Domestic Architecture and the Roman Family
accumbō, accumbere, accubuī, accubitus - to lay one's self down
bibō, bibere, bibī - to drink (imbibe)
cēnō cēnāre - to dine, take a meal, eat dinner
cubō, cubere, cŭbŭi, cŭbìtúm - to recline
dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītus - to sleep (dormant)
sedeō, sedēre, sedī, sessus - to sit (obsession)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium
columna, -ae (f) column, pillar
conpluvium, conpulviī (n) pool below impluvium
culina, culinae (f) kitchen
cubilcum, cubiculī (n) bedroom
domus, domūs (f) house
domī = at home (locative case)
domō = from home (place from which) NO PREP.
domum = (to) home (acc. of motion toward) NO PREP.
fauces, faucium (f. pl.) entrance hall
fons, fontis (m) fountain, string (font)
hortus, hortī (m) garden (horticulture)
ianua, ianuae (f) door (Janus)
impluvium, impulviī (n) opening in roof of atrium
latrina, latrinae (f) bathroom (latrine)
lararium, -iī (n) household shrine
līmen, līminis (n) theshold (liminal)
peristylum, peristylī (n) colonnaded garden
porticus, porticūs (f) a covered walk between columns, colonnade, arcade, gallery, porch,
triclinium, tricliniī (n) dining room
tablinum, tablinī (n) tablinum
tēctum, tēctī (n) roof, building; palace
villa, villae (f) country house
villa rustica
villa maritima
villa suburbana
aestas, aestatis (f) summer
imagō, imaginis (f) portrait, mask
lar, laris (m) a lar, domestic deity
mensa, mensae (f) table
negotium, negotiī (n) business, work
otium, otiī (n) leisure
penates, penatium (m. pl) household gods
pictura, picturae (f) picture
salutātiō, salutātionis (f) morning salutation
statua, statuae (f) statue
ancilla, ancillae (f) female servant, handmade
avis, avis (f) bird (aviary)
avus, avī (m) grandfather
avia, aviae (f) grandmother
anus ,anūs (f) an old woman
avunculus, -ī (m) uncle (avuncular)
bulla, bullae (f) amulet worn by a Roman boy
canis, canis (m/f) dog (cavē canem)
cliens, clientis (m) client
coquus, coquī (m) cook
custōs, custōdis (m) guard
domina, dominae (f) mistress of the household
dominus, dominī (m) master of the household
gens, gentis (f) clan, family, race
genus, generis (n) origin, lineage; kind
glis, glīris (m) a dormouse (food)
mater, matris (f) mother
pater, patris (m) father
patruus, patruī, (m) uncle
patrōnus, patrōnī (m) patron of clients
māiōrēs, māiōrum (pl. m.) ancestors
maritus, maritī (m) husband
matrona, matronae (f) female head of household, mother of a family
mūs, mūris (m/f) a mouse (muscle)
familia, familiae (f) household, family
fīlius, fīliī (m) son
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter (dat./abl. pl. fīlabus)
frater, fratris (m) brother
līber, līberī (m) child
natus, natī (m) son
natā, natae (f) daughter
nōmen, nōminis (n) name
parens, parentis (m/f) parent
soror, sororis (f) sister
servus, servī (m) servant, slave
uxor, uxōris (f) wife
mensa, mensae (f) table
lectica, -ae (f) bed
sella, -ae (f) chair
torus, torī (m) a bed, couch
ientācŭlum, ientācŭlī (n) a breakfast, taken immediately after rising
cēna, cēnae (f) dinner
prandium, -iī (n) a late breakfast, luncheon
Vocabulary List for The Reigns of Numa and Tullus
As part of the quiz be able to decline illa parva arx or illud ferox animal
ago, agere, egi, actus- to do, to spend, to pass, to lead
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to open, to reveal
capio, capere, cepi, captus - to take, to capture
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (A.U.C. = ab urbe condita)
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus - to compel, to drive together
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe; ought (+ complementary infinitive)
eō, īre, iī, iturus - to go
periō, perīre, periī - to perish
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (fiat lux, ut fit)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage; to wear
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus, a, um - to order + acc. + infinitive
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to choose, to pick; to read
pugno (1) to fight
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potui - to be able+ complementary infinitive
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus - to seek
specto (1) to look at, to watch
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back, return (redde suum cuidam)
servo (1) to save, preserve
servio, servire - to serve + DATIVE CASE
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be
supero (1) to suprass, to defeat
timeo, timere, timui - to fear
venio, venire, vēni, ventūrus - to come
voco (1) to call (advocate, vociferous)
volo, velle, volui - to wish, to want + compl. infinitive
arma, -orum (n. pl.) weapons, arms
ars, artis (f) skill, art
arx, arcis (f) citadel
ara, arae (f) altar
bellum, belli (n) war (gerere bellum = to wage war)
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
causa, causae (f) reason, cause, case (sine causā and amōris causā)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice
diēs, diēī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, hodie)
fīlius, fīlii (m) son
imperium, -imperiī (n) power, command, the power to command (empire, imperial)
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men (manual, manufacture; Sp. la mano)
mare, maris (n) sea
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
porta, -ae (f) gates; doors
portus, -portūs (m) port, harbour
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
praemium, praemiī (n) reward
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
rēs, reī (f) matter, situation, event, etc. (in medias res, res publica, De Rerum Natura)
spes, speī (f) hope
vīs, vīs (f) force
audax, audācis (adj.) bold
cunctus, a, um - all
ceteri, ceterae, cetera - the other(et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj.) fierce
fessus, a, um - weary, exhausted
geminus, a, um - twin (Gemini)
integer, integra, integrum - unhurt, untouched, unharmed (integral)
laetus, a, um - happy
lectus, a, um - chosen
omnis, omne - all, as a whole, each (omnipotent, omnibus)
par, paris (adj.) equal (+ dative case)
pauci, paucae, pauca - few (paucity)
parvus, a, um - small (Anshul parva animalia mordet)
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius variation paradigm)
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius variation paradigm)
tūtus, a, um - safe
autem (postpositive) however
crās - tomorrow (procrastinate)
heri - yesterday
hodie - today
diū - for a long time
mox - soon
saepe - often
bene - well
male - badly, poorly
hīc (adv.) in this place
quod (subordinating conj.) because
statim - immediately
numquam- never
umquam - ever
iam - now; already
ibi - there
tum - then
subito - immediately
nunc - now
longē - far
neque…neque (conj.) neither…nor
numquam (adv.) never
umquam (adv.) ever
vel...vel = either...or
velut (adv.) just as
vix (adv.) barely, hardly scarcely
mox (adv.) soon
diū (adv.) for a long time
aquae causā = for the sake of water
List for the Sabine Women
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitutus - decide + complementary Infinitive
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give
eō, īre, iī, itūrus - to go (exit, perish, obituary)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen, to be made (copulative)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bear, to bring, to carry, to endure (refer, confer, infer, translate, relate, collate, etc) Irregular verb but essentially 3rd conjugation
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee
fugō, fugāre, fugāvī, fugātus - to put to flight
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, omit, transmit)
mālō, mālle, māluī - to prefer
nōlō, nolle, noluī - to not want
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
possum, posse, potuī - to be able, can
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
servō (1) to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve + dative case
spectō, spectāre - to watch, to look at
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want
nōlī and nōlite + compl. inf. = do not + infinitive
ager, agrī (m) field
bellum, belli (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) city, citizen body
consilium, -iī (n) plan
cōpia, cōpiae (f) supply (in plural = troops, forces)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
donum, donī (n) gift
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) children
liber, librī (m) book
locus, locī (n) place
lūdus, lūdī (m) game
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (mujer)
populus, populī (m) people
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
urbs, urbis (f) city
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
aequus, a, um - equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
ācer, ācris, ācre - fierce, keen, sharp
audāx, audācis - bold
cīvilis, cīvile - of a citizen, civil
fortis, forte - brave strong
fīnitimus, a, um - neighboring
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
longus, a, um - long
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
laetus, a, um - happy
līber, lībera, līberum - free
omnis, omne - all
paucī, paucae, pauca - few
publicus, a, um - of the people, public
potens, potentis (adj.) powerful
crās (adv.) tomorrow
diū (adv.) for a long time
heri (adv.) tomorrow
hodiē (adv.) today
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far longius (adv) farther
longissimē (adv.) very far, the farthest
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? why” (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
vix (adv.) scarcely, barely, hardly
Aeneas Lavinium condit & De urbe Romana
abdō, abdere, abdidi, abditus - to hide
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to spend, to pass (action, agenda, agent, actor,
apellō, apellāre, apellāvī, appellātus - to call, to name (copulative when passive)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus - to fall (accident, incident, occasion, cadence)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to slaughter
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture (accept, receive, reception, capture)
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procede, antecedent, procession, recession)
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā = AUC)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus (dis + cedo) - to depart, to scatter
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duct, reduction, induction, produce)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus (co + ago) - to compel, to drive together
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitutus - to set up, to arrange; to decide + complementary infinitive
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, to do (defective, perfective, deficient)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bear, to bring, to carry; to endure (odiferous, refer, confer, infer, relate, collate, elate, translate, etc.)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (centrifuge, fugitive, refuge)
iactō, iactāre, iactāvī, iactātus - to toss
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (eject)
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, transmit)
orō, orāre - to beg, pledge, to pray + acc. of person and acc. of thing (oration, orator)
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (deposit, exponent)
porrigō, porrigere, prorēxī, prorēctus - to stretch forth, hold forth, lift, to extend, (prō + regō)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
regō, regere, rexī, rectus - to rule; to guide (regulation, rector, rectum)
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind, abandon (relinquish)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to answer, to reply, to respond
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to took at (spectator)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to known (science, omniscient)
servō (1) to keep, to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve, to be servile + dative case
timeō, temēre - to fear
terrō, terrēre, terruī, territus - to frighten, to terrify
vocō (1) to call (advocate, vocation, evoke)
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want (irregular in present system) - See appendix of Wheelock
arx, arcis (f) citadel
amor, amōris (m) love; love affair (amorous)
animāl, animālis (n) animal, living being
cōpiā, cōpiae (f) abundance, supply; in plural = troops, forces (copious, cornucopia)
colōnus, colōnī, (m) a cultivator or tiller; colonist
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind, type (sui generis, genre, genus, generic)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan, family (Gens Iūlia = Julian clan)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
mare, maris (n) sea (maritime)
mons, montis (m) mountain, hill
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power, divinity (numinous)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
odium, odiī (n) hatred
prŏfectĭo, prŏfectĭōnis (f) a going away, setting out, departure
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
sanguin, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
socius, sociī (m) ally
terra, terrae (f) land, earth
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
āter, ātra, ātrum - black, dark
ācer, ācris, ācre - fierce, harsh, bitter (acrid)
audax, audācis (one term.) bold, audacious
aequus, a, um -equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
celer, celeries, celere - swift
dulcis, dulce - sweet
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
maximus, a, um - very great; the greatest
insignis, insigne - marked, distinguished
omnis, omne - all, every, entire
tristis, triste - sad
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius paradigm) -see Wheelock appendix for paradigm
tūtus, a, um - safe
diū (adv.) for a long time
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum - while
postquam (subordinating conj.) afterward
quod - because
ubi - when, where
Coordinating Conjunctions
-que (enclitic) and
-ve (enclitic) or
atque or ac = and, and also
et - and
Vocabulary List with 3rd Declension I-stem Adjectives and Nouns
Special Verbs that Govern the Dative
appropinquō, appropinquāre (1) to approach + dat. (Sanjana urbi nostrae appropinquat.)
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātus - to command (imperium, imperial, imperative, empire) + dative (Imperator tibi imparābit)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + dat. (Viswa Magnus mihi nocēbit.)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dat. (semper parēte mihi)
studeō, studēre, studuī - to be eager for, to support (student) + dative
Third Declension i-stem NOUNS
aedēs, aedis (f) in the singular = a temple; in plural = a dwelling, palace (edifice)
ars, artis, artium (f.) art, skill (ars gratia artis)
apis, apis (f) bee (apiary, apis mellifera)
arx, arcis, arcium (f.) citadel
auris, auris, aurium (f) ear (aural)
avis, avis (f) bird (aviary, aviation)
cīvis, cīvis, cīvium (m.& f.) citizen (sum cīvis Rōmānus, civics)
cīvitās, cīvitātis, cīvitātium (f) citizen body, citizenship, state; city-state, nation
cohors, cohortis, cohortium (f) cohort (of soldiers)
caedēs, caedis caedium (f) slaughter
clādēs, clādis, cladium (f.) defeat
dēns, dentis, dentium (m.) tooth (dental)
fons, fontis, fontium (m) spring, fountain; source, origin (font, font of knowledge)
fīnis, fīnis, fīnium (f.) end; pl. boundaries, territory (infinitive, infinity, define, definite)
hostis, hostis, hostium (m.) enemy
ignis, ignis, ignium (m) fire (igneous, ignite)
mors, mortis, mortium (f.) death (postmortem)
mons, montis, montium (m) hill, mountain
mōlēs, mōlis, mōlium (f.) mass, structure (mole)
mensis, mensis, mensium (m) month
navis, navis, navium (f) ship (navigate)
nox, noctis, noctium (f.) night (nocturnal)
nūbēs, nūbis (f) a cloud, storm
pars, partis, partium (f.) part, share, side, direction, faction (tripartite, party)
piscis, piscis, piscium (m) fish (Pisces)
pōns, pontis, pontium (f) bridge
Tiberis, Tiberis (m) Tiber river (flūmen, flūminis)
trĭdens, trĭdentis (tri+ dens, dentis) - three-pronged, tridented, trident
urbs, urbis, urbium (f.) city (urban, urbane)
Neuter “i”stem nouns
animāl, animālis, animālium (n.) animal
calcar, calcaris (n) spur
exemplar, exemplaris, exemplarium (n.) model, pattern (exemplar)
mare, maris (n) sea (ab marī usque ad mare; maritime; El Mare)
vīs, vis (f) force; vīrēs, vīrium (f. pl) strength (violence)
One Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
atrōx, atrōcis - cruel, fierce (atrocity)
audāx, audācis - bold, audacious (audacity)
fēlīx, fēlicis - fruitful, fortunate, lucky, happy, blessed
ferōx, ferōcis - wild; impetuous; ferocious, fiery, fierce (ferocious)
infēlīx, infēlicis - unfortunate, ill-fated
ingens, ingentis - huge
par, paris - equal (prīmus inter parēs) + DATIVE
prūdēns. prūdentis - knowing, skilled, experienced, versed, practiced in a thing (Jurisprudence)
potēns, potentis - powerful (potent, impotent, omnipotent)
recēns, rēcentis - fresh, recent (recent)
sapiēns, sapientis - wise, knowing, sensible (homo sapiēns; sapient)
vēlōx, vēlōcis: (adj.), swift, fleet (velocity, velociraptor)
vetus, veteris - old (veteran, inveterate)
Two Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
brevis, breve (2 term. 3rd. decl.) - short, brief (brevity)
cīvīlis, cīvīlie - pertaining to the citizen; civil, civic (Dē Bellō Cīvīlī)
crūdēlis, crūdēle - cruel, ruthless, inhuman
difficilis, difficile - difficult
dulcis, dulce - sweet (dulcet)
fidēlis, fidēle - faithful (semper fidelis, fidelity)
fortis, forte - brave, strong (fortitude)
facilis, facile - easy (facile)
gravis, grave - heavy, serious (gravity, grave, gravitas)
levis, leve - light, trivial (levitation)
mitis, mite - mild, gentle, soft, ripe (mitigate)
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
mortālis, mortāle - liable to death, mortal
nōbilis, nōbile - distinguished, noble
lenis, lene - gentle
omnis, omne - all, every (omniscient, omnibus)
pinguis, pingue - fat
similis, simile - similar + dative or genitive case
tristis, triste - sad
tenuis, tenue - slim, slender, thin, meager; shallow
turpis, turpe - vile, disgraceful, ugly, shameful (turpitude)
viridis, viride - green (verdant)
Three Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
acer, acris, acre - fierce, harsh, sharp (acrid)
celer, celeris, celere -swift, fast, quick (celerity)
Vocabulary Lists for Vocabulary Quizzes
appropinquō, appropinquāre - to approach + DATIVE (propinquity)
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout (exclamation)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum, course)
deleō, delēre, delēvī, delētus - to destroy (delete)
desiderō, desiderāre - to desire
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (docent, doctor, doctrine, indoctrinate)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duke, reduce, induce, conduct)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + DATIVE
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + DATIVE
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport, to carry)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive (potential)
regnō, regnāre - to reign
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try + complementary infinitive
aequor, aequoris (n) level surface, sea, plain (equal)
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life (eternity, eternal, aetās aurea)
aestās, aestātis (f) summer (estival)
amor, amōris (m) love (amorous, amatory)
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arborist sp: arbol)
bellātrīx, bellātrīcis (f) a female warrior
canis, canis (m/f) dog (canine, cavē canem)
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capitol)
carmen, carminis (n) song, poem (charm)
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed (celerity)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) citizenship, city-state, nation (civic, civilization)
cīvis, cīvis (m) citizen (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
coniunx coniugis (m./f): spouse, husband, wife (con + iungo)
consul, consulis (m) consul = chief elected magistrate of Roman Republic
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
corpus, corporis (n) body (corpus, corporal, corpse, corporation)
dux, ducis (m) leader (duke, Doge)
eques, equitis (m) horseman, knight (equestrian)
error, errōris (m) wandering; error, mistake (erroneous)
flōs, flōris (m) flower (floral)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
fōns, fontis (m) spring, fountain (font of knowledge)
frāter, frātris (m) brother (fratricide, fraternal, fraternity)
fulmen, fulminis (n) lightening, thunderbolt (fulminate)
fūnus, fūneris (n) death, funeral
furor, furōris (m) rage, fury
gens, gentis (f) race, clan (Gens Romana, Gens Iulia)
genus, generis (n) kind (genus, sui generis)
grex, gregis (f) flock (egregious, gregarious)
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (-i stem noun)
homo, hominis (m) man, human begin (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem, homo novus)
imperātor, imperatōris (m) commander, general (emperor)
iter, itineris (n) journey, route, march (itinerary, itinerant)
iudex, iudicis (m) judge (judicial, judge)
legiō, legiōnis (f) legion (largest unit of Roman army, 3600-6000 milites)
labor, labōris (m) work, labor)
lībertās, lībertātis (f) liberty, freedom
līmen, līminis (n) threshold, doorway (liminal)
lītus, lītoris (n) sea shore, beach (littoral)
līs, lītis (f) strife, contest, dispute (litigious, litigation)
lūmen, lūminis (n) light; eyes (illuminate)
lūx, lūcis (f) light (fiat lux, Lucifer)
mater, matris (f) mother (material, matriarch)
mēns mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corore
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military, militant)
mōlēs, mōlis (f) mass, burden, weight
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem)
mōs, mōris (m) habit, custom (mores, morals, mos maiorum)
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal, immortal)
multĭtūdo, multĭtūdĭnis (f) a great number, multitude
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (sp. mujer)
mūnus, mūneris (n) duty, function, serviceō
mūs, mūris (m/f) a mouse ( derivative = muscle; cognate = mouse).
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine authority (numinous)
ops, opis (f) influence, power, resources (opulent)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus, opera)
orbis, orbis (m) circle, disk, orb (orb, orbit, orbital, orbis terrārum)
ordō, ordinis (m) order, rank, class, row ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
pastor, pastōris (m) shepherd
pater, patris (m) father (paternal, patriarch, paterfamilias)
pāvō, pāvōnis (m) peacock
pāx, pācis (f) peace (Pax Romana, pacify)
pēs, pedis (m) foot (pedal, pedestrian, pedestal)
pietās, piētātis (f) familial devotion, loyalty (piety) devotion country, gods and family
pons, pontis (m) bridge (Pontifex Maximus) Don’t confuse with pontus, ponti (m)
princeps, principis (m) leader, chief; emperor (prince)
rēx, rēgis (m) king (Oedipus Rex)
salūs, salūtis (f) healthy, safely, salvation (salutation)
soror, sorōris (f) sister (sorority)
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
tempestās, tempestātis (f) storm, season, weather (tempest)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary, tense)
tellūs, tellūris (f) earth, mother earth
tridēns, tridentis (m/f) (trēs + dēns), three-pronged, trident
uxor, uxōris (f) wife (uxorius)
urbs, urbis (f) city (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
vōx, vōcis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
vēritās, vēritātis (f) truth (veracity, in vino veritas)
victor, victōris (m) conqueror (victor, victorious)
virgō, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo, virgin, virginal)
virtūs, virtūtis (f) courage, valour, virtus (virtue, virtuous)
voluntās, voluntātis (f) wish, desire
voluptās, voluptātis (f) pleasure, enjoyment (voluptuous)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
Second Declension Noun Vocabulary List
ager, agrī (m) field, farmland (agriculture)
magister, magistrī (m) master, teacher
liber, librī (m) book (ex librīs)
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
vir, virī (m) man; hero; husband (virile)
amīcus, amīcī (m) friend (amicable)
animus, animī (m) soul, mind, spirit
campus, campī (m) plain (campus)
cibus, cibī (m) food
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord ( dominus et deus)
deus, deī (m) god (deus = vocative case) Deus ex Machinā, deify,
discipulus, discipulī (m) student (disciple)
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
equus, equī (m) horse (equine)
fīlius, fīliī (m) son (filial)
gladius, gladiī (m) sword (gladiator)
hortus, hortī (n) garden (horticulture)
inimīcus, inimīcī (m) personal enemy (inimical)
iocus, iocī (m) joke (jocular)
modus, modī (m) way, manner, method (mood, mode)
mundus, mundī (m) world, universe (spiritus mundi)
mūrus, mūrī (n) wall (intramural, mural)
nasus, nasī (m) nose (nasal)
numerus, numerī (m) number (numerus)
oculus, oculī (m) eye (ocular)
pontus, pontī (m) the sea; the deep
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus; vox populi)
servus, servī (m) slave, servant (servile)
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
somnus, somnī (m) sleep (insomnia)
humus, humī (f) ground (exhume, inhumation)
laurus, laurī (f) laurel (tree)
aedificium, aedificiī (n) a building (edifice)
aevum, aevī (n) age, period of time, time (medieval)
astrum, astrī (n) star; constellation (ad astra, astronaut)
aurum, aurī (n) gold (AU)
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium, central room in a Roman domus/house
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven (ceiling)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, strategy
basium, basiī (n) kiss
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift (donation)
bellum, bellī (n) war (bellicose, belligerent, antebellum)
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron; sword (FE)
forum, forī (n) forum, public square
initium, initiī (n) beginning (initial, initiate)
membrum, membrī (n) limb (member)
officium, officiī (n) duty (official, office, officious)
odium, odiī (n) hatred (odium)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
otium, otiī (n) leisure (negotiate)
periculum, periculī (n) danger (peril)
pīlum, pīlī (n) spear, javalin
pomum, pomī (n) fruit, apple (pomme de terre)
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command; empire (imperial, empire)
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; kingship; royal power
remedium, remediī (n) cure (remedial, remedy)
saxum, saxī (n) rock
scūtum, scūtī (n) shield
signum, signī (n) sign, signal; battle standard (signal, sign)
studium, studiī (n) zeal, eagerness; study, pursuit (studious, student)
tectum, tectī (n) roof; building (protection)
tēlum, tēlī (n) spear; weapon
templum, templī (n) sacred space, shrine; temple
verbum, verbī (n) word (verb, verbal, verbose)
vinculum, vinculī (n) chain, bond
First/Second Declension Adjectives
aequus, a, um - equal, fair, just (equal, equitable)
amīcus, a, um - friendly (+ dative case)
altus, a, um - high, lofty, deep (altitude)
aureus, a, um - golden
carus, a, um - dear (+ dative case)
clārus, a, um - bright, famous, illustrius
cūnctus, a, um - all taken together; all in a body; all, the whole
dīvus, a, um - divine; godlike (divine)
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh (durable)
ferreus, a, um - iron, made of iron (FE)
foedus, a, um - ugly, disgraceful
formōsus, a, um - shapely, beautiful
inimīcus, -a, -um - hostile, unfriendly (+ dative case) (inimical)
immēnsus, a, um - unmeasured; boundless; vast, immense
latus, a, um - wide (latitude, lateral)
magnus, a, um - great
obscūrus, a, um - dim, dark, dusky, obscure
paucī, paucae, pauca (plural) a few, few
parvus, a, um - small
periculōsus, a, um - dangerous
prŏfundus, a, um - deep, profound, vast
saevus, a, um - savage, cruel
tūtus, a, um - safe
varius , a, um - diversified, manifold, various
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right (ambidextrous, dexterity)
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
noster, nostra, nostrum - our (possessive adjective)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful (pulchritude)
sinister, sinistra, sinstrum - left (sinister)
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where at)
In - in, on (place where at)
Dē - down from, about, concerning (place where from)
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of, in return for
Ab (ā) - from, by (place where from)
Cum - with (accompaniment or manner)
Ex (ē) - from, out of (place where from)
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ante - before (antebellum)
post - after (post mortem)
ad - to, toward, against (ab marī usque ad mare, ad hominem)
contra - against (contradict)
circum - around (circumvent)
per - through, along (per diem)
in - into, against
sub - under (going)
trans - across (transfer)
On the quiz you will complete the dictionary entry with the English meaning(s) and give the case governed for prepositions.
Feminine First Declension Words
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f) friendship
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle
aqua, aquae (f) water
amīca, amīcae (f) friend (female)
audācia, audāciae (f) boldness, audacity
cauda, caudae (f) tail (of an animal)
causa, causae (f) cause, reason; trial
copia, copiae (f) supply, abundance
cura, curae (f) care, worry, anxiety
dea, deae (f) goddess
domina, dominae (f) mistress of domus
fābula, fābulae (f) story
fāma, fāmae (f) rumor, story, report
fēmina, fēminae (f) woman
forma, formae (f) sharp, beauty
fortūna, fortūnae (f) luck, fortune
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter
glōria, glōriae (f) glory, fame, renown
grātia, grātiae (f) favour, influence, charm, thanks
hōra, hōrae (f) hour
insula, insulae (f) island; apartment building
invidia, invidiae (f) jealousy, envy, spite
iānua, iānuae (f) door
īra, īrae (f) anger
laetitia, laetitiae (f) joy
lūna, lūnae (f) moon
mātrona, mātronae (f) lady
mensa, mensae (f) table
mora, morae (f) delay
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
pecūnia, pecūniae (f) money
potentia, potentiae (f) power
porta, portae (f) gate
prudentia, prudentiae (f) wisdom, prudence
prōvincia, prōvinciae (f) province
puella, puellae (f) girl
rāna, rānae (f) frog
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f) queen
rēgia, rēgiae (f) palace
rosa, rosae (f) rose
terra, terrae (f) land
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
silva, silvae (f) forest
sīmia, sīmiae (f) monkey
stella, stellae (f) star
superbia, superbiae (f) arrogance
umbra, umbrae (f) shadow, shade, ghost
ursa, ursae (f) bear
via, viae (f) road, path
vīta, vītae (f) life
Masculine First Declension Worlds
auriga, aurigae (m) charioteer
poēta, poētae (m) poet
pīrata, pīratae (m) pirate
incola, incolae (m) tenant, inhabitant
agricola, agricolae (m) farmer
nauta, nautae (m) sailor
First/Second Declension Adjectives
aureus, a, um - golden
bonus, a, um - good
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
ferus, a, um - wild
formōsus, a, um - beautify, shapely
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretched
malus, a, um -bad
magnus, -a, um - great
multus, a, um - many
parvus, a, um - small
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
saevus, a, um - savage
tardus, a, um - slow, late
Possessive Adjectives
meus, a, um - my
tuus, a, um - your (singular)
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (plural)
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where)
In - in, on (place where)
Dē - down from, about, concerning
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of
Ab (ā) - from, by
Cum - with
Ex (ē) - from, out of
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ad - to, toward
per - through, along
in - into
sub - under (going)
trans - across
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus - to break
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to abandon, to leave behind, to relinquish
secō, secāre, secuī, sectus - to cut (secant, dissect, section)
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tactus - to be silent (taciturn, tacit)
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tactus (tangent, tangible, tactile)
tegō, tegere, texī, tectus - to cover (protect)
Fourth Declension Nouns
domus, domūs (f) house; home
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men
quercus, quercūs (f) oak tree (Jupiter’s tree)
pīnus, pīnūs (f) pine tree, umbrella pine
cornū, cornūs (n) horn; bow, moon, wing of an army
gelū, gelūs (n) frost, chill
genū, genūs (n) knee
aestus, aestūs (m) heat, boiling; tides
amictus, amictūs (m) cloak, garment
adventus, adventūs (m) arrival (advent)
aditus, aditūs (m) approach (ad + eo, ire)
artus, artūs (m) limb
arcus, arcūs (m) bow
aspectus, aspectūs (m) appearance (aspect)
cantus, cantūs (m) song (incantation)
casus, casūs (m) chance; misfortune; a falling (from cado, cadere, cedidi, casus)
cōnātus, cōnātūs (m) an effort, attempt
conspectus, conspectūs (m) sight
currus, currūs (m) chariot (car)
cursus, cursūs (m) a running, a race; race course (cursus honōrum)
exitus, exitūs (m) exit, end; death (ex + eo, ire)
exercitus, exercitūs (m) army (exercise)
equitātus, equitātūs (m) cavalry
fetus, fetūs (m) offspring (fetal, fetus)
fletus, fletūs (m) weeping
fluctus, fluctūs (m) wave (fluctuate)
gemitus, gemitūs (m) groaning
gradus, gradūs (m) step; grade (gradual, graduation, gradation, retrograde)
impetus, impetūs (m) attack (impetuous)
impulsus, impulsūs (m) impulse, shock
ictus, ictūs (m) a blow, a striking, a hit; a beating
lacus, lacūs (m) lake (Lacus Albanus)
luctus, luctūs (m) mourning, crying
metus, metūs (m) fear
monitus, monitūs (m) a warning
occasus, occasūs (m) setting, falling (occasional)
ortus, ortūs (m) a rising
passus, passūs (m) step
peditātus, peditātūs (m) infantry (pes, pedis (m) - foot)
porticus, porticūs - colonnade, porch
portus, portūs (m) port, harbour
ritus, ritūs (m) rite, ceremony, ritual (rite, ritual)
senātus, senātūs (m) senate (from senex - old man)
spīritus, spīritūs (m) breath, life, spirit (spiritus mundi)
situs, sitūs (m) place, position (in sitū)
sinus, sinūs (m) fold; bend; lap; bay (geography)
sonitus, sonitūs (m) sound
versus, versūs (m) verse
vultus, vultūs (m) expression, face, countenance
vīsus, vīsūs (m) vision, sight
usus, usūs (m) use
Fifth Declension Nouns
aciēs, aciēī (f) line, edge, battle line, battle; sight; keenness
diēs, diēī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, quotidian)
faciēs, faciēī (f), shape, form, figure, face
glaciēs, glaciēī (f) ice
fidēs, fideī (f) faith, trust, loyalty (bonafide, fidelity)
rēs, reī (f) affair, situation (in medias res, republic)
spēs, speī (f) hope (sine spē)
seriēs, seriēī (f) row, chain; serious
speciēs, speciēī (f) form, sight, view
Pronominal Adjectives (-ius variation paradigm)
U ūnus, a, um - one, only one
N nūllus, a, um -no (negative of ullus, a, um)
U ūllus, a, um - any
S sōlus, a, um - alone, only, sole
N neuter, neutra, neutrum -neither (of two)
A alter, altera, alterum - the other (of 2);
the second
U uter?, utra?, utrum? - which (of two)?
uterque, utraque, utrumque - each (of two)
T tōtus, a, um -whole, entire
A alius, alia, aliud -another, other
(alii...alii - some...others)
(for genitive singular use alterius)
Time Constructions and Related Vocabulary
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to spend, to pass
occidō, occidere, occidī, occasus - to fall, to set (occidiental)
orior, orīrī, ortus sum - to rise (oriental)
aetas, aetātis (f) age, time of life
aestās, aestatis (f) summer (aestival)
annus, annī (m) year (annus horribilis, annual)
autumnus, autumnī (m) autumn (autumnal)
biduum, biduī (n) two day period
bĭennĭum, bĭennĭuī (n)
a period or space of two years (bis-annus)
diēs, diēī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem)
hora, horae (f) hour
hĭems or hiemps, -ĕmis (f) winter
lux, lucis (f) light (fiat lux)
mensis, mensis (m) month
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
saeculum, saeculī (n) age, generation, period of time
sōl, solis (m) sun (solar)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal)
vēr, vēris (n) spring (vernal)
aeternus, a, um - eternal
nocturnus, a, um - of the night
perpetuus, a, um - continuous, perpetual
multus, a, um - many
paucus, a, um - a few
prīmus, a, um - first
prior, prius - earlier
secundus, a, um - second
trēs, tria - three
superior, superius - earlier
ūnus, a, um - one
quotiens? how often
quando? when
aliquandō - at some point
post (prep. + acc. )
ante (prep. + acc.)
diū (adv.) for a long time
cotidie (adv.) everyday (quotidian)
crās - tomorrow
hodiē - today
heri - yesterday
māne - morning, in the morning
iam (adv.) now, already
nunc (adv.) now
numquam (adv.) never
pridem (adv.) long ago, long before
saepe - often
saepius - more often
saepissimē - very often
serō (adv.) late
serius (adv.) rather late, too late
semper (adv.) always
simul (adv.) at the same time
subito - suddenly
statim - immidiately
tum (adv.) at that time, then
sōl oriēns, sōlis orientis (m) rising sun, the East
sōl occidēns, sōlis orientis (m) the setting sun, the West
Phrases and Idioms
multīs ante annīs - before by a few days
paucīs post diēbus - after a few days
quam diū = as long as
quam diū? How long?
quam prīmum = as soon as possible
ante lucem — before light
eō ipsō tempore - at that very time
illā ipsā nocte - on that very night
paulō ante lucem - a little before dawin
longō post tempore - after a long time
tribus ante annīs = three years ago
aliquō tempore - at some time
eōdem tempore - at the same time
Vocabulary List for The Reigns of Numa and Tullus
As part of the quiz be able to decline illa parva arx or id ferox animal
ago, agere, egi, actus- to do, to spend, to pass, to lead
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to open, to reveal
capio, capere, cepi, captus - to take, to capture
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (A.U.C. = ab urbe condita)
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe; ought (+ complementary infinitive)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum-to be made, to happen, to become (fiat lux, ut fit)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage; to wear
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to choose, to pick; to read
pugno (1) to fight
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potui - to be able+ complementary infinitive
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back, return
servo (1) to save, preserve
servio, servire - to serve + DATIVE CASE
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be
supero (1) to suprass, to defeat
timeo, timere, timui - to fear
venio, venire, vēni, ventus - to come
voco (1) to call
arma, -orum (n. pl.) weapons, arms
ars, artis (f) skill, art
arx, arcis (f) citadel
ara, arae (f) altar
bellum, belli (n) war (gerere bellum = to wage war)
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
causa, causaae (f) reason, cause (sine causā and amōris causā)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan
diēs, diēī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, hodie)
fīlius, fīlii (m) son
imperium, -imperiī (n) power, command, the power to command (empire, imperial)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
porta, -ae (f) gates; doors
portus, -portūs (m) port, harbour
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
proelium, -ii (n) battle
rēs, reī (f) matter, situation, event, etc. (in medias res, res publica, De Rerum Natura)
spes, speī (f) hope
Albanus, a, um - Alban
audax, audacis (adj.) bold
cunctus, a, um - all
ceteri, ceterae, cetera - the other(et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj.) fierce
fessus, a, um - weary, exhausted
geminus, a, um - twin
integer, integra, integrum - unhurt, untouched, unharmed
laetus, a, um - happy
lectus, a, um - chosen
par, paris (adj.) equal (+ dative case)
pauci, paucae, pauca - few
parvus, a, um - small (Dennis parva animalia mordet)
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius variation paradigm)
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius variation paradigm)
tūtus, a, um - safe
autem (postpositive) however
neque…neque (conj.) neither…nor
numquam (adv.) never
umquam (adv.) ever
vel...vel = either...or
velut (adv.) just as
mox (adv.) soon
diū (adv.) for a long time
De Mulieribus Sabinis
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitutus - decide + complementary Infinitive
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give
eō, īre, iī, itūrus - to go (exit, perish, obituary)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen, to be made (copulative)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bear, to bring, to carry, to endure (refer, confer, infer, translate, relate, collate, etc) Irregular verb but essentially 3rd conjugation
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee
fugō, fugāre, fugāvī, fugātus - to put to flight
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, omit, transmit)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
servō (1) to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve + dative case
spectō, spectāre - to watch, to look at
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want
ager, agrī (m) field
bellum, belli (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) city, citizen body
consilium, -iī (n) plan
cōpia, cōpiae (f) supply (in plural = troops, forces)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
donum, donī (n) gift
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) children
liber, librī (m) book
locus, locī (n) place
ludus, ludī (m) game
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (mujer)
populus, populī (m) people
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
urbs, urbis (f) city
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
aequus, a, um -equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
acer, acris, acre - fierce
audāx, audācis - bold
cīvilis, cīvile - of a citizen, civil
fortis, forte - brave strong
fīnitimus, a, um - neighboring
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
laetus, a, um - happy
līber, lībera, līberum - free
omnis, omne - all
paucī, paucae, pauca - few
publicus, a, um - of the people, public
potens, potentis (adj.) powerful
crās (adv.) tomorrow
diū (adv.) for a long time
heri (adv.) tomorrow
hodiē (adv.) today
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
Aeneas Lavinium condit & De urbe Romana
abdō, abdere, abdidi, abditus - to hide
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to spend, to pass (action, agenda, agent, actor,
apellō, apellāre, apellāvī, appellātus - to call, to name (copulative when passive)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to slaughter
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procede, antecedent, procession, recession)
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā = AUC)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus (dis + cedo) - to depart, to scatter
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duct, reduction, induction, produce)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus (co + ago) - to compel, to drive together
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitutus - to set up, to arrange; to decide + complementary infinitive
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, to do
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bear, to bring, to carry; to endure (odiferous, refer, confer, infer, relate, collate, elate, translate, etc.)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (centrifuge, fugitive, refuge)
iactō, iactāre, iactāvī, iactātus - to toss
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, transmit)
orō, orāre - to beg, pledge, to pray + acc. of person and acc. of thing (oration, orator)
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place
porrigō, porrigere, prorēxī, prorēctus - to stretch forth, hold forth, lift, to extend, (prō + regō)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
regō, regere, rexī, rectus - to rule; to guide (rector, rectum)
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind, abandon (relinquish)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to answer, to reply, to respond
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to took at
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to known (science, omniscient)
servō (1) to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve + dative case
timeō, temēre - to fear
terrō, terrēre, terruī, territus - to frighten, to terrify
vocō (1) to call (advocate, vocation, evoke)
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want (irregular in present system)
arx, arcis (f) citadel
amor, amōris (m) love; love affair (amorous)
animāl, animālis (n) animal, living being
cōpiā, cōpiae (f) abundance, supply; in plural = troops, forces (copious, cornucopia)
colōnus, colōnī, (m) a cultivator or tiller; colonist
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind, type (sui generis, genre, genus, generic)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan, family (Gens Iūlia = Julian clan)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
mare, maris (n) sea (maritime)
mons, montis (m) mountain, hill
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power, divinity (numinous)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
odium, odiī (n) hatred
prŏfectĭo, prŏfectĭōnis (f) a going away, setting out, departure
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
sanguin, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
socius, sociī (m) ally
terra, terrae (f) land, earth
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
aequus, a, um -equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
maximus, a, um - very great; the greatest
insignis, insigne - marked, distinguished
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius paradigm)
tūtus, a, um - safe
diū (adv.) for a long time
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum - while
postquam (subordinating conj.) afterward
quod - because
ubi - when, where
Coordinating Conjunctions
-que (enclitic) and
-ve (enclitic) or
atque or ac = and, and also
et - and
Special Verbs that Govern the Dative
appropinquō, appropinquāre (1) to approach + dat. (Taylor urbi nostrae appropinquat.)
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātus - to command (imperium, imperial, imperative, empire) + dative (Imperator tibi imparābit)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + dat. (Ankitus Magnus mihi nocēbit.)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dat. (semper parēte mihi)
studeō, studēre, studuī - to be eager for, to support (student) + dat.
Third Declension i-stem NOUNS
aedēs, aedis (f) in the singular = a temple; in plural = a dwelling, palace (edifice)
ars, artis, artium (f.) art, skill (ars gratia artis)
apis, apis (f) bee (apiary, apis mellifera)
arx, arcis, arcium (f.) citadel
auris, auris, aurium (f) ear (aural)
avis, avis (f) bird (aviary, aviation)
cīvis, cīvis, cīvium (m.& f.) citizen (sum cīvis Rōmānus, civics)
cīvitās, cīvitātis, cīvitātium (f) citizen body, citizenship, state; city-state, nation
cohors, cohortis, cohortium (f) cohort (of soldiers)
caedēs, caedis caedium (f) slaughter
clādēs, clādis, cladium (f.) defeat
dēns, dentis, dentium (m.) tooth (dental)
fons, fontis, fontium (m) spring, fountain; source, origin (font, font of knowledge)
fīnis, fīnis, fīnium (f.) end; pl. boundaries, territory (infinitive, infinity, define, definite)
hostis, hostis, hostium (m.) enemy
ignis, ignis, ignium (m) fire (igneous, ignite)
mors, mortis, mortium (f.) death (postmortem)
mons, montis, montium (m) hill, mountain
mōlēs, mōlis, mōlium (f.) mass, structure (mole)
mensis, mensis, mensium (m) month
navis, navis, navium (f) ship (navigate)
nox, noctis, noctium (f.) night (nocturnal)
nūbēs, nūbis (f) a cloud, storm
pars, partis, partium (f.) part, share, side, direction, faction (tripartite, party)
piscis, piscis, piscium (m) fish (Pisces)
pōns, pontis, pontium (f) bridge
Tiberis, Tiberis (m) Tiber river (flūmen, flūminis)
trĭdens, trĭdentis (tri+ dens, dentis) - three-pronged, tridented, trident
urbs, urbis, urbium (f.) city (urban, urbane)
Neuter “i”stem nouns
animal, animālis, animālium (n.) animal
calcar, calcaris (n) spur
exemplar, exemplaris, exemplarium (n.) model, pattern (exemplar)
mare, maris (n) sea (ab marī usque ad mare; maritime; El Mare)
vīs, vis (f) force; vīrēs, vīrium (f. pl) strength
One Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
atrōx, atrōcis - cruel, fierce (atrocity)
audāx, audācis - bold, audacious
fēlīx, fēlicis - fruitful, fortunate, lucky, happy, blessed
ferōx, ferōcis - wild; impetuous; ferocious, fiery, fierce (ferocious)
infēlīx, infēlicis - unfortunate, ill-fated
ingens, ingentis - huge
par, paris - equal (prīmus inter parēs)
prūdēns. prūdentis - knowing, skilled, experienced, versed, practiced in a thing (Jurisprudence)
potēns, potentis - powerful (potent, impotent, omnipotent)
recēns, rēcentis - fresh, recent
sapiēns, sapientis - wise, knowing, sensible (homo sapiēns)
vetus, veteris - old (veteran, inveterate)
Two Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
brevis, breve (2 term. 3rd. decl.) - short, brief (brevity)
cīvīlis, cīvīlie - pertaining to the citizen; civil, civic (Dē Bellō Cīvīlī)
crūdēlis, crūdēle - cruel, ruthless, inhuman
difficilis, difficile - difficult
dulcis, dulce - sweet (dulcet)
fidēlis, fidēle - faithful (semper fidelis, fidelity)
fortis, forte - brave, strong (fortitude)
facilis, facile - easy (facile)
gravis, grave - heavy, serious (gravity, grave, gravitas)
levis, leve - light, trivial (levitation)
mitis, mite - mild, gentle, soft, ripe (mitigate)
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
mortālis, mortāle - liable to death, mortal
nōbilis, nōbile - distinguished, noble
lenis, lene - gentle
omnis, omne - all, every (omniscient, omnibus)
pinguis, pingue - fat
similis, simile - similar + dative or genitive case
tristis, triste - sad
tenuis, tenue - slim, slender, thin, meager; shallow
turpis, turpe - vile, disgraceful, ugly, shameful (turpitude)
viridis, viride - green (verdant)
Three Termination 3rd Declension Adj.
acer, acris, acre - fierce, harsh, sharp (acrid)
celer, celeris, celere -swift, fast, quick (celerity)
Here is the list for the 3rd declension Consonant stem nouns. STOP WHEN YOU SEE BRUCE.
apppropinquō, appropinquāre - to approach + DATIVE (propinquity)
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout (exclamation)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum, course)
deleō, delēre, delēvī, delētus - to destroy (delete)
desiderō, desiderāre - to desire
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (docent, doctor, doctrine, indoctrinate)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duke, reduce, induce, conduct)
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + DATIVE
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + DATIVE
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport, to carry)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive (potential)
regnō, regnāre - to reign
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try + complementary infinitive
aequor, aequoris (n) level surface, sea, plain (equal)
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life (eternity, eternal, aetās aurea)
aestās, aestātis (f) summer (estival)
amor, amōris (m) love (amorous, amatory)
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arborist sp: arbol)
bellātrīx, bellātrīcis (f) a female warrior
canis, canis (m/f) dog (canine, cavē canem)
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capitol)
carmen, carminis (n) song, poem (charm)
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed (celerity)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) citizenship, city-state, nation (civic, civilization)
cīvis, cīvis (m) citizen (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
coniunx coniugis (m./f): spouse, husband, wife (con + iungo)
consul, consulis (m) consul = chief elected magistrate of Roman Republic
cor, cordis (n) heart (discord, concord)
corpus, corporis (n) body (corpus, corporal, corpse, corporation)
dux, ducis (m) leader (duke, Doge)
eques, equitis (m) horseman, knight (equestrian)
error, errōris (m) wandering; error, mistake (erroneous)
flōs, flōris (m) flower (floral)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
fōns, fontis (m) spring, fountain (font of knowledge)
frāter, frātris (m) brother (fratricide, fraternal, fraternity)
fulmen, fulminis (n) lightening, thunderbolt (fulminate)
fūnus, fūneris (n) death, funeral
furor, furōris (m) rage, fury
gens, gentis (f) race, clan (Gens Romana, Gens Iulia)
genus, generis (n) kind (genus, sui generis)
grex, gregis (f) flock (egregious, gregarious)
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (-i stem noun)
homo, hominis (m) man, human begin (homo sapiens, homo erectus, ad hominem, homo novus)
imperātor, imperatōris (m) commander, general (emperor)
iter, itineris (n) journey, route, march (itinerary, itinerant)
iudex, iudicis (m) judge (judicial, judge)
legiō, legiōnis (f) legion (largest unit of Roman army, 3600-6000 milites)
labor, labōris (m) work, labor)
lībertās, lībertātis (f) liberty, freedom
līmen, līminis (n) threshold, doorway (liminal)
lītus, lītoris (n) sea shore, beach (littoral)
līs, lītis (f) strife, contest, dispute (litigious, litigation)
lūmen, lūminis (n) light; eyes (illuminate)
lūx, lūcis (f) light (fiat lux, Lucifer)
mater, matris (f) mother (material, matriarch)
mēns mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corore
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military, militant)
mōlēs, mōlis (f) mass, burden, weight (mole)
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem)
mōs, mōris (m) habit, custom (mores, morals, mos maiorum)
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal, immortal)
multĭtūdo, multĭtūdĭnis (f) a great number, multitude
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (sp. mujer)
mūnus, mūneris (n) duty, function, serviceō
mūs, mūris (m/f) a mouse ( derivative = muscle; cognate = mouse).
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine authority (numinous)
ops, opis (f) influence, power, resources (opulent)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus, opera)
orbis, orbis (m) circle, disk, orb (orb, orbit, orbital, orbis terrārum)
ordō, ordinis (m) order, rank, class, row (order, ordinal)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral, orifice)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
pastor, pastōris (m) shepherd
pater, patris (m) father (paternal, patriarch, paterfamilias)
pāvō, pāvōnis (m) peacock
pāx, pācis (f) peace (Pax Romana, pacify)
pēs, pedis (m) foot (pedal, pedestrian, pedestal)
pietās, piētātis (f) familial devotion, loyalty (piety) devotion country, gods and family
pons, pontis (m) bridge (Pontifex Maximus) Don’t confuse with pontus, ponti (m)
princeps, principis (m) leader, chief; emperor (prince)
rēx, rēgis (m) king (Oedipus Rex)
salūs, salūtis (f) healthy, safely, salvation (salutation)
soror, sorōris (f) sister (sorority)
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
tempestās, tempestātis (f) storm, season, weather (tempest)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary, tense)
tellūs, tellūris (f) earth, mother earth
tridēns, tridentis (m/f) (trēs + dēns), three-pronged, trident
uxor, uxōris (f) wife (uxorius)
urbs, urbis (f) city (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
vōx, vōcis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
vēritās, vēritātis (f) truth (veracity, in vino veritas)
victor, victōris (m) conqueror (victor, victorious)
virgō, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo, virgin, virginal)
virtūs, virtūtis (f) courage, valour, virtus (virtue, virtuous)
voluntās, voluntātis (f) wish, desire
voluptās, voluptātis (f) pleasure, enjoyment (voluptuous)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus - to walk (ambulatory)
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (docent, doctor)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold (habitual, Fr. avoir; It. avere, Sp. haber)
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre, mōnstrāvī, mōnstrātus - to show (demonstrate, domonstrative)
mordeō, mordēre, momordī, morsus - to bit (mordant, morsel)
mūtō, mutāre, mutāvī, mutātus - to change (mutation, mutant)
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātus - to kill
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, say no to (negate, negation)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight (pugnacious, pugnacious Dan Brown)
pendeō, pendēre, pependī, pensus - to hang (pendent, pendulum)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to respond
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to attempt
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (invoke, evocative, invocation, vocation)
simulō, simulāre, simulāvī, simulātus - to simulate
Nouns of the Second Declension
ager, agrī (m) field, farmland (agriculture)
magister, magistrī (m) master, teacher
liber, librī (m) book (ex librīs)
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
vir, virī (m) man; hero; husband (virile)
amīcus, amīcī (m) friend (amicable)
animus, animī (m) soul, mind, spirit (animation, animate, inanimate)
campus, campī (m) plain (campus)
cibus, cibī (m) food
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord ( dominus et deus)
deus, deī (m) god (deus = vocative case) Deus ex Machinā, deify,
discipulus, discipulī (m) student (disciple)
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
equus, equī (m) horse (equine)
fīlius, fīliī (m) son (filial)
gladius, gladiī (m) sword (gladiator)
hortus, hortī (n) garden (horticulture)
inimīcus, inimīcī (m) personal enemy (inimical)
iocus, iocī (m) joke (jocular)
modus, modī (m) way, method; measure (mode)
mundus, mundī (m) world, universe (spiritus mundi)
mūrus, mūrī (n) wall (intramural, mural)
nasus, nasī (m) nose (nasal)
numerus, numerī (m) number (numerus)
oculus, oculī (m) eye (ocular)
pontus, pontī (m) the sea; the deep
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus)
servus, servī (m) slave, servant (servile)
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
somnus, somnī (m) sleep (insomnia)
humus, humī (f) ground (exhume, inhumation)
aedificium, aedificiī (n) a building
aevum, aevī (n) age, period of time, time (medieval)
astrum, astrī (n) star; constellation
aurum, aurī (n) gold (AU)
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium, central room in a Roman domus/house
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven (ceiling)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, strategy
basium, basiī (n) kiss
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift (donation)
bellum, bellī (n) war (bellicose, belligerent, antebellum)
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron; sword (FE)
forum, forī (n) forum, public square
initium, initiī (n) beginning (initial, initiate)
membrum, membrī (n) limb
officium, officiī (n) duty (official, office, officious)
odium, odiī (n) hatred (odium)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
otium, otiī (n) leisure (negotiate)
periculum, periculī (n) danger (peril)
pīlum, pīlī (n) spear, javalin
pomum, pomī (n) fruit, apple
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command; empire (imperial, empire)
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; kingship; royal power
remedium, remediī (n) cure
saxum, saxī (n) rock
scūtum, scūtī (n) shield
signum, signī (n) sign, signal; battle standard
studium, studiī (n) zeal, eagerness; study, pursuit
tectum, tectī (n) roof; building
tēlum, tēlī (n) spear; weapon
templum, templī (n) sacred space, shrine; temple
verbum, verbī (n) word (verb, verbal, verbose)
vinculum, vinculī (n) chain, bond
First/Second Declension Adjectives
aequus, a, um - equal, fair, just
amīcus, a, um - friendly (+ dative case)
altus, a, um - high, lofty, deep
aeneus, a, um - bronze
argenteus, a, um - silver
aureus, a, um - golden
carus, a, um - dear (+ dative case)
clārus, a, um - bright, famous, illustrius
cūnctus, a, um - all taken together; all in a body; all, the whole
dīvus, a, um - divine; godlike
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
ferreus, a, um - iron, made of iron
foedus, a, um - ugly, disgraceful
formōsus, a, um - shapely, beautiful
inimīcus, -a, -um - hostile, unfriendly (+ dative case)
immēnsus, a, um - unmeasured; boundless; vast, immense
latus, a, um - wide
magnus, a, um - great
obscūrus, a, um - dim, dark, dusky, obscure
paucī, paucae, pauca (plural) a few, few
parvus, a, um - small
periculōsus, a, um - dangerous
prŏfundus, a, um - deep, profound, vast
saevus, a, um - savage, cruel
tūtus, a, um - safe
varius , a, um - diversified, manifold, various
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
noster, nostra, nostrum - our (possessive adjective)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
sinister, sinistra, sinstrum - left
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where at)
In - in, on (place where at)
Dē - down from, about, concerning (place where from)
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of
Ab (ā) - from, by (place where from)
Cum - with (accompaniment or manner)
Ex (ē) - from, out of (place where from)
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ante - before (antebellum)
post - after (post mortem)
ad - to, toward, against (ab marī usque ad mare, ad hominem)
contra - against (contradict)
circum - around (circumvent)
per - through, along (per diem)
in - into, against
sub - under (going)
trans - across (transfer)
On the quiz you will complete the dictionary entry with the English meaning(s) and give the case governed for prepositions.
Feminine First Declension Words
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f) friendship
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle
aqua, aquae (f) water
amīca, amīcae (f) friend (female)
audācia, audāciae (f) boldness, audacity
cauda, caudae (f) tail (of an animal)
causa, causae (f) cause, reason; trial
copia, copiae (f) supply, abundance
cura, curae (f) care, worry, anxiety
dea, deae (f) goddess
domina, dominae (f) mistress of domus
fābula, fābulae (f) story
fāma, fāmae (f) rumor, story, report
fēmina, fēminae (f) woman
forma, formae (f) sharp, beauty
fortūna, fortūnae (f) luck, fortune
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter
glōria, glōriae (f) glory, fame, renown
grātia, grātiae (f) favour, influence, charm, thanks
hōra, hōrae (f) hour
insula, insulae (f) island; apartment building
invidia, invidiae (f) jealousy, envy, spite
iānua, iānuae (f) door
īra, īrae (f) anger
laetitia, laetitiae (f) joy
lūna, lūnae (f) moon
mātrona, mātronae (f) lady
mensa, mensae (f) table
mora, morae (f) delay
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
pecūnia, pecūniae (f) money
potentia, potentiae (f) power
porta, portae (f) gate
prudentia, prudentiae (f) wisdom, prudence
prōvincia, prōvinciae (f) province
puella, puellae (f) girl
rāna, rānae (f) frog
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f) queen
rēgia, rēgiae (f) palace
rosa, rosae (f) rose
terra, terrae (f) land
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
silva, silvae (f) forest
sīmia, sīmiae (f) monkey
stella, stellae (f) star
superbia, superbiae (f) arrogance
umbra, umbrae (f) shadow, shade, ghost
ursa, ursae (f) bear
via, viae (f) road, path
vīta, vītae (f) life
Masculine First Declension Worlds
auriga, aurigae (m) charioteer
poēta, poētae (m) poet
pīrata, pīratae (m) pirate
incola, incolae (m) tenant, inhabitant
agricola, agricolae (m) farmer
nauta, nautae (m) sailor
First/Second Declension Adjectives
aureus, a, um - golden
bonus, a, um - good
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
ferus, a, um - wild
formōsus, a, um - beautify, shapely
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretched
malus, a, um -bad
magnus, -a, um - great
multus, a, um - many
parvus, a, um - small
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
saevus, a, um - savage
tardus, a, um - slow, late
Possessive Adjectives
meus, a, um - my
tuus, a, um - your (singular)
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (plural)
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where)
In - in, on (place where)
Dē - down from, about, concerning
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of
Ab (ā) - from, by
Cum - with
Ex (ē) - from, out of
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ad - to, toward
per - through, along
in - into
sub - under (going)
trans - across
List One: Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love (amatory, amorous)
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give (data)
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus - to wander; to err (error, aberrant)
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell, to live (inhabit)
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus -to praise (laud, summa cum laude)
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrative, narrator)
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper parātus)
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight (pugnacious)
regnō, regnāre, regnāvī, regnātus - to reign; to rule (reign)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save (preservation)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to watch, to look at (spectator, inspection)
stō, stāre, stetī, status (Sp: estoy; substantive, status quo)
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (advocate, evoke, convocation, vocation)
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus - owe; ought + complementary infinitive
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus -to teach (docent, doctor, indoctrinate)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have (avoir, avere, haber)
maneō, manēre, mansī, mansus - to remain, to stay (permanent, remain)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise (admonition, admonish, monitor)
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move (movable, motion, terramota)
sedeō, sedēre, sēdī - to sit (sedentary, sediment, sedimentary)
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possess (tenacious)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see (video, vision)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead (agent, agenda, action)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum; Sp: correr)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictation, dictionary)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (duct, aqueduct, conduct, produce)
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to chose; to read (lecture, election, selection)
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmit, mission)
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (exponent, position)
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag (tractor, attraction)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (invincible, veni, vidi, vici)
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī - to live (vivacious)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture (captive, capture, caption, reception)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, manufacture)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (refugee, fugitive, centrifuge)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (reject, object, inject)
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize (rapacious, rapture, rapine, raptor)
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open (aperture; abierto, abrir)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audio, audible, audit, audition)
saliō, salīre, saluī, saltus - to leap, to jump (salient)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus (sensitive, sentient)
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know (omniscient, science)
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (Sp: venir; advent, adventure; veni, vidi, vici)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able (potis + sum) + complementary infinitive
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (ser in Spanish; future)
Tarquinius Priscus Vocabulary List
abeo, abire - to go away (ab + eo, ire)
adeo, adire - to approach (ad + eo, ire)
ago, agere, egi, actus - to lead, to do, to pass, to spend
amo, amare, amavi, amatus - to love (amatory, Amanda)
audio, audire, audivi, auditus - to hear
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus - to increase (augment, augmentation)
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus, a, um - to depart, to scatter
do, dare, dedi, datus - to give (data)
eo, ire, ii, iturus - to go
exeo, exire - to go out (exit)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to make, to do (hacer in spanish)
fio, fieri, factus sum - to be made, to become, to happen (copulative verb)
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order (+ accusative + infinitive)
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send (transmit, transmission)
pereo, perire, perii, periturus - to perish (per + eo)
possum, posse, potui - to be able + complementary infinitive
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to place, to put
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus - to reign
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be (copulative verb)
venio, venire, veni, venturus, a, um - to come (advent; veni, vidi, vici)
video, videre, vidi, visus, a, um - to see (video, vision)
videor, videri, visus sum - to seem (copulative verb) with dative of reference
volo, volare, volavi, volatus - to fly (volatile)
volo, velle, volui - to wish, to want + complementary infinitive
animal, animalis (n) animal
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle (aquiline)
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capital)
civis, civis (m) citizen
civitas, civitatis (f) citizenship, citizen body, nation, state
dea, deae (f) goddess
deus, dei (m) god
impetus, impetūs (m) attack (impetuous)
locus, loci (m) place (locus
mare, maris (n) sea (marine, maritime; ab mari usque ad mare)
mors, mortis (f) death (postmortem)
patria, patriae (f) fatherland (dulce et decorum est pro patria mori)
populus, populi (m) people (vox populi, SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus)
prudentia, prudentiae (f) foresight, intelligence (prudence)
regnum, regni (n) kingdom, kingship, royal power
rex, regis (m) king
urbs, urbis (f) city (i-stem) (urban, urbane, suburban)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife (uxorius)
verbum, verbi (n) word
vir, viri (m) man, hero; husband (virile)
vita, vitae (vital signs, CV= curriculum vitae)
ego, mei, mihi, me, me - I, me
tu, tui, tibi, te, te - you
nos, nostri, nobis, nos, nobis - we, us
vos, vestri, vobis, vos, vobis - you (plural)
------ suī, sibi, sē, sē (reflective pronoun) himself, herself, itself, themselves
acer, acris, acre - fierce, sharp, bitter
amicus, a, um - friendly (+ dative)
audax, audacis (1 termination 3rd. adj.) bold, audacious
brevis, brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
celer, celeris, celere - fast, swift
fortis, fortis, forte - brave, strong
ingens, ingentis (1 termination 3rd. adj.) huge
inimicus, a, um - hostile, unfriendly (+ dative)
iratus, a, um - angry
laetus, a, um - happy
novus, a, um - new, strange, novel
peregrinus, a, um - foreign, strange (peregrination, peregrine falcon)
repentinus, a, um - sudden
tristis, tristis, triste - sad
autem (postpostive particle) however, moreover
enim (postpostive particle) for, indeed, in fact
diu (adv.) for a long time
diutius (comp. adv.) for a longer time
diutissime (superlative adv.) for the longest time
cum (subordinating conj.) when + indicative mood
dum (subordinating conj.) while + indicative mood
igitur (postpostive particle) therefore
itaque (adv.) and so
mox (adv.) soon
numquam (adv.) never
olim (adv.) once, once upon at time, long ago
post (prep. + acc.) after
quō (adv.) where, to where
quod (subordinating conj.) because
super (prep. + acc.) above
semper (adv.) always (sic semper Tyrannis)
sine (prep. + ablative) without (sinecure)
ubi (subordinating conj.) when, where
umquam - ever
List for Dei Deaeque Romanorum and Alii Dei Deaeque
Be able to decline hic gravis liber or haec magna res
Lar, Laris (m) deity in Lararium (there a two painted on the classroom wall)
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus (ad + capio) - to take, to receive, to accept
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognotus - to recognize, to know, to learn
conservō (1) to perserve, to conserve (conservative)
consulō, consulere - to consult
dō, dāre, dedī, datus - to give (data)
donō, donāre - to gift, to give
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to wear; to wage; to do; to accomplish; to manage (Res Gestae)
habitō (1) to dwell, to live (habitation, inhabit)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold, to consider
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to read; to pick, to chose (election, elect)
regō, regere, rexi, rectus - to rule; to guide
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to defeat, surpass, to conquer
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptus - to write
terrō, terrēre, terruī, territus - to frighten, to terrify
vocō (1) to call
auctor, auctoris (m) author
auctoritās, auctoritātis (f) authority
ager, agrī (m) field (agrarian)
amor, amoris (m) love
beneficium, -iī (n) benefit, kindness, favour
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven (ceiling)
causa, -ae (f) cause, reason; case
cibus, -ī (m) food
equus, -ī (m) horse (equine)
exercitus, -ūs (m) army (4th declension)
focus, focī (m) hearth (focus, focal)
fulmen, fulminis (n) thunder bolt, lighten bolt
frumentum, -ī (n) crop; grain, wheat
homo, hominis (m) man (homo sapiens, homo erectus)
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous, ignite)
locus, locī (m) place
natūra, -ae (f) nature
numerus, -ī (m) number
nuntius, -iī (m) messenger; message
liber, librī (m) book
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) children
officium, -iī (n) duty (officious
pars, partis (f) part
pugna, -ae (f) fight, battle
sapientia, sapientiae (f) wisdom
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal)
unda, -ae (f) wave (undulation)
vīta, vītae (f) life (curriculum vitae)
facilis, facile - easy
familiaris. familiare (adj.) of the family
- free
malus, a, um - bad, evil
nullus, a, um - no (-ius paradigm)
parvus, a, um - small
paucī, -ae, -a - a few
par, paris (one term. 3rd dec. adj.) equal (primus inter pares)
relinquus, a, um - the rest, the remaining
sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred, holy (sacrificial)
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius paradigm)
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire (-ius paradigm)
varius, a, um - various
ullus, a, um - any (-ius paradigm)
quī, quae, quod - (relative pronoun) who, whose, whom, which, etc.
īdem, eadem, idem - the same (is, ea, id + dem)
etiam (et) - even, also
fortasse (adv.) perhaps
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among (prīmus inter parēs)
nam - for
quondam (adv.) at one time, once
tamen - nevertheless, however
verē (adv.) truly
prīmus inter parēs = first among equals
ipsō factō - by the deed itself
Eō ipsō tempore - at this very moment
Vocabulary List for The Reigns of Numa and Tullus
ago, agere, egi, actus- to do, to spend, to pass, to lead
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to open, to reveal
capio, capere, cepi, captus - to take, to capture
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (A.U.C. = ab urbe condita)
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe; ought (+ complementary infinitive)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum-to be made, to happen, to become (fiat lux, ut fit)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage; to wear
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to choose, to pick; to read
pugno (1) to fight
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potui - to be able+ complementary infinitive
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back, return
servo (1) to save, preserve
servio, servire - to serve + DATIVE CASE
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be
supero (1) to suprass, to defeat
timeo, timere, timui - to fear
venio, venire, vēni, ventus - to come
voco (1) to call
arma, -orum (n. pl.) weapons, arms
ars, artis (f) skill, art
arx, arcis (f) citadel
ara, arae (f) altar
bellum, belli (n) war (gerere bellum = to wage war)
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
causa, causaae (f) reason, cause (sine causā and amōris causā)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan
diēs, diēī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, hodie)
fīlius, fīlii (m) son
imperium, -imperiī (n) power, command, the power to command (empire, imperial)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
porta, -ae (f) gates; doors
portus, -portūs (m) port, harbour
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
proelium, -ii (n) battle
rēs, reī (f) matter, situation, event, etc. (in medias res, res publica, De Rerum Natura)
spes, speī (f) hope
Albanus, a, um - Alban
audax, audacis (adj.) bold
cunctus, a, um - all
ceteri, ceterae, cetera - the other(et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj.) fierce
fessus, a, um - weary, exhausted
geminus, a, um - twin
integer, integra, integrum - unhurt, untouched, unharmed
laetus, a, um - happy
lectus, a, um - chosen
par, paris (adj.) equal (+ dative case)
pauci, paucae, pauca - few
parvus, a, um - small (Dennis parva animalia mordet)
sōlus, a, um - alone (-ius variation paradigm)
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius variation paradigm)
tūtus, a, um - safe
autem (postpositive) however
neque…neque (conj.) neither…nor
numquam (adv.) never
umquam (adv.) ever
vel...vel = either...or
velut (adv.) just as
mox (adv.) soon
diū (adv.) for a long time
Domestic Architecture & Domestic Existence for Mortal Romans
accumbō, accumbere, accubuī, accubitus - to lay one's self down
bibō, bibere, bibī - to drink (imbibe)
cēnō cēnāre - to dine, take a meal, eat dinner
cubō, cubere, cŭbŭi, cŭbìtúm - to recline
dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītus - to sleep (dormant)
sedeō, sedēre, sedī, sessus - to sit (obsession)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium
columna, -ae (f) column, pillar
conpluvium, conpulviī (n) pool below impluvium
culina, culinae (f) kitchen
cubilcum, cubiculī (n) bedroom
domus, domūs (f) house
domī = at home
domō = from home (place from
domum = (to) home (acc. of motion
fauces, faucium (f. pl.) entrance hall
fons, fontis (m) fountain, string (font)
hortus, hortī (m) garden (horticulture)
ianua, ianuae (f) door (Janus)
impluvium, impulviī (n) opening in roof of atrium
latrina, latrinae (f) bathroom
lararium, -iī (n) household shrine
līmen, līminis (n) theshold
peristylum, peristylī (n) colonnaded garden
porticus, porticūs (f) a covered walk between columns, colonnade, arcade, gallery, porch,
triclinium, tricliniī (n) dining room
tablinum, tablinī (n) tablinum
tēctum, -ī (n) roof, building; palace
villa, villae (f) country house
villa rustica
villa maritima
villa suburbana
aestas, aestatis (f) summer
imagō, imaginis (f) portrait, mask
lar, laris (m) a lar, domestic deity
mensa, mensae (f) table
negotium, negotiī (n) business, work
otium, otiī (n) leisure
penates, penatium (m. pl) household gods
pictura, picturae (f) picture
cliens, clientis (m) client
patronus, patronī (m) patron
salutātiō, salutātionis (f) morning salutation
statua, statuae (f) statue
ancilla, ancillae (f) female servant, handmade
avis, avis (f) bird (aviary)
avus, avī (m) grandfather
avia, aviae (f) grandmother
anus ,anūs (f) an old woman
avunculus, -ī (m) uncle (avuncular)
bulla, bullae (f) amulet worn by a Roman boy
canis, canis (m/f) dog (cavē canem)
coquus, coquī (m) cook
custōs, custōdis (m) guard
domina, dominae (f) mistress of the household
dominus, dominī (m) master of the household
gens, gentis (f) clan, family, race
genus, generis (n) origin, lineage; kind
glis, glīris (m) a dormouse (food)
mater, matris (f) mother
pater, patris (m) father
patruus, patruī, (m) uncle
māiōrēs, māiōrum (pl. m.) ancestors
maritus, maritī (m) husband
matrona, matronae (f) female head of household, mother of a family
mūs, mūris (m/f) a mouse (muscle)
familia, familiae (f) household, family
fīlius, fīliī (m) son
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter (dat./abl. pl. fīlabus)
frater, fratris (m) brother
līber, līberī (m) child
natus, natī (m) son
natā, natae (f) daughter
nōmen, nōminis (n) name
parens, parentis (m/f) parent
soror, sororis (f) sister
servus, servī (m) servant, slave
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
mensa, mensae (f) table
lectica, -ae (f) bed
sella, -ae (f) chair
torus, torī (m) a bed, couch
ientācŭlum, ientācŭlī (n) a breakfast, taken immediately after rising
cēna, cēnae (f) dinner
prandium, -iī (n) a late breakfast, luncheon
Pyramus et Thisbe Vocabulary List
bibō, bibere, bibī (bibulous, imbibe) - to drink
clāmō (1) call out, to shout, cry out (exclamation, exclamatory)
crescō, crescere, crēvī, cretus - to increase, to grow, to rise (crescendo, crescent moon)
fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsus - to deceive (false, fallacious, fallacy)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (refugee, centrifuge, centrifugal)
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw (eject, inject, reject)
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī - to lie (adjacent)
prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitus (pro + habeo) - to forbid, to prevent (prohibition)
quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesitus - to ask, seek, inquire (question)
quaesō, quaesere - to seek, to beg
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind (relinquish)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, feel, perceive, to think (sensitive, sentient)
temptō (1) to attempt (temptation)
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
optō (1) wish for (optative, option)
eō, īre, iī or ivi, itūrus, a, um - go (spanish ir)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bring, bear, endure (confer, transfer, translate, relate, refer, etc.)
volō, velle, voluī - to want, to wish + complementary Infinitive (volition)
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer (magis + volo) + complementary Infinitive (magis + volo)
nolō, nolle, noluī, - to not want (non + volo) + complementary Infinitive (non + volo)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary Infinitive (potis + sum)
sum, esse fuī, futūrus, a, um - to be (copulative verb)
amāns, amantis (f/m) a lover
arbor, arboris (f) tree (arboreal)
amor, amoris (m) love (amorous)
animal, animāis (n) animal, living being
corpus, corporis (n) body (corporal, corpulent)
consilium, -iī (n) plan, advice
domus, domūs (f) house; home (domestic)
fissum, fissī (n) crack (fissure)
fons, fontis (m) spring, fountain (font)
iter, itineris (n) journey, path (itinerant, itinerary)
iuvenis, iuvenis (m) youth (juvenile)
locum, -ī (n) place (location, locative)
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossify)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
pōmum, pomī (n) apple; fruit (pomegranate)
rādix, rādicis (f) root (radical, radish)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary)
vēlāmen, vēlāminis (n) garment, clothing, a covering
vestigium, vestigiī (n) traces, footprints
vir, virī (m) man (virile)
vīs, vis (f) force (violence)
vīrēs, vīrium (f. pl.) strength
vox, vōcis (f) voice (vox populī, vociferous)
———suī, sibi, se, se - himself, herself, itself, themselves
quī, quae, quod (relative pronoun) who, whose, whom, which, that
hic, haec, hoc - this, these
ille, illa, illud - that, those
iste, ista, istud - that (of yours)
albus, a, um - white (albino)
dignus, a, um - worth of, deserving of + ablative (dignity, indignant)
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
liquidus, a, um - clear, flowing
mollis, molle - soft (mollify)
obscūrus, a, um -dark (obscure)
prior, prius (gen. sing. = prioris) earlier, before, previous (priority)
suus, a, um - his own, her own, its own, their own
tenuis, tenue - thin, fine, slender (tenuous)
vicinus, a, um - close to, neighboring + dative (vicinity)
aliō (adv.) to another place
eō (adv.) to that place
eōdem (adv.) to the same place
hīc (adv.) in this place, here
hinc (adv.) from this place
hūc (adv.) to this place
illīc (adv.) in that place
illinc (adv.) fro that place
Illīc (adv.) to that place
quod (subordinating conj.) because
quia (subordinating conj.) because
utrimque (adv) on each side, in each direct
ut (subordinating conj.) + indicative mood = as, just as; when
Apollo et Daphne List
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescendo)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor, etc.)
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fixus - fashion; transfix, pierce
fugitō, fugitāre, fugitāvī - to flee
fugō, fugāre - to put to flight
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (centrifugal)
laudō, laudāre - to praise (summā cum laude)
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus (competition, petition)
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to overcome, conquer
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
eō, īre, iī or ivi, itūrus, a, um - go (spanish ir)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bring, bear, endure (confer, transfer, translate, relate, refer, etc.)
volō, velle, voluī - to want, to wish + complementary Infinitive (volition)
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer (magis + volo) + complementary Infinitive (magis + volo)
nolō, nolle, noluī, - to not want (non + volo) + complementary Infinitive (non + volo)
nōlī (singular) = do not + complementary infinitive
Cornelī, nōlī currere - Cornelius, do not run
nōlīte (plural) = do not + complementary infinitive
Amīcī, nōlīte currere - friends, do not run
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary Infinitive (potis + sum)
sum, esse fuī, futūrus, a, um - to be (copulative verb)
animal, animālis (n) animal, living being
ars, artis (f) artium - i-stem - skill, art (Ars Gratia Artis)
arcus, arcūs (m) bow (4th declension)
amor, amoris (m) love (amatory, amorous)
causa, -ae (f) cause, reason
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capital)
dolor, dolōris (m) suffering, pain
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (i-stem)
īra, īrae (f) anger, wrath (irate)
mare, maris (n) sea (maritime, marine)
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem)
osculum, osculī (n) kiss (diminutive of os, oris - mouth)
pater, patris (m) father (paternal)
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
urbs, urbis (f) city (i-stem) (urban, suburban, urbane)
virgo, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, keen, sharp (acrid)
acūtus, a, um - sharp (acute)
alter, altera, alterum - the other; one…the other (alternative)
audax, audacis (adj.) bold, daring
duo, duae, duo - two (dual)
obtusus, a, um - dull (obtuse)
omnis, omne - all (omniscient, omnipotent)
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, continuous (perpetual)
primus, a, um - first (primal)
superbus, a, um - arrogant, proud
nōnne (introduces a questions expecting YES answer)
num (introduces a questions expecting NO answer)
nōlī (singular) = do not + complementary infinitive
Cornelī, nōlī currere - Cornelius, do not run
nōlīte (plural) = do not + complementary infinitive
Amīcī, nōlīte currere - friends, do not run
hic, haec, hoc = this, these (demonstrative adjective)
ille, illa, illud = that, those (demonstrative adjective)
quid? = what? or why?
cur? = Why?
iterum (adv.) again, a second time
ubi - When; Where
Tarpeia Vocabulary
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus, a, um - to order + acc. + infinitive
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
prōmittō, prōmittere, prōmīsī, prōmissus - to promise, set before
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus - to seek
specto (1) to look at, to watch
eō, īre, iī or ivi, itūrus, a, um - go (spanish ir)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bring, bear, endure (confer, transfer, translate, relate, refer, etc.)
volō, velle, voluī - to want, to wish + complementary Infinitive
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer (magis + volo) + complementary Infinitive
nolō, nolle, noluī, - to not want (non + volo) + complementary Infinitive
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary Infinitive
sum, esse fuī, futūrus, a, um - to be (copulative verb)
aqua, aquae (f) water (aqueduct)
arx, acris (f) citadel
bracchium, bracchiī (n) arm, fore-arm
collis, collis (m) hill
cōpia, -ae (f) supply, abundance; in plural = troops
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
iniūria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
mensis, mensis (m) month
mons, montis (m) hill, mountain (i-stem)
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
ōrnāmentum, ōrnāmentī (n) ornament
poena, -ae (f) punishment (sub poenā)
proditio, proditionis (f) treachery
scutum, scutī (n) shield
via, -ae (f) road, path (Willy Via)
vīta, vītae (f) life (vital)
audax, audacis (adj.) bold (audacity)
aureus, a, um - golden (AU)
certus, a, um - sure, certain, reliable
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
miser, misera, miserum - wretched, poor, miserable
laevus, a, um - left
quot? (indecl. adj.) how many?
tōtus, a, um (-ius paradigm) whole, entire
tūtus, a, um - safe
causā + preceding genitive = for the sake of
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of
crās - tomorrow (procrastinate)
heri - yesterday
hodie - today
diū - for a long time
mox - soon
semper- always
saepe - often
bene - well
male - badly, poorly
statim - immediately
numquam- never
umquam - ever
iam - now; already
ibi - there
tum - then
subito - immediately
nunc - now
longē - far
List for the Sabine Women
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitutus - decide + complementary Infinitive
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen, to be made (copulative)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bear, to bring, to carry, to endure (refer, confer, infer, translate, relate, collate, etc) Irregular verb but essentially 3rd conjugation
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, omit, transmit)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
servō (1) to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve + dative case
spectō, spectāre - to watch, to look at
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call
ager, agrī (m) field
bellum, belli (n) war (antebellum, bellicose)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) city, citizen body
consilium, -iī (n) plan
cōpia, cōpiae (f) supply (in plural = troops, forces)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
donum, donī (n) gift
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) children
liber, librī (m) book
locus, locī (n) place
ludus, ludī (m) game
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (mujer)
populus, populī (m) people
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
urbs, urbis (f) city
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
aequus, a, um -equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
acer, acris, acre - fierce
audāx, audācis - bold
cīvilis, cīvile - of a citizen, civil
fortis, forte - brave strong
fīnitimus, a, um - neighboring
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
laetus, a, um - happy
līber, lībera, līberum - free
omnis, omne - all
paucī, paucae, pauca - few
publicus, a, um - of the people, public
potens, potentis (adj.) powerful
diū (adv.) for a long time
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of, because of
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
Aeneas Lavinium condit & De urbe Romana
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to spend, to pass (action, agenda, agent, actor,
apellō, apellāre, apellāvī, appellātus - to call, to name (copulative when passive)
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to slaughter
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procede, antecedent, procession, recession)
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā = AUC)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus (dis + cedo) - to depart, to scatter
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duct, reduction, induction, produce)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus (co + ago) - to compel, to drive together
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, to do
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bear, to bring, to carry; to endure (odiferous, refer, confer, infer, relate, collate, elate, translate, etc.)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (centrifuge, fugitive, refuge)
iactō, iactāre, iactāvī, iactātus - to toss
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus (in + venio) - to find (inventor, to discover)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtus - to mix
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, omit, transmit)
orō, orāre - to beg, pledge, to pray + acc. of person and acc. of thing (oration, orator)
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potuī - to be able
regō, regere, rexi, rectus - to rule; to guide (rector, rectum)
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind, abandon (relinquish)
respondeo, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to answer, to reply, to respond
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to took at
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to known (science, omniscient)
servō (1) to save, preserve, to protect (preservation)
serviō (4) to serve + dative case
timeō, temēre - to fear
terrō, terrēre, terruī, territus - to frighten, to terrify
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see
vocō (1) to call (advocate, vocation, evoke)
volō, velle, voluī - to wish, to want (irregular in present system)
arx, arcis (f) citadel
amor, amoris (m) love; love affair (amorous)
animāl, animālis (n) animal, living being
cōpiā, cōpiae (f) abundance, supply; in plural = troops, forces (copious, cornucopia)
colōnus, colōnī, (m) a cultivator or tiller; a husbandman, freq.; settler, colonist,
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind, type (sui generis, genre, genus, generic)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan, family (Gens Iūlia = Julian clan)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
mare, maris (n) sea
mons, montis (m) mountain, hill
nōmen, nōminis (n) name
nūmen, nūminis (n) divine power, divinity
oppidum, oppidī (n) town
ōra, ōrae (f) shoreline, shore
os, ossis (n) bone
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
sanguin, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
socius, sociī (m) ally (society, social)
terra, terrae (f) land, earth (terra firma, terra incognita, terrestrial)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
aequus, a, um -equal, fair, just; level
altus, a, um - deep; high
gravis, grave - heavy, serious; mighty; pregnant
fessus, a, um - weary, tired
levis, leve - light, floating; trivial (levitation)
maximus, a, um - very great; the greatest
insignis, insigne - marked, distinguished
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire, all (-ius paradigm)
tūtus, a, um - safe
diū (adv.) for a long time
hīc - in this place
hinc - from this place
hūc - to this place
inter (prep. + acc.) between, among
longē (adv.) far
ōlim (adv.) once, formerly
quis? Who? (interrogative pronoun)
quid? What? (interrogative adjective)
quō? (adv.) where? to where?
quoque (adv.) also
nōn sōlum…sed etiam - not only…but also
prope (prep. + acc.) near (propinquity)
statim (adv.) immediately
trāns (prep. + acc. ) across
unde? - form where, whence (interrogative adv.)
List for Aeneas Profugus with "i" Stem Adjectives
Be able to decline: ingens unda or saxum celere
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to lead, to drive, to do, to pass, to spend
ducō, ducere, dūxī, ductus - to lead
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, capture
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to establish, to found
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make; to do; to act
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (centrifugal, refugee)
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to wage; to manage; to do; to accomplish; to wear
iaciō, iacere, iecī, iactus - to throw
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus - to find, to discover
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + dative case
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, place
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrectus - to rise
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus - to see
volvō, volvere, volvī, volutus - to turn over, to revolve
animal, animalis (n) animal
annus, annī (m) year (annul; annus horribilis)
auxilium, auxiliī (n) aid, help (auxiliary)
bellum, bellī (n) war gerere bellum = to wage war
campus,campī (m) plain, field
castrum, castrī (n) military camp (often plural for singular)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice
corpus, corporis (n) - body deus,
celeritas, celeritatis (f) speed
ceteri/ae, a - the rest, the others
deus, deī (m) god
dolus, dolī (m) deception, a trick
dux, ducis (m) leader
equus, equī (m) horse
fatum, fatī (n) fate
fumus, fumī (m) smoke
ignis, ignis (m) fire (igneous, ignition)
locum, locī (n) place (location)
mare, maris (n) sea (“i” stem) (marine, maritime)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military, militia)
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal)
mora, morae (f) delay (moratorium)
navis, navis (f) ship (“i” stem)
odium, odiī (n) hatred, hate (odious)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR, vox populī)
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; royal power
sanguin, sanguinis (m) blood (sanguine)
socius, sociī (m) - ally (social, society)
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
urbs, urbis (f) city (“i” stem) (urban, urbane)
unda, undae (f) wave; water (undulate)
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
ventus, ventī (m) wind (spanish = viento)
acer, acris, acre - harsh, fierce (arid)
alius, alia, aliud - other; one…another
aequus, a, um - equal, level, fair, just (equal)
antiquus, a, um - ancient (antiquity)
audāx, audācis - bold
brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
celer, celeris, celere - fast, swift
fortis, forte - brave, strong
gravis, grave - heavy, serious
ingens, ingentis - huge
insignis, insigne - distinguished
mortuus, a, um - death (mortal)
miser, misera, miserum - wretched, poor, miserable
omnis, omne - all, every; entire (omniscient, omnipotent, omnibus)
nobilis, nobile - noble
perīculōsus, a um - full of danger, dangerous
pietās, pietātis (f) devotion/loyalty to family, country and gods
potēns, potentis - powerful (potent, impotent, omnipotent)
tōtus, a, um - whole, entire (-ius paradigm)
summus, a, um - the highest, the highest part of (summa cum laude; summit)
vetus, veteris (1 term.) - old (veteran, inveterate)
itaque - and so
autem (postpositive) however, moreover
statim (adv.) - immediately
postquam (subord. conj.) after
passim (adv.) scattered here and there
Aeneas Kills Turnus
Vocabulary for Trojan War Stories
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open (aperture, abierto in Spanish)
abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus - to hide
dēspērō, dēspērāre, dēspērāvī, dēspērātus - to give up hope, dispare (de+spero)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus (dis + cēdō) - to depart, scatter, withdraw
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (conduct, reduction, induct, produce, induce)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to possess
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī (fugitive, centrifugal)
interfciō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī (+ dative case) - to obey
possum, posse, potuī -to be able + complementary infinitive
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold (tenacious)
timeō, timēre, timuī - to fear, be afraid of (timid)
veniō, venīre, vēnī - to come (advent, convene, Spanish venir)
aetās, aetātis (f) age; period of time
aqua, aquae (f) water
annus, annī (m) year
castra, castrōum (n. pl.) military camp
campus, campī (m) plain, open field
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed
cibus, cibī (m) food
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
dies, dieī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift
dux, ducis (m) leader
equus, equī (m) horse (equestrian, equine)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
insula, -ae (f) island; apartment block
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind (genus)
hōra, -ae (f) hour
lītus, lītoris (n) shore
lux, lucis (f) light (lucifer)
mensis, mensis (m) month
navigium, -iī (n) sailing, navigation
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
porta, portae (f) gate
sapientia, sapientiae (f) cleverness, intelligence
signum, signī (n) sign
silva, silvae (f) forest
somnus, somnī (m) sleep
trēs, trium, tribus, trēs , tribus - three
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, contemporary)
victoria, -ae (f) victory
acer, acris, acre (3 term. 3rd) fierce, harsh, sharp (acrid)
ater, atra, atrum - dark
audax, audacis (1 term. 3rd) bold, audacious
brevis, breve (2 term. 3rd. decl.) - short, brief
celer, celeris, celere (3 term. 3rd) fast, quick
cēterī, cēterae, cētera - the rest, the others (et cetera = etc.)
fessus, fessa, fessum - weary, tired
fortis, forte (2 term. 3rd. decl.) brave, strong
ingens, ingentis (1 term. 3rd. decl.) huge
gravis, grave (2 term. 3rd. decl.) heavy, serious
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
multī, multae, multa - many
omnis, omne (2 term. 3rd. decl.) all
paucī, paucae, pauca - a few, few (paucity)
prīmus, a, um - first
secundus, a, um - second
tertius, a, um - third
tristis, triste (2 term. 3rd. decl.)
ante (prep. + acc.) before
diū (adv.) for a long time
dum (subordinating conj.) while
et (coordinating conj.)
longē (adv.) far
-que (enclitic) and
quō (adv. interrogative) where?
saepe (adv.) often
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
trans (prep. + acc. ) across
ubi (subordinating conj.) when; where
Vocabulary Quiz # 5: List of Mostly 3rd Declension Nouns
Be able to decline the following as part of the vocabulary quiz (not bonus):
tempestas magna or pēs līber or tempus bonum or bellum longum
apppropinquō, appropinquāre - to approach + DATIVE
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout (exclamation)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, curriculum, course)
deleō, delēre, delēvī, delētus - to destroy (delete)
desiderō, desiderāre - to desire
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead
noceō, nocēre, nocuī - to harm + DATIVE
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + DATIVE
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport, to carry)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + infinitive
regnō, regnāre - to reign
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try + complementary infinitive
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life (eternity, eternal)
aestās, aestātis (f) summer (estival)
amor, amōris (m) love (amorous, amatory)
carmen, carminis (n) song, poem (charm)
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed (celerity)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) citizenship, city-state, nation
cīvis, cīvis (m) citizen (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
consul, consulis (m) consul = chief elected magistrate of Roman Republic
corpus, corporis (n) body (corpus, corporal, corpse, corporation)
dux, ducis (m) leader (duke, Doge)
flumen, fluminis (n) river
frāter, frātris (m) brother (fratricide, fraternal, fraternity)
fulmen, fulminis (n) lightening, thunderbolt (fulminate)
funus, funeris (n) death, funeral
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) kind (genus, sui generis)
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (-i stem noun)
homo, hominis (m) man, human begin (homo sapiens, ad hominem)
imperātor, imperatōris (m) commander, general (emperor)
legiō, legiōnis (f) legion (unit of Roman army, 3600-6000 milites)
labor, labōris (m) work, labor (laborious)
lībertās, lībertātis (f) liberty, freedom
lītus, lītoris (n) sea shore, beach (littoral)
lumen, luminis (n) light; eyes
lux, lucis (f) light (fiat lux)
mater, matris (f) mother (material, matriarch)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military, militant)
mōlēs, mōlis (f) mass, burden, weight (mole)
mōs, mōris (m) habit, custom (mores, morals, mos maiorum = custom of ancestors)
mors, mortis (f) death
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
nūmen, nūminis (n) divinity, divine authority (numinous)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
orbis, orbis (m) circle, disk, orb (orb, orbit, orbital)
ōra, ōrae (f) a margin, border; coast, shore
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face (oral)
os, ossis (n) bone (ossification)
pastor, pastoris (m) shepherd
pater, patris (m) father (paternal, patriarch, paterfamilias)
pāx, pācis (f) peace (Pax Romana, pacify)
pēs, pedis (m) foot (pedal, pedestrian, pedestal)
pietās, piētātis (f) familial devotion, loyalty (piety)
pons, pontis (m) bridge (Pontifex Maximus)
rēx, rēgis (m) king (Oedipus Rex)
regnum, regnī (n) kindgom, royal power
tempestās, tempestātis (f) storm, season, weather (tempest)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary, temporize)
uxor, uxōris (f) wife (uxorius)
urbs, urbis (f) city (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun) (urban, urbane, suburban)
vōx, vōcis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi) vēr, vēris (n) spring (vernal)
vēritās, vēritātis (f) truth (veracity, in vino veritas)
virgō, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo, virgin, virginal)
virtūs, virtūtis (f) courage, valour, virtue
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
4th Quiz on Vocabulary for Minerva et Arachne & 2nd Declension Nouns
Bonus is to decline: pirata saevus, vir magnus or signum bonum
First and Second Conjugation Verbs:
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus - to walk (ambulatory)
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (docent, doctor)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold (habitual, Fr. avoir; It. avere, Sp. haber)
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre, mōnstrāvī, mōnstrātus - to show (demonstrate, domonstrative)
mordeō, mordēre, momordī, morsus - to bit (mordant, morsel)
mūtō, mutāre, mutāvī, mutātus - to change (mutation, mutant)
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātus - to kill
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, say no to (negate, negation)
pendeō, pendēre, pependī, pensus - to hang (pendent, pendulum)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to respond
temptō,temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to attemp
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (invoke, evocative, invocation, vocation)
simulō, simulāre, simulāvī, simulātus - to simulate
Nouns of the Second Declension"
ager, agrī (m) field, farmland (agriculture)
magister, magistrī (m) master, teacher
liber, liberī (m) book (ex librīs)
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
vir, virī (m) man; hero; husband (virile)
amīcus, amīcī (m) friend (amicable)
animus, animī (m) soul, mind, spirit
campus, campī (m) plain
cibus, cibī (m) food
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord ( dominus et deus)
deus, deī (m) god (deus = vocative case) Deus ex Machinā
discipulus, discipulī (m) student (disciple)
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
equus, equī (m) horse (equine)
fīlius, fīliī (m) son (filial)
gladius, gladiī (m) sword (gladiator)
hortus, hortī (n) garden (horticulture)
inimīcus, inimīcī (m) personal enemy (inimical)
iocus, iocī (m) joke (jocular)
modus, modī (m) way, method; measure (modus operandi)
mūrus, mūrī (n) wall (intramural, mural)
nasus, nasī (m) nose (nasal)
numerus, numerī (m) number (numerus)
oculus, oculī (m) eye (ocular)
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus)
servus, servī (m) slave, servant (servile)
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
somnus, somnī (m) sleep (insomnia)
humus, humī (Femininine) ground (exhume, inhumation)
aurum, aurī (n) gold (AU)
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium, central room in a Roman domus
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven (ceiling)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, strategy
basium, basiī (n) kiss
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift (donation)
bellum, bellī (n) war (bellicose, belligerent, antebellum)
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron; sword (FE)
forum, forī (n) forum, public square
initium, initiī (n) beginning (initial, initiate)
officium, officiī (n) duty (official, office, officious)
odium, odiī (n) hatred (odium)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
otium, otiī (n) leisure
periculum, periculī (n) danger
pomum, pomī (n) fruit, apple
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command; empire (imperial, empire)
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; kingship; royal power
remedium, remediī (n) cure
saxum, saxī (n) rock
signum, signī (n) sign, signal; battle standard
studium, studiī (n) zeal, eagerness; study, pursuit
tectum, tectī (n) roof; building
templum, templī (n) sacred space, shrine; temple
verbum, verbī (n) word (verb, verbal, verbose)
vinculum, vinculī (n) chain, bond
First/Second Declension Adjectives:
altus, a, um - high, lofty, deep
carus, a, um - dear
clārus, a, um - bright, famous, illustrius
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
latus, a, um - wide
foedus, a, um - ugly, disgraceful
saevus, a, um - savage, cruel
tūtus, a, um - safe
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
sinister, sinistra, sinstrum - left
List for 3rd Vocabulary Quiz. The List stops at Arachne.
Feminine First Declension Words
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f) friendship
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle
aqua, aquae (f) water
amīca, amīcae (f) friend (female)
audācia, audāciae (f) boldness, audacity
cauda, caudae (f) tail (of an animal)
causa, causae (f) cause, reason; trial
copia, copiae (f) supply, abundance
cura, curae (f) care, worry, anxiety
dea, deae (f) goddess
domina, dominae (f) mistress of domus
fābula, fābulae (f) story
fāma, fāmae (f) rumor, story, report
fēmina, fēminae (f) woman
forma, formae (f) sharp, beauty
fortūna, fortūnae (f) luck, fortune
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter
glōria, glōriae (f) glory, fame, renown
grātia, grātiae (f) favour, influence, charm, thanks
hōra, hōrae (f) hour
insula, insulae (f) island; apartment building
invidia, invidiae (f) jealousy, envy, spite
iānua, iānuae (f) door
īra, īrae (f) anger
laetitia, laetitiae (f) joy
lūna, lūnae (f) moon
mātrona, mātronae (f) lady
mensa, mensae (f) table
mora, morae (f) delay
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
pecūnia, pecūniae (f) money
potentia, potentiae (f) power
porta, portae (f) gate
prudentia, prudentiae (f) wisdom, prudence
prōvincia, prōvinciae (f) province
puella, puellae (f) girl
rāna, rānae (f) frog
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f) queen
rēgia, rēgiae (f) palace
rosa, rosae (f) rose
terra, terrae (f) land
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
silva, silvae (f) forest
sīmia, sīmiae (f) monkey
stella, stellae (f) star
superbia, superbiae (f) arrogance
umbra, umbrae (f) shadow, shade, ghost
ursa, ursae (f) bear
via, viae (f) road, path
vīta, vītae (f) life
Masculine First Declension Worlds
auriga, aurigae (m) charioteer
poēta, poētae (m) poet
pīrata, pīratae (m) pirate
incola, incolae (m) tenant, inhabitant
agricola, agricolae (m) farmer
nauta, nautae (m) sailor
First/Second Declension Adjectives
aureus, a, um - golden
bonus, a, um - good
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
ferus, a, um - wild
formōsus, a, um - beautify, shapely
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretched
malus, a, um -bad
magnus, -a, um - great
multus, a, um - many
parvus, a, um - small
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
saevus, a, um - savage
tardus, a, um - slow, late
Possessive Adjectives
meus, a, um - my
tuus, a, um - your (singular)
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (plural)
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where)
In - in, on (place where)
Dē - down from, about, concerning
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of
Ab (ā) - from, by
Cum - with
Ex (ē) - from, out of
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ad - to, toward
per - through, along
in - into
sub - under (going)
trans - across
New 1st or 2nd Conjugation Verbs:
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, amubātus - to walk (ambulatory)
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell, to live
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order + accusative case + infinitive
maneō, manēre, mansī, mansus - to remain, to stay
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrate)
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus (transport)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight
sedeō, sedēre, sedī - to sit (sedentary)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to watch, to look at
stō, stāre, stetī, status - to stand (Spanish estar)
Vocabulary List for The Reigns of Numa and Tullus
ago, agere, egi, actus- to do, to spend, to pass, to lead
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to open, to reveal
capio, capere, cepi, captus - to take, to capter
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (A.U.C. = ab urbe condita)
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe; ought (+ complementary infinitive)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum-to be made, to happen, to become (fiat lux, ut fit)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage; to wear
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to choose, to pick; to read
pugno (1) to fight
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potui - to be able+ complementary infinitive
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back, return
servo (1) to save, preserve
servio, servire - to serve + DATIVE CASE
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be
supero (1) to suprass, to defeat
timeo, timere, timui - to fear
venio, venire, vēni, ventus - to come
voco (1) to call
arma, -orum (n. pl.) weapons, arms
ara, arae (f) altar
bellum, belli (n) war
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
causa, -ae (f) reason, cause
consilium, -ii (n) plan
dies, diei (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, hodie)
filius, filii (m) son
imperium, -ii (n) power
laetus, a, um - happy
miles, militis (m) soldier
porta, -ae (f) gates; doors
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
proelium, -ii (n) battle
res, rei (f) matter, situation, event, etc. (in medias res, res publica, De Rerum Natura)
Albanus, a, um - Alban
audax, audacis (adj.) bold
ceteri, ceterae, cetera - the other(et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj.) fierce
fessus, a, um - weary, exhausted
geminus, a, um - twin
integer, integra, integrum - unhurt, untouched, unharmed
lectus, a, um - chosen
par, paris (adj.) equal
pauci, paucae, pauca - few
autem (postpositive) however
neque…neque (conj.) neither…nor
numquam (adv.) never
umquam (adv.) ever
vel...vel = either...or
Vocabulary List for Atalanta and Hippomenes, Part I
capio, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, capture (captive, caption, capture)
crescō, crescere, crēvī, crētus - to grow (crescendo)
culpō, culpāre, culpāvī, culpātus - to blame (culpable)
damnō (1) to condem (damnatio memoriae, damnation)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (diction, dictionary)
eō, īre, iī, itūrus - to go (irregular verb) (exit)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to carry, bear (coniferous, vociferous, legislature, confer, infer, refer, translation) irregular verb but really 3rd conjugation.
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, - to flee (centrifugal, refugee)
fugō, fugāre, fugāvī, fugātus - to put to flight
ignoscō, ignoscere, ignōvī, ignōtus - to forgive + DATIVE CASE
iuvō, iuvāre - to help
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus - to praise, to laud
mīrōr, mīrārī, mīrātus sum (only has passive forms, but active meaning) - to wonder, to marvel
moveō, moveō, mōvī, mōtus - to move (remote, motion, motive)
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (competition, petition)
optō, optāre, optāvī, optātus - to wish (opt, optional, optative)
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to surpass, to defeat
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scitus - to know (+ complementary inf. = to know how to verb)
sono (1) to sound (resonate)
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try, to attempt
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum - to seem (copulative verb)
vinco, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (vēnī, vīdī, vīcī)
vīvō, vīvere vīxi - to live (vivacious)
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life, youth
audacia, audiciae (f) boldness (audacity)
avus, avī (m) grandfather, ancestor
avis, avis (f) bird (aviary)
coniunx, coniugis (m. or f.) wife, spouse, husband (conjugal)
cornū, cornūs (n) horn; moon, bow (corn, unicorn, cornucopia)
culpa, culpae (f) fault (mea cupla)
cursus, cursūs (m) race, race course, course (cursus honōrum - course of political office)
currus, currūs (m) chariot
certamen, certaminis (n) contest
diēs, dieī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem, quotidian)
fīnis, fīnis (m. or. f.) end, limit, boundary (Imperium sine fine, infinite, el fin)
genū, genūs (n) knee (genuflect)
genus, generis (n) class, kind; race (suī generis)
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
homō, hominis (m) human begin, man (homo sapiens, homo erectus)
ignis, ignis, -ium (m) fire (i-stem noun) (ignition, igneous, ignite)
lēx, lēgis (f) law (legislature)
manus, manūs (f) hand; band of men
mors, mortis (f) death (mortal)
rēs, reī (f) thing, matter (in mediās rēs, Rēs Publica)
rūmor, rūmōris (m) rumor
orāculum, orāculī (n) oracle, response (oracular)
pes, pedis (m) foot (pedestrian, pedestal, pedal)
praemium, -ii (n) reward, price (premium)
turba, turbae (f) crowd, mob (disturbance)
virgo, virginis (f) maiden, virgin (Virgo, Vestales Virgines)
verbum, verbī (m) word (verbose, verbosity, verbal, verbiage
celer, celeris, celere - fast (celerity)
clārus, a, um - bright, clear, famous
dēterritus, a, um - deterred
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh (durable)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensive adj.) himself, herself, itself, themselves, very (ipsō factō, rēs ipsa loquitur)
iste, ista, istud - (demosntrative adj.) that of yours
memor, memoris (1 term. 3rd. decl. adj.) mindful + Genitive case
tardus, a, um - slow (tardy, retarded)
tantus, a, um - so great
quī, quae, quod - who, who, which
an - whether...or
enim (postpositive) for, indeed, in fact
forsitan (adv.) perhaps
magis (adv.) more
nisi - unless, if…not, expect
nōndum (adv.) not yet
prius (adv.) earlier, before
quoque (adv.) and also
tam (adv.) so
tardē (adv.) slowly
tardius (adv.) more slowly
tardissimē (adv.) very slowly
Vocabulary for Famous Roman Women
Etruscī, -ōrum (m. pl.) people of western central Italy
Vestātēs Virginēs = vestal virgins who protect Roman sacred hearth/fire
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to spend, etc. (action, actor, agent)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus - to bring together, to compel
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go, to yield
concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessus - to go with, to yield, to concede
prōcēdō, prōcēdere, prōcessī, prōcessus - to proceed (procession)
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout (exclamatory)
expectō, expectāre, expectāvī, expectātus - to wait for
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (manufacture)
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectus (ad + facio) - to influence
efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectus - accomplish, to make happen, bring about
fugiō, fugere, fūgī - to flee (fugitive, centrifugal)
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order + acc. + infinitive (jussive)
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (lector, lecture)
maneō, manēre, mansī, mansus - to remain, to stay
mereō, merēre, meruī, meritus - to deserve
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, to advise
moveō, movēre, movī, mōtus - to move
prōmoveō, prōmovēre, prōmovī, prōmōtus - to move throughly, to disturb (terramota)
mūniō, mūnīre, mūnīvī, mūnītus - to build, construct, fortify
occupō, occupāre - to occupy, to seize
pareō, parēre, paruī (intransitive) to obey + dative case
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
petō, petere, petivī, petitus - to seek (competition, petition)
pōnō, ponere, posuī, positus - to put, to place
prōpōnō, prōponere, prōposuī, prōpositus - to out forward, to propose
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātus - to ask (interrogative, interrogate, prerogative, abrogate)
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save, protect, keep (preserve)
serviō, servīre - to serve, be a slave + DATIVE CASE (serve, service)
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (event, advent, invent)
auctoritās, auctoritātis (f) authority, personal power
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
causa, causae (f) cause, reason; case
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) citizenship, state, nation, city-state
factum, factī (n) deed (fact)
lūdus, lūdī (m) school, game, games
lēx, lēgis (f) law (legislation, legislature, legal)
mulier, mulieris (f) woman (spanish mujer)
officium, offciī (n) duty, service (officious)
oratiō, orationis (f) speech, oration
pecunia, pecuniae (f) money (pecuniary)
soror, sororis (f) sister (sorority, sororal, sororicide)
clārus, a, um - bright, famous, distinguished
cīvīlis, cīvīle - civil, of a citizen, of the state
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh (durable)
ēgregius, a, um (ex + grex) -outstanding (egregious)
facilis, facile (3rd) easy (facile)
grātus, a, um - pleasing + dative case
grātior, grātius - (3rd declension) more pleasing
nullus, a, um (-ius paradigm) - no
sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred, holy
tōtus, a, um (-ius paradigm) - whole, entire
vērus, a, um - true (veracity)
alius, alia, aliud - another, other (-ius paradigm)
nihil (indecl. noun or adv.) nothing, in no way (ex nihilō, nihilism)
nōnne - expects answer yes (ita vero, rectē)
num - expect the answer no (minimē)
nunc (adv.) now
numquam (adv.) never
semper (adv.) always (sīc semper tyrannīs)
saepe (adv.) often
vērō (postpositive) indeed, in fact
vērum (adversative) but
memoriā tenēre - to hold by memory = to remember
New Vocabulary List for Phoebus Et Daphne
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescendo)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor, etc.)
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fixus - fashion; transfix, pierce
fugitō, fugitāre, fugitāvī - to flee
fugō, fugāre - to put to flight
laudō, laudāre - to praise (summā cum laude)
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus (competition, petition)
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to overcome, conquer
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
animal, animālis (n) animal
ars, artis (f) artium - i-stem - skill, art (Ars Gratia Artis)
arcus, arcūs (m) bow
amor, amoris (m) love (amatory, amorous)
causa, -ae (f) cause, reason
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capital)
dolor, dolōris (m) suffering, pain
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (i-stem)
īra, īrae (f) anger, wrath (irate)
mare, maris (n) sea (maritime, marine)
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem)
osculum, osculī (n) kill
pater, patris (m) father
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
urbs, urbis (f) city (i-stem) (urban, suburban, urbane)
virgo, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, keen, sharp
acūtus, a, um - sharp (acute)
alter, altera, alterum - the other; one…the other (alternative)
audax, audacis (adj.) bold, daring
duo, duae, duo- two (dual)
obtusus, a, um - dull (obtuse)
omnis, omne - all (omniscient, omnipotent)
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, continuous
primus, a, um - first (primal)
superbus, a, um - arrogant, proud
hic, haec, hoc = this, these (demonstrative adjective)
ille, illa, illud = that, those (demonstrative adjective)
quid? = what? or why?
cur? = Why?
iterum (adv.) again, a second time
ubi - When; Where
Interrogative adverbs, adjectives, pronouns
cur? = why?
quid? = what? why?
quis? = who?
Quō? = where? to what place?
diu (adv.) for a long time
mox (adv.) soon
ā or ab + ablative = by (ablative of personal agent)
circum (prep+ acc.) around
ob (prep.+ acc.) on account of, because of
prope (prep+ acc.) near
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of
post (prep. + acc.) before
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum - while
postquam (subordinating conj.) afterward
quod - because
ubi - when, where
Coordinating Conjunctions
aut...aut - either ..or - neither...nor
neque...neque - neither...nor
-que (enclitic) and
-ve (enclitic) or
atque or ac = and, and also
et - and
Adversative Conjunctions
at, ast - but
sed - but
vērum - but
Tarpeia Vocabulary
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus, a, um - to order + acc. + infinitive
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey + dative case
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus - to seek
specto (1) to look at, to watch
Irregular Verbs:
eō, īre, iī or ivi, itūrus, a, um - go (spanish ir)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bring, bear, endure
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer
nolō, nolle, noluī, - to not want
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary Infinitive
sum, esse fuī, futūrus, a, um - to be (copulative verb)
volō, velle, voluī - to want, to wish + complementary Infinitive
arx, acris (f) citadel
collis, collis (m) hill
cōpia, -ae (f) supply, abundance; in plural = troops
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
iniūria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
mensis, mensis (m) month
mons, montis (m) hill, mountain (i-stem)
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
poena, -ae (f) punishment (sub poenā)
proditio, proditionis (f) treachery
scutum, scutī (n) shield
via, -ae (f) road, path
vīta, vītae (f) life (vital)
audax, audacis (adj.) bold (audacity)
aureus, a, um - golden (AU)
certus, a, um - sure, certain, reliable
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
miser, misera, miserum - wretched, poor, miserable
laevus, a, um - left
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) whole, entire
tūtus, a, um - safe
causā + preceding genitive = for the sake of
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of
Vocabulary for Ab Urbe Condita/Romulus et Remus
Aeneas, Aeneae (m) profugus Troianus/conditor gentis Romanae
Ascanius/Iulus- filius Aeneae
Lavinia, -ae (f) Filia regis, Latinī et Secunda uxor Aeneae
Lavinium, -iī (n) oppidum conditum ab Aeneā in Latiō
Alba Longa, Albae, Longae (f) - city founded by Ascanius/Iulus south of Rome
Mars, Martis (m) deus belli et pater Romuli Remique
Rhea Silvia, Rheae, Silviae (f) filia Numitor/Virgo Vestalis/mater Romuli Remique/
Mons Palatinus - Palatine Hill
Numitor, Numitoris (m) bonus rex Albae Longae
Amulius, Amuliī (m) malus rex Albae Longae, scelestus frater Numitoris
apellō, apellāre, apellāvī, apellātus - to name, to call (appellation)
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitūtum - to decide + complementary Infinitive
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā)
curo, curare - to look after, care for
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, conduct, conductor)
expello, expellere, expulī, expulsus - to drive out, exile (expel, expulsion)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to make, to do; to act (Spanish hacer)
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to become, to happen, to be made (fiat lux)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
invenio, invenīre, invēnī, inventus - to find, to discover (in + venio) (invent, inventor)
interfecio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus - to kill
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order (jussive) + accusative + infinitive
muniō, munīre, munīvī, munītus - to build, to fortify
possum, posse, potuī (potis + sum, esse) - to be able + complementary infintive
portō, portāre, portavi, portatus - to carry (transportation)
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back (re + do, dare)
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus - to abandon, leave behind (relinquish)
transilio, transilire, transilui - to jump across
animal, animālis (n) animal
frater, fratris (m) bother (fratricide, fraternal)
flumen, fluminis (n) river
fulmen, fulminis (n) lightening bolt (fulminate)
geminus, -i (m) twin (gemini)
iniuria, -ae (f) injury, wrong (injury)
lupa, -ae (f) she-wolf (lupine)
mons, montis (m) moutain (i-stem gen. pl. montium)
mūrus, mūrī (m) wall (intramural, mural)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town
pastor, pastoris (m) shepherd
posterī, -posterōrum (m. pl) descendants (posterity)
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
audax, audacis - bold (audacious)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, harsh (acrid)
bonus, a, um - good (bonafide, prō bonō)
iratus, a, um - angry
malus, a, um - bad (malediction, malefactor)
omnis, omne - all (omnipotent, omniscient)
potens, potentis (adj.) powerful (potent, impotent, omnipotent)
Interrogative adverbs, adjectives, pronouns
cur? = why?
quid? = what? why?
quis? = who?
Quō? = where? to what place?
diu (adv.) for a long time
mox (adv.) soon
ā or ab + ablative = by (ablative of personal agent)
circum (prep+ acc.) around
ob (prep.+ acc.) on account of, because of
prope (prep+ acc.) near
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of
post (prep. + acc.) before
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum - while
postquam (subordinating conj.) afterward
quod - because
ubi - when, where
Coordinating Conjunctions
aut...aut - either ..or - neither...nor
neque...neque - neither...nor
-que (enclitic) and
-ve (enclitic) or
atque or ac = and, and also
et - and
Adversative Conjunctions
at, ast - but
sed - but
vērum - but
Vocabulary List for Lesson 15 & 16 - Troy and Aeneas
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus - to open (aperture, abierto in Spanish)
apellō, apellāre, appellāvī, appellātus - to call, to name
abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus - to hide
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear (audition, audio)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, to capture
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā = AUC)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus - to compel, to drive together
dēspērō, dēspērāre, dēspērāvī, dēspērātus - to give up hope, dispare (de+spero)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus (dis + cēdō) - to depart, scatter, withdraw
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (conduct, reduction, induct, produce, induce)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to possess
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor)
fugiō, fugere, fūgī (fugitive, centrifugal)
interfciō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper paratus)
pareō, parēre, paruī (+ dative case) - to obey
possum, posse, potuī -to be able + complementary infinitive (irregular verb)
quaerō, quaerere - to seek, to ask
respondeō, repondēre, respondī, respōnsum - to respond
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save, to keep
spectō, spectāre -to watch
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold (tenacious)
timeō, timēre, timuī - to fear, be afraid of (timid)
veniō, venīre, vēnī - to come (advent, convene, Spanish venir)
aetās, aetātis (f) age; period of time
aqua, aquae (f) water
annus, annī (m) year
castra, castrōum (n. pl.) military camp
campus, campī (m) plain, open field
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed
cibus, cibī (m) food
copia, copiae (f) abundance; in plural: troops forces
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
dies, dieī (m) day (per diem, carpe diem)
dolus, dolī (m) trick
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift
dux, ducis (m) leader
equus, equī (m) horse (equestrian, equine)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
insula, -ae (f) island; apartment block
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind (genus)
hōra, -ae (f) hour
lītus, lītoris (n) shore
lux, lucis (f) light (lucifer)
mensis, mensis (m) month
navigium, -iī (n) sailing, navigation
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
periculum, periculī (n) danger
porta, portae (f) gate
sapientia, sapientiae (f) cleverness, intelligence
signum, signī (n) sign, signal
silva, silvae (f) forest
somnus, somnī (m) sleep
trēs, trium, tribus, trēs , tribus - three
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, contemporary)
terra, terrae (f) land
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
victoria, -ae (f) victory
acer, acris, acre (3 term. 3rd) fierce, harsh, sharp (acrid)
ater, atra, atrum - dark
audax, audacis (1 term. 3rd) bold, audacious
brevis, breve (2 term. 3rd. decl.) - short, brief
celer, celeris, celere (3 term. 3rd) fast, quick
cēterī, cēterae, cētera - the rest, the others (et cetera = etc.)
dulcis, dulce (2 term. 3rd. decl.) - short, brief
fessus, fessa, fessum - weary, tired
fortis, forte (2 term. 3rd. decl.) brave, strong
ingens, ingentis (1 term. 3rd. decl.) huge
gravis, grave (2 term. 3rd. decl.) heavy, serious
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
multī, multae, multa - many
omnis, omne (2 term. 3rd. decl.) all
paucī, paucae, pauca - a few, few (paucity)
prīmus, a, um - first
secundus, a, um - second
tertius, a, um - third
tristis, triste (2 term. 3rd. decl.)
tūtus, a, um - safe
ante (prep. + acc.) before
diū (adv.) for a long time
dum (subordinating conj.) while
longē (adv.) far
-que (enclitic) and (coordinating conjunction)
quō (adv. interrogative) where?
saepe (adv.) often
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
trans (prep. + acc. ) across
ubi (subordinating conj.) when; where
unde (adv.) from where, whence
List of 3rd Conjugation Verbs
alō, alere, aluī, altus - to nourish, to support, to cherish
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, to lead, to drive, to spend, to pass (action, agenda, agent, actor,
carpō, carpere, carpsī, carptus - to seize, to pick, to pluck (carpe diem)
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casus (intransitive verb) - to fall (cadence, occasion, occidental)
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesus - to cut down, to slaughter
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessus - to go; to yield (procede, antecedent, procession, recession)
colō, colere, coluī, cultus - to cultivate, to worship (horticulture, culture, cult, occult)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactus - to compel, to drive together
condō, condere, condidī, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe conditā = AUC)
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run (current, cursive, incursion, course, curriculum)
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (diction, dictionary, dictation)
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, duct, reduction, induction, produce)
discō, discere, didicī - to learn
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus - to bring, to bear, to carry (odiferous, translation, relation, refer, confer)
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus - to carry on, to wage, to manage, to wear, to do, to perform
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (election, select, lector)
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send (transmission, omit, transmit)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus - to show (ostensible, ostentatious)
parcō, parcere, pepercī (+ dative case) - to spare
pello, pellere, pepulī, pulsus - to drive, to strike (repel, expel, repulsive, expulsion)
petō, petere, petīvī, petītus - to seek (petition, competition)
premō, premere, pressī, pressus - to control, to press, to pursue (pressure, oppression)
ponō, pōnere, posuī, positus - to put, to place (position, apposition, opposition, exponent)
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctus - to rule, to guide, to direct
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus - to leave behind, abandon (relinquish)
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptus - to write (manuscript, scribe, inscription, proscription)
solvō, solvere, solvī, solutus - to set free (absolve, absolution, solvent, solve)
sumō, sumere, sumpsī, sumptus - to take up, to assume, to consume (consumption, assumption, assume)
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctus - to touch (tangent, tangible, tactile)
tegō, tegere, tēxī, tectus - to cover (protect)
tendō, tendere, tetendī, tentus/tēnsus - to expend, to stretch (extension, tendent)
trādō, trādere, tradidī, trāditus - to hand over, surrender (tradition)
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag (tractor, attraction, detractor)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus - to turn (revert, intravert, extravert, convert, revert, reverse, reversion)
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer (victor, invincible, vēnī, vīdī, vīcī)
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctus - to live (vivacious, vital
Vocabulary List of 3nd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns & a Few Verbs.
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout (exclamation)
deleō, delēre, delēvī, delētus - to destroy (delete)
desiderō, desiderāre - to desire
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (transport, to carry)
regnō, regnāre - to reign
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to try (temptation)
aetās, aetātis (f) age, time of life (eternity, eternal)
amor, amōris (m) love (amorous, amatory)
carmen, carminis (n) song, poem (charm)
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed (celerity)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) citizenship, city-state, nation
cīvis, cīvis (m) citizen (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
consul, consulis (m) consul = chief elected magistrate of Roman Republic
corpus, corporis (n) body (corpus, corporal, corpse, corporation)
dux, ducis (m) leader (duke, Doge)
flumen, fluminis (n) river
frāter, frātris (m) brother (fratricide, fraternal, fraternity)
fulmen, fulminis (n) lightening, thunderbolt (fulminate)
funus, funeris (n) death, funeral
gens, gentis (f) race, clan
genus, generis (n) kind (genus, sui generis)
homo, hominis (m) man, human begin (homo sapiens, ad hominem)
imperātor, imperatōris (m) commander, general (emperor)
legiō, legiōnis (f) legion (unit of Roman army, 3600-6000 milites)
labor, labōris (m) work, labor)
lībertās, lībertātis (f) liberty, freedom
lītus, lītoris (n) shore (littoral)
mater, matris (f) mother (material, matriarch)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military, militant)
mōlēs, mōlis (f) mass, burden, weight (mole)
mōs, mōris (m) habit, custom (mores, morals, mos maiorum)
mors, mortis (f) death
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
nōmen, nōminis (n) name (noun, nomenclature)
opus, operis (n) work, task, labor (magnum opus)
orbis, orbis (m) circle, disk, orb (orb, orbit, orbital)
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
pastor, pastoris (m) shepherd
pater, patris (m) father (paternal, patriarch, paterfamilias)
pāx, pācis (f) peace (Pax Romana, pacify)
pēs, pedis (m) foot (pedal, pedestrian, pedestal)
pietās, piētātis (f) familial devotion, loyalty (piety)
pons, pontis (m) bridge (Pontifex Maximus)
rēx, rēgis (m) king (Oedipus Rex)
tempestās, tempestātis (f) storm, season, weather (tempest)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary,
uxor, uxōris (f) wife (uxorius)
urbs, urbis (f) city (this is an “i” stem 3rd decl. noun)
vōx, vōcis (f) voice (vociferous, vox populi)
vēritās, vēritātis (f) truth (veracity, in vino veritas)
virgō, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo, virgin, virginal)
virtūs, virtūtis (f) courage, valour, virtus)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
Vocabulary for Minerva et Arachne & 2nd Declension Nouns
First and Second Conjugation Verbs:
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus - to walk (ambulatory)
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (docent, doctor)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold (habitual, Fr. avoir; It. avere, Sp. haber)
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre, mōnstrāvī, mōnstrātus - to show (demonstrate, domonstrative)
mordeō, mordēre, momordī, morsus - to bit (mordant, morsel)
mūtō, mutāre, mutāvī, mutātus - to change (mutation, mutant)
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātus - to kill
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, say no to (negate, negation)
pendeō, pendēre, pependī, pensus - to hang (pendent, pendulum)
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus - to respond
temptō,temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to attemp
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call (invoke, evocative, invocation, vocation)
simulō, simulāre, simulāvī, simulātus - to simulate
Nouns of the Second Declension"
ager, agrī (m) field, farmland (agriculture)
magister, magistrī (m) master, teacher
liber, liberī (m) book (ex librīs)
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
vir, virī (m) man; hero; husband (virile)
amīcus, amīcī (m) friend (amicable)
animus, animī (m) soul, mind, spirit
campus, campī (m) plain
cibus, cibī (m) food
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord ( dominus et deus)
deus, deī (m) god (deus = vocative case) Deus ex Machinā
discipulus, discipulī (m) student (disciple)
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
equus, equī (m) horse (equine)
fīlius, fīliī (m) son (filial)
gladius, gladiī (m) sword (gladiator)
hortus, hortī (n) garden (horticulture)
inimīcus, inimīcī (m) personal enemy (inimical)
iocus, iocī (m) joke (jocular)
modus, modī (m) way, method; measure
mūrus, mūrī (n) wall (intramural, mural)
nasus, nasī (m) nose (nasal)
numerus, numerī (m) number (numerus)
oculus, oculī (m) eye (ocular)
populus, populī (m) people (SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus)
servus, servī (m) slave, servant (servile)
socius, sociī (m) ally (social, society)
somnus, somnī (m) sleep (insomnia)
humus, humī (Femininine) ground (exhume, inhumation)
aurum, aurī (n) gold (AU)
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help, aid (auxiliary)
atrium, atriī (n) atrium, central room in a Roman domus
caelum, caelī (n) sky, heaven (ceiling)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice, strategy
basium, basiī (n) kiss
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift (donation)
bellum, bellī (n) war (bellicose, belligerent, antebellum)
ferrum, ferrī (n) iron; sword (FE)
forum, forī (n) forum, public square
initium, initiī (n) beginning (initial, initiate)
officium, officiī (n) duty (official, office, officious)
odium, odiī (n) hatred (odium)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town, hill town
otium, otiī (n) leisure
periculum, periculī (n) danger
pomum, pomī (n) fruit, apple
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
imperium, imperiī (n) power, command; empire (imperial, empire)
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; kingship; royal power
remedium, remediī (n) cure
saxum, saxī (n) rock
signum, signī (n) sign, signal; battle standard
studium, studiī (n) zeal, eagerness; study, pursuit
tectum, tectī (n) roof; building
templum, templī (n) sacred space, shrine; temple
verbum, verbī (n) word (verb, verbal, verbose)
vinculum, vinculī (n) chain, bond
First/Second Declension Adjectives:
altus, a, um - high, lofty, deep
carus, a, um - dear
clārus, a, um - bright, famous, illustrius
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
latus, a, um - wide
foedus, a, um - ugly, disgraceful
saevus, a, um - savage, cruel
tūtus, a, um - safe
dexter, dextera, dexterum - right
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretch, miserable
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
sinister, sinistra, sinstrum - left
List of 1st Declension Nouns & Other Words. The list stops at the mosaic of Europa.
Feminine First Declension Words:
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f) friendship
aquila, aquilae (f) eagle
aqua, aquae (f) water
amīca, amīcae (f) friend (female)
audācia, audāciae (f) boldness, audacity
cauda, caudae (f) tail (of an animal)
causa, causae (f) cause, reason; trial
copia, copiae (f) supply, abundance
cura, curae (f) care, worry, anxiety
dea, deae (f) goddess
domina, dominae (f) mistress of domus
fābula, fābulae (f) story
fāma, fāmae (f) rumor, story, report
fēmina, fēminae (f) woman
forma, formae (f) sharp, beauty
fortūna, fortūnae (f) luck, fortune
fīlia, fīliae (f) daughter
glōria, glōriae (f) glory, fame, renown
grātia, grātiae (f) favour, influence, charm, thanks
hōra, hōrae (f) hour
insula, insulae (f) island; apartment building
invidia, invidiae (f) jealousy, envy, spite
iānua, iānuae (f) door
īra, īrae (f) anger
laetitia, laetitiae (f) joy
lūna, lūnae (f) moon
mātrona, mātronae (f) lady
mensa, mensae (f) table
mora, morae (f) delay
nympha, nymphae (f) nymph
patria, patriae (f) fatherland
pecūnia, pecūniae (f) money
potentia, potentiae (f) power
porta, portae (f) gate
prudentia, prudentiae (f) wisdom, prudence
prōvincia, prōvinciae (f) province
puella, puellae (f) girl
rāna, rānae (f) frog
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f) queen
rēgia, rēgiae (f) palace
rosa, rosae (f) rose
terra, terrae (f) land
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
silva, silvae (f) forest
sīmia, sīmiae (f) monkey
stella, stellae (f) star
superbia, superbiae (f) arrogance
umbra, umbrae (f) shadow, shade, ghost
ursa, ursae (f) bear
via, viae (f) road, path
vīta, vītae (f) life
Masculine First Declension Words:
auriga, aurigae (m) charioteer
poēta, poētae (m) poet
pīrata, pīratae (m) pirate
incola, incolae (m) tenant, inhabitant
agricola, agricolae (m) farmer
nauta, nautae (m) sailor
First/Second Declension Adjectives:
aureus, a, um - golden
bonus, a, um - good
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh
ferus, a, um - wild
formōsus, a, um - beautify, shapely
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
līber, lībera, līberum - free
miser, misera, miserum - poor, wretched
malus, a, um -bad
magnus, -a, um - great
multus, a, um - many
parvus, a, um - small
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
saevus, a, um - savage
tardus, a, um - slow, late
Possessive Adjectives
meus, a, um - my
tuus, a, um - your (singular)
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (plural)
Prepositions Governing Ablative Case:
Sub - under (place where)
In - in, on (place where)
Dē - down from, about, concerning
Sine - without (sinecure)
Prō - on behalf of, instead of, in front of
Ab (ā) - from, by
Cum - with
Ex (ē) - from, out of
Prepositions Governing the Accusative Case:
ad - to, toward
per - through, along
in - into
sub - under (going)
trans - across
New 1st or 2nd Conjugation Verbs:
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, amubātus - to walk (ambulatory)
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell, to live
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order + accusative case + infinitive
maneō, manēre, mansī, mansus - to remain, to stay
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrate)
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus (transport)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus - to fight
sedeō, sedēre, sedī - to sit (sedentary)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to watch, to look at
stō, stāre, stetī, status - to stand (Spanish estar)
Vocabulary List for The Reigns of Numa and Tullus
ago, agere, egi, actus- to do, to spend, to pass, to lead
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus - to open, to reveal
capio, capere, cepi, captus - to take, to capter
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish
constituo, constituere - to decide + infinitive
debeo, debere, debui, debitus - to owe
facio, facere, feci, factus - to do, to make
fio, fieri, factus sum-to be made, to happen, to become
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage; to wear
mitto, mittere, misi, missus - to send
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to choose, to pick; to read
pugno (1) to fight
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to put, to place
possum, posse, potui - to be able+ complementary infinitive
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back, return
servo (1) to save, preserve
sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be
supero (1) to suprass, to defeat
timeo, timere, timui - to fear
venio, venire, vēni, ventus - to come
voco (1) to call
arma, -orum (n. pl.) weapons, arms
bellum, belli (n) war
caedes, caedis (f) slaughter
causa, -ae (f) reason, cause
consilium, -ii (n) plan
filius, filii (m) son
imperium, -ii (n) power
laetus, a, um - happy
miles, militis (m) soldier
porta, -ae (f) gates; doors
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
proelium, -ii (n) battle
Albanus, a, um - Albans
audax, audacis (adj.) bold
ceteri, ceterae, cetera - the other(et cetera)
ferox, ferocis (adj.) fierce
fessus, a, um - weary, exhausted
geminus, a, um - twin
integer, integra, integrum - unhurt, untouched, unharmed
lectus, a, um - chosen
par, paris (adj.) equal
pauci, paucae, pauca - few
neque…neque (conj.) neither…nor
numquam (adv.) never
Vocabulary List for Civitas Romana
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus (ad + duco) to entice, to influence, to led
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus - to increase
consulo, consulere - discuss, to deliberate
conservo (1) to save, preserve
facio, facere, feci, factus - to make, to do
munio, munire, munivi, munitus - to build, to fortify
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus - to drive out
propero (1) to hasten, to rush
rego, regere, rexi, rectus - to guide, to rule
remitto, remittere, remisi, remissus (re+mitto) to give up, to relax
removeo, removere, removi, remotus - to remove
spero (1) to hope for, to expect
spiro, spirare - to breath, to relax
supero (1) to surpass, to defeat
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus - to frighten
timeo, timere - to fear
valeo, valere - to be healthy, to be sound
animus, animi (m) mind
arma, armōrum (n. pl.) weapons
auctoritas, auctoritatis (f) authority
auxilium, -ii (n) help
consilium, consilii (n) plan, advice
cor, cordis (n) heart
cura, -ae (f) worry, concern (sinecure)
cupiditas, cupiditatis (f) desire
dominus, -i (m) master
fuga, -ae (f) flight
hiems, hiemis (f) winter
imperium, -ii (n) power, command
ius, iuris (n) law, right
lex, legis (f) law
libertas, libertatis (f) liberty, freedom
modus, modī (m) a way, method, means
pars, partis (f) part, side, direction
pecunia, -ae (f) money
periculum, -i (n) danger
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
proelium, -ii (n) battle
pugna, -ae (f) fight
virtus, virtutis (f) courage
aequus a, um - equal, just, fair
communis, commune - common
duo, duae, duo - two
firmus, a, um - strong, solid, healthy
finitimus, a, um - neighboring
incertus, a, um - uncertain
pauci, paucae, pauca - few
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, continous
superbus, a, um - proud, arrogant
tertius, a, um - third
ultimus, a, um - last, farthest
verus, a, um - true
aequē (adv.) justly, equally
itaque (adv.) and so
non iam (adv.) no longer
nunc (adv.) now
ob (prep. + acc.) on account of
tum (adv.) then
Vocabulary for Sāturnus et Iuppiter
Be able to decline as part of the quiz.
mare altum & mons durus & proelium longum
cogo, cogere, coegī, coactus (co + ago)- tocompel
devoro, devorāre - to devour
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus - to drive out
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to wage; to manage; to wear
mitto, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
moneo, monēre, monui, monitus - to advise, to warn (admonish, admonition)
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus - to permit (per + mitto)
pono, ponere, posui, positus - to place, to put
(deposit, apposition, exponent, opponent)
reddo, reddere - to give back
servo, servāre, servāvī, servātus - to save
specto, spectāre - to look at, to watch
supero, superāre, superāvi, superātus - to surpass, defeat
terreo, terrēre, terrui, territus - to frighten
aetās, aetātis (f) age; period of time
aestās, aestātis (f) summer
auctōritās, auctōritātis (f) personal authority; personal power
auctor, auctoris (m) creator, agent; doer
īnsula, -ae (f) island, city block, apartment block (insular, peninsula)
mare, maris (n) sea (marine, ab marī usque ad mare)
mons, montis (m) mountain
ordo, ordinis (m) rank, class, order
pars, partis (f) part, side, direct (+ partitive genitive/pars nostrum = “part of us”)
poena, -ae (f) punishment (sub poenā)
proelium, proelii (n) battle
regia, -ae (f) palace
regnum, regnī (n) kingdom; royal power, kingship
verbum, verbī (n) words (verb, verbiage, verbose)
dūrus, a, um - hard, harsh (durable)
fortis, fortis, forte - brave, strong
inferus, a, um - below (infernal)
praeceps, praeciptis (adj.) headlong, headfirst
relinqui, -ae, a - the remain, the left over
ex quō = from which, from whom
posteā (adv.) afterwards
quem (acc. masc.) whom, which
mare altum & mons durus & proelium longum
Vocabulary for A New Kinsman
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus (ad + cedo) - to approach, go toward (access)
colo, colere, colui, cultus - to worship; cultivate (cult, culture)
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus - to desire, to want (cupidity, Cupid)
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus - to run (curriculum)
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus (dis + cedo)- to depart, go away
dīco, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say (dictionary)
fero, ferre, tuli, latus - to bring, bear, carry (transfer, translate)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to wear; to wage; to manage
līberō, līberāre - to free (liberate)
procedo, procedere, processi, procession (pro + cedo) to advance, proceed (procession)
propero, properare - to hasten, to rush
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus - to ask (interrogate, interrogative)
scio, scire, scivi, scitus - to know (science, omniscient)
servo, servare, servavi, servatus - to preserve, to save
servio, servīre (+ dative) to serve (servile)
venio, venīre, vēnī, venturus - to come (advent, convention)
aedificium, -ii (n) building (edifice)
condicio, condicionis (f) condition
dux, ducis (m) leader, general (duke)
lux, lucis (f) light (fiat lux; prima luce)
nomen, nominis (n) name (nomenclature)
salūs, salūtis (f) heath, safety; greetings
pecunia, pecuniae (f) money (pecuniary)
potestas, potestatis (f) power
praetor, praetoris (m) praetor, an annual elected magistrate who runs the law courts
tempus, temporis (n) time (brevī tempore; eō ipsō tempore)
brevis, -is, -e - brief, short
clarus, a, um - clear, bright; famous
creber, crebra, crebrum - frequent, close together, crowded
gratus, a, um - pleasing to + DATIVE CASE
humilis, -is, -e- low to the ground; humble
minimus, a, um - smallest, youngest
novus, a, um - new, strange, novel
patrius, a, um - of a father, fatherly
plures, plura (plural) more
inter (prep. + acc.) between; among
nunc (adv.) now
iam (adv.) now already
nōn iam (adv.) no longer
nonne (expects answer “yes”)
num (expects answer “no”)
Gratiās tibi ago - I give thanks to you
Vocabulary List for A Roman Family: At Home
adsum, adesse, adfui - to be present apello (1) to name, to call (appellation)
colo, colere, colui, cultus - to cultivate, worship, look after (cult, culture)
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus - to desire (cupid, cupidity)
doceo, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (+ acc. of person and acc. of thing) (doctor, docent)
gero, gerere, gessī, gestus - to manage, to do, to wage; to wear
habeo, habēre, habui, habitus - to have, to possess (avoir)
lego, legere, lēgī, lectus - to pick, to choose; to read (legible, election, select)
nosco, noscere, novi, notus - to recognize, be familiar with; to know
obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentus - to obtain
puto, putare, putavi, putatus - to think (computer)
rego, regere, rexi, rectus - to rule, guide, direct (regent, rectify)
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus - to hold (tenacious)
volvo, volvere - to turn over, revolve (revolution)
aedificium, aedificiī (n) building (edifice) auctōritās, auctōritātis (f) reputation, personal authority
annus, annī (m) year (annual)
causa, -ae (f) cause, reason, case
causā + preceding genitive = for the sake of cīvitās, cīvitātis (f) state, citizen body, citizenship; city
factum, -ī (n) deed, act
familia, -ae (f) family
homo, hominis (m) man, human being (homo sapiens, homo erectus)
iūs, iūris (n) law (justive
labor, laboris (m) work, labour
līber, līberī (m) child
liber, librī (m) book (ex librīs, library)
mens, mentis (f) mind (mens sana in corpore sano)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier (military)
officium, officiī (n) duty (office, official, officious)
pax, pacis (f) peace (pax vobiscum)
populus, -ī (m) people (SPQR = Senatus Populusque Romanus)
potestās, potestātis (f) power (Patria Potestas = fatherly power)
princeps, principis (m) first-head, chief, princeps (prince, principate)
somnus, -i (m) sleep (insomnia)
schola, -ae (f) school (scholar, scholarship)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, temporary, temporize)
verbum, verbī (n) word (verbose, verbal, verbiage)
vīta, -ae (f) life (CV = curriculum vitae)
acer, acris, acre - keen, fierce (acrid) aequus, a, um - equal
doctus, a, um - learned, educated facilis, facile - easy (facile)
levis, leve - light (in weight) (levitate)
maior, maioris (adj.) - great, larger (major, majority)
minor, minoris (adj.) smaller, younger (minor, minority)
nobilis, nobile - noble
paucī, paucae, pauca - few (paucity) publicus, a, um - public
tres, trium - three
tōtus, a, um (-ius variation) - whole, entire (total, todo bene, tutto bene)
tūtus, a, um - safe
alii...alii = some...other
de quo? About what?
iam (adv.) now, already
nōn iam = no longer
quod (pronoun) = which, that
quod (subordinating conj.) because quam ob causam = for what reason
Tarpeiabeing crushed by scuta
Tarpeia Vocabulary
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus, a, um - to order + acc. + infinitive
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus - to seek
specto (1) to look at
Irregular Verbs:
eō, īre, iī or ivi, itūrus, a, um
fiō, fiērī, factus sum - to be made, to happen, to become (copulative verb)
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus, a, um - to bring, bear, endure
malō, malle, maluī - to prefer
nolō, nolle, noluī, - to not want
possum, posse, potuī - to be able
sum, esse fuī, futūrus, a, um
volō, velle, voluī - to want, to wish
arx, acris (f) citadel
cōpia, -ae (f) supply, abundance; in plural = troops
dolus, dolī (m) trick, deception
iniūria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
mulier, mulieris (f) woman
poena, -ae (f) punishment (sub poenā)
proditio, proditionis (f) treachery
scutum, scutī (n) shield
via, -ae (f) road, path
audax, audacis (adj.) bold
aureus, a, um - golden (AU)
certus, a, um - sure, certain
miser, misera, miserum - wretched, poor, miserable
laevus, a, um - left
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) whole, entire
tūtus, a, um - safe
causā + preceding genitive = for the sake of
Vocabulary for De Urbe Condita/Romulus et Remus.
Aeneas, Aeneae (m) profugus Troianus/conditor gentis Romanae
Ascanius/Iulus- filius Aeneae
Lavinia, -ae (f) Filia regis, Latinī et Secunda uxor Aeneae
Lavinium, -ii (n) oppidum conditum ab Aeneā in Latiō
Alba Longa, Albae, Longae (f) - city founded by Ascanius/Iulus south of Rome
Mars, Martis (m) deus belli et pater Romuli Remique
Rhea Silvia, Rheae, Silviae (f) filia Numitor/Virgo Vestalis/mater Romuli Remique/
Mons Palatinus - Palatine Hill
Numitor, Numitoris (m) bonus rex Albae Longae
Amulius, Amulii (m) malus rex Albae Longae, scelestus frater Numitoris
apello, apellare, apellavi, apellatus - to name, to call
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitūtum - to decide + complementary Infintive
condo, condere, condidi, conditus - to found, to establish (ab urbe condita)
curo, curare - to look after, care for
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus - to lead (aqueduct, conduct, conductor)
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus - to drive out, exile (expel, expulsion)
facio, facere, feci, factus - to make, to do
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw (eject)
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus - to find, to discover (in + venio) (invent, inventor)
interfecio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus - to kill
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus - to order (jussive)
munio, munire, munivi, munitus - to build, to fortify
porto, portare, portavi, portatus - to carry
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus - to give back (re + do, dare)
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus - to abandon, leave behind
transilio, transilire, transilui - to jump across
frater, fratris (m) bother (fratricide, fraternal)
flumen, fluminis (n) river
geminus, -i (m) twin (gemini)
iniuria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
lupa, -ae (f) she-wolf (lupine)
mons, montis (m) moutain (i-stem gen. pl. montium)
mūrus, mūrī (m) wall (intramural, mural)
oppidum, oppidī (n) town
pastor, pastoris (m) shepherd
posteri, -orum (m. pl) descendants (posterity)
proelium, -ii (n) battle
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
audax, audacis - bold
acer, acris, acre - fierce, harsh
bonus, a, um - good
iratus, a, um - angry
malus, a, um - bad
omnis, omne - all
potens, potentis (adj.) powerful
ā or ab + ablative = by (ablative of personal agent)
diu (adv.) for a long time
mox (adv.) soon
prope (prep+ acc.) near
propter (prep. + acc.) on account of
post (prep. + acc.) before
postquam (subordinating conj.) afterward
Vocabulary List for Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima)
bibō, bibere, bibī, bibitum - to drink (arbiter bibendī)
fugiō, fugiere, fūgī - to flee (refugee)
relinquō, relinquere, reliquī, relictus - to leave behind, abandon (relinquish)
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to feel, to sense, perceive
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus - to pull, to drag
vinco, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (advent, venture)
aestās, aestātis (f) summer (aestival)
consilium, -iī (n) plan, advise
corpus, corporis (n) body
iter, itineris (n) journey (itinerary)
fissum, fissī (n) crack (fissure)
mors, mortis (f) death (ium in gen. pl.)
ōra, ōrae (f) shore
ōs, ōris (n) mouth; face
parens, parentis (m/f) parent (parental)
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporary)
vox, vocis (f) voice
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
acer, acris, acre - fierce, harsh
acūtus, a, um - sharp
albus, a, um - white
brevis, breve - short, brief (brevity)
dignus, a, um - worthy of + ablative case
omnis, omne - all
vīcīnus, a, um - neighboring, close to (vicinity) + dative case
tōtus, a, um (ius paradigm) whole, entire (totally)
at (adversative conj.) but
crās (adv.) tomorrow
hodiē (adv.) today
māne (adv.) in the morning
cur? (interrogative adv.) why?
quot? (interrogative adj.) how may?
quis? who?
quid? what? why?
ut = as, just as; when
quia (subordinating conj.) because
quod (subordinating conj.) because
procul (adv.) from a distance
hinc - from here, on this side
hūc - to this place
hīc - here, in this place
illinc - from there, on that side
utrimque - on each side, from each side
New Vocabulary List for Phoebus Et Daphne
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētus - to increase, to grow (crescendo)
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor, etc.)
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fixus - fashion; transfix, pierce
fugitō, fugitāre, fugitāvī - to flee
fugō, fugāre - to put to flight
laudō, laudāre - to praise (summā cum laude)
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus (competition, petition)
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to overcome, conquer
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, to possesses (tenacious)
animal, animālis (n) animal
ars, artis (f) artium - i-stem - skill, art (Ars Gratia Artis)
arcus, arcūs (m) bow
amor, amoris (m) love (amatory, amorous)
causa, -ae (f) cause, reason
caput, capitis (n) head (decapitate, capital)
dolor, dolōris (m) suffering, pain
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
hostis, hostis (m) enemy (i-stem)
īra, īrae (f) anger, wrath (irate)
mare, maris (n) sea (maritime, marine)
mons, montis (m) mountain (i-stem)
osculum, osculī (n) kill
pater, patris (m) father
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
sagitta, sagittae (f) arrow
sōl, sōlis (m) sun (solar)
urbs, urbis (f) city (i-stem) (urban, suburban, urbane)
virgo, virginis (f) maiden (Virgo)
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound (vulnerable)
acer, acris, acre - fierce, keen, sharp
acūtus, a, um - sharp (acute)
alter, altera, alterum - the other; one…the other (alternative)
audax, audacis (adj.) bold, daring
duo, duae, duo- two (dual)
obtusus, a, um - dull (obtuse)
omnis, omne - all (omniscient, omnipotent)
perpetuus, a, um - everlasting, continuous
primus, a, um - first (primal)
superbus, a, um - arrogant, proud
hic, haec, hoc = this, these (demonstrative adjective)
ille, illa, illud = that, those (demonstrative adjective)
quid? = what? or why?
cur? = Why?
iterum (adv.) again, a second time
ubi - When; Where
abdo, abdere, abdidī, abditus - to hide
dēspērō, dēspērāre, dēspērāvī, dēspērātus - to give up hope, dispare (de+spero)
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessus - to depart, scatter, withdraw (dis + cēdō)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to possess
facio, facere, fēcī, factus - to do, to make (fact, faction, factor)
fugio, fugere, fūgī (fugitive, centrifugal)
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus- to hold (tenacious)
timeō, timēre, timuī - to fear, be afraid of (timid)
veniō, venīre, vēnī - to come (advent, convene, Spanish venir)
aetās, aetātis (f) age; period of time
aqua, aquae (f) water
annus, annī (m) year
celeritās, celeritātis (f) speed
cibus, cibī (m) food
dies, dieī (m) day
dolus, dolī (m) trick
dōnum, dōnī (n) gift
equus, equī (m) horse (equestrian, equine)
flūmen, flūminis (n) river
genus, generis (n) race, class, kind (genus)
hōra, -ae (f) hour
lux, lucis (f) light (lucifer)
mensis, mensis (m) month
nox, noctis (f) night (nocturnal)
porta, portae (f) gate
sapientia, sapientiae (f) cleverness, intelligence
signum, signī (n) sign
silva, silvae (f) forest
somnus, somnī (m) sleep
trēs, trium, tribus, trēs , tribus - three
tempus, temporis (n) time (temporal, contemporary)
ater, atra, atrum - dark
fessus, fessa, fessum - weary, tired
laetus, a, um - happy
lentus, a, um - slow
multī, multae, multa - many
paucī, paucae, pauca - a few, few (paucity)
tertius, a, um - third
ante (prep. + acc.) before
diū (adv.) for a long time
longē (adv.) far
tandem (adv.) at last, finally
trans (prep. + acc. ) across
ubi (subordinating conjunction) when; where
appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinquāvi, appropinquātus - to approach (special verb + dative) Ego oppidō appropinquō = I am approaching the town
debeō, debēre, debuī, debitus - to owe; ought + complementary infinitive
cūro, cūrāre, cūrāvī - to care for
interficiō, inferficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
nāvigō, nāvigāre, nāvigāvī - to sail
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus - to prepare (semper parātus)
pareō, parēre, paruī - to obey (special verb + dative case) Nos deae parēbimus = we will obey the goddess.
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus - to seize
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventūrus - to come (advent)
castra, castrōrum (n. plural) military camp (Manchester)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, advice
corpus, corporis (n) body
cōpia, -ae (f) abundance; in the plural = resources, troops (cornucopia)
dux, ducis (m) leader
flūmen, fluminis (f) river
frāter, frātris (m) brother (fraternal)
genus, generis (f) kind, race (genus)
imperātor, imperātoris (m) commander, general
iniūria, iniūriae (f) injury, wrong
lītus, lītoris (n) shore (littoral)
mīles, mīlitis (m) soldier
nāvis, nāvis (f) ship
nāvigātio, nāvigātionis (f) a sailing, navigation
nōmen, nōminis (n) name
rēx, rēgis (m) king
proelium, proeliī (n) battle
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
vulnus, vulneris (n) wound
aequus, a, um - equal
amīcus, a, um - friendly + dative case
grātus, a, um - pleasing + dative case
inimīcus, a, um - unfriendly, hostile + dative case
cārus, a, um - dear + dative case
parvus, a, um - small
diū (adv.) for a long time
ob (prep. + acc. ) on account of
quod (subordinating conjunction) because
quoque - also, and also
saepe (adv.) often
semper (adv.) always (Spanish siempre) sīc semper tyrannīs
Vocabulary List for Niobe and Pan et Syringa
Words for Etymological Posters
potentia, -ae; possum, posse, potui (TOM)
via, -ae (f) (KNAIDE)
moneo (CAYCE)
ultimus (HARRY)
verus - veracity (MICHAEL)
līber - free- liberty (ASHLEY)
animus (QUINNNNNN)
ago (LAUREN W.)
sentio (SAM)
maneo (RYAN)
liber - book (RACHEL)
audio (LAUREN M.)
Regina (REONA)
duco (ALEX)
agō, agere, ēgī, actus - to do, lead, drive, give
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear, to listen (Lauren M.)
capio, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, capture
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to do; to make (hacer)
maneō, manēre, mansī, mansus - to remain (intransitive)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, advise
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think
sentiō, sentīre, sensī, sensus - to sense, perceive
stō, stāre, stetī, statum - to stand
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātus - to be above, surpass, defeat
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - hold, keep, possess, have
ager, agrī (m) field
animus, animī (m) soul, spirit, mind (in plural = courage)
āra, ārae (f) altar
auxilium, auxiliī (n) help
bracchium, bracchiī (n) arm
caelum caelī (n) sky
causa, causae (f) cause, reason
culpa, culpae (f) fault, blame (Lydia)
dōnum dōnī (n) gift
fīlius, fīliī (m) son
forum, forī (n) forum
liber, librī (m) book
templum, templī (n) sacred area; temple
officium, officiī (n) duty (official
oppidum oppidī (n) town
potentia, potentiae (f) power
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
rēgia, rēgiae (f) palace
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f) queen (Reona)
rīpa, rīpae (f) bank (of a river)
umbra, umbrae (f) shadow, shade; ghost
unda, undae (f)
via, viae (f) road, street (Knaide)
vir, virī (m) man
bonus, -a, -um - good
clārus, -a, -um - famous, clear, bright, illustrious
cēterus, -a, -um - other, the rest of (etc. = et cetera= and the other things)
formōsus, a, um - shapely, beautiful
līber, lībera, līberum - free (līberī, līberōrum = children)
malus, -a, -um - bad
miser, misera, miserum - wretched, unhappy, miserable
plēnus, -a, -um - full of (+genitive case)
umbrōsus, -a, -um shady
ūltimus, -a, -um - the last
vērus, -a, -um - true (veracity)
ad (prep. + acc. ) to, toward,
trans (prep. + acc. ) across
per (prep. + acc. ) through
prope (prep. + acc. ) near, close to
propter (prep. + acc. ) on account of
Words for Etymological Posters
potentia, -ae; possum, posse, potui (TOM)
via, -ae (f) (KNAIDE)
moneo (CAYCE)
ultimus (HARRY)
verus - veracity (MICHAEL)
līber - free- liberty (ASHLEY)
animus (QUINNNNNN)
ago (LAUREN W.)
sentio (SAM)
maneo (RYAN)
liber - book (RACHEL)
audio (LAUREN M.)
Regina (REONA)
duco (ALEX)
Fourth Vocabulary List - Arachne and Minerva, Parts I, II, III
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus - to own or ought + complementary infinitive.
do, dare, dedī, datus - to give
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach (doctor, doctrine, docent)
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have, to hold (Spanish: haber
mōnstrō, mōnstrāre, mōnstrāvī, mōnstrātus (demonstration)
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātus - to change (mutation, mutate)
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātus - to kill
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny
pendeō, pendēre, pependī, pensus - to hang; to weight (pensive, pendulum, pendent)
possum, posse, potuī - to be able + complementary infinitive
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus - to attempt, to try + complementary infinitive
video, vidēre, vīdī, visus - to see
arānea, arāneae (f) spider
dea, deae (f) goddess
deus, deī (m) god
domina, dominae (f) lady, mistress of the household
dominus, dominī (m) master, lord
factum, factī (n) deed
fēmina, fēminae (f) woman
forma, formae (f) form, shape; beautify
oculus, oculī (m) eye
oppidum, oppidī (n) town
perīculum, perīculī (n) danger
rapīna, rapīnae (f) a plundering, robbing; carrying off
silva, silvae (f) forest
vīta, vītae (f) life
bonus, a, um - good (bonā fidē)
formosus, a, um - beautiful
īratus, a, um - angry
longus, a, um - long
malus, a, um - bad
meus, a, um - my
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
optimus, a, um - very good, excellent; best
perīculōsus, a, um - dangerous (lit. full of danger)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful
tuus, a, um - your
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (plural)
diū - for a long time
maximē - especially, exceedingly, very
minimē - least; not in the least; not at all
nunc - now
prīmo or prīmum - at first, first
Subordinating Conjunctions
dum + present indicative = while
quod + indicative mood = because
Coordinating Conjunctions
et - and
neque- and not
-que (enclitic) - and
sed - but
List for 3rd Vocabulary Quiz
ager, agrī (m) field
aurum, aurī (n) gold
dea, deae (f) goddess
basium, basiī (n) kiss (sp. beso)
bellum, bellī (n) war (bellicose, antebellum)
caelum, caelī (n) sky (ceiling, sp. cielo)
consilium, consiliī (n) plan, judgment
deus, deī (m) god (deus ex machinā, deity)
flius, filiī (m) son (filial, sp. hizo)
īnsula, īnsulae (f) island; apartment building (insular)
liber, libri (m) book (library)
lupa, lupae (f) she-wolf (lupine)
nauta, nautae (m) sailor (astronaut)
patria, patriae (f) father land
perīculum, perīculī (n) danger
poēta, poētae (m) poet
puer, puerī (m) boy (puerile)
rāmus, rāmī (m) branch
saxum, saxī (n) rock
taurus, taurī (m) bull (sp. toro)
vir, virī (m) man (virile)
do, dare, dedi, datus - to give (data)
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus - to wander
fugitō, fugitāre, fugitāvī - to flee (fugitive)
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus -to warn, advise (admonition, admonish, money)
narrō, narrāre, narrāvī, narrātus - to tell (narrate)
navigō, navigāre, navigāvī, navigātus - to sail
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus - to carry (porter)
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus (pugnacious, repugnant)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātus - to look at, to watch
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus (vision, provision)
molestus, a, um troublesome, annoying
novus, a, um - strange, new (novelty)
īnfirmus, a, um - weak (infirm)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautiful, handsome (pulchritude)
timidus, a, um - timid, afraid
ad (prep. + acc.) to, toward, at, against
cum (prep. + ablative) with (ablative of accompaniment)
dē (prep. + ablative) down from, about, concerning
dum (subordinating conj.) while
diū (adv.) for a long time
nunc (adv.) now
ōlim (adv.) once, once upon a time
trans (prep. + acc.) across
Ecce Romani, Chapter 1-3 Vocabulary/Dictionary Entries
ambulo, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus - to walk
clamō, clamāre, clamāvī, clamātus - to shout
habito, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātus - to dwell
labōro, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātus - to work
sedeō, sedēre, sedī - to sit
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be (irregular verb or suī generis)
aestās, aestātis (f) summer
ager, agrī (m) field
amīcus, amīcī (m) friend
amīca, amīcae (f) friend
arbor, arboris (f) tree
hortus, hortī (m) garden
nomen, nominis (n) name
puella, puellae (f) girl
puer, puerī (m) boy
pictūra, pictūrae (f) picture
servus, servī (m) servant, slave
villa, -ae (f) country house/farm house
vir, virī (m) man
dēfessus, dēfessa, dēfessum - tired
īratus, īrata, īratum - angry
lentus, lenta, lentum - slow
laetus, laeta, laetum - happy
multus, a, um - many
vīcīnus, vīcīna, vīcīnum - neighboring
etiam (et) - also, even
iam - now, already
lentē - slowly
hodiē - today
subitō - suddenly
Coordinating Conjunctions
sed - but
et - and
Subordinating Conjunctions
ubi - where
dum - while
quod - because