speak loquacious, eloquent
nitor, nitī, nisus sum + abl. to strive, rely on
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum to set out, to depart
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative to use, to employ use, abuse
fruor, fruī, fructus sum + ablative to enjoy, to delight in Fructus Corn Syrup
frungor, frungī, functus sum +abl. to preform function
vescor, vescī + ablative to feed oneself, eat
ulciscor, ulciscī, ultus sum to avenge Mars Ultor
nascor, nascī, natus sum to be born natal
queror, quērī, questus sum to complain (about)
gradior, gradī, gressus sum to step, to walk, to move grade, gradual
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum to go toward, to attack aggressive
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum to go out; disembark egress
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum to enter, to step into ingress
regredior, regredī, regressus sum to go back regression
progredior, progredī, progressus sum to advance progress, progression
patior, patī, passus sum to suffer, endure, allow patience, patient, passive
morior, morī, mortuus sum (FAP = moriturus, a, um) to die mortuary
mōlior, mōlīrī, mōlītus sum to pile up; build, erect, construct, to struggle, to toil
orior, orīrī, ortus sum to rise orient, oriental
ordior, ordīrī, orsus sum to begin (to speak) exordium
expērīor, experīrī, expertus sum to test, to try experiment, expert
Semi-deponents (they are only deponent in the perfect system):
audeō, audēre, ausus sum + inf. to dare audacious
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavīsus sum to rejoice
soleō, solēre, solitus sum + inf. to be accustomed to (Spanish soler)
fīdō, fīdere, fīsus sum to trust
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dative to trust have trust in confident
diffīdo, diffīdere, diffīsus sum (dis- + fido) + dative - to distrust, be diffident, be distrustful, despair (diffident, diffidence)
Special Deponent Verbs that Govern the Ablative Case as Direct Objective
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum + ablative - to use, to employ, to enjoy (use)
abutor, abuti, abusus sum - to abuse
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy
fungor, fungī, functus sum - to perform (function)
potior, potīrī, potītus sum - to gain possession of + ablative or genitive case
nītor, nītī, nīsus sum - to lean or rest upon, to strive, to rely on
vescor, vescī - to feed on
List for Interrogatives, Indefinite animals, etc.
audeo, audēre, ausus sum - to dare
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum – to throw, to hurl
vereor, verērī, vērītus sum – to fear
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum –to speak
patior, patī, passus sum – to suffer, to endure; to allow
orior, orīrī, ortus sum – to rise
ūtor, utī, ūsus sum - to use, to enjoy + ablative case
pateō, patēre, patuī (intransitive) - to lie open, to be open, to spread out
genus, generis (n) kind, class, race (genus, sui generis, generic, genre)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genu, genūs (n) knee (genuflect)
Interrogative Animals (pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs)
cūr? why? for what reason?
quārē - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (magnitude)
qualis, quale (adj.) what sort?
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quā? by what means? by what route?
quō? - to what place? where? wither?
quam? How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quamdiu? - how long?
quō modo? = in what way?
quotiēns - how often? How many time?
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where? whence?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
utrum…an = whether… or
-ne (enclitic) - signal a neutral questions
nōnne - signals a question expected a positive response
num - signals a question expected a negative response
num (introducing an indirect question) = whether
Indefinite Pronouns or Adjectives
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pronoun) - someone, something; anyone, anything
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adjective) - some, a certain
quisque, quaeque, quodque (indefinite pronoun) - everyone, everything
Other Related Words.
aliquantō - by some amount
aliquot - some (number)
aliquando (adv.) at some time, once, formerly
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (adv.) more
peior, peius (comp. adv.) worse
melior, melius (comp. adv.) better
minor, minus (comp. adv.) small
ne…quidem = not even - e.g. Ne Raina quidem id bene fecit = “not even Raina did it well”.
neuter, neutra, neutrum - neither of two
undique (adv.) from all sides
tam (adv.) so
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale (adj.) such
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
totiēns - so many time, so often
sīc (adv.) in such a way (sīc semper tyrannīs)
longē (adv.) far, by far
ibi (adv.) there, then
inde (adv.) from the place, thence
ita (adv.) in such a way
adeo (adv) to such an extent
tam…quam (correlative conjunctions) - as…..as
ut (subordinating conj.+ indicative mood) as, when
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two
Vocabulary List for Lucretia
Quiz will include: a) Verb game on ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus or fero, ferre, tuli, latus
b) Be able to decline: nullum melius cor or haec maior fides
absolvō, absolvere, absolvī, absolūtus - to free, to release (absolve, absolute, absolution)
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus - to lose
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus - to burn (ardent, arson)
armō (1) to arm
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātus- to remove, to steal, to take away
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to kill
cēdō, cēdere, cessi, cessus - to yield, to go, to proceed (procede, procession)
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus - to close, to shut (claustrophobia)
coepī, coepisse, coeptus - to begin (defective verb - no present system)
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found (ab urbe conditā = 753 BC)
conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventus - to meet, to come together (convene, convent)
dēfīgō, defīgere, defīxī, defīxus - to pierce, to stab in a downward direct
dormiō (4) to sleep (dormitory, dormant)
expellō, expellere, expuli, expulsus - to drive out, expel (expel, expulsion)
fateor, fatērī, fessus sum - to confess, to acknowledge
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to carry, to bear (refer, confer, collate, relate,melliferous)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen (copulative verb)
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum – to throw, to hurl (ejaculate)
inclinō (1) to bend, to sway (inclined, inclination)
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus - to find, to come upon (invent, inventive, inventor)
iugulō (1) to strangle (jugular)
iurō (1) to swear
lībĕro, lībĕrāre, lībĕrāvi, lībĕrātum - to free +acc. +ablative of separation
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die
muniō, munīre, munīvī, munitus - to build, to fortify
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, to endure; to allow (patient, passive) + acc. + infinitive
peccō (1) to sin (peccadillo)
occīdo, occīdere, occīdi, occīsus - to kill (ob + caedo)
occidō, occidere, occidī, occasus - to fall (sol occiens, occasus solis, occident, occidental)
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus - to press against, to overwhelm
oppugnō (1) to attack
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (sol oriens, orient, oriental)
pecco (1) to sin (impeccable, peccadillo)
pugnō (1) to fight (pugnacious)
sequor, sequī, secutus sum - to follow
stringō, stringere, strinxī, strictus - to draw (strict)
stŭpeo, stŭpēre, stŭpui - to be amazed
taceō, tacēre, tacuī - to be quiet (intransitive verb) (tacit, taciturn)
versō (1) to turn over (versatile)
tradō, tradere, tradidī, traditus - to hand over (tradition, trade)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem + dative of reference
vīvo, vīvere, vīxī, vīctus - to live
quis, quid? Who? What? (interrogative pronoun)
qui? quae? quod? (interrogative adjective) what? Which?
adventus, adventūs (m) arrival (advent)
aequor, aequoris (n) sea, level surface of the sea (mare, maris)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
civitās, civitātis (f) state, nation; city-state
comes, comitis (m) companion, comrade (comity)
consultum, consultī (n) advice, decree
consilium, consiliī (n) plan
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
cruor, cruoris (f) blood, gore
exemplum, exemplī (n) example (e.g. = exempli gratia)
exercitus, -ūs (m) army
facinus, facinoris (n) crime, bad deed
ferrum, -ī (n) iron; sword
fīdes, fideī (f) faith, trust, loyalty
gens, gentis (f) race, tribe, clan, family
genus, generis (n) class, kind
hospĕs, hospĭtis (m) guest
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
impetus, -ūs (m) attack (impetuous)
mare, maris (n) sea
metus, metūs (m) fear
nuntius, nuntiī (m) messenger; message
opera, operae (f) effort, attention
opus, operis (n) work, task, labour
ops, opis (f) help, power, aid, influence
ordō, ordinis (m) order; rank
passus, passūs (m) step, a foot (measurement)
pars, partis (f) direct, side, part, faction
pāx, pācis (f) peace (pax vobiscum)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
pontus, pontī (m) sea
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood, lineage
tellūs, tellūris (f) earth, land
vestigium, -iī (n) footprint, traces (vestiges)
vestis, vestis (f) clothing, garment
ventus, ventī (m) wind
vox, vocis (f) voice (vox populī)
vultus, -ūs (m) face, expression, countenance
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp, harsh
acutus, a, um – sharp
alienus, a, um - foreign, strange
brevis, breve - short, brief
celer, celeris, celere - swift, fast
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh; unyielding
īdem, eadem, idem - the same (-ius paradigm)
inscius, a, um - not-knowing, unaware
ignarus, a, um - ignorant, unaware + genitive
laetus, a, um - happy
latus, a, um - wide
lentus, a, um - slow
longus, a, um - long
maestus, a, um - sad, grieving
maior, maius (comp. adj.) bigger, greater (major)
maximus, a, um - the greatest, the biggest
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
moribundus, a, um - dying (moribund)
mollis, molle (2 term. 3rd. adj.) soft (mollify)
obtūsus, a, um - dull
pavidus, a, um - trembling, frightened
peior, peius - worse, rather bad
pessimus, a, um - very bad, the worst (superlative form of malus, a, um)
prior, prius - earlier (priority)
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum - left
sordidus, a, um - dirty, wicked
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius paradigm)
tantus, a, um - so great, such a great
tardus, a, um - slow, late
trists, triste - sad
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) - whole, entire
tūtus, a, um - safe
ultimus, a, um - last, final
at, ast (adversative conjunction) but, and
deinde (adv.) then, next
circum (prep. + acc.) around
circa (adv.) around, about
enim (postpositive) for, indeed, in fact
hinc (adv.) from this place
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hūc (adv.) to this place
forte (adv.) by chance
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (comp. adv.) more, rather
maximē (adv.) especially, very much
ne…quidem - not even
prae (prep. + abl.) before, in front of
prope (prep. + acc.) near
prope (adv.) near
post (prep. + acc.) after
postquam (subordinating conj.) after
plūs, plūris (substantive + partitive gen.) - more (e pluribus unum)
quam (adv.) than
satis or sat (adv.) enough
statim (adv.) immediately
tantum (adv.) only
tum (adv.) then, at that time
unde (relative or interrogative adv.) from where, whence
ut + indicative mood = as, when
List of “Head Verbs” and Impersonal Verbs
As part of the quiz expect a verb game dico, dicere or audio, audire and be able to decline:
idem melior dies or illud melius tempus
anim-advertō, advertere, advertī, adversus - to notice
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum - to judge (arbitration, arbiter)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audition)
cernō, cernere, crevī, cretus - to discern, to perceive
crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī, crēditus - to believe + dative or indirect statement (incredible, credit, incredulous)
cognoscō, cognoscere, cognōvī, cognitus - to become acquainted with, learn, recognize, know (cognitive, cognition, metacognition)
cōgĭtō (1) - to think (cogito ergo sum)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (interdiction, diction)
discō, discere, didicī - to learn
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach, to instruct (doctrine, indoctrinate)
existĭmō, existĭmāre, existĭmāvi, existĭmātus - to judge, consider, suppose, think (estimate)
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectus - to perceive, understand, discern, comprehend
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order + acc. + infinitive (jussive)
liceō, licēre, licuī - it is permitted (impersonal verb + dative + infinitive)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn (admonition, admonish)
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say that…not
nesciō, nescīre, nescīvī, nescitus - to not know
nuntiō, nuntiāre (1st conjugation) - to announce (renounce)
narrō, narrāre - to tell (narrative, narration)
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think (computer, putative, repute, reputation)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostensus - to show
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impersonal verb) it is fitting or necessary + accusative + infinitive
placet, placēre, placuit (impersonal verb + dative case) it is pleasing, it is
referō, referre, rettulī, relātus - to answer, to reply, to report, to relate, to announce (reference, relate)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, to perceive (sentient, sensory, consensual)
sperō, sperāre, sperāvi, sperātus - to hope (desperate)
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptus - to write (manuscript)
sciō, scīre, scīvi, scītus - to know (science, omniscient)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see
Vocabulary List for Aeolus, Juno and Aeneas
As part of the quiz expect a verb game caedo, caedere cecīdī, caesus and be able to decline:
hic altus mons and illa atra tempestas
cado, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (intransitive)
caedo, caedere cecīdī, caesus - to slaughter (transitive)
flammo (1) to inflame
furo, furere – to rage
pono, ponere, posui, positus – to place, to put (deposit, proponent)
indignor, indignari, indignatus sum – to be angry (indignant)
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join (conjunction, subjunctive)
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum – to order + acc. + infinitive
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum – wrestle, struggle
metuo, metuere, metui - to fear (metus, ūs = fear)
mollio, mollire – to soften, sooth (mollify)
mulceo, mulcere, mulsi, mulsum - soothe, charm navigo (1) to sail
porto (1) to carry
premo, premere, pressi, pressum – to press, control
sciō, scīre (4) to know (+ complementary infinitive = “to know how to verb”) or (+ acc.subject and infinitive 1) Ea scit interficere lepores = She knows (how) to kill rabbits.
2) Ea scit Rainam interficere lepores = She knows that Rainam kills rabbits (indirect statement).
tempero (1) to subdue
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus - to raise, lift; destroy
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to pull, to drag
videor, vidērī, visus sum - to seem (copulative verb) + dative of reference
utor, uti, usus sum (looks passive, but has active meaning) + ablative case – to use, employ, enjoy
voluto (1) – to turn over and over and over
animus, -i (m) spirit, courage; mind
antrum, -i (n) cave
arx, arcis (f) citadel
aura, -ae (f) air, breeze
caelum, -i (n) sky, heaven
carcer, carceris (m) prison, inclosure (incarcerate)
claustrum, -i (n) blot, latch (claustrophobia)
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
conubium, -ii (n) marriage
homo, hominis (m) man (homo erectus, homo novus, ad homimem)
foedus, foederis (n) contract, treaty (federal, federation)
imperium, -ii (n) power, command, dominion (imperial)
locum, -loci (n) place (locative, location)
meritum, -meriti (n) service, reward, favour (merit)
moles, molis (f) mass, weight. burden
mons, montis (m) mountain
nimbus, nimbi (m) storm cloud
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
Penates, Penatium (m. pl.) household or family gods
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus)
proles, prolis (f) offspring
tempestas, tempestatis (f) – storm (tempest)
terra, ae (f) land (terra firma, terra incognita, terrestrial)
ventus, ventī (m) wind (ventilation)
vinclum, -i (n) bond, chain
vox, vocis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
ater, atra, atrum – black (atrocity, atrocious )
celsus, a, um – high, lofty
certus, a, um – sure, certain
laxus, a, um – set free, loosened (relax, laxative)
diversus, a, um - scattered
fetus, a, um – teeming, full of, pregnant with + ablative case
omnipotens, omnipotentis (adj.) all powerful
praestans, praestantis (adj.) outstanding
profundus, a, um – deep, high, vast
proprius, a, um - one’s own (property)
rapidus, a, um – swirling around sonorous, a, um – roaring, howling
stabilis, -e - stable
talis, -e (adj.) such
bis (adv.) twice
circum (adverb or prep. + acc.) around
hīc (adv) in this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place
hūc (adv.) to this place
Minerva & Ajax Vocabulary List
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus - to avert, to turn away (ab + verto)
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus - to pluck, to seize (carpe diem)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to kill
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (occasion, cause)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go, to yield (procession, procede)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult)
ēvertō, ēvertere, ēverti,ēversus– to overturn (ex + verto)
exurō, exurere, exussī, exustus – to burn (up)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter (effusive)
gerō, gerēre, gessī, gestus, a, um – to conduct, wage, to wear, to manage
incēdō, incēdere, incēssī – to stride, go forth
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum (looks passive, has active meaning)– to throw, to hurl
infīgō, infīgere – to impale, to fix upon (infix)
possum. posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
ruō, ruere, ruī - to ruin, crash down upon
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- break, rupture (eruption)
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus - write (post scriptum)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, to set free, set sail (solvent, solution, solve)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to perserve, to keep
submergõ, submergere – to sink, submerge
transfīgō, transfīgere, transfīxī, transfixus, a, um – pierce, transfix
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (invert, extravert, reverse)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
āēr, āēris (m) air
aequor, aequoris (n) sea, surface of the sea
altum, altī (n) the deep, the see = mare, maris (n)
annus, annī (m) year (annual, perennial)
bellum, bellī (n) war
classis, classis (f) fleet (of ships)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight (conspicuous)
coniunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife
flamma, flammae (f) flame
furia, furiae (f) rage, madness
ignis, ignis (m) fire
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
noxa, noxae (f) crime
nubes, nubis (m) cloud
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus)
ratis, ratis (f) ship, boat
sāl, salis (m) salt
scopulus, scopulī (m) rock, cliff
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority)
spuma, spumae (f) foam
tellus, tellūris (f) earth, land
turbo, turbinis (f) whirlwind
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
velum, velī (n) sail
ventus, ventī (m) wind
ūnus, a, um - one (-ius paradigm)
duo, duae, duo - two
tres, tria - three
acūtus, a, um - sharp
aeternus, a, um - eternal, everlasting (eternity)
laetus, a, um - happy
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
rapidus, a, um - swirling
tot (indeclinable adjective) so many
ast or at (adversative conjunction) = but, and
atque (coordinating conj.) and, and also
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
vix (adv.) hardly, barely
List for Review of Latin Verbs - Beginning Latin II
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love (amatory, amorous)
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give (data)
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus-to praise (laud, summa cum laude)
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrative, narrator)
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight (pugnacious)
regnō, regnāre, regnāvī, regnātus - to reign; to rule
secō, secāre, secuī, sectus - to cut (section)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save (preservation)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to watch (spectator, inspection)
stō, stāre, stetī, status (estoy; substantive, status quo)
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (advocate, evoke, convocation, vocation)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum - to dare (audacity)
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus - owe; ought + complementary infinitive
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus -to teach (docent, doctor, indoctrinate)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus- to have (avoir, avere, haber)
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell, to live (inhabit)
iaceō iacēre iacuī - lie (adjacent)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsus - to remain
mīsceō, mīscēre, mīscuī, mīxtus - mix
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, admonish, monitor)
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move (movable, motion)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī + dative - to harm
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possess (tenacious)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see (video, vision)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead (agent, agenda, action)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to kill
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (occasion, cause)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go, to yield (procession, procede)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, inhabit, worship (culture, cult)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus - to complete, bring together
credō, credere, credidī, creditus - to trust, to believe + dative (credit)
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to grow, increase
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum; correr)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictation, dictionary)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (duct, aqueduct, conduct, produce)
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus - pour, scatter
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus -wear, do, conduct, manage
laedō, laedere, laesī, laesus - injure by striking, hurt
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose; to read (lecture, election, selection)
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmit, mission)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus - to show
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus - strike, beat, push, drive
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (competition,
pōnō, ponere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (exponent, position)
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctus - guide, rule
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus- break, rupture
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus - write
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus - release, set sail
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag (tractor, attraction)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (invincible, veni, vidi, vici)
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī - to live (vivacious)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture (captive, capture, caption)
recipiō -cipere -cēpi -ceptus - take back,
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, manufacture)
conficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectus - complete,
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (refugee, fugitive, centrifuge)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (reject, object)
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize (rapacious, rapture, rapine, raptor)
ēripiō -ripere -ripuī -reptus - snatch away
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open (aperture; abierto, abrir)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audio, audible, audit, audition)
muniō, munīre, munīvī, munītus - to fortify
saliō, salīre, saluī, saltus - to leap, to jump (salient)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know (omniscient, science)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus (sensitive, sentient)
serviō, servīre - to serve, be a slave + DATIVE CASE (serve, service)
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (venir; advent, adventure; veni, vidi, vici) inveniō -venīre -vēnī -ventus - to find, to discover (invention, inventor)
Irregular Verbs
possum, posse, potuī - to be able (potis + sum) + complementary infinitive
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (ser in Spanish; future) (copulative verb)
volō velle voluī - to wish, be willing + complementary infinitive
mālō mālle māluī - to prefer + complementary infinitive
nōlō nōlle nōluī - be unwilling + complementary infinitive
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - bear, carry, endure (odiferous)
eō, īre, iī/īvī, itūrus - to go (perish, spanish ir)
fīō, fierī, factus sum - to become, happen, be done (fiat lux) (copulative verb)
Vocabulary for Pyramus et Thisbe, Pars Prima
BONUS is todecline:
hic miser amans
bibō, bibere, bibī (bibulous) - to drink
clāmō (1) call out, to shout, cry out (exclamation, exclamatory)
crescō, crescere, crēvī, cretus - to increase, to grow, to rise (crescendo, crescent moon)
fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsus - to deceive (false, fallacious, fallacy)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (refugee, centrifuge, centrifugal)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (eject, inject, reject)
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī - to lie (adjacent)
prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitus (pro + habeo) - to forbid, to prevent (prohibition)
quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesitus - to ask, seek, inquire (question)
quaesō, quaesere - to seek, to beg
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind (relinquish)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, feel, perceive, to think (sensitive, sentient)
temptō (1) to attempt (temptation)
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
optō (1) wish for (optative, option)
amāns, amantis (f/m) a lover
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arboreal)
amor, amoris (m) love (amorous)
animal, animāis (n) animal
corpus, corporis (n) body (corporal, corpulent)
consilium, -iī (n) plan, advice
fissum, fissī (n) crack (fissure)
fons, fontis (m) spring, fountain (font)
iter, itineris (n) journey, path (itinerant, itinerary)
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) youth (juvenile)
locum, -ī (n) place (location, locative)
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
pōmum, pomī (n) apple; fruit (pomegranate)
rādix, rādicis (f) root (radical, radish)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary)
vēlāmen, vēlāminis (n) garment, clothing, a covering
vestigium, vestigiī (n) traces, footprints
vir, virī (m) man (virile)
vīs, vis (f) force (violence)
vīrēs, vīrium (f. pl.) strength
vox, vōcis (f) voice (vox populī, vociferous)
———suī, sibi, se, se
quī, quae, quod (relative pronoun) who, whose, whom, which, that
albus, a, um - white (albino)
dignus, a, um - worth of, deserving of + ablative (dignity, indignant)
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
liquidus, a, um - clear, flowing
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
obscūrus, a, um (obscure)
prior, prius (gen. sing. = prioris) earlier, before, previous (priority)
suus, a, um - his own, her own, its own, their own
tenuis, tenue - thin, fine, slender (tenuous)
vicinus, a, um - close to, neighboring + dative (vicinity)
aliō (adv.) to another place
eō (adv.) to that place
eōdem (adv.) to the same place
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place
hūc (adv.) to this place
illīc (adv.) in that place
illinc (adv.) fro that place
Illīc (adv.) to that place
quia (subordinating conj.) because
utrimque (adv) on each side, in each direct
ut (subordinating conj.) + indicative mood = as, just as; when
The Death of Servius Tullius
Bonus: Decline eadem gravis rēs
addo, addere addidi, additus - to add
audeo, audēre - to dare (audacious)
apello (1) to call, to name (copulative when passive)
contemno, contemnere - to scorn
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe; ought + complementary infinitive
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus - to lead
excito, excitare, excitavi, excitatus - to stir, excite, rouse
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus - to kill
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisus - to envy + dative
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join (junction)
mallo, malle, maluī (magis + volo) to prefer
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pereo, perire, perii, periturus (per + eo) - to perish
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus - to leave behind, to abandon (relinquish)
timeo, timēre, timui - to fear
animus, animī (m) mind, spirit
consilium, -ii (n) plan, advice
curia, -ae (f) Curia = the senate house
diēs, dieī (m or f) day (per diem, carpe diem)
equus, equī (m) horse (equestrian)
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men
mora, -ae (f) delay (moratorium)
invidia, -ae (f) envy, jealousy; hatred
pars, partis (f) part, side, direction, faction
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom, kingship
rēs, reī (f) matter, situation (5th declension)
scelus, sceleris (n) wickedness, evil
sedēs, sedis (m) seat, place, location (Holy See)
spēs, speī (f) hope
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
verbum, verbī (n) word (verbatim)
vīta, vītae (f) life (vital signs)
alius, alia, aliud (-ius paradigm) other
aequus, a, um - equal, just
alter, altera, alterum (-ius paradigm)—another; the one…the other
audax, audacis (adj. 1 term.) - bold, daring (audacious, audacity)
duo, duae, duo - two
fessus, a, um - exhausted
ferox, ferocis (adj. 1 term.) fierce, savage
nullus, a, um - no (-ius paradigm)
mītis, mīte - ripe, ready; gentle, kind (mitigate)
oblitus, a, um -having forgotten, forgetful + genitive case
par, paris (adj. 1 term.) equal (par, prīmus inter parēs) + dative case
ad (prep. + acc. ) to, toward; for
atque - and, and also, also
enim (postpositive part.) for, indeed, in fact
neque…neque - neither…nor
praeter (prep. + acc.) except
statim (adv.) immediately
tandem (adv.) finally, at last
hic, haec, hoc - this, these
ille, illa, illud - that, those
iste, ista, istud - that, those (of yours)
is, ea, id - the, that, those
īdem, eadem, idem (is + dem) - the same
ūnus, a, um - one, only one
nūllus, a, um -no (negative of ullus, a, um)
ūllus, a, um - any
sōlus, a, um - alone, only, sole
neuter, neutra, neutrum -neither (of two)
alter, altera, alterum - the other (of two); the second
uter?, utra?, utrum? - which (of two)?
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each (of two)
tōtus, a, um -whole, entire
alius, alia, aliud -another, other (alii...alii - some...others)
(for genitive singular use alterius)
Vocabulary list for the Reign of Servius Tullius
aedificō (1) to build (edifice)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to manage, to lead (agent, agenda, action, actor)
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus (dis + cedo) - to depart
dormiō, dormīre - to sleep
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (conduct, reduce)
excitō (1) to stir, to rouse
expellō, expellere, expulī, expulsus - to drive out
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, to do
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to become; to happen (copulative verb)
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to wage, to manage, to perform, to accomplish; to wear
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussus - to order + acc. + infinitive
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose, to read (election, select, lector)
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
pōno, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (exponent, proponent, position)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
spectō (1) to look at, to watch
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (copulative verb)
veto, vetare, vetui - to provent, to prohibit
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (advent)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
volō, volāre, volāvī, volātus - to fly
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate)
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight
deus, deī (m) god (deus in machina)
diēs, diēī(m) day (per diem, carpe diem)
bellum, bellī (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
fossa, fossae (f) ditch
fīlius, fīliī (m) son
līber, līberī (m) child
locus, locī (m) place
mons, montis (m) mountain, hill
mora, morae (f) delay (moratorium)
mūrus, mūrī (m) wall (intramural)
Vocabulary List for Aeolus
cado, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (intransitive)
caedo, caederececīdī, caesus - to slaughter (transitive)
flammo (1) to inflame
furo, furere – to rage
pono, ponere, posui, positus – to place, to put (deposit, proponent)
indignor, indignari, indignatus sum – to be angry (indignant)
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join (conjunction, subjunctive)
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum – to order + acc. + infinitive
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum – wrestle, struggle
metuo, metuere, metui - to fear (metus, ūs = fear)
mollio, mollire – to soften, sooth (mollify)
mulceo, mulcere, mulsi, mulsum - soothe, charm
navigo (1) to sail
porto (1) to carry
premo, premere, pressi, pressum – to press, control
sciō, scīre (4) to know (+ complementary infinitive = “to know how to verb”) or (+ acc.subject and infinitive
1) Ea scit interficere lepores = She knows (how) to kill rabbits.
2) Ea scit Rainam interficere lepores = She knows that Rainam kills rabbits (indirect statement).
tempero (1) to temper, subdue
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus - to raise, lift; destroy
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to pull, to drag
videor, vidērī, visus sum - to seem (copulative verb) + dative of reference
utor, uti, usus sum (looks passive, but has active meaning) + ablative case – to use, employ, enjoy
voluto (1) – to turn over and over and over
animus, -i (m) spirit, courage; mind
antrum, -i (n) cave
arx, arcis (f) citadel
aura, -ae (f) air, breeze
caelum, -i (n) sky, heaven
carcer, carceris (m) prison, inclosure (incarcerate)
claustrum, -i (n) blot, latch (claustrophobia)
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
conubium, -ii (n) marriage
homo, hominis (m) man (homo erectus, homo novus, ad homimem)
foedus, foederis (n) contract, treaty (federal, federation)
imperium, -ii (n) power, dominion (imperial)
locum, -loci (n) place (locative, location)
meritum, -meriti (n) service, reward, favour (merit)
moles, molis (f) mass, weight. burden
mons, montis (m) mountain
nimbus, nimbi (m) storm cloud
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
Penates, Penatium (m. pl.) household or family gods
pontus, pontī (m) sea (Pontus Euxinus)
proles, prolis (f) offspring
tempestas, tempestatis (f) – storm (tempest)
terra, ae (f) land (terra firma, terra incognita, terrestrial)
ventus, ventī (m) wind (ventilation)
vinclum, -i (n) bond, chain
vox, vocis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
ater, atra, atrum – black (atrocity, atrocious )
celsus, a, um – high, lofty
certus, a, um – sure, certain
laxus, a, um – set free, loosened (relax, laxative)
diversus, a, um - scattered
fetus, a, um – teeming, full of, pregnant with + ablative case
omnipotens, omnipotentis (adj.) all powerful
praestans, praestantis (adj.) outstanding
profundus, a, um – deep, high, vast
proprius, a, um - one’s own (property)
rapidus, a, um – swirling around sonorous, a, um – roaring, howling
stabilis, -e - stable
talis, -e (adj.) such
bis (adv.) twice
circum (adverb or prep. + acc.) around
hīc (adv) in this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place
hūc (adv.) to this place
nomen, nominis (n) name
pax, pacis (f) peace (pax vobiscum)
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR, vox populī)
prudentia, -ae (f) prudence, wisdom
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
rēs, reī (f) matter, affair, situation, state (in medias res, republic)
rēx, rēgis (m) king
regnum, regnī (n) royal power; kingdom
somnus, somnī (m) sleep; dream (insomnia)
templum, templī (n) sacred space
urbs, urbis (f) city (urbane)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
vir, virī (m) man, husband, hero (virile)
vīs, vis (f) force (violence)
vīta, vītae (f) life (curriculum vitae = CV)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp (acrid)
altus, a, um - high; deep
ceterī, ceterae, cetera - the remaining, the rest, the other (etc. = et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj. one termination) fierce wild
gravis, grave - heavy, serious
īrātus, a, um - angry
līber, lībera, līberum - free (as noun = child)
parvus, a, um - small (opposite of magnus, a, um)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
tantus, a, um - so great, such a great
is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective) = the, that, those
apud (prep. + acc.) with, among, in presence of
circum (prep. + acc. ) around
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
post (prep. + acc.) after (post hoc propter hoc, postmortem)
sine (prep. + abl.) without (sinecure)
tum (adv.) then
ubi (subordinating conj.) when; where
Final List for Matron of Ephesus
Be able to decline id melius opus or illud maius officium
affigo, affigere, affixi, affixus - fasten upon, attach to (affix)
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum - to acknowledge (head verb) (confession)
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus - to catch sight of (conspicuous)
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus - to pull/take down (detractor)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy + ABLATIVE CASE (fructose)
iaceo, iacere, iacui - to lie (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
impero (1) to command + dative + jussive noun clause (imperative)
impendo, impendere - to hang on, to weight, place on the scales (impending)
malo, malle, malui- to prefer + comp. infinitive
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to commit, consign, to order (mandate)
miror, mirārī, miratus sum - to wonder (at), be amazed (miracle)
morior, mori, mortuus sum - to die (mortal)
obliviscor, obliviscī, oblitus sum - to forget + genitive case. (oblivion, oblivious)
occīdo, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus - to cut down, to kill
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow + acc. + infinitive (patient, passive)
persuadeo, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + jussive noun clause
pereo, perire, perīre, periī, peritūrus, a, um (per + eo, ire) - to perish
peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek (appetite)
reor, reri, ratus sum - to think (head verb)
sino, sinere - to allow + acc. + inf.
specto (1) to look upon, see, to watch
tollo, tollere, subtuli, sublatus - to raise, lift
vaco (1) to be empty (vacant)
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
auxilium, -ii (n) help (auxiliary)
funus, funeris (n) funeral; death
gemitus, -ūs (m) groan, sigh
homo, hominis (m) man (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem)
ingenium, -ii (n) genius, intelligence (ingenuity)
maritus, -i (m) husband
mors, mortis (f) death
mos, moris (m) custom (mores; mos maiorum - custom of ancestors)
numen, numinis (n) divine power (numinous)
ordo, ordinis (m) rank, class, order (ordinal)
officium, -ii (n) duty (official, officious)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
opera, -ae (f) attention, effort
populus, -i (m) people (SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus)
praesidium, -ii (n) protection
ratio, rationis (f) reason(rational)
rus, ruris (n) countryside (rural)
quisquis, quid(c)quid (indefinite pronoun) whoever, whatever
carus, a, um - dear + dative
fatalis, fatale - fated
memor, memoris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
maior, maius (comp. adj.) great, bigger; older (major)
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
plenus, a, um - full of + genitive case
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
pudicus, a, um - chaste, virtuous (of a female)
prudens, prudentis - wise, clever
atque (coordinating conj.) and
deinde - then, next
ergo - therefore
igitur - therefore
magis (comp. adv.) more, rather
minus (adv. comparative) - less
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
quotiens (adv.) as often as
quasi (conj.) as if
rus (acc.) to the countryside
ruri (locative) in the countryside
rure (ablative) from the countryside
secundum (prep. + acc.) next to; in accordance with; following
sine (prep. + abl.) without
ultimo (adv.) finally
List One for Matrona Ephesī
Be able to decline idem lumen or quoddam pectus as part of this quiz.
assideo, assidere, assedi + dative - to sit next to (assiduous)
coepi, coepisse, coeptus (defective verb - lack present system) to begin + complementary inf.
commodo (1) to give, bestow, lend, furnish
afflicto (1) to distress, afflict, trouble (affliction, afflicted)
custodio, custodire (4) to guard (custody, custodian)
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus - to cease, fail, expire (deficient)
evoco (1) to summon, call out (evoke)
fundo, fundere fūdi, fusus - to pour out (effusive)
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctum - to mourn, lament
potior, potiri, potitus sum - to gain possession of + gen. or abl.
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus - to hand over (tradition)
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to pul, to drag (attractive)
ancilla, -ae (f) female attendant, female servant (ancillary)
defunctus, -i (m) dead man, defunct
crinis, crinis, -ium(m) hair crinoline
inedia, -ae (f) fasting, not eating
lumen, luminis (n) light; eye
magistratus, -ūs (m) magistrates
matrona, -ae (f) matron (married woman) (matronly)
mos, moris (m) custom, habit mores (mos maiorum = custom of ancestors, mores = customs)
nox, noctis (noctium) f. night
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast pectoral
propinquus, -i (m) relative (propinquity)
pudicitia, -ae (f) modesty, purity, feminine virtue
aeger, aegra, aegrum - sick, weak, wounded
fidus, a, um - faithful, loyal + dative
idem, eadam, idem - the same
notus, a, um - known, well-known, remarkable, notorious
ops, ops (f) wealth, power, influence
opera, -ae (f) effort, attention
opus, operis (n) work, task, labour (magnum opus, opera)
quidam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adj.) - a certain, some
saucius, a, um - wounded
talis, tale (adj.) such
tantus, a, um - so great
vicinus, a, um - neighboring + dative (vicinity)
vulgaris, -e - common, ordinary (vulgar, Vulgar Latin)
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pron.) - anyone, anything (drops "ali" after si, nisi, and ne)
cum…tum (correlative conjunctions) both…and
ergo - therefore
igitur - therefore, and so
quotiens (adv.) as often as
semel (adv.) once and for all
simul (adv.) at the same time
tamen - nevertheless, however
ultimō - finally
Latin Vocabulary for Indirect Commands & Indirect Questions
cogō, cogere, coēgī, coactus - to compel + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
rogō, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - to ask (interrogate, abrogate, prerogative)
persuadeō, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + ut + subjunctive
potior, potiri, potitus sum (+GEN. or ABL.) -to gain possession of
iubeō, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctive
imperō, imperāre, imperavī, imperātus - to command, to order + dative + ut + subjunctive (imperative, imperium, imperator)
hortor, hortārī, hortatus sum - to urge (hortatory)
exhortor, exhortārī, exhortatus sum - to exhort
orō, orāre - to beg (orant, oration)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise petō a(b) + ut/ne + subjunctive mood (admonition)
quaerō, quaerere + a(b) + ut/ne + subjunctive mood
Impersonal Constructions with noun clauses:
accidit - it happens + ut + subjunctive
oportet, oportēre, oportui - it is necessary + acc. + inf. or ut + subjunctiv
utor, utī, usus sum (+ABL.) to use, to employ
peritus, a, um + genitive = skilled at
imperitus, a, um - unskilled
cupidus, a, um + gen. desirous of
causā + preceding genitive = for the sake of
gratiā + preceding genitive = for the sake of
Interrogative Animals
cūr? why
quāre - why?
quot? How many (number)
quantus, a, um - how great? what size? (magnitude)
qualis, quale (adj.) what sort?
quando? when? (time)
quis? quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what?
quī, quae, quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
quō? - to what place? where?
quam? How?
quam ob rem? = on account of what matter? why?
quō modo? = in what way
ubi? Where? or When?
unde? from where?
uter, utra, utrum? (-ius paradigm) which (of two)?
utrum…an = whether… or
-ne (enclitic) - signal a neutral questions
nōnne - signals a question expected a positive response
num - signals a question expected a negative response
num (introducing an indirect question) = whether
Other Things
ne…quidem = not even Ne Reona quidem id bene fecit = “not even Reona did it well”.
undique (adv.) from all sides
tam (adv.) so
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, tale (adj.) such
tot (indecl. adj.) so many
sīc (adv.) in such a way
ita (adv.) in such a way
adeo (adv) to such an extent
List for Battle of Alia & Gauls Sack Rome
ut (subordinating conj.) + indicative mood = as, when
ut (subordinating conj.) + subjunctive mood = in order that (purpose); that (noun clause)
coepī, coepisee, coeptus - to begin (defective verb - only has perfect system)
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognotus - to learn
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum - to try + infinitive
constituo, constituere - to establish
credo, credere, credidi, creditus - to believe, to trust (+ dative or acc. + infinitive)
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus - to defend
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join
minor, minārī - to threaten (menace)
nuntio, nuntiare - to announce
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus - to drive off
peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek
populor, populārī - to ravage
recuso (1) to refuse
redeo, redīre - to return (re + eo)
reor, reri, ratus sum - to think, to reckon
sto, stare, steti - to stand
timeō, timēre - to fear
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus - to raise
tueor, tueri, tutus sum - to protect, to watch over
vagor, vagārī - to wander
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
arx, arcis (f) citadel
acies, acieī (f) battle line
adventus, -ūs (m) arrival
agmen, agminis (n) marching line
clamor, clamoris (m) shout
cornū, -ūs (n) horn, wing or flank (of an army)
copiae, -ārum (f. pl.) troops
exercitus, -ūs (m) army
fuga, fugae (f) flight
insidiae, -arum (f. pl) plot, ambush
iter, itineris (n) journey (facere iter = to march)
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) youth
lēgātus, -ī (m) general, ambassador
magistrātus, -ūs (m) magistrate
passus, -ūs (m) step
senex, senis (m) old man
certus, a, um - sure, certain, reliable
ferox, ferocis (adj.) wild, ferocious
īrātus, a, um - angry
integer, integra, integrum - untouched, intact, unharmed
parvus, a, um - small
trepidus, a, um - restless, agitated, alarmed
vagus, a, um - roving, wandering
aegrē (adv.) sickly, weakly
aliquamdiu - for sometime
apud (prep. + acc. ) - among, with; near
autem (postpositive) however, moreover
extrā (prep. + acc.) outside of
ne…quidem = not even (surrounds what it emphasizes)
interim (adv.) meanwhile
num - introduces a question, expects answer no num mē interficies = Surely you will not kill me?
obviam (adv.) to meet + dative
quidem (postpositive) indeed, infact
quamquam (subordinating conj.) although
trans (prep. + acc.) across
undique (adv.) from all sides
ut (subordinating conj.) + indicative mood = as, when
ut (subordinating conj.) + subjunctive mood = in order that (purpose); that (noun clause)
vix (adv.) hardly, scarcely
List for Plebs Go on Strike
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus - to receive, to take (ad + capio) (accept)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to spend, to pass
appareō, apparēre, apparuī, apparitus - to appear + acc. & infinitive (appearance, apparition)
alō, alere, aluī - to nourish
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus - to lose (ab + mitto)
conficiō, conficere, confēci, confectus - to complete, to finish off
coniūrō (1) to conspire, to swear together + ut…+ subjunctive mood
dēpōnō, dēpōnere, dēposuī, dēpositus - to put down, to give up (de + pono)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to endure, to bear
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to become to happen (copulative verb)
imperō (1) to order, to command + dative case (imperative, imperator, emperor, imperial)
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus - to set on fire
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose; to read
liceō, licēre, licuī - it is permitted (impersonal verb + dative + infinitive)
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die (looks passive, translates actively) dulce et decorum pro patriā morī = it is sweet and honourable to die for the fatherland)
nuntiō (1) to announce (+ acc. subject + inf.)
opprimo, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus - to overwhelm, to oppress (ob + primo)
oppugno (1) to attack (ob + pugno)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (orient, oriental) (looks passive, translates actively)
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impersonal verb) it is necessary
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus - to show (ostentatious)
placet, placēre, placuit (impersonal verb) it is pleasing, it is agreed
polliceor, pollicērī, pollicitus sum - to promise (looks passive, translates actively)
postulō (1) to demand (postulate)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
reddō, reddere, redidī, redditus - to give back (re + do)
sēcēdo, sēcēdere sēcessi, sēcessus - to go away, depart, retire (secede, secession)
vāstō (1) to destroy, devastate
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (invincible, sol invictus)
aes, aeris (n) bronze
aes alienum = debt
auxilium, -iī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
cibus, cibī (m) food
cīvis, cīvis (m) citizen (i-stem) (sum civis Romanus)
condiciō, condiciōnis (f) condition, term
cūra, cūrae (f) care, worry, anxiety (sinecure)
dens, dentis (m) teeth (-i stem noun)
discordia, -ae (f) conflict, discord ( dis + cor, cordis)
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord (dominus et deus)
fīnis, fīnis (m/f) end (finite)
hostis, hostis (m) enemy
imperium, imperiī (n) legal power, authority
inimīcitia, -ae (f) hostility (in + amicitia)
īra, īrae (f) angry, wrath
labor, labōris (m) labour, struggle
lībertās, lībertātis (f) liberty
membrum, membrī (n) limbs, membres
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
mīlia (n. pl) thousands (mile, milia meter
multitūdō, multitūdinis (f) mass, large number
modus, modī (m) way, method (modus vivendi, modus operandi)
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem noun)
nihil (indecl. noun) nothing (nihilism)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth (oral)
pars, partis (f) part, side, direction
pater, patris (m) father or senator
pāx, pācis (f) peace (Pax Romana, pax nobiscum)
passus, passūs (m) step tria milia passuum = three thousands of steps = 3 miles.
plebs, plebis (m) plebs (plebeian, plebiscite, plebe)
potestās, potestātis (f) power
Tribunus Plebis - Tribune of the Plebs - an elected magistrate who protects the interest of the plebs
tribūtum, -ī (n) tax, taxation, tribute
venter, ventris (m) stomach
vinculum, -ī (n) chain, bond
alius, alia, aliud - another; one…the other (-iusparadigm)
alienus, a, um - of other, other’s, foreign (alien)
cīvīlis, cīvīle - of citizens, civil
īrātus, a, um - angry
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam - a certain, some
quī? quae? quod? (interrogative adjective) what? which?
similis, simile - similar + dative case
tūtus, a, um - safe
contrā (prep + acc.) against (contradiction)
domī (locative case) at home
magis (comp. adv.) more
ōlim (adv.) formerly, once upon a time, in the past
paene (adv.) almost (peninsula, penult)
postea (adv.) afterwards
prō (prep. + abl. ) on behalf of
post (prep. + acc.) after
propter (prep. + acc. ) on account of (post hoc, ergo propter hoc)
priusquam = before
tum (adv.) then
Verba Nova Discenda!
abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus - to conceal
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolūtus - to free, to release
aedifico (1) to build
āmitto, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus - to lose
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus - to burn (ardent, arson)
armo (1) to arm
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātus- to remove, to steal, to take away
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus - to fall
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to kill
cēdo, cēdere, cessi, cessus - to yield, to go, to proceed (procede, procession)
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus - to close, to shut (claustrophobia)
coepī, coepisse, coeptus - to begin
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventus - to meet, to come together (convene, convent)
dēfīgō, defīgere, defīxī,defīxum - to pierce, to stab in a downward direct
dormiō (4) to sleep (dormitory, dormant)
ēmittō, ēmittere, ēmīsī, ēmissus - to send out, emit (emission)
evertō, evertere, everti, eversus, a, um – to overturn
excipio, excipere, excepi, exceptus - to receive, to take
exclūdō, exclūdere, exclusī, exclusus - to remove, exclude
expellō, expellere, expuli, expulsus - to drive out, expel (expel, expulsion)
exsequor, exsequī, exsecutus sum - pursue
expugnō (1) to assault, to subdue, to attack
fateor, fatērī, fessus sum - to confess
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to carry, to bear (refer, confer, collate, relate)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen
iaculor, iaculārī, iaculātus sum – to throw, to hurl (ejaculate)
incido, incidere, incidi - to fall upon, to happen (in + cado)
inclinō (1) to bend, to sway (inclined, inclination)
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus - to find, to come upon (invent, inventive, inventor)
iugulō (1) to strangle
iurō (1) to swear
lībĕro,lībĕrāre, lībĕrāvi, lībĕrātum - to free
manō, manāre - to drip, to be wet
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die
muniō, munīre, munīvī, munitus - to build, to fortify
navigō, navigāre, navigāvī, navigātus - to sail
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, to endure; to allow (patient, passive) + acc. + infinitive
peccō (1) to sin
quaerō, quaerere - to inquire, to ask
oborior, oborīrī, obortus sum - to rise up, to spring up
occīdo, occīdere, occīdi, occīsus - to kill (ob + caedo)
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus - to press against, to overwhelm
oppugnō (1) to attack
orō, orãre - to beg, plead (orant)
prolabor, prolabī, prolapsus sum - to fall forward
pugnō (1) to fight (pugnacious)
redeo, redire (re + eo, ire) - to go back, to return
ruo, ruere - to fall, to crash down upon
sequor, sequī, secutus sum - to follow
stringō, stringere, strinxī, strictus - to draw (strict)
stŭpeo, stŭpēre, stŭpui - to be amazed
taceō, tacēre, tacuī - to be quiet (intransitive verb) (tacit, taciturn)
versō (1) to turn over
tradō, tradere, tradidī, traditus - to hand over
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem + dative of reference
vīvo, vīvere, vīxī, vīctus - to live
adventus, adventūs (m) arrival
aequor, aequoris (n) sea
aes, aeris (n) bronze
aer, aeris (m) air
animus, -i (m) mind, heart, soul
altum, -i (n) deep, the sea
cena, -ae (f) dinner
civitās, civitātis (f) state, nation; city-state
comes, comitis (m) companion, comrade
classis, classis (f) fleet
coniunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife
conspectus, -us (m) sight
consultum, -i (n) advice, decree
consilium,-i (n) plan
conspectus, -ūs (m) sight
cor, cordis (n) heart
cruor, cruoris (f) blood, gore
cubiculum, -i (n) bedroom
cultrus, cultrī (m) knife, dagger
dedecus, dedecoris (n) shame, disgrace
exemplum, -i (n) example
exercitus, -ūs (m) army
facinus, facinoris (n) crime, bad deed
ferrum, -ī (n) iron; sword
fīdes, fideī (f) faith, trust, loyalty
fletus, -ūs (m) weeping
gens, gentis (f) race, tribe, clan, family
genus, generis (n) class, kind
hospĕs, hospĭtis (m) guest
indignitās, indignitātis (f) indignation, righteous angry
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
imperium, -ii (n) power, authority, rule
impetus, -ūs (m) attack
luctus, -ūs (m) mourning, weeping
mare, maris (n) sea
metus, -ūs (m) fear
minae, minārum (f. pl.) threats
mīrācŭlum, -i (n) amazing event, strange event
mors, mortis (f) death
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
nubes, nubis (m) clouds
nuntius, -i (m) messenger; message
ops, opis (f) help, power, aid
ordo, ordinis (m) order; rank
passus, --ūs (m) step, a foot (measurement)
pars, partis (f) direct, side, part, faction
pax, pacis (f) peace (pax vobiscum)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
pontus, ponti (m) sea
prex, precis (f) prayer, request
pudicitia, -ae (f) modesty, virtue, chastity
regnum, -i (n) royal power, kingship; kingdom
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood, lineage
soror, sororis (f) sister
sol, solis (m) son (solar)
somnus, -i (m) sleep (insomniac)
stirps, stirpis (f) stock, lineage
supplicium, -i (n) punishment
terra, -ae (f) land (terra firma)
tellus, tellūris (f) earth, land
testis, testis (m) witness
turbo, turbinis (m) whirl wind, storm
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
vestigium, -ii (n) footprint, traces
vestis, vestis (f) clothing, garment
ventus, ventī (m) wind
vox, vocis (f) voice
vultus, --ūs (m) face, expression, countenance
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp, harsh
acutus, a, um – sharp
alienus, a, um - foreign, strange
atrox, atrocis (1 termination adj.) outrageous
benignus, a, um - kind
brevis, breve - short, brief
celer, celeris, celere - swift, fast
chastus, a, um - chaste, morally pure
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh; unyielding
hospitalis, hospitale - of a guest
idem, eadem, idem - the same (-ius paradigm)
inscius, a, um - not-knowing, unaware
insons, insontis (ad.) innocent, guitless
ignarus, a, um - ignorant, unaware
laetus, a, um - happy
latus, a, um - wide
lentus, a, um - slow
longus, a, um - long
maestus, a, um - sad, grieving
maior, maius (comp. adj.) bigger, greater (major)
maximus, a, um - the greatest, the biggest
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
moribundus, a, um - dying (moribund)
mollis, molle (2 term. 3rd. adj.) soft (mollify)
nudus, a, um - naked
obstinatus, a, um - stubborn, obstinant
obtusus, a, um - dull
pavidus, a, um - trembling, frightened
pessimus, a, um - very bad, the worst (superlative form of malus, a, um)
prior, prius - earlier (priority)
salvus, a, um - safe, unhurt, preserved
septimus, a, um - seventh
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum - left
sordidus, a, um - dirty, wicked
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius paradigm)
tantus, a, um - so great, such a great
tardus, a, um - slow, late
trists, triste - sad
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) - whole, entire
tūtus, a, um - safe
ultimus, a, um - last, final
ūnus, a, um - one (-ius paradigm)
at, ast (adversative conjunction) but, and
deinde (adv.) then, next
circum (prep. + acc.) around
circa (adv.) around, about
enim (postpositive) for, indeed, in fact
hinc (adv.) from this place
forte (adv.) by chance
satis (adv.) enough
statim (adv.) immediately
ne…quidem - not even
prae (prep. + abl.) before, in front of
prope (prep. + acc.) near
prope (adv.) near
post (prep. + acc.) after
postquam (subordinating conj.) after
plus - more
tantum (adv.) only
tum (adv.) then, at that time
unde (adv.) from where, whence
ut + indicative mood = as, when
ut+ subjunctive + that, in order that
in perpetuum - forever
suā sponte - by his/her/its/their own accord
per diem - by day
Vocabulary List for Aeolus
cado, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (intransitive)
caedo, caedere cecīdī, caesus - to slaughter (transitive)
flammo (1) to inflame
furo, furere – to rage
pono, ponere, posui, positum – to place, to put
indignor, indignari, indignatus sum – to be angry
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum – to order
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum – wrestle, struggle metuo, metuere, metui - to fear (metus, ūs = fear)
mollio, mollire – to soften, sooth
mulceo, mulcere, mulsi, mulsum - soothe, charm navigo (1) to sail
porto (1) to carry
premo, premere, pressi, pressum – to press, control
scio (4) to know (+ complementary infinitive = “to know how to verb”) or (+ acc.subject and infinitive)
1) Ea scit interficere lepores = She knows (how) to kill rabbits.
2) Ea scit Reonam interficere lepores = She knows that Reona kills rabbits (indirect statement).
tempero (1) to temper, subdue
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus - to raise, lift; destroy
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to pull, to drag
utor, uti, usus sum (deponent verb) + ablative case – to use, employ, enjoy
voluto (1) – to turn over and over and over
animus, -i (m) spirit, courage; mind
antrum, -i (n) cave
arx, arcis (f) citadel
aura, -ae (f) air, breeze
caelum, -i (n) sky, heaven
carcer, carceris (m) prison, inclosure
claustrum, -i (n) blot, latch
cor, cordis (n) heart
conubium, -ii (n) marriage
homo, hominis (m) man
foedus, foederis (n) contract, treaty
imperium, -ii (n) power, dominion
locum, -i (n) place
meritum, -i (n) service, reward, favour
moles, molis (f) mass, weight. burden
mons, montis (m) mountain
nimbus, -i (m) cloud
nympha, -ae (f) nymph
patria, -ae (f) fatherland
Penates, -ium (m. pl.) household or family gods pontus, -i (m) sea
proles, prolis (f) offspring
tempestas, tempestatis (f) – storm
terra, ae (f) land
ventus, -i (m) wind
vinclum, -i (n) bond, chain
vox, vocis (f) voice
ater, atra, atrum – black
celsus, a, um – high, lofty
certus, a, um – sure, certain
laxus, a, um – set free, loosened
diversus, a, um - scattered
fetus, a, um – teeming, full of, pregnant with
omnipotens, omnipotentis (adj.) all powerful praestans, praestantis (adj.) outstanding
profundus, a, um – deep, high, vast
proprius, a, um - one’s own
rapidus, a, um – swirling around sonorous, a, um – roaring, howling
stabilis, -e - stable
talis, -e (adj.) such
bis (adv.) twice
circum (adverb or prep. + acc.) around hic (adv) in this place, here
Vocabulary List for Atalanta Et Hippomenes, Part II
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus - to plunk, to seize (carpe diem)
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus - to run
doceo, docere, docui, doctus (+ acc. of person and acc. of thing) - to teach (docent, doctrine, doctor)
dubito (1) to hesitate, doubt, waver
fero, ferre, tuli, latus - to bear, to bring (copulative verb)
fio, fieri, factus sum - to be become, to be made, to happen
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
iuvo. iuvare, iuvi - to help
peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek (petition)
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place (apposition, exponent, exposition)
posco, poscere, poposci - to demand
possum, posse, potui - to be able + complementary infintive
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus - to leave behind, to abandon
specto, spectare - to look at, to watch
sto, stare, steti, staturus - to stand (estar)
videor, videri, visus sum - to seem (often with dative of reference)
ara arae (f) altar
auctor, auctoris (m) agent, author, the doer
auxilium, auxilii (n) help, aid
cornu, cornūs (n) horn
fides, fidei (f) faith, trust, loyalty (fidelity, bonā fidē)
genu, genūs (n) knee
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) young man
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous)
manus, manūs (f) hand, band of men
meta, metae (f) turning post, goal of a race
metus, metūs (m) fear (Metus Gallicus)
prex, precis (m) prayer
pretium, -i (n) price, reward
pomum, pomi (n) apple fruit
spes, spei (f) hope
signum, signi (n) sign, signal; battle standard
tergum, tergi (n) back
usus, usūs (m) use, purpose
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp, keen
celer, celeris, celere - fast, swifty
defessus, a, um - tired
invitus, a, um - unwilling
iratus, a, um - angry
remoratus, a, um - delayed
sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred
secundus, a, um - second; favorable
tertius, a, um - third
ultimus, a, um - final, the last
facile (adv.) easily
forte (adv.) by change
iam (adv.) now, already
iterum (adv.) a second time, again
magnopere (adv.) greatly
magis (adv.) more
maxime (adv.) especially, the most
nunc (adv.) now
propter (prep. + acc.) on account
quia (subordinating conj.) because
Vocabulary List for Atalanta and Hippomenes, Part I
capio, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, capture (captive, caption, capture)
crescō, crescere, crēvī, crētus - to grow (crescendo)
culpō, culpāre, culpāvī, culpātus - to blame (culpable)
damnō (1) to condem (damnatio memoriae, damnation)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (diction, dictionary)
eō, īre, iī, itūrus - to go (irregular verb) (exit)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to carry, bear (coniferous, vociferous, legislature, confer, infer, refer, translation) irregular verb but really 3rd conjugation.
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, - to flee (centrifugal, refugee)
fugō, fugāre, fugāvī, fugātus - to put to flight
ignoscō, ignoscere, ignōvī, ignōtus - to forgive + DATIVE CASE
iuvō, iuvāre - to help
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus - to praise, to laud
mīrōr, mīrārī, mīrātus sum (only has passive forms, but active meaning) - to wonder, to marvel
moveō, moveō, mōvī, mōtus - to move (remote, motion, motive)
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (competition, petition)
optō, optāre, optāvī, optātus - to wish (opt, optional, optative)
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to surpass, to defeat
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scitus - to know (+ complementary inf. = to know how to verb)
sono (1) to sound (resonate)
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try, to attempt
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem (copulative verb)
vinco, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (vēnī, vīdī, vīcī)
vīvō, vīvere vīxi - to live (vivacious)
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life, youth
audacia, audiciae (f) boldness (audacity)
avus, avī (m) grandfather, ancestor
coniunx, coniugis (m. or f.) wife, spouse, husband (conjugal)
cornū, cornūs (n) horn; moon, bow (corn, unicorn, cornucopia)
culpa, culpae (f) fault (mea cupla)
cursus, cursūs (m) race, race course, course (cursus honōrum - course of political office)
currus, currūs (m) chariot
certamen, certaminis (n) contest
diēs, dieī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, quotidian)
fīnis, fīnis (m. or. f.) end, limit, boundary (Imperium sine fine, infinite, el fin)
homo, hominis (m) human begin, man (homo sapiens, homo erectus)
ignis, ignis, -ium (m) fire (i-stem noun) (ignition, igneous, ignite)
lēx, lēgis (f) law (legislature)
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal)
rēs, reī (f) thing, matter (in mediās rēs, Rēs Publica)
rūmor, rūmōris (m) rumor
orāculum, orāculī (n) oracle, response (oracular)
pes, pedis (m) foot (pedestrian, pedestal, pedal)
praemium, -ii (n) reward, price (premium)
turba, turbae (f) crowd, mob (disturbance)
virgo, virginis (f) maiden, virgin (Virgo, Vestales Virgines)
verbum, verbī (m) word (verbose, verbosity, verbal, verbiage
celer, celeris, celere - fast (celerity)
clārus, a, um - bright, clear, famous
dēterritus, a, um - deterred
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh (durable)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensive adj.) himself, herself, itself, themselves, very (ipsō factō, rēs ipsa loquitur)
iste, ista, istud - (demosntrative adj.) that of yours
memor, memoris (1 term. 3rd. decl. adj.) mindful + Genitive case
tardus, a, um - slow (tardy, retarded)
tantus, a, um - so great
quī, quae, quod - who, who, which
an - or
enim (postpositive) for, indeed, in fact
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
magis (adv.) more
nisi - unless, if…not, expect
nōndum (adv.) not yet
prius (adv.) earlier, before
quoque (adv.) and also
tam (adv.) so
tardē (adv.) slowly
tardius (adv.) more slowly
Atalanta and Hippomenes
List for Vocabulary Quiz on Servius Tullius
aedificō (1) to build
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to pass, to spend, to act
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus - to depart
dormiō, dormīre - to sleep
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead
excitō (1) to stir, to rouse
expellō, expellere, expulī, expulsus - to drive out
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to become; to happen
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
iubeo, iubēre, iussi, iussus - to order
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose, to read
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
pono, ponere, posuī, positus - to put, to place
spectō (1) to look at
veto, vetare, vetui - to provent, to prohibit
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (advent)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
volō, volāre, volāvī, volātus - to fly
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want
caput, capitis (n) head
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight
deus, deī (m) god
bellum, bellī (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
fossa, fossae (f) ditch
līber, līberī (m) child
locus, locī (m) place
mora, morae (f) delay (moratorium)
nomen, nominis (n) name
pax, pacis (f) peace
prudentia, -ae (f)
rēs, reī (f) matter, affair, situation, state
somnus, somnī (m) sleep; dream
templum, templī (n) sacred space
vīta, vītae (f) life
ferox, ferocis (adj. one termination) fierce wild
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp
īrātus, a, um - angry
ceterī, ceterae, cetera - the remaining, the rest, the other (etc. = et cetera
tantus, a, um - so great, such a great
parvus, a, um - small (opposite of magnus, a, um)
apud (prep. + acc.) with, among, in presence of
circum (prep. + acc. ) around
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
post (prep. + acc.) after
List for Vocabulary Quiz on Tarquinius Priscus
abeo, abire - to go away
adeo, adire - to approach
ago, agere, egi, actus - to lead, to do, to pass, to spend
amo, amare, amavi, amatus - to love (amatory, Amanda)
audio, audire, audivi, auditus - to hear
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus - to increase (augment, augmentation)
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus, a, um - to depart, to scatter
do, dare, dedi, datus - to give (data)
eo, ire, ii, iturus - to go
exeo, exire - to go out (exit)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to make, to do (hacer in spanish)
fio, fieri, factus sum - to be made, to become, to happen (copulative verb)
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order (+ accusative + infinitive)
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send (transmit, transmission)
possum, posse, potui - to be able + complementary infinitive
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus - to reign
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be (copulative verb)
venio, venire, veni, venturus, a, um - to come (advent; veni, vidi, vici)
video, videre, vidi, visus, a, um - to see (video, vision)
volo, volare, volavi, volatus - to fly (volatile)
volo, velle, volui - to wish, to want + complementary infinitive
animal, animalis (n) animal
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle (aquiline)
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capital)
civis, civis (m) citizen
civitas, civitatis (f) citizenship, citizen body, nation, state
dea, deae (f) goddess
deus, dei (m) god
impetus, impetūs (m) attack (impetuous)
locus, loci (m) place (locus
mare, maris (n) sea (marine, maritime; ab mari usque ad mare)
mors, mortis (f) death(postmortem)
patria, patriae (f) fatherland (dulce et decorum est pro patria mori)
populus, populi (m) people (vox populi, SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus)
prudentia, prudentiae (f) foresight, intelligence (prudence)
regnum, regni (n) kingdom, kingship
rex, regis (m) king
urbs, urbis (f) city (i-stem) (urban, urbane, suburban)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife (uxorius)
verbum, verbi (n) word
vir, viri (m) man, hero; husband (virile)
vita, vitae (vital signs, CV= curriculum vitae)
ego, mei, mihi, me, me - I, me
tu, tui, tibi, te, te - you
nos, nostri, nobis, nos, nobis - we, us
vos, vestri, vobis, vos, vobis - you (plural)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp, bitter
amicus, a, um - friendly (+ dative)
audax, audacis (1 termination 3rd. adj.) bold, audacious
brevis, brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
celer, celeris, celere - fast, swift
fortis, fortis, forte - brave, strong
ingens, ingentis (1 termination 3rd. adj.) huge
inimicus, a, um - hostile, unfriendly (+ dative)
iratus, a, um - angry
laetus, a, um - happy
novus, a, um - new, strange, novel
peregrinus, a, um - foreign, strange (peregrination, peregrine falcon)
repentinus, a, um - sudden
tristis, tristis, triste - sad
enim (postpostive particle) for, indeed, infact
diu (adv.) for a long time
dum (subordinating conj.) while + indicative mood
itaque (adv.) and so
mox (adv.) soon
numquam (adv.) never
olim (adv.) once, once upon at time, long ago
post (prep. + acc.) after
quō (adv.) where, to where
quod (subordinating conj.) because
super (prep. + acc.) above
semper (adv.) always (sic semper Tyrannis)
sine (prep. + ablative) without (sinecure)
umquam (ever)
Pliny the Younger on Vesuvius
Misenum, -i (n) Cape Misenum, where Rome’s fleet on the Tyrrhenian Sea was based
appareo, apparēre - to appear
cognosco, congnoscere, cognovi, cognitus - to recognize, to learn
conspicio, conspicere - to see
egredior, egredi, egressus sum (egress) to go out, to exit, to depart
expremo, expremere, expressi, repressum - to express
incoho (1) to begin
fero, ferre, tuli, latus - to bring, to bear
indico (1) to indicate, to point out (head verb)
nosco, noscere, novi, notum - to become familiar with, to inquire into, to investigate,
obeo, obire (ob + eo) - to complete, to perish (obituary)
orior, oriri, ortus sum - to rise (sol oriens)
oro, orare, oravi - to beg, pray, pled
rego, regere, rexi, rectus - rule, guide, direct
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus - to set free, to release (ablative absolute)
verto, vertere, veti, versus - to turn
animus, -i (m) courage, spirit, mind
arbor, arboris (f) tree
classis, -is (f) fleet (classification)
discrimen, discriminis (n) danger
hora, -ae (f) hour
fuga, -ae (f) flight
imperium, -ii (n) power
locum, -i (n) place
magnitudo, magnitudinis (f) great size
miraculum, -i (n) miraculous or unusual thing/event
motus, -ūs (m) movement
nubes, nubis (n) cloud
ora, -ae (f) shore, shoreline
pinus, -ūs (f) Italian Umbrella pine tree - See picture below
species, speciei (f) appearance
alius, alia, aliud (-ius paradigm) another
eruditus, a, um - learned (erudite)
exterritus, a, um - terrified
fortis, forte brave, strong
incertus, a, um - unclear, uncertain
fere (adv.) nearly, almost
forte (adv.) by chance (fors, fortis (f) chance)
postea (adv.) afterward
procul (adv.) at a distance
magis (adv.) more
non modo (adv.) not only
illuc (adv.) to that place
huc (adv. ) to this place
hīc (adv.) in this place
illic (adv.) in that place
hinc (adv.) from this place
illinc (adv.) from that place
Hannibal, pages 101 and 103
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissum - to lose
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus - to increase, enlarge
confido, confidere, confisus (semi-deponent, like audeo, soleo, gaudeo) - to be confident + dative
committo, comittere, commisi, commissum - to undertake
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectum - to catch sight of, watch
constituo, -ere - to decide
credo, credere, credidi, credtium + DATIVE - to believe, trust (is also a Head Verb)
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessum - to go away, to depart
finio (4) to limit, to restrain, determine
iaceo, iacere, iacui - to lie, to be lying down
incito (1) to urge, spur, inspire
indignor, indignari, indignatus sum - to be offended; to be unworthy
iuro (1) to swear (head verb)
nascor, nasci, natus sum - to be born (natal)
operio, operire, operui, opertum -to cover
praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectus - to put ACC. in charge of DATIVE
parco, parcere, peperci - to spare + DATIVE
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum - to supply, provide
restituo, restituere, restitui- to restore
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditum - to give back, return
studeo, studere, studui - to support + DATIVE
auctoritas, auctoritatis (f) authority, prestige
audacia, -ae (f) boldness, audacity
consilium, -ii (n) plan, council, strategic thinking
fides, fidei (f) trust, good faith, loyalty (bonā fidē)
ingenium, -ii (n) genius, intelligence
ops, opis (f) wealth, influence; in plural = resources, power
opera, -ae (f) effort, attention
opus, operis (n) work, labour (magnum opus)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
obsidio, obsidionis (f) sie
peritus, a, um + genitive case = skilled in
quies, quietis (f) rest, quite
socius, -i (m) ally
spes, spei (f) hope
vultus, -us (m) face, expression, countenance
aptus, a, um - suitable, appropriate
carus, a, um + dative - dear to
similis, -e + dative - similar to
par, paris + dative + equal to
tantus, a, um - so great
talis, -e such
atque = and
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
adversus (prep. + acc.) against
tam (adv) so
tot (indecl.) so many
sic (adv.) thus, in such a way
numquam (adv.) never
unquam (adv.) ever
Final List for Matron of Ephesus
Be able to decline id melius opus or illud maius officium
affigo, affigere, affixi, affixus - fasten upon, attach to (affix)
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum - to acknowledge (head verb) (confession)
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus - to catch sight of (conspicuous)
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractus - to pull/take down (detractor)
fruor, fruī, fructus sum - to enjoy + ABLATIVE CASE (fructose)
iaceo, iacere, iacui - to lie (adjacent)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
impero (1) to command + dative + jussive noun clause (imperative)
impendo, impendere - to hang on, to weight, place on the scales (impending)
malo, malle, malui- to prefer + comp. infinitive
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus - to commit, consign, to order (mandate)
miror, mirārī, miratus sum - to wonder (at), be amazed (miracle)
morior, mori, mortuus sum - to die (mortal)
obliviscor, obliviscī, oblitus sum - to forget + genitive case. (oblivion, oblivious)
occīdo, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus - to cut down, to kill
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow + acc. + infinitive (patient, passive)
persuadeo, persuadēre, persuasī - to persuade + dative + jussive noun clause
pereo, perire, perīre, periī, peritūrus, a, um (per + eo, ire) - to perish
peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek (appetite)
reor, reri, ratus sum - to think (head verb)
sino, sinere - to allow + acc. + inf.
specto (1) to look upon, see, to watch
tollo, tollere, subtuli, sublatus - to raise, lift
vaco (1) to be empty (vacant)
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear
auxilium, -ii (n) help (auxiliary)
funus, funeris (n) funeral; death
gemitus, -ūs (m) groan, sigh
homo, hominis (m) man (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem)
ingenium, -ii (n) genius, intelligence (ingenuity)
maritus, -i (m) husband
mors, mortis (f) death
mos, moris (m) custom (mores; mos maiorum - custom of ancestors)
numen, numinis (n) divine power (numinous)
ordo, ordinis (m) rank, class, order (ordinal)
officium, -ii (n) duty (official, officious)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
opera, -ae (f) attention, effort
populus, -i (m) people (SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus)
praesidium, -ii (n) protection
ratio, rationis (f) reason(rational)
rus, ruris (n) countryside (rural)
quisquis, quid(c)quid (indefinite pronoun) whoever, whatever
carus, a, um - dear + dative
fatalis, fatale - fated
memor, memoris (adj.) mindful + genitive case
maior, maius (comp. adj.) great, bigger; older (major)
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
plenus, a, um - full of + genitive case
posterus, a, um - next, following (posterity)
pudicus, a, um - chaste, virtuous (of a female)
prudens, prudentis - wise, clever
atque (coordinating conj.) and
deinde - then, next
ergo - therefore
igitur - therefore
magis (comp. adv.) more, rather
minus (adv. comparative) - less
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
quotiens (adv.) as often as
quasi (conj.) as if
rus (acc.) to the countryside
ruri (locative) in the countryside
rure (ablative) from the countryside
secundum (prep. + acc.) next to; in accordance with; following
sine (prep. + abl.) without
ultimo (adv.) finally
List One for Matrona Ephesī
Be able to decline idem lumen or quoddam pectus as part of this quiz.
assideo, assidere, assedi + dative - to sit next to (assiduous)
coepi, coepisse, coeptus (defective verb - lack present system) to begin + complementary inf.
commodo (1) to give, bestow, lend, furnish
afflicto (1) to distress, afflict, trouble (affliction, afflicted)
custodio, custodire (4) to guard (custody, custodian)
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus - to cease, fail, expire (deficient)
evoco (1) to summon, call out(evoke)
fundo, fundere fūdi, fusus - to pour out (effusive)
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctum - to mourn, lament
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to pul, to drag (attractive)
ancilla, -ae (f) female attendant, female servant (ancillary)
defunctus, -i (m) dead man, defunct
crinis, crinis, -ium(m) hair crinoline
inedia, -ae (f) fasting, not eating
lumen, luminis (n) light; eye
magistratus, -ūs (m) magistrates
matrona, -ae (f) matron (married woman) (matronly)
mos, moris (m) custom, habit mores (mos maiorum = custom of ancestors, mores = customs)
nox, noctis (noctium) f. night
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast pectoral
propinquus, -i (m) relative (propinquity)
pudicitia, -ae (f) modesty, purity, feminine virtue
aeger, aegra, aegrum - sick, weak, wounded
fidus, a, um - faithful, loyal + dative
notus, a, um - known, well-known, remarkable, notorious
quidam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adj.) - a certain, some
saucius, a, um - wounded
talis, tale (adj.) such
vicinus, a, um - neighboring + dative (vicinity)
vulgaris, -e - common, ordinary (vulgar, Vulgar Latin)
aliquis, aliquid (indefinite pron.) - anyone, anything (drops "ali" after si, nisi, and ne)
cum…tum (correlative conjunctions) both…and
ergo - therefore
igitur - therefore, and so
quotiens (adv.) as often as
semel (adv.) once and for all
simul (adv.) at the same time
tamen - nevertheless, however
ultimō - finally
Vocabulary List for Quiz on Thursday, April 7
adgredior, adgredī, aggressus sum - to attack, to advance
denuntio, denuntiare, denuntiavi - to announce, to declare (denounce)
dimico (1) - to flash forth, to fight
credo, credere, credidi, creditus - to trust, believe + dative case or indirect statement
congrego (1) - to gather together (same root as egregious)
finio (4) to finish, complete
impero (1) to command + dative case
licet, licere, licuit (impersonal verb + dative + infinitive) it is permitted
mando (1) to demand, to order, to entrust
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, allow, endure
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus - to carry, convey
ars, artis (f) art, skill (-ium in gen. pl)
collega, -ae (m) - colleague
copia, -ae (f) abundance, supply; in the plural = forces, troops
cornū, cornūs (n) horn, wing of army
eques, equitis (m) knight
manus, manus (m) band (of men); hand
fames, famis (f) hunger (famine)
fama, -ae (f) story, rumor, reputation
iussum, i (n) an order
opus, operis (n) task, labor, work (of literature)
opera, -ae (f) effort, attention
poena, ae (f) punishment (sub poena)
praeda, -ae (f) booty (not our concept), plunder, spoils of war
umerus, -i (m) shoulder
aliquot (indeclinable adjective like tot, quot) = some
amicus, a, um - friendly, allied + dative case (opposite of inimicus, a, um = hostile)
durus, a, um - hard, harsh
inimicus, a, um - hostile + dative case
grandis, -e - large, abundant
quot? (indeclinable interrogative adj.) how may?
talis, -e- such
tantus, a, um - so great, so large
tot (indeclinable interrogative adj.) so many
ultimus, a, um - final, last, extreme
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
deinde - then, next
intra + acc. - within
ita (adv.) in such a way
postea (subordinating conjunctive + indicative mood) after
tam (adv.) so
tantum (adv.) only
umquam (adv.) ever
si (subordinating conjunction) if
nisi (subordinating conjunction) if…not, unless, expect
ut + indicative = as, when
ut + subjunctive = in order that (purpose); that (result); that (indirect command)
Vocabulary for Catullus VIII and Result Clauses
adeo, adire, adii, aditus (ad + eo) to go to, to approach
doleo, dolere - to suffer pain (dolor)
fio, fieri, factus sum - to happen, to become, to be made
fugio, fugere, fūgī - to flee
fulgeo, fuglēre, fulsī - to shine, gleam, glitter (fulgent)
maneo, manere, mansi, mansus - to remain
mordeo, mordere, momordi, morsus - to bit (mordant, morsel)
obduro (1) to be/become hard (obdurate)
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - to ask (interrogative, interrogate, abrogate)
perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus - to destroy
pereo, perire, perii, periturus (per + eo) to perish
perfero, perferre, pertuli, perlatus(per +fero) - to endure
bellus, a, um - beautiful, charming
mens, mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
sol, solis (m) sun (solar)
vita, -ae (f) life (vital signs, CV = curriculum vitae)
invitus, a, um - unwilling
iocōsus, a, um - playful
miser, misera, miserum - wretch suffering in love
nullus, a, um - no (-ius paradigm)
scelestus, a, um - wicked, evil
solus, a, um (-ius paradigm) alone, only
talis, tale (adj.) such
tantus, a, um - so great
tot (indeclinable adj.) so many
at (adversative conj.)
adeo (adv.) to such an extent
ibi (adv.) there, in that place
iam (adv.) now, already
ita (adv.) in such a way, thus
non iam (adv.) no longer
nec (neg. conjunction) and…not; nor
nec…nec = neither … nor
quantus, a, um? - how much, how large?
quondam (adv.) once, formerly
sic (adv.) in such a way, thus (Sīc Semper Tyrannīs)
tam (adv.) so
quis, quid? (interrogative pronoun) who? what? whose? whom?
qui? quae? quod? (interrogative adj.) which? what?
quō (adv.) to which place; where
Vocabulary List for Catullus 5 and 7 Derivates
basio, basiare, basiavi, basiatus - to kiss (spanish besar)
conturbo (1) to throw into confusion, mix up
dormio (4) to sleep dormant
fascino (1) to curse, bewitch
iaceo, iacere, iacui - to lie adjacent
invideo, invidēre, invīdī, invīsus - to envy
occido, occidere, occidi, occasurus - to fall, set, perish occidental, occident
quaero, quaerere - to inquire, seek, ask
redeo, redīre, rediī, reditus (re + eo) - to return, come back
sciō, scīre, scivī, scitus - to know omniscient, science
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum - to be silent tacit
vivo, vivere, vixi, victurus - to live vivacious
amor, amoris (m) love amorous,
basium, -ii (n) kiss (spanish beso)
homo, hominis (m) man homo sapiens
harena, -ae (f) sand arena, arenaceous
lux, lucis (f) light Lucifer, fiat lux
nox, noctis (f) night nocturnal
rumor, rumoris (m) gossip, rumor rumormongering
sidus, sideris (n) star sidereal
sol, solis (m) sun solar
satis (indeclinable) - enough satiate
tantum, -i (n) such a quantity
aestuosus, a, um - full of hear, boiling
curiosus, a, um - careful, meddlesome curious
furtivus, a, um - stolen, hidden, secret furtive
brevis, -e - short, brief brevity
malus, a, um - bad, evil
quot? (indeclinable) how many? quotation
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, continuous perpetual
sacer, sacra, sacrum (+ dative) - sacred sacred
severus, a, um - strick, stern severe
vetus, veteris - old veteran
alter, altera, alterum - another, the other alternative
aliquis, aliquid (indefinte pronoun) some one, anyone or thing.
aut (conj.) or; aut...aut = either... or
cur (interrogative adv.) why?
deinde/dein (adv.) then, next
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among intercity
semel (adv.) once, once and for all
super (adv.) over and above, more than enough
tam...quam (correlatives) as many as
usque (adv.) continuously, without interruption ab mari usque ad mare (Latin phrase on Canadian passports)
List for Ilioupersis, Part I
amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum - to embrace (amplexus)
compleo, complēre - to fill (complementary)
conor, conārī, conātus sum - to try
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
ferio, ferīre - to strike, to hit
fero, ferre, tuli, latus, a, um - to bear, carry, endure (odiferous, suffer, relate, translate)
figo, figere, fixī, fixus - to fashion, fix, attach (fix, fiction)
fio, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen (fiat lux)
insto, instāre, institi (compound of in = sto) to press, to press against, attack; be at hand (instant)
loquor, loquī, locutus sum - to speak
misceo, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix (mix)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (orient, oriental)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow
procumbo, procumbere, procubui - to fall foward (procumbent)
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptus - to break, to burst (rupture)
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to drag, to pull (tractor beam, attraction)
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum - to protect; to watch over
ululo (1) to wail
utor, utī, usus sum - to use, to employ + ablative case
aedes, aedis (f) building; temple (edifice)
agger, aggeris (m) heap, mound
caedes, caedis (f) bloody gore, slaughter
cardo, cardinis (f) hinge, pivot (cardinal)
gemitus, gemitūs (m) groan
gurges, gurgitis (m) whirlpool
limen, liminis (n) threshold (liminal)
moles, molis (f) mass, burden (mole)
nata, -ae (f) daughter (from nascor)
natus, -i (m) son
nepos, nepotis (m) grandson, decedent (nepotism)
osculum, i (n) kiss (osculate)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, boarder
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
sidus, sideris (n) star
telum, -i (n) spear; weapon
tumultus, tumultūs (m) uproar (tumult)
vis, vis (f) force, violence
aureus, a, um - golden
creber, crebra, crebrum - frequent, crowned
patrius, a, um - of a father, fatherly, father’s
pavidus, a, um - fearful, trembling
vetus, veteris (adj. one term. 3rd) old (veteran)
cur? (interrogative adv.) why?
quid? - what? why?
quot? how many?
Quis? Quid? who? what?
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
iuxta (adv) near by, close
magis (com. adv.) more, rather
maximē (adv.) very greatly, especially
nequiquam (adv.) in vain
protinus (adv.)
quā (relative adverb) where
Common Deponent Verbs for Quiz on Friday.
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum to think, to judge arbitrate
conor, conari, conatus sum to try conation
for, fari, fatus sum to speak Forum Romanum
iaculor, iaculari, iaculatus sum to throw ejaculate
amplector, -ari, amplexus sum to embrace amplexus
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum to urge exhortation, exhort
comitor, comitari, comitatus sum to accompany
moror, morari, moratus sum to delay moratorium
miror, mirari, miratus sum wonder at, admire miraculous
conspicor, conspicari, conspectus sum to catch sight of
vereor, vereri, veritus sum to fear, be afraid
fateor, fateri, fassus sum to confess, acknowledge confess
tueor, tueri, tutus sum to look at, to watch over tutor
reor, reri, ratus sum to think, to reckon ratio
sequor, sequi, secutus sum to follow sequence
labor, labi, lapsus sum to glide, to slip lapse
loquor, loqui, locutus sum to speak loquacious
nitor, niti, nisus sum to strive, rely on
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum to set out, to depart
utor, uti, usus sum + ablative to use use
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum to avenge Mars Ultor
nascor, nasci, natus sum to be born natal
queror, queri, questus sum to complain
gradior, gradi, gressus sum to step, to walk
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum to go to, to attack aggressive
egredior, egredi, egressus sum to go out; disembark egress
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum to enter, to step into ingress
patior, pati, passus sum to suffer, endure, to allow patience, patient, passive
morior, morī, mortuus sum to die mortuary
orior, oriri, ortus sum to rise orient
ordior, ordiri, orsus sum to begin (to speak)
experior, experiri, expertus sum to test, try experiment
potior, potiri, potitus sum +ablative to get possession of
Death of Priam - Vocabulary List One
amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum - to embrace (amplexus)
compleo, complēre - to fill (complementary)
conor, conārī, conātus sum - to try
deficio, deficere, defeci, defectus (compound verb: de +facio) fail, be lacking (defective)
ferio, ferīre - to strike, to hit
fero, ferre, tuli, latus, a, um - to bear, carry, endure (odiferous, suffer, relate, translate)
figo, figere, fixī, fictus - to fashion, fix, attach (fix, fiction)
fio, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen (fiat lux)
insto, instāre, institi (compound of in = sto) to press, to press against, attack; be at hand (instant)
loquor, loquī, locutus sum - to speak
misceo, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix (mix)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (orient, oriental)
patior, patī, passus sum - to suffer, endure; allow
procumbo, procumbere, procubui - to fall foward (procumbent)
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptus - to break, to burst (rupture)
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus - to drag, to pull (tractor beam, attraction)
tueor, tuērī, tutus sum - to protect; to watch over
ululo (1) to wail
utor, utī, usus sum - to use, to employ + ablative case
aedes, aedis (f) building; temple (edifice)
agger, aggeris (m) heap, mound
caedes, caedis (f) bloody gore, slaughter
cardo, cardinis (f) hinge, pivot (cardinal)
gemitus, gemitūs (m) groan
gurges, gurgitis (m) whirlpool
limen, liminis (n) threshold (liminal)
moles, molis (f) mass, burden (mole)
nata, -ae (f) daughter (from nascor)
natus, -i (m) son
nepos, nepotis (m) grandson, decedent (nepotism)
osculum, i (n) kiss (osculate)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, boarder
sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
sidus, sideris (n) star
telum, -i (n) spear; weapon
tumultus, tumultūs (m) uproar (tumult)
vis, vis (f) force, violence
aureus, a, um - golden
creber, crebra, crebrum - frequent, crowned
patrius, a, um - of a father, fatherly, father’s
pavidus, a, um - fearful, trembling
vetus, veteris (adj. one term. 3rd) old (veteran)
cur? (interrogative adv.) why?
quid? - what? why?
quot? how many?
Quis? Quid? who? what?
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
iuxta (adv) near by, close
magis (com. adv.) more, rather
maximē (adv.) very greatly, especially
nequiquam (adv.) in vain
protinus (adv.)
quā (relative adverb) where
List of The Story of Lucretia
aedifico (1) to build
āmitto, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus - to lose
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus - to burn (ardent, arson)
armo (1) to arm
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus - to fall
cēdo, cēdere, cessi, cessus - to yield, to go, to proceed
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus - to close, to shut (claustrophobia)
dormio (4) to sleep
ēmitto, ēmittere, ēmīsī, ēmissus - to send out, emit
exclūdo, exclūdere, exclusī, exclusus - to remove, exclude
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus - to drive out, expel
iugulo (1) to strangle
pugno (1) to fight
occīdo, occīdere, occīdi, occīsus - to kill (ob + caedo)
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus - to press against, to overwhelm
oppugnō (1) to attack
taceo, tacēre, tacuī - to be quiet
vinco, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seen
adventus, adventūs (m) arrival
cena, -ae (f) dinner
civitās, civitātis (f) state, nation; city-state
comes, comitis (m) companion, comrade
consultum, -i (n) advice, decree
consilium,-i (n) plan
conspectus, -ūs (m) sight
cor, cordis (n) heart
cubiculum, -i (n) bedroom
exercitus, -ūs (m) army
facinus, facinoris (n) crime, bad deed
ferrum, -ī (n) iron
fīdes, fideī (f) faith, trust, loyalty
fletus, -ūs (m) weeping
gens, gentis (f) race, tribe, clan, family
imperium, -ii (n) power, authority, rule
impetus, -ūs (m) attack
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
nuntius, -i (m) messenger; message
ordo, ordinis (m) order; rank
passus, --ūs (m) step, a foot (measurement)
pax, pacis (f) peace
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast
pudicitia, -ae (f) modesty, virtue, chastity
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
vultus, --ūs (m) face, expression, countenance
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
alienus, a, um - foreign, strange
atrox, atrocis (1 termination adj.) outrageous
inscius, a, um - not-knowing, unaware
ignarus, a, um - ignorant, unaware
maestus, a, um - sad, grieving
maior, maius (comp. adj.) bigger, greater (major)
maximus, a, um - the greatest, the biggest
melior, melius (comp. adj.) better (ameliorate)
moribundus, a, um - dying
pessimus, a, um - very bad, the worst (superlative form of malus, a, um)
prior, prius - earlier
septimus, a, um
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum - left
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) - whole, entire
tutus, a, um - safe
ultimus, a, um - last, final
at, ast (adversative conjunction) but, and
tamen - however
circum (prep. + acc.) around
circa (adv.) around, about
hinc (adv.) from this place
satis (adv.) enough
statim (adv.) immediately
postquam (subordinating conj.) after
plus - more
in perpetuum - forever
suā sponte - by his/her/its/their own accord
per diem - by day
List for Iuno & Aeolus
flammo (1) to inflame
impono, imponere, imposui, impositum – to place on
incuto, incutere - to strike
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus - to join
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum – to order
metuo, metuere, metui - to fear (metus, ūs = fear)
mollio, mollire – to soften, sooth
navigo (1) to sail
porto (1) to carry
premo, premere, pressi, pressum – to press, control
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus - to raise, lift; destroy
utor, uti, usus sum (deponent verb) + ablative case – to use, employ, enjoy
voluto (1) – to turn over and over and over (revolution)
animus, -i (m) spirit, courage; mind
antrum, -i (n) cave
arx, arcis (f) citadel
aura, -ae (f) air, breeze
caelum, -i (n) sky, heaven
carcer, carceris (m) prison, inclosure
claustrum, -i (n) blot, latch
cor, cordis (n) heart
foedus, foederis (n) contract, treaty
imperium, -ii (n) power, dominion
locum, -i (n) place
meritum, -i (n) service, reward, favour
moles, molis (f) mass, weight. burden
mons, montis (m) mountain
nimbus, -i (m) cloud
nympha, -ae (f) nymph
Penates, -ium (m. pl.) household or family gods
pontus, -i (m) sea
tempestas, tempestatis (f) – storm
terra, ae (f) land
ventus, -i (m) wind
vox, vocis (f) voice
ater, atra, atrum – black, dark
celsus, a, um – high, lofty
certus, a, um – sure, certain
laxus, a, um – set free, loosened
fetus, a, um – teeming, full of, pregnant with
omnipotens, omnipotentis (adj.) all powerful
praestans, praestantis (adj.) outstanding
profundus, a, um –deep, high, vast
proprius, a, um - one’s own
talis, -e (adj.) such
bis (adv.) twice
circum (adverb or prep. + acc.) around
hic (adv) in this place, here
Learn vocabulary for quiz on Thursday, December 3.
tellus, telluris (f) land, earth
conspectus, -us (m) sight
aes, aeris (n) bronze
ruo, ruere - to fall, to crash down upon
averto, avertere - turn away (avert)
classis, classis (f) fleet
exuro, exurere, exussi, exustus – to burn (up)
pontus, i (m) sea
ob (prep. + Acc.) on account of, because of
noxa, ae (f) crime
furia, ae (f) madness, rage
iaculor, iaculari, iaculatus sum – to throw, to hurl
nubes, nubis (m) clouds
ignis, ignis (m) fire
disiecio, disiicere, disieci, disiectus, a, um – to scatter
ratis, ratis (f) ship
everto, evertere, everti, eversus, a, um – to overturn
aequor, aequoris (n) – sea
ventus, i (m) wind
exspiro (1) to breath out
transfigo, transfigere, transfixi, transfixus, a, um – pierce, transfix
pectus, pectoris (n) – chest, breast
flamma, ae (f) flame
turbo, turbinis (m) whirl wind, storm
corripio, corripere – to seize
scopulus, i (m) rock
infigo, infigere – to impale
acutus, a, um – sharp
ast or at(adversative conjunction) = but, and
soror, sororis (f) sister
coniiunx, coniugis (f) spouse, wife
gens, gentis (f) race
List for the Legend of Romulus and Remus
aedificio (1) to build
appropinquo (1) to approach + dative case
appello (1) to name (copulative verb when passive)
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus (intransitive) - to fall
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, establish
credo, credo, credidi, creditus - to believe, trust + dative case
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
cingo, cingere - to surround
creo, creare, creavi, creatus - to appoint, create (copulative verb when passive)
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus - to desire, want
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus - to defend, protect
educo, educere, eduxi, eductus - to bring up, raise
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus - to go out
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus - to discover, find
lego, legere, legi, lectus - chose, pick; read
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostensus - to show
pario, parire, peperi, partus - to produce, to bring forth
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus - driven away
postulo (1) to demand
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus - to sieze
transsilio, transilire, transilui - to jump across
videor, videri, visus sum - to seem + dative of reference (copulative verb when passive) mihi videtur = it seems to me
aedes, -is (f) temple
aetas, aetatis (f) age, time of life
amicitia, -ae (f) friendship, alliance
arma, -orum (n. pi.) arms, weapons
avus, -i (m) grandfather
avis, is (f) bird
centum (indeclinable) one hundred
civitas, civitatis (f) state, nation, citizen body
conditor, conditoris (m) founder
custodia, -ae (f) custody, protection, prison
fama, -ae (f) story, rumor, reputation
frater, fatris (m) brother
forum, -i (n) open space in center of Rome for political, social and economic interaction
gemitus, -ūs (m) groan
homo, hominis (m) man, human
honor, honoris (m) honor; a political or religious office/position
iniuria, -ae (f) wrong, injury, injustice
impetus, -ūs (m) an attack
lupa, -ae (f) she-wolf
lac, lactis (n) milk
ludus, -i (m) game, games
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men - 4th decl. rare feminine word, hence La Mano
metus, metūs (m) fear (4th dec.)
moenia, -ōrum (n. pl.) walls
mors, mortis (f) death
regnum, -i (n) kingdom, kingship
res, rei (f) matter, situation (generally takes its meaning from the context - 5th declension)
senatus, -ūs (m) senate
spes, spei (f) hope(5th decl.)
species, speciei (f) appearance; pretense (5th decl.)
pastor, pastoris (m) shephard
praeda, -ae (f) booty
partus, -ūs (m) birth; offspring -4th declension
ingens, ingentis (adj. 3rd one termination) huge, large
geminus, a, um - born at same time; twins (as substantive)
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, perpetual
regius, a, um - royal
scelestus, a, um - wicked, evil
tenuis, -e - thin, shallow
vicinus, a, um - neighbor, close to + dative case
uterque, utraque, utrumque (-ius paradigm) - each one
deinde (adv.) next, then
forte (adv.) by chance
inter (prep. + acc.) between; among
ita (adv.) in this way, thus
itaque (conj.) and so
neque (conj.) - nor, and...not
nec...nec (conj.) neither...nor
primum (adv.) first
propter (prep. + acc. case) - because of, on account of
secreto (adv.) in secret
subito (adv.) suddenly, immediately
ut - as, when
appropinquo (1) + dative case - to approach
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum - to pick, seize, pluck carpe diem
condo, condere, condidi, conditum - to found, establish ab urbe condita
debeo, debere, debui - to own; ought, should + infinitive
eo, ire, ii, iturus - to go (irregular verb)
erro, errrare - to wander aberrant
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, fulsum - shine forth, flash fulgent
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum - to wage, conduct, accomplish; wear; carry gestation
narro (1) to tell narrator
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum - to not know
premo, premere, pressi, pressum - to press, to control
pareo, parere, parui + dative - to obey
paro, parare, paravi, paratum - to prepare semper paratus
ruo, ruere, rui - to rush down
servo (1) to save, preserve
solvo, solvere - to release solvent
ululo, ululāre (onomatopoeic word) to wail, howl (generally at a funeral) ululate
verto, vertere, verti, versus - to turn reverse
volo, volāre - to fly (do not confuse with volo, velle) vuolo,
volo, velle, volui - to want, wish volition
aetas, aetatis (f) age, time of life
aedes, aedis (f) building, temple
amor, amoris (m) love amorous
basium, -ii (n) kiss (spanish beso)
bellum, - (n) war antebellum, bellicose, belligerent
causa, -ae (f) cause; case (leg.)
celeritas, celeritatis (f) speed accelerate
cibus, -i (m) food (Italian cibo)
classis, -is (f) fleet of ships
cura, -ae (f) care, worry, anxiety sinecure
dolor, doloris (m) pain, suffering dolor
dies, diei (m) day per diem, carpe diem
fama, ae (f) rumor, story infamous
flamma, -ae (f) flame
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
hostis, hostis (m) (-ium) enemy
ira, -ae (f) anger
mensis, mensis (m) month
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (spanish mujer)
nihil (indeclinable noun) - nothing nihilism
nubes, nubis (f) cloud (an i-stem noun)
pectus, pectoris (n) chest, breast pectoral
regina, -ae (f) queen
regnum, -i (n) kingdom
regia, -ae (f) palace, place where a rex and regina live and from which they rule their regnum
signum, -i (n) sign, signal; battle standard
tempestas, tempestatis (f) storm tempest
oculus, -i (m) eye ocular
unda, -ae (f) wave
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
velamen, velaminis (n) clothing, garment
vertex, verticis (m) highest point
vita, -ae (f) life curriculum vitae
audax, audacis (one termination 3rd) bold, audacious
aeger, aegra, aegrum - sick
caecus, a, um - blind (famous Roman statesman Appius Claudius Caecus)
carus a,um - dear, beloved + dative case
dulcis, -e- sweet, pleasant dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
ingens, ingenits (one termination 3rd adj.) huge, immense
inimicus, a, um - hostile to + dative case inimical
insanus, a, um - insane
iratus, a, um - angry, enraged
laudābilis, -e praiseworthy, laudable
mīrābilis, mīrābile - amazing
miser, misera, miserum - wretch, poor, miserable
niger, nigra, nigrum - dark, black
sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred (to) + dative case
summus, a, um - highest summa cum laude
suus, a, um (reflexive possessive adj.) - his own, her own, their own sui generis
(suus, a, um will takes its meaning from the subjective of the sentence)
vetus, veteris (adj. one termination 3rd decl.) old veteran
autem (postpositive particle) - moreover, however
circum (prep.+ acc.) around circumvent
eius (m/f/n genitive singular of is, ea, id) = his, her, its
hīc (adv.) here, in this place
subito (adv.) suddenly
tamen (post positive) however, nevertheless
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
ut - as, when + indicative mood
ūnā (adv.) together
cum (subordinating conj.) - when
dum (subordinating conj.) - while + present tense
ubi (subordinating conj.)- when or where
si (subordinating conj.) - if (negative form is nisi = if...not, unless, expect)
quod (subordinating conj.)- because
-que (enclitic coordinating conj.) - and
-ve (enclitic coordinating conj.) or
atque (coordinating conj.) and
ac (coordinating conj.) and
eō ipsō tempore (ablative of time when) = at that very time
First List - Troia Capta
Verba Nova Discenda (“New Words to be Learned”):
Latin Dictionary Entry Derivatives/Related Words
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum - to lead aquaduct
capio, capere, cepi, captum - to take, capture caption
condō, condere, condidī, conditum - to establish, to found condition
facio, facere, fēcī, factum - to make, to do malefactor, fact
fugio, fugere, fūgī - to flee fugitive
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum - to throw eject
invenio, invenīre, invēnī, inventum - to find, to discover invention
mitto, mittere, misi, missus, a, um - to sent mission, transmit
noceo, nocere, nocui + dative case to harm nocebo
pareo, parere, parui - to obey + dative case
pono, ponere, posui, positum - to put, place position, apposition
possum, posse, potui - to be able
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus - to rise insurrection
sum, esse, fuī, futurus - to be future
video, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see visual, vision, video
bellum, -i (n) wargerere bellum = to wage war bellicose
campus, -i (m) plain, field Campus Martius
celeritas, celeritatis (f) speed
consilium, -ii (n) plan counsel
corpus, corporis (n) - body corpse, corporal
deus, dei (m) god deification
dux, ducis (m) leader duke, doge, il duce
fatum, -i (n) fate
mora, -ae (f) delay moratorium
mūrus, -i (m) wall intramural
nauta, -ae (m) sailor
oppidum, -i (n) town
rēx, rēgis (m) king
proelium, -ii (n) battle
studium, -ii (n) eagerness, zeal study, student
socius, -ii (m) ally (pl. socii = allies) social, society
uxor, uxōris (f) wife uxorius
virtus, virtutis (f) courage virtue
altus, a, um - high, lofty
acer, acris, acre (3 termination 3rd declension adj.)
aequus, a, um - equal, indecisive equivocal
audax, audacis (one termination 3rd decl. adj.) audacious
brevis, -e -short, brief brevity
celer, celeris, celere - fast, quick celerity
dūrus, a, um - hard durable
fortis, -e - brave, strong fortify, fortitude
gravis, -e - heavy, serious grave, gravity
lātus, a, um - wide lateral
omnis, omne - all
plēnus, a, um - full of + genitive case plenty
dum (subordinating conj.) while
passim (adv.) scattered about, far and wide, scattered at random passim
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
sed (conj.) but