Homework/Agenda for Latin I
Latin Grammar (Morphology & Syntax) Book for Rabid Rabbits
English to Latin Dictionary for Mythology Project
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
1) Vocabulary quiz on Wed. March 26 on this vocabulary list for Wednesday Quiz.
2) Watch this video and take notes. Turn in notes on Wednesday.
Accusative of Time Duration and Ablative of Time
3) Complete and correct the 2 CAV tests for practice and use key to self-correct or guide you through the test.
4) For Friday finish the first and second and THIRD paragraphs of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation. Be able to read/translate orally in class.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 24, 2025
Chick here for the vocabulary list for Wednesday Quiz.
1) Finish the first and second and THIRD paragraphs of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation. Be able to read/translate orally in class.
2) Watch this video prior to Monday’s class and take detailed notes with all paradigms included. I will collect notes for the gradebook on Monday.
3) Finish marking up the vocabulary list for the beginning Latin test. Cross out the words that you know. Turn this in on Monday. Do the practice CAV test and mark word that you do not know on the vocabulary for the Beginning Latin test. Email if you need this.
4) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 19, 2025
1) Finish all of the second paragraph of The Story of the Sabine Women. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation.
2) Short morphological quiz on Latin’s 8 irregular verbs. Study the notes that you took on the blue paper on Monday.
3) Do the practice CAV test and mark word that you do not know on the vocabulary for the Beginning Latin test.
4) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 17, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
Do the practice CAV test and mark word that you do not know on the vocabulary for the Beginning Latin test.
2) Quiz on verbal morphology in the same format as you did for HW and put on the board on Wednesday. Be able to translate into English. REVIEW the perfect passive indicative = 4th pp + sum, es, est….Perfect Passive Indicative (4th principal part + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt)
3) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of The Story of the Sabine Women. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation.
4) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, March 14, 2025
SEE YOUR EMAIL for link to sign into the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM and bring your COMPUTERS to class tomorrow.
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Quiz on verbal morphology in the same format as you did for HW and put on the board on Wednesday. Be able to translate into English.
2) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of The Story of the Sabine Women. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation.
3) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 117, 2025
SEE YOUR EMAIL for link to sign into the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM and bring your COMPUTERS to class tomorrow.
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
Quiz on verbal morphology in the same format as you did for HW and put on the board on Wednesday. Be able to translate into English.
2) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of The Story of the Sabine Women. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation.
3) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of The Story of the Sabine Women. See vocabulary in handout and lined page to write your translation.
2) Complete the exercises on verbal morphology front and back handed out on Monday. Email if you need this.
3) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 10, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Consolidation quiz on the following: a) 3rd declension i-stem adjectives; b) personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos); c) weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun is, ea, id; d) reflexive pronoun —-, sui, sibi, se, se; e) possessive adjectives (meus, tuus, poster, vester, suus); f) objective genitive and partitive genitive; perfect passive purple participle; perfective active indiciative; perfect passive indicative.
2) Finish all of De Urbe Condita 0 paragraphs 1, 2, 3. 4, 5
3) NEW THING: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (4th principal part + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt) and take detailed notes that include all examples. I will collect these notes are due on FRIDAY.
4) Review/study map/plan of Rome to class. Here is a video to help you review. Eventually you will turn in your label map of Rome.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, March 7, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Review all examples and notes from Wednesday’s class.
2) Finish all of De Urbe Condita 0 paragraphs 1, 2, 3. 4, 5
3) NEW THING: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (4th principal part + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt) and take detailed notes that include all examples. I will collect these notes are due on FRIDAY.
4) Morphological quiz on is, ea, id and personal pronouns, including 3rd person reflexive —-, sui, sibi, se, se. Watch this video and take notes.
5) Bring map/plan of Rome to class.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) NEW THING: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (4th principal part + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt) and take detailed notes that include all examples. Notes are due on WEDNESDAY.
2) Finish all sentences in the handout is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative Ad.j &3rd Person Personal Pron.). Complete all sentences on pages 2, 3, 4. A pronoun will agree with its antecedent in ___________ and _____________. Its _______ will be determined by its grammatical function in the sentence or clause.
3) Morphological quiz on is, ea, id and personal pronouns, including 3rd person reflexive —-, sui, sibi, se, se. Watch this video and take notes.
4) Read and write out a translation for De Urbe Condita paragraphs 1, 2, 3.
5) Bring map/plan of Rome to class.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 3, 2025
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Crucial and Essential Work on is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative Ad.j & 3rd Person Personal Pron.)
a) Rewatch this video in is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective and personal pronoun) and take detailed notes. Turn in notes on Monday. Recite the full paradigm aloud and be able to do so on Monday in class.
b) In the handout is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative Ad.j &3rd Person Personal Pron.) complete all sentences on pages 2, 3, 4.
2) Watch this video and use the map of Rome handed out to get a sense of what is where in the city Rome, especially the hills, river and campus martius. Tape or staple our plan/map of Rome together.
3) Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (4th principal part + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt) and take detailed notes that include all examples. Notes are due on Monday.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 26, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Finish all of DE URBE ROMANA and use the map in the handout to get a sense of what is where in the city Rome, especially the hills, river and campus martius. Review the plan of Rome handed out in class on Monday.
2)Vocabulary quiz for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. The pictures will be of the Capitoline Hill on your list and the Sabine Women picture handed out today on class.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 24, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Read and write out a translation of DE URBE ROMANA and use the map in the handout to get a sense of what is where in the city Rome, especially the hills, river and campus martius.
2) Personal Pronouns:
a) Quiz on the paradigms of ego, tu, nos and vos. Do not forget possessive adjectives and special uses of the genitive case - objective and partitive.
b) COMPLETE SENTENCES 9-13 on page 4-5 of Personal Pronoun handout.
3) I will collect all these notes at the beginning of class on Monday. Make sure that your name in on all.
b) Partitive Genitive or Genitive of the Whole (i.e. quis nostrum? = who of us?)
c) Objective Genitive (amor nostri = love of/for us).
4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. I will send pictures soon.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 21, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
See email for ZOOOOM link if we are virtual on Friday.
1) Personal Pronouns:
a) Quiz on the paradigms of ego, tu, nos and vos. Do not forget possessive adjectives and special uses of the genitive case - objective and partitive.
b) Complete sentences 3-8 on page 4 of Personal Pronoun handout. We completed 1 and 2 together.
2) Video notes to complete and turn in:
b) Partitive Genitive or Genitive of the Whole (i.e. quis nostrum? = who of us?)
c) Objective Genitive (amor nostri = love of/for us).
3) Turn this in when we return to school. Complete the green assignment for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Graded. Turn in on Wednesday.
4) Conintue learning the vocabulary list for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 19, 2023
See your email for ZOOOOM link
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Review the match “quiz” on The Trojan War and Aeneas that we did in class and know who is who and what is what on this list for a feature quiz for the gradebook. Rewatch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
2) Watch this video, take notes and recite Latin forms/paradigms aloud. Notes are due on Wednesday, February 19. RECITE PARADIGMS aloud. Then review the 6 sentences completed on Friday in class titled Love and Personal Pronouns
3) Complete the green assignment for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Graded. Turn in on Wednesday.
4) Conintue learning the vocabulary list for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 21, 2025.
5) Up coming topics, if you wish to get ahead. Watch these videos and turn notes in on Friday.
a) Partitive Genitive or Genitive of the Whole (i.e. quis nostrum? = who of us?)
b) Objective Genitive (amor nostri = love of/for us).
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 12, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Watch this video, take notes and recite Latin forms/paradigms aloud. Notes are due on Wednesday, February 14.
2) Review and finish Aeneas Lavinium Condit and be prepared to read, translate and discuss orally in class on Wednesday. See new vocabulary list for help.
3) Start learning the vocabulary list for Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Vocabulary quiz late next week.
4) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 10, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Quiz on the perfect passive purple participle. You may wish to rewatch this video on Perfect Passive Purple Participles (4th principal part of verb). Study the assignment that we corrected together on Friday.
2) Read and write out a translation for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and be prepared to read, translate and discuss orally in class on Monday. See new vocabulary list for help.
3) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 7, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Crucial and essential work on participles:
a) Review notes and examples from class and perhaps rewatch this video on Perfect Passive Purple Participles (4th principal part of verb)
b) Complete the pages one and two of the purple assignment on participles. See back page for vocabulary. Graded Ass.
2) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 5, 2023
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) Crucial and essential work on participles:
a) Review notes and examples from class and perhaps rewatch this video on Perfect Passive Purple Participles (4th principal part of verb)
b) Complete the pages one of the purple assignment on participles. See back page for vocabulary.
2) Quiz on Wednesday, February 5 on maps of the Roman World and Geography. Study the maps that you made and chick here for other maps. Study places put on your maps from the list on the link and the new map of Aeneas journey from Troy to Latium. There will be word bank.
3) If you have not yet done so, turn in assignment on Graeci Troiam Capiunt by referring to the story and your translation, when necessary. Turn this in on Monday. See me at lunch if you need help.
4) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 3, 2023
1) Watch this video on Perfect Passive Purple Participles (4th principal part of verb) and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Monday. Make the pretty and well-organized.
2) Complete the double-sided assignment on Graeci Troiam Capiunt by referring to the story and your translation, when necessary. Turn this in on Monday. See me at lunch if you need help.
3) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 31, 2025
1) Complete pages 1-5 of Aeneas Legend and Case Syntax. See your email for a new copy with added vocabulary.
2)Vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on Friday, January 31. I will give you the pictures soon. Expect a declension fun game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 29, 2025
1) Crucial and Essential Rabbit Work on 3rd Declension Adjectives:
a) Complete pages 1-4 of Aeneas Legend and Case Syntax. See your email for a new copy with added vocabulary.
b) Declension fun QUIZ in the same format as we did on the board on Monday but shorter - Declension Fun and Noun-Adjective pairs. Review i-stem 3rd declension adjectives.
2) Finish all of Graeci Troiam Capiunt (the story that you work on in class last Friday) and review the sections that you have already read. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
3) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on Friday, January 31. I will give you the pictures soon. Expect a declension fun game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, January 27, 2025
1) Crucial and Essential Rabbit Work on 3rd Declension Adjectives:
a) Review this video on 3rd Declension Adjectives and recite the paradigm of 3rd declension adjectives aloud and then complete English to Latin sentences 1-5 on blue handout. See vocabulary list for help. SEE EMAIL FOR A copy with added vocabulary.
b) Complete numbers 1-10 of Test Preparation and Review Declension Quiz -1st, 2nd, 3rd on page 1.
2) Finish all of Graeci Troiam Capiunt (the story that you work on in class last Friday) and review the sections that you have already read. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
3) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on Friday, January 31. I will give you the pictures soon. Expect a declension fun game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 24, 2025
1) Quiz on the paradigm of 3rd declension i-stem adjectives (one, two and three terminations). Watch this video on 3rd Declension Adjectives (i-stems and final paradigm of adjective) and take detailed notes which are due on Friday
2) Finish all of Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Read and write out a translation and be prepared to read/translate in class. KEEP REVIEWING THIS STORY.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on Monday, January 27. I will give you the pictures soon. Expect a declension fun game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 22, 2025
1) Watch this video on 3rd Declension Adjectives (i-stems and final paradigm of adjective) and take detailed notes which are due on Wednesday. What is the grammatical relationship between a noun and its modifying adjective? They agree in _________, __________ and ________. Then read pages 131 to 133 of Wheelock’s Latin. Recite the full paradigm of fortis, forte (on page 132) aloud.
2) Review: a) notes on subordinating (quod, ubi, dum, priusquam, etc.) and coordinating conjunctions (et, atque, ac and -que). Focus on -que and how it functions; b) the PREFECT TENSE and 3RD PRINCIPAL PARTS.
3) Finish all of Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Read and write out a translation and be prepared to read/translate in class. KEEP REVIEWING THIS STORY.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on Monday, January 27. I will give you the pictures soon. Expect a declension fun game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 17, 2025
1) Review notes on subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, especially -que and how it functions.
2) Finish all of Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Read and write out a translation and be prepared to read/translate in class.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on 8-10 days.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 15, 2025
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
2) Complete pages two and four of PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE assignment.
3) Short Morphological Quiz on: a) Declension fun Game with unus and tres, tria; b) Formation and translation of the present, imperfect and PERFECT TENSE.
4) New Story: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph.
6) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Quiz on 8-10 days.
Agenda for Monday, January 6, 2025
1) Review Period of Roman History and Overview of Roman History by means of Questions for 20 min. video.
3) New Story: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Second Quarter Consolidation Quiz on Wednesday, December 18. Value 200-250 points. STUDY GUIDE: a) What is the deference between a finite verb and an infinitive? All verbal morphology (present and imperfect tenses of all conjugations and imperative mood, 4 principal parts of verbs and irregular verb sum, esse, fui, futurus and its compound possum, posse, potui), b) nominal morphology (1st, 2nd and 3rd declension nouns, CAPPIAN words (i.e. poeta) and first/second declension adjectives with three different nominative (bonus, liber, pulcher); c) Case Syntax (study purple handout): nominative subject, predicate nominative and predicate adjective with copulative verbs (Emma est regina. Kritika est callida); possessive genitive and genitive of description (Eesha est femina magnae sapientiae), dative indirect objective and with special verbs(pareo, noceo, impero, studeo Paremus bono regi), accusative direct objective and object of certain prepositons (see page 4 of purple case syntax handout), ablative of means/instrument, ablative of manner, ablative of accompaniment, ablative of place where (in caelo) and ablative of motion from which/where (ex machina) and ablative with SIDSPACE prepositions; d) declension of numbers unus, duo, tres (paradigms) and numbers 1-20; Questions on and translation of Stories: Latona et Niobe (Parts I and II) and De Initio Belli Troiani. Review the last vocabulary list. Do not forget adverbs (quoque, etiam, laetē, etc.) and subordinating conjunctions (ubi, dum, quod).
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 16, 2024
2) Complete the justify the case game for De Initio belli… and turn it. See the purple case usage handout for help with justifying/giving the syntax of each case. You may email with questions.
3) Turn in questions from video. Watch this video on the chronology of Roman history in 20 minutes and answer the question on the blue handout as you watch. Pause the video to answer the question in detail. This graded assignment will be collected on Wednesday, December 11. SEE email if you need this.
4) Second Quarter Consolidation Quiz on Wednesday, December 18. Value 200 points. STUDY GUIDE: a) all verbal morphology (present and imperfect tenses of all conjugations and imperative mood, 4 principal parts of verbs and irregular verb sum, esse, fui, futurus and its compound possum, posse, pouti), b) nominal morphology (1st, 2nd and 3rd declension nouns, CAPPIAN words (i.e. poeta) and first/second declension adjectives with three different nominative (bonus, liber, pulcher); c) Case Syntax (study purple handout): nominative subject, predicate nominative and predicate adjective with copulative verbs (Emma est regina. Kritika est callida); possessive genitive and genitive of description (Eesha est femina magnae sapientiae), dative indirect objective and with special verbs(pareo, noceo, impero Paremus bono regi), accusative direct objective and object of certain prepositons (see page 4 of purple case syntax handout), ablative of means/instrument, ablative of manner, ablative of accompaniment, ablative of place where (in caelo) and ablative of motion from which/where (ex machina) and ablative with SIDSPACE prepositions; d) declension of numbers unus, duo, tres (paradigms) and numbers 1-20; Stories: Latona et Niobe (Parts I and II) and De Initio Belli Troiani. Review the last vocabulary list. Do not forget adverbs and subordinating conjunctions (ubi, dum, quod).
Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 13, 2024
1) Turn in questions from video. Watch this video on the chronology of Roman history in 20 minutes and answer the question on the blue handout as you watch. Pause the video to answer the question in detail. This graded assignment will be collected on Wednesday, December 11. SEE email if you need this.
2) Finish reading and translating all of De Initio Belli Troiani. BE ABLE TO READ AND TRANSLATE IN CLASS. See handout for vocabulary list. Start learning this list. Voc. Quiz next week.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani list on Friday, December 13. Value 60-80 points. There will be the same pictures as on sample quiz on the back to label. Know all principal parts of verbs and special syntax. For example per + acc. case. pareo, parere, parui + dative case.
5) Second Quarter Consolidation Quiz on Wednesday, December 18. Value 200 points.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, December 11, 2024
1) Complete pages 1-2 of The Judgment of Paris questions that require you to look at the picture. You may use a dictionary for help.
2) Watch this video on the chronology of Roman history in 20 minutes and answer the question on the blue handout as you watch. Pause the video to answer the question in detail. This graded assignment will be collected on Wednesday, December 11. SEE email if you need this.
3) Short morphological review quiz that will ask you to decline:
pirata malus vir pulcher astrum clarum vox magna nomen bonum
4) Finish reading and translating all of De Initio Belli Troiani. BE ABLE TO READ AND TRANSLATE IN CLASS. See handout for vocabulary list. Start learning this list. Voc. Quiz next week.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani list on Friday, December 13. Value 60-80 points. There will be pictures on the back to label.
5) Second Quarter Consolidation Quiz on Wednesday, December 18. Value 200 points.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 9, 2024
1) Short morphological review quiz that will ask you to decline:
pirata malus vir pulcher astrum clarum vox magna nomen bonum
2) Finish reading and translating all of De Initio Belli Troiani. BE ABLE TO READ AND TRANSLATE IN CLASS. See handout for vocabulary list. Start learning this list. Voc. Quiz next week.
3) Complete page 1 of the new Declension Fun exercise. All twenty on page 1 for Monday, December 9. We will complete the back in class.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani list on Friday, December 13. Value 60-80 points. There will be pictures on the back to label.
5) Watch this video on the chronology of Roman history in 20 minutes and answer the question on the blue handout as you watch. Pause the video to answer the question in detail. This graded assignment will be collected on Wednesday, December 11.
6) Second Quarter Consolidation Quiz on Thursday, December 19. Value 200 points.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, December 4, 2024
1) Watch this short video on this Trojan War before next class and then read and write out a translation for page one of De Initio Belli Troiani. BE ABLE TO READ AND TRANSLATE IN CLASS. See handout for vocabulary list. Start learning this list. Voc. Quiz next week.
2) Review the paradigm of third declension nouns and unus, a, um and tres, tria, before you complete numbers 1-10 of Declension Fun - Prep. for Voc. Quiz.
3) Maps are due on Wednesday, December 4. Late work receives a zero. Continue working on your maps. Color is useful to add clarity. Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 2, 2024
Try to watch this short video on this Trojan War before next class.
Begin learning the Vocabulary List for De Initio Belli Troiani. Quiz in 10 days approximately.
2) Finish reading and translation the first page of Apollo and Daphne that you started in class.
4) Maps are due on Monday, November 25. Continue working on your maps. Color is useful to add clarity. Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 22, 2024
1) Quiz on 3rd declension nouns, like rex, regis (m), urbs, urbis (f) and corpus, corporis (n) modified by a 1st/2nd declension adjective, like bonus, a, um Watch this video to review.
2) Finish reading and translation the first page of Apollo and Daphne that you started in class.
3) Turn in number assignment. Watch the above video, take notes and complete the four page assignment on numbers that has a cardinal on the front. Due on Wednesday, November 20.
4) Maps are due on Monday, November 25. Continue working on your maps. Color is useful to add clarity. Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 20, 2024
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Wednesday.
2) Finish reading and translation the first page of Apollo and Daphne that you started in class.
3) Turn in number assignment. Watch the above video, take notes and complete the four page assignment on numbers that has a cardinal on the front. Due on Wednesday, November 20.
4) BE WELL-PREPARED to read/translate all of Latona et Niobe, PART II. Read and write out a translation. See pages 3-4 for vocabulary.
5) Maps are due on Friday, November 22. Continue working on your maps. Color is useful to add clarity. Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 18, 2024
Video on Numbers in Latin
1) Watch the above video, take notes and complete the four page assignment on numbers that has a cardinal on the front. Due on Monday, November 18.
2) Quiz on vocabulary list (BLUE) for 2nd declension nouns an 1st/2nd declension adjectives. Quiz on MONDAY NOV. 18. Continue to label pictures as you study the list. The same pictures are no the quiz.
3) BE WELL-PREPARED to read/translate all of Latona et Niobe, PART II. Read and write out a translation. See pages 3-4 for vocabulary.
4) Continue working on your maps. Color is useful to add clarity. Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 15, 2024
Video on Numbers in Latin
1) Complete sentences 6, 7, 8 (the first page) on green sheet titled English to Latin Sentences with Gods & Goddesses.
2) BE WELL-PREPARED to read/translate all of Latona et Niobe, PART II. Read and write out a translation. See pages 3-4 for vocabulary.
3) Starting learning the vocabulary list (BLUE) for 2nd declension nouns an 1st/2nd declension adjectives. Quiz on MONDAY NOV. 18. Continue to label pictures as you study the list.
4) Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 13, 2024
1) Short quiz on first/second declension adjectives. Know the three variations in the nominative case.
2) Finish all of Latona et Niobe, PART II. Read and write out a translation. See pages 3-4 for vocabulary.
3) Starting learning the vocabulary list (BLUE) for 2nd declension nouns an 1st/2nd declension adjectives. Quiz on Friday, NOV. 15. I will send you picture soon that will be on the quiz.
4) Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 11, 2024
2) Complete sentence 2, 3, 4, 5, of English to Latin Sentences with gods and goddesses. See your email for ADDED VOCABULARY.
3) Finish all paradigms of Latona et Niobe, part I. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
4) Starting learning the vocabulary list (BLUE) for 2nd declension nouns an 1st/2nd declension adjectives. Quiz on Friday, NOV. 15. I will send you picture soon that will be on the quiz.
5) Click here for a list of places and maps to help you label your LARGE maps of the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Maps will be due late next week and a geography quiz will follow. If you can not find a place or geography feature you can ask me or Charlotte. If you need a map, ask me.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 8, 2024
1) Short quiz on the CAPPIANS - masculines words of the first declension. Be able to declension pirata formosus or poeta novus.
2) Complete sentence ONE of English to Latin Sentences with gods and goddesses.
3) Finish all paradigms of Latona et Niobe, part I. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
4) Starting learn the vocabulary list for 2nd declension nouns an d1st/2nd declension adjective. Quiz in approximately one week.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 6, 2024
1) Quiz for the grade book on Wednesday, November 6 in a similar format as the practice one. You may wish to review these videos and say the paradigms aloud. Do not forget the neuter rules.
Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns
2) For Wednesday, November 6 finish all paradigms of Latona et Niobe, part I. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
3) Starting learn the vocabulary list for 2nd declension nouns an d1st/2nd declension adjective. Quiz in approximately one week.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024
1) Mythology project which is due on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Do not leave this work to the last minute. Value 100 points. We will take a class picture in customs.
2) Quiz for the grade book on Wednesday, November 6 in a similar format as the practice one. You may wish to review these videos and say the paradigms aloud. Do not forget the neuter rules.
Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns
3) For Wednesday, November 6 finish all paradigms of Latona et Niobe, part I. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, Oct. 28, 2024
1) Crucial and Essential Work on the second declension - Masculine and Neuter Nouns.
a) How do you determines the stem of any Latin noun? What are the two characteristic of all neuter nouns? Read through the green handout with 2nd declension paradigms.
b) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Notes are graded and due on Monday.
Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns
c) Complete all sentences on Discovering the Paradigm of 2nd Declension Nouns. You worked on this in class on Friday.
d) Quiz on 2nd declension morphology that will ask you to decline and translate according to the case: taurus, tauri (m) aper, apri (m) vir, viri (m) signum, signi (n)
2) Work intensely on mythology project which is due on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Do not leave this work to the last minute.
3) Read and write out a translation for Latona et Niobe, paragraphs 1, 2, 3. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, Oct. 25, 2024
1) Read and write out a translation for Latona et Niobe, paragraphs 1, 2, 3. See email if you need this. Use the vocabulary list handed out for help.
2) Quiz for grade book on morphology of the imperfect tense in the same format as pages 3, 4, 5 of Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies on Friday, Oct. 25. Do not neglect present tense and imperative mood. What is the difference between a finite verb (5 qualities) and an infinitive (two qualities)? Do not forget our sui generis friend sum, esse, fui, futurus.
3) Work on mythology project which is due on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024
1) Vocabulary quiz on list of 1st Declension Nouns (page 1) and preposition (page 2) with ablative and accusative case. You do not have to know adjectives for this quiz. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. On Wednesday, Oct. 23. Know the full dictionary entries. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR format of the quiz and the picture that you will be asked to label as part of quiz.
2) Imperfect Work:
a) Review the morphology of the imperfect tenses and complete English to Latin sentences 1-5 on Imperfect Sentences for Wednesday, Oct. 23. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR ADDED VOCABULARY
b) Quiz on morphology of the imperfect tense in the same format as pages 3, 4, 5 of Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies on Friday, Oct. 25.
3) Review and finish translation for Arachne et Minerva (Part III). See page 3 for vocabulary or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ.
4) Start learning about your god or goddess. I have mythology books in the classroom to help.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
1) Work on the Imperfect Tense:
a) Make sure page two of Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies is finished.
b) Quiz on morphology of the imperfect tense in the same format as pages 3, 4, 5 of Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies but shorter.
2) Read and write out a translation for Arachne et Minerva (Part III). See page 3 for vocabulary or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ.
3) Continue learning the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. On Friday, Oct. 18. Know the full dictionary entries.
4) Start learning about your god or goddess. I have mythology books in the classroom to help.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, Oct. 14, 2024
1) Quiz for the grade book on SIDSPACE preposition and (sub, in and ad + acc. case). There will be a moon on the back for you to illustrate prepositional uses and meanings by composing short sentences. Review also ablative of manner (summa cum laude), ablative of means/instrument (hastā/sagittīs) and accompaniment (cum puellā et rānā). You may wish to review this video.
2) Imperfect Work to be done in order - a) then b).
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Rabbits of genius will recite the new forms aloud. Notes are due on Monday.
b) Use your notes from class and the above video to complete page 4 (2 verb games) and then pages 1 and 2 of the new green handout titled Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies
3) Continue learning the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. On Friday, Oct. 18. Know the full dictionary entries.
4) I will assign your god or goddess this weekend, so we can start working on that next week.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, Oct. 11, 2024
1) Review the practice quiz from Wednesday’s class on sidspace prepositions.
2) Finish sentences 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, on the handout titled Practice with Prepositions. oppidum is 2nd declension word that means “town”. cado, cadere - to fall
2) Make sure that Arachne et Minerva (Part II) is finished to the end and review what we read in class on Wednesday.
4) QUIZ on Monday on the 8 preposition that govern the ablative case (SIPSPACE). Which two can also govern the ACCUSATIVE case? What cases does ad always govern and what does it meanStudy your notes from class, Diana, the Moon & prepositons video and perhaps review this video
5) Start learn the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. Quiz late next week.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024
1) Short quiz on the 8 preposition that govern the ablative case (SIPSPACE). Which two can also govern the ACCUSATIVE case? Study your notes from class, Diana, the Moon & prepositons video and perhaps review this video
2) Read and write out a translation on the paper provided of Arachne et Minerva (Part II). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Monday.
3) Start learn the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. Quiz in approx. 8 days.
4) Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be. Click here for a list from which you may choose. Send your top three choices to me soon.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, Oct. 7, 2024
ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.
1) What three methods can a Latin rabbit use to describe a Latin noun? What is the relationship between a noun and modifying adjective? What is an appositive or two nouns in apposition? Translate Kritika, regina insulae, est discipula magnae sapientiae and find the three methods of describing a noun in this sentence.
3) Watch this video and then read and write out a translation on the paper provided of Arachne et Minerva (Part I). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Monday.
4) Start learn the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. Quiz in approx. 8 days.
6) Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be. Click here for a list from which you may choose. Send your top three choices to me soon.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024
ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.
1) Complete page one (including translation of sentences a, b, c) of Noun Declensions and the Ablative Case (it is purple), study page 2 and then complete page 3 sentences # 4 and 5 (final page of handout).
2) Complete as practice fo the quiz below pages 2 and 3 of Crucial and Essential Verbs - Vocabulary Quiz # 26385394.
3) Quiz on Wednesday, October 2 on the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. KNOW all PRINCIPAL PARTS. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish or French derivates to help with meaning. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout. Bonus will be the same as the two bonuses on the first page of the practice quiz Crucial and Essential Verbs - Vocabulary Quiz # 26385394.
4) Start learn the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies but the lastest one the has my hand writing on the top “final version”. Quiz in approx. 8 days.
6) Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be. Click here for a list from which you may choose. Send your top three choices to me soon.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 30, 2024
ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.
1) Finish and review for in class translation all of Europa et Taurus. See the 2nd page of handout for vocabulary. Be able to read and translate in class.
2) Study Friday’s work on the ablative case and then watch these three short videos on the ablative case and take detailed, shapely and well-ograngized notes. Notes are due on Monday.
a) Ablative of Manner (summa cum laude) b) Ablative of means/instrument (hastā = with a spear - no preposition) c) Ablative of accompaniment (cum Emmā, Esehā et Kritikā)
3) See your notes from class on the two things that the accusative case does. Example the function (syntax) of the accusative noun (lunam = moon) in these two examples: a) Ursa lunam videt. b) Ursa ad lunam volat.
4) Quiz on Wednesday, October 2 on the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. KNOW all PRINCIPAL PARTS. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish or French derivates to help with meaning. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
5) Start learn the vocabulary list of 1st Declension Nouns. You have several copies of it but email if you need it. Quiz in approx. 10 days.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
Email your videos of first declension animals from chalk graffiti.
1) Quiz for the gradebook on first declension nouns, like lupa, lupae (f) in both the singular and plural and default translations. On the back there will be short questions with quis, cuius, cui quem and cum qua to answer? cum + abl. = “with”. What three qualities do Latin nouns have? What is the relationship between a noun and a modifying adjective? The answers to both questions are the same.
2) Complete numbers 1-16 of Simple Sentences with Frogs, Bears, Seal, the Queen and One Wolf. dē is a preposition that governs the ablative case and means “about” or down from”
3) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Europa et Taurus. See the 2nd page of handout for vocabulary. Be able to read and translate in class.
4) Continue learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 6 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 23, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
1) Recite the first declension paradigm aloud in both the singular and plural. Use the word rāna, rānae (f). What diphthong ending is the DDD of this declension? You may wish to rewatch this video.
2) Quiz on the chart of Latin’s cases (nominative, genitive, dative accusative and ablative) and their grammatical function of each and English method of expressing the same function. The format will be similar to the chart that we made in class on Friday. Study the chart. The nominative case forms the subjective of the ________________ verb. Be able to declension the word lupa, lupae (f) in the singular and plural.
4) Review the meanings of these question/interrogative words: quis, quem, cuius, ubi, cur, quid?
5) Continue learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 6 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
1) Complete both sides of Verbal Fun. See purple list of verbs for principal parts. Learn the interrogative words at the top of Verbal fun: quis, quem, cuius, ubi, cur, quid?
2) With this video and take notes. Notes are due on Wednesday.
3) Make your bring these already assigned things and they are complete:
a) Translation for CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and make sure that you have put all the places in the story on your map. Be able to read and translate story orally in class.
b) Complete pages 7 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. See the last two pages for vocabulary lists to help.
4) Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
5) Start learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 10 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 16, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
Latin Club meeting on Wednesday at lunch.
1) Finish reading and writing out an English translation for CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and make sure that you have put all the places in the story on your map. Be able to read and translate story orally in class.
2) Complete pages 6 and 7 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. See the last two pages for vocabulary lists to help.
3) Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
4) Review all notes from class on verbal morphology and practice reciting the present tense aloud of all conjugations. You may wish to passively review this video on the conjugation of the present tense in all conjugations.
5) Start learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 10 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 13, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
1) Complete the back side of Verbal Morphology Madness and learn vocabulary at the top of the first page.
2) Quiz on verbal morphology of all conjugations, 4 principal parts, imperative and present active tense. The format will be similar to what you wrote on the board of Wednesday combined with the particle quiz that you did for HW and correct in class (Crucial and Essential Verbs - Vocabulary Quiz # 26385394) with the blue key. Value 50-80 points.
3) Start learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 10 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Start thinking about what Roman/Greek god or goddess you would like to be.
Finish reading and writing out an English translation for CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and make sure that you have put all the places in the story on your map. Be able to read and translate story orally in class.
Complete pages 6 and 7 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. See the last two pages for vocabulary lists to help.
5. Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
1) Review all notes from class on verbal morphology and practice reciting the present tense aloud of all conjugations. You may wish to passively review this video on the conjugation of the present tense in all conjugations.
2) Complete Crucial and Essential Verbs - Vocabulary Quiz # 26385394 - both sides A and B. It is blue. Use the purple verb list with squirrel and rabbit to help with vocabulary.
3) Old but turn in notes for this video on Wednesday: video on the conjugation of the present tense in all conjugations. Take detailed notes and use color to high endings. Notes are graded and due on Monday.
4) Submit via email the Voice Recording Passage from Vergil’s Aeneid. Click on this link to find an audio recording of this passage to help you. When you get to the page, scroll down and click MEDIA and then press pay to listen It will be due mid-next week. State your name at the beginning and email the recording to me at sross@gsgis.k12.va.us or aberrantadventures@mac.com.
5) Start learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 10 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 9, 2024
1) Review all notes from class this week and briefly review pages Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT I (pages 1-4).
2) Crucial and essential work on verbal morphology:
b) Use the what you have learned in class, from Wheelock, and from the video above to complete pages 2, 3, 4 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. I have emailed you a copy of this handout in case you can’t find it.
3) Start workig on the Voice Recording Passage from Vergil’s Aeneid. Click on this link to find an audio recording of this passage to help you. When you get to the page, scroll down and click MEDIA and then press pay to listen It will be due mid-next week.
4) Start learning the purple list of verbs titled Crucial and Essential Latin Verbs to Know and Love. I recommend saying the four parts aloud and thinking of English or Spanish derivates to help with meaning. Quiz in 10 days on this list. This same list can also be found at the end of the Verbal Morphology handout.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 6, 2024
1) Review handout from class with imperative verbs and other notes from the board. Recite Latin phrases aloud. What does the imperative mood express? What does the Latin verb impero, imperare mean?
3) SHORT QUIZ on: a) recognizing the conjugation of verbs, b) translating each of the their four parts into English, c) how to form the imperative singular and plural for each conjugation (see you notes from the video above and from class.
4) Optional: You may wish to review this video and reread Wheelock’s Latin (your book) pages 2-4.
5) Start workig on the Voice Recording Passage from Vergil’s Aeneid. It will be due mid-next week.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 4, 2024
1) Review your notes from class on the FOUR principals of verbs and the conjugation of amō, amās, amat, amāmus, amātis, amant. Recite Latin forms aloud from your window. The watch this video and take detailed, well-organized and beautiful notes, which will be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday. Graded Ass. Then read Wheelock’s Latin (your book) pages 2-4.
2) Quiz on Syllabication and Accentuation in the exact same format as the assignment that we corrected in class with answer key. Different words though. You may wish to review video on syllabification and this one on accentuation
3) Graded Voice recordings of this passage will be due before Wednesday, Sept. 4. Record yourself reading Cattus Petasatus from Time…vero! State your name at the beginning and email the recording to me at sross@gsgis.k12.va.us or aberrantadventures@mac.com.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, August 26, 2024
1) Review all notes from class and say aloud conversational words and phrases that we went over in class. What are Latin’s 6 diphthongs? What syllable of a word are the antepenult, penult, and ultima?
2) Watch this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Take detailed notes on both videos. Your notes should include examples from the video. b) Read and study pages xxxix and xl of the Introductio of Wheelock’s Latin - only the sections on Syllables and Accentuation. Organize your notes into a pretty, useful and clever format and turn them into me at the beginning of class on Monday. Graded Ass. Value 30 points.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, August 23, 2024
1) Review all notes from Wednesday’s class and practice conversational phrases aloud.
2) Take out your large sheet with the Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
2) Write out answer to these questions to show me on Friday.
Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 21, 2024
1) Review the timeline with the three periods (Kings, Republic and Empire) of Roman history from class.
2) Read pages xxxv (begin at Vowels) to xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation.
3) Take out your large sheet with the Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
4) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, August 19, 2024
1) Latin greetings: salve/salvēte, vale, valēte.
2) Read pages xxxv (begin at Vowels) to xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation.
3) Take out your large sheet with the Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
4) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
Homework & Agenda for Wednesday, May 15, 2024
2) Vocabulary Quiz on Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on WEDNESDAY, May 15. There will be a picture of a Roman House to label on the back. Value 60-80 points.
Homework & Agenda for Monday, May 13, 2024
1) Quiz for the grade book on ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensive adjective) Do not confuse with —-sui, sibi, se, se (reflexive pronoun). See the pink yink quiz handed out on Friday for practice.
2) Read and write out a translation of Daedalus et Icarus, lines 1-10. Email if you need this. see back of the page for notes and vocabulary. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR A VOCABULARY LIST.
3) Old but Bring: Finish assignment for Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS PRIMA ET SECUNDA)
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on WEDNESDAY, May 15.
Homework & Agenda for Friday, May 10, 2024
1) Short quiz on ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensive adjective) Do not confuse with —-sui, sibi, se, se (reflexive pronoun)
2) Finish the assignment for Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS PRIMA ET SECUNDA)
3) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS SECUNDA) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class. See pages 3-4 of new handout for vocabulary.
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on MONDAY, May 13.
Homework & Agenda for Friday, May 10, 2024
1) Short quiz on ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intensive adjective) Do not confuse with —-sui, sibi, se, se (reflexive pronoun)
2) Finish the assignment for Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS PRIMA ET SECUNDA)
3) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS SECUNDA) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class. See pages 3-4 of new handout for vocabulary.
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on MONDAY, May 13.
Homework & Agenda for Wednesday, May 5, 2024
1) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS SECUNDA) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class. See pages 3-4 of new handout for vocabulary.
2) Rewatch this video on the relative pronoun and take details notes that include all examples.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, May 10.
Homework & Agenda for Friday, May 3, 2024
1) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (PARS SECUNDA) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class. See pages 3-4 of new handout for vocabulary.
1) QUIZ for the grade book on the paradigm of 4th declension nouns (such as manus, domus, pinus, impetus, exercitus, cornu & genu) and on the paradigm of relative pronoun - qui, quae, quod and its syntax: What is the relationship between a relative pronoun and its antecedent? How do you determine the case of a relative pronoun? Also be able to create full sentences from antecedent/relative pronoun pairs, e.g. gladium, quō. Rewatch this video on the relative pronoun and take details notes that include all examples. Turn notes in at the beginning of class on MONDay, if you have not already done so.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, May 10.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 3, 2024
1) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class.
2) QUIZ for the grade book on the paradigm of relative pronoun - qui, quae, quod and its syntax: What is the relationship between a relative pronoun and its antecedent? How do you determine the case of a relative pronoun? Also be able to create full sentences from antecedent/relative pronoun pairs, e.g. gladium, quō. Rewatch this video on the relative pronoun and take details notes that include all examples. Turn notes in at the beginning of class on FRIDAY.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Monday, May 6.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, May 30, 2024
1) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) to the very end and be well prepared to read/translate it in class.
2) Short morphological QUIZ on the paradigm of relative pronoun - qui, quae, quod and its syntax: What is the relationship between a relative pronoun and its antecedent? How do you determine the case of a relative pronoun? Rewatch this video on the relative pronoun and take details notes that include all examples. Turn notes in at the beginning of class on WEDNESDAY.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Monday, May 6.
Agenda for Monday, April 29, 2024
1) Complete and turn in Assignment on Phoebus et Daphne. Email if you did not get this on Friday.
2) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) and be well prepared to read/translate it in class.
3) Review the paradigms of ille, illa, illud and hic, haec, hoc and 4th declension nouns.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Wednesday, May 1.
Agenda for Friday, April 26, 2024
1) Bring and review what we read in class of Pyramus et Thisbe.
2) Quiz that will ask you decline:
is magnus impetus illa fortis manus hoc parvum cornū
3) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Monday, April 29
Agenda for Wednesday, April 24, 2024
1) Finish the final paragraph on the next page of PHOEBUS ET DAPHNE.
2) Watch these two videos and take notes. Notes are due on Wednesday. Fourth Declension Masc/fem. .
3) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Monday, April 29
Agenda for Monday, April 22, 2024
1) Finish reading/translating PHOEBUS ET DAPHNE and be well-prepared to read/translate orally in class on Monday. Graded ass.
2) Review the morphology of ille, illa, illud and hic, haec, hoc.
3) Complete page 3 of Morphological Quiz for Demonstrative Bunnies
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Wednesday, April 24.
Agenda for Friday, April 19, 2024
1) Quiz on Conjugation Fun with All Tenses o Regular Verbs and the morphology of ille, illa, illud and hic, haec, hoc take notes.
2) Complete page 3 of Morphological Quiz for Demonstrative Bunnies
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Wednesday, April 24.
Agenda for Wednesday, April 17, 2024
1) Complete number 1, 2, 3, 4 of Conjugation Fun with All Tenses o Regular Verbs. You may wish to review these videos: Pluperfect Active Indicative Pluperfect Passive Indicative
2) Watch these video on ille, illa, illud and hic, haec, hoc take notes. Notes are due on Wednesday. Rabbits of genius will practices reciting these paradigms aloud. Extra points for graffiti of hic, haec, hoc.
3) Complete page 3 of Morphological Quiz for Demonstrative Bunnies
4) Be able to read the first paragraph of PHOEBUS ET DAPHNE in class on Wednesday.
5) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, April 19
Agenda for Monday, April 15, 2024
1) Use you text of Echo et Narcissus to complete the assignment for Narcissus et Echo and turn in at the beginning of class on Monday. You may use your four page case usage for help with justification of cases. Work independently on this assignment. Graded ass.
2) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Turn notes in on Monday.
Pluperfect Active Indicative Pluperfect Passive Indicative
3) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, April 19
Agenda for Friday, April 12, 2024
1) 4) Quiz on Friday on —- sui, sibi, se, se and suus, a, um and is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective used also as a pronoun). How is possession expressed with each of these words? When do you uses the genitives eius, eorum, earum vs. the adjective suus, a, um? Know the full paradigm of is, ea, id. You also may wish rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun: ——, sui, sibi, se, se (secum) and suus, a, sum. This quiz will have most verbs in the future tense so review this also.
2) We will read/translate page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. Your translation should be finished but review it prior to class on Monday to be well-prepared.
3) Old but bring: In is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative adj vs. 3rd Person Personal Pronoun complete pages 3 and 4 and 5. HW grade. Old but Bring completed sentences 5, 6, 7 on the green handout titled Reflexive Mouse. See you email for a copy with added vocabulary
4) Beginning learning the vocabulary list tilted: Domestic Architecture & the Roman Family. Quiz on this next week.
Agenda for Monday, April 8, 2024
1) We will read/translate page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. Your translation should be finished but review it prior to class on Monday to be well-prepared.
2) Old but bring: In is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative adj vs. 3rd Person Personal Pronoun complete pages 3 and 4 and 5. HW grade. Review the paradigm of is, ea, id be used (part of speech is crucial)?
3)Old but Bring completed sentences 5, 6, 7 on the green handout titled Reflexive Mouse. See you email for a copy with added vocabulary
4) Quiz on Friday on —- sui, sibi, se, se and suus, a, um and is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective used also as a pronoun).
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 27, 2024
1) Bring your completed translation of page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
2) In is, ea, id (Weak Demonstrative adj vs. 3rd Person Personal Pronoun complete pages 3 and 4 and 5. HW grade. Review the paradigm of is, ea, id be used (part of speech is crucial)?
3) Complete sentences 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on the green handout titled Reflexive Mouse. See you email for a copy with added vocabulary
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 25, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
Complete the practice CAV test and see you email for a key for you to self-correct.
1) Quiz on Core Vocabulary list on Monday, March 25. Valuable. Bonus is the write out the paradigm of demonstrative adjective: is, ea, id.
2) What is the syntactical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent?
3) Watch this video and take detailed notes. In what two ways may is, ea, id be used (part of speech is crucial)? Notes are due on Monday. Say the full paradigm aloud, while dancing.
3) Complete sentences 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on the green handout titled Reflexive Mouse. See you email for a copy with added vocabulary
4) Bring your completed translation of page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
Starting learn the Core Vocabulary list for a valuable quiz on Monday, March 25.
1) Complete translation of page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
2) Study paradigms of personal and REFLEXIVE pronouns, especially —-, sui, sibi, se, se and complete all sentences on page 5 and 6 of new handout. You may wish to rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun: ——, sui, sibi, se, se (secum) and suus, a, sum
3) Complete the first English to Latin Sentence in The Fall of Troy and the Aeneas Legend
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 18, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Complete translation of page one and two of ECHO ET NARCISSUS. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
2) Quiz on verbal morphology featuring the future tense in all conjugation + irregular verbs - sum, possum, fero, fio, volo, nolo, eo. Quiz will be the same format as the exercises with the frog and with one verb to write completed in all the tenses that you know thus far.
3) Watch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun: ——, sui, sibi, se, se (secum) and suus, a, sum Notes are due on Monday.
4) Complete the first English to Latin Sentence in The Fall of Troy and the Aeneas Legend
5) Start learning the vocabulary list for the Sabine Women titled De mulieribus Sabinis. Quiz in 7 days.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Finish the NLE that we stared in class and look over the syllabus.
2) Complete pages 1 and 2 of the practice quiz on verbal morphology with the future tense. It has a frog in the corner.
3) Complete translation of page one of Narcissus et Echo. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
4) Start learning the vocabulary list for the Sabine Women titled De mulieribus Sabinis. Quiz in 7 days.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 11, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Start learning the vocabulary list for the Sabine Women titled De mulieribus Sabinis. Quiz in 7 days.
2) The New Thing: Watch this video on the future tense and take detailed notes. Recite forms aloud and turn in notes on Monday.
3) Watch this video and keep a list of the building mentioned and make notes on their history, function, and location in the city (urbs).
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 6. Topics: a) all uses of the genitive, dative and accusative case (see pink handout on case usage). b) Time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and time vocabulary; c) perfect passive participle vs. perfect passive indicative; d) personal pronouns: ego, tu, nos, vos and possessive adjectives + partitive and objective genitive; e) Verb game and declension fun with unus/tres + 1st/2nd adj. + 3rd declension adjective; f) 3rd declension i-stem nouns and 3rd declension adjectives; g) irregular verbs: fero, fio, sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo; h) noli and nolite + an infinitive (negative imperative). Stories: Aeneas Lavinium condit, De urbe Romana, De Urbe Condita, De mulieribus Sabinis (translation and case usage; participle phrases, subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions).
Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 4, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Finish all of The Story of the Sabine Women. Watch this video on David’s Paining of the Sabine Women. Begin learn the vocabulary for this story.
2) What is noli and nolite + an infinitive used to express. Alisha, noli mordere nos! Discipuli, noli nocere mihi!
3) Review and learn irregular verbs, in the present indicative. Here are videos to help with these wretched verbs watch and take notes prior to Monday’s class. Do not forget that fio, fieri, factus sum (to be made, to become, to happen) is copulative. Piper facta est regina mundi. Fiat lux!
4)Old but Bring completed sentences in 3rd quarter test preparation English to Latin sentences. See email for a copy with added vocabulary.
5)Keep reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 6. Topics: a) all uses of the genitive, dative and accusative case (see pink handout on case usage). b) Time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and time vocabulary; c) perfect passive participle vs. perfect passive indicative; d) personal pronouns: ego, tu, nos, vos and possessive adjectives + partitive and objective genitive; e) Verb game and declension fun with unus/tres + 1st/2nd adj. + 3rd declension adjective; f) 3rd declension i-stem nouns and 3rd declension adjectives; g) irregular verbs: fero, fio, sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo; h) noli and nolite + an infinitive (negative imperative). Stories: Aeneas Lavinium condit, De urbe Romana, De Urbe Condita, De mulieribus Sabinis (translation and case usage; participle phrases, subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions).
Agenda & Homework for Friday, March 1, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Quiz on vocabulary for De Urbe Condita on Friday, February 29 with two pictures from class to label and a declension fun game.
2) Complete the one page pink handout on irregular verbs. Here are videos to help with these wretched verbs but you do not need to start watching for HW for Friday. Do not forget that fio, fieri, factus sum (to be made, to become, to happen) is copulative. Piper facta est regina mundi. Fiat lux!
2)Old but Bring completed sentences in 3rd quarter test preparation English to Latin sentences. See email for a copy with added vocabulary.
3) Reivew The Story of the Sabine Women, paragraph one only. Watch this video on David’s Paining of the Sabine Women.
6)Keep reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 6.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Review Ab Urbe Condita story that we finished in class.
2) Complete all sentences in 3rd quarter test preparation English to Latin sentences. See email for a copy with added vocabulary.
3) Read and write out a translation for The Story of the Sabine Women, paragraph one only. Watch this video on David’s Paining of the Sabine Women.
4) Turning these notes, if you have done so already. Watch this video and take detailed notes on the Romulus as the First King of Rome. Watch from the beginning to minute 13:00. Also pay attention to the city and its buildings.
5) Start learning the vocabulary for De Urbe Condita. Quiz on Friday, February 29. .
6)Keep reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming soon.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 26, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) The Perfect Passive Indicative:
a) Complete all of Verbal Morphology Quiz for Rabid Rabbits, Pars Prima.
b) Short morphological quiz on verbal morphology with the perfect passive indicative in the same format as the one we did for practice on Friday.
2) Watch this video and take detailed notes on the Romulus as the First King of Rome. Watch from the beginning to minute 13:00. Also pay attention to the city and its buildings.
3) Finish all of The Founding of Rome (De Urbe Condita) on both pages. Write out a translation but be prepared to read in class without looking at your translation.
4) Start learning the vocabulary for De Urbe Condita. Quiz on Friday, February 29. .
5)Keep reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming soon.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 23, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) The Perfect Passive Indicative:
a) Review this video: on the Perfect Passive Indicative. Take very detailed notes that include all examples. Read and study pages one and two of The Founding of Rome (De Urbe Condita) on the perfect passive indicative I will collect the video notes on Friday at the beginning of class.
b) Complete all of Verbal Morphology Madness with Perfect Passive Indicative
c) Short morphological quiz on verbal morphology with the perfect passive indicative in the same format as we did will dico, dicere and lego, legere in class on Wednesday.
2) Read and translate The Founding of Rome (De Urbe Condita) paragraphs one and two for Friday. Page 3 and the new vocabulary list for help.
3) Start learning the vocabulary for De Urbe Condita. Quiz in 10 days.
4)Keep reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming soon.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Review the rules for i-stem nouns and complete pages 4, 5, 6 of “i”Stem Nouns of the 3rd Declension & Adjective with Birds and Bees. This should be good preparation for vocabulary quiz also.
2) The New Thing: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative. Take very detailed notes that include all examples. Due at the beginning of class on Wednesday.
3) Vocabulary quiz on this vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, February 21. Bonus is to decline: mare, maris (n) or vis, vis (f)
4) Review and bring 3 periods of Roman History and Plan of Rome.
5) Start reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming soon.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 16, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Quiz on personal pronouns (morphology, syntax, concepts and application) and their possessive adjectives with ablative of accompaniment, objectives genitives and partitive genitives, dative of the possessor, dative of interest and dative with special verbs and special adjectives (see pink handout on syntax). Also review time constructions: acc. of duration, ablative of time when, ablative of time within which. Value 50-70 points. Bonus is to decline vis, vis (f) force (singular), strength (plural).
2) Finish all of of De Urbe Romana and use the story and picture to label the plan of Rome handed out in class.
3) Download begin learning this vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, February 21.
4) Review 3 periods of Roman history.
5) Start reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming in 10-14 days.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Old Ass. but bring completed English to Latin short sentence assignment that you worked on in class on Friday. We will correct the English to Latin portion on Wednesday.
2) Work on I-Stem 3rd Declensions Nouns.
a) Study notes from class on i-stem nouns. Into what three categories do i-stem 3rd declensions nouns fall? Into which category do the following nouns fall and why? ars, artis (f) urbs, urbis (f) civis, civis (m) mare, maris (n) animal, animalis (n) mons, montis (m) moles, molis (f) Why are dux, ducis (m) and rex, regis (m) not i-stems?
b) Review the paradigms on page two of I-stem handout. Give special attention to vis, vis (f) which is a pure i-stem. Then complete all of page 4 (declension fun) in the i-stem handout.
3) Finish all of of De Urbe Romana and use the story and picture to label the plan of Rome handed out in class.
4) Download begin learning this vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, February 21.
5) Write the 3 periods of Roman history and the beginning/ending dates for each on the timeline with pictures handed out in class. Email if you need this.
6) Start reviewing everything for 3rd quarter test coming in 10-14 days.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 12, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Complete pages one and two of the short sentence assignment that you worked on in class on Friday. Review personal pronouns and objective genitive. Quiz on this topic will come later in the week.
3) Read and translate all of of De Urbe Romana. Be able to read/translate in class on
4) Download begin learning this vocabulary list. Quiz in one week.
5) Review the 3 period of Roman History and know the beginning dates of each and notes on Aeneas and his family from the board.
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 9, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Review the 3 period of Roman History and know the beginning dates of each and notes on Aeneas and his family from the board.
3) Read and translate all of of De Urbe Romana. Be able to read/translate in class on Friday.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Study the blue sheet on personal pronouns and complete all sentences titled Personal Pronouns for Aloof Animals. Then watch this video on the OBJECTIVE genitive. Take notes with examples
2) Quiz on:
a) time constructions (acc. of duration, ablative of time when, ablative of time within which). See pink cause syntax handout for help with this and study the two handouts (with vocabulary for time) from class last week with exercises and examples.
b) The morphology of personal pronouns ego, tu, nos and vos - the chart that you filled out in class. You may wish to rewatch this video
3) Old but review and bring Read and translate all of of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read/translate orally in class. See the blue vocabulary for help. Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC
Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 2, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Study and review time constructions (acc. of duration, ablative of time when, ablative of time within which). Quiz on Wednesday on time construction with time vocabulary from the first handout. See pink cause syntax handout for help with this and study the two handouts (with vocabulary for time) from class last week with exercises and examples. Email if you need these. For the following identify the case, the time concept expressed and translate into English:
tres dies tribus diebus tertio die
2) Watch this video and take verb detailed notes. Recite all paradigms and forms aloud and submit notes at the beginning of class on Monday. Graded assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted.
3) Old but review and bring Read and translate all of of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read/translate orally in class. See the blue vocabulary for help. Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC
Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 2, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Read and translate all of of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read/translate orally in class. See the blue vocabulary for help. Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC
2) Begin learning the blue/aquamarine vocabulary list for a quiz on Friday, February 2. See your email for the picture in the exam. Pictures are only partially extra credit and a significant part of the quiz. Also know all principal parts of verbs.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, January 29, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
1) Review notes on the accusative case from class and especially the Accusative of Time Duration. Then watch this video and take detailed notes. Include all examples in our notes. Due Wednesday. Review/learn the short vocabulary with time and season on page 3 of the handout on Accusative of Time Duration.
2) Complete the bright pink/read assignment on Graeci Troian Capiunt. See your email if you need the correct text, which you should also have. Refer to and quote from the text to answer all questions. Graded Assignment. Value 50-60 points. Turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday, January 31.
3) Read and translate all of of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read/translate orally in class. See the blue vocabulary for help. Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC
4) Begin learning the blue/aquamarine vocabulary list for a quiz on Friday, February 2.
Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, January 24, 2023
1) Watch this video on Perfect Passive Purple Participles and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Friday, Jan. 26. Make the pretty and well-organized. Use this link if the one above does not work for you.
2) Watch this short video on Vergil’s Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas), which was written under Augustus from 29-19 BC. Read and translate the first paragraph of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read/translate orally in class. See the blue vocabulary for help.
3) Begin learning the new blue/aquamarine vocabulary list for a quiz in 9 days.
4) Watch this video on Roman History from minutes 10 to the end and answer each question as you watch. You may have to stop the video. Graded Assignment Value 50 pointes. Due on Monday, January 29.
Agenda & Homework for Monday, January 22, 2023
1) Consolidation quiz on: 1) the paradigm of possum, posse, potui; 2 the paradigm of Third Declension Adjectives i-stem adjectives; 3) five uses of the dative case (see your pink case usage handout for all five).
2) Translate sentences 3-6 into Latin on the assignment titled English to Latin Sentences with 4th principal parts (perfect passive participles). See yellow copy for added vocabulary. Sign Pledge on this assignment that you have worked independently and have not used an on-line translator to do any of this work. You may wish to type your final answers. Value 50-60 points. Email me with questions.
3) Finish reading/translating/preparing to read orally Graeci Troian Capiunt, all of it to the end for Wednesday. See your email for a copy of this story if you need it.
4) For Wednesday Watch this video on Roman History from minutes 10 to the end and answer each question as you watch. You may have to stop the video. Graded Assignment Value 50 pointes. Due on Wednesday.
Agenda for Friday, January 19, 2023 and the week.
1) Finish reading/translating/preparing to read orally Graeci Troian Capiunt, all of it to the end for Wednesday. See your email for a copy of this story if you need it.
2) Review the blue sheet with datives, especially dative of interest/reference and learn the paradigm on nos, nostri at the bottom of the page. Expect a quiz on this material next with in conjunction with Third Declension Adjectives
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, January 17 (value 60-90 points) with declension fun (includingThird Declension Adjectives) and verbal morphology on the back for the Graeci in Campo Pugant vocabulary list. It is attached to our last story. Email if you need this. Picture on the back to label. Email if you need these.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 17, 2023 and the week.
1) Watch this video on Roman History in 20 minutes and answer each question as you watch. You may have to stop the video. Do only the first 11 minutes for Wednesday and the question that go with them. If you do not have these questions, I have emailed you a copy. Graded Assignment Value 50 pointes. Due on Wednesday.
1.5) Finish reading/translating/preparing to read orally Graeci Troian Capiunt, all of it to the end for Wednesday. See your email for a copy of this story if you need it.
2) Review this video Third Declension Adjectives. There will be several 3rd declension adjective on the vocabulary quiz. See vocabulary list.
3) Possum, posse, potui:
a) Rewatch this video on the compound verb possum, posse, potui
b) Complete pages 1-3 of the handout on possum, posse, potui.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, January 17 with declension fun and verbal morphology on the back for the Graeci in Campo Pugant vocabulary list. It is attached to our last story. Email if you need this.
Agenda for Friday, January 12, 2023 and the week.
1) Read/translate/prepare to read orally Graeci Troian Capiunt, paragraphs one and TWO for Wednesday. See your email for a copy of this story if you need it.
2) Review this video Third Declension Adjectives. Recite paradigms aloud.
3) Watch this video on the compound verb possum, posse, potui and take detailed notes. Turn notes in on Friday. Late work will not accepted. Graded Assignment.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, January 17 with declension fun and verbal morphology on the back for the Graeci in Campo Pugant vocabulary list. It is attached to our last story. Email if you need this.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 10, 2023 and the week.
1) Read/translate/prepare to read orally Graeci Troian Capiunt, paragraphs one and TWO for Wednesday. See your email for a copy of this story if you need it.
2) Some Work on 3rd Declension i-stem adjectives:
a) Watch this video on Third Declension Adjectives. Take detailed notes that include all paradigms and examples and turn in your notes Wednesday. Graded Ass. Recite paradigms aloud.
b) Complete sentences 5 to 11 in Introduction to 3rd Declension Adjectives (it is the one with frogs on it). These sentences also review the four uses of the dative case that you know. See your case syntax handout for help.
c) Short moprhological quiz on the paradigm of 3rd declension i-stem adjectives, such as gravis, grave or omnis, omne.
d) See the paradigm below this HW and stare intently with loving eyes at the different nominative singular for each. Which one is a one termination 3rd declension adj.? Which one is a two termination? Which one has three different terminations in the nominative singular?
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, January 12 with declension fun and verbal morphology on the back for the Graeci in Campo Pugant vocabulary list. It is attached to our last story. Email if you need this.
Agenda for Monday, January 8, 2023 and the week.
1) Finish the fourth page of the Pink handout on the dative case. Review the four uses of dative case. Quiz on this topic is coming soon.
2) For Wednesday, January 10 at the beginning of class be prepared to read and translation orally Graeci Troian Capiunt. See your email for a copy of this story if you wish to get ahead.
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, January 12 with declension fun and verbal morphology on the back for the Graeci in Campo pungent vocabulary list. It is attached to our last story. Email if you need this.
4) These New Topics will dominate the first two weeks of the New Year. Here are videos, if you wish to get ahead.
b) Third Declension Adjectives. Take detailed notes and recite paradigms aloud.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 18, 2023
1) Morphological Mouse: Review this video on the perfect active indicative Use the KEY handed out in class to correct pages 1 and 3 of Intensive Review of Verbal Morphology with the Morphological Mouse. Then complete pages 2 and 4 of this same handout. HW grade. If you did not get this in class, see your email for a copy. NB: tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus - to touch
2) Short quiz on Perfect Active Indicative in the same format as pages 1 and 3 of Intensive Review of Verbal Morphology.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 18, 2023
1) Morphological Mouse: Review this video on the perfect active indicative Complete pages 1 and 3 of Intensive Review of Verbal Morphology with the Morphological Mouse. HW grade. If you did not get this in class, see your email for a copy. NB: tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus - to touch
3) Finish reading and writing out a translation for The Battle on the Plain, final paragraphy. Be able to read orally in class and provide an English translation. Watch this video on the Trojan War.
4) Vocabulary quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani on Monday, December 18. Value 60-80 points. Know full dictionary entries and all principal parts of verbs. Same format as the one handed out in class but words may differ. See your list with the story De Initio Belli Troiani
Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 15, 2023
1) Complete pages 1 and 3 of the handout titled: PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE. This should already be complete.
2) Complete the assignment for the first paragraph of Graeci…in campo pugnant (The Battle on the Plain).
3) Read and write out a translation for The Battle on the Plain, paragraph two. Be able to read orally in class and provide an English translation.
4) Vocabulary quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani on Monday, December 18. Know full dictionary entries and all principal parts of verbs. I will send picture for you to label soon.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, December 13, 2023
1) Work to be done on the perfect active indicative.
a) Review notes from class and look through the handout titled Verbal Morphology: The Present and Perfect Systems.
b) Watch this video on the perfect active indicative and take detailed notes. What principal part is used for the perfect tense? What does the perfect tense express? What are two possible English translation of Latin’s perfect tense?
b) Complete pages 1 and 3 of the handout titled: PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE.
2) Read and write out a translation for The Battle on the Plain, paragraph one. Be able to read orally in class and provide an English translation.
3) Morphological Quiz in the same format as the Quiz Preparation & Review of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Declension that you completed for Friday and corrected with a purple key. Value 60-80 points.
4) Vocabulary quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani on Friday, December 15. Know full dictionary entries and all principal parts of verbs. I will send picture for you to label soon.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 8, 2023
1) Review notes from class. Watch this video on the dative case with special adjectives and take detailed notes. What four things can mortal monkeys to do with the dative case? Translate and give the syntax of each dative. See four page pink case usage handout for help with datives. Ronakius basia virginī pulchrae dat. Virginī est caput pulchrum. Ronakius est amicus virginī. Ronakius virginī semper paret. Venus virginī imperat.
2) Morphological Quiz in the same format as the Quiz Preparation & Review of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Declension that you completed for Friday and corrected with a purple key. Value 60-80 points.
3) Complete the assignment on De Initio Belli Troiani. Turn this in at the beginning of class. Late assignment will not be accepted.
4) Vocabulary quiz on the De Initio Belli Troiani on Friday, December 15. Know full dictionary entries and all principal parts of verbs. I will send picture for you to label soon.
Agenda for Friday, December 8, 2023
2) Complete both sides of Quiz Preparation & Review of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Declension
2) Finish reading and translating all of De Initio Belli Troiani. Review prior to class because you will not be able to use your translation to read the story in class.
3) Watch this video and take notes. Recite the paradigm aloud. Make notes very colorful and pretty. Turn in on Wednesday. Graded Ass.
Agenda for Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Quiz Preparation & Review of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Declension
1) What is a compound verb? What is a complementary infinitive? Find both of these thing in this sentence: Populus rēgem malum ex urbe expellere debet.
2) Finish reading and translating all of De Initio Belli Troiani. Review prior to class because you will not be able to use your translation to read the story in class.
3) Watch this video and take notes. Recite the paradigm aloud. Make notes very colorful and pretty. Turn in on Wednesday. Graded Ass.
4) Morphological quiz on 3rd declension nouns for the gradebook. What are the genitive singular ending for each of Latin’s five declensions? How do you determine the stem of any Latin noun? What are two rules about neuter nouns? Be able to decline: dux magnus, uxor pulchra and tempus longum. NB: tempus, temporis (n).
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for De Initio Belli Troiani found on page 3 of that handout. Quiz in 7-10 days on this list. Know full dictionary entry.
Agenda for Monday, December 4, 2023
1) Finish reading and translation De Initio Belli Troiani. Email if you did not get this on Friday. Write out a translation on the provided lined paper but also be able to read from the Latin text without your translation on Monday.
2) Some work on the paradigm of 3rd Declension Nouns:
b) Graded short morphological quiz that will ask you to decline: rex magnus and uxor pulchra. See the new handout De Initio Belli Troiani for this paradigm.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for De Initio Belli Troiani found on page 3 of that handout. Quiz in 7-10 days on this list. Know full dictionary entry.
Agenda for Friday, December 1, 2023
2) Write out the full paradigm for this noun/adjective pair: rex magnus - the great king. rex, rēgis (m) king. What declension is rex, regis (m)?
2) Some may wish to review the dative of the possessor. Tibi est ingenium magnum.
Agenda for Monday, November 27, 2023
We will read/translate orally LATONA ET NIOBE (part II), paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Review this story to be well-prepared.
Bring questions from Roman City Video to class.
SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR STUDY GUIDE. Consolidation Test on: a) numbers 1-20, declension of unus, duo, tres; b) what is a substantive? what is an appositive? What is the definition of a neuter noun? How do you determine the stem of a noun or adjective? What is difference between a finite verb and an infinitive? What is the vocative singular of Marcus Antonius? c) the material from Wheelock, Chapters I-IV, syntax of all cases (see # above); Do not forget to review SIDSPACE prepositions; d) the present tense and imperfect tense of all verb conjugations and numbers from I-XX, including the paradigms of unus, duo, tres on Wednesday, November 29. Value 100-150 points. I will post a more detailed study guide soon.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 20, 2023
Complete sentences 1, 2, 3 on new pink handout titled - Test Prep. English to Latin Sentences with Gods & Goddesses. SEE YOUR EMAIL for a copy with added vocabulary to same you time.
Read/translate LATONA ET NIOBE (part II), paragraphs 1, 2, 3. See other handout for vocabulary. Email if you need anything of this material.
Bring questions from Roman City Video to class.
Consolidation Test on: a) numbers 1-20, declension of unus, duo, tres; b) what is a substantive? what is an appositive? c) the material from Wheelock, Chapters I-IV, syntax of all cases (see # above); d) the present tense and imperfect tense of all verb conjugations and numbers from I-XX, including the paradigms of unus, duo, tres on Wednesday, November 29. Value 100-150 points.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Review this video on Roman Numbers and turn your notes in on Wednesday. Review the paradigm/declension of unus, duo, tres and recite these paradigms aloud and finish the last three sentences.
Finish Tasmanian Consolidaton assignment on the large piece of paper. It will on on Wednesday, November 15. Value 50-80 points. Late assignments will receive a zero. I will be available in room 335 for help at lunch on Tuesday.
Continue working on the four English to Latin sentences on the Composition assignment. It will be due on Friday but A/A+ hunting rabbits should show their sentences earlier in the week so I can point out any mistakes. Use the handout with vocabulary for help which was handed out in class or see you email for the same document. Value 50 points. Due on Friday.
Finish all of the translation of Latona Et Niobe (Pars Prima) to the end of the page. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
Start learning the vocabulary list with second declension and first/second declension adjectives. It is blue. Quiz on Friday, November 17. See Sample Quiz for format. Value 60-80 points.
Consolidation Test on the material from Wheelock, Chapters I-IV, syntax of all cases (see # above) and the present tense and imperfect tense of all verb conjugations and numbers from I-XX, including the paradigms of unus, duo, tres on Monday, November 20. Value 100-150 points.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 13, 2023
The NEW thing: Watch this video on Roman Numbers and take detailed notes. Organize your notes and turn in on Monday. Graded Ass. Recite numbers aloud.
Begin work on the four English to Latin sentences on the Composition assignment. It will be due on Friday but A/A+ hunting rabbits should show their sentences earlier in the week so I can point out any mistakes.
Finish all of the translation of Latona Et Niobe (Pars Prima) to the end of the page. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
Old but review: What is a substantive? Many think they know but few really do. What is an appositive or two nouns in apposition? Iuno, regina deorum, Ronakium mordet.
Start learning the vocabulary list with second declension and first/second declension adjectives. It is blue. Quiz on Friday, November 17.
Start working on the Tasmanian Consolidaton assignment on the large piece of paper. It will on Wednesday, November 15.
Consolidation Test on the material from Wheelock, Chapters I-IV and the present tense and imperfect tense of all verb conjugations on Monday, November 20. Value 100-150 points.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 3, 2023
Finish all sentences on pages 3 and 4 (with 3 little pigs) in the handout titled Second Declension Nouns. I will ask to see this for a HW grade. Video on Masculine nouns of the second declension. Video on second declension neuter nouns.
Old but review/finish all of Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Start learning the vocabulary list with second declension and first/second declension adjectives. It is blue. Quiz in 10 days.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Finish all sentences on pages 3 and 4 (with 3 little pigs) in the handout titled Second Declension Nouns. I will ask to see this for a HW grade. Video on Masculine nouns of the second declension. Video on second declension neuter nouns.
Old but review/finish all of Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Voc. Quiz on Wednesday, November 1. Value 50-70 points. Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. There will also be pictures similar to the practice quiz that we did in class. The mandatory bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun) and signum, signī (n) sign, signal.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 30, 2023
Mythological poster and presentations are due. Come dressed as your god/goddesses. Each student will present at the beginning of class and then we will take a class picture as the Pantheon of Olympian Gods et alii. Value 100 rabbit points.
Old but review/finish all of Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Nothing new here but Continue to review Second Declension Nouns:
a) It is a good idea to review these videos.
Masculine nouns of the second declension. Watch this video on second declension neuter nouns.
b) Old but bring completed all sentences on pages 2 and 3 of the handout titled Second Declension Nouns with Aper Ferus in name bank. See the colored vocabulary list for help with vocabulary for second declension nouns.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. There will also be pictures similar to the practice quiz that we did in class. Voc. Quiz on Wednesday, November 1. The mandatory bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun) and signum, signī (n) sign, signal.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 27, 2023
Work to be done on Second Declension Nouns:
a) Morphological Quiz on paradigms of first and second declension. Same format as yellow thing from Wednesday’s class. First page only.
b) Sentences on page 3 of the handout titled Second Declension Nouns with Aper Ferus in name bank. See the colored vocabulary list for help with vocabulary for second declension nouns.
Old: Review and finish and bring: all of Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Continue to review Second Declension Nouns: a) It is a good idea to review these videos.
Masculine nouns of the second declension. Watch this video on second declension neuter nouns. b) Old but bring completed all sentences on pages 2 and 3 of the handout titled Second Declension Nouns with Aper Ferus in name bank. See the colored vocabulary list for help with vocabulary for second declension nouns.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. There will also be pictures similar to the practice quiz that we did in class. Voc. Quiz on Wednesday, November 1. The mandatory bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun) and signum, signī (n) sign, signal.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Work to be done on Second Declension Nouns:
a) Rewatch this video on masculine nouns of the second declension. I will collect these notes on Wednesday. Recite the paradigm aloud.
b) Watch this video on second declension neuter nouns. I will also collect these notes on Wednesday. Recite the paradigm aloud. What is the definition of a neuter noun?
c) Complete page 1 (questions 1, 2, 4) and all sentences on pages 2 and 3 of the handout titled Second Declension Nouns with Aper Ferus in name bank. See the colored vocabulary list for help with vocabulary for second declension nouns.
Quiz for the grade book on the imperfect quiz.
Review and finish all of Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Continue to research your god/goddess for project/presentation. Latin words related to your god are crucial and essential.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Friday, October 27. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun). See the video in number 2. above.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 23, 2023
Review and finish Arachne et Minerva, Part III and be able to read and translate orally in class.
Watch this video on masculine nouns of the second declension and take detailed/well-organized/colorful notes. Recite this new paradigm aloud. I will collect notes on Monday. Also the bonus for the vocabulary quiz on Monday will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun.
Continue to research your god/goddess for project/presentation. Latin words related to your god are crucial and essential.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Monday, October 23. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun). See the video in number 2. above.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 20, 2023
No new HW for Friday but be prepared to work on your god and goddess project in class on Friday. Continue to research your god/goddess for project/presentation. Latin words related to your god are crucial and essential.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries (= nominative, genitive and gender and English meaning) and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Monday, October 23. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun)
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 18, 2023
We will do a practice quiz on verbal morphology and the Imperfect tense on Wednesday. Watch this video on the Imperfect tense and take detailed. Real quiz on this topic later next week.
Continue to research your god/goddess for project/presentation. Latin words related to your god are crucial and essential.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Monday, October 23. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun)
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 16, 2023
Watch this video on the Imperfect tense and take detailed. Organize notes and turn in on Monday. See and study page 5 and 6 of The Imperfect Tense for Perfect Bunnies (it is blue).
Complete pages 1 to 4 of The Imperfect Tense for Perfect Bunnies and bring to class on Monday. Quiz on this topic on Friday, Oct. 20.
Continue working on your god/goddess project/presentation.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Monday, October 23. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun)
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 13, 2023
Complete all sentences (English to Latin and Latin to English) on pages 3 and 4 of Introduction to Cases, Their Sexy Syntax…. See page one of this same PINK handout for vocabulary.
Watch this video on Arachne. Read and write out a translation for Arachne et Minerva (Part 2). See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.
Start learning the first declension nouns, adjective and prepositions on the first page of Introduction to Cases, Their Sexy Syntax… Vocabulary quiz on this list in one week.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 16, 2023
Watch this video on the Imperfect tense and take detailed. Organize notes and turn in on Monday. See and study page 5 and 6 of The Imperfect Tense for Perfect Bunnies (it is blue).
Complete pages 1 to 4 of The Imperfect Tense for Perfect Bunnies and bring to class on Monday. Quiz on this topic on Friday, Oct. 20.
Continue working on your god/goddess project/presentation.
Study vocabulary list with first declension nouns and prepositions. It is pink. Know full dictionary entries and what case(s) each preposition governs. Voc. Quiz on Monday, October 23. Bonus will be to decline taurus, taurī (m) bull (a second declension noun)
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 6, 2023
Quiz SIDSPACE list of preposition that govern the ablative case. Know multiple meanings were they exist (especially for pro), a Latin phrase (e.g. quid pro quo, pro bono, in vitro, sub lingua, sub poena, deus ex machina, sine qua non, de facto, ex nihilo, summa cum laude, cum grano salis), the concept involved (e.g. place from which, place where at, accompaniment, manner, etc.) and an English derivative (pronoun, deposit, exit, etc.) where possible. Study your notes from class. Which two sidspace prepositions also can govern the accusative case when motion is involved?
Watch this short video on the Ablative of Means/Instrument and take detailed notes.
Finish the translating all of the Arachne et Minerva, part one. You may have finished this in class. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class. Bring also your translation of Europa et Taurus.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 4, 2023
You may still bring Latin Convention forms on Wednesday, Oct. 4, should you wish to attend Convention in November. See your email for forms and information.
Study and review SIDSPACE list of preposition that govern the ablative case.
Finish the translating all of the Arachne et Minerva, part one. You may have finished this in class. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class. Bring also your translation of Europa et Taurus.
Continue learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. Your first vocabulary quiz will be on Wednesday, October 4. Know all principal parts of verbs.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 2, 2023
Rewatch this video on Latin Prepositions and take detailed notes with examples. Focus on SIDSPACE list of preposition that govern the ablative case. Organize your notes into a colorful and useful study guide ideally one page of paper. Due Monday, October 2. Value 30-40 points.
Finish the translating all of the Arachne et Minerva, part one. You may have finished this in class. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class. Bring also your translation of Europa et Taurus.
Continue learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. Your first vocabulary quiz will be on Wednesday, October 4. Know all principal parts of verbs.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help. This is due in my email on or before Monday, October 2. See me if you need help with it. Value 50-60 points.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 29, 2023
Second version of on verbal morphology in the format of page two (English to Latin) of Intensive Rabbit Verbal Morphological Fun.
Watch this video on Latin Prepositions and take detailed notes. Focus on SIDSPACE list of preposition that govern the ablative case.
In handout titled Introduction to Cases, Their Sexy Syntax & First Declension Nouns complete sentences 3, 6 and 7. See vocabulary on page one for help. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
Finish the translating all of the Europa et Taurus. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class.
Continue learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. Your first vocabulary quiz will be on Monday, October 2. Know all principal parts of verbs.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help. This is due in my email on or before Monday, October 2. See me if you need help with it. Value 50-60 points,
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Recite the declension of puella, puellae (f) or ursa, ursae (f) aloud and graffiti it in random places. Take pictures.
Watch this video on the Cases of Latin Nouns. Take detailed, well-organized, colorful and beautiful notes with examples included. Turns notes in on Wednesday. Value 30-40 points. Then complete the purple assignment titled Cases of Latin Nouns with Ursae Minores et Maiores. It has bears on it.
Finish the translating all of the Europa et Taurus. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class.
Continue learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. Your first vocabulary quiz will be on Friday, September 29. Know all principal parts of verbs.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help. This is due in my email on or before Monday, October 2. See me if you need help with it. Value 50-60 points,
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 22, 2023
Review notes from Wednesday’s class and rewatch this video on the endings/morphology/paradigm of the first declension nouns. On the first page of the purple handout titled First Declension Morphology write out the full declension of the word aquila, aquilae (f) - eagle. What is the grammatical function in a sentence of the following cases and what is the English default translation (e.g. dative = “to/for”) of each: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative and Ablative, Vocative?
Short quiz on Friday on verbal morphology in the format of page two (English to Latin) of Intensive Rabbit Verbal Morphological Fun.
Read and write out the translation of Europa et Taurus. See page three of your handout for vocabulary. Be able to show me your translation and also to read/translate orally in class.
Beginning learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. You first vocabulary quiz will be on Friday, September 29.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 18, 2023
If you did not have a perfect score on Friday’s quiz come at lunch on Monday or Tuesday to retake it. Present Tense of Latin Verbs. Imperatives
Figuring out English and How to Think with the Pink Yink.
a) Watch this video on subjects (nominative case) and objects (accusative case). Take notes.
b) Apply what you learned in this video to the How to Think with the Pink Yink (handed out in class) to figure out the English sentences with the YINK. Why does the word “WHO” inflect or change its endings?
Complete both sides of Intensive Rabbit Verbal Morphological Fun. It is pink. See the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK handout for help with vocabulary.
Beginning learning the principal parts and meaning with derivatives of the verbs in the crucial and essential list of verbs in PINK INK DRINK. Quiz in approximately one week. Recite the principal parts aloud.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 15, 2023
Short morphological quiz on the second page of The Pink Yink handout - conjugation of the present tense for all conjugations and the imperative mood. Present Tense of Latin Verbs. Imperatives
Complete page 3 of Crucial and Essential Verbs - Assignment #26385394.
Bring CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA to class and your map.
Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
You may wish to review these videos at some point.
Voice recording from Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. This will be due late in following week but you may wish start working on it. Recall Latin’s rules of accentuation and then read the passage aloud. Then click on this link and go to MEDIA below the passage. Then press play under Text Read Aloud to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself until it is perfect and you are ready to record yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 13, 2023
1. Quiz on how to recognize the conjugation of Latin verbs. Rewatch this video if necessary.
2. Watch these two videos and use them to complete complete pages 4 and 5 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. Organize your notes and turn them into me on Wednesday. Value 40 points. Color is desirable.
a) Video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs. Focus on the present indicative of 3rd, 3rdio and 4th. See also page two of the Pink Ink Drink for the full paradigm. complete pages 4 and 5 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology.
b) Imperatives
3. . Bring CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA to class and your map.
4. Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 11, 2023
Study notes from class and quickly review Wheelock, Chapter One (CAPVT I), pages 2-4. What five characteristics do conjugated/finite Latin verbs have (see page 2)? Give the six personal endings for Latin’s present tense? What is a finite verb? What is an infinitive?
Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Organize you your notes, make them pretty and turn into me on Monday. Value 40 points.
a) Video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud.
b) Video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
3. Use what your learned from class and from #1. and 2. above to complete pages 1, 2, 3 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. HW grade.
4. Bring CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA to class and your map.
5. Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 68, 2023
1) Review notes from Wednesday’s class. What is inflection? What is morphology? Spend a few minutes reciting sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt and amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant aloud.
2) a) Read Wheelock, Chapter One (CAPVT I), pages 2-4. What five characteristics do conjugated/finite Latin verbs have (see page 2)? Give the six personal endings for Latin’s present tense?
b) Then watch and take DETAILED notes on this video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud.
3) Review notes from class on Indo-European languages. Know the following terms: cognate, derivative, an inflected language/inflection, Indo-European, Romance Languages.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 8, 2022
1) Review notes from Wednesday’s class and spend a few minutes reciting sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt and amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant aloud.
2) Read Wheelock Chapter One (CAPVT I), pages 1-4. Then watch and take notes on these two videos:
i) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud.
ii) Watch this video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
3) Review notes from class on Indo-European languages. Know the following terms: cognate, derivative, an inflected language/inflection, Indo-European, Romance Languages.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Do this HW in order. Email if you have questions or need documents.
1) Watch the first 3 minutes (only) of this video and take notes on sum, esse.
2) Complete page two of Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation. You may wish to review these videos this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Quiz on this topic on Wednesday, September 7.
2) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Charta Geographica. Label your maps with places mention in the story. Here are maps to help.
4) This will be due in following week but you may wish start work on it: First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 30, 2023
1) a) Rewatch this video on syllabification and then rewatch this one on accentuation. Review notes from class. b) Complete the back page of Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation; c) We will have a quiz in this same format on Wednesday, September 6.
2) Cattus Petasatus: a) Practice reading aloud the two new selection from the Cattus Petasatus (Cat in the Hat). b) Your voice recording of the first selection of Cattus Petasatus (Time nihil…) will be due in a email prior to Wednesday, September 6. Value 40 points.
3) a) Watch this video on Indo-European and take notes. What languages taught at MLW are Indo-European in origin? Examine the diagrams below to answer this question. b) Read Wheelock, INTRODVCTIO, pages xxv-xxx and take notes. Know the following terms: cognate, derivative, an inflected language/inflection, Indo-European, Romance Languages, vulgar Latin, Grimm’s law
Agenda/Homework for Monday, August 28, 2023
1) Read again aloud page one of the Cattus Petasatus and review notes from Friday’s (dies Veneris) class. Soon I will ask you to record yourself reading this and sent it to me as a graded assignment. It will be due sometime next week.
2) What are the antepenult, penult, and ultima of a word? What do a peninsula and a penult have in common? What do the words antebellum and antepenult have in common?
3) a) Watch this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Take detailed notes on both videos. Your notes should include examples from the video. b) Read and study pages xxxix and xl of the Introductio of Wheelock’s Latin - only the sections on Syllables and Accentuation.
3) Watch this video on Indo-European and take notes. What languages taught at MLW are Indo-European in origin? Examine the diagrams below to answer this question.
Homework & Agenda for Friday, August 25, 2023
1) Latin greetings and phrases. Review and say aloud: Dominus et Deus magister salvē/salvēte, valē/valēte. Mihi nōmen est …. quid prō quō Sumus dracones. Sum cīvis Rōmānus. discipulī et discipulae nōlī mē tangere! tange/tangite Tē amāmus.
2)Review these videos and study notes on pronunciation from class: a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Practice reading the Latin selection from the Cat in the Hat (Cattus Petasatus) and be able to recite this aloud (magna voce) in class on Friday.
4) Examine the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia below and know what is happening in the picture and what the Latin means: SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS.
Homework & Agenda for August 23, 2023
1) Latin greetings and phrases. Review and say aloud: Dominus et Deus magister salvē/salvēte, valē/valēte. Mihi nōmen est …. quid prō quō Sumus dracones. Sum cīvis Rōmānus. Ronakus est rex.
2) Take out your large sheet with the Classical Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, August 29, 2022
1) Read again aloud page one of the Cattus Petasatus and review notes from Friday’s (dies Veneris) class. What is the antepenult, penult, and ultima?
2) Rewatch this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Take notes.
3) Then complete page one of Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation. It has the Bacchant Bunny on it!
4) Find from Friday’s class: First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in Latin and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, August 26, 2022
1) Review all notes from class on Inflection and Indo-European languages. What is an inflected language? What language taught at MLW are Indo-European in origin? Watch this on Indo-European.
2) Review notes on pronunciation of Latin consonants, vowels and diphthongs. You may wish to review these videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs Then read aloud several times the first page of Cattus Petasatus and be able to do so in class on Friday.
3) Watch this video on syllabification and take detailed notes with examples.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 24, 2022
1) Review all notes from class and Latin greetings: salve/salvēte, vale, valēte.
2) Read pages xxxv (begin at Vowels) to xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation.
3) Take out your large sheet with the Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
4) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
1) Here is the audio for the voice recording for the Final Exam. Chick here and then chick on Media toward the bottom of the page.
2) Study Guide:
a) morphology of nouns and adjective (pink/salmon handout): Case Syntax and SIDSPACE prepositions; (4 page handout): c) vocabulary list from quizzes; d) Verbal Morphology - all tenses in active voice + 3 tenses of passive voice + imperatives negative and positive; Do not forget irregular verbs: e) Stories: Pyramus et Thisbe, Apollo et Daphne; Numa Pompilius; Horatii et Curiatii and Horatius Sororem inferficit. f) features or rooms of a typical Domus Romana - Latin terms for feature of the roman house.
3) Email if you have questions or need any materials.
Agenda for Thursday, May 25, 2023.
1) Rewatch these two videos and recite the paradigm of eo, ire, ii, iturus in present, future and imperfect.
b) Irregular Verb: eo, ire, ii, iturus (Spanish IR): Video on eo, ire ii, itūrus (for Latin I first 4 min. only)
2) Finish last part of Horatii cum Curiatiis Pugnant and ALL of Horatius Sororem Interficit.
3) Start or Continue to review for Exam: a) morphology of nouns and adjective (pink/salmon handout): Case Syntax (4 page handout): c) vocabulary list from quizzes; d) Verbal Morphology - all tenses in active voice + 3 tenses of passive voice + imperatives negative and positive; Do not forget irregular verbs: e) Stories: Pyramus et Thisbe, Apollo et Daphne; Numa Pompilius; Horatii et Curiatii and Horatius Sororem inferficit. f) features or rooms of a typical Domus Romana
4) Click here for videos on the Roman House, family and Pompeii. Study and know the features or rooms of a typical Domus Romana (handed out last week). See me if you need a copy.
Agenda for Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
1) Vocabulary quiz on the lists for both Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) and Pyramus et Thisbe (Secunda Prima). There will be picture of the story on the back for you to label and a declension fun game with adjectives hic, haec, hoc and albus, a, um and acer, acris, acre.
2) Click here for videos on the Roman House, family and Pompeii. Begin labeling the blank pictures of the Domus Romana (handed out last week). See me if you need a copy.
3) Begin studying for the final exam by reviewing morphology on pink/salmon handout and the 4 page case usage handout as well. Also start review vocabulary list from past quizzes. Email if you need any of these
Agenda for Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
1) Quiz on all time constructions. Know vocabulary associated with time construction. See last vocabulary list, if necessary. Watch these two videos on time contractions: A. Ablative vs. Accusative and B. Accusative of time duration. Take detailed notes and make them pretty and turn these in on Friday.
2) Finish reading all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars SECUNDA) and be able to read and translate in class. Be prepared also to finish the last paragraph of Pars Prima.
Agenda for Monday, May 8, 2023.
1) Watch these two videos on time contractions: A. Ablative vs. Accusative and B. Accusative of time duration. Take detailed notes and make them pretty and turn these in on Monday.
2) Quiz on time constructions with accusative case and ablative case. See pink or salmon colored Syntax Handout under Accusative (duration) and Ablative (time when and within which). Review the paradigm of dies, diei (m) day. Watch this video: Accusative of time duration Review these examples: tertiō diē duōs dies sex horas horā septimā menses paucōs mensibus paucīs noctemque diemque annōs multōs brevī tempore tempus breve eo ipso tempore
3) Finish reading all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) and be able to read and translate in class.
Agenda for Monday, May 8, 2023.
1) Watch these two videos on time contractions: A. Ablative vs. Accusative and B. Accusative of time duration. Take detailed notes and make them pretty and turn these in on Monday.
2) Quiz on time constructions with accusative case and ablative case. See pink or salmon colored Syntax Handout under Accusative (duration) and Ablative (time when and within which). Review the paradigm of dies, diei (m) day. Watch this video: Accusative of time duration Review these examples: tertiō diē duōs dies sex horas horā septimā menses paucōs mensibus paucīs noctemque diemque annōs multōs brevī tempore tempus breve eo ipso tempore
3) Finish reading all of Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) and be able to read and translate in class.
Agenda for Monday, May 1, 2023.
1) The Fifth and Final Declension of Nouns:
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Turn notes in on Monday.
b) Recite paradigm of res and dies aloud and be able to do so in class.
c) Morphology Quiz on Monday on res and dies. Be able to decline: Haec brevis res and ille longus dies on this quiz.
2) Read and write out a translation Phoebus (Apollo) et Daphne, paragraph FIVE, SIX, SEVEN. Be able to read and translate in class. This should already be finished.
Agenda for Wednesday, April 26.
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes, Recite paradigm of res and dies aloud and be able to do so in class.
2) Read and write out a translation Phoebus (Apollo) et Daphne, paragraph THREE, FOUR, FIVE. Be able to read and translate in class.
3) Quiz on 4th and 5th declension words with time constructions. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, April 26 with a declension fun on the back and PICTURES. SEE email Value 70-80 points. Email if you need this list. DO not neglect phrases and adverbs at the end of the list.
Agenda for Monday, April 24.
1) Complete the Verbal Morphology Exercise (Conjugation Fun) that we began in class on Friday. See email for a copy.
2) Read and write out a translation Phoebus (Apollo) et Daphne, paragraph one and two. Be able to read and translate in class. SEE email for this if you were absent on Friday.
3) Finish English to Latin Sentences: 4th Declension and Time Constructions, sentences 5, 6, 7, 8. SEE YOUR EMAIL for a new version with copious vocabulary added. Use also the 4th and 5th vocabulary list with pinus on the front.
4) Quiz on 4th and 5th declension words with time constructions. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, April 26 with a declension fun on the back. Value 70-80 points. Email if you need this list.
Agenda for Wednesday, April 17.
1) Finish all of of Echo et Narcissus and finish the case/justification assignment with underlined words. Read through the chapter attached to this story that example important concepts. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
2) Short Quiz on Verbal morphology of all six tenses in the same format as the peacock exercise. To prepare for the quiz:
a) Complete page 3 and 4 of Verbal Morphology - Act. Voice- All 6 Tenses with Tasmanian Rabbit.
b) Pluperfect Active Voice and Pluperfect Passive Voice
c) Future Perfect Active and Future Perfect Passive.
3) Starting learning the vocabulary list with 4th and 5th declension words with time constructions. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, April 21th with a declension fun on the back. Value 70-80 points. Email if you need this list.
Agenda for Monday, April 17.
1) Finish reading and writing out a translation of Echo et Narcissus and read through the chapter attached to this story that example important concepts. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
2) Work to be done on Verbal Morphology: Watch/review these videos and complete exercises below.
a) Pluperfect Active Voice and Pluperfect Passive Voice
b) Future Perfect Active and Future Perfect Passive.
c) Complete both sides of the Peacock Exercise on Verbal Morphology.
3) Starting learning the vocabulary list with 4th and 5th declension words with time constructions. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, April 21th with a declension fun on the back. Value 70-80 points. Email if you need this list.
Agenda for Friday, April 14.
1) On Friday: Declension Review Quiz focusing on 4th declension nouns but also including other nouns and adjectives, including is, ille and hic.
2) Watch these videos and take notes. Organize notes and make them pretty.
a) Questions with nonne and num
b) Pluperfect Active Voice and Pluperfect Passive Voice
3) Starting learning the vocabulary list with 4th and 5th declension words with time constructions. Vocabulary quiz on Monday, April 17th with a declension fun on the back. Value 70-80 points. Email if you need this list.
Homework & Agenda for Friday, March 31.
1) Finish reading/translating ALL paragraphs of The Reigns of Numa and Tullus.
Homework & Agenda for Wednesday, March 29.
1) Complete the assignment Introduction to 4th Declension nouns. This was handed out on Monday but I put a copy in your email. . a) Review these two videos, take notes and recite forms aloud. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter. Make organized and colorful notes and I will collect this for the grade book as soon as I return. On the back of your notes decline these noun adjective pairs: hic magnus impetus and haec fortis manus and hoc pulchrum cornu impetus, -us (m) manus, us (f) cornu, -us (n)
2) Finish reading/translating paragraphs one and two of The Reigns of Numa and Tullus.
3) Vocabulary Quiz (value 60-80 points) on Wednesday, March 29 on the Sabine Women/Numa list. Know full dictionary entries and any special syntax. This picture to be labeled with David’s Sabine Women with extra points available. Bonus will be to decline: haec fortis manus or hoc pulchrum cornu
Homework & Agenda for Monday, March 27.
1) Complete Declension Fun for Sabine Women/Numa List with hic, haec, hoc
2) Read and translate paragraphs TWO and THREE Philemon et Baucis (PARS SECUNDA). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. I have fixed the link. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
3) The Fourth and Penultimate Declension:
a) Watch these two videos, take notes and recite forms aloud.
Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
Make organized and colorful notes and turn in on Monday. On the back of your notes decline these noun adjective pairs: hic magnus impetus and haec fortis manus and hoc pulchrum cornu impetus, -us (m) manus, us (f) cornu, -us (n)
b) See and study Wheelock, CAPVT XX, page 162-163.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, March 29 on the Sabine Women/Numa list. Starting learning dictionary entries now. The picture to be labeled with David’s Sabine Women.
5) Keep reviewing all of the following for approaching test: hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud. Rewatch this video on the demonstrative adjective, ille, illa, illud and Watch this video on the demonstrative adjective: hic, haec, hoc and take detailed notes. a) Complete the two page assignment title Morphological Review for 3rd Quarter Test. b) Complete EXERCISES for CAPVT XI on page 420 of Wheelock’s Latin number 4. (all numbers (1) to (27)) and sentences 5. through 26. c) is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and review notes from Monday’s class and READ/STUDY PAGES 87-90 of Wheelock’s Latin. Be able answer the following questions and compose and example: a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? b) What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? c) What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? you should rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun) and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se. Review also ego, tu, nos, vos and crucial concepts of objective (e.g. odium mei) and partitive genitive (e.g. pars nostrum) and ablative of accompaniment (mecum, tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum).
Homework & Agenda for Friday, March 24.
2) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, March 29 on the Sabine Women/Numa list. Starting learning dictionary entries now.
Homework and Agenda for Wednesday, March 22.
1) Read and translate paragraphs ONE and TWO Philemon et Baucis (PARS SECUNDA). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. I have fixed the link. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
2) Complete sentences ONE though FOUR of Various Pronominal Fun for Objective Dragons. Type your final answer in 14-16 point font and turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday. See your email if you need this assignment. GRADED ASS. First grade four quarter 4.
3) Rewatch this video on the demonstrative adjective, ille, illa, illud and recite the whole paradigm around. Finish page one of Declension Fun for Sabine Women/Numa List
4) Watch this video on the demonstrative adjective: hic, haec, hoc and take detailed notes.
5) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, March 29 on the Sabine Women/Numa list. Starting learning dictionary entries now.
Homework and Agenda for Monday, March 20.
1) Complete sentences ONE though FOUR of Various Pronominal Fun for Objective Dragons. Type your final answer in 14-16 point font and turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday. See your email if you need this assignment. GRADED ASS. First grade four quarter 4.
3) We will begin this on Monday: Finish reading and translating Philemon et Baucis (Pars Prima). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
4) Short Morphological Quiz on idem, eadem, idem.
5) Continue to review and study this information: 1) of hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud. Rewatch this video on the demonstrative adjective, ille, illa, illud and Watch this video on the demonstrative adjective: hic, haec, hoc and take detailed notes. a) Complete the two page assignment title Morphological Review for 3rd Quarter Test. b) Complete EXERCISES for CAPVT XI on page 420 of Wheelock’s Latin number 4. (all numbers (1) to (27)) and sentences 5. through 26. c) is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and review notes from Monday’s class and READ/STUDY PAGES 87-90 of Wheelock’s Latin. Be able answer the following questions and compose and example: a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? b) What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? c) What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? you should rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun) and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se. Review also ego, tu, nos, vos and crucial concepts of objective (e.g. odium mei) and partitive genitive (e.g. pars nostrum) and ablative of accompaniment (mecum, tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum).
Homework and Agenda for Friday, March 17.
1) Complete sentences FOUR though SEVEN Test Preparation Sentences with Pronouns / Demonstrative Adj. Type your final answer in 14-16 point font and turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday. See your email for vocabulary. GRADED ASS. Last grade for the quarter
2) Finish reading and translating Philemon et Baucis (Pars Prima). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
3) Review or continue to self-correct these: a) Complete the two page assignment title Morphological Review for 3rd Quarter Test. b) Complete EXERCISES for CAPVT XI on page 420 of Wheelock’s Latin number 4. (all numbers (1) to (27)) and sentences 5. through 26. c) is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and review notes from Monday’s class and READ/STUDY PAGES 87-90 of Wheelock’s Latin. Be able answer the following questions and compose and example: a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? b) What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? c) What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? you should rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun) and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se. Review also ego, tu, nos, vos and crucial concepts of objective (e.g. odium mei) and partitive genitive (e.g. pars nostrum) and ablative of accompaniment (mecum, tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum).
Homework and Agenda for Monday, March 13.
National Latin Exam will be this week. Pay online on the Maggie Walker website for the National Latin Exam.
1) Complete sentences one and two of Test Preparation Sentences with Pronouns / Demonstrative Adj. Type your final answer in 14-16 point font and turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday. See your email for vocabulary.
2) Complete and self-correct the 2021 National Latin Exam handed out in class today. Use key on 3rd page to correct. Review these words: quam? cur? quot? ubi? quis? quid? and eheu, ecce, euge, etc.
2) Finish reading and translating Philemon et Baucis (Pars Prima). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
4) Review or continue to self-correct these: a) Complete the two page assignment title Morphological Review for 3rd Quarter Test. b) Complete EXERCISES for CAPVT XI on page 420 of Wheelock’s Latin number 4. (all numbers (1) to (27)) and sentences 5. through 26. c) is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and review notes from Monday’s class and READ/STUDY PAGES 87-90 of Wheelock’s Latin. Be able answer the following questions and compose and example: a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? b) What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? c) What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? you should rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun) and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se. Review also ego, tu, nos, vos and crucial concepts of objective (e.g. odium mei) and partitive genitive (e.g. pars nostrum) and ablative of accompaniment (mecum, tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum).
Homework and Agenda for Monday, March 13.
National Latin Exam will be this week. Pay online on the Maggie Walker website for the National Latin Exam.
1) Finish reading and translating Philemon et Baucis (Pars Prima). Email if you did not get this in class. Watch this video that illustrates the story of Philemon et Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See vocabulary list in handout and be able to read/translate in class on Monday.
2) Complete the two page assignment title Morphological Review for 3rd Quarter Test. If you did not get this on Friday. See email.
3) Complete EXERCISES for CAPVT XI on page 420 of Wheelock’s Latin number 4. (all numbers (1) to (27)) and sentences 5. through 26. Write out answers clearly and show me completed work at the beginning of class on Monday.
4) Keep reviewing this material:
Homework and Agenda for Friday, March 10.
1) Quiz for gradebook on is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and review notes from Monday’s class and READ/STUDY PAGES 87-90 of Wheelock’s Latin. Be able answer the following questions and compose and example: a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? b) What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? c) What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? you should rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun) and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se. Review also ego, tu, nos, vos and crucial concepts of objective (e.g. odium mei) and partitive genitive (e.g. pars nostrum) and ablative of accompaniment (mecum, tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum)
Agenda for Wednesday, March 8 & Friday, March 10.
1) For Wednesday:
a) Review notes and examples from Monday’s class on is, ea, id as both a demonstrative adjective and personal pronoun. Recite the paradigm aloud. What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent?
b) Continue learning the vocabulary list that is crucial for success on the CAV test. Quiz one this long list coming soon.
c) Complete the two emailed CAV test and self-correct using the emailed keys.
2) For Friday:
Quiz on is, ea, id ( demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) and ___ sui, sibi, se, se. and be able answer the following questions: What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? For wish rewatch Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun). and 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se.
Agenda for Monday, March 6, 2023
1) Crucial Work on Pronouns/Demonstrative Adjectives:
a) What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? What determines the case of any pronoun (or noun for that matter)? What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun?
b) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. i. 3rd person reflexive pronoun, ——, sui, sibi, se, se and is, ea, id and ii. Video on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or 3rd person personal pronoun).
c) Complete all sentences on pages THREE on Personal Pronouns/Possessive Adjectives and Reflexive Pronouns
2) Week will do the Classical Association of Virginia (CAV) Test later this week. Download a practice test from your email and complete it for Monday.
3) ASAP begin learning this (see email) vocabulary list that is crucial for success on the CAV test.
4) On Going: Watch this video on the Roman City and its topography to review, the major monuments, topography and especially building types of ancient Rome. Try to identify special buildings and building types. Quiz on this material diebus paucis (in a few days - ablative of time within which).
Agenda for Friday, March 3, 2023
1) Study notes and chart (completed on the board) with personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and reflexive pronouns. Do not forget ——, sui, sibi, se, se and is, ea, id. Start learning these paradigms. Review the concept of reflexive. What word in the sentence will be the antecedent of a reflexive pronoun? What is the grammatical relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent?
2) For Friday’s class complete all sentences on pages one and two in Personal Pronouns/Possessive Adjectives and Reflexive Pronouns Use this dictionary if you need vocabulary: Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ.
3) On Going: Watch this video on the Roman City and its topography to review, the major monuments, topography and especially building types of ancient Rome. Try to identify special buildings and building types. Quiz on this material diebus paucis (in a few days - ablative of time within which).
Agenda for Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1) a) Rewatch this video on personal pronouns. Recite forms aloud and take detail notes to turn in. What is the genitive case of these words not used to do? What is used instead of genitive case to express possession? b) Also review this video on the objective genitive and take notes. c) Watch this video on the genitive of the whole/Partitive Genitive. Take an organize notes. Turn in all these notes on Wednesday. Graded ass.
2) Morphological quiz on the paradigms of person pronouns from the videos above. See email for paradigms to study.
3) Watch this video on David’s Sabine Women and take notes and be able to discuss in class. Finish reading translating the Story on the Sabine Women and be able to read orally in class on Wednesday.
4) Watch this video on the Roman City and its topography to review, the major monuments, topography and especially building types of ancient Rome. Try to identify special buildings and building types. Quiz on this material diebus paucis (in a few days - ablative of time within which).
Agenda for Friday, February 24, 2023
Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, February 24 on list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Same formate as last vocabulary quiz. Be able to decline: vis magna and vir fortis
Agenda for Wednesday, February 22, 2023
1) Finish page one and all two of Verbal Fun for Vociferous Bunnies with Perfect Passive. All sentences on pages one and two. Video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (finite verb)
2) Bring finished Latin Composition Assignment, sentences 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Quiz on Wednesday, February 22. on verbal morphology, including the perfect passive indicative. See email for the format of this quiz. It is the page with the she-wolf on it.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, February 23 on list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Same formate as last vocabulary quiz. Be able to decline: vis magna and vir fortis
Agenda for Wednesday, February 15, 2023
1) Finish page one of Verbal Fun for Vociferous Bunnies with Perfect Passive and sentences 2 through 9 on page two.
2) Finish the English to Latin Composition Assignment, sentences 1, 2, 3, 4. See email if you need this.
3) Finish reading and translating The Founding of Rome/De Urbe Condita.
4) I will take these notes in on Friday: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (finite verb) and take detailed notes. Organize your notes to illustrate the key concepts and morphology from this video. At the beginning of your notes explain the difference between The Perfect Passive Indicative vs. The Perfect Passive Purple Participle. Graded Assignment.
5) Bring all these things completed to class:
a) Pink Callisto Assignment
b) Aeneas Lavinium Condit both your translation and completed assignment
c) De Urbe Romana and translation.
6) Begin learning the vocabulary list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Quiz on Wednesday, February 22.
Agenda for Wednesday, February 15, 2023
1) Finish the English to Latin Composition Assignment, sentences 1, 2, 3, 4. See email if you need this.
2) Finish reading and translating The Founding of Rome/De Urbe Condita.
3) I will take these notes in on Wednesday: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (finite verb) and take detailed notes. Organize your notes to illustrate the key concepts and morphology from this video. At the beginning of your notes explain the difference between The Perfect Passive Indicative vs. The Perfect Passive Purple Participle. Graded Assignment.
4) Bring all these things completed to class:
a) Pink Callisto Assignment
b) Aeneas Lavinium Condit both your translation and completed assignment
c) De Urbe Romana and translation.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Quiz on Wednesday, February 22.
Agenda for Monday, February 13, 2023
1) Review the meanings (singular vs. plural) and paradigm of vis, vis (f), a very beautiful PURE i-stem. Do not confuse with vir, virī (m) man, hero, husband. You may wish to rewatch this video on i-stems nouns.
2) The Perfect Passive Indicative vs. The Perfect Passive Purple Participle.
a) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
b) Here is the new thing: Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Indicative (finite verb) and take detailed notes. Organize your notes to illustrate the key concepts and morphology from this video. At the beginning of your notes explain the difference between The Perfect Passive Indicative vs. The Perfect Passive Purple Participle. Graded Assignment.
c) Read and study LESSON 18 THE PERFECT INDICATIVE PASSIVE THE ABLATIVE OF AGENT (handed out on Friday) and then complete the exercises on page 6 (I think, it is the one with the lupa, lupae - she-wolf in the botton right hand corner).
2) Urbs Romana: Watch this video on Ancient Rome and take notes and label your plan of Rome when possible. Pay close attention to building types, such as temples (aedes), basciliae, fora, thermae, etc.
3) 2) Bring all these things completed to class on Monday:
a) Pink Callisto Assignment
b) Aeneas Lavinium Condit both your translation and completed assignment
c) De Urbe Romana and translation.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Quiz in one week to ten days.
Agenda for Monday, February 6, 2023
1) Watch these two videos on i-stem nouns of the third declension: Video One and Video Two (the final 3rd declension thing to master) and of course take detail notes, make them shapely (formosum) and colorful. Turn this in on Monday. Value 40-50 points. In your notes clearly answer this question: How do mortal rabbits (mortales lepores) sniff out or spot (identify) an i-stem noun as opposed to a consonant stem noun? Answer with 3 categories.
2) Bring all these things completed to class on Monday:
a) Pink Callisto Assignment
b) Aeneas Lavinium Condit both your translation and completed assignment
c) De Urbe Romana and translation.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Quiz in one week to ten days.
Agenda for Wednesday, February 1, 2023
1) Quiz on the morphology of Third Declension Adjectives with also first and second. Rewatch this video on third declension adjective
2) Bring text and translation for all of Aeneas Lavinium Condit.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 3 on the two vocabulary list with Callisto Story Parts One and Two. See the vocabulary for stories or the consolidated listed handed out on Monday. As always you will be asked to complete the full dictionary entry. Be able to give any special syntax, e.g. benignus, a, um = dative case. I will also put a picture for you to label. Bonus will be to decline: deus gravis or corpus grave
Agenda for Monday, February 6, 2023
1) Watch these two videos on i-stem nouns of the third declension: Video One and Video Two (the final 3rd declension thing to master) and of course take detail notes, make them shapely (formosum) and colorful. Turn this in on Monday. Value 40-50 points. In your notes clearly answer this question: How do mortal rabbits (mortales lepores) sniff out or spot (identify) an i-stem nouns as opposed to a consonant stem noun? Answer with 3 categories.
2) Bring All these thing completed to class on Monday:
a) Pink Callisto Assignment
b) Aeneas Lavinium Condit Translation and Assignment
c) Roma Condita Translation.
3) Begin learn the vocabulary list in your email for Aeneas Lavinium Condit and Roma Condita. Quiz in one week to ten days.
Agenda for Monday, January 30, 2023
1) Third Declension Adjectives:
a) Watch this video on third declension adjective and take notes. Turn in shapely and colored notes on Monday.
b) Complete pages 5 and 6 (my hand writing) of Morphological Quiz 1st/2nd Decl. Adj. & 3rd Decl. Adjectives.
2) Finish reading and writing out a translation for all of Aeneas Lavinium Condit.
3) Complete and hand in the assignment (pink one) on Callisto, parts one and two. Email with question or if you need help.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 3 on the two vocabulary list with Callisto Story Parts One and Two. As always you will be asked to complete the full dictionary entry. Be able to give any special syntax, e.g. benignus, a, um = dative case. I will also put a picture for you to label. Bonus will be to decline: deus gravis or corpus grave
Agenda for Friday, January 27, 2023
1) The Perfect Passive Participle:
a) Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle and take notes. Notes are due on Friday.
b) Review notes from class and finish the 5th and final sentence on the handout from class.
2) Finish reading and translating the first paragraph of Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Be able to read and translate in class. Watch this video on the Dative Case with Special Adjectives and take notes.
3) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 25, 2023
1) Complete Sentence One on The Fall of Troy and the Aeneas Legend. See email your email for vocabulary. Observe standard Latin word order, type final answer and print out to submit at the beginning of class on Wednesday.
2) Finish reading and translating all of Callisto (Pars Secunda). Watch this video on the Dative Case with Special Adjectives and take notes.
3) Make sure that you have turned in the 2nd half the questions for this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD will be due along with a timeline of your creation. Graded Monkey.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Monday, January 23, 2023
1) Some Work on The Future Active Indicative:
a) Turn in your notes this video and take notes with 3rd and 3rdIO and 4th conjugation verbs added.
b) Short Morphological Quiz on the Future Tense in all conjugations including sum and possum. Same format as exercises on page 7 and 8 and practice quiz that we did on Friday.
2) Be prepared to read and translate and discuss: The last paragraph of Callisto (Pars Prima) and complete all of Callisto (Pars Secunda). Watch this video on the Dative Case with Special Adjectives and take notes.
3) On Monday next week the 2nd half the questions for this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD will be due along with a timeline of your creation. Graded Monkey.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Monday, January 20, 2022
1) Some Work on The Future Active Indicative:
a) Turn in your notes this video and take notes with 3rd and 3rdIO and 4th conjugation verbs added.
b) Complete pages 7 and 8 of handout on the Future Tense for Friday. See you list of yellow list of verbs or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ. See email of this ass. if you can not find.
c) Short Morphological Quiz on the Future Tense
2) Be prepared to read and translate and discuss:
a) Pan et Syringa. b) Callisto
3) On Monday next week the 2nd half the questions for this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD will be due along with a timeline of your creation. Graded Monkey.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Monday, January 20, 2022
1) The Future Active Indicative:
a) Watch this video and take notes. For now you only have to master the future in 1st and 2nd conjugation but pay attention to 3rd/3rd io and 4th also. We will learn that next.
b) Read and study Wheelock’s Latin 40-41, in CAPVT V.
c) Complete the 3 page handout of exercises on the future tense for Wednesday. Email if you need this.
2) Read and write out a translation on the provided paper for all of Pan et Syringa. Email if you need this. Be able to read, translate and discuss. When was Ovid’s Metamorphoses written? Who was the emperor at this time?
3) On Friday next week the 2nd half the questions for this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD will be due along with a timeline of your creation. Graded Monkey.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 18, 2022
1) The Future Active Indicative:
a) Watch this video and take notes. For now you only have to master the future in 1st and 2nd conjugation but pay attention to 3rd/3rd io and 4th also. We will learn that next.
b) Read and study Wheelock’s Latin 40-41, in CAPVT V.
c) Complete the 3 page handout of exercises on the future tense for Wednesday. Email if you need this.
2) Read and write out a translation on the provided paper for all of Pan et Syringa. Email if you need this. Be able to read, translate and discuss. When was Ovid’s Metamorphoses written? Who was the emperor at this time?
3) On Friday next week the 2nd half the questions for this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD will be due along with a timeline of your creation. Graded Monkey.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 11, 2022
1) Short Quiz on verbs possum, posse, potui on one side and pono, ponere, posui, positus
2) Complete and turn in PINK assignment on Graeci Troiam Capiunt. You may use your notes but work independently and sign pledge.
3) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Monday, January 9, 2022
1) Verb Morphology for Irregular or Sui Generis Rabbits:
a) Review the principal parts of Latins 8 irregular verbs and study notes from the board from Friday.
b) Watch this video on possum, posse, potui and take detailed notes. Recite all forms aloud.
c) Complete page one and two of the verbs games with possum on one side and pono on the other.
2) Read and write out a translation on the provided paper of the first two paragraphs of Graeci Troiam Capiunt. I handed this earlier last week but see your email if you do not have it. See handout for a vocabulary list.
3) Complete sentence one of the three English to Latin sentences with peacocks (pavo, pavonis). Type your final answer. See vocabulary in handout for help and email me with questions.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Friday, January 6, 2022
1) Watch this video on possum, posse, potui and take notes. Recite all forms aloud.
2) Morphological Review and Test Preparation: Finish pages one and three of the handout on Verbal Morphology. . Rewatch this video on the perfect active indicative ut
3) Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. Watch the first 10-11 minutes (down to the end of Augustus’ reign) and answer the questions and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Graded assignments. Turn this in on Friday, January 6.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Sanaya, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 4, 2022
1) Watch this video on possum, posse, potui and take notes. Recite all forms aloud.
2) Morphological Review and Test Preparation:
a) Finish page one and two of yellow assignment on nouns and adjectives.
b) Finish pages one and three of the handout on Verbal Morphology. . Rewatch this video on the perfect active indicative
c) KeepReview case syntax/case usage, including prepositions. See 4 page handout
3) Finish all of The Battle on the Plain. Be prepared to read and translate in class.
4) See Emai Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. a) Answer the questions and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Complete the first 10 minutes (questions 1-19) by Friday and email to me in one document, ideally a PDF. b) Use the information from the video and the enlarged timeline of Roman history to record the significant dates and events from 753 BC to 27 AD. Graded assignments.
5) We will finish gods/goddess presentations on Wednesday: Madin, Sanaya, Victoria, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, January 4, 2022
1) Morphological Review and Test Preparation:
a) Review nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions.
b) Review numbers, especially unus, a, um and tres, tria
c) Review verbal morphology: Present, Imperfect and Perfect Tense. Rewatch this video on the perfect active indicative
4) Review case syntax/case usage, including prepositions. See 4 page handout
2) Finish all of The Battle on the Plain. Be prepared to read and translate in class.
3) Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. a) Answer the questions and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Complete the first 10 minutes by Friday and email to me in one document, ideally a PDF. b) Use the information from the video and the enlarged timeline of Roman history to record the significant dates and events from 753 BC to 27 AD. Graded assignments.
4) We will finish gods/goddess presentations this week: Madin, Sanaya, Victoria, Derek et alii.
Agenda for Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. Answer the questions (sSEE recent email) and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Complete all by the end of ASYN. Friday and email to me in one document, ideally a PDF. Graded assignment
1) Read and write out a translation of the first paragraph of The Battle on the Plain. Be prepared to read and translate in class.
2) Work to be done on the perfect active indicative:
a) Rewatch this video on the perfect active indicative and cite forms aloud.
b) Complete pages 1 and 2 of PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE. You do not have to compete the future tense on page 2.
c) Complete the one page handout title Future Omnipresent Suffering…..
3) Things to review: a) 3rd Declension Nouns and page 1 and 2 of De Initio Belli Troiani.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, December 16 on page 1 (the first page) of the blue vocabulary list with some verbs and 3rd Declension nouns. Value 70-80 points. Bonus will be to decline: imago clara or opus magnum.
5) We will finish gods/goddess presentations this week: Madin, Sanaya, et alii.
Homework/Agenda for Latin I
I have fixed the link to Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ Put his app on your phone: ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE
1) The New Thing: Watch this video on the perfect active indicative and TAKE NOTES AND RECITE ALOUD. Turn in notes (organized, pretty and colorful) on Monday.
2) Complete and turn in the first four sentences on the Composition assignment. See the copy in your email for more vocabulary. Type final answers.
3) Things to review: a) 3rd Declension Nouns and page 1 and 2 of De Initio Belli Troiani.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, December 16 on page 1 (the first page) of the blue vocabulary list with some verbs and 3rd Declension nouns. Value 70-80 points. Bonus will be to decline: imago clara or opus magnum.
5) We will finish gods/goddess presentations this week: Madin, Sanaya, et alii.
Agenda for Friday, December 9, 2022
1) Finish reading and translating page 1 and 2 De Initio Belli Troiani. Write translation on provided paper and be able to reading and translate orally in class on Wednesday.
2) Complete the new take home quiz (handed out in class on Wednesday) titled Declension Quiz - Primus, Secundus, Tertius You may wish to review this video on masc./fem. 3rd Declension nouns and then watch this video on 3rd declension neuter nouns.
3) Begin learning little by little the vocabulary list in the new blue handout. Quiz in approximately 2 weeks.
4) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
5) We will finish gods/goddess presentations soon.
Agenda for Wednesday, December 7, 2022
1) 3) Finish reading and translating of one of De Initio Belli Troiani. Write translation on provided paper and be able to reading and translate orally in class on Wednesday.
2) Crucial and Essential Work Third Declension Nouns:
a) Review this video on masc./fem. 3rd Declension nouns and then watch this video on 3rd declension neuter nouns.
b) Complete pages 1 and 2 of take home quiz. You may use your vocabulary list in blue handout to complete this or a dictionary. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
c) Short morphological quiz that will ask you to decline/write out the paradigm of the following noun-adjectives pairs:
pater noster uxor lībera tempus bonum
3) Begin learning little by little the vocabulary list in the new blue handout. Quiz in approximately 2 weeks.
4) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
Agenda for Friday, December 5, 2022
1) Crucial and Essential Work on Highly Sexy but Difficult Third Declension Nouns:
a) Review this video on masc./fem. 3rd Declension nouns and then watch this video on 3rd declension neuter nouns. How or where do neuter 3rd declension nouns differ from the masculine or feminine ones?
b) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of the blue assignment that you began in class on Friday.
c) Short morphological quiz that will ask you to decline/write out the paradigm of the following noun-adjectives pairs:
rex noster virgō lībera corpus pulchrum
2) Begin learning little by little the vocabulary list in the new blue handout. Quiz in approximately 2 weeks.
3) Finish reading and translating the finial paragraph of Latona et Niobe Part II.
4) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
5) Keep reviewing these topics. a) Dative of the Possessor b) Dative as the objective of special verbs.
Agenda for Friday, December 2, 2022
1) Watch this video and take highly detailed and ideally colorful notes. Turn these in on Friday.
2) Finish reading and translating Latona et Niobe Part II.
3) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
4) Turn in notes on the following videos: a) Dative of the Possessor b) Dative as the objective of special verbs.
Agenda for Wednesday, November 30, 2022
1) Quiz on Wednesday, November 30 on Roman Numbers and uses of the dative case. video on Latin Numbers Be able to decline unus, duo, tres.
2) Complete and turn in the assignment Dative New and Old.
2) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
4) Turn in notes on the following videos: a) Dative of the Possessor b) Dative as the objective of special verbs.
Agenda for Monday, November 28, 2022
No New HW for Monday but have old thing read at the beginning of class.
We will finish all god and goddesses presentations this week.
1) Here is the full video Roman City. Watch video via youtube and finish all questions. Email if you would like a digital copy of the questions.
2) Bring completed and corrected pages three and four of the Assignment in Latin Numbers prior to Monday’s class. You may need to use Logeion Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ to look up a few words.
3) Turn in notes on the following videos: a) Dative of the Possessor b) Dative as the objective of special verbs.
4) Quiz on Wednesday, November 30 on Roman Numbers and uses of the dative case.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 21, 2022
Do this HW in order.
1) Watch these videos on new uses of the dative case. Take detailed notes, organize the notes and turn into a colorful and very beautiful small poster. Detail, vocabulary and Latin examples from the video are crucial. a) Dative of the Possessor b) Dative as the objective of special verbs.
2) Complete pages three and four of the Assignment in Latin Numbers prior to Monday’s class. You may need to use Logeion Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ to look up a few words.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 18, 2022
1) Watch this video on the Dative of the Possessor and make pretty and organized notes.
2) A Little work on Numbers:
a) Reatch this video on Latin Numbers and take detailed notes. Recite numbers I-XX aloud and be able to do so in class. Also review the paradigms of unus, duo and tres.
b) Use your notes to complete pages one and two of the Assignment in Latin Numbers. Bring this to class on Friday.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 14, 2022
1) Reatch this video on Latin Numbers and take detailed notes. Use your notes to complete pages one and two of the Assignment in Latin Numbers.
2) Complete and turn in at the beginning of class sentences 5 to 7 from the pink assignment. Type your answers if your penmanship is at all unclear. Most of the vocabulary should be on the attached list or on your first declension list. Value 40-50 points. Sign-Pledge on this assignment. I will email a new copy soon with added vocabulary.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Monday, November 14 on the second declension noun list with first/second declension adjectives. Value 50-70 points. See email for the list. There will be pictures on this quiz for you to label also.
4) Start review for Consolidation Test on Wednesday, November 16 (value 150-200 points): a) all verbal morphology (present and imperfect tenses of all conjugations and imperative mood, 4 principal parts of verbs and irregular verb sum, esse, fui, futurus), b) nominal morphology (1st and 2nd declension nouns, APPIAN words and first/second declension adjectives with three different nominative (bonus, miser, pulcher); c) Case Syntax (study purple handout): nominative subject, predicate nominative and predicate adjective with copulative verbs (Viva est regina et Brianna est callida); possessive genitive and genitive of description (Sayana est femina magnae sapientiae), dative indirect objective (James basia multis ursis dabat), accusative direct objective and object of certain prepositons (see page 4 of purple case syntax handout), ablative of means/instrument, ablative of manner, ablative of accompaniment, ablative of place where (in caelo) at, ablative of motion from which/where (ex machina) and ablative with SIDSPACE prepositions; d) declension of numbers unus, duo, tres (paradigms) and numbers 1-20; Latona et Niobe (Parts I and II). Review the 3 vocabulary list on which you have had quizzes. Do not forget adverbs and subordinating conjunctions (ubi, dum, quod, antequam).
5) Finish god/goddess presentations. Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Consolidation Test on Wednesday, November 16 (value 150-200 points): a) all verbal morphology (present and imperfect tenses of all conjugations and imperative mood, 4 principal parts of verbs and irregular verb sum, esse, fui, futurus), b) nominal morphology (1st and 2nd declension nouns, APPIAN words and first/second declension adjectives; c) Case Syntax (study purple handout): nominative subject, predicate nominative with copulative verbs; possessive genitive and genitive of description, dative indirect objective, accusative direct objective and object of certain prepositons, ablative of means/instrument, ablative of manner, ablative of accompaniment, ablative of place where at and ablative with SIDSPACE prepositions; d) numbers one, two, three (paradigms) and numbers 1-20; Latona et Niobe (Parts I and II).
1) Quiz on adjectives of the first/second declension, such as bonus, bona, bonum and pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum and līber, lībera, līberum. Review this video First and Second Declension Adjectives
2) Complete and turn in at the beginning of class sentences 1 to 4 from the pink assignment. Type your answers if you penmanship is at all unclear. Most of the vocabulary should be on the attached list or on your first declension list. Value 40-50 points. Sign-Pledge on this assignment.
3) What kind of words are dum, quod, antequam, ubi and what do they do?
4) Watch this video on Latin Numbers and take detailed notes. Organize notes in a pretty, clever and useful for study format. Turn in on Wednesday.
5) Finish god/goddess presentations. Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology.
6) Vocabulary quiz on Monday, November 14 on the second declension noun list with first/second declension adjectives. Value 50-70 points. See email for the list. There will be pictures on this quiz for you to label also.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 7, 2022
1) Quiz on adjectives of the first/second declension, such as bonus, bona, bonum and pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum and līber, lībera, līberum. Review this video First and Second Declension Adjectives
2) Old but bring and Complete page 1 and 3 (really the 4th page but numbered 3) of the new handout, Second Declension Nouns.
3) Be well prepared to read the 2nd half of Latona et Niobe (Part I). Always review story and notes from class. What kind of words are dum, quod, antequam and what do they do?
4) Watch this video on Latin Numbers and take detailed notes. Organize notes in a pretty, clever and useful for study format. Turn in on Monday.
5) Finish god/goddess presentations. Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology.
6) Vocabulary quiz coming soon on the second declension noun list with first/second declension adjectives. Value 50-70 points. See email for the list. There will be pictures on this quiz for you to label also.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, November 7, 2022
1) Quiz on adjectives of the first/second declension, such as bonus, bona, bonum and pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum and līber, lībera, līberum. Review this video First and Second Declension Adjectives
2) Complete page 1 and 3 (really the 4th page but numbered 3) of the new handout, Second Declension Nouns.
3) Be well prepared to read the 2nd half of Latona et Niobe (Part I)
4) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Organize notes in a pretty, clever and useful for study format.
5) Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 4, 2022
1) Complete page 1 and 3 (really the 4th page but numbered 3) of the new handout, Second Declension Nouns.
2) Make sure that you have finished reading and translation and review them for HW so that you are prepared to read/translate with fluency orally in class.
a) Latona et Niobe (Part I)
3) Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology.
4) Keep reviewing these videos and topics.
a) First and Second Declension Adjectives
b) The Imperfect Active Indicative
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 2, 2022
1) Bring the notes that you have taken from the in class presentation. Give specially attention to powers, functions, attributes and geography of these deities. Be able to define and explain these terms: pantheon, polytheistic (vs. monotheistic and henotheistic), anthropomorphic, aetiology. We will do the remaining presentation on Wednesday and Friday this week.
2) Make sure that you have finished reading and translation and review them for HW so that you are prepared to read/translate with fluency orally in class.
a) Minerva et Arachne (Part III)
b) Latona et Niobe (Part I)
3) Keep reviewing these videos and topics.
a) First and Second Declension Adjectives
b) The Imperfect Active Indicative
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 31, 2022
1) Your poster, presentation and costume are due on Monday, October 31. We will take a class picture in custom. Value 100 points. See you email for the assignment and old examples of the is project Use also this website: https://www.theoi.com. Email me with questions. Late assignments will receive a zero.
2) Make sure that you have finished reading and translation:
a) Minerva et Arachne (Part III)
b) Latona et Niobe (Part I)
3) Review these videos and topics.
a) First and Second Declension Adjectives
b) The Imperfect Active Indicative
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 25, 2022
1) Work on the Imperfect Tense:
a) Rewatch this video and recite forms aloud: The Imperfect Active Indicative Do not forget the imperfect of sum, esse, fui, futurus.
b) See your email for a practice quiz to help you prepare for the really quiz on Wednesday. When you finish the practice quiz. See your email for a key so you can self-correct. Bring corrected quiz to class on Wednesday.
c) Quiz on imperfect tense on Wednesday.
2) Finish translation of Minerva et Arachne (Part III), if you did not do so in class.
3) Continue to research your god or goddess and fill out the template handed out on Monday (to see who is who, see page two of Audacious Ablative Animals). Start with this website: https://www.theoi.com. Your poster, presentation and costume are due on Monday, October 31. Value 100 points. Please email me with questions.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 21, 2022
1) Quiz on first and second declension nouns on Friday, October 21. 2nd Declension Nouns; 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. Vocative (Et Tu, Brute) and APPIAN (1st decl. Masc.) words are on this quiz. See email for another copy of this. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases? Review this video: First and Second Declension Adjectives
2) Keep review the morphology of the imperfect tense in all conjugations: The Imperfect Active Indicative
3) Continue to research your god or goddess and fill out the template handed out on Monday (to see who is who, see page two of Audacious Ablative Animals). Start with this website: https://www.theoi.com. Your poster, presentation and costume are due on Monday, October 31. Value 100 points. Please email me with questions.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 19, 2022
1) Watch this video: First and Second Declension Adjectives and make sure that you have finished (In Audacious Ablative Animals handout) Latin to English Sentences numbers 1, 2, 3 on page 4. See vocabulary on pages 5 and 6 for help.
2) The Imperfect Tenses:
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes: The Imperfect Active Indicative Then using one side (only) of the paper given to you in class. Organize your notes from the video in a clever and creative formate with examples. Detail is also crucial. Graded ass. Turn this in on Wednesday, Oct. 19.
b) Complete pages 1 and 2 of The Imperfect Tense for Bunnies & Test Review Exercises. It has a mouse on it.
3) Quiz on first and second declension nouns on Friday, October 21. 2nd Declension Nouns; 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. Vocative (Et Tu, Brute) and APPIAN (1st decl. Masc.) words are on this quiz. See email for another copy of this. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases?
4) Start learning about your god or goddess (to see who is who, see page two of Audacious Ablative Animals). Start with this website: https://www.theoi.com. Your poster, presentation and costume are due on Monday, October 31. Value 100 points.
7) Upcoming Topics and Videos:
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 17, 2022
1) Rabbits vs. Ablative Case: Do these things in order
a) Watch these two videos and take notes: i. Video on the Ablative of Manner; ii. Video on the Ablative of Means/Instrument.
b) Complete English to Latin Sentences 2 and 3 of Audacious Ablative Animals.
c) Complete Latin to English Sentences numbers 1, 2, 3 on page 4. See vocabulary on pages 5 and 6 for help.
2) Vocabulary quiz on first declension nouns on Monday, October 17. Bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) or signum, signī (n). You have several copies of this list but email if you need it.
3) Old HW but bring to class on Monday: Complete all sentences in Second Declension Nouns down to number 11 or the three little pigs.
4) Quiz on first and second declension nouns on Wednesday, October 19. 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. See email for another copy of this. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases?
5) Start learning about your god or goddess (to see who is who, see page two of Audacious Ablative Animals). Start with this website: https://www.theoi.com. Your poster, presentation and costume are due on Monday, October 31. Value 100 points.
7) Upcoming Topics and Videos:
First and Second Declension Adjectives The Imperfect Active Indicative
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Video on the Ablative of Manner
Video on the Ablative of Means/Instrument.
I have fixed the link to Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
1) Complete all sentences in Second Declension Nouns down to number 11 or the three little pigs.
2) Review these videos and recite paradigms aloud: 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns.
3) Quiz on first and second declension nouns in same format as Second Declension Nouns with chart and coin on it from Monday’s class. See email for another copy of this. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases?
4) Vocabulary quiz on first declension nouns on Monday, October 19. Bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) or signum, signī (n). You have several copies of this list but email if you need it.
5) Email me with your god or goddess, if you have not yet done so.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 10, 2022
I have fixed the link to Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
1) Watch these two videos on Second Declension Nouns and take detailed notes: a) 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. Recite all paradigms aloud. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases? Give an example from the video of each. Organize your notes into a visually clever, useful, colorful, highly detailed and shapely format and turn it in at the beginning of class on Monday. I have emailed an example of an old but highly accomplished assignment on a different topic that requires you do similar things so you can see what I mean by use of color and organization. Make sure you include example sentences from the video. Value 50-60 points.
2) Vocabulary quiz on first declension nouns on Friday, October 14. Bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) or signum, signī (n). You have several copies of this list but email if you need it.
3) Email me with your god or goddess, if you have not yet done so.
4) Keep reviewing verbal morphology and first declension nouns. 1st quarter test is coming soon.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 6, 2022
1) On Thursday turn into me the large sheet with the chart titled Quiz on Latin Cases: Morphology and Syntax. Accuracy and precision and NEATNESS are crucial to this assignment. Value 60-80 points. Review this video on case function, if necessary The Basic Function of Cases
3) Reading to prepare for class: a) Finish reading and translating the new story MINERVA ET ARACHNE (part 1) and pay attention to the case of nouns. b) Finish FOR THURSDAY MINERVA ET ARACHNE (Part 2). Write out translation and be able to show this and read orally in class. See you email for a new copy of this story with added vocabulary to help
3) Rewatch this video on Prepositions and Prepositional phrases and and study for quiz on Friday on the 8 sidspace prepositions that govern the ablative case and the 5 we know that govern the accusative case: ad, sub, in, circum, per, trans, inter.
4) Continue learning the new vocabulary list with first declension nouns and adjectives. You have three copies of this one at the end of Sentences for 1st Declension Animals and one on an enlarged sheet.
5) Keep reviewing Latin verbs and verbal morphology as they will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in next week. You may wish to/should review these videos: a) imperatives. b) Principal parts of verbs. c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
6) Think about what god or goddess you would like to be. Email this to me.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 10, 2022
1) Watch these two videos on Second Declension Nouns and take detailed notes: a) 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. Recite all paradigms aloud. What is the defining feature of nouns of each of Latin’s five declensions? What is unique about the paradigm of neuter nouns regarding the nominative and accusative cases? Give an example from the video of each. Organize your notes into a visually clever, useful, colorful, highly detailed and shapely format and turn it in at the beginning of class on Monday. I have emailed an example of an old but highly accomplished assignment on a different topic that requires you do similar things so you can see what I mean by use of color and organization. Make sure you include example sentences from the video. Value 50-60 points.
2) Vocabulary quiz on first declension nouns on Friday, October 14. Bonus will be to decline: taurus, taurī (m) or signum, signī (n). You have several copies of this list but email if you need it.
3) Email me with your god or goddess, if you have not yet done so.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 3, 2022
1) Work to be done on Prepositions:
a) Rewatch this video on Prepositions and Prepositional phrases and note careful when the accusative case is used vs. the ablative case. See also handout with several pages on prepositions.
b) Review notes from class with moon/James’ Panda and chart of SIDSPACE preparations.
c) Complete the 3 sentences on page 1 of Introduction to Cases, Their Sexy Syntax & First Declension Nouns (Round 2 for Rabbits version).
4) Short quiz on Monday on the 8 sidspace prepositions that govern the ablative case.
2) Complete and turn in on Monday large sheet with the chart titled Quiz on Latin Cases: Morphology and Syntax. Accuracy and precision are crucial to this assignment. Review this video on case function, if necessary The Basic Function of Cases
3) Old but bring: Finish reading and translating the new story MINERVA ET ARACHNE and pay attention to the case of nouns.
4) Start learning the new vocabulary list with first declension nouns and adjectives. You have three copies of this one at the end of Sentences for 1st Declension Animals and one on an enlarged sheet.
5) Keep reviewing Latin verbs and verbal morphology as they will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in next week. You may wish to/should review these videos: a) imperatives. b) Principal parts of verbs. c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
6) Think about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 28, 2022
1) Review the paradigm of the The First Declension and then complete all four English to Latin sentences on the enlarged sheet with a frog on it. See bottom of sheet for vocabulary
2) Complete page two (the back) of the pink quiz that we did for practice on Friday.
2.5) Vocabulary quiz on the PINK YINK list of crucial verbs on Wednesday, September 28. Know all four principal parts (recite aloud) and the English meaning and a derivative where possible. Value 60-80 points. Bonus will be to decline vita, vitae (f) life.
3) Finish reading and translating the new story MINERVA ET ARACHNE and pay attention to the case of nouns.
4) Keep reviewing this material as it will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in next week. You may wish to/should review these videos: a) imperatives. b) Principal parts of verbs. c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
5) Think about what god or goddess you would like to be.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
1) Quiz on the paradigm (all ten forms) of first declensions. You will be asked to write out the paradigm and give the default English translation of each case as is done with stella, stellae (f) in this video on The First Declension.
2) Finish 12 - 16 on the green sheet titled Simple Sentences with Frogs………
3) Review notes from class on the basic function of each case and rewatch this video: The Basic Function of Cases
4) Finish reading and translating the new story MINERVA ET ARACHNE and pay attention to the case of nouns.
5) Continue learning the four principal parts of the verbs on the PINK YINK. Vocabulary quiz on the PINK YINK list of crucial verbs on Friday, September 23.
6) Keep reviewing this material as it will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in next week. You may wish to/should review these videos: a) imperatives. b) Principal parts of verbs. c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 19, 2022
1) Read Wheelock, Chapter II (CAPVT II) pages 12 to 14 and then watch these two videos and take detailed notes:
The Basic Function of Cases The First Declension
2) Use the information from number one and the videos to complete the assignemment Cases of Latin Nouns with Ursae Minores et Maiores, pages 1 and 2. See pages 3 and 4 for the full declension of a first declension noun, like stella, stellae (f) or puella, puellae (f) or ursa, ursae (f) bear.
3) Begin reading and translating the new story MINERVA ET ARACHNE.
4) Continue learning the four principal parts of the verbs on the PINK YINK. Vocabulary quiz on the PINK YINK list of crucial verbs on Friday, September 23.
5) Keep reviewing this material as it will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in about 7 days. You may wish to/should review these videos: a) imperatives. b) Principal parts of verbs. c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 14, 2022
1) Study the paradigms on pages 2, 4, 5 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology to prepare for a short verbal morphological quiz on Wednesday for the grade book. Same formate but with different verbs from the pink yink list. Recite forms aloud. You should review these videos: a) Present Tense of Latin Verbs and b) imperatives.
2) Complete both sides of the yellow thing titled More Morphology Madness for Madin, The Magic Mūs. See pink yink for vocabulary.
3) Finish reading and translating the Europa et Taurus down to non est timid (middle of the final paragraph). Be able to read and translate in class.
4) Start thinking about what god or goddess you would like to be.
5) Keep reviewing this material as it will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in about 7 days. You may wish to/should review these videos:
Europa et Taurus
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 12, 2022
1) Complete the blue thing titled Verbal Morphology Madness for Madin, The Magic Mūs. We will correct this at beginning of class on Monday.
2) Study the paradigms on pages 2, 4, 5 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology to prepare for a short verbal morphological quiz on Monday. Recite forms aloud. Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
3) Then Review notes and answers from Friday’s class. This material will form the basis of our first test, which will arrive in about 7 days. You may wish to/should review these videos:
c) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
4) Complete pages 6-7 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. See the last page of this handout for vocabulary and use the pink list as well.
5) First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Email your voice recording of this passage before sundown on Friday, September 9. Value 50 points. Use email aberrantadventures@mac.com.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 9, 2022
1) Review notes from Wednesday’s class and watch this video on imperatives. You may also wish to review these videos before completing number 2: i) Principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud ii) Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
2) Complete pages 1 to 5 of Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. Use your notes from class and Wheelock Chapter One (CAPVT I) to help.
4) First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Email your voice recording of this passage before sundown on Friday, September 9. Value 50 points. Use email aberrantadventures@mac.com.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 7, 2022
1) Review notes from Wednesday’s class and spend a few minutes reciting the principal parts of the verbs on the Pink Yink handout. How do you identify the conjugation of a Latin verb? What is an infinitive vs. a finite verb?
2) Read Wheelock Chapter One (CAPVT I). Then watch and take notes on these two videos:
i) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud.
ii) Watch this video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
2) Quiz for the gradebook Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation. You may wish to review these videos this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Quiz on this topic on Wednesday, September 7.
4) First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Email your voice recording of this passage before Friday, September 9. Value 50 points. Use email aberrantadventures@mac.com.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Do this HW in order. Email if you have questions or need documents.
1) Watch the first 3 minutes (only) of this video and take notes on sum, esse.
2) Complete page two of Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation. You may wish to review these videos this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Quiz on this topic on Wednesday, September 7.
2) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Charta Geographica. Label your maps with places mention in the story. Here are maps to help.
4) This will be due in following week but you may wish start work on it: First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, August 29, 2022
Do this HW in order. Email if you have questions or need documents.
1) Read again aloud page one of the Cattus Petasatus and review notes from Friday’s (dies Veneris) class. What is the antepenult, penult, and ultima?
2) Rewatch this video on syllabification and then watch this one on accentuation. Take notes.
3) Then complete page one of Assignment on Syllabification and Accentuation. It has the Bacchant Bunny on it!
4) Find from Friday’s class: First Voice Reading Assignment Reading of Caesar, Dē Bellō Gallicō. Read it aloud in Latin and then go to this link below to hear it read aloud to you. Click on Media below the passage and then press play under CAESAR READ ALOUD (CAESAR BG 1.1 READ ALOUD (CF) to hear it. Then practice reading it aloud yourself. Your recording of this will be due in approximately one week. Practice and see me for help.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, August 26, 2022
1) Review all notes from class on Inflection and Indo-European languages. What is an inflected language? What language taught at MLW are Indo-European in origin? Watch this on Indo-European.
2) Review notes on pronunciation of Latin consonants, vowels and diphthongs. You may wish to review these videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs Then read aloud several times the first page of Cattus Petasatus and be able to do so in class on Friday.
3) Watch this video on syllabification and take detailed notes with examples.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, August 24, 2022
1) Review all notes from class and Latin greetings: salve/salvēte, vale, valēte.
2) Read pages xxxv (begin at Vowels) to xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation.
3) Take out your large sheet with the Latin alphabet. Then use these videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an example in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
4) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
Agenda for Thursday, June 9, 2022
Finish all of Atalanta et Hippomenes (PARS SECUNDA)). Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation. These stories will be on the final exam.
Finish Quiz on the Relative Pronoun. Rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Be able to justify the case syntax.
Starting reviewing for the final exam.
Final Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, June 9 on Voc. List for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima et secunda). See pdf in email.
Agenda for Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Finish all of Atalanta et Hippomenes (Pars Prima and PARS SECUNDA)). Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation. These stories will be on the final exam.
Quiz on the Relative Pronoun. Rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Be able to justify the case syntax.
Starting reviewing for the final exam.
Final Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, June 9 on Voc. List for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima et secunda). See pdf in email.
Agenda for Thursday, June 2, 2022
Finish all of Atalanta et Hippomenes (Pars Prima). Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation.
Finish page 3 all of A Roman Family. See email if you need this. Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation.
Complete page 4 of the Relative Pronoun handout. Rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Quiz on this topic on Tuesday, next week
Agenda for Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Finish page 3 all of A Roman Family. See email if you need this. Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation.
Complete pages 3 and 4 of the Relative Pronoun handout. Rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Quiz on this topic on Thursday.
Begin reading Atalanta et Hippomenes (Pars Prima). Do paragraphs one and two for Tuesday and finish the story for Thursday. See handout for a vocabulary list.
Vocabulary quiz on the 4th and 5th declension and time construction list on Tuesday on MAY 31.
Agenda for Thursday, May 26, 2022
Finish page 3 all of A Roman Family. See email if you need this. Be able to read orally in class and have a written out translation.
Watch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Take detailed. Then organize and beautify notes to turn in on Thursday. Graded for detail, precision and beauty.
Finish English to Latin Sentences 1 and 2 in Exam preparation Sentences. See for more vocabulary.
Vocabulary quiz on the 4th and 5th declension and time construction list on Tuesday on MAY 31.
Agenda for Thursday, May 19, 2022
Read pages 8 and 9 of handout The Fifth & Final Declension and Temporal Constructions and review this video Watch this video on time constructions with the accusative and ablative cases.
Graded Assignment - due Thursday, May 19. In The Fifth & Final Declension and Temporal Constructions complete pages 6 and 7 (English to Latin Sentences, numbers 1 through 5). See email for a new version of this handout with added vocabulary. Observe standard Latin word order in your final answer.
Old but bring: Complete English to Latin Sentences numbers 4 and 5 on page 5 of handout - Reflexive Pronoun & Intensive (stress) Adjectives
Real Quiz on Friday. on the reflexive Pronoun (—, sui, sibi, se, se) & Intensive (stress) adjectives (ipse, ipsa, ipsum) and the weak demonstrative adj. /personal pronoun (is, ea, id). Review the paradigm of the stress/intensive adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Read page 3 of my handout See Wheelock pages 106 and 107. When is eius/eorum/earum used to express possession vs. the reflexive possessive adjective suus, a, um. Review the objective genitive and the partitive genitive. Value 80-100 points.
Agenda for Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Finish the two (d and f) English to Latin Sentences in the practice quiz on ipse, is and ——sui, sibi, se, se. Will will do the real quiz for the grade book on Thursday.
Watch these two videos below and take detailed notes with examples from each video included. Organize the notes and make them useful and pretty like a show dog with papers. Turn in on Tuesday. Value 40 points.
A. Watch this video on the 5th declension. Recite forms aloud and then complete the Declension Fun Assignment handed out on Friday. It is also in the email. See also new vocabulary list.
B. Watch this video on time constructions with the accusative and ablative cases.
Old but bring: Complete English to Latin Sentences numbers 4 and 5 on page 5 of handout - Reflexive Pronoun & Intensive (stress) Adjectives
Real Quiz on Thursday. on the reflexive Pronoun (—, sui, sibi, se, se) & Intensive (stress) adjectives (ipse, ipsa, ipsum) and the weak demonstrative adj. /personal pronoun (is, ea, id). Review the paradigm of the stress/intensive adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Read page 3 of my handout See Wheelock pages 106 and 107.
Start leaning the 4th and 5th declension vocabulary list. list.
Keep working on the Roman House diagram. Use the vocabulary list on Domestic Architecture to begin labeling the elements, features and rooms of the domus romana. Click here for images of the Roman House and videos on this topic. This will be due in a few days.
Agenda for Thursday, May 12, 2022
Short quiz on the reflexive Pronoun (—, sui, sibi, se, se) & Intensive (stress) adjectives (ipse, ipsa, ipsum) and the weak demonstrative adj. /personal pronoun (is, ea, id). Review the paradigm of the stress/intensive adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Read page 3 of my handout See Wheelock pages 106 and 107.
Complete English to Latin Sentences numbers 4 and 5 on page 5 of handout - Reflexive Pronoun & Intensive (stress) Adjectives
Finish the paragraph on page 1 on Sentences with 4th & 5th declension…We worked on this outside.
Keep working on the Roman House diagram. Use the vocabulary list on Domestic Architecture to begin labeling the elements, features and rooms of the domus romana. Click here for images of the Roman House and videos on this topic. This will be due in a few days.
Agenda for Thursday, May 5, 2022
1) Finish reading/writing out a translation of lines 10 to the end of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Secunda). Use logeion to look up vocabulary that you do not know and see vocabulary list in handout. Be able to read and translate in class.
2) Declension fun quiz with 4th declension for the grade book. If you missed class on Friday see email for a practice quiz and key to self-correct Rewatch this video on the paragim of the 4th declension.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the Pyramus and Thisbe list on Friday.
4) Keep working on the Roman House diagram. Use the vocabulary list on Domestic Architecture to begin labeling the elements, features and rooms of the domus romana. Click here for images of the Roman House and videos on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 26, 2022
1) Complete Quiz Preparation for Verbal Fun with Pluperfect Active and Passive Added for Tuesday. See email for this assignment. Quiz on this topic on Thursday. Do not neglect irregular verbs.
2) Use the vocabulary list on Domestic Architecture to begin labeling the elements, features and rooms of the domus romana. Click here for images of the Roman House and videos on this topic.
3) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima). Use logeion to look up vocabulary that you do not know and see vocabulary list in handout. Be able to read and translate in class.
Agenda for Friday, April 22, 2022
1) Use my key handed out in class to finish correcting pages 3 and 4 of is, ea, id. This will be good preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
2) Short but intense Quiz on Friday on the morphology and syntax of is, ea, id. Focus on its use as a a weak and whimpy demonstrative adjective, personal pronoun and substantive (adjective functioning as a noun). This quiz will also include —-sui, sibi, se, se, the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective (suus, a, um) Rewatch this video on is, ea, id and take notes with examples from the video included. Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective.
3) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima). Use logeion to look up vocabulary that you do not know and see vocabulary list in handout. Be able to read and translate in class.
Agenda for Thursday, April 21, 2022
1) Use the emailed key to correct page one of Verbal Fun with Pluperfect Active and Passive Added . Rewatch these two videos pluperfect active (watch video) and pluperfect passive (watch video). Then complete page 2 of Verbal Fun with Pluperfect Active and Passive Added and bring to class.
2) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima). Use logeion to look up vocabulary that you do not know and see vocabulary list in handout. Be able to read and translate in class.
3) Quiz on Friday on the morphology and syntax of is, ea, id. Focus on its use as a a weak and whimpy demonstrative adjective, personal pronoun and substantive (adjective functioning as a noun). This quiz will also include —-sui, sibi, se, se, the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective (suus, a, um) Rewatch this video on is, ea, id and take notes with examples from the video included. Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 19, 2022
1) Rewatch this video on is, ea, id and take notes with examples from the video included. Then use the key emailed to you to correct pages 2, 3, 4 of the is, ea, id handout.
2)Watch these two videos pluperfect active (watch video) and pluperfect passive (watch video). Take Notes!
2) Bring your translation of Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd kings of Rome)
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, April 19. on the Numa list. Be able to decline: illa magna vis and ea optima ars and haec grave consilium
4) Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective.
Agenda for Thursday, April 21, 2022
1) Use the emailed key to correct page one of Verbal Fun with Pluperfect Active and Passive Added . Rewatch these two videos pluperfect active (watch video) and pluperfect passive (watch video). Then complete page 2 of Verbal Fun with Pluperfect Active and Passive Added and bring to class.
2) Finish reading/translating all of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima). Use logeion to look up vocabulary that you do not know and see vocabulary list in handout. Be able to read and translate in class.
3) Quiz on Friday on the morphology and syntax of is, ea, id. Focus on its use as a a weak and whimpy demonstrative adjective, personal pronoun and substantive (adjective functioning as a noun). This quiz will also include —-sui, sibi, se, se, the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective (suus, a, um) Rewatch this video on is, ea, id and take notes with examples from the video included. Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective.
Agenda for Thursday, April 14 , 2022
1) Watch this video on is, ea, id and take notes with examples from the video included.
2) Turn to Wheelock page 88 and use it to correct page one of the is, ea, id assignment from class. Read pagaes 89 and 90 of Wheeelock. Then finish pages 2-4 of the assignment from class.
3) Finish reading the story on Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd kings of Rome) and begin learning the vocabulary for it. Vocabulary quiz next week.
4) Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective.
Agenda for Tuesday, April , 2022
1) Watch this vid
Read and study all pages of the new handout including the attached notes on the partitive and objective genitives. See email if you need this. Complete all sentences in the above handout. This should alrady be finished.
2) Rewatch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective. Take notes. Organize notes and make them beautiful, include examples from the video. Graded ass. Read Wheelock pages 105-7 and add this information to your notes above.
3) Keep reviewing:
a) Reviev this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Review this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. Take notes. recite the paradigm aloud
c) Complete page TWO of declension fun (blue thing).
4) Begin reading the story on Numa (2nd king of Rome) and learning the vocabulary for it.
Agenda for Thursday, March 31 , 2022
1) Read and study all pages of the new handout including the attached notes on the partitive and objective genitives. See email if you need this.
2) Complete all sentences in the above handout
3) Watch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective. Take notes. Organize notes and make them beautiful, include examples from the video. Graded ass. Read Wheelock pages 105-7 and add this information to your notes above.
3) Keep reviewing:
a) Reviev this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Review this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. Take notes. recite the paradigm aloud
c) Complete page TWO of declension fun (blue thing).
4) Begin reading the story on Numa (2nd king of Rome) and learning the vocabulary for it.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 29 , 2022
1) Correct mistakes on irregular verb quiz and bring to class. You may use any resources to correct mistakes.
2) Watch this video on the 3rd person reflexive pronoun and possessive adjective. Take notes. Organize notes and make them beautiful, include examples from the video. Graded ass. Read Wheelock pages 105-7 and add this information to your notes above.
3) Keep reviewing:
a) Reviev this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Review this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. Take notes. recite the paradigm aloud
c) Complete page TWO of declension fun (blue thing).
3) Complete the one pages assignment on The Story of Tarpeia. Turn in at the beginning of class. Value 48 points.
4) Begin reading the story on Numa (2nd king of Rome) and learning the vocabulary for it.
Agenda for Thurday, March 24, 2022
1) Demonstrative Adjectives: See and readWheelock, chapter IX, pages 71-74.
a) Reviev this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Review this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. Take notes. recite the paradigm aloud
c) Complete page TWO of declension fun (blue thing).
2) Quiz (on Thursday) for the grade book on irregular verbs - morphology, principal parts, meanings and syntax. Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Fiat lux! Facta est lux.
3) Finish all paragraphs of The Story of Tarpeia. Be prepared to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared trans.
4) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video. Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 22, 2022
1) Demonstrative Adjectives: See and readWheelock, chapter IX, pages 71-74.
a) Review this video and recite paradigm aloud: Watch this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Watch this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. Take notes. recite the paradigm aloud
c) Complete page one of declension fun (blue thing).
d) Quiz on Tuesday on the paradigms of hic and ille
2) Quiz (on Thursday) for the grade book on irregular verbs - morphology, principal parts, meanings and syntax. Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Fiat lux! Facta est lux.
3) Finish paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 of The Story of Tarpeia. Be prepared to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared trans.
4) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video. Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Thursday, March 17, 2022
We will do the NLE on Friday. Click here and scroll down for practice exams and theirs keys from past years. You will take the Beginning Latin exam which is equivalent to the old Latin One exam. See email for the syllabus. Extra pointes will be given for achievement on this test.
1) Complete the quiz that you began in class on irregular verbs. . Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Fiat lux! Facta est lux.
2) Complete the chart for hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud. Be able to read/translate the sentences for these in class.
3) Finish paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 of The Story of Tarpeia. Be prepared to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared trans.
3) The Topography of Rome and Map/Plan of the City: Watch this video. Take notes and add places to your map of the city and significant dates to your timeline/historical worm. The map of Rome will be due on Friday, March 18. Value 50 points. See email for maps to use.
6) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video. Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 15, 2022
We will do the NLE this coming week. Click here and scroll down for practice exams and theirs keys from past years. You will take the Beginning Latin exam which is equivalent to the old Latin One exam. See email for the syllabus. Extra pointes will be given for achievement on this test.
1) Quiz on the morphology of irregular verbs. Know principal parts, imperative, and present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses. Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Fiat lux! Facta est lux.
2) For Tuesday watch this video and then review The Story of the Sabine Women. Be prepared to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared trans.
3) For Thursday finish review The Story of Tarpeia. Be prepared to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared trans.
3) The Topography of Rome and Map/Plan of the City: Watch this video. Take notes and add places to your map of the city and significant dates to your timeline/historical worm. The map of Rome will be due on Thursday, March 17. Value 50 points. See email for maps to use.
6) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video. Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 8, 2022
We will do the CAV Test on Thursday this week. Begin learning the vocabulary on the green sheet handed out last week. Click here for a quizlet thing to help you learn these. Complete the CAV practice tests handed out in class and self-correct with the provided key.
1) Use the key handed out in class to correct the back page of the handout with Latin’s 8 irregular verbs.
2) Watch this video on volo, nolo and malo and take detailed notes. Not especially how noli and nolite + complementary infinitive are used to form negative imperative. Organize notes, make the colorful pretty and turn in on Tuesday. Recite forms aloud. Grade ass. Detail and examples are crucial and essential.
3) Finish reading and translating The Story of the Sabine Women. Be prepared to read and translate in class. See the handout for vocabulary.
5) The Topography of Rome and Map/Plan of the City: Watch this video. Take notes and add places to your map of the city and significant dates to your timeline/historical worm. The map of Rome will be due on Friday, March 11. Value 50 points.
6) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video. Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Thursday, March 3, 2022
2) Complete all exercises in the handout on the Perfect Passive Indicative, including the verb game with eo, ire ii, iturus.
3) Finish reading and translating DE URBE CONDITA. Know the material in the following video/podcast, which you may wish to review: Listen to the first 6 minutes of this podcast and take notes on Romulus and Remus. Record the details and people of this foundation legend of Rome. Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and take notes on the foundation of Rome. Who is Livy?
4) Finish both the National Latin Exam and the CAV test that you worked on Friday outside.
5) The Topography of Rome and Map/Plan of the City: Watch this video. Take notes and add places to your map of the city and significant dates to your timeline/historical worm. The map of Rome will be due later in the week. Value 50 points.
6) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video.
7) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 1, 2022
1) The Perfect Passive Indicative.
a) Watch this video on How to make the 4th principal part/perfect passive participle into a finite verb.
b) Complete the first page and back page of Verbal Morphology Quiz for Rabid Rabbits, which we began in class.
2) Work to be done on Romulus and Remus and the Foundation of Rome.
a) Read/translate/prepare paragraphs 1,2 and 3 of DE URBE CONDITA and be able to read/translation with fluency in class on Tuesday.
c) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and take notes on the foundation of Rome. Who is Livy?
3) The Topography of Rome and Map/Plan of the City: Watch this video. Take notes and add places to your map of the city and significant dates to your timeline/historical worm. The map of Rome will be due later in the week. Value 50 points.
4) Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video.
5) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 22, 2022
1) Complete the numbers 1 to 12 of Aeneas Condit Laviniam - Quiz Preparation. (Verbal Morphology Review). This will help with some of the most important verbs on the quiz below. I will collect this at the beginning of class on Tuesday. The vocabulary list is not the back.
2) Vocabulary Quiz on Aeneas Laviniam Condit list on Tuesday, February 22 . Same format as last one with Declension Fun and some verbal morphology, perhaps a picture to label too. Bonus will be to decline vis, vis (f) in the singular and plural and to give the 3 rules for determining i-stem nouns of the 3rd declension.
2) Begin working the Assignment for Aeneas Laviniam Condit. It will be due later next week but not Tuesday. You may ask me question during the week but must work independently on this assignment.
3)Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video.
4) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Friday, February 18, 2022
Quiz on Aeneas Laviniam Condit vocabulary list on Tuesday, February 22 . Same format as last one with Declension Fun and some verbal morphology, perhaps a picture to label too.
1) Learn the paradigm of vis, vis (f) and recite it aloud for pure i-stem pleasure. Complete page 4 (Declension Fun Thing) and all sentences on pages 6 and 7 of “i” Stem Nouns of the 3rd Declension….. I will ask to see these things for a Happy Friday HW grade.
2) Complete and turn in on Friday sentences 3 and 4 on the Pregnant Platypus assignment.
3)Keep reviewing i-stem nouns and the 3 rules to spot them and rewatch this video.
4) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Quiz on Aeneas Laviniam Condit list on Friday, February 19. Same format as last one with Declension Fun and some verbal morphology, perhaps a picture to label too.
1) Complete and turn in on Thursday sentences 3 and 4 on the Pregnant Platypus assignment.
2) Some work on 3rd Declension I-stem nouns: a) Review notes from class and pages 1, 2, 3, of new handout. b) Then watch this video and take notes. c) Short Quiz on Thursday: Be able to decline: magna celeris navis and altum grave mare.
3) Watch this video on the Aeneid (The Story of Aeneas) by Vergil and take notes. Then finish reading and translating all of Aeneas Laviniam Condit. Be able to read and translate orally in class on Monday.
4) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Friday, February 11, 2022
Starting learn the new vocabulary list for Aeneas Laviniam Condit. Quiz in 6 days. You may also wish to begin reading/translation this new story. It will be due on Thursday and Friday.
1) Finish the English to Latin Sentence that you worked on class outside on Thursday.
2) Reading and write out a translation for at least the first half of Aeneas Laviniam Condit. Be able to read and translate orally in class on Friday.
4) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean. Click here for a list of places and geographical features and maps to inspire and aid you work. Maps are due on Tuesday, February 15. Value 60-100 points. Make sure they are thoroughly labeled, detailed, precise, colorful and beautiful to the eye. Aeneas’ Journey with key stops from Troia to Latium must be included.
4) Review the perfect passive participle and perhaps rewatch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle. Quiz coming next week on this topic.
Agenda for Thursday, February 10, 2022
Starting learn the new vocabulary list for Aeneas Laviniam Condit. Quiz in 8-10 days. You may also wish to begin reading/translation this new story. It will be due on Thursday and Friday.
1) Watch this video on the Perfect Passive Participle and take notes. Then complete pages 2, 3, 4 in Four Principal Parts and What Mortal Monkeys Do with Them
4) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean. Click here for a list of places and geographical features and maps to inspire and aid you work. Maps are due on Tuesday, February 15. Value 60-100 points. Make sure they are thoroughly labeled, detailed, precise, colorful and beautiful to the eye. Aeneas’ Journey with key stops from Troia to Latium must be included.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Starting learn the new vocabulary list for Aeneas Laviniam Condit. Quiz in 8-10 days. You may also wish to begin reading/translation this new story. It will be due on Thursday and Friday.
1) Use my key (handed out on Friday) to correct sentences 2 and 3 in Pain and Suffering for Trojan Rabbits. See email for a new copy with added vocabulary.
2) Complete 4 and 5 in Pain and Suffering for Trojan Rabbits. See new version with vocabulary for help that was handed out on Friday.
4) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean. Click here for a list of places and geographical features and maps to inspire and aid you work. Maps are due on Thursday, February 10. Value 60-100 points. Make sure they are thoroughly labeled, detailed, precise, colorful and beautiful to the eye. Aeneas’ Journey with key stops from Troia to Latium must be included.
3) Complete the assignment for Graeci Troiam Capiunt. I will collect this at the beginning of class on Tuesday.
Agenda for Thursday, February 3, 2022
We will finally do presentation on Thursday.
1) Bring page two of download Test Preparation Exercises on 3rd declension adjectives.
2) Complete sentences 2 and 3 in Pain and Suffering for Trojan Rabbits. See email for a new copy with added vocabulary.
3) Review and finish the translation for the new story: Graeci Troiam Capiunt. See page 3 for vocabulary. Be able to read, discuss and translate orally in class on Tuesday.
5) Quiz on Friday, February 4th on vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story. Similar format to last quiz. Bonus: Decline puella celeris or vir fortis or dux audax or nomen grave
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean. Click here for a list of places Maps are due on Tuesday, February 8. Value 60-100 points. Make sure they are thoroughly labeled, detailed, precise, colorful and beautiful to the eye. Aeneas’ Journey from Troia to Latium should be included.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 4, 2022
Email me with the day on which you would like to present your god or goddess poster- Tuesday or Thursday of this week are your choices.
1) 3rd Declension Adjectives: Review the paradigm of 3rd declension adjectives and read Wheelock, Chapter XV. Rewatch this video. Download, print and complete the emailed Test Preparation Exercises on 3rd declension adjectives.
2) Complete sentences 1 and 2 in Pain and Suffering for Trojan Rabbits. See email for a new copy with added vocabulary.
3) Read and write out a translation for the new story: Graeci Troiam Capiunt. See page 3 for vocabulary. Be able to read, discuss and translate orally in class on Tuesday.
4) Quiz on Thursday, January 27 on verbal morphology of present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses. What reduplication mean regarding the 3rd principal part? Mandatory bonus will be to decline: gravis, grave.
5) Quiz on Thursday on vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story., February 3rd.
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean. Maps are due on Tuesday, February 8. Value 60-100 points. Make sure they are thoroughly labeled, detailed, precise, colorful and beautiful to the eye. Aeneas’ Journey from Troia to Latium should be included.
Agenda for Thursday, January 27, 2022
Rewatch this video and complete pages 2, 3, 4 of the new handout on 3rd Declension Adjectives.
2) Quiz on Thursday, January 27 on verbal morphology of present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses. What reduplication mean regarding the 3rd principal part? Mandatory bonus will be to decline: gravis, grave.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story. Quiz in 4-6 days.
4) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
5) We will return to god/goddess presentations next week.
Agenda for Tuesday, January 25, 2022
1) Use the vocabulary for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant to complete the emailed double-sided assignment. You may pick up a hard copy from 335 if we have school on Monday. Otherwise print it out.
2) The Perfect Tense: Makes sure the entire handout on the the perfect tenses is completed and study it for the quiz coming on Thursday, January 27 on verbal morphology of present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses. What reduplication mean regarding the 3rd principal part?
3) Finish all of and review Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Learn the following subordinating conjunctions (+ finite verb) will appear in the story: ubi = where/when; dum = while; cum = when; quod = because; postquam = after; Learn these.
5) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story. Quiz in 4-6 days.
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
7) We will return to god/goddess presentations next week.
Agenda for Thursday, January 20, 2022
1) The Perfect Tense:
a) Complete pages 4, 5, 6 of new handout on the Perfect Tense. You may wish to rewatch this video on the morphology of the perfect tense and review your notes on how to recognize 3rd principal parts.
b) Quiz next week on verbal morphology of present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses.
2) Finish reading and translating the new story: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Do the first 2 paragraphs for Tuesday and the final paragraph for Thursday. Vocabulary list is on 3rd page. The following subordinating conjunction (+ finite verb) will appear in the story: ubi = where/when; dum = while; cum = when; quod = because; postquam = after; Learn these.
3) Review notes from class on the Trojan Cycle and pictures discussed in class. Watch these two videos with important background material on the Iliad and the Trojan Cycle of Heroic Myth. The Iliad. The Archaeology of Troy ΤΑΚΕ DETAILED NOTES.
5) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story. Quiz in 6-8 days.
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
7) 7) We will return to god/goddess presentations next week.
Agenda for Tuesday, January 18, 2022
1) The New Thing: The Perfect Tense:
a) Watch this video on the morphology of the perfect tense and take detailed notes with examples.
b) Complete pages 1, 3, 4 of new handout on the Perfect Tense.
2) Watch these two videos with important background material on the Iliad and the Trojan Cycle of Heroic Myth. The Iliad. The Archaeology of Troy ΤΑΚΕ DETAILED NOTES.
3) Read and translate the new story: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Do the first 2 paragraphs for Tuesday and the final paragraph for Thursday. Vocabulary list is on 3rd page. The following subordinating conjunction (+ finite verb) will appear in the story: ubi = where/when; dum = while; cum = when; quod = because; postquam = after; Learn these.
4) Bring text and your translation of De Initio Belli Troiani. Review and be well prepared.
5) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Graeci in Campo pungent on page 3 of story. Quiz in 8-10 days.
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
7) We will return to god/goddess presentations this week.
Agenda for Thursday, January 13, 2022
1) Complete both sides of the Blue Sheet that we began in class today.
2) Review the future tense and possum, posse, potuī. Quiz next week on this material. video on the future tense and watch this video on the irregular verb possum, posse, potui which is a compound of sum, esse, fui, futurus (potis + sum, esse). Take notes.
3) We will devote much of Thursday’s class to reading De Initio Belli Troiani. Review and be well prepared.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, January 14 on the De Initio Belli Troiani list.
5) We will return to god/goddess presentations this week.
6) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
Agenda for Tuesday, January 11, 2022
1) Some work on the future tense:
a) Review this video on the future tense and watch this video on the irregular verb possum, posse, potui which is a compound of sum, esse, fui, futurus (potis + sum, esse). Take notes.
b) Then complete all exercises on pages 1 to 8 in the Future Tense handout.
2) Bring Latin text and finished translations for Deucalion and Pyrrha and be well prepared. Expect also to read and translate orally the first half of De Initio Belli Troiani on Friday, January 14.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, January 14 on the De Initio Belli Troiani list.
4) We will return to god/goddess presentations this week.
5) Keep working on your maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
Agenda for Friday, January 7, 2022
1) Watch this video on the future tense and complete pages 1, 2, 3, 4 in the Future Tense handout.
2) Bring Latin text and finished translations for Deucalion and Pyrrha Be well prepared.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the list for De Initio Belli Troiani on Friday, January 14. Value 60-70 points.
4) We will return to god/goddess presentations this week.
Agenda for Tuesday, January 4, 2022
1) Bring Latin text and finished translations for Deucalion and Pyrrha and De Initio Belli Troiani. We will read/translate this in class on Tuesday. Be well prepared.
2) Keep working on your Maps of Italy and the Mediterranean.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the list for De Initio Belli Troiani on Friday, January 10. Value 60-70 points.
4) We will return to god/goddess presentations this week.
Agenda for Thursday, December 16, 2021
1) Quiz on the morphology of 3rd declension nouns along with first and second declension nouns. It will be the same format as the ones that you did in class on Monday. Study new handout on the 3rd declension paradigm and know material from these videos: Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter Review first and declension nouns and adjective. You may use your new vocabulary list for De Initio Belli Troiani on this quiz
2) Finish all Latin to English sentences (#3-7) in blue sheet with 3rd Declension nouns and the English to Latin ones on the back of the chart. Also complete the chart by adding līber, libera, līberum to match each case of the rex, virgo, and corpus in gender, number and case. SEE EMAIL for a new version of this assignment with add vocabulary.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary for De Initio Belli Troiani. See the story or your email for this list. Quiz coming soon.
4) Bring De Initio Belli Troiani to finish reading following the quiz.
Agenda for Tuesday, December 14, 2021
1) Finish all Latin to English sentences (#3-7) in blue sheet with 3rd Declension nouns and the English to Latin ones on the back of the chart. Also complete the chart by adding līber, libera, līberum to match each case of the rex, virgo, and corpus in gender, number and case. SEE
EMAIL for a new version of this assignment with add vocabulary.
2) Quiz on third declension consonant stem nouns, such as princeps, rex, dux, virtus, corpus, tempus, nomen. Recite paradigms aloud. Study new handout on the 3rd declension paradigm and know material from these videos: Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter
3) Begin learning the vocabulary for De Initio Belli Troiani. See the story or your email for this list. Quiz coming soon.
4) Finish all of pages one and two of Deucalion and Pyrrha. Be able to read and translate orally in class on Monday.
5) Correct your Consolidation Quiz and turn in corrections to me on Monday.
4) We will return to god/goddess presentation this week.
Agenda for Thursday, December 9, 2021
1) Correct your Consolidation Quiz and bring to class on Wednesday.
1.5) Finish pages one and two of Deucalion and Pyrrha. It may help to review these videos before finishing the story: Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter
2) Turns this assignment in Wednesday: Watch the first 11 minutes of this video on Roman History and answer the questions in detail in Questions for Ancient Rome in 20 Minutes (these were handed out a week or so ago - see email for a digital copy). You may need to stop and restart the video.
3) Bring the 2nd assignment on numbers on Wednesday so we can correct the back page in class. QUIZ ON numbers coming on Friday.
4) We will return to god/goddess presentation this week.
Agenda for Tuesday, December 7, 2021
1) Watch the first 11 minutes of this video on Roman History and answer the questions in detail in Questions for Ancient Rome in 20 Minutes (these were handed out a week or so ago - see email for a digital copy). You may need to stop and restart the video. Bring completed questions with you on Monday.
2) Complete the assignment on numbers that you began in class on Friday. You may need to rewatch this video. Watch this video Quiz on this material later in the week.
3) Make sure that you have finish Niobe and Latona, part II and are able to read/translate it in class on Monday. On Wednesday we will read Deucalion and Pyrrha.
4) Review: Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter How or where does the paradigm/pattern of Masc and Fem. 3rd declension nouns differ from Neuter 3rd declension nouns? What do you know about all neuter nouns and adjectives?
Agenda for Friday, December 3, 2021
1) Watch this video on Latin numbers and use it and your blue sheet of numbers to complete the assignment handed out in class. It will be collected at the beginning of class on Friday. See email for assignment if you did not get it in class.
2) Review: Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter How or where does the paradigm/pattern of Masc and Fem. 3rd declension nouns differ from Neuter 3rd declension nouns? What do you know about all neuter nouns and adjectives?
Agenda for Tuesday, November 30, 2021 and Quiz.
1) Prior to Tuesday’s class watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Third Declension Nouns Masculine/Feminine Third Declension Neuter How or where does the paradigm/pattern of Masc and Fem. 3rd declension nouns differ from Neuter 3rd declension nouns? What do you know about all neuter nouns and adjectives?
3) Consolidation quiz (Value 80-100 points) on Thursday, December 2 that will cover: a) the imperfect and present tense of all conjugations, including sum, esse, fui, futurus and the imperative mood; b) all uses of the dative case on the blue handout, including special verbs; c) the paradigms of personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos and their possessive adjectives); d) 1st/2nd declension nouns and adjectives; e) SIDSPACE prepositions vs. preposition with the accusative case, such as ad, circum and per; You may wish to review these videos the dative of the possssesssor dative with special verbs dative with special adjectives The bonus on this quiz will be to decline rex, regis (m) king and/or tempus, temporis (n)
3) We will return to gods and goddesses presentations the following week.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 23, 2021
1) Finish Latona et Niobe, Part I and first paragraph of part 2.
2) Work to be done on the Dirty Dog Dative:
a) Watch these short videos on the dative case and take notes:
the dative of the possssesssor dative with special verbs
dative with special adjectives
b) Finish all sentences on the dative case on the handout with the picture of Polyphemus.
3) Consolidation quiz that will cover: a) the imperfect tense; b) uses of the dative case; c) the paradigms of personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos and their possessive adjectives); d) 1st/2nd declension nouns and adjectives.
4) Old but bring Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies, complete all sentences on page 8
5) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 2, 2021
1) Watch this video on Latin Numbers and takes notes. Use the video and notes to complete the assignment. Turn this assignment in at the beginning of class on Thursday, December 4.
2) Consolidation quiz that will cover: a) the imperfect tense; b) uses of the dative case; c) the paradigms of personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos and their possessive adjectives); d) 1st/2nd declension nouns and adjectives. a) Watch these short videos on the dative case and take notes:
the dative of the possssesssor dative with special verbs
dative with special adjectives
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 19, 2021
1) Finish Latona et Niobe, Part I and first paragraph of part 2.
2) Bring new handout on dative sytnax.
2) In the handout Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies, complete all sentences on page 8
3) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 18, 2021
1) Finish Latona et Niobe. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See page 5 for vocabulary.
2) In the handout Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies, complete all sentences on page 8
3) See your email or handout from class for the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, November 18. Value 50-80 points. Notā bene pictures with the list of soldiers, etc.
4) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 16, 2021
1) Read/translate Latona et Niobe. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See page 5 for vocabulary.
2) In the handout Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies, complete all sentences on page 6 and 7. Watch this video on the imperfect tense. See 2nd declension vocabulary list for help.
3) See your email or handout from class for the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, November 18. Value 50-80 points.
4) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 12, 2021
1) Finish the last paragraph Arachne et Minerva, Part III (Pars Tertia). Be able to read and translate orally in class. See page 3 for vocabulary.
2) Complete pages 1 and 2 in the handout Imperfect Exercises for Perfect Bunnies. I will ask to see this complete.
3) See your email or handout from class for the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 5 days.
4) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 11, 2021
1) Finish Arachne et Minerva, Part III (Pars Tertia). Be able to read and translate orally in class. See page 3 for vocabulary.
2) Imperfect Work:
a) Watch this video on the imperfect tense. Take notes. What are the possible English translation of the imperfect tense? What vowel or vowels occur between the stem and the -ba infix for each conjugation? Read pages 4 and 5 of handout with Arachne et Minerva, Part III (Pars Tertia).
b) Complete pages 1,2, 3 of handout on the imperfect tense with title The Imperfect Tense for Bunnies Who Always Keep the Action Going in the Past
3) See your email or handout from class for the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 8 days.
4) We will do 3 or 4 more presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 9, 2021
1) Review Arachne et Minerva, Part II (Pars Secunda) and your notes on the story and then watch this video on the Story of Arachne and Minerva.
2) Short review/consolidation quiz on first and second declensions nouns and adjectives: Be able to decline: femina tua pirata formosus taurus noster vir līber ager meus laurus alta saxum vestrum See Wheelock, chapter II and III, if you need help and/or videos below in old HW.
3) Watch this video on personal pronouns and take notes. Recite each paradigm aloud. We will graffiti these on the sidewalk next week.
4) See you email for the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 10 days.
5) We will 3 or 4 presentations on gods and goddess each class until finished.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 5, 2021
1) Refine and Complete 4-6 sentences in the assignment titled Sentences with 1st & 2nd Declension Nouns. Type out or write very clearly your final answers. This is due at the beginning of class on Thursday. Email if you need help or have questions. You may use a dictionary. Review this video on First/Second Declension Adjectives and take detailed notes.
2) Finish all of Arachne et Minerva Part II for Thursday’s class and be prepared to read/translate orally in class.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 5 on the list of first declension nouns with adjectives and prepositions. Use new purple list to study nouns, adjective and prepositions. Value 50-80 points.
5) We will do 2 or 3 presentation on gods and goddess
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 4, 2021
1) See email for assignment. Email if you would like it in another format. Complete all sentences in the assignment titled Sentences with 1st & 2nd Declension Nouns. Type out or write very clearly your final answers. This is due at the beginning of class on Thursday. Email if you need help or have questions. You may use a dictionary.
2) Review this video on First/Second Declension Adjectives and take detailed notes.
3) Finish all of Arachne et Minerva for Thursday’s class and be prepared to read/translate orally in class.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 5 on the list of first declension nouns with adjectives and prepositions.
5) We will finish presentation on gods and goddess this week.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 4, 2021
1) Complete all sentences
a) Watch this video on First/Second Declension Adjectives and take detailed notes.
b) Complete the one-page Declension Fun handout.
2) Complete sentence three only in handout Second Declension Nouns. Write out answers.
3) Reading: a) Last paragraph of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). b) First two paragraphs of of Arachne et Minerva.
4) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, November 2.
5) Work on your god or goddess presentation and poster. Your poster, presentation and costume will be due on Oct. 29. Here is a dictionary that you can use for English to Latin searches. There are several books classical mythology in the room 335 for you to use.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 28, 2021
1) First/Second Declension Adjectives:
a) Watch this video on First/Second Declension Adjectives and take detailed notes.
b) Complete the one-page Declension Fun handout.
2) Complete sentence three only in handout Second Declension Nouns. Write out answers.
3) Reading: a) Last paragraph of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). b) First two paragraphs of of Arachne et Minerva.
4) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, November 2.
5) Work on your god or goddess presentation and poster. Your poster, presentation and costume will be due on Oct. 29. Here is a dictionary that you can use for English to Latin searches. There are several books classical mythology in the room 335 for you to use.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 26, 2021
1)Some work to be done on 2nd declension nouns:
a) You may wish to review these videos. 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns.
b) Quiz on the basic morphology of 2nd declension nouns - masculine and neuter on Tuesday. What is the plural of the English word focus? Note when the vocative morphology is different from nominative. Et tu, Brute! What is the vocative of Marcus Antonius? What is the defining characteristic of a neuter noun? What ending is always found in nominative and accusative plural of a neuter noun (agenda, data)? Read and study Wheelock, pages 23-4 and 32-33. I will use 2nd decl. animals and vocabulary from Wheelock, pages 23-4 and 32-33 for the quiz.
c) Complete sentences one and three only in handout Second Declension Nouns. Write out answers.
2) Finish and review the last paragraph of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Be able to read/translate orally in class and have written out translation to show me.
3) For Thursday read and write out a translation of Arachne et Minerva.
4) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, November 2.
5) Work on your god or goddess presentation and poster. Your poster, presentation and costume will be due on Oct. 29. Here is a dictionary that you can use for English to Latin searches. There are several books classical mythology in the room 335 for you to use.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 22, 2021
1) Watch these two video on second declension nouns and take detailed notes: a) 2nd Declension Nouns; b) 2nd Declension Neuter Nouns. Organize your notes into a visually clever and appealing formate and turn in at the beginning of class on Friday. Value 40 points.
2) Finish and review the last paragraph of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Be able to read/translate orally in class on Thursday and have written out translation to show me.
3) Old but bring: Finish all sentences in the pink handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals.
4) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz in 8 days.
5) Continue to research you god or goddess. Your poster and costume will be due on Oct. 29.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 21, 2021
1) Finish ALL of of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Be able to read/translate orally in class on Thursday and have written out translation to show me.
2) On Thursday, Oct 21 we will have a quiz on first declension nouns and the basic function of each of Latin’s six cases and SIDSPACE prepositions + ablative case. You may wish to review these videos for the quiz: first declension video nouns. case usage/sytnax Latin Preposition with accusative vs. ablative case. The case morphology and syntax chart is a good thing to study.
3) Old but bring: Finish all sentences in the pink handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals.
4) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz in 10 days.
5) Continue to research you god or goddess. Your poster and costume will be due on Oct. 29.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 19, 2021
1) Rewatch this video on Latin Preposition with accusative vs. ablative case. Complete the emailed assignment titled Sentences: English to Latin with Prepositions & 1st Declension prior to Tuesday’s class. See your two-sided vocabulary list for help. Have this ass. available to show me at the beginning of class.
2) Finish all sentences in the pink handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals.
3) Read and write out the translation of the ALL of of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
4) On Thursday, Oct 21 we will have a quiz on first declension nouns and the basic function of each of Latin’s six cases and SIDSPACE prepositions + ablative case. You may wish to review these videos for the quiz: first declension video nouns. case usage/sytnax vide
5) Start learning the list of 1st declensions nouns for a vocabulary quiz in 10 days.
6) You may wish to continue to research you god or goddess. Your poster and costume will be due on Oct. 29.
7) Bring the animal group assignment on Tuesday so we can get our graffiti finished this week
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 14, 2021
1) Watch this video on Latin Preposition with accusative vs. ablative case. Take notes.
2) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, October 14 on the list of crucial and essential verbs. Know all principal parts, English meaning(s) and a derivative where possible. The format will be the same as we did for practice on Tuesday.
3) Finish all sentences in the pink handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals.
4) Read and write out the translation of the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
5) On Tuesday, October 19 we will have a Quiz on first declension nouns and the basic function of each of Latin’s six cases. You may wish to review these videos for the quiz: first declension video nouns. case usage/sytnax vide
6) Read and write out the translation of the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 12, 2021
1) Review notes from class on the 3 ways which a noun may be described and the difference between in + accusative vs in + ablative. Mercedes in aquā sedet. vs. Ranae in aquam saliunt.
2) Short quiz on first declension nouns and the basic function of each of Latin’s six cases. You may wish to review these videos for the quiz: first declension video nouns. case usage/sytnax video
3) Use my key to correct (I will send this out on Saturday morning) sentences in handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals down to and including sentence 7.5. See last page for vocabulary.
4) Finish all sentences in the pink handout Sentences for 1st Declensions Animals or key above down to and including # 16 and be able to show me these at the beginning of class on Wednesday. See the last page for vocabulary.
5) Read and write out the translation of the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
6) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, October 14 on the list of crucial and essential verbs. Know all principal parts, English meaning(s) and a derivative where possible.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 7, 2021
1) Cases of nouns and the first declension nouns. Do this HW in order:
a) Study notes from class on Latin’s cases. Review pages 12-14 of Wheelock and watch this video on case usage/sytnax. TAKE NOTES.
b) Rewatch this video and take notes on first declension nouns. Recite the 10 forms (the paradigm) of stella, stellae (f) aloud. This will be the bonus question on the verb quiz.
c) Complete sentences 2, 3, 4 on Latin Loves Cases or Syntax is Sexy.
2) Read and write out the translation of the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
3) Short review quiz on Thursday for the gradebook on verbal morphology of the present indicative of all conjugations and the imperatives. Do not forget duc, dic, fac and fer.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 5, 2021
1) Cases of nouns and the first declension nouns. Do this HW in order:
a) Read pages 12-14 of Wheelock carefully and take notes. Then review your notes from Friday’s class on yellow paper and sentences with Ira.
b) Watch this video and take notes on first declension nouns. Recite the 10 forms (the paradigm) of stella, stellae (f) aloud and be able to do so in class on Tuesday without looking at notes.
2) Read and write out the translation of the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus (Europa and the Bull). Vocabulary is on the second page and the story on the third page of the handout. If you did not get it in class, there is a pdf in the email.
3) Short review quiz on Tuesday on r verbal morphology of the present indicative of all conjugations and the imperatives. Do not forget duc, dic, fac and fer. The format will be the same as what we did on the board and yellow paper on Friday
4) Practice reading the passage from Caesar, De Bello Gallico aloud. The voice recording will be due prior to Thursday’s class. Here is the link to hear it read aloud. Click on Media below the passage and then play under CAESAR READ ALOUD to hear it. This will be due prior to Tuesday’s class on October 5th.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 28, 2021
1) Verbal Morphology for Overworked Bunnies, Rabid Rabbits and Jesse.
a) Complete pages 1 and 2 of new purple handout titled Rapid Reading for Rabid Rabbits. Some are finite conjugated verbs in the indicative mood, some are infinitives, lacking person and number, and some are in the imperative mood. Use the vocabulary list on the 3rd page to help. Say the 4 parts aloud as you work with these shapely verbs.
b) Big QUIZ for the grade book on all verbal morphology covered thus far. Be able to identify the conjugation of verbs. Study the worksheet: Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. Review videos, recite the conjugation aloud of present tense aloud for all conjugations, including sum, esse, fui, futurus. Know also the imperative endings for each conjugation. Wheelock, CAPVT I (chapter one) will also be helpful. You may wish to review the following videos: i) video on the principal parts of verbs. ii) video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs iii) Video on the imperative mood and take detailed notes.
2) Finish reading/translating and REVIEW Charta Geographica and put the places in the story on the provided maps. Bring maps, story and your translation to class. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See page 4 of handout for vocabulary. SEE MAP BELOW.
3) Practice reading the passage from Caesar, De Bello Gallico aloud. The voice recording will be due prior to Thursday’s class. Here is the link to hear it read aloud. Click on Media below the passage and then play under CAESAR READ ALOUD to hear it.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 24, 2021
1) Complete pages 4 and 5 of the handout Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology. Watch this video on the imperative mood and take detailed notes.
2) Finish reading/translating Charta Geographica and put the places in the story on the provided maps. Bring maps, story and your translation to class. See page 4 of handout for vocabulary. SEE MAP BELOW:
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 23, 2021
1)The Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology: Do this work in the following order.
a) Review notes from class on blue paper and Wheelock Chapter One (CAPVT I) and review these videos: i) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud. ii) Watch this video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs.
b) Watch this video on the imperative mood and take detailed notes.
c) Use what you have learned in a and b to complete pages 1, 2, 3 of the handout Introduction to Latin Verbs & Verbal Morphology.
2) Finish reading/translating Charta Geographica and put the places in the story on the provided maps. Bring maps, story and your translation to class. See page 4 of handout for vocabulary.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 21, 2020
1) What are Indo-European Languages? What is difference between a cognate and derivative? What is the difference between etymology and entomology? Review notes on Indo-European languages.
2) Quiz on pronunciation, syllabication and accentuation. Value 50-60 points. Study/review handouts on pronunciation, syllabification and accentuation. You may wish to review the videos below: a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) The Dirt on Consonantal “i” c) Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs video on syllabication. this video on Latin Accentuation.
2) Complete and bring to class the backside of the blue sheet which is a Practice Quiz.
3)Record yourself reading the Cattus Petasatus (Cat in the Hat) aloud and email it to me at aberrantadventures@mac.com or sross@gsgis.k12.va.us. You may also post it on schooology. Begin the recording by stating your name. Graded assignment. It is due prior to class on Tuesday but I would love to have it earlier.
4) New Things:
a) What is inflection? Read Wheelock Chapter One (CAPVT I).
b) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. Take detailed notes and say all things aloud.
c) Watch this video on the Present Tense of Latin Verbs. Take notes and recite all forms very loud (maxima voce).
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 17, 2020
1) Watch this video and take notes on the Latin and Indo-European Languages. Use the video to write out answers the following questions: Where does Latin get its name? What are the Romance Languages? What are derivatives? What are cognates? From where is the Latin Language derived? How and when do Latin words enter the English language? Give examples from each period mentioned. What languages taught at Maggie Walker are of Indo-European origin?
Study/review handouts on pronunciation, syllabification and accentuation. You may wish to review the videos below: a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) The Dirt on Consonantal “i” c) Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs
video on syllabication. this video on Latin Accentuation.
2) Complete and bring to class the backside of the blue sheet which is a Practice Quiz.
3) Practice reading aloud the page from the Cattus Petasatus (Cat in the Hat) aloud. Only do the the page that begins with Time nihil. Prior to Tuesday’s class you will email me a recording of you reciting this passage aloud. Graded Assignment.
4) Quiz on Tuesday, September 21 on all things pronunciation, syllabification and accentuation.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 14, 2020
1) Pronunciation Review:
a) Review you notes on pronunciation, says words aloud and rewatch these three videos to solidify your knowledge of the correct pronunciation of Classical Latin. a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) The Dirt on Consonantal “i” c) Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs
2) New Thing: Syllabication and Accentuation (do a and b in order) :
a) Review notes from class on syllabication, read/study Wheelock pages xxxix-xl. and watch this video on syllabication. TAKE NOTES on the video.
b) Review the terms antepenult, penult (paene ultima) and ultima and watch this video on Latin Accentuation. TAKE NOTES on the video. paene = almost
3) Practice reading aloud the page from the Cattus Petasatus (Cat in the Hat) aloud. Only do the the page that begins with Time nihil. Eventually you will recored yourself reading this. The voice recording
4) Call Jesse to wake him up.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 9, 2021
1) Review notes from class on greetings in Latin. Salve/salvēte, vale, valēte.
2) Read pages xxxv (begin at Vowels) to xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation. This is your workbook (one or two of you may not have this yet. If so, get from 335 on Thursday).
3) Take out your purple sheet with the Latin alphabet. Review notes from class on pronunciation. Then use these two videos below to makes notes on how each letter or combination of letters should be pronounced. Be able to give an examples in class using Latin words. Videos: 1) Pronunciation of Consonants 2) Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Use what you learned in numbers 2 and 3 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it indicate? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
HW/Agenda for Monday, June 14 2021and the Week
1) Fourth Quarter Test on Monday, June 14. Value 200 points. Begin by reviewing verbal morphology of five tenses (active and passive the perfect system) + irregular verb (fio, fero, sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo) and the morphology of all declensions - nouns and adjective and personal pronouns (ego, tu, nos, vos) and demonstrative adjectives (is, idem, ille, hic, iste, ipse) and relative pronoun (qui, quae, quod) pronominal UNUS NAUTA adjectives and reflective pronoun (—-sui, sibi, se, se). Review also story read in class: Pyramus and Thisbe (prima and secunda), Numa, Horatii, Ancus, Tarquinius Priscus. Scroll down website and use old HW as a study guide. Review case usage/syntax, including ablative of cause (Ethanius, multis vulneribus fessus, cecidit) and ablative of respect: Daphne est maxima virtūte. Dative of reference: Tibi hoc erit difficillimum. See handout. Do not neglect time constructions. Review imperatives and negative imperative. Questions with ne, nonne and num and other interrogatives such as cur, quid, quam, etc. Knowledge of basic vocabulary is a sine qua non for success. Study hard. This will be your final labour for Latin I. Di magni dent auxilium vobis!
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, June 9 2021and the Week
1) read and write out a translation of Story of Tarquinius Priscus (Rex Quintus)
2) Complete test preparation sentences 2 and 3. The ones with picture of Diana on the first page.
3) Fourth Quarter Test on Monday, June 14. Value 200 points. Begin by reviewing verbal morphology of five tenses + irregular verbs and the morphology of all declensions - nouns and adjective and pronouns and proximal adjectives. Review also story read in class. Scroll down website and use old HW as a study guide. Review all stories back to and including Pyramus and Thisbe pars prima. Review case usage/syntax. Review imperatives and negative imperative.
Agenda for Wednesday, June 2 2021and the Week
1) On Wednesday Quiz on UNUS NAUTA word/Pronominal Adjectives on Wednesday, June 2. You may wish to reWatch this video and take detailed notes. Optional but will help to master morphology: Do sentences on page 419, numbers 9-19 and use the key on page 452 to self-correct.
2) For finish Wednesday read/prepare/translate all of the Reign of Ancus Macius (rex quintus Romanorum). See email for pdf with vocabulary
2.5) For Friday, June 2 read and write out a translation of Story of Tarquinius Priscus (Rex Quintus)
4) Quiz on vocabulary on the Tarquinius Priscus List on Friday, June 2. See email for this.
5) Fourth Quarter Test on Wednesday, June 9. Value 200 points. Begin by reviewing verbal morphology of five tenses + irregular verbs and the morphology of all declensions - nouns and adjective and pronouns and proximal adjectives. Review also story read in class. Scroll down website and use old HW as a study guide.
Agenda for Asynchronous Wednesday, May 26, 2021and the Week
1)Work to be done on UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives
a) If necessary review Wheelock page 73 and 74. and reWatch this video and take detailed notes.
b) Optional but will help to master morphology: Do sentences on page 419, numbers 9-19 and use the key on page 452 to self-correct.
c) Complete sentences B, D, E in the assignment that we work on in class and email to me prior to Wednesday’s class.
d) Quiz on UNUS NAUTA on asynchronous Friday, May 28.
2) For Wednesday read/prepare/translate all of the Reign of Ancus Macius (rex quintus Romanorum). See email for pdf with vocabulary
4) Quiz on vocabulary and morphology of UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives on Wednesday, June 2.
5) 4th quarter test coming within a fortnight. Scroll down to use old agenda on this page as a study guide. Value 200 points. Do forget irregularly verbs and stories.
Agenda for Asynchronous Monday, May 24, 2021and the Week
1) Begin learning UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives that morphologically follow the -ius variation of 1st and 2nd declension. See Wheelock page 73 and 74. Watch this video and take detailed notes. Organize notes, make them visually appealing and email to me prior to Monday’s class.
2) For Monday’s class finish all of The Battle Between the Horatii and Curiatii. See pages 3 and 4 of emailed handout. Also use this PDF to review 4th and 5th declensions. Watch this video before beginning the story.
3) For Wednesday read/prepare/translate the Reign of Ancus Macius (rex quintus Romanorum). See email for pdf with vocabulary
4) Quiz on vocabulary and morphology of UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives on Wednesday, May 26.
5) 4th quarter test coming within a fortnight. Scroll down to use old agenda on this page as a study guide. Value 200 points. Do forget irregularly verbs and stories.
Agenda for Asynchronous Friday, May 21, 2021and the Week
1) Prior to the synchronous quiz on Friday complete page 71 of relative pronoun exercises and use the emailed key to correct all pages. Quiz on qui, quae, quod - morphology and syntax on Friday, also review time construction and irregular verbs for this quiz.
2) Beginning learning UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives that morphologically follow the -ius variation of 1st and 2nd declension. See Wheelock page 73 and 74. Watch this video and take detailed notes. Organize notes, make them visually appealing and email to me prior to Monday’s class.
3) For Monday’s class finish all of The Battle Between the Horatii and Curiatii. See pages 3 and 4 of emailed handout. Also use this PDF to review 4th and 5th declensions. Watch this video before beginning the story.
Agenda for Wednesday, May 19, 2021and the Week
1) More Work on the Relative Pronoun:
a) Complete assignment pages 72, 73, 74. See document in email.
b) Review notes on relative pronoun. You may wish to rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent?
c) Study for quiz on Friday on the relative pronoun.
b) For Wednesday do the first half of The Battle Between the Horatii and Curiatii. See pages 3 and 4 of emailed handout. Also use this PDF to review 4th and 5th declensions. Watch this video before beginning the story.
3) Reread and review the story The Reigns of Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd Kings of Rome) in to English and be prepared to read it in class on Monday.
Agenda for Monday, May 17, 2021and the Week
1) Review notes on relative pronoun. You may wish to rewatch this video on qui, quae, quod, Latin’s relative pronoun. Learn the paradigm and take detailed notes. What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent?
2) Complete emailed 6 sentence from English to Latin - Test Preparation and email to me by sundown on Sunday, May 18.
3) Reading Schedule:
a) For Monday finish story The Reigns of Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd Kings of Rome) in to English and be prepared to read it in class on Monday.
b) For Wednesday do the first half of The Battle Between the Horatii and Curiatii. See pages 3 and 4 of emailed handout. Also use this PDF to review 4th and 5th declensions. Watch this video before beginning the story.
Agenda for Wednesday, May 12, 2021
1) Complete all the fill into blank sentences with relative pronouns and do the first 3 English to Latin sentences in the relative pronoun handout from Monday’s class.
3) Translate the story The Reigns of Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd Kings of Rome) in to English and be prepared to read it in class on Monday.
Agenda for Monday, May 10, 2021
1) Vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe. See email for this list. Quiz on Monday, May 10, 2021.
3) Translate the story The Reigns of Numa and Tullius (2nd and 3rd Kings of Rome) in to English and be prepared to read it in class on Monday.
Agenda for Wednesday, May 5, 2021
1) Finish reading/preparing/translating all of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Secunda). 2) Complete workbook Exercises on irregular verbs Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Quiz on irregular verbs on Asynchronous Friday.
3) Review time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and learn the paradigm of the intensive/stress adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Translate:
eō ipsō diē diēbus tribus diēs trēs
5) Start learn the vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe. See email for this list. Quiz on Monday, May 10, 2021.
Agenda for Monday, May 3, 2021
1) Reading schedule for Monday finish the 4 paragraph of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima) and the first Paragraph of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Secunda). See email.
2) Complete Exercise (emailed) on irregular verbs and three English to Latin Sentence on page two of Irregular Verb with Apes. Continue learning Latins irregular verbs (fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo) by watching these videos and reciting forms aloud. The present indicative will be the most irregular. Quiz on irregular verbs later in the week.
3) Review time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and learn the paradigm of the intensive/stress adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Translate:
eō ipsō diē diēbus tribus diēs trēs
5) Start learn the vocabulary for Pyramus and Thisbe. See email for this list. Quiz in one week.
Agenda Wednesday, April 26, 2021
1) Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday finish De Proditione Tarpeiae and read/translate the first 3 paragraphs of Pyramsu and Thisbe (pars prima).
b) For Wednesday finish the 4 paragraph of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Prima) and the first Paragraph of Pyramus and Thisbe (Pars Secunda). See email
3) Review time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and learn the paradigm of the intensive/stress adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Translate:
eō ipsō diē diēbus tribus diēs trēs
4) Keep reviewing 4th and 5th declension for large quiz/small test on all declension of nouns and adjective on Asyn. Friday, April 30 for the gradebook. fourth declension and demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste, is, idem. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter. the 5th declension
Agenda Wednesday, April 21, 2021
1) Review time constructions with the ablative and accusative case and learn the paradigm of the intensive/stress adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Translate:
eō ipsō diē diēbus tribus diēs trēs
1.5) Here is the vocabulary list (4th/5th declension and time) for our next quiz vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, April 21. Value 40-60 points. Bonus is to decline ipsa res gravis
2)Finish reading/translation De Proditione Tarpeiae and be prepared to read orally in class. See email for this story and vocabulary.
3) Keep reviewing 4th and 5th declension for large quiz/small test on all declension of nouns and adjective on Asyn. Friday, April 23. fourth declension and demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste, is, idem. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter. the 5th declension
Agenda Monday, April 19, 2021
1) Keep reviewing 4th and 5th declension for large quiz/small test on all declension of nouns and adjective on Asyn. Friday, April 23. fourth declension and demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste, is, idem. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter. the 5th declension
3)Finish reading/translation De Proditione Tarpeiae and be prepared to read orally in class. See email for this story and vocabulary.
3) Here is the vocabulary list (4th/5th declension and time) for our next quiz on Wednesday, April 21.
Agenda Asyn. Friday, April 16, 2021 and the Week
1) Watch this video on the 5th declension and recite the paradigm aloud. TAKE NOTES
2) Complete and email Declension Fun with 5th Declension Words by Friday at 3:00 PM.
3) Watch these videos on time constructions and take notes. Take notes.
Agenda Wednesday, April 14, 2021 and the Week
1) Morphological quiz on fourth declension and demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste, is, idem. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
2) Email the Assignment on the Story of the Sabine Women (Graded Ass.). See email for this assignment and parsing guide on the side bar on the left of this page. Watch this video on David’s Sabine Women and take notes.
3)Read the first 4 paragraphs of De Proditione Tarpeiae. See email for this story and vocabulary.
4) Here is the vocabulary list (4th/5th declension and time) for our next quiz.
Agenda Monday, April 12, 2021 and the Week
Nothing new for Monday but you may wish to get ahead for later in the week.
1) Keep reviewing fourth declension and demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste, is, idem. Quiz coming soon. Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
2) Finish Story of the Sabine Women and for Wednesday’s class complete and email the Assignment on the Story of the Sabine Women (Graded Ass.). See email for this assignment and parsing guide on the side bar on the left of this page. Watch this video on David’s Sabine Women and take notes.
3) Begin reading/translating De Proditione Tarpeiae. See email for this story and vocabulary.
4) Here is the vocabulary list (4th/5th declension and time) for our next quiz.
Agenda/Homework Monday, March 29, 2021 and the Week
1) Learn the the Fourth and Penultimate Latin Declension.
a) Watch these two videos, take notes and recite forms aloud.
Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
b) Decline on paper in the singular and plural:
is immortalis spīritus illa gravis manus hoc acutum cornū
3) Read Wheelock CAPVT XX, pages 162-4 and then turn to page 426-7 to complete Exercises for Caput XX 1.-5. Then turn to page 460 and use the key to self correct.
Fourth Declension Neuter. Use this link to determine the multiple meanings of cornu, cornūs (n). See below for horny Moses. cornua vs. corona
2) Finish all paragraphs of Apollo and Daphne (Phoebus Et Daphne) from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See email for this.
3) Complete the second page of Conjugation Fun with All Tenses
Agenda/Homework Wednesday, March 25, 2021 and the Week
1) Use the key in the email to self-correct EXERCITATIONES and sentences 1-5 on page 76 under SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE.
2) Complete II and III in Exercises for Demonstrative Bunnies.
3) Complete the first page of Conjugation Fun with All Tenses watch this video
4) Read and write out a translation for the first 3 paragraphs of Apollo and Daphne (Phoebus Et Daphne) from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See email for this.
5) During Asynchronous Friday, March 26 you will make video of yourself reciting the paradigms of hic and ille.
6) Test coming soon on personal pronouns, reflective pronouns and is, ea, id, declensions 1, 2, 3, and case syntax.
Agenda/Homework Monday, March 23, 2021 and the Week
1) New Things for next Week:
a) Review this video and recite paradigm aloud: Watch this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
b) Watch this video on hic, haec, hoc (this, these) and recite the paradigm aloud. I will ask people to do this in class on Monday.
c) Read and study Wheelock, pages 71-74. Then compete on page 75 sentences 1, 2, 3, 6 under EXERCITATIONES and sentences 1-5 on page 76 under SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE. Email to me prior to Monday’s class.
d) During Asynchronous Friday, March 26 you will make video of yourself reciting the paradigms of hic and ille.
2) Old but review Work to be done on Romulus and Remus and the Foundation of Rome.
a) Finish and review all of DE URBE CONDITA (see email) and be able to read/translation with fluency in class on Monday.
c) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and take notes on the foundation of Rome. Who is Livy?
3) If wish to get ahead on reading for later in the week you may start reading, after you watch this video on the pluperfect tense, the story Apollo and Daphne (Phoebus Et Daphne) from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. See email for this.
4) Test coming soon on personal pronouns, reflective pronouns and is, ea, id, declensions 1, 2, 3, and case syntax.
Agenda/Homework Monday, March 15, 2021 and the Week
CAV test on Friday.
Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday. See email for long list of words, many of which you should already know. Value 60-80 points.
1) New Thing: Watch this video on ille, illa, illud. Take notes and recite the paradigm aloud. Extra credit for ille, illa, illud graffiti.
2) Work to be done on Romulus and Remus and the Foundation of Rome.
a) Finish and review all of DE URBE CONDITA (see email) and be able to read/translation with fluency in class on Monday.
c) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and take notes on the foundation of Rome. Who is Livy?
3) Complete English to Latin sentences 2 and 3 on page 7 and all of page 8 of De Urbe Condita handout. You may wish to review these videos: a) How to make the 4th principal part/perfect passive participle into a finite verb. b)The Imperative Mood and Negative commands: Nolī + inf. Nolite + inf. Nōlī mē tangere!
4) Test coming soon on personal pronouns, reflective pronouns and is, ea, id, declensions 1, 2, 3, and case syntax.
Agenda/Homework for Asyn. Wednesday, March 10, 2021.
Link to Practice NLE and key. NLE on Friday.
1) Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome (see email) and take notes. Click here to see models of Rome and images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities. Email you completed map of Rome to me prior to Wednesday, March 10. Graded. Make it pretty and include as much detail as you can from stories and video.
2) Finish all of DE URBE CONDITA (see email).
3) Complete English to Latin sentences 2 and 3 on page 7 and all of page 8 of De Urbe Condita handout. You may wish to review these videos: a) How to make the 4th principal part/perfect passive participle into a finite verb. b)The Imperative Mood and Negative commands: Nolī + inf. Nolite + inf. Nōlī mē tangere!
Agenda/Homework for Monday, March 5, 2021.
Do this HW in order.
1) Two New Things for next week. Watch these videos and take detailed notes.
a) How to make the 4th principal part/perfect passive participle into a finite verb. Rana ab Shoryā amāta est. The frog was/has been loved by Shorya. See new handout - the one with De Urbe Condita - Read page one and complete exercises B on page 3. Email this me prior to Monday’s class.
b)The Imperative Mood and Negative commands: Nolī + inf. Nolite + inf. Nōlī mē tangere!
2) Read and write out a translation of our new story DE URBE CONDITA (see email). Do at least half of it for Monday and the rest for Wednesday.
3) Finish and review De Urbe Romana. Be able to read and translate orally and labeling the blank map that goes with this story. Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome (see email) and take notes. Click here to see models of Rome and images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities. Email you completed map of Rome to me prior to Wednesday, March 7. Graded. Make it pretty and include as much detail as you can from stories and video.
Old but important things:
4) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
6) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, March 3, 2021.
1)Work to be done on personal pronouns and weak demonstrative adjective is, ea, id:
a) Decline: is lupus ea via id nōmen
b) Finish fill in the blanks sentences in section 3, a, b, c, d. on which we worked in class.
c) Complete the emailed noun-adjective fun with is, ea, id prior to Wednesday’s class.
d) Optional self-tutorial exercises on Wheelock, page 420 will be helpful, if you feel that you need extra practice for mastery. Find the key in Wheelock and self-correct.
2) Read and write out a translation of De Urbe Romana. Be able to read and translate orally and labeling the blank map that goes with this story. Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome (see email) and take notes. Click here to see models of Rome and images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
3) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
5) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, March 1, 2021.
1)Work to be done on personal pronouns and weak demonstrative adjective is, ea, id:
a) Review notes from Friday’s class on the 3 uses (dem. adjective, pronoun or substantive) of is, ea, id. If necessary review this video and take detailed notes on the demonstrative adjective (personal pronoun) is, ea, id (he, she it). What is the relationship between a Latin noun and the adjective that modifies it? What is the relation between a pronoun and its antecedent? Stella est optima. Eam omnes amant. Then write out the full paradigms (sing. and pl.) of is rex - the/that king ea regina - the/that queen id regnum - the/that kingdom.
b) Read and study Wheelock pages 87 to 91. Recite the paradigms aloud. Then complete and email to me EXERCITATIONES on page 92, sentences 1-12. You may need to look up a few words. Use Logeion or dictionary in the back of Wheelock.
c) Optional self-tutorial exercises on Wheelock, page 420 will be helpful, if you feel that you need extra practice for mastery. Find the key in Wheelock and self-correct.
2) Read and write out a translation of De Urbe Romana. Be able to read and translate orally and labeling the blank map that goes with this story. Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome (see email) and take notes. Click here to see models of Rome and images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
3) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
5) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes on the demonstrative adjective (personal pronoun) is, ea, id (he, she it) or is rex - the/that king ea regina - the/that queen id regnum - the/that kingdom. Complete pages 1 and 2 down to and including sentence 3 in sections C. Recite the paradigm of is, ea, id aloud and see Wheelock, page 88 for the possible meanings of is, ea, id.
2) Graded Video Assignment: Watch these videos on case usage and take detailed notes with examples included. Organize, consolidate your notes and make them pretty. You may create example of your own and include pictures. Value 50-60 points. Due prior to Wednesday’s class.
Objective Genitive amor nostri love for us
Partitive Genitive or The Genitive of the Whole magna pars nostrum - great part of us
Dative of the Possessor tibi est rana you have a frog
Ablative of Personal Agent signum ā deō missum a sign sent by a god.
3) The new thing for next week will be reflective pronouns that have the subjunctive of the sentence as their antecedent. Watch this video prior to Monday’s class. February 22. See examples below.
ego video me. I see myself tu vides te. you see yourself Sania videt se. Sania sees herself. Ranae vident se. The frogs see themself. Shorya dat basia sibi.
4) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
6) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, February 22, 2021.
1) Graded Video Assignment: Watch these videos on case usage and take detailed notes with examples included. Organize, consolidate your notes and make them pretty. You may create example of your own and include pictures. Value 50-60 points. Due prior to Wednesday’s class.
Objective Genitive amor nostri love for us
Partitive Genitive or The Genitive of the Whole magna pars nostrum - great part of us
Dative of the Possessor tibi est rana you have a frog
Ablative of Personal Agent signum ā deō missum a sign sent by a god.
2) The new thing for next week will be reflective pronouns that have the subjunctive of the sentence as their antecedent. Watch this video prior to Monday’s class. February 22. See examples below.
ego video me. I see myself tu vides te. you see yourself Sania videt se. Sania sees herself. Ranae vident se. The frogs see themself. Shorya dat basia sibi.
3) Read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
4) Due ASAP correct mistakes and return. Complete and email prior to Friday’s class the English to Latin sentences with personal pronouns. 50-60 points. Email if you have questions.
Old and on-going things:
5) Review notes on the Aeneas Legend and Roman History from last week.
6) Old but crucial: Use my emailed key to correct all sentences (Latin to English) on page 3 and 4 of latest handout on Personal Pronouns. Review this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud.
7) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
9) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, February 19, 2021.
1) Read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
2) Complete and email prior to Friday’s class the English to Latin sentences with personal pronouns. 50-60 points. Email if you have questions.
2.5) Review notes on the Aeneas Legend and Roman History.
3) Use my emailed key to correct all sentences (Latin to English) on page 3 and 4 of latest handout on Personal Pronouns. Review this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud.
4) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
6) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, February 19, 2021.
1) Read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
2) Complete and email prior to Friday’s class the English to Latin sentences with personal pronouns. 50-60 points. Email if you have questions.
2.5) Review notes on the Aeneas Legend and Roman History.
3) Use my emailed key to correct all sentences (Latin to English) on page 3 and 4 of latest handout on Personal Pronouns. Review this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud.
4) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
6) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Work for Asyn. Friday, February 12.
Morphology quiz on paradigms of ego, tu, nos, vos and —— sui, sibi, se, se. Don’t for possessive adjectives, accompaniment such as mēcum and partitive genitive, objective genitive and dative of the possessor with sum, esse, fui, futurus. Vobis est magnum odium meī. I will send this out on Friday to be completed 3:30 PM.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
1) Reading schedule for Wednesday: finish and review Aeneas Lavinium Condit and read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
2) Complete all sentences (Latin to English) on page 3 and 4 of latest handout on Personal Pronouns. Review this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud.
3) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
5) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
1) Reading schedule for Wednesday: finish and review Aeneas Lavinium Condit and read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
2) Review notes from class on personal pronouns, objective genitive, etc. See my emailed notes Review this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud.
3) Short morphology quiz on paradigms of ego, tu, nos, vos.
4) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
6) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, February 15, 2021.
1) Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday: Read, prepare and review prior to class Aeneas Lavinium Condit.
b) For Wednesday: Read, prepare and review prior to class Pan et Syringa from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
2) New and Crucial Thing: Watch this video and take detailed notes of morphology and examples. Recite paradigms aloud. See your email for two handout on this topic to read, study and peruse.
3) Old but bring to class: Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
5) Have questions from 2 watched video accessible for class, Roman history one and the Roman City.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
No class but quiz on future tense morphology of all of conjugations and sum, esse and possum, posse. Same format has last quiz. I will send this out before class time on Wednesday.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, February 7, 2021.
1) Complete all sentences on pages 8 and 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
3) Watch this this video which explains the perfect passive participle or 4th pp used as a verbal adjective.
4) Read and translate new story: Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Note that you will run into 4th principal parts of verbs used as adjectives. Rex ab populō amatus multa gessit. = The king, loved by the people, accomplished/did many things. amatus = having been loved or loved = 1st/2nd decl. adjective. See email for this story and map of Aeneas’ journey from Troy in Asia Minor to Latium in central Italy. See image of Aeneas escaping Troy with his father and son below.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, February 1, 2021.
1) Complete all sentences on pages 7, 8, 9 of handout on i-stem nouns (see email). Page 9 is English to Latin. Use vocabulary list or email if you are stuck on something.
3) Finish video Roman City and the questions for this video. This should be finished and email to me by Monday, February 1.
4) For Wednesday, Feb 3: a) Quiz on the future tense morphology on Wednesday, February 2. b) Read and translate new story: Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Note that you will run into 4th principal parts of verbs used as adjectives. Rex ab populō amatus multa gessit. = The king, loved by the people, accomplished/did many things. amatus = having been loved or loved = 1st/2nd decl. adjective. This video with explain the perfect passive participle or 4th pp used as a verbal adjective. See email for this story and map of Aeneas’ journey from Troy in Asia Minor to Latium in central Italy. See image of Aeneas escaping Troy with his father and son below.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, January 25, 2021.
Here is the new vocabulary list for asynchronous Wednesday, Jan. 27. Bonus will be to decline mare altum or vis magna.
1) Review Graeci Troian Capiunt and the 3 rules for dealing with enclitic -que. See notes from class or email me if you need help with this word.
2) Old but have ready: Study pages 2 and 3 of new handout on i-stem nouns (see email) and on page 4 do the 2nd nouns adjective-pair in each section of complete all sentences on page 5 and 6. See page one for vocabulary. Say the paradigm of mare, maris (n) and vis, vis (f) aloud. What does vis, vis (f) mean in the singular vs. the plural? Begin learning the vocabulary on page one of this handout. Quiz coming soon.
3) Watch this video on the future tense and review notes from class on the future of sum, esse, fui, futurus and the compound possum, posse, potui. Then complete the emailed assignment (worksheet for Rohini) Future Omnipresent Suffering…. Email to me when complete prior to Monday’s class.
5) Starting workin on the video Roman City and the questions for this video. This should be finished and email to me by the end of the day on Friday, Jan. 29.
Work for Asyn. Friday, January 15.
Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. Answer the questions (sSEE recent email) and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Complete all by the end of ASYN. Friday and email to me in one document, ideally a PDF. Graded assignment
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 7-10 days.
1) Study pages 2 and 3 of new handout on i-stem nouns (see email) and on page 4 do the 2nd nouns adjective-pair in each section of complete all sentences on page 5 and 6. See page one for vocabulary. Say the paradigm of mare, maris (n) and vis, vis (f) aloud. What does vis, vis (f) mean in the singular vs. the plural? Begin learning the vocabulary on page one of this handout. Quiz coming within 10 days.
2) Read and write out translation of our new story: Graeci Troiam Capiunt. See email for a PDF and vocabulary. Be prepared to read and translate all of this in class on Wednesday.
3) Keep reviewing declensions of nouns and adjective 1, 2, 3. Consolidation test coming soon.
4) Starting workin on the video Roman City and the questions for this video. See email for questions.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
1) Study pages 2 and 3 of new handout on i-stem nouns (see email) and on page 4 do the first nouns adjective-pair in each section of complete all sentences on page 5. See page one for vocabulary. Say the paradigm of mare, maris (n) and vis, vis (f) aloud.
2) Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. Answer the questions (sSEE recent email) and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Do first 10 minutes of the video for Wednesday and the 2nd half for Friday. Graded assignment.
3) Quiz on the perfect tense and 3rd principal parts on Wednesday, January 13.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, January 11, 2020.
1) Review the paradigms for 3rd declension consonant stem nouns and 3rd declension i-stem adjectives, then watch this video on 3rd declension i-stem nouns m/f and neuter. Take notes and recite forms aloud. Then read and study Wheelock, pages 114-5 and click here for paradigms.
2) For Monday read and write out a translation of ALL paragraphs: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. See page two for vocabulary. Watch these two videos with important background material on the Iliad and the Trojan Cycle of Heroic Myth. The Iliad. The Archaeology of Troy
3) Watch this video that gives a brief outline and chronology of 1200 years of Roman History from the founded city (ab urbe condita) in 753 BC to end of the Roman rule in West in 476 AD. Answer the questions and make a timeline of significant dates and events. Do first 10 minutes of the video for Monday and the 2nd half for Wednesday’s class. Graded assignment.
4) Quiz on the perfect tense and 3rd principal parts on Wednesday, January 13.
Agenda/Homework for Asyn. Friday, January 8, 2020.
Vocabulary Quiz on Asyn. Friday, January 8. Here is the list. Do forget intransitive verbs that govern the dative case.
2) For Monday read and write out a translation of ALL paragraphs: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. See page two for vocabulary. Watch these two videos with important background material on the Iliad and the Trojan Cycle of Heroic Myth. The Iliad. The Archaeology of Troy
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, January 6, 2020.
Vocabulary Quiz on Asyn. Friday, January 8. Here is the list.
1) Watch these two videos with important background material on the Iliad and the Trojan Cycle of Heroic Myth. The Iliad. The Archaeology of Troy
2) Read and write out a translation of ALL paragraphs: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. See page two for vocabulary.
3) Complete the 2nd perfect assignment, More Omnipresent Suffering for Imperfect & Perfect Bunnies on the perfect tense (see email) and you may wish to review this video: Watch this video and take notes.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, December 16, 2020.
Vocabulary Quiz on Asyn. Friday, December 18. Here is the list.
1) Quiz (approx. 50 points) on 3rd Declension consonant stems nouns and i-stem adjectives. You should also review 1st and 2nd declension nouns and adjectives. You may wish to review these two videos on 3rd declension noun. a) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Masc./Fe b) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Neuter
2) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs one and two of the new story: Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. See page two for vocabulary.
3) Complete the the assignment, Omnipresent Suffering for Imperfect & Perfect Bunnies ,on the perfect tense (see email) and you may wish to review this video: Watch this video and take notes.
4) Old but have it Finished paragraph of English into Latin with Actaeon. Email this to me prior to class. Also email if you need help.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 14, 2020.
Vocabulary Quiz on Asyn. Friday, December 18. Here is the list.
1) Use the emailed key to correct the Pain and Suffering for Bunnies… assignment. This is good preparation for the quiz below.
2) Quiz (approx. 50 points) on 3rd Declension consonant stems nouns and i-stem adjectives. You should also review 1st and 2nd declension nouns and adjectives. You may wish to review these two videos on 3rd declension noun. a) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Masc./Fe b) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Neuter
2.5 ) Old but have it Finished paragraph of English into Latin with Actaeon. Email this to me prior to class. Also email if you need help.
3) The New Thing: The Perfect Tense (active voice, indicative mood):
a) Watch this video and take notes. Say the conjugation aloud.
b) Read Wheelock, pages 96-97
c) Complete pages 1 and 2 of emailed assignment.
Homework for Wednesday, December 16:
1) Read and write out a translation for Graeci Cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. See vocabulary on page two. Watch these two videos: The Iliad The City of Troy
Agenda for Asynchronous Friday, December 11, 2020.
a) Watch this video and take notes before doing the assignment below.
b) Complete and submit fill in the blanks assignment on De Initio Belli Troiani. Graded assignment. See email for this assignment.
Agenda/Homeork for Wednesday, December 9, 2020.
1) Work on 3rd Declension nouns:
a) You may wish to review these two videos on 3rd declension nouns:
a) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Masc./Fem
b) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Neuter
b) Complete the Pain and Suffering for Bunnies… assignment
c) Short Morphological quiz on 3rd declension nouns with 1st/2nd and 3rd decl. adjectives.
2) Finish and perfect page two of 3rd declension assignment (paragraph of English into Latin with Actaeon). Email this to me prior to class. Also email if you need help.
3) Review and revise story De Initio Belli Troiani. We will finish this on Wednesday.
Agenda/Homeork for Monday, December 7, 2020.
1) Do this work in order.
1) Watch these two videos on 3rd declension nouns:
a) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Masc./Fem
b) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Neuter
2) Use the information from the two videos to complete this two page assignment prior to Monday’s class. Page two will be difficult but I am here if you need help or become sad with despair.
3) See Cave Canem pictures below. Cavete canes (pluralAgenda/Homeork for Monday, December 7, 2020.
Do this work in order.
1) Watch these two videos on 3rd declension nouns:
a) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Masc./Fem
b) 3rd Declension Consonant Stem Nouns - Neuter
2) Use the information from the two videos to complete this two page assignment prior to Monday’s class. Page two will be difficult but I am here if you need help or become sad with despair.
3) See Cave Canem pictures below. Cavete canes (plural)
Agenda for Asynchronous Friday, Wednesday, December 4, 2020.
Do this work in order.
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Recite forms aloud.
2) Read and write out a translation of the story De Initio Belli Troiani (both pages) on the Trojan War. See vocabulary list for help. Send your translation to me via email to me before sundown on Friday, December 4. graded assignment. Late things will receive a zero. Email if you need help.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, December 2, 2020.
1) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Value 50-70 points. Know the full dictionary entry including genders for nouns. Mandatory bonus will be to decline in the singular and plural the following noun-adjectives pairs: poeta potens and vir acer and saxum grave.
2) Crucial and essential work on 3rd declension adjectives (complete for Wednesday):
a) Watch this video on 3rd Declension Adjectives and take notes. Recite the paradigm aloud.
b) Complete all exercises in the handout of 3rd declension adjectives. See vocabulary on page 1.
c) Complete sentences (Latin to English) with 3rd declension adjectives, numbers 2-7 for Wednesday.
4) Staring reading and translating the story De Initio Belli Troiani on the Trojan War. See vocabulary list for help.
5)Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, December 2, 2020.
1) Watch this video on 3rd Declension Adjectives and take notes. Recite the paradigm aloud.
2) Complete all exercises in the handout of 3rd declension adjectives. See vocabulary on page 1.
4) Continue to review for 2nd quarter test that is coming soon after break. Scroll down on this page review topics, grammar, videos, etc.
4) Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 23, 2020.
1) Complete all sentences in the handout (worksheet according Devesh) on Test Preparation Sentences with Crucial Concepts. See email for 2nd version of this assignment. Email with questions.
2) Review/reread Latona et Niobe, Pars Secunda . See email for this story. VOCABULARY ON THE THIRD PAGE.
4) Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
1) Rewatch this video ON LATIN NUMBERS and take notes and then complete the two page assignment sent in email for Wednesday’s class.
1.5) Short quiz on the paradigms of unus, duo, tres. Be able to decline: unus nauta, unus vir, unum signum, duo viri, tria signa and tres ursae.
2) Review and finish reading Latona et Niobe, Pars Secunda . See email for this story. VOCABULARY ON THE THIRD PAGE.
3) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz on approximately 8 days. Starting learning asap.
4) Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 16, 2020.
1) What is a substantive? Many do not know this concepts. Few will be able to understand this. Sophia scit multa. Ethanius Minor semper facit magna. Regina necat victōs. What three enclitic words are common in Latin? -ne? -que -ve
2) Complete English to Latin Sentences 16, 17, 18. See your email for the sentences with vocabulary.
3) Watch this video ON LATIN NUMBERS and take notes. Then practice counting aloud from unus ad decem. You do not have to master the paradigms on unus, duo, and tres yet.
4) Translate and prepared to read in class Latona et Niobe, Pars Secunda . See email for this story. VOCABULARY ON THE THIRD PAGE.
5) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz on approximately 10 days. Starting learning asap.
5) Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, November 11, 2020.
1) Review sentence, correct mistakes and study notes from class on the run-on sentence according to Rohini Rabbit. Conceptual questions are crucial.
2) Complete the assignment on the imperfect tense and learn the conjugation of possum, posse, potui in the present and imperfect tenses. See email for this assignment.
3) Finish and be prepared to read in class Latona et Niobe, Pars Prima. See email for this story.
4) Morphology quiz on Asynchronous Friday on the imperfect tense, including sum, esse and possum, posse and second declensions nouns, such as ventus, deus, vir, liber, ager, puer, gladius, etc. first/second declension adjectives and first declension masculine words, such as nauta, nautae (f). See old HW below for videos.
5) Continue researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 9, 2020.
1) Finish and email to me the long sentence that we worked on in class on Thursday - A run-on sentence according to Rohini Rabbit.
2) Morphology quiz on Monday on the imperfect tense, second declensions nouns, first/second declension adjectives and first declension masculine words, such as nauta, nautae (f). See old HW below for videos.
3) Prior to Monday’s class complete and submit via email your artistic project illustrating prepositions. Due on Monday, November 9. Value 100 points. I am available if you wish to check you sentences with me. Extra credit for artistic genius
4) Mythological Stories:
a) Start reading the Latona et Niobe, Pars Prima. See email for this story.
b) Keep Reviewing Arachne et Minerva, Pars Secunda and Pars Tertia and
4)Keep working on the artistic project/illustrating prepositions. Due on Monday, November 9. Value 100 points. I am available if you wish to check you sentences with me.
5) Start researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 2, 2020.
Do HW in order:
1) New Thing: Watch this video on first/second declension adjectives and take notes. What is the relationship between a noun and a modifying adjective? Be able to distinguish the 3 different nominative possibles for 1st/2nd decl. adjectives: bonus, bona, bonum; miser, misera, miserum; noster, nostra, nostrum.
2) Download and complete this practice quiz. Submit it to me via email. REVIEW: Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
3) Finish and review Arachne et Minerva, Pars Secunda and then watch (AND TAKE NOTES) this video on the imperfect tense before you begin reading/translating Arachne et Minerva, Pars Tertia (part III). See email for this story with vocabulary. Watch this video on the Story of Arachne and Minerva.
4) Start working on the artistic project/illustrating prepositions. Due on Monday, November 9.
5) Start researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
1) Work on Second Declensions Nouns:
a) Review notes from class on the second declension nouns. Recite the paradigms aloud and get the morphology into your brain. Note the different forms in the normative form in the 2nd declension singularly? What is the vocative singular of Marcus and Cornelius? How does Shorya determine the declension/paradigm and stem of any Latin noun? It is a good idea to keep review these videos: Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
b) In the pdf on second declension nouns complete Latin to English sentences 5, 6, 7, 8 and email to me. See the same pdf for vocabulary. Due prior to Wednesday’s class.
2) On Wednesday, Oct. 28 a quiz on SIDSPACE prepositions with ablative case and prepositions with accusative such as per, ad, in. The mandatory bonus question will be to decline: via longa or vir magnus or signum bonum. Soon I will assign an artistic assignment on prepositions see above for an example.
3) Review and be ready to read orally Arachne et Minerva, Pars Secunda. Be able to translate orally in class and discuss case usage in this story. See email for this story. Watch this video on the Story of Arachne and Minerva.
4) Continue learning the dictionary entries (principal parts + English meanings) for the list of crucial and essential verbs. Say the parts aloud and know derivatives. QUIZ on Friday, October 30 KNOW ALL PRINCIPAL PARTS. Value 50-80 points.
5) Start researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Asynchronous Friday, October 30, 2020.
1) Quiz on the dictionary entries (principal parts + English meanings) for the list of crucial and essential verbs. Say the parts aloud and know derivatives. QUIZ on Friday, October 30 KNOW ALL PRINCIPAL PARTS. Value 50-80 points. Bonus will be to conjugate (6 forms in the indicate and the imperative singular and plural of 3, 3io, or 4th conjugation verb and sum, esse, fui, futurus.
2) Use the emailed key to self-correct sentences 5-8 in the second declension handout. This is crucial. Email corrected sentences to me.
3) Keep review 2nd declension nouns: Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
4) Start working on the artistic project/illustrating prepositions. Due in 10 days.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
1) Work on Second Declensions Nouns:
a) Review notes from class on the second declension nouns. Recite the paradigms aloud and get the morphology into your brain. Note the different forms in the normative form in the 2nd declension singularly? What is the vocative singular of Marcus and Cornelius? How does Shorya determine the declension/paradigm and stem of any Latin noun? It is a good idea to keep review these videos: Second Declension Masculine Nouns Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
b) In the pdf on second declension nouns complete Latin to English sentences 5, 6, 7, 8 and email to me. See the same pdf for vocabulary. Due prior to Wednesday’s class.
2) On Wednesday, Oct. 28 a quiz on SIDSPACE prepositions with ablative case and prepositions with accusative such as per, ad, in. The mandatory bonus question will be to decline: via longa or vir magnus or signum bonum. Soon I will assign an artistic assignment on prepositions see above for an example.
3) Review and be ready to read orally Arachne et Minerva, Pars Secunda. Be able to translate orally in class and discuss case usage in this story. See email for this story. Watch this video on the Story of Arachne and Minerva.
4) Continue learning the dictionary entries (principal parts + English meanings) for the list of crucial and essential verbs. Say the parts aloud and know derivatives. QUIZ on Friday, October 30 KNOW ALL PRINCIPAL PARTS. Value 50-80 points.
5) Start researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 26, 2020.
1) Crucial and essential thing: Use the two emailed keys to correct:
a) English to Latin Sentences with frogs, queen, bears, etc
b) To correct Asynchronous assignment for Friday on 2nd secondary declension nouns with 3 sentences with gods.
2) On Monday, Oct. 26 a quiz on SIDSPACE prepositions with ablative case and prepositions with accusative such as per, ad, in. The mandatory bonus question will be to decline: via longa or vir magnus or signum bonum. Soon I will assign an artistic assignment on prepositions see above for an example.
2) Read and write out a translation of Arachne et Minerva, Pars Secunda. Be able to translate orally in class and discuss case usage in this story. See email for this story. Watch this video on the Story of Arachne and Minerva.
3) Old but make sure that you have completed and email the asynchronous assignment on Second Declension Nouns. Recite this new paradigm aloud and write it on your street with chalk.
a) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Second Declension Masculine Nouns
Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
3) Continue learning the dictionary entries (principal parts + English meanings) for the list of crucial and essential verbs. Say the parts aloud and know derivatives. QUIZ on Friday, October 30 KNOW ALL PRINCIPAL PARTS. Value 50-80 points.
4) Start researching your god or goddess and begin making a list of Latin words associated with this good. For Venus: amor, amoris (m) love For Mars: bellum, bellī (n) war. Email me for resources and suggestions.
HW/Agenda for Asynchronous Friday, October 23
1) Review notes from Wednesday’s class, especially on case usage, SIDSPACE prepositions with ablative case, prepositions with acc. such as per, ad, in and the concept of appositive or noun nouns palaced in apposition (Sowmya, regina deorum, Shoryam mordet.) and masculine first declension nouns, such as nauta, poeta, auriga, etc A Test is coming soon.
2) New and Important thing: Second Declension Nouns.
a) What these two videos and take detailed notes. Second Declension Masculine Nouns
Second Declension Neuter Nouns.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 20
1) Cases Continued: Morphology and Syntax with New Thing - Prepositions.
a) ReWatch this video on prepositions that govern the accusative case vs. the ablative case and use the information to complete the SIDSPACE CHART, which we began to work on last class. What prepositions govern the ablative case (SIDSPACE)? What case does ad always govern? What is the difference in meaning between in + acc. and in + abl. case?
b) Make sure that you have finished sentences on page 3 for Wednesday in Introduction to Cases & First Declension Nouns. See email for this.
3) For Monday read and write out a translation of Archne et Minerva. See handout for a page of vocabulary to help. I have emailed this story to you.
5) I still plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 16 and Monday, October 19.
1) Decline regina formōsa in all cases and numbers. Recite the paradigm aloud. What two forms of syntactical agreement are observed in this sentence?
Lupae formōsae in rēgīnae silvā sine curā errant.
2) Cases Continued: Morphology and Syntax with New Thing - Prepositions.
a) FOR FRIDAY ASYNCHONOUS : Watch this video on prepositions that govern the accusative case vs. the ablative case. Take notes and add this material to your chart on case syntax. What prepositions govern the ablative case (SIDSPACE)? What case does ad always govern? What is the difference in meaning between in + acc. and in +abl. case? Here is new version of the chart with a space for examples. Use this one and transfer information from the earlier one.
b) Also review: Wheelock, page 12-14 will help with this and I have left the links to the videos below if you need to review them: a) The Latin Case System. b) First Declension Nouns and their Paradigm.
c) Use the material from a) and b) to complete all sentences on pages 2 (for FFRIDAY Asynchronous) and 3 (for Monday) in Introduction to Cases & First Declension Nouns. See email for this.
3) For Monday read and write out a translation of Archne et Minerva. See handout for a page of vocabulary to help. I have emailed this story to you.
5) I still plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 12
1) Great work on the diminutive test on Latin verbs. Vos estis discipuli callidī!. Make sure you can correctly answer this questions: In what two things will a subject make agreement with its finite verb? Some need to practice 3rd, 3rio and 4th conjugations.
2) Crucial work (complete this a, b, c before Monday’s class) on Latin nouns, declensions (morphology) and case syntax. Mastery of this material is a sine qua non for understanding this very shapely, sexy and serpentine ancient language. There is a lot here, so do not expect to devour it all in one bite. Festinā lentē.
Time for a little inflection in the form of shape-changing nouns.
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes: The Latin Case System. Then read Wheelock, CAPVT II pages 12-14. What six cases does Latin have? What is the basic function (s) (syntax) of each case? If you are having trouble with English grammar as it relates to these Latin concepts, click here for help.
b) Then watch this video and take notes: First Declension Nouns and their Paradigm. Next read Wheelock, pages 14-15. How do you determine the declension and stem of a Latin noun? What is the genitive singular of all first declension nouns? Be able to decline (give all the cases, singular and plural) stella, stellae (f). Memorize these forms, open a window of your house and recite this paradigm maximā vōce! There are a lot of students in this class whose names follow the paradigm of the first declension, like Sania, Saniae (f) or Sowmya, Sowmyae (f). Decline yourself.
c) Final labour on this topic: Complete this comprehension quiz on first declension morphology and send to me prior to Monday’s class. I also emailed it, in a word and pages format. Shorya est periculosus.
3) Finish and review (read/translate) Europa et Taurus for Monday’s class. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See handout for vocabulary for this story. As you reread observe the function of cases of nouns. Ethanius Maior taurōs mordet.
5) I plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 9
1) Small test/large quiz on Friday, Oct. 9 on the basics of Latin verbs and their conjugations. Study Wheelock CAPVT I, notes from class and the videos below. 1) Verb game with present indicative and imperatives of all conjugation and sum, esse, fui, futurus 2) Verbs English to Latin and Latin to English; 3) Conceptional questions on 5 qualities of finite verbs, infinitive, subjective and finite verb agreement, 4 principal parts, how do you recognize conjugations of a verb. 5) Personal endings -o, -s, t, -mus, -tis, -nt. Value 100 points.
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations.
d)Video on the imperative mood (imperative expresses a command).
e) Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus (Spanish ser). Don’t worry Latin really only has 4 or 5 of these.
4) I plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 7 and Friday, October 9
2) New Story: Europa et Taurus (see email for the story):
a) Read page 5, section 9 and 10 of handout before beginning this story.
b) Read and translate Europa et Taurus for Wednesday’s class.
2) Review Charta Geographica find/mark the places on a map. See email for maps. We will finish the last paragraph in class on Wednesday.
3) Small test/large quiz on Friday, Oct. 9 on the basics of Latin verbs and their conjugations. Study Wheelock CAPVT I, notes from class and the videos below. Value 100 points.
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations.
d)Video on the imperative mood (imperative expresses a command).
e) Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus (Spanish ser). Don’t worry Latin really only has 4 or 5 of these.
4) I plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 2 and Monday, October 5, 2020.
1) On Friday, Oct. 2 you will have a Janus (two-head Roman god) quiz with vocabulary quiz (Wheelock page 6) on the front and verb conjugation on the back, which will be the same format as what we did for practice in class on Wednesday. Know all principal parts verbs, the English meanings and at least one English, if there is one. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's website where you can hear these words pronounced. Janus Quiz Value 50-70 points. I will email the quiz out on Friday and you will have until 5:00 PM to complete it and send it back to me.
2) For Monday read/translate Charta Geographica (see email for PDF). THERE IS CRUCIAL VOCABULARY LATER IN THE PDF. As you read/translate this story find/mark the place on a map. See email for maps. Be able to read/translate orally in class and indicate the location on a map of the places mentioned in the reading.
3) Finish the English to Latin Sentences on this handout: Complete the two pages of Introduction to Latin Verbs emailed to you. It is also here. Email if you need help.
4) Keep reviewing these videos for approaching test. The material is all crucial and will be on our first test
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations. Recite these aloud.
d)Video on the imperative mood (imperative expresses a command).
e) Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus (Spanish ser). Don’t worry Latin really only has 4 or 5 of these.
6) I plan to work on gods and goddess for you this weekend. What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW for Wednesday, September 29, 2020
1) Review notes from class on qualities of verbs, finite vs. infinitive and verb conjugation.
2) Short morphological quiz (Wednesday) on verbs of conjugation 1-4 and sum, esse, fui, futurus. This will be the format but verbs and conjugation will differ. Also be able to recognize the conjugation and translate each principal part of the Latin verb into English. Value 40-50 points.
3) Complete the two pages of Introduction to Latin Verbs emailed to you. It is also here.
4) Keep reviewing these videos. The material is all crucial and will be on our first test
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations. Recite these aloud.
d)Video on the imperative mood (imperative expresses a command).
e) Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus (Spanish ser). Don’t worry Latin really only has 4 or 5 of these.
5) First vocabulary quiz on Friday, October on vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock. Know all principal parts verbs, the English meanings and at least one English, if there is one. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Value 40-50 points.
6) What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW for Monday, September 27, 2020
1) Review video a, b, c below for mastery and then watch video d on the imperative mood below. Take a break and sometime later watch video e on Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus. TAKE NOTES
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations. Recite these aloud.
d)Video on the imperative mood (imperative expresses a command).
e) Irregular Verb sum, esse, fuī, futūrus (Spanish ser). Don’t worry Latin really only has 4 or 5 of these.
2) When you have watched these videos use, your notes to complete pages 4, 5, 6 of the handout Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology. See your email for this assignment. Wheelock, chapter 1 only cover 1st and 2nd conjugation verb but video # 3 above will give you the conjugations in the present indicative active
3) Voice Recording from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. Download this file. Begin working on the pronunciation, accentuation and oral reading of the first selection from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You may wish to make the accentuation of work of three or more syllables. Read it aloud twice and them follow this link and CLICK ON MEDIA TO listen to it read to you. Then repeat this process until you have mastered the correct pronunciation and accentuation. Email to me before the end of the day on Friday, Sept. 25.
4) First vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, September 30 on vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock. Know all principal parts verbs, the English meanings and at least one English, if there is one. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Value 40-50 points.
5) What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW for Wednesday, September 23, 2019
1) Quiz on pronunciation, syllabication and accentuation on Wed. Sept. 23. Value 40 points.
1.5) Review notes from class and sure you understand terms semantics, morphology and syntax as they apply to Latin, English, Spanish, French…
2) Verbal Morphology and Syntax (to be completed prior to Wednesday’s class).
a) Read Wheelock, pages 1-5 and then watch these videos below. Take notes on the videos below and recite Latin forms aloud.
Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
Then watch this short video on conjugations. Recite these aloud.
b) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of the hand out Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology. See your email for this assignment.
3) Voice Reading from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. Download this file. Begin working on the pronunciation, accentuation and oral reading of the first selection from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You may wish to make the accentuation of work of three or more syllables. Read it aloud twice and them follow this link and CLICK ON MEDIA TO listen to it read to you. Then repeat this process until you have mastered the correct pronunciation and accentuation. Email to me before the end of the day on Friday, Sept. 25.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
5) What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 21, 2020
1) Pronunciation Review:
a) If necessary, review notes on pronunciation and these three videos to solidify your knowledge of the correct pronunciation of Classical Latin. a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) The Dirt on Consonantal “i” c) Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs
2) Syllabication and Accentuation (do a,b.c in order) :
a) Review notes from class on syllabication, read/study Wheelock pages xxxix-xl. and rewatch this video on syllabication.
b) Review the terms antepenult, penult (paene ultima) and ultima and watch this video on Latin Accentuation.
c) Download and complete and email this assignment to me by 5:00 PM on FRIDAY. We will have a quiz on this for the gradebook later next week.
3) Download this file. Begin working on the pronunciation, accentuation and oral reading of the first selection from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You may wish to make the accentuation of work of three or more syllables. Read it aloud twice and them follow this link and CLICK ON MEDIA TO listen to it read to you. Then repeat this process until you have mastered the correct pronunciation and accentuation. Eventually you will email me a voice reading of this passage.
4) What names and the date of the three major periods of Roman History?
5) Think about which Roman god or goddess that you would like to be. Email me your top three over the next few days. No rush on this.
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 16, 2020 in Honor of Ethan Maior et Ethan Minor.
1) Pronunciation Continued:
a) Review notes on pronunciation and these three videos to solidify your knowledge of the correct pronunciation of Classical Latin. a) Pronunciation of Consonants b) The Dirt on Consonantal “i” c) Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs
b) ) Review and practice pronouncing Latin and be prepared say them orally at the beginning of Wednesday’s class. We will do the last third of this list orally on Wednesday.
c) Video assignment. Ideally you will send this to me before the end of the day on Tuesday. Use your smart phone or computer to make a video of yourself pronouncing correctly and reading aloud the selection from the Cattus Pesasatus (Cat in the Hat). See your email. Send the video to me via email aberrantadventures@mac.com. You should practice before doing the final version. Say your name at the beginning of the video and tell one thing interesting, worthy of comment or annoying about Latin thus far. Email with questions.
3) How Latin Makes Syllables: Following pronunciations of consonants, vowels and diphthong our next topic is syllabification of Latin words. Watch this video prior to Wednesday’s class at least once and take detail NOTES. This topic can be difficult.
4) What names and the date of the three major periods of Roman History?
5) Look over this map of Imperium Romanum.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, September 14, 2020
1) Review notes from class and email with any questions. Know the terms: inflection (who, whose, whom), Indo-European languages, cognate, derivative, etymology, Romance Languages, macron, diphthong. Be able to explain how and when English borrowed words from Latin.
2) Crucial and Essential Work on Latin Pronunciation:
a) Review these two videos below in green and pages xxxvii-xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation. Focus on the sounds made by Latin consonants. Pronunciation of Consonants The Dirt on Consonantal “i”
b) Read and study Wheelock, page xxxvii on Latin vowels. Watch this video on Latin vowels and diphthongs and take notes. Practice saying the words aloud. What is marcon and what does it do? What is a diphthong? List Latin’s six diphthongs.
3) Use these words to practice pronouncing Latin and be prepared say them orally at the beginning of Monday’s class.
4) Follow the text with your eyes as you listen to this short recording. You will have to press play on the website. Press MEDIA below the Latin text and then play. Listen and repeat to get a sense of the sound of classical Latin.
4) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 11, 2020
1) Read Wheelock’s Latin pages xxv-xxviii and examine the diagram of Indo-European on page xxvii. Then watch this short video on Indo-European Languages. Answer the following questions: What are cognates? Give an example. What is an inflected language? What is a derivative? Give an example. What is vulgar Latin? Why is Stella a precocious rabbit?
2) Learning the Latin Alphabet:
a) Read and study pages xxxvii-xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation. Focus on the sounds made by Latin consonants.
b)) Watch and take notes on these two videos:
3) Use what you learned in numbers 1 and 2 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it do? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced in classical Latin? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? . e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
4) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, September 9, 2018
1) Topics for ZOOM session: a) Introduction to the Latin Language; b) basic conversational phrases, c) the Latin Alphabet.
2) Read and study pages xxxvi-xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation
3) Watch and take notes on these two videos:
Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
4) Use what you learned in numbers 1 and 2 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it do? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
5) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 18, 2020 and the Week
1) Zoom class on Monday to read the Phaethon story from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, See email for the story and vocabulary.
2) Complete all English to Latin Sentences.
3) Complete assignment on Partes Corporales and begin learning the Latin vocabulary of the body. See email.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 8, 2020 and The Following Week
1) Vocabulary List for The Death of Servius Tullius. Quiz on Friday, May 8.
2) Start reading the Phaethon story from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, See email for the story and vocabulary.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 1, 2020 and The Following Week
Vocabulary List for The Death of Servius Tullius. Quiz on Friday, May 8.
1) Quiz on UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. By 3:00 PM on Friday download this quiz. Complete it and sign the pledge and send to me by 3:00 PM on Friday, May 1, 2020. You may look up a word or two or email with questions. Review time constructions.
2) ZOOOM reading sessions for the week:
a) Monday, May 4: Read and prepare: The Death of Servius Tullius -1st & 2nd paragraphs. See email for the stories.
b) Wednesday, May 6: The Death of Servius Tullius - paragraphs 3, 4, 5 to the end.stories.
c) Friday, May 8: TBA
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, April 29, 2020 and The Week
Vocabulary List for The Death of Servius Tullius. Quiz on Friday, May 8.
1) Work on UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives:
a) Have Latin English sentences ready to correct and discuss on Wednesday.
b) Little by little complete English to Latin sentences with One Sailor words and send to me a little by little or all at once. I am here for help and guidance through this mortal world.
c) Quiz on UNUS NAUTA words on FRIDAY. Alii bene pugnabunt, alii peribunt.
2) ZOOOM reading sessions for the week:
b) Wednesday, April 29: FINISH: The Reign of Servius Tullius AND Ovid’s Metamorphoses, The Story of King Lycaon turned into a wolf. Practice reading this aloud. Email with questions.
c) Friday, April 30: The Death of Servius Tulles - paragraphs 1 AND 2 to the end.
3) MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SENT THESE TO ME: By the end of Wednesday, April 15 have completed the review exercises for verbal morphology (2 pages) and noun-adjective pairs (2 pages).
HW/Agenda for Monday, April 27, 2020 and The Week
1) Work on UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives:
a) Review this video and take detailed notes.
b) Little by little complete English to Latin sentences with One Sailor words and send to me a little by little or all at once. I am here for help and guidance through this mortal world.
c) Quiz on UNUS NAUTA words on Wednesday. Alii bene pugnabunt, alii peribunt.
2) ZOOOM reading sessions for the week:
a) Monday, April 27: Read and prepare: The Reign of Servius Tullius - all. See handout in email for story and vocabulary.
b) Wednesday, April 29: The Death of Servius Tulles -1st & 2nd paragraphs. See email for the stories.
c) Friday, April 30: The Death of Servius Tulles - paragraphs 3, 4, 5 to the end.
3) MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SENT THESE TO ME: By the end of Wednesday, April 15 have completed the review exercises for verbal morphology (2 pages) and noun-adjective pairs (2 pages).
HW/Agenda for Monday, April 20, 2020
1) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives that morphologically follow the -ius variation of 1st and 2nd declension. See Wheelock page 73 and 74. Watch this video and take detailed notes. Complete the exercises and sentences emailed to you on Friday before the beginning of Monday’s class. These will be difficult. I am here if you need help.
2) ZOOOM reading sessions for the week:
a) Monday, April 20: The Story of Tarquinius Priscus - first paragraph. See handout in email for story and vocabulary.
b) Wednesday, April 22: The Story of Tarquinius Priscus - 2nd & 3rd paragraph
c) Friday, April 24: TBA
3) MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SENT THESE TO ME: By the end of Wednesday, April 15 have completed the review exercises for verbal morphology (2 pages) and noun-adjective pairs (2 pages).
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, April 15, 2020
1) For Wednesday be prepared to read and translate The Reign of Ancus Marcius (4th King) on ZOOM at 9:00AM. See your email for this story.
2) CAV TEST ON FRIDAY (Classical Association of Virginia Test). I will send an old exam for practice.
3) By the end of Wednesday, April 15 have completed the review exercises for verbal morphology (2 pages) and noun-adjective pairs (2 pages).
4) The New Thing: UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives that morphologically follow the -ius variation of 1st and 2nd declension. See Wheelock page 73 and 74. Watch this video and take detailed notes. This mostly about learning the vocabulary for these 9 words.
3)Correct and Email: See your email for a key to these exercises and email correct exercises to me or tell me in an email in general where you made mistakes. Review of All Cases. Workbook exercises. Email if you need this. I realize that some have already submitted this assignment.
HW/Agenda for Friday, April 3, 2020
1) Be prepared to read and translate The Reign of Ancus Marcius (4th King) on ZOOM at 9:00AM. See your email for this story.
2) Download these sentences and translate into Latin. Finish and revise sentences 3 and 4.
3)Correct and Email: See your email for a key to these exercises and email correct exercises to me or tell me in an email in general where you made mistakes. Review of All Cases. Workbook exercises. Email if you need this. I realize that some have already submitted this assignment.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, April 1, 2020
1) Review and reread Horatius Sororem Interficit
2) Download these sentences and translate into Latin. Type final answers and email to me. The final version will be due by the end of Wednesday’s class but it will greatly behoove you to email individual sentences as you work on them so I can point out mistakes.
3)Correct and Email: See your email for a key to these exercises and email correct exercises to me or tell me in an email in general where you made mistakes. Review of All Cases. Workbook exercises. Email if you need this. I realize that some have already submitted this assignment.
4) ZOOM class on Wednesday at 9:00 AM
HW/Agenda for Monday, March 30, 2020 and the Week
1) Review and reread Pyramus and Thisbe (both parts). Download and read these notes. See image from Pompeii below.
Download Horatius Sororem Interfecit. See page 3 for vocabulary (Learn this vocabulary and note the compounds of eo, ire, ii, iturus - to go) Write out or type out an English translation and be prepared to read this story during our ZOOM session on Monday, March 30 beginning at 9:00 AM.
2) Download these sentences and translate into Latin. Type final answers and email to me. The final version will be due by the end of Wednesday’s class but it will greatly behoove you to email individual sentences as you work on them so I can point out mistakes.
3) I will post a key for this soon. Make sure that you have emailed me these exercises. This should be complete and emailed to me by the end of the day of Friday, March 27 - Review of All Cases. Workbook exercises. Email if you need this. I realize that some have already submitted this assignment.
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 27, 2020 and the Week
Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 27: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
1) Vocabulary Quiz. When you have finished studying the vocabulary list put all material away except a pencil and download and complete the vocabulary quiz in one setting. There are pictures to label. Write neatly, SIGN THE PLEDGE and send to me as a picture or in whatever way is best for you. This quiz should be in my mailbox by 10:00 Friday, March 27.
2) This should be complete and emailed to me by the end of the day of Friday, March 27 - Review of All Cases. Workbook exercises. Email if you need this. I realize that some have already submitted this assignment.
3) No ZOOM class on Friday but we will ZOOM on Monday.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, March 24, 2020 and the Week
Please email me with any questions, concerns, issues etc.
Videos on relative pronoun were show dogs!
1) Prepare to read Pyramus et Thisbe ( Pars Secunda) in a ZOOM video conference on Wednesday at 9:00 AM during our regular time. Make a translation but be able to read from the Latin text alone. I WILL EMAIL YOU THE LINK.
2) Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 26: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
3) Some work on the future perfect tense (completed action in the future) active and passive voice.
a) Watch these two videos, recite the conjugation aloud and take notes:
future perfect active future perfect passive
b) Assignment: Verbal Morphology of all tenses, including the future perfect. Do number 4 below before you do page 4 of this assignment. Due before class on Wednesday, March 25. As soon as you finish take a picture or email pdf to me.
4)Watch this strange video from minute 18 to 22 and take notes. Begin learn the paradigm of īdem, eadem, idem. See wheelock page 498 for the full paradigm. Note that the suffix -dem is a ravenous Tasmanian hump eater. When you have written out the full paradigm and recited it aloud from page 498, email me explaining why I call -dem a hump eater. What hunp does it eat? Attach a video or voice recording of yourself reciting the full paradigm of īdem, eadem, idem before Mondays’ class period.
5) Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 26: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
6) Continue working on the handout - Review of All Cases. The goal of this assignment is review and consolation so do a little of this at a time but make sure that it is completed within the next 10 days. Let know individual when you have this finished and I will send the key to you via email.
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 27, 2020 and the Week
1) Vocabulary Quiz. When you have finished studying the vocabulary list put all material away except a pencil and download and complete the vocabulary quiz in one setting. There are pictures to label. Write neatly, SIGN THE PLEDGE and send to me as a picture or in whatever way is best for you. This quiz should be in my mailbox by 10:00 Friday, March 27.
Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 27: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
3) Some work on the future perfect tense (completed action in the future) active and passive voice.
a) Watch these two videos, recite the conjugation aloud and take notes:
future perfect active future perfect passive
b) Assignment: Verbal Morphology of all tenses, including the future perfect. Do number 4 below before you do page 4 of this assignment. Due before class on Wednesday, March 25. As soon as you finish take a picture or email pdf to me.
4)Watch this strange video from minute 18 to 22 and take notes. Begin learn the paradigm of īdem, eadem, idem. See wheelock page 498 for the full paradigm. Note that the suffix -dem is a ravenous Tasmanian hump eater. When you have written out the full paradigm and recited it aloud from page 498, email me explaining why I call -dem a hump eater. What hunp does it eat? Attach a video or voice recording of yourself reciting the full paradigm of īdem, eadem, idem before Mondays’ class period.
5) Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 26: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
6) Continue working on the handout - Review of All Cases. The goal of this assignment is review and consolation so do a little of this at a time but make sure that it is completed within the next 10 days. Let know individual when you have this finished and I will send the key to you via email.
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 19, 2020
Please email me with any questions, concerns, issues etc.
1) Download this KEY and use it to self-correct the THE RELATIVE PRONOUN workbook exercises. Mark your mistakes clearly and send a picture to me before 10:00 AM on Friday, March 19. In our email also state your perceived level of understanding and master of this topic.
2) Take yourself to an exotic and photogenic location with no Latin materials. Use you phone or computer to make a video of yourself reciting the paradigm of qui, quae, quod with accuracy, vigor and enthusiasm. Musical instruments allowed. Finish the video by briefly stating the salient qualities of this very wild and exotic pronoun - e.g. (exempli gratia): What is the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent? Send the video to me before noon of Friday, March 19, 2020.
2) Here is the vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 26: Time and fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Keep reviewing time constructions and declension 4 and 5.
3)You should have Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima) finished and be working on Pars Secunda. I hope to do a video class with you on Monday to read these stories together. Email with questions or any parts that you do not understand. There is vocabulary following each story. Write out a translation, because I may ask you to email this.
4) Continue working on the handout - Review of All Cases. The goal of this assignment is review and consolation so do a little of this at a time but make sure that it is completed within the next 10 days. You will turn this in when we return to school.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and Week One of Pandemic/Plague
(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people
quarantine is from quarantina = a period of forty days
Please email me with any questions, concerns, issues etc.
1) Work to be done on The Relative Pronoun: qui, quae, quod. This work below (a and b) should be completed by Wednesday, March 18 by 10:07 AM.
a) Watch this video on the relative pronoun and take detailed notes. Learn the paradigm (-ius various with some weird things) by reciting it aloud. Answer these questions: What is the relationship between a Latin pronoun and its antecedent (ante + cedere)? How do mortal men and women and Anshul determine the case (syntax) of a relative pronoun? Where in relative clause does the relative pronoun generally appear? What in the nature of the verb in relative clause and where does it generally appear in the clause?
b) When all of the above is finished read/study pages one and complete all WORKBOOK exercises in handout titled THE RELATIVE PRONOUN (handed out Friday). Email if you need this. You may need to look up some vocabulary: Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
3) Continue reading/translating Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima). Email if you need this. Pars Prima should be finished by mid-week. Keep review past stories. Test on these stories after the break.
4) Continue working on the handout - Review of All Cases. The goal of this assignment is review and consolation so do a little of this at a time but make sure that it is completed within the next 10 days. You will turn this in when we return to school.
HW/Agenda for Monday, March 16, 2020 and Week One of Pandemic/Plague
(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people
Please email me with any questions.
1) TAKE HOME QUIZ: Download and complete this take home quiz. You may use notes and a dictionary. Read Wheelock, pages 105-107 and review time constructions: Accusative of time duration (duōs dies) ablative of time when (die tertio) and ablative of time within which (diebus paucis). See notes in handout. Type your answers and email to me before Monday at 10:00, Monday, March 16.
2) Work to be done on The Relative Pronoun: qui, quae, quod. This work below (a and b) should be completed by Wednesday, March 18 at 10:00 AM.
a) Watch this video on the relative pronoun and take detailed notes. Learn the paradigm (-ius various with some weird things) by reciting it aloud. Answer these questions: What is the relationship between a Latin pronoun and its antecedent (ante + cedere)? How do mortal men and women and Anshul determine the case (syntax) of a relative pronoun? Where in relative clause does the relative pronoun generally appear? What in the nature of the verb in relative clause and where does it generally appear in the clause?
b) When all of the above is finished read/study pages one and complete all exercises in handout titled THE RELATIVE PRONOUN (handed out Friday). Email if you need this.
3) Begin reading/translating Pyramus et Thisbe (Pars Prima). Email if you need this. Pars Prima should be finished by mid-week. Keep review past stories. Test on these after the break.
4) Starting working on the handout - Review of All Cases. The goal of this assignment is review and consolation so do a little of this at a time but make sure that it is completed within the next 10 days. You will turn this in when we return to school.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, March 11, 2020
1) Quiz on time constructions with accusative case and ablative case. See Purple Case Syntax Handout under Accusative (duration) and Ablative (time when and within which). Review the paradigm of dies, diei (m) dayWatch this video: Accusative of time duration Review these examples: tertiō diē duōs dies sex horas horā septimā menses paucōs mensibus paucīs noctemque diemque annōs multōs brevī tempore tempus breve eo ipso tempore
2) Complete English to Latin Sentences 3, 4, 5 of five. Type and hand in. Graded for correct. You may email before due date and I will underline your mistakes.
3) Finish reading/translating all of The Horatii et Curiatii in the 5th declension handout. See below for panting of the Horatii and watch this short video on this work. This short be especially interring to students of French. See the previous page for some vocabulary. Bring Phoebus et Daphne also.
HW/Agenda for Monday, March 9, 2020
1) A little work on Time Constructions: See Purple Case Syntax Handout under Accusative (duration) and Ablative (time when and within which). Watch this video: Accusative of time duration and see notes in handout (4th/5th Declension handout with Story Horatii and Curatii) on the ablative constructions. Translate into English: tertiō diē duōs dies sex horas horā septimā menses paucōs mensibus paucīs noctemque diemque annōs multōs brevī tempore tempus breve eo ipso tempore
2) Complete English to Latin Sentences 1 and 2 of five. Type and hand in. Graded for correct. You may email before due date and I will underline your mistakes.
3) Finish reading/translating the first 3 paragraphs of The Horatii et Curiatii in the 5th declension handout. See below for panting of the Horatii and watch this short video on this work. This short be especially interring to students of French. See the previous page for some vocabulary. Bring Phoebus et Daphne also.
4) Complete the declension-fun noun-adjective assignment. and keep reviewing all declension the 4th and 5th declension: Watch this video on the 5th Declension and take notes. CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEOS ON ALL 5 DECLENSIONS
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 6, 2020
1) Watch this video on the Accusative of time duration and study notes from today’s class on this topic. Translate into English: tres dies duas horas sex menses noctem tōtam
2) Watch this video on the 5th Declension and take notes. Recite the paradigm aloud. Short quiz for the grade book that will ask you to decline: 2 of the following: haec parva domus illud ingens cornu ista gravis res is longus dies.
3) Finish translating for Phoebus et Daphne to the end. SEE HANDOUT FOR VOCABULARY. Keep reviewing all stories read in class. Test is coming soon.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, March 4, 2020
1) Revise and correct sentences 1-3 of English to Latin sentences and type final answers. Turn in on Wednesday. Graded for correctness See me if you need help.
2) Finish the back page of the quiz/assignment on is, ea, id.
3) Finish translating for Phoebus et Daphne to the end. SEE HANDOUT FOR VOCABULARY. Keep reviewing all stories read in class. Test is coming soon.
HW/Agenda for Monday, March 2, 2020
1) Complete sentences 1-3 of English to Latin sentences and type final answers. I will underline your mistakes if you email your sentences to me on the weekend. EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS.
2) Quiz on the paradigm of fourth declension nouns (Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.) and the syntax of is, ea, id (WATCH THIS VIDEO.)
3) Read and write out a translation for Phoebus et Daphne, paragraphs one and two for Monday. SEE HANDOUT FOR VOCABULARY. Finish story for Wednesday. Email if you need this story
3) REVIEW AND Finish and be able to read in class A Roman Family to the end. See vocabulary in handout for help. There are some difficult things in this story. Do not hesitate to email with questions.
HW/Agenda for Friday, February 28, 2020
1) Vocabulary list for Domestic Architecture and the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, February 28. Be able to label a Domus Romana with dictionary entries from this list. The mandatory bonus will be to decline haec magna manus or id grave cornu Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
2) Coming soon but not Friday: Quiz on is, ea, id (demonstrative adjective and pronoun) morphology and syntax. WATCH THIS VIDEO. Also review hic, haec, hoc and case syntax/usage in general for this quiz.
3) REVIEW AND Finish and be able to read in class A Roman Family to the end. See vocabulary in handout for help. There are some difficult things in this story. Do not hesitate to email with questions.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Vocabulary list for Domestic Architecture and the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, February 28. Be able to label a Domus Romana with dictionary entries from this list.
1) Learn the the Fourth and Penultimate Latin Declension.
a) See page 2 of handout. Watch these two videos, take notes and recite forms aloud.
Fourth Declension Masculine and Feminine Fourth Declension Neuter.
b) ) Use this link to determine the multiple meanings of cornu, cornūs (n). See below for horny Moses. cornua vs. corona
c) Complete pages 3 and 4 of the Declensions 1, 2, 3, and Four handout. Short morphological QUIZ on Wednesday that ask you decline: haec magna domus or noster tōtus exercitus or id grave cornū
2) Quiz on is, ea, id (demonstrative adjective and pronoun) morphology and syntax. WATCH THIS VIDEO. Also review hic, haec, hoc and case syntax/usage in general for this quiz.
3) REVIEW AND Finish and be able to read in class A Roman Family to the end. See vocabulary in handout for help. There are some difficult things in this story. Do not hesitate to email with questions.
HW/Agenda for Monday, February 24, 2020
Vocabulary list for Domestic Architecture and the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, February 28.
1) Quiz on is, ea, id (demonstrative adjective and pronoun) morphology and syntax. WATCH THIS VIDEO. Also review hic, haec, hoc and case syntax/usage in general for this quiz.
2) Watch this video on Roman Names and take notes. Know the terms.
3) Finish and be able to read in class A Roman Family to the end. See vocabulary in handout for help. There are some difficult things in this story. Do not hesitate to email with questions.
4) Turn in labeled house, if you have not yet done so. Email if you need this. Watch this video on the Roman House - Domus Romana and take notes. Use this video and the vocabulary for A Roman Family to label the various rooms and features of a Roman Domus. Click here for images of the Domus Romana labeled and more videos. Add detail and perhaps color to you pictures and turn in on Wednesday.
5)Old but organize and bring these notes to class. Before Friday watch the first 15 minutes of this video on Early Rome and take notes.
HW/Agenda for Friday, February 21, 2020
1) Vocabulary list for Domestic Architecture and the Roman Family. Quiz on Friday, February 28.
2) Watch this video on Roman Names and take notes. Know the terms.
3) Review notes from class on Roman life and the early kings. What is a bulla?
4) Reviewing demonstrative adjectives: is, hic, ille, iste. WATCH THIS VIDEO. Then complete page one and two of the handout titled Noun-Adjective Fun with is, ea, id (front) and Quiz on is, ea id (back). Turn in on Friday. CLICK HERE IF YOU NEED THIS.
5) REVIEW A Roman Family (first paragraph only = page one and a little of two). Be able to read orally in class. See vocabulary in handout for help.
6) Turn in labeled house, if you have not yet done so. Email if you need this. Watch this video on the Roman House - Domus Romana and take notes. Use this video and the vocabulary for A Roman Family to label the various rooms and features of a Roman Domus. Click here for images of the Domus Romana labeled and more videos. Add detail and perhaps color to you pictures and turn in on Wednesday.
7) Before Friday watch the first 15 minutes of this video on Early Rome and take notes.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, February 19, 2020
1) Vocabulary list for Numa Pompilius. Quiz on Wednesday, February 19.
2) Watch this video on the Roman House - Domus Romana and take notes. Use this video and the vocabulary for A Roman Family to label the various rooms and features of a Roman Domus. Click here for images of the Domus Romana labeled and more videos. Add detail and perhaps color to you pictures and turn in on Wednesday.
3) REVIEW A Roman Family (first paragraph only = page one and a little of two). Be able to read orally in class. See vocabulary in handout for help.
4) Before Friday watch the first 15 minutes of this video on Early Rome and take notes.
3) Old but review and bring. Complete the handout on is, ea, id (weak demonstrative adjective or personal pronoun) titled Crucial Work on is, ea, id.
5) Keep review theses videos:
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Vocabulary list for Numa Pompilius. Quiz on Wednesday, February 19.
1)Demonstrative Adjectives: a) Quiz on Friday on demonstrative adjectives and negative imperative and questions - see # 3 below; b) Review the paradigms of ille, illa, illud (watch video/take notes) and then use these videos to learn the paradigm (-ius vacation) of hic, haec, hoc and iste, ista, istud. c) Complete the doubled-sided handout for Demonstrative Bunnies for Wednesday’s class.
2) Review and FINISH the new story to the end; Numa (2nd king) and Tullus (3rd king). See 5th page of the handout for vocabulary. Rewatch and take notes on the Vestal Virgins. Vultne Anshulus fieri virgo vestalis? Nōnne vīs esse ūna sex vestalium virginum? Num Viswa Vestālī virginī basia dabit?
4) Keep reviewing geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Friday, February 11, 2020
Vocabulary list for Numa Pompilius. Quiz on Wednesday, February 19.
1)Demonstrative Adjectives: a) Review the paradigms of ille, illa, illud (watch video/take notes) and then use these videos to learn the paradigm (-ius vacation) of hic, haec, hoc and iste, ista, istud. Take notes and recite aloud. b) Complete EXERCISES FOR Caput IX on Wheelock, page 418 (do only the ones on page 418, not 419. When you finish turn to page 451 to self-correct you answers. Use a different pen to self-correct so that I may clear see your mistakes. Sign-Pledge and bring to class.
2) Read and write out a translation for most of the new story; Numa (2nd king) and Tullus (3rd king). See 5th page of the handout for vocabulary.
3) Morphology Quiz on Monday on these 8 irregular verbs. Do not forget the negative imperatives nōlī and nōlīte (video: imperatives and negative imperative). Rewatch the videos, recite aloud and see Wheelock, page 506-509 Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs
4) Keep review theses videos:
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
6) Keep reviewing geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Friday, February 7, 2020
1) Short Morphological Quiz on the paradigms of ille, illa, illud (watch video/take notes) and the pluperfect active (watch video) and pluperfect passive (watch video).
2) Finish and review the entire Tarpeia story (pages one and two) . Be able to read orally in class on Friday.
3) Look thorough handout on ille, illa, illud to see Roman Dress, Clothing and Hairstyles. You may color the pictures, if you wish.
4) Quiz on Monday on these 8 irregular verbs. Rewatch the videos, recite aloud and see Wheelock, page 506-509 Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs
5) Review theses videos:
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
6) Keep reviewing geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, February 5, 2020
1) Finish and review the entire Tarpeia story (pages one and two) . Be able to read orally in class on Monday.
2) Complete all pages 6 pages of the handout (given on Monday) on irregular verbs. Rewatch the videos, recite aloud and see Wheelock, page 506-509 Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs Quiz on Friday on these 8 irregular verbs.
3) Review theses videos:
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
4) Keep reviewing geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Monday, February 3, 2020
1) Vocabulary quiz on February 3rd - here is the list from the Sabine story. Give special attention to the irregular verbs on this list. Mandatory bonus will be to decline in singular and plural: urbs tōta lībera
2) Finish and review the entire Tarpeia story (pages one and two) . Be able to read orally in class on Monday.
3) Review theses videos:
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
4) Quiz on irregular verb conjugation (present system tenses and imperatives) later in the week. Continue to study the paradigms of irregular verbs. Rewatch the videos, recite aloud and see Wheelock, page 506-509 Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs. TAKE NOTES. Note that Latin I needs to watch only part of most videos.
5) Keep review geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Friday, January 31, 2020
1) Watch these two video and take detailed notes.
yes and no questions. imperatives and negative imperative
2) Continue to study the paradigms of irregular verbs. Rewatch the videos, recite aloud and see Wheelock, page 506-509 Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs. TAKE NOTES. Note that Latin I needs to watch only part of most videos. Start learning the6 principal parts of each irregular verbs and their present tense - what we did in class. Step two will be to learn the future and imperfect tenses. All verbs are regular in the perfect system. Recite all aloud.
3) Read, prepare, translate the FIRST FOUR PARAGRAPHS of the new story, DE PRODITIONE TARPAIAE EMAILL IF YOU NEED THIS. There is vocabulary in the handout on page five. You worked on this break but email me if you can’t find it. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP.
5) Vocabulary quiz on February 3rd - here is the list from the Sabine story.
4) Keep review geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, January 29, 2020
1) Watch this video on theDavid’s Sabine Women. Complete and turn in the assignment for The Story of the Sabine Women (De Mulieribus Sabinis Raptis). You will need to refer to the story. Use the sidebar or click here to find a parsing guide. Graded Assignment. Email if you have questions.
2) Click here for videos to watch on irregular verbs. TAKE NOTES. Note that Latin I needs to watch only part of most videos. Start learning the principal parts of each irregular verbs and their present tense - what we did in class. Step two will be to learn the future and imperfect tenses. All verbs are regular in the perfect system. Recite all aloud.
3) Read, prepare, translate the first three paragraph of the new story, DE PRODITIONE TARPAIAE EMAILL IF YOU NEED THIS. There is vocabulary in the handout on page five. You worked on this break but email me if you can’t find it. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP.
5) Vocabulary quiz on February 3rd - here is the list from the Sabine story.
4) Keep review geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Friday, January 24, 2020
1) Complete and then type in 14 point sentences English to Latin 4, 5, 6. I will underline mistakes if you show them to me or email prior to class. Due on Thursday. Graded for correctness.
2) Review and finish The Story of the Sabine Women (De Mulieribus Sabinis Raptis). See handout for a full vocabulary list in new handout. Be able to read/translate orally in class.
3) Bring, so we can finish the last paragraph, De Urbe Condita (DE URBE CONDITA). You worked on this break but email me if you can’t find it. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP. You may wish to review: Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome and take notes. Click here to see images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
4) Keep review geography. Geography quiz coming soon on places put on your map.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, January 22, 2020
1) Vocabulary quiz with noun-adjective on the back with nouns and adjectives from the vocabulary list. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, January 22. GET AN EARLY START
1) Read and write out a translation of The Story of the Sabine Women (De Mulieribus Sabinis Raptis). See handout for a full vocabulary list in new handout. Be able to read/translate orally in class.
3) Bring, so we can finish the last paragraph, De Urbe Condita (DE URBE CONDITA). You worked on this break but email me if you can’t find it. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP. You may wish to review: Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome and take notes. Click here to see images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, January 15, 2020
1) Review/finish De Urbe Condita (DE URBE CONDITA). You worked on this break but email me if you can’t find it. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP. You may wish to review: Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome and take notes. Click here to see images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
2) Learn the paradigm of -ius variation words, like tōtus, a, um and sōlus, a, um and ūnus, a, um. Then complete the pink handout (some are white) titled the noun-adjective game - both sides.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, January 20. GET AN EARLY START
4) Review chronology of Roman History. Quiz on Friday.
5) Review Roman numbers - cardinal and ordinal from I to XX. See handouts. PRACTICE COUNTING TO 20.
HW/Agenda for Friday, January 17, 2020
1) Review the Romulus/Remus Myth and finish De Urbe Condita (DE URBE CONDITA). You may wish to review: Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome and take notes. Click here to see images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities.
2) Complete and turn in the 2nd version on the noun-adjective game with totus, liber and duclis
3) Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, January 20. GET AN EARLY START
4) Review chronology of Roman History. Quiz on Friday. Notes from class are especially important and significance of the pictures on the timeline.
5) Review Roman numbers - cardinal and ordinal from I to XX. See handouts. PRACTICE COUNTING TO 20.
HW/Agenda for Monday, January 13, 2020
1) Watch this video and add things to your map of Rome and take notes. Click here to see images of various building types in Rome and Roman cities. Review/finish De Urbe Romana. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story. BRING questions from the video Roman City AND MAP
2) Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, January 17. GET AN EARLY START
3) Quiz on Monday on verbal morphology, essential what we put on the board on Monday and exercises worked on Friday.
4) Review chronology of Roman History. Quiz on Wednesday
5) Review Roman numbers - cardinal and ordinal from I to XX. See handouts. PRACTICE COUNTING TO 20.
HW/Agenda for Friday, January 10, 2020
1) Review/finish De Urbe Romana. Be able to read and translate orally. Bring the map that goes with this story.
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, January 17.
2) BRING questions from the video Roman City
3) Quiz on Monday on verbal morphology, essential what we put on the board on Monday.
4) Review chronology of Roman History. Quiz on Wednesday
5) Review Roman numbers - cardinal and ordinal from I to XX. See handouts. PRACTICE COUNTING TO 20.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, January 8, 2020
1) Review/finish the readings/stories Aeneas Lavinium Condit and De Urbe Romana for Wednesday’s class. Be able to read and translate orally.
2) Review this video on the perfect passive indicative (recite forms aloud). You should also the review this video on the perfect passive participle: The watch this video and take notes.
3) Quiz on Friday on verbal morphology, essential what we put on the board on Monday.
4) Review chronology of Roman History. Quiz on Monday.
5) Review Roman numbers - cardinal and ordinal from I to XX. See handouts.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, December 11, 2019
1) Watch this video on the perfect passive indicative (recite forms aloud). You should also the review this video on the perfect passive participle: The watch this video and take notes. Complete exercises on page 4 and page 8 (my handwriting) of handout on Perfect Passive Indicative.
2) Watch this video on numbers and complete the one page handout on Roman numbers. Practice counting from 1 to 12 in Latin. Here is the assignment, if you need it.
3) Finish reading/translating Aeneas Lavinium Condit. Watch this video on Vergil and the Aeneid. Take notes and know this information. See map of Aeneas’ journey from Troy to Latin (Septem annos).
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, December 11, 2019
A.Read pages 1-2 (my hand writing) of the new handout LESSON 16 on Principal Parts and especially THE PERFECT PASSIVE PARTICIPLE. The watch this video and take notes.
B. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, December 11. Similar for format as last time. I will also put some pictures.
C. Old but bring: Complete English to Latin sentences in the Shapely Peacock handout. There is vocabulary in the handout or you can find it here.
C. Old but bring; Read and write out a translation for Graeci Troiam Capiunt. Be able to read and translate orally in class. KEEP REVIEW STORIES.
E. Geography and Map: Due on Friday, December 13. Find your large map of the Roman Empire (Mediterranean World) with the Italian Peninsula on the other side (see me if you need one). Click here for a list of features and places to put on your map and several maps. Also include the voyage of Aeneas from Troy to Latium. Use the maps on this page to find the location for the places to be put on your map. Note Greeks, Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Etruscans and Roman areas. You may also wish to indicate areas or places of your gods/goddesses. e.g. Apollo and Delphi, Isis and Alexandria, Rome and Janus, Zeus and Crete, Venus and Cyprus, et cetera.
HW/Agenda for Monday, December 9, 2019
A.Complete English to Latin sentences in the Shapely Peacock handout. There is vocabulary in the handout or you can find it here.
B. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, December 11.
C. Read and write out a translation for Graeci Troiam Capiunt (Email if you did not get this on Friday) and we also need to finish reading/translating Graeci cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Be able to read and translate orally in class. KEEP REVIEW STORIES.
D. Roman History and Chronological Historical Worm. Find your timeline for Roman history (see me if you need a new copy). It is large piece of paper handed out at the beginning of the year. As you watch and pause this video place important events on the timeline and annotate where appropriate. Make sure it is clear to read, neat and organized. Colour is desirable if you are so inclined. The video is 20 min long. I recommend that you do it in parts. Also add Augustus’ dates and Ovid’s dates to the timeline. This will be due on MONday, December 9.
E. Geography and Map: Due on Friday, December 13. Find your large map of the Roman Empire (Mediterranean World) with the Italian Peninsula on the other side (see me if you need one). Click here for a list of features and places to put on your map and several maps. Also include the voyage of Aeneas from Troy to Latium. Use the maps on this page to find the location for the places to be put on your map. Note Greeks, Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Etruscans and Roman areas. You may also wish to indicate areas or places of your gods/goddesses. e.g. Apollo and Delphi, Isis and Alexandria, Rome and Janus, Zeus and Crete, Venus and Cyprus, et cetera.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A.A little work on 3rd Declension I-stem Adjectives.
Watch this video and take notes: Third Declension I-Stem Adjectives and then write out the full paradigm - mass. and fem. will be the same - on the provided chart. Here it is if you need it. Recite the paradigm aloud.
Then complete sentence 2 (English to Latin) on God Bless Third Declension Adjectives and finish all Latin to English sentences in Third Declension “I” Stem Adjectives.
Expect a short morphological quiz soon.
B. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, December 9.
C. For Wednesday, Dec, 4 finish reading/translating Graeci cum Troianis in Campo Pugnant. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
D. Roman History and Chronological Historical Worm. Find your timeline for Roman history (see me if you need a new copy). It is large piece of paper handed out at the beginning of the year. As you watch and pause this video place important events on the timeline and annotate where appropriate. Make sure it is clear to read, neat and organized. Colour is desirable if you are so inclined. The video is 20 min long. I recommend that you do it in parts. Also add Augustus’ dates and Ovid’s dates to the timeline. This will be due on Friday, December 6.
E. Geography and Map: Due on Monday, December, December 11. Find your large map of the Roman Empire (Mediterranean World) with the Italian Peninsula on the other side (see me if you need one). Click here for a list of features and places to put on your map and several maps. Also include the voyage of Aeneas from Troy to Latium. Use the maps on this page to find the location for the places to be put on your map. Note Greeks, Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Etruscans and Roman areas. You may also wish to indicate areas or places of your gods/goddesses. e.g. Apollo and Delphi, Isis and Alexandria, Rome and Janus, Zeus and Crete, Venus and Cyprus, et cetera.
HW/Agenda for Monday, December 9, 2019
A. There is no homework for Monday, Dec. 9.
B. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, December 9.
C. Crucial Videos to Watch:
Third Declension I-Stem Adjectives. Take notes and recite aloud.
C. Roman History and Chronological Historical Worm. Find your timeline for Roman history (see me if you need a new copy). It is large piece of paper handed out at the beginning of the year. As you watch and pause this video place important events on the timeline and annotate where appropriate. Make sure it is clear to read, neat and organized. Colour is desirable if you are so inclined. The video is 20 min long. I recommend that you do it in parts. Also add Augustus’ dates and Ovid’s dates to the timeline. This will be due in approx. 7 days.
D. Geography and Map: Find your large map of the Roman Empire (Mediterranean World) with the Italian Peninsula on the other side (see me if you need one). Click here for a list of features and places to put on your map and several maps. Also include the voyage of Aeneas from Troy to Latium. Use the maps on this page to find the location for the places to be put on your map. Note Greeks, Phoenicians/Carthaginians, Etruscans and Roman areas. You may also wish to indicate areas or places of your gods/goddesses. e.g. Apollo and Delphi, Isis and Alexandria, Rome and Janus, Zeus and Crete, Venus and Cyprus, et cetera.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 25, 2019
A. Consolidation TEST on Monday, November 25. Please email me with questions at aberrantadventures@mac.com.
1) Review stories Niobe Part I and II and De Initio Belli Troiani.
2) Verb morphology - present, future, imperfect indicative and imperative mood of 5 conjugations + sum, esse and possum, posse. Prefect tense will be bonus.
2) Nouns - declension 1, 2, 3 and first/second adjectives, like magnus, a, um; līber, lībera, līberum; noster, nostra, nostrum What does it mean to be a neuter noun? corpus, corporis (n); tempus, temporis (n) Do not forget the APPIAN words, line nauta, pirata, etc.
3) Prepositions with ablative (sidspace) and with accusative (trans, per, ob, prope, ad, circum, etc.) See purple handout.
4) Case syntax - study purple handout. Here is a video on the dative of reference. Old but review: Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
5) Personal pronoun paradigms (ego, tu, nos, vos) and possessive adjectives and reflexive pronouns (—-sui, sibi…).
6) Review vocabulary lists.
HW/Agenda for Friday, November 22, 2019
A. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, Nov. 22. Here is the new vocabulary list with mostly third declension nouns and a few verbs. Bonus will be to form and conjugate the perfect active indicative.
B. Watch this video on the perfect tense. TAKE NOTES AND RECITE ALOUD
C. Consolidation TEST on Monday, November 25. It will cover: 1) Verb morphology - present, future, imperfect indicative and imperative mood of 5 conjugations + sum, esse and possum, posse. 2) Nouns - declension 1, 2, 3 and first/second adjectives. 3) Prepositions with ablative (sidspace) and with accusative. See purpose handout. 4) Case syntax - study purple handout. 5) Personal pronoun paradigms (ego, tu, nos, vos) and possessive adjectives and reflexive pronouns (—-sui, sibi…). 6) Review vocabulary lists.
D. Keep reviewing case usage from the purple handout. Here is a video on the dative of reference. Old but review: Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
E. Finish three presentation: Isis, Minerva and Dionysis.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 18, 2019
A. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, Nov. 22. Here is the new vocabulary list with mostly third declension nouns and a few verbs.
B. For Monday: Watch this video and complete pages one and two of the handout 3rd Declension Nouns for Bunnies of the 1st Rank. See the final page for vocabulary for the three English to Latin sentences. Here is copy of this assignment if you need it. See the vocabulary list in A above for dictionaries for page one.
C. Finish the SECOND page of De Initio Belli Troiani. Be able to read orally in class. See vocabulary list for story and second list in handout for help.
C. Consolidation TEST on Monday, November 25. It will cover: 1) Verb morphology - present, future, imperfect indicative and imperative mood of 5 conjugations + sum, esse and possum, posse. 2) Nouns - declension 1, 2, 3 and first/second adjectives. 3) Prepositions with ablative (sidspace) and with accusative. See purpose handout. 4) Case syntax - study purple handout. 5) Personal pronoun paradigms (ego, tu, nos, vos) and possessive adjectives and reflexive pronouns (—-sui, sibi…). 6) Review vocabulary lists.
D. Keep reviewing case usage from the purple handout. Here is a video on the dative of reference. Old but review: Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
E. Finish three presentation: Isis, Minerva and Dionysis.
HW/Agenda for Friday, November 15, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list with mostly third declension nouns. Quiz in approximately 10 days.
A. Keep studying and review case usage from the purple handout. Here is a video on the dative of reference. Old but review: Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
B. Quiz on 3rd Declension Nouns with first/second decl. adjectives. Watch these videos and take notes. Recite forms aloud. Masc./Fem Nouns of the 3rd declension and Neuter nouns of the third declensions.
C. Finish the SECOND page of De Initio Belli Troiani. Be able to read orally in class. See vocabulary list for story and second list in handout for help.
D. Old but bring Sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list with mostly third declension nouns. Quiz in approximately 10 days.
A. Keep studying and review case usage from the purple handout. Here is a video on the dative of reference. Old but review: Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
B. Old but bring: Complete the 6 English to Latin sentences on single page handout from Wednesday’s class. Email if you need this. Use handout on case syntax and chart of personal pronouns to help.
Watch these videos and take notes. Recite forms aloud. Masc./Fem Nouns of the 3rd declension and Neuter nouns of the third declensions.
Complete the exercise titled 3rd Declension Nouns for Bunnies of First Rank. Use the vocabulary list in handout to find the genitive case and English meanings.
Quiz on Wednesday on the declension of 3rd declension nouns with first/second declension adjectives I will ask you to decline: pater noster and vox magna and tempus bonum
D. Finish the first page of De Initio Belli Troiani. Be able to read orally in class.
E. Old but bring Sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 11, 2019
A. Watch these two videos: THE DATIVE OF THE POSSSSSESSSSOR and THE OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Use handout on case syntax and chart of personal pronouns to complete Latin to English sentences 13-20 in personal pronoun handout. Make sure that you give the syntax of all genitives, datives, and ablatives. Watch out for the objective genitive, the partitive genitive, the dative of the possessor and possessive adjectives used a substantive nouns.
B. Complete the 6 English to Latin sentences on single page handout from Wednesday’s class. Email if you need this. Use handout on case syntax and chart of personal pronouns to help.
C. We will finish presents on ISIS, D
C. Keep reviewing and rereading old stories, especially Latona et Niobe (Parts I and II)
D. Old but bring Sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A. Use handout on case syntax and chart of personal pronouns to complete sentences on 3-4. Make sure that you give the syntax of all genitives, datives, and ablatives.
B. The Future Tense. Watch this video and take detailed notes. QUIZ on the morphology of the future tense on Wednesday.
C. Old but bring/review: 1) Latona et Niobe (Part II) finished; 2) Sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
D. Keep reviewing declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A. Use handout on case syntax and chart of personal pronouns to complete sentences on 3-4. Make sure that you give the syntax of all genitives, datives, and ablatives.
B. The Future Tense. Watch this video and take detailed notes. QUIZ on the morphology of the future tense on Wednesday.
C. Old but bring/review: 1) Latona et Niobe (Part II) finished; 2) Sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
D. Keep reviewing declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Monday, November 4, 2019
A. Old but review and finish Latona et Niobe (Part II)
B. For Monday complete sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
C. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, November 4.
D. The Future Tense.
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes.
b) Then complete pages 6 and 7 (my hand writing) in the new handout on personal pronouns and the future tense. See Wheelock pages 501 (regular) and 507 (irregular verbs - sum and possum) verb charts. EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS assignment
C) QUIZ on the morphology of the future tense on Monday
E. Keep reviewing declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Friday, November 1, 2019
A. For Friday finish Latona et Niobe (Part II)
B. For Monday complete sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
C. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, November 4.
D. Keep purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
E. Keep reviewing declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A. Posters, presentations and customs are due on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Value 100 points. Be prepared to present during this class.
B. For Friday finish Latona et Niobe (Part II) and complete sentences 15-18 in in handout on Second Declensions nouns.
B Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, November 4.
C. Keep purple handout on case syntax near for reference.
E. Keep reviewing declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 28, 2019
A. Finish Latona et Niobe (Part I) and do the first TWO paragraph of part II. SEE HANDOUT FOR VOCABULARY.
B Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, November 4.
C. Complete sentences 7-14 in handout on Second Declensions nouns. See the vocabulary list in the handout for help. Much of this vocabulary will be on the question in B above.
D. Keep working on your god or goddess project at home, if you wish. See me for resources. This website has some useful material, including primary sources. Posters, presentations and customs are due on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
E. Keep review declension one and two and personal pronouns. Here is the video if you wish to rewatch it. Watch this video on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se.
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 25, 2019
A. Finish Latona et Niobe (Part I).
B Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, October 28.
C. Watch this video and study notes from the board for a Short Morphological Quiz on the paragdims of ego, tu, nos, vos and —sui, sibi, se, se. Do not forget the passive adjectives. See charts below
D. Keep working on your god or goddess project at home, if you wish. See me for resources. This website has some useful material, including primary sources.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A. Finish the first three paragraphs of Latona et Niobe.
B Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Monday, October 28.
C. Due on Wednesday, October 23. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE (trans, per, ad, in, super, ante, post, etc.) As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE.
D. Keep working on your god or goddess project at home, if you wish. See me for resources. This website has some useful material, including primary sources.
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 21, 2019
A. Complete Latin to English sentences # 4, 5, 6 in the Second Declension Nouns packet.
B. Work on the the Imperfect Tense:
1) Complete The Imperfect Tenses for Perfect Bunnies, pages 4 and 5.
2) Short morphological quiz on the imperfect tense. Do not forget the imperfect of the copulative verb sum, esse, fui, futurus You may wish to review this video: Watch this video on the imperfect tenses and take notes.
C. Here is the new vocabulary list.
D. Due on Wednesday, October 23. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE (trans, per, ad, in, super, ante, post, etc.) As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE.
E. Keep working on your god or goddess project at home, if you wish. See me for resources. This website has some useful material, including primary sources.
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 18, 2019
A. Watch this video on the imperfect tenses and take notes. Recite the morphology aloud. Then complete The Imperfect Tenses for Perfect Bunnies, pages 1 and 3. Note the paradigm on pages 2 and 7 of this same handout. Note also the numerous ways to express the imperfect tense in English.
B. B. Finish the first and second and THIRD paragraphs of Part III of Minerva et Arachne Story Keep reviewing stories that we read in class. Can you find Minerva and Arachne in the painting above?
C. Here is the new vocabulary list. On Friday, Oct.18. DON’T FORGET the APPIAN words (masculine words of the first declension). Know the genitive case and gender of nouns.
D. Due on Monday, October 21. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE. As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE. Due on Monday, October 21.
E. Keep working on your god or goddess project at home, if you wish. See me for resources. This website has some useful material, including primary sources.
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 14, 2019
A. Review the paradigm of the first declension and second declension nouns and the grammatical function of cases in general. All review SIDSPACE preposition with the ablative case. Use this information to complete the chart on the first declension and second declension and case usage on the provided 11x17 paper. Here is a smaller copy. Due on Monday, Oct. 14. You may use animals in your example sentences. Email with questions.
B. Finish the first and second paragraphs of Part III of Minerva et Arachne Story Keep reviewing stories that we read in class. Watch this video on the imperfect tenses and take notes. Can you find Minerva and Arachne in the painting above?
C. Old videos that you may wish to review at some point: Watch this video on the paradigm of second declension masculine nouns. Then watch this video on neuter nouns. Watch this video on the vocative case and take notes. What are the two crucial rules for neuter nouns?
D. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE. As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE. Due on Monday, October 21.
E. Here is the new vocabulary list. On Friday, Oct.18. DON’T FORGET the APPIAN words (masculine words of the first declension.
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 11, 2019
What is an appositive noun or two nouns in apposition? Sanjana, regina deorum, caelum regit. Appositives must share the same __________________.
A. Finish the first paragraph of Part III of Minerva et Arachne Story Keep reviewing stories that we read in class.
B. Work on Declensions and Cases:
1) Study notes from class and review quiz on the second declension nouns, both masculine and neuter. Watch this video on the paradigm of second declension masculine nouns. TAKE NOTES. Then watch this video on neuter nouns. What are the two crucial rules for neuter nouns?
2) Short morphological quiz on Friday with similar format as the green practice quiz completed in class on Wednesday - 2nd declension masc. and neuter nouns. Review first decl. also.
3) Watch this video on the vocative case and take notes. What is the singular vocative of amīcus, amīcī (m) and Marcus, Marcī (m)? What is the vocative singular of Anshulius, Anshuliī (m)?
C. Review the paradigm of the first declension and the grammatical function of cases general and start completing the chart on the first declension and second declension and case usage on the provided 11x17 paper. Here is a smaller copy. Due on Monday, Oct. 14. You may use animal in your example sentences.
D. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE. As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE. DUE EARLY NEXT WEEK
E. Here is the new vocabulary list. On Monday, Oct.14. DON’T FORGET the APPIAN words (masculine words of the first declension.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Review APPIAN words of the first declension.
A. Work to Declensions and Cases: Introduction to the 2nd Declension:
a) Learn the paradigm/pattern/declension of 2nd declension masculine nouns. Watch this video on the paradigm of second declension masculine nouns. TAKE NOTES ON THE VIDEO. Read/study Wheelock, page 23-25. Complete the chart on page one of new handout on second declension nouns for animus, ager, vir (omit signum for now).
b) Short morphological quiz on first (like puella, puellae) and second declension masculine (like equus, equī) nouns, like Just the paradigm and translation. Recite aloud.
c) Review the paradigm of the first declension and the grammatical function of cases general and start completing the chart on the first declension and second declension and case usage on the provided 11x17 paper. Here is a smaller copy. Due on Friday, Oct. 11. You may use animal in your example sentences.
B. Artistic assignment on Prepositions WITH ABLATIVE VS. ACCUSATIVE CASE. As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE. DUE EARLY NEXT WEEK
C. Old: Finish and Part II of Minerva et Arachne Stores. Keep reviewing stories that we read in class.
D. Here is the new vocabulary list. On Monday, Oct.14. DON’T FORGET the APPIAN words (masculine words of the first declension.
HW/Agenda for Monday, October 7, 2019
A. Old: Finish and bring the two Minerva et Arachne Stores, parts one and two. I assume most of this was finished in class. Be able to read and discuss orally in class.
B. Review notes from class on SIDSPACE ablative prepositions and begin learning the ones that govern the accusative, such as sub, in, ad, trans, per, etc (see video). Note that motion toward is common with the accusative case.
a) Then complete all sentences in the new handout - 4 English to Latin and 7 Latin to English. See attached vocabulary for help. You may wish to reWatch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE.
b) Artistic assignment with Prepositions: As you work on prepositions try to visual examples which you will eventually illustrate on a 11x17 sheet of paper which are available in the classroom. See below HW for an example of this assignment. It will be due in approximate one week.
C. Work to Declensions and Cases.
a) Review the paradigm of the first declension and the grammatical function of cases general and start completing the chart on the first declension and case usage on the provided 11x17 paper. Here is a smaller copy. Due on Friday, Oct. You may use animal in your example sentences.
b) Old but bring: Complete all Latin to English sentences on PAGE 7 of handout on the first declension Note that there is a vocabulary list or two in the same handout. Review notes from class on the first declension and the uses of various cases. You may wish to rewatch the videos below: i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions. ii. Latin's Case System iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
D. Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz in one week.
HW/Agenda for Friday, October 4, 2019
A. Finish the two Minerva et Arachne Stores, parts one and two. I assume most of this was finished in class. Be able to read and discuss orally in class.
B. For Friday review notes on the SIDSPACE ablative case prepositions. 2) Watch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE.
C. Old but bring: Complete all Latin to English sentences on PAGE 7 of handout on the first declension Note that there is a vocabulary list or two in the same handout. Review notes from class on the first declension and the uses of various cases. You may wish to rewatch the videos below: i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions. ii. Latin's Case System iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, October 2, 2019
A. Large Quiz/Small Test on all things about Latin verbs learned thus far. 1) Verb game with present indicative and imperatives of all conjugation and sum, esse, fui, futurus. Irregular imperatives: duc, dic, fac, fer; 2) Verbs English to Latin and Latin to English; 3) Conceptional questions on 5 qualities of finite verbs, infinitives, subjective and finite verb agreement, 4 principal parts, how do you recognize conjugations of a verb. 5) Personal endings -o, -s, t, -mus, -tis, -nt. 6) Here are videos on verbs, should you wish to review them: a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives. c) Then watch this short video on conjugations aloud. d) Watch this video on the imperative (command) mood of the verb, take notes. EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS.
B. Before Friday but ASAP: 1) Review notes on the SIDSPACE ablative case prepositions. 2) Watch this video on Latin prepositions AND TAKE NOTES. Note the some take the accusative case but focus for now on the one that govern the ablative case- SIDSPACE.
C. Complete all Latin to English sentences on PAGE 7 of handout on the first declension Note that there is a vocabulary list or two in the same handout. Review notes from class on the first declension and the uses of various cases. You may wish to rewatch the videos below: i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions. ii. Latin's Case System iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
D. Bring the Arachne et Minerva stories to work on following the quiz on Wednesday.
HW/Agenda for Monday, September 30, 2019
A. Vocabulary quiz on Monday, Sept. 30 on page 6 of Wheelock and the PURPLE LIST OF VERBS (handout). Know all principal parts of verbs. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced.Latin Cases and the First Declension:
B. Complete all Latin to English sentences on PAGES 6-7 of handout on the first declension Note that there is a vocabulary list or two in the same handout. Review notes from class on the first declension and the uses of various cases. You may wish to rewatch the videos below: i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions. ii. Latin's Case System iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
C Old but bring: Finish reading/translation all of Europa et Taurus. You will find a vocabulary list in the handout to help. As you read be aware of the cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative) of nouns and adjectives.
HW/Agenda for Friday, September 27, 2019
A. Latin Cases and the First Declension:
Review notes from class on the first declension and the uses of various cases. You may wish to rewatch the videos below: i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions. ii. Latin's Case System iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
2. . Complete all Latin to English sentences on page 6 of handout of the handout. Note that there is a vocabulary list or two in the same handout.
3. Short morphological QUIZ on the first first declension and translation of each case. For example Ranae (genitive case = of the frog). Recite the first declension paradigm aloud This video will help: The paradigm of first declension nouns. See paradigm below HW.
B. Finish reading/translation all of Europa et Taurus. You will find a vocabulary list in the handout to help. As you read be aware of the cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative) of nouns and adjectives.
C. Vocabulary quiz on Monday, Sept. 30 on page 6 of Wheelock and the PURPLE LIST OF VERBS (handout). Know all principal parts of verbs. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
HW/Agenda for Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Here is a list LATIN TUTORS from The National Latin Honor Society, if you need help or would LIKE some tutoring at lunch or at another time.
A. Case Syntax/Usage and First Declension Nouns.
Review notes from class and then watch the following short videos and take notes. These concepts are crucial but I except that it will take time to master it all.
i. The basics of Latin nouns declensions.
iii. The paradigm of first declension nouns.
2. Read Wheelock, pages 12-15 and practice saying aloud the paradigm of the first declension word: lūpa, lūpae (f) and note the English meanings of each case.
B. Finish reading/translation all of Europa et Taurus. You will find a vocabulary list in the handout to help. As you read be aware of the cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative) of nouns and adjectives.
C. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, Sept. 27 on page 6 of Wheelock and the PURPLE LIST OF VERBS (handout). Know all principal parts of verbs. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
HW for Monday, September 23, 2019
1) Review verbal morphology of all conjugations in the present tense of the indicative mood and imperative for all conjunctions - what we put on the board on Friday. Do forget sum, esse, fuī, futūrus. Here are the same videos for review purposes if necessary: a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives. c) Then watch this short video on conjugations aloud. d) Watch this video on the imperative (command) mood of the verb, take notes.
2) Complete PAGE 8 and 9 (see Wheelock page 6 AND blue list of verbs for vocabulary) of Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology. You may also use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
3) Stories:
a) Complete the first two paragraphs of Europa et Taurus. You will find a vocabulary list in the handout to help. See mosaics below of Europa and Jupiter/Zeus in the form of a Taurus.
b) Finish reading and translating all of CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and label your map with the places (in Latin) mentioned in the reading. See page five of the handout for vocabulary and page 4 for a labeled map. Keep your map need and organized. I will eventually give you a grade for it.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, Sept. 25 on page 6 of Wheelock and the BLUE LIST OF VERBS (handout). Know all principal parts of verbs. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
Latin Club Meeting on Wednesday at Lunch. Bring $5.00 for dues.
1)Review notes from class on verbs. Do not forget ago, agere, egi, actus.
2) Complete PAGE 8 only (see Wheelock page 6 AND blue list of verbs for vocabulary) of Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology. You may also use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
3) Finish reading and translating all of CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and label your map with the places (in Latin) mentioned in the reading. See page five of the handout for vocabulary and page 4 for a labeled map. Keep your map need and organized. I will eventually give you a grade for it.
4) Keep learning the vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock and the BLUE LIST OF VERBS (handout). Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
HW for Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Latin Club Meeting on Wednesday at Lunch. Bring $5.00 for dues.
1)Review notes from class, imperative morphology and the conjugation of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3io and 4th conjunction verbs in the present indicative. Recite forms aloud. How do you know what conjugation a Latin verb follows? I have left the videos below, should you wish or need to review any of them. Not mandatory but useful for review. a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs. b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives. c) Then watch this short video on conjugations aloud. d) Watch this video on the imperative (command) mood of the verb, take notes.
2) Complete page 6 only (see Wheelock page 6 for vocabulary) of Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology. You may also use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟ
3) Short morphological quiz on the present indicative and imperative mood of all conjugations and sum, esse, fui, futurus. Value 30-40 points. Click here to see a sample quiz of the same format. Verbs will differ. This is the video from above that is most helpful for the quiz: short video
3) Finish reading and translating CHARTA GEOGRAPHICA and label your map with the places (in Latin) mentioned in the reading. See page five of the handout for vocabulary and page 4 for a labeled map. Keep your map need and organized. I will eventually give you a grade for it.
4) Practice reading aloud the second reading passage. Mark accents or stress on polysyllabic words. Then Go to this webpage and click on media (right side of the page)to hear the same passage read. You will need to move the recording forward to the second half. Finally record yourself reading this second passage aloud and email it to be at aberrantadventures@mac.com anytime before Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 8:00 PM. Value 50 points.
5) Begin learning the vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
6) What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com I will assign god/goddess on Monday.
HW for Monday, September 16, 2019
1) Watch this video on the imperative (command) mood of the verb, take notes. Wheelock page 5 also covers this topic.
2) Use your notes from class, Wheelock, pages 1-5 and the videos below and above to complete the hand out Introduction to Latin Verbs and Verbal Morphology, pages 1-6 only Latin. You should have already watched the videos below but some review may be necessary, especially video c) on conjugations.
a) Watch this video on the principal parts of verbs.
b) Watch this video and take notes on infinitives.
c) Then watch this short video on conjugations aloud.
3) Practice reading aloud the second reading passage. Mark accents or stress on polysyllabic words. Then Go to this webpage and click on media (right side of the page)to hear the same passage read. You will need to move the recording forward to the second half. Finally record yourself reading this second passage aloud and email it to be at aberrantadventures@mac.com anytime before Monday, Sept. 16 at 9:00 PM. Value 50 points.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list on page 6 of Wheelock. Say the words aloud and note their English derivatives written (...). Click here for Wheelock's webiste where you can hear these words pronounced. Quiz in approx. one week.
5) What Roman God or Goddess would you like to be? Click here for some ideas. Email me with your top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com I will assign god/goddess on Monday.
Homework for Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Bring five dollars to join Latin club.
1) Review notes from class and get in habit of saying Latin words aloud. Review conversional words such as: quid tihi nomen est? mihi nomen est________, quid pro quo, salvē, salvēte, valē, valēte, sum dracō, sumus dracōnēs, minimē, nīhil. sumus dracones. ego sum draco. bene male tua genua sunt pulchra.
2) Quiz on syllabification and accentuation on Thursday. Study handouts and exercises. You may wish to review some or all of these videos. Your book Wheelock’s Latin on pages xxxix-xl also cover this topic well.
Latin Syllabification or How Latin Makes Syllables
3) Take out the blue sheet with the reading passage for voice recording from Caesar’s Gallic Wars (De Bello Gallico).
a) Read it aloud twice. Mark accents if necessary to help with correct accentuation.
b) Go to this webpage and click on media (right side of the page)to hear the same passage read aloud. Follow the text with your eyes as you listen. STOP THE AUDIO AT BELLUM GERUNT. Then listen a second time;
c) Reread the passage aloud yourself one or two more time. Repeat step two if necessary.
d) Come to class prepared to read this passage aloud as if you yourself were Gaius Iulius Caesar himself.
4) Start thinking about which Roman God or Goddess that you would like to be. Click here for some ideas. Email me with you top three choices. aberrantadventures@mac.com
Homework for Monday, September 9, 2019
1) Review notes from class and get in habit of saying Latin words aloud. Review conversional words such as: quid tihi nomen est? mihi nomen est________, quid pro quo, salvē, salvēte, valē, valēte, sum dracō, sumus dracōnēs, minimē, nīhil. sumus dracones. ego sum draco.
2) Work to be done on pronounciation, syllabification and accentuation (what syllable to stress in pronunciation):
a) Use enlarged Latin alphabet handout to review notes on the Latin Alphabet and pronunciation. Note especially the pronunciation of consonants(c, g, v, i). How does English write Latin consonantal “i”?
b) Watch Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs and add notes from this video to your enlarged Latin alphabet. Practice saying words aloud. Know the 6 diphthongs.
c) Watch these two videos below and take notes on syllabification and accentuation. These are the final two topics regarding pronunciation.
Latin Syllabification or How Latin Makes Syllables
d) Once you have completed a, b and c. do the exercises on the six page or this handout: Click on the green >>> Here it is if you need it. This same page is also the 4th page of the new handout from Friday’s class. Email if you are confused.
3) Start thinking about which Roman God or Goddess that you would like to be. Click here for some ideas.
Homework for Friday, September 6, 2018
1) Review notes from class and get in habit of saying Latin words aloud. Review conversional words such as salvē, salvēte, valē, valēte, sum dracō, sumus dracōnēs, minimē, nīhil.
2) Review notes on the Latin Alphabet and pronunciation. Note especially the pronunciation of consonants(c, g, v, i). How does English write Latin consonantal “i”? Watch the two videos below and add notes from the video to the enlarged sheet with the Latin alphabet which we began in class. The videos:
Pronunciation of Consonants The Dirt of Consonantal “I”.
3) Turn to Wheelock’s Latin, page xxvii to find the diagram of INDO-EUROPEAN languages and then Watch this video on Latin's place as an Indo-European language. Take notes.
4) Start thinking about which Roman God or Goddess that you would like to be. Click here for some ideas.
Homework for Tuesday, September 11, 2018
1) Review notes on the Latin Alphabet and pronunciation. Note especially the pronunciation of consonants(c, g, v, i) and Latin's 6 diphthongs. What are diphthongs? You may wish to rewatch these two videos:
Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
2) Practice saying all the words and phrases aloud on the page titled Pronunciation Exercise (it has 3 colmns of words). Circle all diphthongs found in these words. It is numbered page one.
3) Watch these two videos and take notes on syllabification and accentuation. These are the final two topics regarding pronunciation.
Latin Syllabification or How Latin Makes Syllables Following this video complete the exercise on page five of Thursday's handout. Here it is if you need it.
4) Watch this video on Latin's place as an Indo-European language. Take notes and follow the path from Proto-Indo-European to Latin and the Romance languages. See enlarged diagram of Proto-Indo-Eurpoean languages (handed out in class).
1) Review your notes from class on the Latin Alphabet. Then read and study pages xxxvi-xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation
2) Watch these two videos and take notes:
Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Use what you learned in numbers 1 and 2 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it do? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
4) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
Homework for Thursday, September 6, 2018
1) Read and study pages xxxvi-xxxviii of Wheelock's Latin on Alphabet and Pronunciation
2) Watch and take notes on these two videos:
Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Use what you learned in numbers 1 and 2 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it do? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
4) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
Latin I Final Exam
Email with questions.
I. Multiple Choice Questions.
Grammatical concepts, morphology, syntax, history, kings, Aeneas Legend, domus and architecture, Roman cities and their building, topography of Rome culture, geography, adverbs, subordinating conjunctions (dum, ubi, quod, si, etc.) and postpositive words (autem, enim, etc.)
II. Vocabulary Verbs Regular and Irregular and their compounds from the colored sheet - mostly blue.
II.5 Morphology:
Nouns, adjective, pronouns, demonstrative adjective and declensions 1-5 nouns and 1-3 adjectives including 3rd i-stem, vis, vis (f) and -ius paradigm. Vocabulary taken largely from last five list on website.
All demonstrative adj. (hic, ille, ipse, is, iste, etc) & personal pronouns. See page 2.
Study Wheelock pages 495-8 for most of what you need to know.
relative pronoun: qui, quae, quod and relationship with antecedent
Personal Pronouns ego, tu, nos, vos and the 3rd person reflexive —-, sui, sibi, se, se
Possessive Adjectives, including the reflexive suus, a, um
Pronominal UNUS NAUTA words - -ius paradigm
III. Verbal morphology: Imperatives and Indicative mood - six tenses active and passive voice, infinitives (active/passive and perfect passive participles.
Regular and irregular verbs: eo, fero, fio, volo, nolo, malo, sum, possum
Verb games. Vocabulary taken largely from last five list on website.
Principal parts and the perfect passive participles
See Wheelock pages 501-509 but ignore all things in the subjunctive mood on these pages
IV. English to Latin Sentences with all case syntax on your case syntax handout and adverbs, subordinating conjunctions and postpositive words
V. Selections from Stories: Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima et Secunda) and Civitas Romana
VI. Oral Latin Passage. See Handout. Send voice recording prior to the exam. You may use this recording as a model.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, June 6, 2019.
1) Finish reading all of Civitas Romanas (new handout - email if you need it.) and be prepared to read it orally in class.
2) Start practicing voice recording for the final exam. See handout. Ideally this get emailed to me prior to the exam.
3) Bring exam preparation sentences English to Latin sentences to work on in class.
4) Start review for the final exam. Begin reviewing: a) outline of Roman history; b) Roman cities and parts of the house c) geography; d) personal pronouns (ego, tu…) c) demonstrative adjectives, especially hic, haec, hoc.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, June 4, 2019.
1) Finish reading all of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Second) and complete the first paragraph of Civitas Romanas (new handout - email if you need it.)
2) Continue learning colored list of verbs (4 pages). Do not neglect irregular verbs and the compounds on pages 3-4. - Know English meaning, all principal parts, derivatives and special syntax where appropriate. Quiz on Tuesday, June 4. Our final vocabulary quiz. Value approx. 100 points. Email if you would like to have a digital copy.
3) Start review for the final exam. Begin reviewing: a) outline of Roman history; b) Roman cities and parts of the house c) geography; d) personal pronouns (ego, tu…) c) demonstrative adjectives, especially hic, haec, hoc.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, May 29, 2019.
On Wednesday, May 29 quiz on verbal morphology that will focus on passive voice in the present system but review all verbal morphology learned to this point. Do not forget to review fero, ferre tuli, latus
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 30, 2019.
1) Finish reading all of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Second). If you finished most of this in class you should review it to be well prepared to read orally.
2) Continue learning colored list of verbs (4 pages). Do not neglect the compounds on pages 3-4. - Know English meaning, all principal parts, derivatives and special syntax where appropriate. Quiz on Tuesday, June 4. Our final vocabulary quiz. Value approx. 100 points. Email if you would like to have a digital copy.
3) Start review for the final exam. Begin reviewing: a) geography; b) personal pronouns (ego, tu…) c) demonstrative adjectives, especially hic, haec, hoc.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 28, 2019.
1) Finish reading the last paragraph of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima) and complete all of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Second). If you finished most of this in class you should review it to be well prepared to read orally.
2) On Wednesday, May 29 quiz on verbal morphology that will focus on passive voice in the present system but review all verbal morphology learned to this point.
3) Continue learning colored list of verbs (4 pages). Do not neglect the compounds on pages 3-4. - Know English meaning, all principal parts, derivatives and special syntax where appropriate. Quiz on Tuesday, June 4. Our final vocabulary quiz. Value approx. 100 points. Email if you would like to have a digital copy.
4) Start review for the final exam. Begin reviewing: a) geography; b) personal pronouns (ego, tu…) c) demonstrative adjectives, especially hic, haec, hoc.
3.5) Watch this video on Etruscan Temples and Gods. Take notes.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 23, 2019.
Test on all stories read since our last test on Thursday, May 23. Value 120-200 points. Be able to translate, parse individual words, give morphology and explain syntax (give the case and usage of an individual word). Also know the content and background for this story. Study Apollo and Daphne, Horatii et Curiatii, Soror Horatii (her murder), Ancus Marcius, Pyramus et Thisbe (pars prima et secunda), Tarquinius Priscus, Atalanta and Hippomenes (pars prima). Come at lunch if you need help with a particular section.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 21, 2019.
1) Finish and sign pledge on the QUIZ on passive voice. You may use your coloured list of verbs.
2) Finish reading Atalanta and Hippomenes down to the end. Be able to read with fluency in class
3) Compete # 2-10 on page 6-7 of passive voice handout. HW GRADE You can the sentence from active voice to passive voice and translate it into English. Used colored verb list for help.
3.5) Watch this video on Etruscan Temples and Gods. Take notes.
4) Test on all stories read since our last test on Thursday, May 23. Value 120-200 points. Be able to translate, parse individual words, give morphology and explain syntax (give the case and usage of an individual word). Also know the content and background for this story. Study Apollo and Daphne, Horatii et Curiatii, Soror Horatii (her murder), Ancus Marcius, Pyramus et Thisbe (pars prima et secunda), Tarquinius Priscus, Atalanta and Hippomenes (pars prima). Come at lunch if you need help with a particular section.
5) Begin learn the colored list of verbs - English meaning, all principal parts, derivatives and special syntax where appropriate. Quiz in 10-12 days. Our final vocabulary quiz. Value approx. 100 points. Email if you would like to have a digital copy.
Recommended Extra Credit Option on the Etruscans: Here is a BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Podcast on the Etruscan Civilization. Take notes on the podcast as you listen and submit for extra credit. What are the salient feature of Etruscan Culture and Civilization?
Homework/Agenda for Friday, May 17, 2019.
1) Quiz on verbal morphology focused on passive voice. Watch videos on Passive Voice PRESENT System Tenses: Present Tense Passive Voice Imperfect Tense Passive Voice Future Tense Passive Voice
2) Read/translate Atalanta and Hippomenes down to pericula in the 3rd paragraph. Be able to read with fluency in class on Friday.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 16, 2019.
1)Finish The Story of Tarquinius Priscus. EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS.
2) Work on the passive voice:
A. Watch videos on Passive Voice PRESENT System Tenses:
Present Tense Passive Voice Imperfect Tense Passive Voice Future Tense Passive Voice
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 14, 2019.
1)Finish De Regno Anci Marcii (paragraph three) and prepare to read the ALL OF The Story of Tarquinius Priscus. EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS.
2) Review Verbal Morphology: both present and perfect system tenses.
a) Complete this Conjugation Fun assignment.
b) It will be helpful to review these videos:
i. The Present System Tenses Active Voice:
ii. Do not forget to review irregular verbs: sum, possum, fero, fio, eo, malo, volo, nolo
iii. The imperative mood
c) Quiz on Tuesday on Verbal Morphology reviewed in a) and b) above
Homework/Agenda for Friday, May 10, 2019.
1)Use key to correct 8 sentences. These will help with test/quiz tomorrow. IF you find mistakes or typos in my answers, extra points on quiz tomorrow.
2) Consolidation quiz on Friday (value 100 points) on UNUS NAUTA words, relative pronoun (qui, quad, quod) and —- sui, sibi, se, se vs. ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Do forget suus, a, um These videos will help with the quiz RELEXIVE PRONOUN and Unus Nauta video.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 9, 2019.
1) Finish De Regno Anci Marcii (paragraph three) and prepare to read the first paragraph of The Story of Tarquinius Priscus (new handout). Be able to read/translation orally in class.
2) Complete and study the quiz on —- sui, sibi, se, se vs. ipse, ipsa, ipsum.
3) Old but bring: Complete the exercises on verbal morphology on the back of the Declension Fun handout. Make sure that you have turned in sentences (English to Latin 1-8) in the handout on ipse, ipsa, ipsum
4) Consolidation quiz on Friday (value 100 points) on UNUS NAUTA words, relative pronoun (qui, quad, quod) and —- sui, sibi, se, se vs. ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Do forget suus, a, um
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 7, 2019.
1) Short morphological quiz on of ipse, ipsa, ipsum aloud.
2) Complete the exercises on verbal morphology on the back of the Declension Fun handout.
2) Have completed sentences (English to Latin 1-8) in the handout on ipse, ipsa, ipsum
4) Read and write out a translation of De Regno Anci Marcii (paragraphs one and two).
3) Review Horatius Sororem Interficit and the blue page of notes that you made.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, May 3, 2019.
1) Say the paradigm of ipse, ipsa, ipsa aloud and complete sentences 1 to 3 on page two of that handout.
2) Complete the relative pronoun (quī, quae, quod) quiz, sign-pledge and turn on Friday/tomorrow.
3) Review Horatius Sororem Interficit and the blue page of notes that you made.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 2 , 2019.
1) Finish reading/translating Horatius Sororem Interficit. Be able to read and translate in class.
2) Quiz (80 points) on the morphology and syntax of the relative pronoun (quī, quae, quod). You may wish to review this video Watch this video and take detailed notes. Note English: who, whose, whom, which. Study pages 8, 9, 10 in the Pyramus et Thisbe, PARS SECUNDA handout - exercises on the relative pronoun that we finished in class today.
3) Keep reviewing stories, especially Pyramus and Thisbe, that we have read thus far. Test coming soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 25, 2019.
1) Finish and review Pyramus et Thisbe, PARS SECUNDA. You should also be review other stories because is coming soon.
2) Work on the relative pronoun (quī, quae, quod):
a) Watch this video and take detailed notes. Write down/note any example sentences. Note English: who, whose, whom, which
b) Complete pages 8, 9, 10 in the Pyramus et Thisbe, PARS SECUNDA handout - exercises on the relative pronoun. Homework grade.
c) Morphological quiz on the paradigm of the relative pronoun on Tuesday. Recite it aloud.
3) What is the syntax of the three adjectives used in these sentences?
a) Hī lacūs sunt plenī rānārum ferocium.
b) Ben est carus nobis.
c) Anandita est digna summīs honoribus.
/Agenda for Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
1) Finish reading/translating the 4TH paragraph of Pruamus et Thisbe in the 5th declension handout. See the previous page for some vocabulary. Smart bunnies and Michael should keep reviewing stories. What case does vicinus, a, um generate? What is an amans, amantis (m/f) and how is the word formed?
2) Watch these two video and take notes: VIDEO ONE and VIDEO TWO and then complete pages 1 and 2 of the new handout on verbal morphology.
3) Complete sentence 3 (English to Latin) and review the meanings, usages and derivative (new handout) for UNUS NAUTA words. Alii Robinium, alii Batmanum amant. Uter est vir magnae virtutis?
4) VOCABULARY QUIZ - Here is yet another vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, April 25.
Homework/Study Guide for Friday, October 27, 2017
1) Come to class prepared to work on mythological projects/poster which are due on Monday, Oct. 30.
Homework/Study Guide for Monday, October 30, 2017
2) Poster, presentation and costume are due Monday, Oct. 30. Latin words and phrases are crucial. Use this website to find primary sources. Here is a copy of the assignment.
3) First test is coming soon. Keep reviewing verbal morphology, first/second nouns and adjectives. case usage, sidspace prepositions, prepositions + acc case.
4) Old: Complete sentences (English to Latin) # 6,7,8 on page 8 (has a drawing of a temple) of the Second Declension handout. Email if you need it. HW grade. See vocabulary list in handout for help or email if you are can not find a word. donum = gift
5) On Going: Geography/Maps: Continue working on your double-sided enlarged map by adding the places on the handed out list. Here are maps and the list of places. Maps will be due in approx. 10 days.
habet and Pronunciation
2) Watch and take notes on these two videos:
Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
3) Use what you learned in numbers 1 and 2 above to answer these questions: a) What is marcon and what does it do? b) What is consonantal "i" and how is it pronounced? c) How are the Latin letters c, g, v pronounced? d) What are diphthongs? Give 6 examples of Latin diphthongs. e) What letters come directly from Greek and are used in Latin versions of Greek words? Give examples.
4) Email me to say hello, ask questions or complain at aberrantadventures@mac.com
5) Review the image below and its Latin motto.