Link for Cicero Podcast
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, March 24, 2025 and the Week.
1. Do practice CAV test and bring on Monday.
2. Reading Plan for the Week:
a) Monday: Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 474 - 495. See your email if you need this text.
b) Wednesday: CAV TEST
c) Friday: Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 495 - 509
3. Begin learn the new vocabulary list for Pro Caelio and Lucretius. Quiz in week following break.
4. Essay on Comedy in Pro Caelio is due on Friday, April 11. Value 200 points. See me for help, guidance and or to complain.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, March 19, 2025 and the Week.
1. Quiz on pages one and two of Terence’s Adelphoe.
2. Reading Plan for Wednesday:
a) Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio, “Cicero Quotes Comedies” - finish the whole page, lines 448-473.
3. Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, March 21 on the Terence, Adelphoe list, including the indefinite animals at the bottom.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 and the Week.
B. Poster on Roman Comedy (Due on Tuesday, January 16). Email if you need things or have questions. Value 80 points.
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
SEE YOUR EMAIL for link to sign into the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM and bring your COMPUTERS to class tomorrow.
1) Reading Plan for Wednesday:
a) Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio lines 425-447 (the end of the page). Use your commentary for help. See email if you need this document.
b) Read/translate the first page of Terence’s Adelphoe. See the last page for vocabulary.
2) Dramatic Reading/Voice Recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, March 10. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it. See email for this assignment.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, March 10, 2025 and the Week.
1) Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio lines 425-447 (the end of the page). Use your commentary for help. See email if you need this document.
2) Dramatic Reading/Voice Recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, March 10. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it. See email for this assignment.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, March 7, 2025 and the Week.
1) Read, prepare, translate Cicero, Pro Caelio lines 416-431. Use you commentary for help. See email if you need this document.
2) Dramatic Reading/Voice Recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, March 10. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it. See email for this assignment.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, March 5, 2025 and the Week.
1) 3rd quarter test. Value 200 points. a) Study questions on the Introduction to the Pro Caelio and Cicero and list of charges and background information for the trial. B) Review all Latin read this quarter which includes Pro Caelio selections (exordium, pudicita, Palatine Medea, Aurum et Venenum and Appius Claudius Caecus) Ennius fragment from the Medea and Catullus poems and Livy on the Magna Mater.
2) Dramatic Reading/Voice Recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, March 10. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it. See email for this assignment.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, March 3, 2025 and the Week.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a. For Monday Two Things to prepare: 1) Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita on the Magna Mater and 2) Catullus 63 & Cybele/Magna Mater
2) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter which will be on Wednesday, March 5. Value 200 points.
3) Dramatic Reading/Voice Recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, March 10. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it. See email for this assignment.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, February 26, 2025 and the Week.
Review the two Catullus poems that attack Ameana. Note ablative of description, accusative of exclamation, double dative (quibus…curae) and posco, poscere, poposci + double dative (also oro and doceo). Anishus multa Shreeyam docet. Shreeya deōs Anishum orat. Anishus fidem Shreeyam poscit.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a. For Monday: Pro Caelio, lines 390-415. Use the commentary to help. See your email if you need it.
2) Start learning the Pro Caelio Vocabulary list Aurum et Venenum. Quiz on Friday, January 28. You should have a hard copy of this or be able to find it in an email.
3) Keep reviewing qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms. Short qu-word quiz (many are relative, interrogative or indefinite) with correlative also on Wednesday, February 26
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
5) Test on all Latin read and back material coming within a fortnight. Keep reviewing and see me for help if needed.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 and the Week.
See your email for ZOOOM link.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a. For Wednesday: Pro Caelio, lines 371-384.
b. For Friday Pro Caelio, lines 385-405.
2) Start learning the Pro Caelio Vocabulary list Aurum et Venenum. Quiz in 9 days. You should have a hard copy of this or be able to find it in an email.
3) Keep reviewing qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms. Short qu-word quiz (many are relative, interrogative or indefinite) with correlative also on Wednesday, February 19
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
5) Test on all Latin read and back material coming within a fortnight. Keep reviewing and see me for help if needed.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, February 12, 2025 and the Week.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
Review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and the “Caelius in Palatinum Migrat” section. Quiz on this material on Friday, February 14, 20245
For Wednesday: Pro Caelio, lines 354-370
For Friday Pro Caelio, lines 371-384.
2) Keep reviewing qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms.
3) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
4) Test on all Latin read and back material coming within a fortnight. Keep reviewing and see me for help if needed.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, February 10, 2025 and the Week.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Monday translate and prepare: Cicero, pro Caelio down to line 216 and Ennius Fragment of his tragedy, Medea, handed out in class on Friday. See Email if you need this.
For Wednesday: Pro Caelio, lines 354-370
For Friday Pro Caelio, lines 371-384.
2) Keep reviewing qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms.
3) Vocabulary quiz for the “pudicita” section. Quiz on Monday, Jan. 10th.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 7, 2025 and the Week.
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) For Friday: Slip to line 198 beginning with Reprehendistis and read and prepare down to 216 (fuisse). (see email if you do not have this text and commentary from class).
2) Review what we read in class on Wednesday, including qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the “pudicita” section. Quiz on Monday, Jan. 10th.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, February 5, 2025 and the Week.
Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.
1) For Wednesday: a) Read and prepare lines 83-101 (end at erudiretur). See commentary for help with vocabulary and difficult parts. b) Slip to line 198 beginning with Reprehendistis and read and prepare down to 216 (fuisse). (see email if you do not have this text and commentary from class).
2) Review what we read in class on Monday, including qu-words and correlatives. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the “pudicita” section. Quiz on Monday, Jan. 10th.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, February 3, 2025 and the Week.
1) For Monday: Read and prepare lines 83-101 (end at erudiretur). See commentary for help with vocabulary and difficult parts. The first sentence begin on line 83 is particularly difficult. Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) For Monday: Read and prepare Catullus 49. See commentary to help with this.
3) Read notes on correlatives and complete all sentences at the beginning of this handout. Quiz on QU-words coming in a few days. See handouts with paradigms and study these forms.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the “pudicita” section. Quiz on Monday, Jan. 10th.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 and the Week.
1) Reading to prepare for Wednesday: Read and prepare lines 65 to 82 (end at beneficium tueri debeo.) of the new section handed out on Friday on “pudicitia”. Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Begin reading over and studying the handout on QU-words.
3) Matching quiz on QU-words in similar formate to what we did in class on Monday.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, January 27, 2025 and the Week.
1) Reading to prepare for Monday:
a) Finish reading and preparing the exordium of the Pro Caelio to the end (line 29 acriter est resistendum). Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
b) Read and prepare lines 65 to 74 (end at nominatur) of the new section handed out on Friday on “pudicitia”. Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions and review the list of terms, people involved and background information.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 24, 2025 and the Week.
1) Finish reading and preparing the exordium of the Pro Caelio to the end (line 29 acriter est resistendum). Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Short quiz on Pro Caelio exordium down to opibus meretriciis. Background information germane to the text, translation, figures of speech and grammar (case usage and sujunctive justification).
3) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 22, 2025 and the Week.
1) Finish reading and preparing the exordium of the Pro Caelio to the end (line 29 acriter est resistendum). Be able to read/translation in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Review lines 1-10 of Pro Caelio and notes from class on background and context of this trial. Know the people involved the charges and setting on April 3-4, 56 BC during the Ludi Megalenses on honor of the Magna Mater.
3) Vocabulary Quiz the list for the Exordium of Pro Caelio on Wednesday, January 22.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 17, 2025 and the Week.
1) Review lines 1-10 of Pro Caelio and notes from class on background and context of this trial .
2) Prepare/read/write out translation from legem non to niteretur of the exordium of the Pro Caelio. Use attached vocabulary and commentary to help. Cicero, having return from exile, is speaking on behalf of his former student Marcus Caelius who has been charged under the lex de vi.
3) Start learning the vocabulary list for Exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz on Wednesday, January 22.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, January 15, 2025 and the Week.
1) Short quiz (grammar, translation, figures of speech) on the paragraph of Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae that we read in class.
2) Prepare/read/write out translation for lines 1-15 of the exordium of the Pro Caelio. Use attached vocabulary and commentary to help. Cicero, having return from exile, is speaking on behalf of his former student Marcus Caelius who has been charged under the lex de vi.
3) Start learning the vocabulary list for Exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz on Friday, January 17.
4) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, January 6, 2025 and the Week.
1) Start learning the vocabulary list for Exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz on Friday, January 10.
2) Continue reading the introduction to the Pro Caelio and answering questions.
3) Start reading/translating the exordium of the Pro Caelio. See email for a commentary with vocabulary to facile reading.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, December 16, 2024 and the Week.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
Monday: Read, translate and prepare to finish page 28 and then read pages 30 and 32 of In Catilinam.
Wednesday: Second Quarter Test on all Cicero read this quarter (pages 2-32 on Wednesday, December 18. A. Multiple choice questions on the Life and Times of Cicero, the BBC podcast, background information discussed in class and Roman Government and cursus honorum. B. Translation, grammar, figures of speech comprehension questions, background information and stylistic analysis. Value 200-250 points.
For Friday NIHIL
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 13, 2024 and the Week.
Test on all Cicero read this quarter on Wednesday, December 18. Translation, grammar, figures of speech, comprehension questions, background information and stylistic analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Monday translate and prepare pages 22 and 24 of In Catilinam. This should already be complete by review prior to class.
For Wednesday translate and prepare page 26 and 28 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 30 of In Catilinam.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, December 9, 2024 and the Week.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Monday translate and prepare pages 22 and 24 of In Catilinam. This should already be complete by review prior to class.
For Wednesday translate and prepare page 26 and 28 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 30 of In Catilinam.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 6, 2024 and the Week.
A. Complete and turn in purple Declension Fun with Pro Caelio exordium words.
B. vocabulary quiz on In Catilinam list. Quiz on Friday, December 6 with verb game on the back for good times.
C.Keep reviewing what we have reading in class and keep up with reading schedule:
For Monday translate and prepare pages 16 and 18 of In Catilinam. This should already be complete by review prior to class.
For Wednesday translate and prepare page 20 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 22 of In Catilinam.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, December 4, 2024 and the Week.
A. For Wednesday: Complete pages 2 and 3 of Serpentine Sentences with Various Subjunctives. See your email for a copy of this with added vocabulary.
B. Reading schedule for the Week:
For Monday translate and prepare pages 16 and 18 of In Catilinam. This should already be complete by review prior to class.
For Wednesday translate and prepare page 20 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 22 of In Catilinam.
C. Begin learning vocabulary list quiz on In Catilinam. Quiz on Friday, December 4 with verb game on the back for good times.
D. If you missed Monday’s class for Latin Convention. Listen to this podcast and complete all questions on Link for Cicero Podcast asap. Graded Ass. See email if you need these question.
E. Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
F. Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words. FEARING CLAUSES. Proviso Clauses.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, December 2, 2024 and the Week.
A.Reading schedule for the Week:
For Monday translate and prepare pages 16 and 18 of In Catilinam. This should already be complete by review prior to class.
For Wednesday translate and prepare page 20 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 22 of In Catilinam.
B. Begin learning vocabulary list quiz on In Catilinam. Quiz on Wednesday, December 4 with verb game on the back for good times.
C. If you missed Monday’s class for Latin Convention. Listen to this podcast and complete all questions on Link for Cicero Podcast asap. Graded Ass. See email if you need these question.
D. Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
F. Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words. FEARING CLAUSES. Proviso Clauses.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, November 20, 2024
For Wednesday translate and prepare page and 14 and 16 of In Catilinam.
For Friday translate and prepare page 18 of In Catilinam.
Begin learning vocabulary list quiz on Friday, Nov. 22 with verb game on the back for good times.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words. FEARING CLAUSES.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, November 18, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Mid-Quarter Test on Monday, November 18. Study: a) The Two readings on the Gracchi and all sections of In Catilinam read thus far - be able to translate, justify cases, subjunctives and infinitives, figures of speeches, etc. b) pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero and questions from The World of Rome, especially on the Gracchi and notes from class on Gracchi and Rome’s constitution and cursus honorum.
Watch this video on FEARING Clauses and Proviso Clauses.
2. The Most Important Work - Reading schedule for the week:
b) For Wednesday translate and prepare page and 14 and 16 of In Catilinam.
c) For Friday translate and prepare page 18 of In Catilinam.
Begin learning vocabulary list quiz on Friday, Nov. 22 with verb game on the back for good times.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words. FEARING CLAUSES.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 15, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Mid-Quarter Test on Monday, November 18. Study: a) The Two readings on the Gracchi and all sections of In Catilinam read thus far - be able to translate, justify cases, subjunctives and infinitives, figures of speeches, etc. b) pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero
Watch this video on FEARING Clauses and Proviso Clauses.
2. The Most Important Work - Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday translate and prepare page 8 and 10 of In Catilinam.
b) For Wednesday translate and prepare page 12 and 14 of In Catilinam.
c) For Friday translate and prepare page 16 of In Catilinam.
Begin learning vocabulary list quiz on Friday, Nov. 22 with verb game on the back for good times.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words. FEARING CLAUSES.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. Test coming in a fortnight.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, November 13, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Complete the back of the UNUS NAUTA take home quiz.
The Most Important Work - Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday translate and prepare page 8 and 10 of In Catilinam.
b) For Wednesday translate and prepare page 12 and 14 of In Catilinam.
c) For Friday translate and prepare page 16 of In Catilinam.
Begin learning vocabulary list quiz in one week.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. Test coming in a fortnight.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, November 11, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
The Most Important Work - Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday translate and prepare page 8 and 10 of In Catilinam.
b) For Wednesday translate and prepare page 12 and 14 of In Catilinam.
c) For Friday translate and prepare page 16 of In Catilinam.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. Test coming in a fortnight.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 8, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Short quiz on UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
Reading Schedule for Wednesday: Read and prepare pages 6 and 8 Cicero’s In Catilinam.
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive, UNUS NAUTA words.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Reading Schedule for Wednesday: Read and prepare pages 2, 4, 6, 8 Cicero’s In Catilinam. For Friday complete pages 10 and 12
Read pages XIV to XXI the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero (see email for this reading) and answer the questions for these pages. Be able to answer in detail in class. This information is crucial and essential to mortal existence.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive,
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 30, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Reading Schedule for Wednesday: Read and prepare pages 2, 4, 6, 8 Cicero’s In Catilinam
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive,
Homework/Agenda for Monday, October 28, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Review notes from Friday’s class on the reforms (res novae) which Gacchus Gracchus attempts to pass and the patronus/cliens relationship, the morning salutatio, etc. Note also figures of speech discussed such as ANAPHORA . PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a. For Monday: FinishThe Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus and prepare pages 2 and 4 of Cicero’s In Catilinam (new handout).
b. For Wednesday: Read and prepare pages 6 and 8 of Cicero’s In Catilinam
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive,
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 25, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Review what we read and class and notes on it.
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Friday: Finish all of The Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus.
Quiz on the cursus honorum and its offices, the 4 features of the political offices.
Bring questions for CRISIS section which is pages 25-29. Be able to answer in class on Wednesday.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia. gerund and gerundive,
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 23, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Wednesday be prepared to finish reading all of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus and the first 10 lines of The Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus.
b) For Friday: Finish all of The Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus.
Bring questions for CRISIS section which is pages 25-29. Be able to answer in class on Wednesday.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; quis, quis. Conditional Sentences; gerund/gerundive; causa and gratia.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 16, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
For Wednesday read/translate/prepare all of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus.
Read pages 22-29 of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete all questions on pages 4-8 of questions (see your email for these). Be able to answer these questions in class and on the 1st quarter test. We will focus on the CRISIS section which is pages 25-29. Be able to answer in class on Wednesday.
Old but bring: Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; Conditional Sentences;
Homework/Agenda for Monday, October 14, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
First Quarter Test (200 rabbit points):
History (e.g. 146 BC), Geography (exempli gratia: Punic Wars and Hellenistic Kingdoms), Cultural Things (e.g. Triumphal Procession, Polybius, Graecia Capta ferum victorem cepit). Study notes from class, maps and questions from the world of Rome. Notes from video on Cannae and Cynocephalae (Macedonian Phalanx vs. Roman Maniple Legion).
3 or 4 Latin passages (don’t forget the etiological story of Carthage from the Aeneid) from all the Latin read (God bless Velleius Paterculus) this quarter concerning which you will be asked to: a) translate into English; b) explain morphology and syntax - mainly cases usage and subjunctive syntax; c) identify stylistic features that we have discussed in class, e.g. chiasmus, asyndeton, anastrophe, anishstrophe, anaphora, litotes, et alia (PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech), d) analysis and comprehension questions - be able to answer a question based on the reading and support your answer by quoting Latin words and phrases to support your answer.
Please email with questions.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 9, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Wednesday Translate/prepare all of Imperium Romanum and prepare the first paragraph of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus.
Read pages 22-29 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete all questions on pages 4-8 of questions (see your email for these). Be able to answer these questions in class and on the 1st quarter test.
Old but bring: Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; Conditional Sentences;
Homework/Agenda for Monday, October 7, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Monday: Translate/prepare all of Imperium Romanum. Email if you need this handout.
QUIZ on Conditional Sentences and Syntax of the Dative case, including indirect objective, dative of purpose, interest, reference, dative with special intransitive verbs, compound verbs, special adjective. See case syntax handout for others. quis? aliquis, quisque, quisquis
Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; Conditional Sentences;
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 2, 2024
ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Wednesday: Translate/prepare all of Eutropius on the Macedonian Wars and the first 15 lines of Imperium Romanum. Email if you need this handout.
Complete Conditional Composition (English to Latin Sentences) 5, 6, 7, 8. Make sure that you penmanship is clear and legible to mortal eyes.
Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; Conditional Sentences;
Homework/Agenda for Monday, September 30, 2024
ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Monday: Translate/prepare all of page TWO and one paragraph one page 3 of Eutropius on the Macedonian Wars. See your email if you need this.
b) For Wednesday: Translate/prepare all Imperium Romanum. Email if you need this handout.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz on Monday, Sept. 30 with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive; quis? aliquis? quisque; Conditional Sentences;
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 24, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Wednesday: Translate/prepare all of page TWO and the first paragraph of page two of Eutropius on the Macedonian Wars.
Complete sentences with condition down to number 10 on page in Conditional Sentences (with bird in top right hand corner).
Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9. See email for these questions. b) Watch this video on the Battle of Cynoscephalae (Dog’s Head) of the 2nd Macedonia War.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz on Monday, Sept. 30 with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, September 23, 2024
PDF of Rhetoric Devices & Figures of Speech.
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class. First quarter test is approaching. 20-25% will be historical background. The rest translation, grammar and textual analysis.
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Monday: Translate/prepare all of page ONE and the first paragraph of page TWO of Eutropius on the Macedonian Wars. See your email if you need this.
b) For Wednesday: Translate/prepare all of page TWO and the first paragraph of page two of Eutropius on the Macedonian Wars.
Complete sentences pages 4 in Exercises on Conditional Sentences. Due on Monday.
Historical Background: a) Read pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) of Chapter One (The Ideal of Rome) in The World of Rome and complete questions 1-9. See email for these questions. b) Watch this video on the Battle of Cynoscephalae (Dog’s Head) of the 2nd Macedonia War.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz on Monday, Sept. 30 with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 20, 2024
Reading Schedule for the Week: For Friday, finish The Morning After Cannae from Titus Livius” Ab Urbe Condita
Complete pages 2 and 3 in Exercises on Conditional Sentences. HW grade.
Watch this video and take notes on the battle of Cannae (216 BC in Apulia, Southern Italy).
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive;
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in 10 days with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Reading Schedule for the Week: Wednesday: Finish The Morning After Cannae from Titus Livius” Ab Urbe Condita
Review notes from class and watch this short video on Fearing Clauses and Proviso Clauses
Correct your mistakes on the 8 English to Latin sentences.
Watch this video and take notes on the battle of Cannae (216 BC in Apulia, Southern Italy).
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive;
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in 10 days with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 13, 2024
QUIZ on all Latin reading completed thus far in class. Be able to explain grammar (morphology and syntatx), translate Latin to English and provide any background material or explain who is who in a passage, e.g. Quis est Sychaeus? Know also figures of speech: tricolon, litotes, metonymy, ellipsis, etc. Value 80-100 points.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, September 16, 2024
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) Monday: Finish Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae, Part II
b) Wednesday: Finish The Morning After Cannae from Titus Livius” Ab Urbe Condita
Correct your mistakes on the 8 English to Latin sentences.
Watch this video and take notes on the battle of Cannae (216 BC in Apulia, Southern Italy).
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive;
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in 10 days with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Review what we have read in class thus are. Quiz/test coming soon.
Reading Schedule for the Week: Wednesday: Finish Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae, Part I from parte altera to repetebant and do the first 8 lines of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae, page 2.
c. Friday: TBA
Complete the the 8 English to Latin sentences and turn in at the beginning of class. Graded for correctness. See me if you need help or to underline mistakes.
Watch this video and take notes on the battle of Cannae (216 BC in Apulia, Southern Italy).
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive;
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in 10 days with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, September 9, 2024
Reading Schedule for the Week:
a. For Monday: Finish Aeneid, Book I (foundation of Carthage) down to 370 and the first page of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae, Part I from parte altera to repetebant.
b. Wednesday: Finish Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae, page 2.
c. Friday: TBA
Watch this video and take notes on the battle of Cannae (216 BC in Apulia, Southern Italy).
Review what we have read in class thus are. Quiz coming soon
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs; b) on the optative/volitve subjunctive;
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Start leaning the vocabulary on page 1 and 3 of Titus Livius (Livy) on Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in 10 days with fero, ferre, tuli, latus verb game. Call Sriram for quizlet.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 6, 2024
REVIEW AND FINISH Vergil’s etiological account of the foundation of Carthage from Aeneid, Book I, from lines 338-370. I have email a new text and commentary for this selection which should be helpful with much more VOCABULARY. Come at lunch if you need help with Latin or general life skills.
What this video on the optative/volitve subjunctive (independent/expressed) and take notes. Would that we had learned this last year! May it snow soon! O if only Sanaya were still sitting next to Anish!
Complete sentences 4, 5, 6 on the page titled 5 Independent Subjunctives & Compound Verbs + dative
Review what we have read in class thus are. Quiz coming soon
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs and special intransitive verbs.
Video to watch later in the week: Romans vs. Hannibal at Cannae in 216 BC.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Read/translate/prepare Vergil’s etiological account of the foundation of Carthage from Aeneid, Book I, from lines 338-370. THIS WILL BE DIFFICULT. I have email a new text and commentary for this selection which should be helpful. Come at lunch if you need help with Latin or general life skills.
Review what we have read in class thus are. Quiz coming soon
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Begin learning the vocabulary list for Livy’s Preface of the 2nd Punic war. Quiz on Wednesday, September 4 with sexy verb game on the back with gerund and supine.
Syntax to review: a) dative with compound verbs;
Video to watch later in the week: Romans vs. Hannibal at Cannae in 216 BC.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, August 28, 2024
New/Review Syntax: Watch this video on the dative with compound verb and review/read these examples: Bellum nobis illatum est. Romani nobis bellum indicunt. Nos eis bellum inferēmus. Anishus omnibus praestat. Sita legioni toti praeest. prae + sum
Review what we read in class. Quiz coming soon
Preparation/Reading Schedule: For WEDNESday finish reading/translating/preparing all of Eutropius on Hannibal & Saguntum. See page 3 for vocabulary.
Bring these finished questions from the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Begin learning the vocabulary list for Livy’s Preface of the 2nd Punic war. Quiz on Monday, September 4 with sexy verb game on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Monday, August 26, 2024
Review what we read in class.
Preparation/Reading Schedule: For Monday FInish Livy’s Preface and read/translate/prepare all of Eutropius on Hannibal & Saguntum. See page 3 for vocabulary.
Read the World of Rome (Idea of Rome) pages 17-18 and answers questions on Hannibal. See your email if you did not get this in class.
Declension fun (morphological review) quiz on Monday in the same format as always with an -ius variation adjective, a 1st/2nd adjective and a wretch 3rd decl. i-stem adjective. See pink handout for help. Here are videos if you need some review.
Begin learn the vocabulary list for Livy’s Preface of the 2nd Punic war. Quiz in 8 days.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, August 23, 2024
Review and reread the preface of Livy (both paragraphs). Be able to read and translation in class without looking at your prepared transaltion. WE (YOU) will finish the 2nd paragraph on FRIDAY.
Review notes non Hellenistic World and its kingdoms, Alexandria and question on first punic war.
Complete page one (A) of Declension Fun #1-20 for the Preface of Livy. See pink handout for help. Here are videos if you need some review.
Begin learn the vocabulary list for Livy’s Preface of the 2nd Punic war. Quiz in 10 days.
Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Review timeline of Roman History/Conquest (272 to 30 BC) and know what is significant about coins on this document.
Complete page one (A) of Declension Fun #1-20 for the Preface of Livy. See pink handout for help. Here are videos if you need some review.
Read and write out a translation for the preface of Livy (both paragraphs). Be able to read and translation in class without looking at your prepared transaltion. See me at lunch if you need help. I expect James B. and Anish to high key eat on this in class.
Complete questions for the World of Rome (The Idea of Rome) numbers 1-9 by reading pages 15-17. The reading is found both on schoooology and in an email, should you have a hate on for schoology.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 7, 2024 and the Week.
A. Reading schedule for the week.
Tuesday: Finish Georgics 1, lines 480-514 (the end)
Thursday: Vergil, Aeneid, Proem. See your email for this.
Friday: Vergil, Aeneid, Proem.
B. Essay is before or on Monday, October 20 by 3:10 PM Value 200 Points. Late papers will receive a zero in the grade book.
B. Start Reviewing for Final Exam;
Biography of Vergil and Roman History from 60 BC to 19 BC, including battles: Pharsalus, Muntina, Philippi, Naulauchus, Actium.
All selections from Cicero’s Philippics
Eclogue 1
Georgic 1.415-514.
Proem of the Aeneid
Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 30, 2024 and the Week.
A. We will focus on finish the selection from Vergil’s Georgics this week:
Tuesday: Vergil, Georgics 1, lines 430-460
Thursday: Vergil, Georgics 1, lines 461-486
Friday: Finish Georgics 1, lines 487-514
B. For Thursday prepare to read Georgicon I, lines 424 to 440.
C. Finish this podcast and turn in your notes on Tuesday, April 30. Graded Ass. Listen to the first half of this podcast on Publius Vergilius Maro prior to Tuesday. Take DETAILED and PRETTY notes. Yes, Michael, “PRETTY” notes.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 25, 2024 and the Week.
A. Short review quiz on Eclogue One - translation, grammar and figures of speech of a short section.
B. For Thursday prepare to read Georgicon I, lines 424 to 440.
C. Finish this podcast and turn in your notes on Friday, April 26. Graded Ass. Listen to the first half of this podcast on Publius Vergilius Maro prior to Tuesday. Take DETAILED and PRETTY notes. Yes, Michael, “PRETTY” notes.
D. Start learning the Vocabulary List for Book One of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics. Quiz on Friday, April 26.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 16, 2024 and the Week.
B.. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week.
Tuesday: Finish all selections from Cicero’s Philippics and Vergil, Eclogue 1, lines 1-20
Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue 1, lines 21-55
Friday: Finish Vergil, Eclogue 1 to the end.
C. Start learning the Vocabulary List for Book One of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics. Quiz on Friday, April 19.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 10, 2024 and the Week.
A. Finish this podcast on Cicero’s Philippics, take notes and be able to discuss in class.
B. Read and prepared section 5 of Selections of Cicero, Philippic III and all section on the 2nd Philippic handout with selections from Philippic V and XIII. We will read this all intensely on Tuesday, so be well prepared and familiar with the text.
C. Start reading Vergil’s First Eclogue.
D. Start learning the Vocabulary List for Book One of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics. Quiz on Tuesday, April 17.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 26, 2024 and the Week.
C. Be well-prepared to finish Ovid, Amores 1.15 for Tuesday. We will work hard to finish all of it.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, March 21, 2024 and the Week.
A. Listen to the first 10 minutes of this podcast on Cicero’s Philippics, take notes and be able to discuss in class.
B. Read and prepared section 3 of Selections of Cicero, Philippic III.
C. Be well-prepared to finish Ovid, Amores 1.15 for Tuesday. We will work hard to finish all of it.
D. List to this podcast on The Roman Calendar/Dates and complete and study the handout given out last week. Turn in this assignment on Thursday.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 19, 2024 and the Week.
A. Read/prepare Ovid, Amores 1.15 for Tuesday. We will work hard to finish all of it.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 11, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. For Tuesday: Read and take notes on pages 76-77 on the ROMAN ARMY and keep a list of Latin military terms. Then to his relative short podcast on the CAESAR’S ARMY and take notes. Turn these notes in on Tuesday. Drawings are useful and desirable.
B. Thursday: Read/study pages 92-95 and complete exercise 62a, 62b, 62c in theses pages. Turn these in on Thursday.
C.. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week.
Tuesday: Caesar, Battle of Pharsalus, page 87 and 89
Thursday: Caesar, Battle of Pharsalus, page 91
Friday: Ovid, Amores 1.15. Email if you would like a copy prior to Tuesday.
D. Start learning the Mostly Martial Words list of Caesar Vocabulary. Quiz with pictures to label on Tuesday, March 18.
E. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, March 7, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. For Thursday watch this video on the battle of Pharsalus and take notes and read/trans./preparebe prepared The Battle Pharsalus, pages 81 and 83.
B. Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Friday March 8th. Value 200 points. Reading include; 1) Selections from Lucretius, De Rerum Natura; Catullus 6 and 11; The Murder of Clodius from both Cicero (Pro Milone) and Asconius; Letters of Cicero and Battle of Pharsalus from De Bello Civili. Advanced Grammar: accusative of respect; clauses with quin; proviso clauses; fearing clauses, etc. Know historical background for all authors and readings.
C. Listen to this podcast on Fulvia and take detailed notes with a timeline of events from the Murder of Clodius to the siege of Perusia. Due on Thursday, March 7. . You can also find it on Apple Podcasts.
D. Review PROVISO clauses in subjunctive handout provided that you are able to find it.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, March 1, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. Read and prepared the first page of The Battle Pharsalus, which we briefly started in class on Thursday.
B. Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Friday March 8th. Value 200 points.
C. Listen to this podcast on Fulvia and take detailed notes with a timeline of events from the Murder of Clodius to the siege of Perusia. Due on Thursday, March 7. . You can all find it on Apple Podcasts.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 27, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A.. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week. See your email text and commentary.
Tuesday: Cicero, Letter of Cicero to His Family on page 69
Thursday: Cicero, Letters on pages 71 and 73 (Section B. C. D.)
Friday: Vocabulary Quiz. See your email of list.
B. Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday March 7th. Value 200 points.
C. Listen to this podcast on Fulvia and take detailed notes with a timeline of events from the Murder of Clodius to the siege of Perusia. Due on Friday, February 30th. You can all find it on Apple Podcasts.
D. Turn in the assignment on Catullus XI. I keep forgetting to ask for this.
E. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 20, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week. Make sure that you are well prepared to read/translate in class. I will assign reading/translation this quarter out of 200 points. My goal is to have everyone read/translate each class going forward.
Tuesday: Cicero, Murder of Clodius (handout) Page 47. 53 and 55
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Milone, Pages 57, 59 and 60
B. Turn in the assignment for Catullus 11 that you worked on Tuesday.
C. Start learning Vocabulary List for Ecce Romani Chapter 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz in 10 days. See email for this list.
C. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 13, 2024 and the Week.
A. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 16 on the Pro Milone/Murder of Cicero list. With verb game on eo, ire.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 16, 2024 and the Week.
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. Vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 16 on the Pro Milone/Murder of Cicero list.
B. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week. Make sure that you are well prepared to read/translate in class. I will assign reading/translation this quarter out of 200 points. My goal is to have everyone read/translate each class going forward.
Tuesday: Cicero, Murder of Clodius (handout) Page 43 and 45 (see you email for this)
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Milone, Page 47 and 53 (see you email for this)
Friday: Cicero, Pro Milone, Page 55
C. Complete and bring the assignment for Catullus 11 that you worked on Friday.
D. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for the week. Make sure that you are well prepared to read/translate in class. I will assign reading/translation this quarter out of 200 points. My goal is to have everyone read/translate each class going forward.
Tuesday: Finish all of Lucretius, Philosophy Prevails over Religion down to line 101 and prepare/translate Catullus XI.
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Milone, Page 43 (see you email for this)
Friday: Cicero, Pro Milone, Page 45
B. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN. Accusative of Respect.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 2, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
. Be well prepared to finish Lucretius, Philosophy Prevails over Religion down to line 101 (el fin)
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 1, 2024
Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for Philosophy Prevails over Religion.
Thursday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, liber primus, lines 72-94
Friday: TBA
B. First scansion quiz on Thursday, February 1.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 27, 2024
1) Complete Catullus 6. It is green. Email if you did not get this in class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 25, 2024
1)Quiz on De Rerum Natura from line 1 to 43. Be able to translate, explain morphology and syntax and figures of speech. Know also back ground information (historical/literary or mythological) that relates to the text. Value 80-100 points.
2) Complete Catullus 6. It is green. Email if you did not get this in class.
3) Complete the scansion beaver and turn in on Thursday. a) The Latin syllable (review) b) Rules of scansion c) Video on Scansion.
4) Begin learning the vocabulary list (bright yellow) for De Rerum Natura. Quiz on Friday, January 26, 2024.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 23, 2024
1) Reading to Prepared Prior to Tuesday’s Class:
a) Finish De Rerum Natura down line 43
b) Complete Catullus 6. It is green. Email if you did not get this in class.
2) De Rerum Natura down line 43 Review notes from class on dactylic hexameter, what makes a syllable long (3 things) and what things elide (3 things). a) The Latin syllable (review) b) Rules of scansion c) Video on Scansion.
3) Begin learning the vocabulary list (bright yellow) for De Rerum Natura. Quiz on Friday, January 26, 2024.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 18, 2023
1) Review notes from class on the Accusative of Respect and on Epic Poetry.
2) Be prepared to read/translate the proem of De Rerum Natura down line 43 without looking at your prepared translation. Graded Ass.
3) Review notes from class on dactylic hexameter, what makes a syllable long (3 things) and what things elide (3 things). Watch the following videos and take notes.
a) The Latin syllable (review)
4) When you finish number 2 above, scan lines 4-10 on the purple copy of Lucretius, De Rerum Natura.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 16, 2023
Keep review all Latin read in class.
Vocabulary Quiz on Pro Caelio/De Rerum Natura list on Tuesday, January 23. See your email for this list.
Review notes from class on the accusative of repect or accusative of the retained bodily part.
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation:
Tuesday: Finish the proem of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura down to line 43. Watch this video on Lucretius and the manuscript of De Rerum Natura.
B. Poster on Roman Comedy (Due on Tuesday, January 16). Email if you need things or have questions. Value 80 points.
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
c) Turn notes from things in A and B into a cleverly organized and visually appealing formate with images as well as text. Due on Tuesday, January 16.
C. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 9, 2023
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation:
Thursday: Finish Pro Caelio, down to 505 and Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, Lines 1-20 (email if you need this text/commentary or would like a digital copy.
Watch this video on Lucretius and the manuscript of De Rerum Natura.
Friday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, Lines 21-40
B. Poster on Roman Comedy (Due on Tuesday, January 16).
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
c) Turn notes from things in A and B into a cleverly organized and visually appealing formate with images as well as text. Due on Tuesday, January 16.
C. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Second Quarter Test. Value 200-250. points. Test will cover all Latin read from the Exordium of the Pro Caelio to line 475 and any tangential readings, including Catullus on the Magna Mater, Livy on the Magna Mater, Ennius Fragment from the Media, Selections from Terence’s Adelphoe. Be able to translate into English but focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases. Know background information germane to the Latin selections and significant information about Latin authors read, especially Cicero, Catullus and Ennius.
Email with questions and complaints.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Keep reviewing what we read in class. 2nd quarter test is coming in 2 weeks. Value 200 points. Test will cover all Latin read from the Exordium of the Pro Caelio to the end of this week.
A. Voice recording assignment on Appius Claudius Caecus speech is due in my mailbox the end of the day on Monday, December 11. Value 80 points. Do not read it too fast or rush through it.
B. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation:
Tuesday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 432-452
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 452-471
Friday: TBA
D. Read the OCD article on Q. Ennius (email if you do not have this). and review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection. Write out answers to these questions with evidence from the article: What is Ennius significance with the history and development of Latin literature? What did Ennius write? Genre is important here. In what historical context did Ennis write?
E. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7) Fearing Clause with ut/ne. 8) Clauses of doubting with QUIN.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Keep reviewing what we read in class. 2nd quarter test is coming in 2 weeks. Value 200 points.
A. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation:
Tuesday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 416-440
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 440-451
Friday: TBA
B. Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, December 7. Verb game on the back.
C. Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, Lines 1-20
D. Read the OCD article on Q. Ennius (email if you do not have this). and review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection. Write out answers to these questions with evidence from the article: What is Ennius significance with the history and development of Latin literature? What did Ennius write? Genre is important here. In what historical context did Ennis write?
E. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 30, 2023
Keep reviewing what we read in class. 2nd quarter test is coming in 2 weeks. Value 200 points.
A. This will also be an intense and important reading week:
Here is the schedule.
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 405-431
Friday: TBA
B. REVIEW the inscription about APPIUS CLAUDIUS
C. Start learning the new purple vocabulary list. Quiz in 7 days.
D. Read the OCD article on Q. Ennius (email if you do not have this). and review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection. Write out answers to these questions with evidence from the article: What is Ennius significance with the history and development of Latin literature? What did Ennius write? Genre is important here. In what historical context did Ennis write?
E. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 28, 2023
A. This will also be an intense and important reading week: Here is the schedule.
Tuesday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 391-415
Thursday: Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 416-31
Friday: TBA
B. Look at the inscription about APPIUS CLAUDIUS below and spend 10 minutes trying to read it. There is much abbreviation. Inscription can be difficult.
C. Start learning the new purple vocabulary list. Quiz in 7-10 days.
C. Read the OCD article on Q. Ennius (email if you do not have this). and review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection. Write out answers to these questions with evidence from the article: What is Ennius significance with the history and development of Latin literature? What did Ennius write? Genre is important here. In what historical context did Ennis write?
D. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. 6) utrum…an = whether…or; 7)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 21, 2023
A. This will be an intense and important reading day, so be well prepared to read Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 380 to 410.
B. Review the handout with the charges (crimina) against Caelius and know all things on these pages.
C. Read the OCD article on Q. Ennius (email if you do not have this). and review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection. Write out answers to these questions with evidence from the article: What is Ennius significance with the history and development of Latin literature? What did Ennius write? Genre is important here. In what historical context did Ennis write?
D. Keep reviewing Advanced Grammar. Test on this material in a fortnight: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc; 4) Conditional Sentences; 5) Indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
A. Review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea and be able to explain all grammar in the selection.
B. Thursday will be a fat reading day: Reading/preparation for Thursday. Read/prepare/translate lines 354-385 of new text hanted out in class. See your email for the commentary and vocabulary for this section.
C. Keep review Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
A. Reading/preparation for Tuesday: We will finish Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 200-216 and then read the fragment of Ennius that you should prepare/translate as well as possible.
B. Keep studying the pudicitia (pink, I think) list for vocabulary quiz with verb game for quiz on Tuesday, November 14.
C. Study page one and complete all sentences on page 2 of the handout on Correlatives for Tuesday.
D. Keep review Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc
Homework/Agenda for Friday, Nov. 10, 2023
A. Read write out a translation of Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 190-216.
B. Keep studying the pudicitia (pink, I think) list for vocabulary quiz with verb game for quiz on Tuesday, November 14.
C. Keep review Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
A. Read write out a translation of Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 190-216. (SEE your email for text and commentary). See new text handed out in class and detach commentary from it for your reading enjoyment.
B. Read and study the handout on Impersonal Verbs. Note the syntax that each will generation and the ones like paenitet that can take a genitive of the thing and an accusative of person. Then complete the English to Latin Sentences with the frog sacrifice at the bottom. Bring to class on Thursday.
C. Keep studying the pudicitia (pink, I think) list for vocabulary quiz with verb game for quiz on Friday, November 10.
D. Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc
D. For Thursday, November 9 finish the final 25 minutes of this podcast and answer the questions as you read. This should consolidate your knowledge of Cicero’s life and career during the final turbulent years of the Roman Republic. These questions were handout out last week. Email if you need it. I will ask to see these questions on Tuesday and give you a grade for them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, Nov. 3, 2023
A. Read write out a translation of Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 80-101(end at erudiretur). See new text handed out in class and detach commentary from it for your reading enjoyment.
B. Keep studying the pudicitia (pink, I think) list for vocabulary quiz with verb game for quiz on Friday, November 10.
C. Advanced Grammar: 1) Review uses of QUIN with indicative and subjunctive. 2) Begin studying handout on impersonal verbs; 3) Review correlative notes from last class on quantum….tantam, quails…talis, tam…quam, etc
C. If you have not already, turn the Exordium Assignment for Meretricious Chick Peas and turn in on Tuesday. Use your text, notes, dictionary and commentary for help. You may also email me with questions.
D. For Thursday, November 9 finish the final 25 minutes of this podcast and answer the questions as you read. This should consolidate your knowledge of Cicero’s life and career during the final turbulent years of the Roman Republic. These questions were handout out last week. Email if you need it. I will ask to see these questions on Tuesday and give you a grade for them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 31, 2023
A.Finish the exordium down to line 29. We only have 4-5 lines left.
B. Read write out a translation of Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 65-79 (end at suscepisset). See new text handed out in class and detach commentary from it for your reading enjoyment.
C. Complete the Exordium Assignment for Meretricious Chick Peas and turn in on Tuesday. Use your text, notes, dictionary and commentary for help. You may also email me with questions.
D. For Friday, November 3 finish the final 25 minutes of this podcast and answer the questions as you read. This should consolidate your knowledge of Cicero’s life and career during the final turbulent years of the Roman Republic. These questions were handout out last week. Email if you need it. I will ask to see these questions on Tuesday and give you a grade for them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 27, 2023
A.Finish the exordium down to line 29. We only have 4-5 lines left.
B. Quiz (morphology/syntax/translaton) on Cicero, Pro Caelio (line 1-29).
C. For Tuesday finish the final 25 minutes of this podcast and answer the questions as you read. This should consolidate your knowledge of Cicero’s life and career during the final turbulent years of the Roman Republic. These questions were handout out last week. Email if you need it. I will ask to see these questions on Tuesday and give you a grade for them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 26, 2023
A. Review what we read in class on Tuesday. Unannounced preparation and review quiz coming soon.
B. Finish reading and translating the exordium of Cicero, Pro Caelio (line 1-29). Be well-prepared to read, translate, discuss and analyze this on Monday.
C. Listen to the first 25 minutes of this podcast and answer the questions as you read. This should consolidate your knowledge of Cicero’s life and career during the final turbulent years of the Roman Republic. These questions were handout out last week. Email if you need it. I will ask to see these questions on Thursday and give you a grade for them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 24, 2023
A. Read - LIFE OF CAELIUS AND THE PRO CAELIO on page xxvii (xxvii-xxix) of the introduction to the Pro Caelio.
B. Finish read and translating the exordium of Cicero, Pro Caelio (line 1-29). This is what you worked on in class on Thursday. Be well-prepared to read, translate, discuss and analyze this on Monday.
B. Finish all questions for Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero down to the end of PAGE XXI in the reading.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 16, 2023 and the Week
Tuesday: 1st quarter test. 4 Latin selections from readings. Value 200 points.
Thursday: Collaborate to read/translate the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio
Friday: Vocabulary quiz on the exordium of Cicero’s Pro Caelio
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 12, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST on October 17th on all readings. 4 selection from what we have read in class this quarter. value 200 points.
A.Read, prepare and translate pages 4, 6 and 8 of Cicero’s In Catalinam. See email for a digital copy of this text. We will start again at the beginning of the speech.
B. Finish all questions for Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero down to the end of PAGE XXI in the reading.
C. Start learning the vocabulary list for Cicero, Pro Caelio, exordium. Quiz on this list will be on Thursday, Oct. 19.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST coming soon on all readings.
A.5. Read and write out a translation for The Historian Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus (email if you need this text and vocabulary). Be well-prepared to read/translate in class without looking at your prepared translation. Take notes on the text.
B. Read the Introduction: Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-xix and answer the questions that follow this reading. Email if you need these things. Be prepared to answer these questions orally in class.
C. Quiz on Indefinite Animals and other QU-words on Thursday. quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid and quisquam, etc. Study also 10th page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin.
D. What are the 4 post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Greek East? Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East will especially important.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST coming soon on all readings.
InThe World of Rome (new black book) Read pages 25 (Spoils of Empire and Crisis) to 29 prior to Tuesday’s class
A.Read and write out a translation for Livy on Tiberius Gracchus. Be well-prepared to read/translate in class without looking at your prepared translation. Take notes on the text.
B. Finish the quiz/assignment on Imperium Romanum and turn in on Tuesday.
C. Continue learning Indefinite Animals and other QU-words: a) Learn the indefinite words: quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid. See 10 page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin. See last page for a list of the wretched QU words.
D. Begin learning the blue vocabulary list for Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Quiz on Tuesday, September 26. Verb on the back for either fero, ferre or fio, fieri. See verb charts or the appendix of Wheelock for full paradigms.
E. What are the 4 post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Greek East? Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East will especially important.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 21, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST coming soon on all readings.
If there is any morphological or syntax that you would like to review, please let me know.
A. Short quiz on what we have read thus far of Imperium Romanum.
B. Finish Imperium Romanum and be well prepared to read/translate/analyze in class.
C. Continue learning Indefinite Animals and other QU-words: a) Learn the indefinite words: quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid. See 10 page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin. See last page for a list of the wretched QU words.
D. Watch this video on the Battle Cynoscephalae (Rome vs Macedon) when you get a chance. Why did the Romans win? What is the historical significance of this battle?
E. Begin learning the blue vocabulary list for Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Quiz on Friday, September 22. Verb on the back for either fero, ferre or fio, fieri. See verb charts or the appendix of Wheelock for full paradigms.
F. What are the 4 post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Greek East? Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East will especially important.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST coming soon on all readings.
If there is any morphological or syntax that you would like to review, please let me know.
A. For Tuesday finish reading/preparing Imperium Romanum - all of it. Email if you would like a digital copy of this.
B. Continue learning Indefinite Animals and other QU-words: a) Learn the indefinite words: quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid. See 10 page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin. See last page for a list of the wretched QU words.
C. Watch this video on the Battle Cynoscephalae (Rome vs Macedon) when you get a chance. Why did the Romans win? What is the historical significance of this battle?
D. Begin learning the blue vocabulary list for Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Quiz on Friday, September 22. Verb on the back for either fero, ferre or fio, fieri. See verb charts or the appendix of Wheelock for full paradigms.
E. What are the 4 post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Greek East? Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East will especially important.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 13, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. TEST coming soon on all readings.
A. For Thursday: Finish all reading in Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars on pages1, 2 and 3.
B. Work to be done on Indefinite Animals and other QU-words: a) Learn the indefinite words: quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid. See 10 page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin. b) Complete sentences 1-6 on Indefinite Fun for Certain Bunnies.
C. Watch this video on the Battle Cynoscephalae (Rome vs Macedon) when you get a chance. Why did the Romans win? What is the historical significance of this battle?
D. Begin learning the blue vocabulary list for Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars.
E. What are the 4 post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Greek East? Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East will especially important.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 11, 2023
Keep reviewing all Latin read in class and your notes from class. Text coming soon on all readings.
A. Reading: a) For Tuesday review and be prepared to finish the last sentence of the second paragraph of The Morning After Cannae and also the first page (both paragraphs) of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Email if you need this or would like a digital copy. b) For Thursday: Finish all reading in Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars on pages 2 and 3.
B. Short quiz on conditional sentences: Review this video on Conditional Sentences. Don’t for how aliquis, aliquid functions in conditions.
C. Learn the indefinite words: quidam, quaedam, quoddam and quisque, quidque and aliquis, aliquid and quisquis, quicquid. See 10 page handout on wretched QU-words in Latin.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 7, 2023
A. For Thursday review and be prepared to finish the second paragraph of The Morning After Cannae.
B. Review this video on Conditional Sentences. Quiz on conditions next week.
C. Finish listening to this podcast on Hannibal and the 2nd Punic war (218-202). Take detailed notes as you listen. Organize your notes in a visually appealing and useful-for-study format. Add maps, drawings and diagram. Notes are due on Thursday, Sept. 7 Value 40 points.
D. Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, Sept. 7. Begin learning the vocabulary on page 4 of Titus Livius on the Aftermath of Cannae. Verb game with fero, ferre, tuli, latus on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 5, 2023
A. For Tuesday prepare to read all (both paragraphs) of The Morning After Cannae….. See my notes and vocabulary list for help.
B. Review this video on Conditional Sentences. Then complete the page with English to Latin sentences and Sriyutha. Quiz on conditions next week.
C. Finish listening to this podcast on Hannibal and the 2nd Punic war (218-202). Take detailed notes as you listen. Organize your notes in a visually appealing and useful-for-study format. Add maps, drawings and diagram. Notes are due on Thursday, Sept. 7 Value 40 points.
D. Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, Sept. 7. Begin learning the vocabulary on page 4 of Titus Livius on the Aftermath of Cannae. Verb game with fero, ferre, tuli, latus on the back.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, August 31, 2023
A. For Thursday: a) Finish reading and writing out a translation of all of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita titled Titus Livius on the Aftermath of Cannae. b) Complete the first paragraph of The Morning After Cannae…..
B. Watch this video on Conditional Sentences and take notes. Then complete page 8 (Exercise 60a) of my handout on conditions. You may need to look up a few words. Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
C. Begin listening to this podcast on Hannibal and the 2nd Punic war (218-202). Take detailed notes as you listen. Organize your notes in a visually appealing and useful-for-study format. Add maps, drawings and diagram. Notes will be due in one week.
CD Vocabulary Quiz: Begin learning the vocabulary on page 4 of Titus Livius on the Aftermath of Cannae. Quiz in a week or so.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, August 25, 2023
I.Friday’s Evil Janus/Anceps Quiz:
A. SIDE ONE: Quiz on declension fun. Here are videos if you need some review.
B. SIDE TWO: Quiz on the preface (paragraphs one and two) The Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on See vocabulary lists and commentary. Be able to translate, explain morphology and syntax and discuss historical and stylistic content. Know litotes, syncopation, polysyndeton, asyndeton. Click here for explanation of such stylistic devices.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, August 24, 2023
A. Complete the pink thing titled Declension Fun- Livy’s Vocabulary. Here are videos if you need some review. Quiz on this and a verb on Friday.
B. Finishing reading and translating Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on page titled Livy Begins his Account of the 2nd Punic War. Be able to read and translate and discuss paragraphs one and two (stop at imperitatum victis esse) at the beginning of class on Thursday. See vocabulary lists and commentary.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, August 21, 2023
1.Declension Fun and Verb Game.
2. Case Usage
3. Latin Reading
1) Declension Review:
A. Complete part B (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
B. Graded Quiz on Friday on paradigms/declension of all nouns, adjectives and pronouns. See Wheelock, pages 495-8 or the Pink Handout.
3) Finish reading/writing out a translation of page one (sections 1 and 30) of Eutropius and Livy on the Macedonian Wars. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded.
4) Read the World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Romam Calender/Dates link for Friday’s Class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 25, 2023
1.Reveiw and know well all of Eclogue One. We will reared and finish this prior to the exam.
2. Be prepared to read/translation Georgics from 490 to the end.
3. Vocabulary Quiz on the Georgics list on Thursday, May 25.
4. Begin study for final exam and see me if you need to reread any selections. There will also be scansion of dactylic hexameter on the exam.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 16, 2023
1.Reveiw and know well all of Eclogue One.
2. Be prepared to read/translation Georgics 1.441-490.
3. Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, May 16 on Eclogue list, vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, May 23 on the Georgics lis.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Thursday, April 27 vocabulary quiz on the Pharsalus List. See email if you need this.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Watch this short video and take notes and read introduction to Eclogue 1 a the beginning of the commentary (page 5 of handout). Read and translate Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 1-25
b) For Thursday: Read and translate Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 26-58
c) Friday: Read and translate Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 59-end of poem
2. Listen to his podcast on Cicero’s Philippics, a series of speech deliver in late 44 and 43 BC that attack Marcus Antonius and champion Octavian, the adopted son of assassinated Caesar. Take notes and turn on Tuesday, April 26.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 18, 2023
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Finish page 91 of Pharsalus and section 3 and some of 4 of Cicero’s Third Philippic. See your email for the text of Philippic III with vocabulary.
b) For Thursday: Cicero’s Third Philippic section 4 and 5.
c) Friday: Vocabulary Quiz on the Pharsalus List. See email if you need this.
2. Turn in this assignment on Tuesday. Listen to these two podcast on Caesar’s Army and detail take notes that include all technical terms and historical back ground to Caesar and is army. It is a good ideal to drawn and label significant vocabulary. Value 50-60 points. Due on Tuesday, April 18th.
3. Listen to his podcast on Cicero’s Philippics, a series of speech deliver in late 44 and 43 BC that attack Marcus Antonius and champion Octavian, the adopted son of assassinated Caesar. Take notes and turn in on Friday, April 21.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 28, 2023 & the Week.
Have your parents pay for the CAV and NLE test online with Maggie Walker.
1) Tuesday: Tuesday, March 28. Value 200 points do not neglect Catullus poems and selections from Lucretia. There will also be something from the Murder of Clodius. There will be four sections: 1) A selection of Lucretius to translate and scan; 2) A poem of Catullus to translate and analyze; 3) a selection of Cicero with multiple choice questions; 4) a short essay with two selection from a Cicero reading (not pro caelio).
2) Thursday: Read and prepare pages the Battle of Pharsalus, page 79 and 81 from Caesar, De Bello Civili.
3) Friday: Read and prepare pages the Battle of Pharsalus, page 83
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Have your parents pay for the CAV and NLE test online with Maggie Walker.
Continue reviewing all selections read following the Pro Caelio for test on Tuesday, March 28. Value 200 points do not neglect Catullus poems and selections from Lucretia. There will also be something from the Murder of Clodius.
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes. You do not have to do it all at once.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week: I would like to read a lot of Latin this week.
a) For Tuesday: Murder of Clodius, pages 59 and 60 and Cicero, Letter FROM CICERO TO HIS FAMILY on page 69
b) For Thursday: All letters of Cicero on pages 71 and 73
c) Friday: First Selection of Caesar on the Battle of Pharsalus from De Bello Civili.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the Murder of Clodius list on Friday, March 17. I think I have emailed this already but if you do not have it, let me know.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 21, 2023.
Have your parents pay for the CAV and NLE test online with Maggie Walker.
Continue reviewing all selections read following the Pro Caelio for test on Tuesday, March 28.
1) Watch this video and take detailed notes. You do not have to do it all at once.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week: I would like to read a lot of Latin this week.
a) For Tuesday: Murder of Clodius, pages 59 and 60 and Cicero, Letter FROM CICERO TO HIS FAMILY on page 69
b) For Thursday: All letters of Cicero on pages 71 and 73
c) Friday: First Selection of Caesar on the Battle of Pharsalus.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the Murder of Clodius list on Friday, March 17. I think I have emailed this already but if you do not have it, let me know.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, March 17, 2023.
1) For Friday: Murder of Clodius, pages 57, 59 and 60
2) Vocabulary quiz on the Murder of Clodius list on Friday, March 17. I think I have emailed this already but if you do not have it, let me know.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 13, 2023.
Have your parent pay for the CAV and NLE test online with Maggie Walker.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week: I would like to read a lot of Latin this week.
a) For Tuesday: Murder of Clodius, pages 47, 53, 55.
b) For Thursday: Murder of Clodius, pages 57, 59 and 60
c) Friday: TBA
2) Vocabulary quiz on the Murder of Clodius list on Friday, March 17. I think I have emailed this already but if you do not have it, let me know.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February March 7, 2023 and CAV WEEK
1) For Tuesday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.5. and Murder of Clodius, pages 43 and 43 and 47 (we will read with speed on Tuesday, via ZOOM.)
2) Thursday: You will do the CAV test. It is crucial that you do a couple of practice tests prior to the main event. See email for these.
3) 3rd Quarter Test is coming soon. Start review all selections read this quarter. Value 200 points.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February March 2, 2023.
I will be back on Tuesday for an intensive weak of reading.
a) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.5. and Murder of Clodius, pages 43 and 43
b) Friday: Scansion quiz of Dactylic hexameter.
2) Scansion quiz for Grade Book on Thursday.
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February March 2, 2023.
I will be back on Tuesday for an intensive weak of reading.
a) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.5. and Murder of Clodius, pages 43 and 43
b) Friday: Scansion quiz of Dactylic hexameter.
2) Scansion quiz for Grade Book on Thursday.
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 27, 2023.
I will be back on Tuesday for an intensive weak of reading.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Ovid, Amores 1.5. and Murder of Clodius, pages 43
b) For Thursday: Murder of Clodius, pages 45 and 47
c) Friday: Murder of Clodius, pages 53
2) Complete the scansion beaver handed out on Friday last week with the Lucretius passage that I can not find but will. If some one could send me a picture of it, I would be a happy man.
3) Scansion quiz for Grade Book on Thursday.
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 23, 2023.
1) Finish reading/translating/preparing all of Catullus XI. We will reread on Thruway and also translate/prepare Ovid, Amores 1.5. See email for this with vocabulary and commentary. The poem is Ovid’s tribute to earlier poets.
2) Complete new scansion beaver handed out on Friday.
3) Scansion quiz for Grade Book on Friday. Here are videos for review.
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 17, 2023.
1) Finish reading/translating/preparing all of Catullus XI. Use commentary to help.
2) Completely scan all passages handed out on Thursday. Here are videos on this topic:
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 16, 2023.
1) Finish and review and pages 143-145 of new section from book 3 and read/translate/prepare all of Catullus 51 to be read on Thursday.
2) Completely scan all passages handed out on Thursday. Here are videos on this topic:
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 14, 2023.
1) Completely scan all passages handed out on Thursday. Here are videos on this topic:
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura: Review lines 78-86 (Iphigenia) and pages 143-145 of new section from book 3. Note that this not the first part. See email for this if you are confuses about what to read for Tuesday. We will do a zoom class on Tuesday.
b) For Thursday: TBA
c) Friday: TBA
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 9, 2023.
1) Reading Schedule for Thursday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 70-101.
2) Review notes from class on dactylic hexameter, what makes a syllable long (3 things) and what things elide (3 things). Here are videos on this topic but you do not have to watch them all prior to class on Thursday, if you are short of time:
b) Watch this video if you need to review or learn the rules of scansion
3) Complete and turn in on Thursday the Assignment for the Proem of De Rerum Natura.
4) No Homework for Friday this week.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 7, 2023.
1) Complete and turn in on Tuesday the Assignment for the Proem of De Rerum Natura. See email for this. I can give you a hard copy on Monday if you do not wish to print it yourself. See me or email if you need help with any questions. Work independently and sign Rabid Rabbit Pledge.
2) Watch this video on Raphael’s School of Athens (Philosophy) and take notes.
3) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 62-86 (Iphigenia)
b) For Thursday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 87-101
c) Friday: TBA
4) New Vocabulary list
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 3, 2023.
Vocabulary on Friday, February 3, 2023 on the Cicero and Lucretius list. Verb game on fio or malo, volo or nolo. and pictures to label with dictionary entries. See an earlier email for these images.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 7, 2023.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 62-86.
b) For Thursday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 87-101
c) Friday: TBA
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 31, 2023.
1) Watch this video and take notes.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 10-43
b) For Thursday: More Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, “Iphigenia”
3) Vocabulary on Friday, February 3, 2023 on the Cicero and Lucretius list. Verb game on fio or malo, volo or nolo. and pictures to label with dictionary entries.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 24, 2023.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 475-496
b) For Thursday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 1-28 and watch this video and take notes.
c) Friday: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 28-43
2) Notes and Poster on Roman Comedy (Due on Tuesday, January 24)
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
c) Turn notes from things in A and B into a cleverly organized and visually appealing formate. Due on Tuesday,
3) Vocabulary on Friday, January 27 on list for Terence’s Aedelphoe. Quiz in the following week on the longer Cicero and Lucretius List.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 448-482
b) For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 483 - 496
2) Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus Speech is due on Thursday, January 19.
3) Notes and Poster on Roman Comedy (Due on Tuesday, January 24)
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
c) Turn notes from things in A and B into a cleverly organized and visually appealing formate. Due on Tuesday,
4) I will post a new vocabulary quiz soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 10, 2022.
1) Read and translate Pro Caelio, lines 440-447 and the entire second page of Terence, Aedelphoe handout. See vocabulary in handout.
2) Notes and Poster on Roman Comedy:
a) Read and take notes on the OCD articles on Plautus and Terence and The Introduction to a translation the Adelphoe in your email
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman and take detailed notes
c) Turn notes from things in A and B into a cleverly organized and visually appealing formate. This will be due soon after the test on Thursday but not next week.
2) 2nd Quarter Test on Thursday, January 12. Study all Latin read from Pro Caelio Exordium to the present. Know also historical, literary and cultural background material.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 6, 2022.
1) Read and translate Pro Caelio, lines 440-447 and the first paragraph on page two of the Terence, Aedelphoe handout.
2) 2nd Quarter Test on Thursday, January 12. Study all Latin read from Pro Caelio Exordium to the present. Know also historical, literary and cultural background material.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 3, 2022.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 415-437
For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 438-464.
c) Friday: Pro Caelio, lines 465-482
2) Dramatic reading of Appius Claudius Speech is due prior to class on January 5, 2023
3) Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus is due on Tuesday, January 10.
4) 2nd Quarter Test on Thursday, January 12. Study all Latin read from Pro Caelio Exordium to the present. Know also historical, literary and cultural background material.
5) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
j) quo + subjunctive in a purpose clause with comparative adjective or adverb.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 13, 2022.
1) Review the inscription on Appius Claudius Caecus and know his achievements. Read also the OCD article on Appius Claudius Caecus. Review also Catullus 56.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 405-430
For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 431-450 and Livy on the Magna Mater (see Email)
c) Friday: Vocabulary Quiz.
3) Keep reviewing all selections read back to the exordium. 2nd quarter test will come shortly after the break.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 9, 2022.
1) Review the inscription on Appius Claudius Caecus and know his achievements. Read also the OCD article on Appius Claudius Caecus.
2)Be superlatively well-prepared to read and translate Pro Caelio, lines 396-415 (Caecus’ Speech).
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
1) Turn in take home Quiz on the sections of the Pro Caelio in translation to take you up to the gold and position section, line 354 in the late text. As you read and study this part in translation read the notes attached so you understand what the hell is happening.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 380-405
For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 405-425
c) Friday: Pro Caelio, lines 426-440
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
j) quo + subjunctive in a purpose clause with comparative adjective or adverb.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 1, 2022.
1) Quiz on the sections of the Pro Caelio in translation to take you up to the gold and position section, line 354 in the late text. As you read and study this part in translation read the notes attached so you understand what the hell is happening.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 354-370
c) Friday: Pro Caelio, lines 371 -384.
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
j) quo + subjunctive in a purpose clause with comparative adjective or adverb.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 29, 2022 and the Week.
1) Read and take notes on the section of the Pro Caelio in translation to take you up to the gold and position section, line 354 in the late text.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Finish and review and prepare Pro Caelio, lines 354-370
b) For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 371 -384.
c) Friday: TBA
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
j) quo + subjunctive in a purpose clause with comparative adjective or adverb.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 22, 2022 and the Week.
1) Turn in take home vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week: For Tuesday: Finish Pro Caelio, lines 198-216 (Palatine Medea Section) and read/translate/prepare the emailed fragrant from Ennius’ Medea. See email for this.
3) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
j) quo + subjunctive as a purpose clause
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 15, 2022 and the Week.
1) Advanced Grammar New and Review:
a) Read the handout on Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives (page 160-1). See email for this if you do not have it and then complete and turn in Exercise 65a.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 85-101 and Catullus 6 (see pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary and commentary)
b) For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 198-216 (Palatine Medea Section). See email for this.
c) Friday: Midterm quiz on Pro Caelio, Exordium and Pudicita section. Translation, parsing (morphology and syntax), figures of speech/rhetorical devices and analysis.
3)Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, Novermber 15 with verb game of volo, nolo or malo.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam, tot..quot, tantus…quantum, etc
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
Homework/Agenda for Thrusday, November 10, 2022 and the Week.
1) Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Complete sentences 4, 5, 6, on page two of Advanced Grammar: Quin + indicative vs. subjunctive.
b) Watch this video on Conditions in Latin and take notes.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
Read the intervening page of the Pro Caelio in translation
a) For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 65-87
b) For Friday: Pro Caelio, lines 87 to 101
3)Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, Novermber 15 with verb game of volo, nolo or malo.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
5) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs, such a penitent + acc. + gen.
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
i) Quin with indicative vs. subjunctive mood
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 4, 2022
1) Complete sentences 1, 2, 3, on page two of Advanced Grammar: Quin + indicative vs. subjunctive.
2) Complete and turn in the emailed assignment on the exordium. Email me with questions. You may use any resources for help. See email for this assignment. Value 80-100 points. Late assignment will receive a zero.
3) Begin learning the emailed vocabulary list. Quiz in approx. 7-10 days.
4) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 1, 2022
1) Review/reread the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio so you will be well-prepared to read it on Tuesday and as you do this complete the emailed assignment on the exordium. Email me with questions. You may use any resources for help. See email for this assignment.
2) Begin learning the emailed vocabulary list. Quiz in approx. 7-10 days.
2) Old but bring:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 27, 2022
I will email you the zoom thing tomorrow prior to class.
1) Be prepared to read, translate and discuss the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio via zoom tomorrow. Bring your computer and head phones if possible.
2) We will also discuss the questions below:
a) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
b) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 25, 2022
1) Read the Life and Times of Cicero and answer each question as you read. You can stop following questions 36. You should have these two handout from class but I have also emailed them to you.
2) Also read, take notes on and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio which begins on the third to last page of Life and Times of Cicero
3) Bring the Exordium of the Pro Caelio to class on Tuesday.
4) Romam Calender/Dates link for Friday’s Class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 18, 2022
1) See email for new vocabulary list for In Catalinam and start learning. Quiz on Tuesday, October 18.
2) Reading Schedule: For Tuesday: complete page 16, 18, 20 (see email if you need this) of Cicero’s In Catalinam.
3) Finish all sentences on Impersonal verbs and fearing clauses on Fearing and Loathing Impersonal Verbs. Read notes on Fearing Clauses. See email if you need this.
4) Read and study all boxes that you encounter in the commentary for Cicero’s In Catalinam.
4) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
5) First quarter test is coming soon so keep review what we read in class and historical background and questions. Value 200 points.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 18, 2022
1) See email for new vocabulary list for In Catalinam and start learning. Quiz on Tuesday, October 18.
2) Reading Schedule: For Tuesday: complete page 16, 18, 20 (see email if you need this) of Cicero’s In Catalinam.
3) Finish all sentences on Impersonal verbs and fearing clauses on Fearing and Loathing Impersonal Verbs. Read notes on Fearing Clauses. See email if you need this.
4) Read and study all boxes that you encounter in the commentary for Cicero’s In Catalinam.
4) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case and Place construction with proper names of cities, domus, rus.
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore? Ethanius Maior dicit se semper fore pulcherrimum omnium.
f) Impersonal Verbs
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam
h) Fearing Clauses ut/ne + subjunctive mood
5) First quarter test is coming soon so keep review what we read in class and historical background and questions. Value 200 points.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 13, 2022
See email for new vocabulary list for In Catalinam and start learning. Quiz on Tuesday, October 18.
1) Reading Schedule: For Thursday: complete page 14 and 16 (see email if you need this) of Cicero’s In Catalinam.
2) Read notes on Fearing Clauses. See email if you need this.
3) Use my key to correct you sentences on impersonal verbs and review notes from class on the 4 or 5 kinds of syntax that is used with certain impersonal verbs. Start learning vocabulary from handouts on impersonal verbs.
3.5) Read and study all boxes that you encounter in the commentary for Cicero’s In Catalinam.
4) Advanced Grammar to keep reviewing:
a) Interrogative vs. relative vs indefinite things:
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
b) Locative case
c) fero, ferre and its compounds - video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes
d) UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives.
e) What form is fore?
f) Impersonal Verbs
g) Correlative conjunctions, such as tam…quam
5) First quarter test is coming soon so keep review what we read in class and historical background and questions. Value 200 points.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 6, 2022
1) Be well-prepared to read pages 8, 10, 12 of In Catalinam.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 4, 2022
What are anaphora, anastrophe and ellipsis and litotes and asyndeton? What is tam…quam?
What does these words below mean and do?
quis?quid? aliquis, aliquid quisque, quidque. quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
See email for new vocabulary list for In Catalinam and start learning. Quiz in 7-10 days.
1) Reading Schedule:
a) For Tuesday: complete page 6 and 8 and 10 (see email if you need this) of Cicero’s In Catalinam.
b) For Thursday complete/prepare page 12.
2) Read and study all box that you encounter in the commentary for Cicero’s In Catalinam.
3) Complete sentence 5-10 of Sentences with fero, ferre and the Subjunctive mood. See email for more vocabulary for these sentences.
4) Old but bring: Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
5) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 29, 2022
What are anaphora, anastrophe and ellipsis and litotes?
1) Reading Schedule: For Thursday: complete page 4 and 6 and 8 (see email if you need this) of Cicero’s In Catalinam.
2) Complete sentence 2, 3, 4 of Sentences with fero, ferre and the subjunctive mood. See email for more vocabulary for these sentences.
2.5) Listen to this podcast on Cicero (BBC In Our Time: Cicero) long enough (the first half) to answer the first two pages of questions. See email for questions. Be able to answer in detail in class on Tuesday.
3) Old but bring: Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
4) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 27, 2022
What are anaphora, anastrophe and ellipsis?
1) Reading Schedule: For Tuesday: Complete page 2 and 4 of Cicero’s In Catalinam (new handout - email if you need it) and also Finish all of Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus.
2) Listen to this podcast on Cicero (BBC In Our Time: Cicero) long enough (the first half) to answer the first two pages of questions. See email for questions. Be able to answer in detail in class on Tuesday.
3) Vocabulary quiz on the Gracchi list with fero, ferre verb game on Tuesday, September 27. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus
4) Old but bring: Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
5) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 22, 2022
Keep reviewing Latin text (translation, morphology and synax) read in class; A test on readings is coming soon. Value 100 points.
1) Reading Schedule: For Thursday: Finish all of Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus.
2) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
3) A reading review mini-test on Thursday, September 22. Be able to read/translation/parse words and explain syntax (mostly case usage and subjunctive syntax) and supply any back information necessary for comprehension. Study the 4 readings: Macedonia Wars, Imperium Romanum, Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus. Value 100 points
4) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
5) Vocabulary quiz with fero, ferre verb game on Friday, September 23.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Keep reviewing Latin text (translation, morphology and synax) read in class; A test on readings is coming soon. Value 100 points.
1) Reading Schedule: For Monday: Finish all of Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus.
2) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
3) A reading review mini-test on Thursday, September 22. Be able to read/translation/parse words and explain syntax (mostly case usage and subjunctive syntax) and supply any back information necessary for comprehension. Study the 4 readings: Macedonia Wars, Imperium Romanum, Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus. Value 100 points
4) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
5) Vocabulary quiz with fero, ferre verb game on Friday, September 23.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 16, 2022
Keep reviewing Latin text (translation, morphology and synax) read in class; A test on readings is coming soon. Value 100 points.
1) Reading Schedule: For Friday: Finish all of Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus (to the end very end).
2) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
3) A reading review mini-test on Thursday, September 22. Be able to read/translation/parse words and explain syntax (mostly case usage and subjunctive syntax) and supply any back information necessary for comprehension. Study the 4 readings: Macedonia Wars, Imperium Romanum, Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus. Value 100 points
4) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
5) Vocabulary quiz with fero, ferre verb game on Friday, September 23.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 15, 2022
Keep reviewing Latin text (translation, morphology and synax) read in class; A test on readings is coming soon. Value 100 points.
1) Reading Schedule:
a) For Thursday: Finish all of Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus (to the end very end).
b) For Friday prepare to read the first half of Gaius Gracchus. See new handout or your email.
2) Begin learning the vocabulary quiz for Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, including the many compounds of fero, ferre. Quiz in a few days.
3) Watch the first 12 minutes of this video and then complete all questions based on the reading The Idea of Rome for page 22 to 29. This material is crucial historical and cultural background for the Latin readings. See your email for a complete set of questions. Be able to answer and discuss in class. I will ask to see these.
4) Quiz coming soon on locative case, fero, ferre and its compounds and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. What form is fore? Keep reviewing. Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes and see handout with Apis Melliferous.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 8, 2022 and the Week
1) Class Preparation/Review: Reread and study what we read in class, especially on syntax, of Velleius Paterculus (Imperium Romanum in 2nd Century BC) and finish pages one and two of reading/translation/class preparation. Bring to class/Read the Idea of Rome pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out detailed answers to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
2) What this video on fero, ferre, tuli, latus and take detailed notes. Then study the handout on fero, ferre with the Apis Mellifera.
3) Use this video (Watch this video to review pronominal adjectives.) to complete both sides of the UNUS NAUTA practice quiz.
4) Quiz on locative case coming soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 6, 2022 and the Week
1) Keep reviewing what we read in class. Focus especially on case syntax and uses of the subjunctive mood.
2) For Tuesday finish reading/translating all of Imperium Roman in the 2nd Century BC. See page two for notes and 5 and 6 for vocabulary.
3) Quiz on locative case coming soon. Review. Perhaps rewatch this video.
4) First vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 6. on the Macedonia Wars list. Email if you need this.
5) Watch this video to review pronominal adjectives. Declension review quiz is coming soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 1, 2022 and the Week
1) Keep review what we read in class.
2) Reading/Prior to Class Preparation Schedule for the Week:
b) For Thursday: Finish all of page one Imperium Roman in the 2nd Century BC. See page two for notes and 5 and 6 for vocabulary.
3) A little MORE work on the locative case and place construction with cities, small islands, domus and rus.
a) Watch this video and take notes. See page 9 of handout for more notes
b) Complete page 3 of the locative handout for Thursday.
4) Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East (post Alexander the Great Greek east) is especially important. What are the four Hellenistic kingdoms?
5) Continue learning the vocabulary for the Macedonia Wars. Quiz on Tuesday, September 6.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, August 30, 2022 and the Week
1) Reading/Prior to Class Preparation Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Finish all of page 2 of the Macedonia Wars and lines 1-10 (down to consul L. Mummius) in the new reading Imperium Roman in the 2nd Century BC. See page two for notes and 5 and 6 for vocabulary.
b) For Thursday: Finish all of Imperium Roman in the 2nd Century BC. See page two for notes and 5 and 6 for vocabulary.
2) A little work on the locative case and place construction with cities, small islands, domus and rus.
a) Watch this video and take notes. See page 9 of handout for more notes
b) Complete page 2 of the locative handout for Tuesday.
3) Bring to class/Read the Idea of Rome pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out detailed answers to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East (post Alexander the Great Greek east) is especially important. What are the four Hellenistic kingdoms?
5) Continue learning the vocabulary for the Macedonia Wars. Quiz on Tuesday, September 6.
Homework/Agenda for Firday, August 26, 2022 and the Week
1) Review notes from class on Alexandria and the Hellenistic Kingdoms and timeline of Roman Conquest during the Roman Republic.
2) For Friday be prepare to finish all of page 2 of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonian War Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded. See vocabulary list for help.
3) Read the Idea of Rome pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out detailed answers to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East (post Alexander the Great Greek east) is especially important. What are the four Hellenistic kingdoms?
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, August 25, 2022 and the Week
1) Review notes from the board and timeline of Roman Conquest during the Roman Republic.
2) Latin to read and prepare prior to class on Thursday: All of page of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonian War and half of page two (stop at … in sella conlocavit on page 2). Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded. See vocabulary list for help.
3) Read the Idea of Rome pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out detailed answers to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Review notes from class and examine/study these maps of the Mediterranean as dominated by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans. The geography of the Hellenistic East (post Alexander the Great Greek east) is especially important. What are the four Hellenistic kingdoms?
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, August 23, 2022 and the Week
1) Declension Review:
A. Complete part B (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
B. Graded Quiz on Friday on paradigms/declension of all nouns, adjectives and pronouns. See Wheelock, pages 495-8 or the Pink Handout.
3) Finish reading/writing out a translation of page one (sections 1 and 30) of Eutropius and Livy on the Macedonian Wars. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded.
4) Read the World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 11, 2018
1) Read/prepare/write out translation of paragraphs ONE and TWO of The Second Macedonia War on page 3 of handout. See same vocabulary list for help. III nonas Septembres = 3rd of September. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded
1.5) Morphological Review Quiz on the Paradigm of fero, ferre, tuli, latus (study page 4 of Eutropius and Livy...) and its many compounds (study page 6 of handout). Know their meanings. Format: Verb game and English to Latin/Latin to English.
2) Review and study page one (sections 1 and 30) of Eutropius and Livy on the Macedonian Wars.
3) Old work but study and bring to class: World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, June 7, 2022
1) Eclogue 1 essay. Essay is due on Monday, June 6 by high noon (12:00). Bring a hard copy to room 335. Value 200 points. Emailed copies will not be accepted unless given the ok prior by me.
2) Read the proem of the Aeneid (lines 1-35) in detail for Thursday, June 2. This will be a significant part of the final.
3) Study the new and final vocabulary list. Quiz on Tuesday, June 7
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 26, 2022 and the Week.
1) Keep working on Eclogue 1 essay. Essay is due on Thursday, June 2.
2) For Thursday May 26 prepare to read the proem of the Aeneid (lines 1-33). Also review Georgicon I, lines 491-514 (the end of book one)
3) 4th quarter Test on Tuesday, May 31 on Caesar, Pharsalus, Eutropius selections, selections from the Philippics, Eclogue One and Georgics.
3) Study the new and final vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, June 2
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 24, 2022 and the Week.
1) Keep working on Eclogue 1 essay. Essay is due on Tuesday, May 31.
2) Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for each class:
For Tuesday: Read Georgicon I, lines 491-514 (the end of book one)
For Thursday: 4th quarter Test on Caesar, Pharsalus, Eutropius selections, selections from the Philippics, Eclogue One and Georgics.
3) Study the new and final vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, June 2
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 17, 2022 and the Week.
Start working on Eclogue 1 essay. see email .
1) Test coming in 10 days on all Latin read from Caesar on Pharsalus to Vergil’s Georgics.
2) We will read at AP speed this week. Here is the schedule for reading/preparation for each class:
For Tuesday: Read Georgicon I, lines 424-448
For Thursday: Read Georgicon I, lines 449-480
For Friday: Read Georgicon I, lines 481-90
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 10, 2022
1) Scan the first 10 lines of Vergil’s First Bucolic/Eclogue. Write out on the provided text from class or see email.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: Be well prepared to finish all of Vergil’s First Eclogue.
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 5, 2022 and the Week.
1) Scan the first 10 lines of Vergil’s First Bucolic/Eclogue. Write out on provide text from class or see email.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: Read in class selections from Cicero, Philippic XIII and the selection from Eutropius and begin Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 1-10
b) For Thursday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 16-55
c) For Friday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 56 to the end.
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 28, 2022 and the Week.
1) Podcast on Vergil - Listen to this podcast and take highly detailed and shapely notes. They are due at the beginning of Thursday’s class.
2) Scan the first 10 lines of Vergil’s First Bucolic/Eclogue. Write out on provide text from class or see email.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
b) For Thursday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 1-39
c) For Friday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 40-55
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 26, 2022 and the Week.
1) Podcast on Vergil - Listen to this podcast and take highly detailed and shapely notes. They are due at the beginning of Thursday’s class.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: Read in class selections from Cicero, Philippic XIII and the selection from Eutropius and begin Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 1-10
b) For Thursday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 11-39
c) For Friday: Vergil’s First Eclogue - prepare lines 40-55
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 21, 2022
Thursday will be an intensive reading day for Cicero’s Philippics and Eutropius’ sections from the Breviarium. We will proceed in the following order. God bless and God speed.
1) Finish Cicero, Philippic III, section 4 and 5.
2) Read in class selections from Cicero, Philippic V and XIII
3) Eutropius’ all sections from the Breviarium that you worked on in class on Tuesday.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 19, 2022 and the Week.
1) Read, prepare and write out a translation for the sections from Cicero, Philippic V and XIII. This was handed out in class but is also in the email .
2) Keeping reviewing what we read in
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, April 19 on Eclogue list. See email
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April , 2022 and the Week.
1) Read, prepare and write out a translation for Thursday Selections of Cicero, Philippic III, paragraphs 3, 4, 5. See email for this handout if you did not get it in class.
2) Review paragraphs of Eutropius from class.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, April 19 on Eclogue list.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 22, 2022 and the Week.
1) Review this video on proviso clauses, take notes with examples and then complete the assignment handed out in class on the Proviso Clause and other uses of dum.
2) Read pages 160-1 of handout on Indefinite pronouns and adjectives and complete sentences 1-10 at the bottle of page 161.
3) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: Page 79 and 81 and 83 of the Battle of Pharsalus -
b) For Thursday: Page 87 and 89 of the Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar vs. Pompeius Magnus
c) For Friday: Page 91 of the Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar vs. Pompeius Magnus
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, March 17, 2022 and the Week.
1) Watch this video on the battle of Pharsalus and take notes.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
b) For Thursday: Finish the letter on page 73, Suetonius Account of Ass. of Caesar, and page 79 of the Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar vs. Pompeius Magnus
c) For Friday: NLE
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 15, 2022 and the Week.
1) Watch this video on proviso clauses, take notes with examples and then complete the assignment handed out in class on the Proviso Clause and other uses of dum.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: Read the letters on pages 71 and 73 and Suetonius Account of Ass. of Caesar. See email for this text and vocabulary.
b) For Thursday: Page 79 of the Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar vs. Pompeius Magnus
c) For Friday: Page 79 of the Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar vs. Pompeius Magnus
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 8, 2022 and the Week.
1) Watch this video on the locative case and place constructions. Take detailed notes. Organize your notes and turn them in on Tuesday.
2) You will take the CAV Test on Tuesday. Do the practice CAV test prior to class on Tuesday and self-correct using the key on the last two pages.
3) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday: CAV Test
b) For Thursday: Letters of Cicero on pages 69 and 71.
c) For Friday: Letters of Cicero on page 73
3) Quiz on vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
4) Keep working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals. These will be due on Thursday, March 3. You may should them to me and I will mark mistakes. Work independently.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 1, 2022 and the Week.
Keep review all Latin readings. Test is coming in 2-3 weeks. Review the three selections of De Rerum Natura and Catullus 51 and 11. Value 250 points.
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: THE MURDER OF CLODIUS. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below. We will reading will greater speed this week:
a) For Tuesday: A Political Murder, finish section C (the burning of the senate house) and pages 53 and 55.
b) For Thursday: Pages 57, 59 and 60.
c) For Friday: TBA
2) 2nd Scansion quiz for the graded book on Thursday, March 3.
3) Quiz on vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
4) Keep working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals. These will be due on Thursday, March 3. You may should them to me and I will mark mistakes. Work independently.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 and the Week.
Keep review all Latin readings. Test is coming in 2-3 weeks. Review the three selections of De Rerum Natura and Catullus 51 and 11. Value 250 points.
Scansion quiz for the graded book next class, Thursday, February 24.
1) Reread Catullus 11, Scan the entire poem and note all figures speech found in this poem and their impact. Be able to discuss at the beginning of class.
2) Keep working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals. These will be due on Tuesday, March 1. You may should them to me and I will mark mistakes. Work independently.
3) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: THE MURDER OF CLODIUS. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below. We will reading will greater speed this week:
a) For Tuesday: A Political Murder section A and B (pages 43 and 45) down to lines 19
b) For Thursday: A Political Murder section C (the burning of the senate house) on page 47 and A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account) on page 53.
4) Quiz on vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 and the Week.
Keep review all Latin readings. Test is coming in 2-3 weeks. Review the three selections of De Rerum Natura and Catullus 51 and 11. Value 250 points.
1) Quiz on vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz on Thursday, February 24
2) Keep working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals. These will be due on Tuesday, February 29. You may should them to me and I will mark mistakes. Work independently.
3) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: THE MURDER OF CLODIUS. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below. We will reading will greater speed this week:
a) For Tuesday: A Political Murder section A and B (pages 43 and 45) down to lines 19
b) For Thursday: A Political Murder section C (the burning of the senate house) on page 47 and A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account) on page 53.
5) Quiz on scansion of dactylic hexameter later in the week.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 17, 2021 and the Week.
Keep review all readings. Test is coming in 2-3 weeks.
1) Bring Catullus 10, 11 and 51 to class.
2) Keep working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals.
3) Reading/preparation schedule for the week. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below:
a) For Tuesday; Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 95-101 and The Mind/Soul is Physical… 94-160 (notes that some lines are skipped)
b) For Thursday: Read and prepare Catullus 51. See back of handout for notes or email me.
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate Catullus 11.
5) Quiz on scansion of dactylic hexameter later in the week.
6) See email for new vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz in 7 days.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 15, 2021 and the Week.
Keep review all readings. Test is coming in 2-3 weeks.
1) Do the back page of the Scansion Beaver and bring to class.
2) Bring Catullus 10, 11 and 51 to class.
3) Start working on the English to Latin Sentences with indefinite, relative and interrogative animals.
4) Reading/preparation schedule for the week. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below:
a) For Tuesday; Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 95-101 and The Mind/Soul is Physical… 94-160 (notes that some lines are skipped)
b) For Thursday: Read and prepare Catullus 51. See back of handout for notes or email me.
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate Catullus 11.
5) Quiz on scansion of dactylic hexameter later in the week.
6) See email for new vocabulary list titled Ecce Romani III 59-61 and Ass. of Caesar. Quiz in 10 days.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 10, 2021 and the Week.
1) For Thursday read and prepare to read orally in class Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 62-101. We will spend the whole class on this and I plan to assign a reading/preparation grade for this.
2) Complete the scansion quiz handed out on Tuesday.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 8, 2021 and the Week.
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below:
a) For Tuesday; Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 62-101. of new handout titled Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia. See email for a picture of this event.
b) For Thursday: TBA
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
2) Continue to review accusative of respect, qu-words and scansion of dactylic hexameter.
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 3, 2022
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below:
a) For Thursday:; Finish the Proem of De Rerum Natura down to line 44 and lines 62-85 of new handout titled Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia. See email for a picture of this event.
c) For Friday: Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 85-101.
2) Meter/Scansion/Dactylic Hexameter:
a) What 3 thing will make syllable long? What 3 things at the end of a word will elide with what 3 things at the beginning of the following word?
b) Read and study the notes handed out today on scansion and elision.
c) Watch this video and take notes and organize notes.
3) Grammar to master: Read and study handout on the Accusative of Respect/Greek Accusative. Keep learning/studying yellow handouts on Indefinite Pronouns in the yellow thing. Know the paradigms and able to distinguish one from another and interrogative, relatives and indefinites.
4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 2, 2021 and the Week.
1) Review notes from class and answer these questions: a) What is dactylic hexameter? On what does the metrical arrangement of a verse of Latin poetry depend? What is a dactyl"? What is a spondee? What three things make a Latin syllable long or heavy? b) With what syntax does the accusative of respect generally occur? Translate and find the accusative of respect: Jonathan sagittā Cupidinis cor transfixus amore cuiusdam puellae magno ardebat.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week. Be well prepared to read according to the schedule below:
a) For Tuesday; Finish the Proem of De Rerum Natura down to line 44 and lines 62-77 of new handout titled Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia. See email for a picture of this event.
b) For Thursday: Philosophy Prevails over Religion: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, lines 78-101.
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
3) Grammar to master: Read and study handout on the Accusative of Respect/Greek Accusative. Keep learning/studying yellow handouts on Indefinite Pronouns in the yellow thing. Know the paradigms and able to distinguish one from another and interrogative, relatives and indefinites.
4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 27, 2021 and the Week.
1) Be well prepared to read/translate lines 14-44 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Naturā (A didactic epic on the philosphical thought of Epicurus) Watch this video and take notes. Also review notes from class and lines 1-14 of De Rerum Natura.
1.5) Read and study handout on the Accusative of Respect/Greek Accusative.
2) Keep learning/studying yellow handouts on Indefinite Pronouns in the yellow thing. Know the paradigms and able to distinguish one from another and interrogative, relatives and indefinites.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Jan. 27 on list from Terence’s Adelphoe and indefinite animals on the same page. Verb game on the back for one verb on the list.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 25, 2021 and the Week.
1) Be well prepared to read/translate Cicero, Pro Caelio 495-507 and lines 1-30 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Naturā (A didactic epic on the philosphical thought of Epicurus) Watch this video and take notes. Be able to discuss this video on Tuesday.
2) Keep learning/studying yellow handouts on Indefinite Pronouns in the yellow thing. Know the paradigms and able to distinguish one from another and interrogative, relatives and indefinites.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Jan. 27 on list from Terence’s Adelphoe and indefinite animals on the same page. Verb game on the back for one verb on the list.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 18, 2021 and the Week.
Essay on the speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due 150-200 points. Analyzing and citing Latin to support each point is crucial and essential. Turn in a hard copy on on Tuesday.
1) Study yellow handouts on Indefinite Pronouns in the yellow thing. Know the paradigms and able to distinguish one from another and interrogative, relatives and indefinites.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: We are almost finished with the Pro Caelio. Be well prepared. I will soon give you are grade for the quarter for quality of reading and participation.
b) For Tuesday: Cicero, Pro Caelio 480-505.
c) For Thursday: the Proem of Lucretius, De Rerum Natura. You should have this but email if you do not. This is an epic poem on Epicurean Philosophy.
3) For Thursday’s class watch this video and take notes.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 13, 2021 and the Week.
1) Look over handouts on Indefinite Pronouns - the yellow thing.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: We are almost finished with the Pro Caelio.
b) For Thursday: Cicero, Pro Caelio 470-514.
c) For Friday: Essay on the speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due 150-200 points. Analyzing and citing Latin to support each point is crucial and essential.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 11, 2021 and the Week.
Review the selection of Terence that we read in class and begin learning the vocabulary on the new list which was handed out on Friday, including the indefinite adjectives and pronouns. Vocabulary Quiz in one week.
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week: We are almost finished with the Pro Caelio.
a) For Tuesday Pro Caelio lines 460-487. Email me if you need text and commentary for this.
b) For Thursday: 487-514
c) For Friday: Essay on the speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due 150-200 points. Analyzing and citing Latin to support each point is crucial and essential.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 7, 2021
1) Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 435-451 and especially the 2 selections from Terence’s, Adelophoe. These should already be prepared/read but review in order that you may read with fluency on Tuesday.
2) Assignment on Roman Comedy (Plautus and Terence): Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) Use notes from class on comedy; c) use the introduction to Terence’s Aedelphoi. (see email) to create a poster. Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Detailed notes, organization and creative presentation are the crucial elements. Due on Friday, January 7, Value 50-80 points.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 4, 2021 and the Week.
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 435-451 and especially the 2 selections from Terence’s, Adelophoe. These should already be prepared/read but review in order that you may read with fluency on Tuesday.
b) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
2) Assignment on Roman Comedy (Plautus and Terence): Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) Use notes from class on comedy; c) use the introduction to Terence’s Aedelphoi. (see email) to create a poster. Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Detailed notes, organization and creative presentation are the crucial elements. Due on Thursday, January 6, Value 50-80 points.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 14, 2021 and the Week.
1) For Monday Pro Caelio lines 435-451 and especially the 2 selections from Terence’s, Adelophoe. Email if you need this.
2) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, December 16. With verb game. See email for this list.
3) Review Catullus 63 and 6 and Livy selection on the Magna Mater and Pro Caelio selections. These will be on our next test
4) Assignment on Roman Comedy (Plautus and Terence): Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) Use notes from class on comedy; c) use the introduction to Terence’s Aedelphoi. (see email) to create a poster. Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Detailed notes, organization and creative presentation are the crucial elements. Due on Friday, December 1 Value 50-80 points.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 10, 2021
1) Read and write out a translation of Catullus VI and make sure you have finished Pro Caelio lines 435-451
2) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, December 16. With verb game. See email for this list.
3) Review Catullus 63 and Livy selection on the Magna Mater.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 9, 2021
1) Review the selection from Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on the Magna Mater (Cybele).
2) Finish watching the video on the Eternal City and complete all questions. I will ask to see this complete at the beginning of class on Wednesday. You will need to figure out where you left of in class. This material is important on the topic Roman Religion.
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 435-451
b) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
2) Vocabulary quiz on on Friday, December 10. With verb game. See email for this list.
3) The performance/recording of Appius Claudius Caecus, which will be due prior to Tuesday, December 7.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 7, 2021
1) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 435-451
b) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate TBA
2) Vocabulary quiz on on Thursday, December 9. With verb game. See email for this list.
3) The performance/recording of Appius Claudius Caecus, which will be due prior to Tuesday, December 7.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 29, 2021 and the Week.
1) No homework for Tuesday but you may wish to study for Thursday’s test and work on your performance of Appius Claudius Caecus, which will be due on Tuesday, December 7.
2) 200 point test on Thursday, December 2. Study life and times of Cicero, background information for the Pro Caelio and Pro Caelio (all Latin read in class down to line 440), fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul and Catullus’ poems, Appius Claudius Caecus inscription, etc. 200 point test on Thursday, December 2. Email with questions.
3) Vocabulary quiz on on Tuesday, December 7. With verb game. See email for this list.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 22, 2021
1) We will read with rapid intensity on Tuesday, Pro Caelio, lines 410-440. My goal will be to get everyone to read/translate a selection of this.
2) 200 point test on Thursday, December 2. Study life and times of Cicero, background information for the Pro Caelio and Pro Caelio (all Latin read in class), fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul and Catullus’ poems, Appius Claudius Caecus inscription, etc. 200 point test on Thursday, December 2. Email with questions.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 18, 2021
Keep reviewing Cicero and fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul. 200 point test is approaching.
1) See your email for the vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 19. Verb game on the back.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
b) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 394-415
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio 416- 431
3) Watch this video and use it to label the characters and scene of the Medea/Jason sarcophagus. I will ask to see this. Turn this in on Thursday for a grade.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Keep reviewing Cicero and fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul. 200 point test is approaching.
1) See your email for the vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, November 18. Verb game on the back.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 378 to 404
b) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 405-420 of the
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio 421- 431
3) Watch this video and use it to label the characters and scene of the Medea/Jason sarcophagus. I will ask to see this. The image was handed out on Tuesday. Email if you need a copy.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Review the fragment from Ennius’ Medea Exsul.
2) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate lines 354 to 370 of the Pro Caelio.
3) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate lines 371-384 of the Pro Caelio
4) See your email for the vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, November 18. Verb game on the back.
5) Watch this video and use it to label the characters and scene of the Medea/Jason sarcophagus. I will ask to see this. The image was handed out on Tuesday. Email if you need a copy.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Keep reviewing Cicero and fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul. 200 point test is approaching.
1) See your email for the vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, November 18. Verb game on the back.
2) Reading/preparation schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 378 to 404
b) For Thursday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio lines 405-420 of the
c) For Friday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio 421- 431
3) Watch this video and use it to label the characters and scene of the Medea/Jason sarcophagus. I will ask to see this. The image was handed out on Tuesday. Email if you need a copy.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 9, 2021
1) Keep reviewing what we read and discuss in class. Test is coming relatively soon.
2) Finish the remaining sentences on impersonal verbs. Quiz on impersonal verbs and correlatives in a half of a fortnight.
3) Quiz on the content of the first half of the Pro Caelio in translation. Use the notes in the back of the PDF for explanation of things.
4) Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Tuesday finish the Palatine Medea section of the Pro Caelio down to line 216 and then complete the prepare the fragment from Ennius’ Medea Exsul. See your email if you did not get this in class.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare/translate lines 354 to 370 of the Pro Caelio. See email for new text and commentary.
c) Friday: TBA
5) See your email for the vocabulary list
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 5, 2021
1) Review what we read in class.
2) For Friday read and prepare Pro Caelio lines 198-216. See email for this text.
3) Complete sentences 6 to 10 on Impersonal Verbs.
4) Begin reading the first half of the Pro Caelio in translation. See email if you don’t have a hard copy. There will be a quiz on this soon.
5) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
6) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 4, 2021
1) Read and study the handouts on impersonal verbs and complete the first page with Latin to English sentences in this handout. Quiz on impersonal verbs and correlatives in a half of a fortnight.
2) Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Thursday read and prepare/translate the Pro Caelio lines 83 to 101.
b) For Friday read and prepare Pro Caelio lines 198-216. See email for this text.
4) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
5) Keep review all things, especially Latin for there is test in your future.
6) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 28, 2021
1) Read and prepare/translate the Pro Caelio lines 65 to 90(stop at debeo) and finish the rest for Friday - to to 101.
2) Review the two selection from Suetonius on Caesar’s Pudicitia.
3) Bring completed SENTENCES 4-7 in the new Correlative Rabbit assignment. I will ask to see these at the beginning of class. See earlier handout for help with vocabulary.
4) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 26, 2021
1) Read and prepare/translate the Pro Caelio lines 65 to 82 (stop at debeo).
2) Quiz on the Exordium of the Pro Caelio, mythology, syntax, translation and immediate background information, such is Atratinus role in the trail.
2) Bring completed SENTENCES 4-7 in the new Correlative Rabbit assignment. I will ask to see these at the beginning of class. See earlier handout for help with vocabulary.
4) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 22, 2021
Review notes from class on Clodius Pulcher, Clodia, Caelius, Atratinus and Bestia.
1) Review and finish reading/prepare the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to the end at resistendum. Preparation of Latin readings for class should considered the most important and valuable thing that you do for Latin HW.
2) Complete SENTENCES 4-7 in the new Correlative Rabbit assignment. I will ask to see these at the beginning of class. See earlier handout for help with vocabulary.
3) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 21, 2021
Review notes from class on Clodius Pulcher, Clodia, Caelius, Atratinus and Bestia.
1) Review and finish reading/prepare the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to the end at resistendum. Preparation of Latin readings for class should considered the most important and valuable thing that you do for Latin HW.
2) Complete the first 3 sentences in the new Correlative Rabbit assignment. I will ask to see these at the beginning of class. See earlier handout for help with vocabulary.
3) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
4) Bring completed the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 19. See email for the list for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio. Expect a verb game on the back.
1) Finish reading/prepare the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to the end at resistendum. Preparation of Latin for class should considered the most important and value thing that you do for Latin HW.
3) Complete all sentences in the correlative handout.
4) Finish pages 3-6 of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
5) Bring completed the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 14, 2021
1) Complete all sentences in the correlative handout.
2) Finish reading/prepare the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to line 15 meretriciis.
2) Finish the first 3 pages of questions for the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. This will be due by the end of the week. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
3) Bring completed the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 19. See email for the list for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 12, 2021 and the Week.
0.5) Things Grammatical New and to Review:
a) read the handout on correlatives such as tam…quam, etc.
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) Tuesday: Finish Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus and the first halp of the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to line 15 meretriciis.
b)For Tuesday: Finish the 2nd half of the exordium of the Cicero’s Pro Caelio down to resistendum.
2) Begin reading the Introduction - Life and Time of Cicero and answer all questions as you read. This will be due by the end of the week. Know biography of Cicero, historical events from the Gracchi to death of Cicero and the immediate back of the trial on April 3/4, 56 BC of M. Caelio, whom Cicero is defending on a charge under the lex de vi.
3) Bring completed the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
4) Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, October 14. See email for the list for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 7, 2021 and the Week.
1) Review notes of Rome’s Republican government and constitution.
2) Read, translate and be prepared to read and discuss in class all of Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus. Be prepared to read/translate and discuss orally in class.
3) Review and study Periocha of liber LXIII of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on Tiberius Gracchus and his Murder and the following paragraph on the same page.
4) Read the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
5) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 12. See email for the list for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 7, 2021 and the Week.
1) Review notes of Rome’s Republican government and constitution.
2) Read, translate and be prepared to read and discuss in class all of Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus. Be prepared to read/translate and discuss orally in class.
3) Review and study Periocha of liber LXIII of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on Tiberius Gracchus and his Murder and the following paragraph on the same page.
4) Read the Idea of Rome pages 22-29 and answer all questions. See handout from class with these question or in the email. Be able to answer these in class.
5) I will post a new vocabulary lists soon. Some of you need to work on the verb game (verbal morphology).
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 5, 2021 and the Week.
1)Finish all of the Periocha of liber LXIII of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on Tiberius Gracchus and his Murder and the following paragraph on the same page. Be prepared to read/translate and discuss orally in class.
2) I will post a new vocabulary lists soon. Some of you need to work on the verb game (verbal morphology).
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 30, 2021 and the Week.
1) Watch this short video on Tiberius Gracchus.
Read and translate the Periocha of liber LXIII of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita on Tiberius Gracchus and his Murder. Be prepared to read/translate and discuss orally in class. We will also finish the last paragraphs from the Destruction of Carthage.
What is fore? Viswa sperat te fore amicum sibi.
2) I will post a new vocabulary lists soon. Some of you need to work on the verb game (verbal morphology).
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 28, 2021 and the Week.
1) FINISH ALL OF page one and TWO of Destruction of Corinth & Carthage in 146 BC. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday.
2) Quiz on all reading completed in class thus far from the Macedonian War and the Destruction of Carthage. Value 70-80 points. Be able to translation, example morphology and syntax (cases and uses of the subjunctive mood) and discuss the passage from a historical and stylistic perspective. Know figures of speech encountered in these readings. Your notes from class are crucial and essential.
3) Before TUESDAY’s class next week. Listen to this program on the destruction of Carthage. TAKE detailed, and organized NOTES. Make notes pretty and submit to me prior to class on Thursday. Also be able to discuss in class. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) I will post a new vocabulary lists soon. Some of you need to work on the verb game (verbal morphology).
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 24, 2021 and the Week.
2) FINISH ALL OF page one and TWO of Destruction of Corinth & Carthage in 146 BC. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday.
3) Before TUESDAY’s class next week. Listen to this program on the destruction of Carthage. TAKE detailed, and organized NOTES. Make notes pretty and submit to me on Thursday. Also be able to discuss in class. Karthago delenda est!!!
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 23, 2021 and the Week.
2) Complete pages one and two of Destruction of Corinth & Carthage in 146 BC. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday.
3) Before Friday’s class. Listen to this program on the destruction of Carthage. TAKE detailed, and organized NOTES. Make notes pretty and submit to me on Thursday. Also be able to discuss in class. Karthago delenda est!!!
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 21, 2021 and the Week.
1) Read/translate: a) Finish all of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. b) The first page of The Destruction of Corinth & Carthage in 146 BC. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday. This second reading will be more difficult.
2) Old but bring: Read the Idea of Rome (pdf in email) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Keep reviewing Latin read in class.
5) Before Thursday’s class. Listen to this program on the destruction of Carthage. TAKE detailed, and organized NOTES. Make notes pretty and submit to me on Thursday. Also be able to discuss in class. Karthago delenda est!!!
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 17, 2021 and the Week.
List for vocabulary quiz in 6 days: Vocabulary List for the Macedonia Wars
1) Read/translate all of the second page and one paragraph on 3rd page of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday.
2) Declension quiz on all declension on Friday, Sept. 17 .See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
3) Old but bring: Read the Idea of Rome (pdf in email) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
5) Review this video on the Dirty Dog Double Dative. Viswae auxilio erant multae deae.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 and the Week.
List for vocabulary quiz in 8 days: Vocabulary List for the Macedonia Wars
1) Read/translate all of the second page of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Tuesday.
2) Bring to class part C (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review. Quiz on this material on Thursday, Sept. 16.
3) Old but bring: Read the Idea of Rome (pdf in email) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 10, 2021 and the Week.
1) Read/translate all of the first page of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. Be prepared to read/translate/discuss in class on Thursday.
2) Declension Review: Complete part A and C (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
3) Read the Idea of Rome (pdf in email) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 8, 2021 and the Week.
1) Declension Review:
A. Complete part B (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
B. Graded Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 15 on paradigms/declension of all nouns, adjectives and pronouns and UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives. See Wheelock, pages 495-8.
2) Roman Conquest, Geography and the Locative Case.
2.5) Latin Reading: The Battle of Cannae (Livy and Eutropius).
3) Read the World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Agenda for Tuesday, June 15 , 2021 and the Week
Listen to this podcast on the Aeneid and take detailed notes. Email notes to me. Due prior to Monday June 14.
1) Tuesday: Vergil, Aeneid, Proem 1.1-33 (see email for text and commentaries)
2) Thursday: 4th Quarter Test (Value 250 points) on Vergil, Latin selections from Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid read in class and all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. The life and time of Vergil including civil wars will be on this test also and podcasts. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences..
4) Review notes on the various kinds of epic.
Agenda for Tuesday, June , 2021 and the Week
1) Essay on Eclogue One is due on Friday, June 4 by 3:30 PM. Value 200 points. Late papers receive a zero. Email of you need help. Quoted Latin goes in italic font.
1.5) Vocabulary quiz for the proem of Aeneid on Thursday, June 3rd. See emailed list.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Georgics 1.495 to end and Two Selections from Vergil’s 4th Georgic. See PDF in handout for text and vocabulary.
b) Thursday: Vergil, Aeneid, Proem 1.1-33 (see email for text and commentaries)
3) Kept reviewing Vergil read in class for 4th approaching test (Value 250 points) on Vergil and all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. The life and time of Vergil including civil wars will be on this test also. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences..
4) Listen to this podcast on the Aeneid and take detailed notes. Due in 10 days.
Agenda for Tuesday, May 22, 2021 and the Week
1) Essay on Eclogue One is due on Friday, May 28 by 3:30 PM. Value 200 points. Late papers receive a zero. Email of you need help. Quoted Latin goes in italic font.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Georgics 1.458 to 494 See commentary and vocabulary for help.
b) Thursday: Vergil, Georgics 1.495 to end and Two Selections from Vergil’s 4th Georgic. See PDF in handout for text and vocabulary.
3) Kept reviewing Vergil read in class for 4th approaching test (Value 250 points) on Vergil and all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. The life and time of Vergil including civil wars will be on this test also. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences..
Agenda for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 and the Week
1) Read and look over the terms on new handout for Vergil and the end of the Republic. Especially read the article on Maecenas on the last page. The material will appear on the approaching test.
2) Work on the essay for Eclogue one which will be due next week.
3) Reading for Thursday: Vergil, Georgics 1.438 to 471 (signa dabant)- See commentary and vocabulary for help.
4) Kept review Latin read in class for approaching test on Vergil and all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, May 17, 2021 and the Week
1) Complete vocabulary on Asynchronous Friday, May 14 and finish assignment on Eclogue 4 prior to class on Tuesday
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Georgics 1.425-444 (first page). See commentary and vocabulary for help.
b) Thursday: Vergil, Georgics 1.445-to end of second page page. See commentary and vocabulary for help.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, May 11, 2021 and the Week
1) Complete and submit Asynchronous Friday and be able to discuss those reading on Monday in class.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Eclogue Four, lines 36-60 and Vergil, Georgics Proem lines 1-6 (see email) See email for text and commentary..
b) Thursday: Vergil, Georgics 1.425-444 (first page). See commentary and vocabulary for help.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
4) Vocabulary quiz on list for Vergil’s Georgics on Friday, April 14.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 4, 2021 and the Week
1) Complete and submit Asynchronous Friday Ass. by Sunday, May 4 at sundown.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Finish Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 75- 83 and Vergil, Eclogue Four, lines 1-35.
b) Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue Four, lines 36-60. See email for text and commentary.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
4) Scansion quiz on asynchronous Thursday, April 6.
5) Vocabulary quiz on list for Vergil’s Georgics on Friday, April 7.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 27, 2021 and the Week
1) Review notes from class on the Late Republic and Hellenistic/Alexandria Literature, including Theoctitus and Pastoral poetry. Watch this short video on the Library at Alexandria and take notes.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 26-83
b) Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue Four, lines 1-35. See email for text and commentary.
2) Keep reviewing the rules of scansion and the Latin hexameter and download and scan five lines send in an email.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
4) Scansion quiz on asynchronous Friday, April 30th.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 20, 2021 and the Week
1) Listen to the podcast on Vergil and his works. Take detailed notes and organize and send to me by prior to class on Tuesday, April 20.
2) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 1-45
b) Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 46- end of poem.
2) Keep reviewing the rules of scansion and the Latin hexameter and download and scan five lines send in an email.
3) Vocabulary quiz on asynchronous Friday, April 23. See email for the list.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, April 13, 2021 and the Week
3rd quarter test all Cicero and all other readings, including Livy, Terence, Catullus, Lucretius, etc. from the 3rd quarter on Thursday, April 15. Study also notes from class and background information from podcasts. Value 200-250 points.
1) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare The Proem of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things - An epic poem in hexameter verse of six books on epicurean philosophy principles). SEE email for text and vocabulary at end of handout.
b) Thursday: 3rd quarter test. See above.
2) Keep reviewing the rules of scansion and the Latin hexameter.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive in the 4th quarter. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
4) We will start reading Vergil in the following week. See email for text and commentary of Vergil’s first eclogue. Listen to the podcast on Vergil and his works. Take detailed notes and organize and send to me by prior to class on Tuesday, April 18.
Agenda for Asyn. Friday, March 26, 2021 and the Week
I will email the quiz on impressional verbs. Know vocabulary from the handouts and review uses of the subjunctive all, especially conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 30, 2021 and the Week
3rd quarter test all Cicero and other reading from the 3rd quarter on Thursday, April 1. Value 200-250 points. Start Reviewing now.
1) Work on Latin meter/scansion and hexameter verse (six feet - either dactyls or spondees).
a) Read over notes sent in email. Two documents and answer the questions in the email.
b) Click here for links to videos to watch on this topic.
c) Download the text of Vergil on the site above and scan it yourself by marking long and short syllabus and elision and divide each line into six feet. Return to the scanned lines in the emailed document in a) and correct your mistakes.
2) Watch this video and take notes.
3) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare All of The Proem (lines 1-43) of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things - An epic poem in hexameter verse of six books on epicurean philosophy principles). SEE email for text and vocabulary at end of handout.
4) Keep review qu-words and indefinite animals. Have remaining exercises ready to correct ton Tuesday. Some rabbits should review personal pronouns.
5) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 23, 2021 and the Week
3rd quarter test all Cicero and other reading from the 3rd quarter on Thursday, April 1. Value 200-250 points. Start Reviewing now.
1) Short quiz at the beginning of class on Tuesday. Study on handouts on impersonal verbs, learn vocabulary in handout and know what syntax each requires. Know especially the ones that govern an accusative of person and a genitive of thing, like taedet. Taedet tē linguae Latinae. Also review impersonal verbs so sexy that they generate a result or a noun clause.
2) ) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 483-509 (sunt relicti).
b) Thursday: Read/prepare The Proem of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things - An epic poem in hexameter verse of six books on epicurean philosophy principles). SEE email for text and vocabulary at end of handout.
3) Keep review qu-words and indefinite animals. Have remaining exercises ready to correct ton Tuesday. Some rabbits should review personal pronouns.
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 16, 2021 and the Week
Go online and pay for the NLE and CAV. NLE will be on Friday, March 12. Here is a link to practice exam with key. You will be taking level III-IV Prose. Let me know how you do.
1) Read and study handouts on impersonal verbs, especially the ones that govern an accusative of person and a genitive of thing, like taedet. Taedet tē linguae Latinae. Complete and email to me exercise A on 320. Graded thing. Note some impersonal will generate a result or a noun clause. You will need to look up some words.
2) ) Reading schedule for the week
a) Tuesday: Finish the selection from the Adelphoe and Pro Caelio, lines 451-84.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 485-506.
3) Keep review qu-words and indefinite animals. Have remaining exercises ready to correct ton Tuesday. Some rabbits should review personal pronouns.
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Thursday, March 11, 2021 and the Week
Go online and pay for the NLE and CAV. NLE will be on Friday, March 12. Here is a link to practice exam with key. You will be taking level III-IV Prose. Let me know how you do.
1) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) notes from class on comedy; c) the introduction to Terence’s Aedelphoi.(see email). Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Due on Thursday, March 12. Value 50 points.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday: a) Emailed selection from Terence’s Adelphoe (Brothers); b) Pro Caelio, lines 451-66
3) I will email a key for this soon or we may correct it together on Thursday. Complete the exercises on indefinite animals for Monday’s class.
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 9, 2021 and the Week
Go online and pay for the NLE and CAV. NLE will be on Friday, March 12. Here is a link to practice exam with key. You will be taking level III-IV Prose. Let me know how you do.
1) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) notes from class on comedy; c) the introduction to Terence’s Aedelphoi.(see email). Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Due on Thursday, March 12. Value 50 points. See if you can find a common word from the Pro Caelio in the image below.
2) Complete the exercises on indefinite animals for Monday’s class. See email for this assignment.
3) Reading schedule for
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 435-50.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 451-82.
4) Essay and voice recording/dramatic performance are due by sunrise on Sunday but I would prefer it sooner.
5) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Thursday, March 4, 2021 and the Week
Look over syllabus for NLE and complete the 2020 NLE for practice prior to Thursday’s class
1) Reading schedule for Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 425 - 447 Also review Catullus 63
2) Essay and voice recording/dramatic performance are due by sunset on Friday, March 5.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, March 2, 2021 and the Week
1) Reading schedule for
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 416-431. Also review Catullus 63 and Livy on the Magna Mater.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 432 - 447
2) Essay and voice recording/dramatic performance are due by sunset on Friday, March 5.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax and uses of the subjunctive that we have encounter in our readings and conditional sentences.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 16, 2021 and the Week
Keep reviewing what we read in class. Textual intimacy is crucial and essential, including Ennius’ Medea fragment and Catullus poems 58 and 79.
Complete all sentences in Conditional Handout on Asynchronous Friday and email them to me in order that I may put a number in the grade book.
Read OCD article on Appius Claudius Caecus -see email from Thursday’s class.
1) Reading schedule for
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare Honorific Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus (see email for inscription (use logeion to look up words) and Pro Caelio lines 393-415. See email for a pdf of text and another with commentary/vocabulary.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 416-431.
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 9, 2021 and the Week
Submit Asynchronous Assignment on Exordium
I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
Keep reviewing what we read in class. Textual intimacy is crucial and essential.
1) Reading schedule for
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio lines 380-405. See email for a pdf of text and another with commentary/vocabulary.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 405-431.
2) Review notes, questions and background material on the Pro Caelio and Suetonius’ quotation on Caesar’s pudicita: Curio pater quādam Caesarem oratione omnium mulierum virum et omnium virōrum mulierem appellat.
3) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 2, 2021 and the Week
Keep reviewing what we read in class. Textual intimacy is crucial and essential.
1) Reading schedule for
a) Tuesday: Read/prepare the fragment of Ennius from his Medea Exsul and also Pro Caelio lines 361-384. See email for a pdf of text and another with commentary/vocabulary.
b) Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, lines 385-395.
2) Read in translation pages 129-140. Read carefully and take notes. Use commentary on translation at end of PDF. Be able to discuss in class on Tuesday and expect a quiz on this material soon. See email for the PDF.
3) Review notes, questions and background material on the Pro Caelio and Suetonius’ quotation on Caesar’s pudicita: Curio pater quādam Caesarem oratione omnium mulierum virum et omnium virōrum mulierem appellat.
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax.
Agenda for Tuesday, January 26
Here is the vocabulary list for a quiz on Asynchronous Wednesday, Jan 27.
1) Reading schedule for Tuesday: Finish the exordium of the Pro Caelio and also lines 354-75 (sunt autem duo crimina) SEE email for a pdf of text and another with commentary/vocabulary.
2) 2) Read in translation pages 129-140. Read carefully and take notes. Use commentary on translation at end of PDF. Be able to discuss in class on Tuesday and expect a quiz on this material soon. See email for the PDF.
3) Review notes, questions and background material on the Pro Caelio
4) Test on all uses of the subjunctive is coming soon. Review the 4 page handout title Subjunctive Syntax.
Agenda for Tuesday and Thursday, January 12 and 14, 2021
We will begin read Cicero’s Pro Caelio on Tuesday, which was delivered following his return from exile on April 4, 56 BC in defense of his former cliens Marcus Caelius who is facing five charges, under Rome’s Lex dē Vī, including the attempted poisoning of Clodia Metelli, a powerful Roman matrona and wife of Q. Metellus Celer who was consul in 60 BC. Clodia may also be Catullus’ Lesbia. On account of the lex de vi Rome’s festival of Ludi Megalenses has been canceled in order for the trial to take place. It was Clodius Pulcher, Clodia’s brother who had Cicero sent into exile two years earlier.
1) Be prepared to answer in class questions 30-48 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero.
2) Reading schedule for the Week of January 14:
a) For Tuesday: Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 1-29 (the exordium or introduction)
b) For Thursday: TBA
Agenda for Tuesday and Thursday, January 5 and 7, 2021
1) For Tuesday prepare to read Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 16, 18, 20 and 22 Make sure that you are able to read in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Test on Thursday, January 7 on Questions for Cicero 1-29 and Cicero, In Catalinam - all Latin read in class (pagse 2-22) and new or reviewed grammar, such as fearing clauses. See also boxes in text. Know figures of speech/rhetoric devices that we have encountered. Value 150 points.
3) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
4) If you wish to get ahead for 2021 begin reading Cicero’s Pro Caelio. You may also wish to complete questions on Cicero from 30 to the end. See email for text and commentary for Cicero’s Pro Caelio delivered on April 4, 56 BC to defend his former student and client Marcus Caelius on charges under the Lex dē vī and for the attempted poisoning of Claudia Metelli, his former lover, whom many think was Catullus’ Lesbia.
Agenda for Thursday, December 17, 2020
1) Reading schedule for the Week of December 15.
a) For Thursday prepare to read Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 16, 18, 20 and 22 Make sure that you are able to read in class without looking at your prepared translation.
2) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
Agenda for Asynchonous Friday, December 11, 2020 and the Week
1) Study fearing clauses and complete sentences 4 and 5 (you will need to look up some vocabulary) that we did in class. Email your translation to me before the end of the day on Friday.
2) Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and their system of dating. Take notes and use the notes to complete the emailed assignment. Due in my mail box by SUNDOWN on Friday.
Agenda for Tuesday, December 15-18, 2020 and the Week
1) Test on Thursday, December 17 on Questions for Cicero 1-29 and Cicero, In Catalinam - all Latin read in class (page 2-20) and new or reviewed grammar, such as fearing clauses. See also boxes in text. Value 150 points.
2) Reading schedule for the Week of December 15.
a) For Tuesday: Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 16, 18, 20. Make sure that you are able to read in class without looking at your prepared translation.
3) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Agenda for Tuesday, December 7-12, 2020 and the Week
1) Test before the break on Cicero, In Catalinam. Value 150 points. Keep reviewing
2) Reading schedule for the Week of December 7.
a) For Tuesday: Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 12, 14 and 16. Make sure that you are able to read in class without looking at your prepared translation.
b) For Thursday: Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 18 and 20.
3) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Agenda for Tuesday, December 1, 2020 and the Week
Vocabulary List for quiz on Friday, December 4, 2020.
1) Review notes from class on Roman rhetoric, Roman religion, Pontifex Maximus and Senatus Consultum (SC) and study the historical notes and grammatical review in the commentary. See email for articles on these topics. What is praeteritio?
2) Reading schedule for the Week of November 30.
a) For Tuesday: Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 6, 8, 10, 12 (should already be prepared but review prior to class)
b) For Thursday: Cicero’s In Catalinam, pages 14 and 16
3) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Vocabulary List for quiz in 10 days.
1) For Thursday read/translate pages 6, 8, 10, 12 of Cicero’s In Catalinam (see email for this reading). Keep reviewing and email me if you need help or have questions. Read/study boxes in the commentary.
2) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 19, 2020
Vocabulary List for quiz in 10 days.
1) For Thursday read/translate pages 4, 6, 8 of Cicero’s In Catalinam (see email for this reading).
2) Be prepared to answer in class questions down to questions 29 for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 17, 2020
1) Start working on questions for the Introduction to Pro Caelio on the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Finish down to questions 29 for Tuesday. Listen to this podcast and take notes sometime by the end of the week. You should listen to it when you go running. You can also get it on iTunes.
2) On Tuesday we finish reading Livy on Tiberius Gracchus and read/translate pages 2 and 4 of Cicero’s In Catalinam (see email for this reading).
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
3) Make sure that you have read the section Crisis in the World of Rome which covers the Gracchi and answer the emailed question and know the list of terms.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday and Thursday, November 10 and 12, 2020
1) Test on Tuesday, November 10 on all the Latin that we have read thus far. Value 200 points. Start reviewing. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech. Do not forget questions and term from the World of Rome, reading selections. EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS OR IF YOU NEED HELP OR TO COMPLAIN.
2) For Thursday finish reading/preparing Livy on Tiberius Gracchus (see email for this reading). There will be an assignment on this reading due on asynchronous Friday, Nov. 13.
3) Crucial and essential historical background. Old but have at the ready.
a) NEW: Read the section Crisis which covers the Gracchi and answer the emailed question and know the list of terms.
b) old: Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
c) Old Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday and Friday, November 5 and 6, 2020
Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, Oct. 30. Here is the list. Verb game with fero, ferre.
I forgot to email the vocabulary quiz. I will do this soon. I will be due before the end of Tuesday.
Test on Tuesday, November 10 on all the Latin that we have read thus far. Value 200 points. Start reviewing. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech.
1) Look over Genitive Syntax handout and click here to review the genitive of the charge and watch this video on the Double Dative. Genitive and dative syntax will be a feature of our first test.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday and Friday.
a) For Thursday: Finish Imperium Romanum and finish Livy on Tiberius Gracchus (see email for this reading).
b) For Friday: TBA
3) Crucial and essential historical background. Old but have at the ready.
a) NEW: Read the section Crisis which covers the Gracchi and answer the emailed question and know the list of terms.
b) old: Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
c) Old Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 29, 2020
Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, Oct. 30. Here is the list. Verb game with fero, ferre.
1) Look over Genitive Syntax handout and click here to review the genitive of the charge and watch this video on the Double Dative. Genitive and dative syntax will be a feature of our first test.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday:
a) For Tuesday: Finish Imperium Romanum and begin Livy on Tiberius Gracchus (see email for this reading).
b) For Thursday: Finish Livy on Tiberius Gracchus
3) Crucial and essential historical background. Old but have at the ready.
a) NEW: Read the section Crisis which covers the Gracchi and answer the emailed question and know the list of terms.
b) old: Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
c) Old Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
i) Genitive Syntax. Study syntax handout.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 22, 2020
Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, Oct. 29. Here is the list. Verb game with fero, ferre.
1) Look over Dative Syntax handout and watch this video on the Double Dative.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday: Finish Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars and read all of Imperium Romanum in 2nd Century BC (see email for this). It is from Velleius Paterculus (19 BC to 31 AD and can be difficult in places. It will take effort and attention.
3) Crucial and essential historical background. Old but have at the ready.
a) Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
b) Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
h) The dative case in general with focus on the dative of reference, double dative and dative of purpose. See handout.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 20, 2020 and the Week
1) Look over Gerund and Gerundive handout (emailed) and complete exercises 63 b and c somewhere in the handout.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday:
a) On Tuesday we will finish pages one, two and three of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars.
b) For Thursday: TBA
3) Crucial and essential historical background. Old but have at the ready.
a) Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
b) Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 15, 2020
1) Look over Gerund and Gerundive handout (emailed) and complete exercises 63 b and c somewhere in the handout.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday: We will finish The Morning After Cannae and then re part I and II (pages one and two) of Eutropius & Livy on the Macedonia Wars. There is a lot of Latin to read but most from Eutropius so it go relatively quickly. See vocabulary for help.
3) Crucial and essential historical background:
a) Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
b) Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
g) Gerund and Gerundive
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 13, 2020
1) Keep reviewing what we read and discuss in class. Test will come relatively soon.
2) Reading schedule for the week
3) Crucial and essential historical background:
a) Read the World of Rome, Pages 18 (Rome and the East) to 24 and answer the emailed questions. Do the first two pages at least for Tuesday’s class. See also maps of the Hellenistic East and its post Alexander the Great kingdoms.
b) Finish listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
4) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38. Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 8, 2020
1) Continue listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
2) Reading schedule for Thursday:
a) Watch this short video on Cannae, the read and prepare the Aftermath of Cannae, also from Livy. Finish Livy Preface to Book XXI and the 2nd Punic War
b) Read and prepare: The Morning After Cannae (from Titus Livius). See email for this reading.
3) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
4) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 6, 2020
1) History Background: Do this first: Review and study World of Rome (Ideal of Rome), pages 15-17 “Winning and Empire” and answer the emailed questions. a) Then complete the questions for pages 17-19 on Hannibal and 2nd Punic War. See your email for questions and more maps. Love maps. b) Start listening to the podcast on the The Destruction of Carthage (146 BC) and the Punic Wars. TAKE NOTES. Karthago delenda est!!!
2) Reading schedule for Tuesday:
a) Finish Livy Preface to Book XXI and the 2nd Punic War
b) Read and prepare the Aftermath of Cannae, also from Livy. (find text and vocabulary in email)
3) Watch this video on fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and TAKE NOTES, especially on compounds. Then study the many compounds and idioms on the handout emailed prior to Thursday’s class. Expect a verb game of fero, ferre soon.
4) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
f) fero, ferre, tuli, lātus and its compounds
4) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 1, 2020
1) Do this first: Read World of Rome (Ideal of Rome), pages 15-17 “Winning and Empire” and answer the emailed questions.
2) Reading schedule for Thursday
a) Finish the selection from Ovid’s Fasti
b) Complete the preface to book XXI of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita (the beginning of the 2nd Punic war). See email.
3) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
4) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 24, 2020 and the Week
See you email for quiz on declensions. Complete and return to me via email in whatever format you wish by 10:00 AM. Do not forget vis, vis (f) and other i-stem rabbits of the 3rd decl. Sign Pledge.
1) Study maps of Latium. Find Veii and Ardea. See email for these maps and keep them in a safe and sacred place.
1.5) Keep reviewing this grammar. Quiz to consolidate this material will come in fortnight.
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises.
d) Proviso clauses and dum + indicative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
e) ut clause with subjunctive vs. Indicative mood
2) Reading schedule for next week: THIS WILL BE OUR FOCUS ON THURSDAY.
a) For Thursday 61, 62, 63 of The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC)
3) Have with you The Idea of Rome, pages 13-15 and answer the emailed questions. See your email for questions and reading.
4) First vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. Here is the list.
5) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 22, 2020 and the Week
See you email for quiz on declensions. Complete and return to me via email in whatever format you wish by 10:00 AM. Do not forget vis, vis (f) and other i-stem rabbits of the 3rd decl. Sign Pledge.
1) A Little Grammar for Big Bunnies:
a) Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case. Take notes.
b) Optional: Use this video if you need to review the ablative absolute. See also Wheelock, chapter 24.
c) Review/learn relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and by attraction in indirect statement (acc. subject + infinitive). See you email for a handout and exercises. I WILL SEND MATERIAL ON THIS TOPIC SOON.
2) Reading schedule for next week:
a) For Tuesday have prepared and translated pages 60 and 61 of The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC)
b) For Thursday class have prepared and translated pages 62 and 63 of The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC)
3) Have with you The Idea of Rome, pages 13-15 and answer the emailed questions. See your email for questions and reading.
4) I will post your first vocabulary list for a quiz soon.
3) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 17, 2020 and the Week
Watch this video on verbs that govern the dative case.
1) We will read at a faster speed starting next class. Have prepared and translated pages 58-60 of The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC) for Thursday’s class.
1.5) Read The Idea of Rome, pages 13-15 and answer the emailed questions. See your email for questions and reading.
2) Quiz on the NOUN-ADJECTIVE GAME on Thursday, Sept. 17.
3) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 and the Week
1) Study proviso clauses and use/meanings of “dum”. Complete sentences 4-9 on the proviso handout.
2) Matron of Ephesus:
a) Review and finish lines 65-80 of the Matron of Ephesus (last two pages of text) for our first class.
b) Complete and email to me before Tuesday’s class this assignment on the subjunctive mood, EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS.
3) New: Read and prepare page 58 The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC) for Thursday’s class. See email for this text.
3.5) Quiz on the NOUN-ADJECTIVE GAME on Thursday, Sept. 17.
4.3) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 10, 2020 and the Week
1) Review poor Decentius loculus inscription.
2) Review and finish lines 65-80 of the Matron of Ephesus (last two pages of text) for our first class. It will be our model for a discussion of reading strategy.
3) New: Read and prepare page 58 The Gallic Sack of Rome (390 BC) for Thursday’s class. See email for this text.
3.5) Complete the NOUN-ADJECTIVE assignment. I emailed it to you.
4) Look at subjunctive syntax handout and grammatical appendix for Caesar. Put these pdfs in a safe place.
4.3) Keep reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 8, 2020 and the Week
1) We will start Latin PreAp where we left off at the end of Latin II , that is with the last two pages of the Matron of Ephesus. Please reread and prepare the lines 65-80 (last two pages of text) for our first class. It will be our model for a discussion of reading strategy. I have posted text and vocabulary on schoololology and will send it out via email also.
2) Begin reviewing subjunctive morphology and syntax. Click here for some review materials and see Wheelock, chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 5, 2020 and the Week
1) This will be a heroic reading week focused on the end of book one of the Georgics. Schedule for Reading and ZOOM classes (See email for text and commentary):
a) For Tuesday (May 5) : Prepare Vergil’s Georgics lines 1.461-488 (page one)
b) For Thursday (May 7): Prepare Vergil’s Georgics lines 1.489-514 (page two)
c) b) For Friday (May 8) : TBA
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 28, 2020 and the Week
1) Correct tests and email me with questions. I am working on essays.
2) Review the first six lines of the proem of the Georgics and know who Maecenas is.
3) This will be a heroic reading week focused on the end of book one of the Georgics. Schedule for Reading and ZOOM classes (See email for text and commentary):
a) For Tuesday (April 28) : Prepare Vergil’s Georgics lines 1.424-440 (page one)
b) For Thursday (April 30): Prepare Vergil’s Georgics lines 1.441-468 (page two)
c) b) For Friday (May 1) :Prepare Vergil’s Georgics lines 1.469-488 (page three)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and the Week
1) Textually based questions for Eclogue Four are due on Saturday by 3:00 PM. Type answers. Point form is fine but it is crucial that you cite Latin precisely from the poem. You may use any resource but work independently. I am here if you have questions, email or we can go on ZOOM if necessary.
2) Essay on the First Eclogue. Essay will be is by Monday, April 20 by 4:00 PM. Send a pdf via email. Work with words and phrases as much as possible. Latin goes in italic font like: Quid faciat laetas segetes (Virgil, Georgics 1.1).
3) Schedule for Reading and ZOOM classes:
a) For Tuesday (April 21) : Begin reading Vergil’s Georgics
b) For Thursday (April 23): Test
c) b) For Friday (April 24): Vergil’s Georgics
4) Test via ZOOM on Thursday, April 23 on Cicero’s Account of Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus, Suetonius’ Account of the Murder of Caesar and Eclogue One and Four. Know all background material, Terms/Things to Know for Vergil and the Eclogues and Callimachus, Aetia and Hymn to Apollo; Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17.
5) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 16, 2020 and the Week
1) On Thursday beginning at 9:00 AM we collectively do the CAV test. You will log in to Quia with a code that I will provide. Do the practice test. This level is difficult.
2) Textually based questions for Eclogue Four are due on Friday by 3:00 PM. Type answers. Point form is fine but it is crucial that you cite Latin precisely from the poem. You may use any resource but work independently. I am here if you have questions, email or we can go on ZOOM if necessary.
3) Test via ZOOM on Tuesday, April 21 on Cicero’s Account of Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus, Suetonius’ Account of the Murder of Caesar and Eclogue One and Four. Know all background material, Terms/Things to Know for Vergil and the Eclogues and Callimachus, Aetia and Hymn to Apollo; Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17.
4) Start working on Essay on the First Eclogue. Essay will be due by Monday, April 20 by 4:00 PM. Send a pdf via email.
5) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises). Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April 16, 2020 and the Week
1) On Thursday beginning at 9:00 AM we collectively do the CAV test. You will log in to Quia with a code that I will provide. Do the practice test. This level is difficult.
2) Textually based questions for Eclogue Four are due on Friday by 3:00 PM. Type answers. Point form is fine but it is crucial that you cite Latin precisely from the poem. You may use any resource but work independently. I am here if you have questions, email or we can go on ZOOM if necessary.
3) Test via ZOOM on Tuesday, April 21 on Cicero’s Account of Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus, Suetonius’ Account of the Murder of Caesar and Eclogue One and Four. Know all background material, Terms/Things to Know for Vergil and the Eclogues and Callimachus, Aetia and Hymn to Apollo; Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17.
4) Start working on Essay on the First Eclogue. Essay will be due by Monday, April 20 by 4:00 PM. Send a pdf via email.
5) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 and the Week
1) Zoom class on Tuesday, April 14 to finish reading and discuss the 4th Eclogue. Have read and know the literary antecedents for Eclogue 4. These include sections from: Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17.
2) Test via ZOOM on Thursday, April 16 on Cicero’s Account of Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus, Suetonius’ Account of the Murder of Caesar and Eclogue One and Four. Know all background material, Terms/Things to Know for Vergil and the Eclogues and Callimachus, Aetia and Hymn to Apollo; Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17.
3) Start working on Essay on the First Eclogue. Essay will be due by Monday, April 20 by 4:00 PM. Send a pdf via email.
4) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, April, 2020 and the Week
Vocabulary List for Next Quiz from Eclogue I and IV. Quiz on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
When you have studied the vocabulary list sufficiently, download this pastoral and bucolic VOCABULARY QUIZ and complete it the same manner as if you were in class. Send it back to me (pfd or picture or whatever works - you can type your answers, if you wish) before HIGH NOON on Wednesday, April 1. SIGN PLEDGE.
1) Beginning reading the literary antecedents for Eclogue 4. These include sections from: Hesiod, Works and Days; Aratus, Phaenomenia; Theocrtius, Idyll 17. Who is the Virgo in Eclogue 4?
2) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week like we used to do in normal times. Reading Schedule for the week for Eclogues 1 and 4:
b) For Thursday (April 2): Read and prepare Eclogue Four, lines 11-36
c) b) For Friday (April 3): Eclogue Four
2) Start working on Essay on the First Eclogue. Due shortly after spring break.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
4) Keep reviewing Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus and Eclogue One and Four TEST shortly after spring break.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 31, 2020 and the Week
Vocabulary List for Next Quiz from Eclogue I and IV. Quiz on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week like we used to do in normal times. Reading Schedule for the week for Eclogues 1 and 4:
a) For Tuesday (March 31) : Finish Eclogue One and first 20 lines of Eclogue Four.
b) For Thursday (April 2): Finish Eclogue Four.
c) b) For Friday (April 3): TBA
2) May of you need to redo this voice recording of Eclogue 1, lines 1-5 read in dactylic hexameter.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
4) Keep reviewing Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus and Eclogue One and Four TEST shortly after spring break.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 24, 2019 and The Week
Vocabulary List for Next Quiz from Eclogue I and IV. Quiz on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
1) Reading/translation Schedule for ZOOM classes this week. It is imperative that you keep up with the reading schedule below:
a) For Tuesday: Read the introductory paragraph and Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 15-50
b) For Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 51-83
c) For Friday: TBA
2) Voice reading of Eclogue 1, lines 1-5 read in dactylic hexameter.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
4) Keep reviewing Death of Clodius, Caesar and the Battle of Pharsalus and Eclogue One. We will have test on this material in the near future.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, March 19, 2019 and The Week
1) New Extra-long vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, March 20.
When you have studied the vocabulary list sufficient, download this EXTRA SEX VOCABULARY QUIZ and complete it the same manner as if you were in class. Send it back to me (pfd or picture or whatever works - you can type your answers, if you wish) before 3:00 PM on Friday March 20 by 3:00 PM. SIGN PLEDGE. Deus omnia videt!
3) It is imperative that you keep up with the reading schedule below or you will quickly get very far behind. Email, text, call, face time with questions. I will update the website often.
4) Download and use this KEY to correct all exercises on pages 92 - 95 of the Pharsalus handout. Short quiz on this material soon. Know vocabulary from these exercises. Make sure that you have sent these exercises to me.
5) Complete and send the assignment for Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 1-25 by Thursday, March 19 at 10:07 AM. Email with questions.
6) Reading/translation Schedule for the Week: See email for vocabulary/commentary.
a) For Tuesday: Read the introductory paragraph and Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 1-25
b) For Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 26-50
c) For Friday: Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 51-83
7) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases (Pharsalus exercises).
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 17, 2019 and The Week
New Extra-long vocabulary list. Quiz on Thursday, March 19
It is imperative that you keep up with the reading schedule below or you will quickly get very far behind. Email, text, call, face time with questions. I will update the website often.
1) As you complete a, b, c below take detailed notes and send these notes to be via email pdf or picture Tuesday at 10:00 AM. Graded assignment.
a) Read the World of Rome pages 41-47. Take notes. This back ground information is crucial. What happens to Cicero on Dec. 7th 43 BC? Know dates and outcome of these three four Battles: Muntina, Philippi, Perusine War, Naulochus, Actium. Who fights who, where, and when? Who wins and the significance? Use wikipieda to look up dates, where necessary.
b) Listen to this podcast (FIRST 12 MINUTES ONLY) on Publius Vergilius Maro and take detailed notes on Vergil’s life and his three works (Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid).
2) Reading/translation Schedule for the Week: See email for vocabulary/commentary.
a) For Tuesday: Read the introductory paragraph and Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 1-25
b) For Thursday: Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 26-50
c) For Friday: Vergil, Eclogue One - lines 51-83
3)Old but send to me. Study and complete all exercises on pages 92 - 95 of the Pharsalus handout. Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases. Write out answers on a separate sheet of paper.
4) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. d) Passive verbs used impersonally and uses of the genitive and dative cases.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 3, 2019 and The Week
1) Reading Schedule for the Week: NOTE CHANGES BELOW
b) For Thursday: Read and write out a translation for page 83 and 87 of the Battle of Pharsalus.
c) For Friday: Read and write out a translation for page 89 of the Battle of Pharsalus.
2) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences.
3) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty and detail. Value 80-100 points. Due in 4 days. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, March 3, 2019 and The Week
1) Watch these two videos and take notes if you have not already done so. Be able to discus them in class. Videos on the Battle of Pharsalus (Pompeius Magnus vs. C. Iulius Caesar) Video One Video Two
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Read and write out a translation Caesar, De Bello Civili, The Battle of Pharsalus for page 81 and 83 of the Battle of Pharsalus.
b) For Thursday: Read and write out a translation for page 85 of the Battle of Pharsalus.
c) For Friday: Read and write out a translation for page 87 of the Battle of Pharsalus.
2) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences.
3) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty and detail. Value 80-100 points. Due in 6 days. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 28, 2019 and The Week
1) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz New Vocabulary list - Quiz on Friday, February 29.
2) Reading Schedule for Friday: Finish the Burning of the Senate House and prepare The Battle of Pharsalus, Part I Sections A and B (two pages) in new handout.
3) Watch these two videos on the Battle of Pharsalus (Pompeius Magnus vs. C. Iulius Caesar) as soon as you have some time. Video One Video Two
3) TURN THIS IN: Complete and turn the assignment on Conditional Composition. Graded Assignment work independently. Finish all sentences in the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. I will ask to see this complete. Email if you need it.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences.
4) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty and detail. Value 80-100 points. Due in 10 days. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 27, 2019 and The Week
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz New Vocabulary list - Quiz on Friday, February 29.
1) Complete and turn the assignment on Conditional Composition. Graded Assignment work independently. Finish all sentences in the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. I will ask to see this complete. Email if you need it.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
b) For Thursday: Finish the Burning of the Senate House and prepare The Battle of Pharsalus, Part I Sections A and B (two pages) in new handout.
c) For Friday: The Battle of Pharsalus, Part I Sections C (one pages) in new handout.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences.
4) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty and detail. Value 80-100 points. Due in 10 days. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 25, 2019 and The Week
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz New Vocabulary list - Quiz on Friday, February 29.
1) Finish all sentences in the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences. I will ask to see this complete. Email if you need it.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Prepare to read selections from Cicero’s Pro Milone line 16 to 24 (The Attack and the Murder of Clodius) and the Burning of the Senate House at the end of the handout. Email if you are missing vocabulary for this last selection.
b) For Thursday: TBA
c) For Friday: TBA
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) Work on the handout on conditional sentences. Video on Conditional sentences.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 20, 2020
TEST on the “Somnium Scipionis” - all of it - translation, parsing, syntax, figures of speech, comprehension and interpretation and Catullus XI on Thursday, February 20th. 200 points. Translation, grammar, interpretation etc. Know also the introduction to the Dream of Scipio - Life of Cicero, the Gracchi, the manuscript tradition of Somnium Scipionis. Plato’s Republic and the Myth of Er.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 21, 2020 and the Week
New Vocabulary list - Quiz on February 25.
1) For Tuesday:
a) Read the first two sections of A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account), page 53 and page 55 (lines 1-15).
b) Review Catullus XI and be able to discuss. Try scanning this poem and read aloud.
c) Finish reading The Myth of Er and be able to discuss in class as it relates to Cicero’s Dream of Scipio.
2) Thursday: Test on the “Somnium Scipionis” and Catullus XI on Thursday, February 20th. 200 points. Translation, grammar, interpretation etc. Know also the introduction to the Dream of Scipio.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, February 14, 2020 and the Week
New Vocabulary list - Quiz on February 25.
1) Begin reading the Myth of Er from Plato’s Republic. Handed out on Thursday.
2) Reading Schedule for for Friday: Prepare to read Catullus XI - all of it and finish Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 33. See handout for vocabulary and commentary.
3) On-Going Advanced Grammar and Review:
a) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō. b) Review the meanings and uses of ut/uti; c) read over page one of the handout on conditional sentences.
4) Test on the “Somnium Scipionis” and Catullus XI on Thursday, February 20th. 200 points. Translation, grammar, interpretation etc.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 13, 2020 and the Week
1) Read the intervening sections of “Somnium Scipionis” in translation. See schedule below for what we will read in Latin so you can fill in the gaps by reading it in English.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
b) For Thursday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 30, 32 and 33
c) For Friday: Prepare to read Catullus XI - all of it. See handout for vocabulary and commentary.
3) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō.
4) Test on the “Somnium Scipionis” on Thursday, February 20th. 200 points. Translation, grammar, interpretation etc.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 4, 2019 and The Week
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020. Verb game on the back with either eo, ire or fro, fieri or fero, ferre
1) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 20 and first half of 21
b) For Thursday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 21 (2nd half) and beginning 22.
c) For Friday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 22 (finish) and 23.
3) Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 28, 2019 and The Week
1) On Tuesday: Fat Test on Latin reading passage from and including Cicero’s Pro Caelio from the prosopopopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus TO LINE 495 and the Somnium Scipionis from the beginning to section 19 (patere non potest) of Somnium Scipionis. Do not forget to study Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Hexameter) and Ovid, Amores 1.15 Elegaic couplet) Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points. Be able to translate, explain grammar/syntax (CASE USAGE AND JUSTIFICATION OF SUBJUNCTIVES) know background information, figures of speech and meters/scansion. The test will consist of 4 selections of Latin - all of which we have read together in class. EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS.
2) For Thursday:
a) Complete the sentences with quo.
b) Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020. Verb game on the back with either eo, ire or fro, fieri or fero, ferre
4. Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 28, 2019 and The Week
1) On Tuesday: Fat Test on Latin reading passage from and including the Cicero’s prosopopopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus in the Pro Caelio to section 19 (patere non potest) of Somnium Scipionis. Do not forget to study Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Hexameter) and Ovid, Amores 1.15 Elegaic couplet) Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) For Thursday:
a) Complete the sentences with quo.
b) Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020.
4. Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 23, 2019 and The Week
1) Start reviewing for test on Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020.
3) Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
4. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 21, 2019 and The Week
1) Start reviewing for test on Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
3) Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 17 and and all of 18.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
4. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 14, 2019
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
A. Have read and made notes on the Introduction to the dream of Scipio. Email if you need this. Be able to discuss this at the beginning of class.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 13 and all of 14 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2).
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 15 and begin 16 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3. For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 16 (most of page 2)
C. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 9, 2019
A. For Thursday read the Introduction to the dream of Scipio which was handed out on Tuesday. Take notes and be able to discuss in class.
Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 13 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 14 (most of page 2)
B. Make sure that you have turned in the Calendar Assignment. It will be graded. Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Email me if you do not have this assignment.
C. Review Amores 1.15 and know the authors that Ovid references.
D. Start reviewing for the end of the SEMESTER TEST (value 250 points) in a fortnight on all reading passages following the Speech of Caecus in the Pro Caelio. See me for help at lunch.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 7, 2019
Make sure that you have turned in the Calendar Assignment. It will be graded. Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Email me if you do not have this assignment.
A. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: This should be Finished but review it so you will be able to read fluently in class. Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help and go over the test.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 13 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 14 (most of page 2)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 17, 2019
1) Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: FIGURES OF SPEECH/RHETORICAL DEVICES. IMPERSONAL VERBS AND THEIR SYNTAX, like oportet, licet, paenitet, pudet, ventum est, etc - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. KNOW OR BE FAMILIAR WITH: nosco, noscere, novi, notus. Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs?: \\CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on cum…tum; tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood, such as characteristic. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. . c) Conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Then complete the assignment on the calendar and turn into Mr. Mines on or before Friday. Email me if you did not get this assignment in class.
No HW for Wednesday(other than calendar assignment) but bring the Dream of Scipio to work on.
2) Email Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS to me.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
4) Keep review what we read in class. Test on reading selection coming two weeks after break.
5) Keep reviewing scansion and Ovid, Amores 1.15. Know who is who and their literary significant.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 10, 2019
Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS are due on Friday, December 13. See me to discuss outside of class or email with questions.
Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
A. Watch this video and take notes. Be able to show me the notes. Be able to discuss this video at the beginning of class on Tuesday.
B. For Thursday: lines 30-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and ALL OF of Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
2) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
D. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS are due on Friday, December 13. See me to discuss outside of class or email with questions.
Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
A. Watch this video and take notes. Be able to show me the notes. Be able to discuss this video at the beginning of class on Tuesday.
B. Some more work on scansion:
a) Download and complete this scansion beaver assignment. Watch the video below if you need more instruction on this topic. We will have a scansion quiz soon of Dactylic Hexameter.
b) Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
C. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for
1) For Tuesday: lines 30-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura AND the first 12 lines of Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
2) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
D. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 6, 2019
A.Complete the back of the scansion quiz that we did in class today. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for Thursday: lines 23-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 4, 2019
A.Keep practices scansion. First Scansion quiz of dactylic hexameter on Monday. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for Thursday: lines 16-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
C. Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, Dec. 5.
D. Analytical Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus is due by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Email with questions.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 3, 2019
A. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Tuesday: Prepare lines 1-20 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. SEE VOCABULARY IN HANDOUT.
For Thursday: lines 21-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
For Friday: TBA
C. Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, Dec. 5.
D. Analytical Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus is due by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Email with questions.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 13, 2020 and the Week
1) Read the intervening sections of “Somnium Scipionis” in translation. See schedule below for what we will read in Latin so you can fill in the gaps by reading it in English.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
b) For Thursday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 30, 32 and 33
c) For Friday: Prepare to read Catullus XI - all of it. See handout for vocabulary and commentary.
3) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō.
4) Test on the “Somnium Scipionis” on Thursday, February 20th. 200 points. Translation, grammar, interpretation etc.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 4, 2019 and The Week
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020. Verb game on the back with either eo, ire or fro, fieri or fero, ferre
1) Review meanings and usage of quīn and quō.
2) Reading Schedule for the Week:
a) For Tuesday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 20 and first half of 21
b) For Thursday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 21 (2nd half) and beginning 22.
c) For Friday: Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 22 (finish) and 23.
3) Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 28, 2019 and The Week
1) On Tuesday: Fat Test on Latin reading passage from and including Cicero’s Pro Caelio from the prosopopopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus TO LINE 495 and the Somnium Scipionis from the beginning to section 19 (patere non potest) of Somnium Scipionis. Do not forget to study Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Hexameter) and Ovid, Amores 1.15 Elegaic couplet) Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points. Be able to translate, explain grammar/syntax (CASE USAGE AND JUSTIFICATION OF SUBJUNCTIVES) know background information, figures of speech and meters/scansion. The test will consist of 4 selections of Latin - all of which we have read together in class. EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS.
2) For Thursday:
a) Complete the sentences with quo.
b) Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020. Verb game on the back with either eo, ire or fro, fieri or fero, ferre
4. Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 28, 2019 and The Week
1) On Tuesday: Fat Test on Latin reading passage from and including the Cicero’s prosopopopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus in the Pro Caelio to section 19 (patere non potest) of Somnium Scipionis. Do not forget to study Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Hexameter) and Ovid, Amores 1.15 Elegaic couplet) Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) For Thursday:
a) Complete the sentences with quo.
b) Prepare to read Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020.
4. Bring test to correct and annotate.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 23, 2019 and The Week
1) Start reviewing for test on Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February, 4 2020.
3) Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 18 and 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
4. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 21, 2019 and The Week
1) Start reviewing for test on Tuesday, January 28 on reading passages. 250 points.
2) Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
3) Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 17 and and all of 18.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 19 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
4. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 14, 2019
Here is the list for Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
A. Have read and made notes on the Introduction to the dream of Scipio. Email if you need this. Be able to discuss this at the beginning of class.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 13 and all of 14 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2).
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 15 and begin 16 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
3. For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Finish Section 16 (most of page 2)
C. Correct test.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 9, 2019
A. For Thursday read the Introduction to the dream of Scipio which was handed out on Tuesday. Take notes and be able to discuss in class.
Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 13 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 14 (most of page 2)
B. Make sure that you have turned in the Calendar Assignment. It will be graded. Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Email me if you do not have this assignment.
C. Review Amores 1.15 and know the authors that Ovid references.
D. Start reviewing for the end of the SEMESTER TEST (value 250 points) in a fortnight on all reading passages following the Speech of Caecus in the Pro Caelio. See me for help at lunch.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 7, 2019
Make sure that you have turned in the Calendar Assignment. It will be graded. Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Email me if you do not have this assignment.
A. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. Be able to read/translate and discuss these readings in class.
For Tuesday: This should be Finished but review it so you will be able to read fluently in class. Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help and go over the test.
For Thursday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 13 (all of page one and 2 lines of 2). Use handout out commentary for help and vocabulary. Email if you need this or want a digital copy.
For Friday: Cicero, De Re Publica, Book 6 “Somnium Scipionis”, Section 14 (most of page 2)
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 17, 2019
1) Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: FIGURES OF SPEECH/RHETORICAL DEVICES. IMPERSONAL VERBS AND THEIR SYNTAX, like oportet, licet, paenitet, pudet, ventum est, etc - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. KNOW OR BE FAMILIAR WITH: nosco, noscere, novi, notus. Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs?: \\CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on cum…tum; tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood, such as characteristic. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. . c) Conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
Watch this video on the Roman Calendar and take notes. Then complete the assignment on the calendar and turn into Mr. Mines on or before Friday. Email me if you did not get this assignment in class.
No HW for Wednesday(other than calendar assignment) but bring the Dream of Scipio to work on.
2) Email Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS to me.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
4) Keep review what we read in class. Test on reading selection coming two weeks after break.
5) Keep reviewing scansion and Ovid, Amores 1.15. Know who is who and their literary significant.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 10, 2019
Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS are due on Friday, December 13. See me to discuss outside of class or email with questions.
Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
A. Watch this video and take notes. Be able to show me the notes. Be able to discuss this video at the beginning of class on Tuesday.
B. For Thursday: lines 30-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and ALL OF of Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
2) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
D. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Revised, edited, rewritten, corrected ESSAYS are due on Friday, December 13. See me to discuss outside of class or email with questions.
Here is the new vocabulary list - quiz on Friday, December 20.
A. Watch this video and take notes. Be able to show me the notes. Be able to discuss this video at the beginning of class on Tuesday.
B. Some more work on scansion:
a) Download and complete this scansion beaver assignment. Watch the video below if you need more instruction on this topic. We will have a scansion quiz soon of Dactylic Hexameter.
b) Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
C. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for
1) For Tuesday: lines 30-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura AND the first 12 lines of Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
2) For Thursday: Finish Ovid, Amores 1.15. Use notes and vocabulary to help.
D. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 6, 2019
A.Complete the back of the scansion quiz that we did in class today. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for Thursday: lines 23-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 4, 2019
A.Keep practices scansion. First Scansion quiz of dactylic hexameter on Monday. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for Thursday: lines 16-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
C. Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, Dec. 5.
D. Analytical Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus is due by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Email with questions.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 3, 2019
A. Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter. Also study handouts from class. This is a crucial skill that will be necessary for AP Latin.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Tuesday: Prepare lines 1-20 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. SEE VOCABULARY IN HANDOUT.
For Thursday: lines 21-43 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
For Friday: TBA
C. Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Thursday, Dec. 5.
D. Analytical Essay on Appius Claudius Caecus is due by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Email with questions.
E. Test on Tuesday, December 17 on the material below: IMPERSONAL VERBS - see handout. Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: The verb: nosco, noscere, novi, notus -Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. Relative Clauses with the subjunctive mood. The accusative of respect or retained bodily part. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Click here for videos to help you learn to scan dactylic hexameter.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
A. Schedule for Tuesday, Nov.26. We will quickly review Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 484-498 and then read lines 1-16 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura.
C. Dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Nov. 23 by 6:00 PM)
D. It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.
E. Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due on Saturday, Nov. 23 by 10:00 PM) and essay on Tuesday, Nov. 26 but may be email or submitted any time before Wednesday, Dec. 4 for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio (Value 150-200 points). Detailed analysis of Latin is the most essential element of this essay.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 22, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
A. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class. For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 484-498
C. Dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Nov. 23 by 6:00 PM)
D. It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.
E. Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due on Saturday, Nov. 23 by 10:00 PM) and essay on Tuesday, Nov. 26 but may be email or submitted any time before Wednesday, Dec. 4 for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio (Value 150-200 points). Detailed analysis of Latin is the most essential element of this essay.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 21, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Tuesday, Nov, 26.
A. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 465-483
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 484-500
B. The poster should contain material from; a) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. b) notes from class on comedy; c) the introduction to and first Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Due on Thursday, November 21 Value 50 points.
C. Dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Nov. 23 by 6:00 PM)
D. It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.
E. Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due on Saturday, Nov. 23 by 10:00 PM) and essay on Tuesday, Nov. 26 but may be email or submitted any time before Wednesday, Dec. 4 for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio (Value 150-200 points). Detailed analysis of Latin is the most essential element of this essay.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz on Tuesday, Nov, 26.
A. Quiz for the grade book on COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS - ESPECIALLY THE IRREGULAR ONES. SAME FORMAT AS LAST ONE. Click here for charts and optional videos on this topic. Do not forget ablative of comparison and degree of difference - find in this sentence Colbetus Maximus est multō maior mortalibus omnibus aliīs, quī nunc sunt, quī fuērunt, quī erunt post annīs in aliīs.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Tuesday finish the selection from Terence’s Aedelphoe (handed out in class on Friday). SEE VOCABULARY IN HANDOUT.
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 465-483
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, TBA
C. Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. Creatively organize your notes into one visually appealing and well-organized page or small poster. Due on Wednesday, November 21 Value 50 points.
D. Record yourself reading in meter Catullus 49. Due Saturday, Nov. 16 by 6:00 PM. Email to What makes a Latin syllable long? What things will elide at the beginning and end of a word?
E. It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.
E Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Nov. 23 by 6:00 PM) and essay (on Friday, November 23) for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 14, 2019
A. It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.
B. Schedule for Friday: read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 455-475
C. Record yourself reading in meter Catullus 49. Due Saturday, Nov. 16 by 6:00 PM. Email to What makes a Latin syllable long? What things will elide at the beginning and end of a word?
C. Review Catullus VI. Practice scanning the poem (hendecasyllabic) and reading it aloud. Review notes on elision. What things will elide at the beginning and end of a word?
D. Keep review COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE AND ADVERBS - ESPECIALLY THE IRREGULAR ONES. QUIZ FOR GRADE ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. Click here for charts and optional videos on this topic. Do not forget ablative of comparison and degree of difference - find in this sentence Colbetus Maximus est multō maior mortalibus omnibus aliīs, quī nunc sunt, quī fuērunt, quī erunt post annīs in aliīs.
E Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Saturday, Nov. 16 by 6:00 PM) and essay (on Friday, November 22) for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 14, 2019
A. Quiz on Thursday, November 14. Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 445-470
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 470-485
C. Review Catullus VI. Practice scanning the poem (hendecasyllabic) and reading it aloud. Review notes on elision. What things will elide at the beginning and end of a word?
D. Keep review COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE AND ADVERBS - ESPECIALLY THE IRREGULAR ONES. QUIZ FOR GRADE ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK. Click here for charts and optional videos on this topic. Do not forget ablative of comparison and degree of difference - find in this sentence Colbetus Maximus est multō maior mortalibus omnibus aliīs, quī nunc sunt, quī fuērunt, quī erunt post annīs in aliīs.
E Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Saturday, Nov. 16 by 6:00 PM) and essay (on Friday, November 22) for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
F. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
G. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz on Thursday, November 14.
A.Review Catullus 49 and be able to answer the questions at the top of the page.
B. Review quiz on comparative and superlative things on Tuesday, November 12. Click here for charts and optional videos on this topic. Review handouts from Friday’s class. Email if you need these. Do not forget ablative of comparison and degree of difference - find in this sentence Colbetus Maximus est multō maior mortalibus omnibus aliīs, quī nunc sunt, quī fuērunt, quī erunt post annīs in aliīs.
B. Schedule for the Week for Reading/Preparation for class :
For Tuesday finish Catullus 6 and Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 445-465. The quotations from Roman Comedy will be difficult but the commentary will help.
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 465-482
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, TBA
C. Continue working on dramatic reading/voice recording (Due Saturday, Nov. 16 by 6:00 PM) and essay (on Friday, November 22) for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
D. Test relatively soon on the material below: Formal/future imperative - putato. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 7, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Do not hesitate to email with questions.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 1, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz on Friday, November 7.
A. For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 432-444
B. Read the new handout on fearing clauses introduced by ut/ne + subjunctive mood
C. Start working on dramatic reading/voice recording and essay for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
D. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 31, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz on Friday, November 1.
A. For Thursday read/prepare Finish Catullus 63 on the Magna Mater and Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 416-431.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Finish Catullus 63 on the Magna Mater and Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 416-431.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 432-444
C. Start working on dramatic reading/voice recording and essay for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
D. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 29, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz on Friday, November 1.
A. Complete and turn in the assignment for Pro Caelio, lines 385-415. Due Tuesday.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare complete and be able to read Livy’s Account of the Magna Mater and Q. Claudia.
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 416-431.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 432-444
C. Start working on dramatic reading/voice recording and essay for Appius Claudius Caecus section of the Pro Caelio.
D. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs? : a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 29, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz in 6 days.
A. For Friday complete and turn in the assignment for lines 354-384. Value 60-100 points. Late assignment will receive a zero. Email if you need this.
B. For Friday review and be able to read without looking at translation read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 395-415. Also review the Catullus 53 and 58.
C. Give the dictionary entry and meaning of verbs: odi, memini, coepi. What is weird about these defective verbs?
D. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive. Defective verbs: odi, memini, coepi.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 24, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Thursday, November 7. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz in 10 days.
A. For Friday complete and turn in the assignment for lines 354-
B. Bring completed exercise 63C on page 6 of the gerund/gerundive packet.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 400-431.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 432-444
C. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 22, 2019
First Quarter test on texts read in class on Tuesday, November 5. 200 points. Translation, grammar, background information, figures of speech and textual analysis. Email with questions.
Here is the new extra-long vocabulary list in honor of Shreya and Adriel. Quiz in 10 days.
A. Bring completed exercise 63C on page 6 of the gerund/gerundive packet.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 390-425. The prosopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus. Can you read the inscription below?
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 416-431.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 432-444
C. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 17, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
A.Watch this video on the gerundive and take notes. Read through handout and then complete exercises 63b and 63C on page 6 (my handout writing for the page number).
B. Reading Schedule for Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 380-415.
C. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via. e) Review the 5 independent subjunctives. f) + gerund and gerundive.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 11, 2019
Review notes on tragedy, Euripides, Hellenistic things, Jason and Medea and on Q. Ennius. Also review the fragment from Ennius read in class. It may well be on the up coming test.
A. Reading Schedule for Friday: read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, LINES 365-385.
B. We will finish Cicero quotation from Ennius down to line 216 of the Pro Caelio.
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the THIRD vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Tuesday, October 15. Note that there are number of repeated words for your memorizing pleasure.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 9, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the THIRD vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Tuesday, October 15. Note that there are number of repeated words for your memorizing pleasure.
A. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 354-370.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 370-385.
B. Read pages one and two of new handout on INDEPENDENT SUBJUNCTIVES and complete all sentences on pages 3.
C. Old but keep reviewing: CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 7, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the THIRD vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Tuesday, October 15. Note that there are number of repeated words for your memorizing pleasure.
A. Quiz on Tuesday: Read the Pro Caelio in translation pages 133 to 140 in preparation for a quiz on the content of this speech. Know in detail and read notes when appropriate at the back of the handout.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 197-216.
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 354-370. I emailed this to you. Email me if you did not receive the text and commentary.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 370-385.
B. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete all sentences in the handout and review. b) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. c) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. d) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs How does volo, velle form its present subjunctive? Willy Street Eats A Giant Via.
C. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
D. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 4, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
A. Read in translation pages 132 (paragraph 10) to 135 ( to the end of paragraph 17). Know in detail and be able to discuss in class.
B. Reading Schedule for Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 94-101 and 197-207.
C. On-Going Grammar - New and Review: a) Keep reviewing correlatives and indefinite pronouns and adjectives. Quiz coming soon. b) Also starting work on the handout with conditional sentences. Here is a video on conditions. c) Review the paradigm of volo, velle, volui both indicative and subjunctive. Here is a video on these verbs
D. Old but bring: We will finish the last sentence on indefinite pronouns and adjectives on the green take-home quiz.
E. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
F. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 3, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
A. Here is the second vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Thursday, October 3.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 75-100
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, 197-216. Emailed and handed out in class.
C. Complete the second page of sentences on CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus.
D. Old but bring: We will finish the last sentence on indefinite pronouns and adjectives on the green take-home quiz.
E. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
F. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the second vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Thursday, October 3.
A. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 75-100 on pudicitia et maledictum
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 197-216 (get a head start on this on the week end). I SENT THIS IN AN EMAIL TO YOU. Email me if you did not get this. Quinn, what is your email?
For Friday read/prepare TBA
B. Work on CORRELATIVES. Look over/read and begin learning the list of correlatives, focus initial on tam..quam, tot…quot, talis…qualis and tantus…quantus. Complete the first two pages of sentences in the handout.
C. Turn in the assignment for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio on MONDAY, SEPT. 29 AT LUNCH or BEFORE. I am available for help at lunch.
C. Old but bring: We will finish the last sentence on indefinite pronouns and adjectives on the green take-home quiz.
D. Old but bring: Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Continue working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 27, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the second vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Thursday, October 3.
A. Reading Schedule for Friday: read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 70-83 (stop at tueri debeo). This is slightly more than I said in class.
B. Turn in the assignment for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio on MONDAY, SEPT. 29 AT LUNCH or BEFORE. I am available for help at lunch.
C. We will finish the last sentence on indefinite pronouns and adjectives on the green take-home quiz.
D. Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Start working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 26, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEWING WHAT WE READ IN CLASS.
Here is the second vocabulary list for Cicero, Quiz on Thursday, October 3.
A. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 65-83 (get a head start on this on the week end). I have email this text and commentary to you. If you did not get it. Please email me.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 83-101
B. Finish and hand in on Friday the assignment for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio (handed out on Friday). I am available for help at lunch.
C. Complete the green take-home quiz on indefinite pronouns and adjectives. You may use logeion to look up words.
D. Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Start working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class. KEEP REVIEW WHAT IS READ IN CLASS.
What this video and take notes on the Genitive of the Change.
A. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 18-29. Review back information.
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 65-83 (get a head start on this on the week end). I have email this text and commentary to you. If you did not get it. Please email me.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 83-101
B. Start working on the assignment for the Exordium of the Pro Caelio (handed out on Friday). It will be due before the end of the week. I am available for help at lunch.
C. Quiz on Tuesday on indefinite pronouns and adjectives and other wretched words (relative and interrogative pronouns) that begin with “qu”. Study handouts and sentences. All review relative clauses with the subjunctive mood - purpose, characteristic and attraction in indirect statement.
D. Finish all questions for the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline.
E. Start working on the questions for the book The World of Rome. Read pages 22 to 29 of the World of Rome and answer the following questions. You have these questions but here they are if can’t find them.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 20, 2019
Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on text read and prepared for class.
A. Read, take notes and know pages xxviii-xxix, The life of Caelius and the Pro Caelio at the end of the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero.
B. Review notes from class and the text of the exordium of the Pro Caelio down to line 15.
C. For FRIDAY read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 10-24.
D. Bring sentences with indefinite adjectives/pronouns. Finish all new sentences on indefinite pronouns and adjectives or the wretched “qu” words. Quiz on this is coming soon. Possibly Friday.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 19, 2019
A. For Tuesday: Read from where you left off the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer QUESTIONS 27-44. Also bring finished questions 1-26. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline. At some point soon watch this video on Cicero’s consulship of 63 BC and Cataline. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 1-17 (get a head start on this on the week end). See new handout for text and commentary.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 18-29. B. Work on indefinite pronouns/adjectives
C. Finish all new sentences on indefinite pronouns and adjectives or the wretched “qu” words. Quiz on this is coming soon. Possibly Friday.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A. Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list Quiz on Tuesday, September 17th. Mandatory Bonus is to decline eadem gravis vis.
B. Work on indefinite pronouns/adjectives
1) Review, study and bring the sentences from last week on indefinite pronouns/adjectives
2) Complete the new handout on indefinite pronouns/adjectives with fill in the banks and multiple choice questions. I will take this in.
C. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare pages 8 and 10 of In Catalinam
For Thursday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 1-17 (get a head start on this on the week end). See new handout for text and commentary.
For Friday read/prepare Cicero’s Pro Caelio, lines 18-29.
D. For Tuesday: Read from where you left off the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions 27-44. Also bring finished questions 1-26. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline. At some point soon watch this video on Cicero’s consulship of 63 BC and Cataline. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 13, 2019
1)Keep reviewing text read in class. An unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon.
2) For Friday read/prepare pages 8 and 10 of In Catalinam. We will start half way through 6
3) Examine with keen eyes the pink indefinite handout and complete the remaining sentences from class on Thursday down to number 14. Download this new version, for I have added vocabulary to help mortal monkeys. Spend extra time on 13 and 14 for they are tricky.
4) Old but bring: the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero and questions 27-44. Also bring finished questions 1-26. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline. At some point soon watch this video on Cicero’s consulship of 63 BC and Cataline. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
5) Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list Quiz on Tuesday, September 17th
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 12, 2019
A. Review notes and text read in class and timeline. What is the case and justification of O tempora, O mores!? O me miserum! e.g. Willy has put olive oil in the ash tray! O tempora, O mores! What is hendiadys? Use your brilliance and minds to figure it out. What is mos maiorum? Review sequence of tenses for indirect questions - primary and secondary - on-going and completed action. See Wheelock page 247-8. Here is very basic review of Latin subjunctive syntax.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Thursday read/prepare pages 6, 8 and 10 of In Catalinam. We will pick up speed reading on Thursday, so be super well-prepared bunnies. paratissimī lepores
Friday: Finish page 10.
B. Old but bring: For Tuesday: Read from where you left off the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions 27-44. Also bring finished questions 1-26. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline. At some point soon watch this video on Cicero’s consulship of 63 BC and Cataline. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. . Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list Quiz on Tuesday, September 17th
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A. Review notes and text read in class and timeline.
B. Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday read/prepare pages 4 and 6 of Cicero’s In Catalinam
For Thursday read/prepare pages 8 and 10 of In Catalinam
Friday TBA
B. For Tuesday: Read from where you left off the Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero to answer questions 27-44. Also bring finished questions 1-26. Here is the PDF of the all the questions on all the pages. You may wish to place events on your timeline. At some point soon watch this video on Cicero’s consulship of 63 BC and Cataline. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. Morphological quiz on Tuesday in the form of Noun-Adjective Fun with Cicero’s Vocabulary.
Do not forget to review the paradigms of is, ille, hic, iste, ipse, idem, totus, solus, unus, quidam, etc. Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list to help with this exercise. You may use Wheelock page 495-500 to help or click here for nominal and adjectival paradigms. This will be practice for an upcoming quiz.
D. View map of the post Alexander Hellenistic Kingdom below. Know the location and names of the four kingdoms.
E. Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list Quiz on Tuesday, September 17th.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 5, 2019
A. Reading/preparation for Thursday: Be able to read/translate/discuss pages 2 and 4 (down to iam diu machinaris). Use provided vocabulary and commentary to help you read.
B. For Thursday: Read and answer questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xv-xix, which covers questions 1-26. NOTE THAT THE 2ND SHEET OF QUESTIONS IS A ERRONEOUS DUPLICATION OF THE 1ST. Email if you need these things or have questions. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. Complete and bring page one - that is exercise A. #1-15 of Noun-Adjective Fun with Cicero’s Vocabulary. Here is vocabulary the first vocabulary list to help with this exercise. You may use Wheelock page 495-500 to help or click here for nominal and adjectival paradigms. This will be practice for an upcoming quiz.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 and the Week
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare and translate 57 and 59 of The Murder of Clodius and page 60 of A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account) and Cicero Letter’s page 69 (new handout).
2) Bring subjunctive sentences from Friday.
For Friday:
1) Vocabulary list for a quiz on Friday, February 15.
2) Read, prepare and translate page 71 and 73 of Cicero Letter’s.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 and the Week
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
For Tuesday:
1) Read, prepare and translate pages 53, 55, 57 and 59 of The Murder of Clodius (Cicero’s Account). Be able to read without looking at a prepared translation. This is in the same handout. We will start by finishing the last half of page 51. Email if you need it.
2) Bring subjunctive sentences from Friday.
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare and translate page 60 of A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account) and Cicero Letter’s page 69 and 71 (new thing).
For Friday:
1) Vocabulary list for a quiz on Friday, February 15.
2) Read, prepare and translate page 73 of Cicero Letter’s.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, February 7, 2019
Vocabulary list for a quiz on Friday, February 15.
1) Scansion quiz for the grade book.
2) Read, prepare and translate pages 53, 55, 57 of The Murder of Clodius (Cicero’s Account). This is in the same handout. We will start by finishing the last half of page 51. Email if you need it.
3) Read pages 50 and 51 on Roman Politics and Oratory. This content will be on a test or a quiz.
4) Review and bring the material on Roman Dates/Calendar.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
The Reading Schedule for the Week:
For Tuesday:
1) Read, prepare and translate pages 53, 55, 57 of The Murder of Clodius (Cicero’s Account). This is in the same handout. We will start by finishing the last half of page 51. Email if you need it.
2) Read pages 50 and 51 on Roman Politics and Oratory. This content will be on a test or a quiz.
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare and translate pages 59 and 60 of A Political Murder (Cicero’s Account). This is in the same handout - the Murder of Clodius.
For Friday:
/Agenda for Friday, February 1, 2019
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
FRIDAY will be an intensive reading day.
1) Read, prepare and translate lines 6-32 Clodius and Milo on the Appian Way and The Murder of Clodius on pages 3 and 5 AND 7 (my hand writing) of new handout - The Murder of Clodius. Read the introduction on page 3
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 30, 2019.
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
1) Read, prepare and translate lines 1-19 Clodius and Milo on the Appian Way and The Murder of Clodius on pages 3 and 5 (my hand writing) of new handout - The Murder of Clodius. Read the introduction on page 3
2) Old but review and finish. Be prepared to read lines 509-532 of Pro Caelio (new handout).
3) Scansion quiz coming soon but not Thursday.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 29, 2019.
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Keep reviewing an unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
1) Here is the new vocabulary list for quiz on Tues. January 29.
2) Be prepared to read lines 509-532 of Pro Caelio (new handout). Email if you did not get commentary for this in class. Several did not. Or come to 335.
4)Keep reviewing for a future test:
What are the six thing you need to know about deponent verbs. Remind me to give you this handout
Review notes on the accusative of respect.
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
/Agenda for Thursday, January 24, 2019.
Here is the new vocabulary list for quiz on Tues. January 29.
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam.
Unannounced review and preparation quiz coming soon.
1) Read and prepare for Thursday:
a) Finish and review Catullus XI. Use commentary for help. Practice scanning this poem written in the Sapphic Strophe. Here is the meter below b). Watch out for elision.
b) Be prepared to read lines 504-514 of Pro Caelio (new handout). C
2) Quiz on scansion of hexameter coming soon. Watch this video on scansion and the hexameter and take notes. See me at lunch if you need help with this.
3) Complete assignment on proem of Lucretius, De Rerum Natura and turn in on Thursday, Jan 24. Value 100 points. See me for help at lunch. Late assignments will not be accepted.
4) Review notes on Hellenic/Greek Philosophy and the period of Greek/Hellenic History. Know dates and major events and cultural achievements. Make sure you have the new handout on the period of Greek history.
5)Keep reviewing for a future test:
What are the six thing you need to know about deponent verbs. Remind me to give you this handout
Review notes on the accusative of respect.
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for quiz on Tues. January 29.
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam
1) Read and prepare for Tuesday:
a) Read and prepare Catullus XI. Several failed to get this in class. Email if you do to have it or come to 335 to get it. Use commentary for help.
b) Be prepared to read lines 504-514 of Pro Caelio (new handout).
2) Scan and bring on Tuesday lines 20 to 30 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. Turn this in. Watch this video on scansion and the hexameter and take notes.
3) Complete assignment on Lucretius, De Rerum Natura and turn in on Thursday, Jan 24. Value 100 points. See me for help at lunch.
4) Review notes on Hellenic/Greek Philosophy and the period of Greek/Hellenic History. Know dates and major events and cultural achievements. Make sure you have the new handout on the period of Greek history.
5) 4) Keep reviewing for a future test:
Review notes on the accusative of respect.
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 17, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for quiz in approx. one week.
1) 4) Read and prepare for Thursday:
a) Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, review and finish down to line 42. Be able to read with fluency at the beginning of class. See handout for vocabulary and commentary. See me at lunch if you need help with this reading.
b) Be prepared to read lines 504-514 of Pro Caelio (new handout).
c) Keep reviewing, for an unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon.
2) Work on scansion:
a) read and study handouts on scansion following the text of Lurcretius to scan.
b) Watch this video on scansion and the hexameter and take notes.
c) Scan lines 20 to 30 of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. Turn this in on Thursday.
3) Review notes on Hellenic/Greek Philosophy and the period of Greek/Hellenic History. Know dates and major events and cultural achievements. Make sure you have the new handout on the period of Greek history.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Here is the new vocabulary list for quiz in approx. one week.
1) Review notes on Hellenic/Greek Philosophy and the period of Greek/Hellenic History. Know dates and major events and cultural achievements.
2) Listen to this podcast on Lucretius' De Rērum Natūrā. Take notes and be able to discuss in class.
3) Read and take notes on the introduction in your handout on De Rerum Natura.
4) Read and prepare for Tuesday:
a) Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, LINES 10-42. Be able to read with fluency at the beginning of class. See handout for vocabulary and commentary. See me at lunch if you need help with this reading.
b) Keep reviewing, for an unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon.
5) Review notes on the accusative of respect.
4) Keep reviewing for a future test:
Review notes on the accusative of respect.
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, January 11, 2019
1) Read and prepare:
a) Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 1-16. See handout for vocabulary.
b) Keep reviewing, for an unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 10, 2019
1) Read and prepare:
a) Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lines 1-6. See handout for vocabulary.
b) Cicero, Pro Caelio lines 494-507. Be will prepared to read/translate orally in class without using a prepared translation. Make notes on the text itself. I will ask to see this prior to reading.
3) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. Creatively organize your notes into a one visually appearing page. Due on Thursday, Jan. 10. Value 40-50 points.
4) Keep reviewing for a future test:
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 8, 2018
1) Read and prepare Cicero, Pro Caelio lines 476-504. Be will prepared to read/translate orally in class without using a prepared translation. Make notes on the text itself. I will ask to see this prior to reading.
2) Review/reread the selection read on Thursday from Terence’s Adelphoe. Note archaic forms.
3) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes. Creatively organize your notes into a one visually appearing page and turn into on Thursday. Value 40-50 points.
4) Keep reviewing for a future test:
a) Future Imperative - putato
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Go to the bathroom on Tuesday before class begins. No one leaves the classroom until they turn in the test, ne Natinus quidem. Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 18. 250-300 points. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium and ending line 475) and all Catullus Poems 6, 49 (Cicero poem), 58, 79 etc, fragment of Ennius’ Medea Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus, putato, Baiae. Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. Format will be the same as first quarter test with multiple choice followed by 2/3 selections of Latin from what we have read going back to the exordium of the Pro Caelio. Be able to translate, parse (justify cases, subjunctives and infinitives) and analyze (figures of speech, diction, etc.). Indefinite pronouns and adjectives are important to study and the five independent/clause subjunctives. Here is a video: Jussive, hortatory, volitive/optative, deliberative, and potential. WATCH THIS VIDEO, if you need review of these concepts.
On Wednesday, Dec. 19: Vocabulary and comprehension quiz for Terence’s Adelphoe read in translation. Here is the next vocabulary list for quiz on Wednesday, Dec. 19
If you wish to get ahead over break we will read Pro Caelio down to line 515 and they be finished of it. We will also read the proem of De Rerum Natura by Lucretius. Email if you would like an early copy of this to get ahead.
6) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 13, 2018
TEST DATE WILL NOT MOVE: Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 18. 250-300 points. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium and ending line 482) and all Catullus Poems 6, 49, 58, 70 etc, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Baiae. Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. Format will be the same as first quarter test with multiple choice followed by 3 selections of Latin from what we have read going back to the exordium of the Pro Caelio. Be able to translate, parse (justify cases, subjunctives and infinitives) and analyze (figures of speech, diction, etc.)
1) For Tuesday: a) Read and prepare lines 460-82 of Pro Caelio; b) Read in translation the entire handout of Terence. ‘s Adelphoe/Brothers (both the Introduction and the Comedy itself down to page 273). Last two pages are notes for the text. Expect a comprehension quiz on Tuesday, so take notes as you read (Value 50-60 points).
3) Friday: Here is the next vocabulary list for quiz on Wednesday, Dec. 19
Homework/Agenda for Friday, December 7, 2018 and the Week
Here is the next vocabulary list. Quiz in approx. 6 days.
1) For Friday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, line 453-475. Note the quotations from comedies. Use commentary to help you through these.
2) Essay is due on Monday, December 10 by 3:30 PM.
3) Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 16. 250-300 points. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium) and all Catullus Poems, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Baiae. Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. Format will be the same as first quarter test.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, December 6, 2018 and the Week
Here is the next vocabulary list. Quiz in approx. 6 days.
1) Expect an unannounced review and preparation quiz very soon on what you have been reviewing and what you have prepared for the class period. KEEP REVIEWING.
2) For Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, line 453-475. Note the quotations from comedies. Use commentary to help you through these.
4) Friday: Essay is due. Late papers receive a zero. See me at lunch to discuss your ideas.
5) Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 16. 250-300 points. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium) and all Catullus Poems, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Baiae. Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. Format will be the same as first quarter test.
6) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Impersonal Verbs: necesse est and oportet + acc. subject + infinitive or ut/ne + subjunctive (noun clause).
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, December 3, 2018 and the Week
Keep reviewing Latin texts. SEE EXPANDING LIST OF GRAMMaR TO REVIEW BELOW. It will be featured on a test soon.
Here is the next vocabulary list. Quiz in approx. 10 days
1) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, line 425-447 and bring/review sight reading Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. See me at lunch for help with reading the text.
2) For Thursday: Read/prepare Pro Caelio, line 453-475.
3) Voice recording is due in my mailbox before 1:00 AM on Sunday, December 3, 2018. That is one hour past midnight.
4) Friday: Essay is due. Late papers receive a zero. See me at lunch to discuss your ideas.
5) Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 16. 250-300 points. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium) and all Catullus Poems, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Livy on the Magna Mater/Quinta Claudia. Format will be the same as first quarter test.
6) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Fearing Clauses - ut/ne + subjunctive. It is opposite day for translation.
b) Impersonal verbs: oportet and necesse est + ut/ne + subjunctive (ut is often omitted). These are nouns clauses.
c) Review semi-deponent verbs:
audeō, audēre, ausus sum to dare
soleō, solēre, solitus sum to be accustomed to
gaudeō, gaudēre, gavisus sum to rejoice
confīdō, confīdere, confīsus sum + dat. to have trust in
d) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
e) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
f) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
g) Review list below of common and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives. Also review ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 29, 2018 and the Week
Keep reviewing Latin texts. See test information below.
1) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Nov. 29: Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz
2) Reading For Thursday: Nothing new but we will reread/discuss Cicero, Prosopopeia of Appius Claudius Caecus, PRO CAELIO, LINES 391-415.
3) Voice recording is due in my mailbox before 1:00 PM on Saturday, December 1, 2018.
4) Friday: Read/prepare lines PRO CAELIO, LINES 416-431.
5) On Going Things/Up Coming:
1) Essay is due on Tuesday, December 4. Put quoted Latin in Italic Font without “…”. You may wish to discuss your analysis and ideas with me at lunch.
2) Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 16. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium) and all Catullus Poems, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Format will be the same as first quarter test.
3) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
b) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
c) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 27, 2018 and the Week
Keep review Latin texts. See test information below.
1) For Tuesday: Nothing new but we will reread/discuss Cicero, Prosopopeia of Appius Claudius Caecus, PRO CAELIO, LINES 391-415. Review and finish. Also review the text of the Appius Claudius Caecus inscription. See it below HW. Know his achievements and offices that held (honores).
2) For Thursday: Vocabulary quiz (Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.) and voice reading is due.
3) Friday: Read/prepare lines PRO CAELIO, LINES 416-431.
On Going Things/Up Coming:
1) Essay is due on Tuesday, December 4. Put quoted Latin in Italic Font without “…”. You may wish to discuss your analysis and ideas with me at lunch.
2) Second Quarter Test on Tuesday, December 16. Everything Pro Caelio (beginning with the exordium) and all Catullus Poems, fragment of Ennius’ Media Exsul, Inscription of Appius Claudius Caecus. Format will be the same as first quarter test.
3) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
b) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
c) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 20, 2018
1) Tuesday will be crucial reading day on which I would like have as many people read/translate (especially Kahanus Magnus, Ross too, et alii) as possible. Read/prepare/translate PRO CAELIO, LINES 391-415. This part is the prosopoeia in which Cicero impersonate famous old blind Censor, Appius Claudius Caecus of the Gens Claudia. He is not only the great ancestor of Clodia and Clodius but also fits the profile of the Pater Severus/Tristis of Roman comedy.
2) Keep reviewing Latin read in class and back ground material. Do not forget to reread Catullus poems 6, 49, 58, 79 and Ennius’ Medea Exul fragment. I am always happy to read Latin with you at lunch if you need help or wish to get ahead.
3) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going). We will a large quiz on all these topics soon after Thanks Giving break:
a) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives.
b) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
c) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
3) Here is a new vocabulary. Quiz on Wednesday, November 28. Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 16, 2018
Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 390-410 and Catullus 58 and 79.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 15, 2018
Keep reviewing what we read in class and notes from class. Review the Medea Fragment form Ennius’ Medea Exsul.
1) Read schedule for the week:
a) Thursday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 368-399.
b) Friday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 400-410.
2) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going):
a) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives, read pages 1-5 of the new handout and for Thursday, Nov. 15 complete all sentences on page 8.
b) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
c) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, Nov. 13 Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Keep reviewing what we read in class and notes on Quintius Ennius and Medea references in the Pro Caelio
1) Read schedule for the week:
a) Monday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 365-380 & the lines from Ennius’ Medea (utinam will signal a wish/volitive subjunctive - see new handout on independent subjunctives). Email if you need it.
b) Wednesday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 381-399.
c) Friday: Read/prepare/translate Pro Caelio, line 400-410.
2) New/Reviewed Syntax (on going):
a) Review notes from on the FIVE INDEPENDENT/MAIN CLAUSE subjunctives, read pages 1-5 of the new handout and for Thursday complete all sentences on page 8.
b) Keep reviewing: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me.
c) Keep reviewing also the indefinite pronouns/adjectives.
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, Nov. 13 Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 9, 2018
Review Catullus 6 and the end of the Caelius/Catiline section down 167.
1) Reading for Friday: Lines 354-370 (Sunt autem duo crimina…) (new text and new commentary). Email if you need it. Keep on reading if you wish to get ahead.
2) Quiz on Friday, Nov, 9: Read the Pro Caelio in translation (sections 15 through 29, on pages 134-139) from the end of the Cataline section to Cicero addressing the charge of poision (de veneno in Clodiam parato), take notes/make an outline and prepare for a comprehension quiz (value 60-80 points) and be able to discuss in detail in class. Note especially Cicero’s argument regarding the other two prosecutors and the Alexandria/Aegyptus/Ptolemy discussion. Note also the discussion of Palatine Hill and mentions of Clodia Metelli and Marcus Crassus. See notes on last pages of the translation.
3) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, Nov. 13 Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.
/Agenda for Thursday, November 8, 2018 and Friday, November 9, 2018
Some of you made a mess of the multiple choice section on the test (value 30 points). I happy for you to retake it as long as it done but the end of the day on Wednesday, November 7. Same content. I will make new questions. Email me if you want to know your grade on this part of the test.
For Thursday:
1) Reading for Thursday: Finish/review Catullus, Poem 6 and the final lines (section 14) of the Cataline Section of the Pro Caelio. Here are final lines of this text to download. Your commentary should cover these lines. Read Catullus 6 aloud and begin practicing this poem for an oral voice reading that will be due the following week.
3) New Grammar to review from class: a) all uses of cum and cum…tum; b) impersonal verbs pudet and paenitet; c) correlatives: tot…quot, tam…quam, tantus…quantus; d) indefinite (pronoun) quidnescio. e.g. Natinus superiore nocte facinoris audacis quidnescio fecit. My may email your translation of this to me. e) keep reviewing also the other indefinite pronouns/adjectives. Quiz on this stuff in near future.
For Friday:
1) Reading for Friday: Lines 354-370 (Sunt autem duo crimina…) (new text and new commentary). Email if you need it. Keep on reading if you wish to get ahead.
2) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday. Here is the list for a vocabulary quiz.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, November 1, 2018
Here is the new list for a vocabulary quiz in 5 days.
A. Reading for Thursday: My goal will be to get as many people reading on Thursday as possible.
1. Prepare read Catullus, Poems 49 and 6. Write out translation on provided lined paper.
2. Prepare/read in new handout Pro Caelio, LINES 135 to LINES 157 (vivere, section 14). Note that we have skipped part of the first page. Use commentary for vocabulary and help with syntax.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Here is the new list for a vocabulary quiz in 5 days.
First Quarter Test (200-300 points) on Tuesday, October 30.
Part One (25-30%): Study questions and terms for Rome and the East, Gaecia Capta…Crisis (Gracchi) from The World of Rome and the introduction to the Pro Caelio and life of Caelius. Hellenistic Kingdoms and cursus honorum are also important. Study also notes and handouts from class on background or historical information.
Part Two (70-75%) Three Sections of Latin from readings: Imperium Romanum, Livy Pericha on Tiberius Gracchs, Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus, all sections from the Pro Caelio and the first two sections of In Catalinam. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings. Know figures of speech that we have experienced, such as hendiadys, anaphora, polyptoton, hyperbaton, asyndeton, polysyndeton, homoioteleuton, alliteration, chiasmus, synchesis, etc. EMAIL ME WITH QUESTIONS.
New Grammar to review from class
/Agenda for Friday, October 25, 2018
Here is the new list for a vocabulary quiz in 8 days.
A. Reading for Friday:
1. Finish the second page of In Catalinam (new handout from class). The O tempora, O mores part.
2. Prepare/read in new handout Pro Caelio, lines 128 (At.., section 12) to 151 (vivere, section 14). Note that we have skipped part of the first page. Use commentary for vocabulary and help with syntax.
B. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming on Tuesday, October 30. Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings. Starting reviewing all Latin for test which will cover all Latin selections read and background information/questions for Roman Conquest, The Gracchi, and Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 1-151. Test on Tuesday, October 30. Value 200-300 points.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 25, 2018
Starting reviewing all Latin for test which will cover all Latin selections read and background information/questions for Roman Conquest, The Gracchi, and Cicero, Pro Caelio, lines 1-151. Test on Tuesday, October 30. Value 200-300 points.
Here is the new list for a vocabulary quiz in 8 days.
A. Reading for Thursday:
1. Prepare/read in new handout Pro Caelio, lines 128 (At.., section 12) to 151 (vivere, section 14). Note that we have skipped part of the first page. Use commentary for vocabulary and help with syntax.
2. Review all that we read in class (including Catullus poem) and finish Pro Caelio, lines 102-119 (Nam quod…fuisse) in which Cicero discuss the relation between Caelius and Cataline. Note that we have skipped some lines
B.Bring all questions: Read and answer ALL questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-XXVII, which covers questions 17-59. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming on Tuesday, October 30. Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Starting reviewing all Latin for test which will cover all Latin selections read and background information/questions for Roman Conquest, The Gracchi, and Cicero. Test on Tuesday, October 30. Value 200-300 points.
Here is the new list for a vocabulary quiz in 10 days.
A. Reading for Tuesday:
1. Prepare/read in new handout Pro Caelio, lines 102-119 (Nam quod…fuisse) in which Cicero discuss the relation between Caelius and Cataline. Note that we have skipped some lines
2. Review and finish the sight passages and know their content concerning slander and Atratinus’s role attacking the pudicitia of Caelius. Be able to reread these in class.
B.Bring all questions: Read and answer ALL questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-XXVII, which covers questions 17-59. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming on Tuesday, October 30. Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
D. Keep reviewing indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
E. Starting learning the figures of speech on the colored handout. Email if you need this.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 18, 2018
A. Reading for Thursday:
1. Finish and review the exordium Pro Caelio, lines 8-26 .
2. Prepare/read in new handout Pro Caelio, lines 102-114 (Nam quod…umquam) in which Cicero discuss the relation between Caelius and Cataline. Note that we have skipped some lines
B. For Thursday: Read and answer ALL questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-XXVII, which covers questions 17-59. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming in a fortnight: Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
D. Keep reviewing indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
E. Starting learning the figures of speech on the colored handout. Email if you need this.
/Agenda for Tuesday, October 16, 2018
A. Review and know in detail: For Tuesday: Pro Caelio, lines 8-26 USE COMMENTARY/VOCABULARY for help. Know Introduction the Life of Caelius section (pages xxvii-xxix)
B. Complete Pro Pavone sentences 1-3 on yellow/green sheet. Email if you need this. Use the first lines of Pro Caelio to provide a model and to find vocabulary. Remember negative clauses of doubting with quīn + subjunctive mood. Email if you would like information on this.
B. ForTuesday: Read and answer ALL questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-XXVII, which covers questions 17-59. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. Vocabulary list for next quiz on Tuesday, October 16.
D. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming in a fortnight: Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
E. Keep reviewing indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 11, 2018
Here are forms for Latin Convention. Last Call.
Note change: Vocabulary list for next quiz on Tuesday, October 16.
A. Reading/Latin Preparation: For Thursday: Pro Caelio, lines 8-26 USE COMMENTARY/VOCABULARY for help. Know Introduction the Life of Caelius section (pages xxvii-xxix)
B. For Thursday: Read and answer questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-XXI, which covers questions 17-44. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming in a fortnight: Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
D. Keep reviewing indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Here are forms for Latin Convention. Last Call.
Note change: Vocabulary list for next quiz on Friday, October 12.
Find the Temple of Concordia and the Curia (Senate House) above.
A. Reading/Latin Preparation Schedule for the Week:
1.For Tuesday: Before you begin reading the Pro Caelio, read in the Introduction the Life of Caelius section (pages xxvii-xxix) and take notes to discuss in class. Prepare to read/translate/discuss Pro Caelio, lines 1-10 (stop at iubeat). USE COMMENTARY/VOCABULARY for help and also have finish Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus. Try to get ahead over the weekend.
2. For Thursday: Read/Prepare Pro Caelio, lines 10-26.
3. For Friday: TBA
B. For Tuesday: Read and answer questions for Introduction - Life and Times of Cicero, pages xiv-xviii, which covers questions 1-27. Email if you need these things or have questions. We will try to finish this reading and all questions down to 59 and page xxvii this week, so keep going if you wish to get ahead. This information is crucial and will be tested in detail.
C. First Quarter Test (200-300 points) is coming in a fortnight: Study questions, notes from class and especially all Latin readings. Be able to parse, translate, analyze and discuss all readings.
D. Keep reviewing indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 5, 2018
Here are forms for Latin Convention. Forms are due this week.
1) Review and FINISH Velleius Paterculus on Gaius Gracchus. Vocabulary is on the last page. Be well prepared to read in class from the Latin text only. You may makes notes on it. Email if you did not get this new reading in class on Friday.
2) Keep reviewing what we have read in class. Test is coming soon.
3) Bring finished questions for the World of Rome for the Crisis section in new handout they may also be in the handout with the earlier questions.
4) Vocabulary list for next quiz on Tuesday, October 9.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, October 4, 2018
Here are forms for Latin Convention. Forms are due this week.
1) For Thursday’s class prepare, translate and read Velleius Paterculus on GAIUS Gracchus. Vocabulary is on the last page. Be well prepared to read in class from the Latin text only. You may makes notes on it. Email if you did not get this new reading in class on Friday.
2) Do sentences 1-5 on the new Indefinite pronoun handout.
3) Keep reviewing what we have read in class. Test is coming soon.
4) Bring finished questions for the World of Rome for the Crisis section in new handout they may also be in the handout with the earlier questions.
5) Vocabulary list for next quiz on Tuesday, October 9.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Here are forms for Latin Convention.
1) Review/Finish: all of Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus. See handout for vocabulary. Email if you need this. Most rabbits are reading well in class, others need improve their level of preparation. I am always available at lunch for help. Keep reviewing all readings - test is coming soon. Ross is a magic rabbit.
2) Bring finished questions for the World of Rome for the Crisis section in new handout they may also be in the handout with the earlier questions.
3) Complete and turn in at beginning of Tuesday’s class the new Yellow Assignment for Tiberius Gracchus. 50-60 points. Late assignment receive a zero. There are more than 9 subjunctives for the last section. Find the first nine. Sign Pledge and work independently. Here is the assignment if you did not get it class. Email if you need hand out on justification of cases and subjunctives.
4) Read and study pages 1 and 2 of handout on Indefinite pronouns and adjectives (also relative and interrogative) and complete all sentences on double-side handout that we worked on in class on Thursday.
5) For Thursday’s class prepare, translate and read Velleius Paterculus on GAIUS Gracchus. Vocabulary is on the last page. Email if you did not get this new reading in class on Friday.
6) Vocabulary list for next quiz on Tuesday, October 9.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 28, 2018
1) Review/Finish: all of Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus. See handout for vocabulary. Email if you need this. It was handed out earlier in the week.
2) Questions for the World of Rome Book (due Friday): Do the Questions for Crisis in new handout they may also be in the handout with the earlier questions. Kahan et al. may email needing these.
3) See statue of Cornelius Africanus and her two sons below and genealogy of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Find the Gracchi brother on the family tree below.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 27, 2018
Turn in the yellow sheet before next class, if you have not already done so.
1) Watch this short video before you begin # 2. At least the first five minutes.
2) Read and prepare all of Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus. See handout for vocabulary. Email if you need this. It was handed out earlier in the week.
3) Questions for the World of Rome Book (due Tuesday):
a) Complete questions for Graecia capta…”Captured Greece…” (Horace, Epistles 2.1.225) section, numbers 10-20 as you pages 22-25.
4) See statue of Cornelius Africanus and her two sons below and genealogy of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 25, 2018
1) Here is the list for the first vocabulary quiz. Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
2) Read/prepare to read in class/write out translation of LINES 20-36 (short paragraph of the 2nd page) of Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC (new handout). See notes on page 2 and vocabulary in handout for help. Expect an unannounced quiz on what we have read in class soon.
3) Use Imperium Romanum reading to complete both sides of the yellow thing. Work independently. Sign pledge. You may and should use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ and my handout on CASE SYNTAX. Email if you need this. Here is a list of figures of speech.
4) Questions for the World of Rome Book (due Tuesday):
a) Complete questions for Graecia capta…”Captured Greece…” (Horace, Epistles 2.1.225) section, numbers 10-20 as you pages 22-25.
b) Bring questions for Rome and the East
5) For Thursday’s class read and prepare to read the new handout on Tiberius Gracchus. Email if you need this. It was handed out earlier in the week.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 21, 2018
Here is the list for the first vocabulary quiz. Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
1) Read/prepare to read in class/write out translation of LINES 15 to 36 (short paragraph of the 2nd page) of Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC (new handout). See notes on page 2 and vocabulary in handout for help.
2) Review notes from class on Latin reading and the Roman Triumphal Procession. Know chiasmus and hyperbaton.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 20, 2018
Here is the list for the first vocabulary quiz. Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
1) Read/prepare to read in class/write out translation of
a) New reading: LINES 4 to 24 (end of the 1st page) of Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC (new handout). See notes on page 2 and vocabulary in handout for help.
b) Keep reviewing what we have read in class for future quizzes and test. Especially things that we discuss in class.
2) Work on -IUS paradigm demonstrative adjectives and pronominal UNUS NAUTA words:
a) OLD BUT bring: Complete All the remaining sentences in the handout in the above handout. Email if you need this. You may need a dictionary: Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
b) SHORT QUIZ on morphology and usage of demonstrative and pronominal adjectives (UNUS NAUTA).
3) Old work but study and bring to class: World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Here is the list for the first vocabulary quiz. Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
1) Read/prepare to read in class/write out translation of
a) New reading: lines 1-18 of Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC (new handout). See notes on page 2 and vocabulary in handout for help.
b) Paragraph ONE of the Fourth Macedonia. Essentially finish all paragraphs in the handout. See same vocabulary list for help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded
c) Keep reviewing what we have read in class for future quizzes and test. Especially things that we discuss in class.
2) Work on -IUS paradigm demonstrative adjectives and pronominal UNUS NAUTA words:
a) Complete All the remaining sentences in the handout in the above handout. Email if you need this. You may need a dictionary: Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
b) Short quiz on morphology and usage of demonstrative and pronominal adjectives (UNUS NAUTA).
3) Old work but study and bring to class: World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 13, 2018
1) Read/prepare/write out translation of paragraphs THREE of The Third Macedonia War and paragraph ONE of the Fourth Macedonia. Essentially finish all paragraphs in the handout. See same vocabulary list for help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded Keep review earlier sections for future quizzes and test.
2) Work on -IUS paradigm demonstrative adjectives and pronominal UNUS NAUTA words:
a) Study paradigms on the first 3 pages of the UNUS NAUTA handout and rewatch this video: Watch this video on UNUS NAUTA words (-ius paradigm) and take notes.
b) Complete sentences on page 5-7, numbers 1 through 7 and 9 through 13 in the above handout. Email if you need this. You may need a dictionary: Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
3) Old work but study and bring to class: World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, September 11, 2018
1) Read/prepare/write out translation of paragraphs ONE and TWO of The Second Macedonia War on page 3 of handout. See same vocabulary list for help. III nonas Septembres = 3rd of September. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded
1.5) Morphological Review Quiz on the Paradigm of fero, ferre, tuli, latus (study page 4 of Eutropius and Livy...) and its many compounds (study page 6 of handout). Know their meanings. Format: Verb game and English to Latin/Latin to English.
2) Review and study page one (sections 1 and 30) of Eutropius and Livy on the Macedonian Wars.
3) Old work but study and bring to class: World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, September 6, 2018
1) Declension Review:
A. Complete part B (back page) of Noun-Adjective Agreement. See Wheelock, pages 495-8. HW grade. Here are videos if you need some review.
B. Graded Quiz on paradigms/declension of all nouns, adjectives and pronouns. See Wheelock, pages 495-8.
3) Finish reading/writing out a translation of page one (sections 1 and 30) of Eutropius and Livy on the Macedonian Wars. Be able to read and translate orally in class. Graded.
4) Read the World of Rome (Black Book) pages 18-22 (Rome and the East) and write out answer to questions 1-9 in Questions from the World of Rome handout. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, June 5, 2018
1) Prepare to read in class:
a) Aeneid, lines 1-33 (the whole proem). See commentary handed out for vocabulary, etc. and use this website for more vocabulary and commentary.
2) Complete questions 1-6 (the first one) for the Introduction to the Aeneid by reading pages x-xviii. Finish all questions for Thursday.
3) Complete the first page of scansion assignment.
4) See me to discuss essay and potential revisions.
5) Retake the scansion quiz asap, if you need or wish to do so. See me for more practice or help.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, June 1, 2018
1) Prepare to read in class:
a) Aeneid, lines 1-18. See commentary handed out for vocabulary, etc. and use this website for more vocabulary and commentary.
b)We will start with Vergil, Georgic 500-514
2) Complete the first page of scansion assignment.
3) Retake the scansion quiz asap, if you need or wish to do so. See me for more practice or help.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 29
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Georgic 490-514
2) Turn in Eclogue One essay by 8:40 AM on Tuesday, May 29.
3) Retake the scansion quiz asap, if you need or wish to do so. See me for more practice or help.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 24
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Georgic 480-497.
2) Here is the vocabulary quiz for a quiz on Thursday, May 24.
3) Retake the scansion quiz asap, if you need or wish to do so.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of May 22-26
For Tuesday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Georgic 450-480.
2) Scansion Quiz
3) Return completed and revised Eclogue 4 questions to me.
For Thursday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Georgic 480-497.
2) Here is the vocabulary quiz for a quiz on Thursday, May 24.
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Georgic 497-514 (the end)
2) Essay on Eclogue One is due.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of May 22
Essay on Eclogue One is due on Tuesday, May 22.
First Scansion Quiz on Tuesday, May 22.
1) Read/translate/prepare Vergil, Georgic I, lines 440- 448. Use both the attached vocabulary and commentary to help you read this very doctus didactic poem.
2) Review Eclogue 4. Quiz coming soon.
3) Make sure that I have your finished questions 5-7 for Eclogue IV. Support with textual references and be able to show me. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Here is the vocabulary quiz for a quiz on Thursday, May 24.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of May 18
Essay on Eclogue One is due on Tuesday, May 22.
First Scansion Quiz on Tuesday, May 22.
1) Read/translate/prepare Vergil, Georgic I, lines 440- 448. Use both the attached vocabulary and commentary to help you read this very doctus didactic poem.
2) Review Eclogue 4. Quiz coming soon.
3) Make sure that I have your finished questions 5-7 for Eclogue IV. Support with textual references and be able to show me. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Here is the vocabulary quiz for a quiz on Thursday, May 24.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of May 16
Essay on Eclogue One is due on Tuesday, May 22.
1) Read/translate/prepare Vergil, Georgic I, lines 424 to 440. Use both the attached vocabulary and commentary to help you read this very doctus didactic poem.
2) Review Eclogue 4. Quiz coming soon.
3) Finish questions 5-7 for Eclogue IV. Support with textual references and be able to show me. Be able to answer and discuss in class.
4) Here is the the lasted vocabulary quiz for a quiz on Thursday, May 24.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of May 14
For Tuesday:
1) Review and finish Vergil, Eclogue Four lines 26-63
2) Questions for Eclogue Four: Complete questions 1-4 by citing Latin to support each point of your answer. Ignore the partner blank. You will also need the selections of Hesiod, Theocritus and Aratus handed out in class.
3) Turn in drawing of Eclogue One. Detail depictions and labeling with dictionary entries are crucial elements.
For Thursday:
1) TBA
For Friday
1) First Scansion Quiz
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, May 10.
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 7 days.
Drawing is due Monday, May 14 and essay is due Monday, May 21.
1) Finish entire Reading/Preparation for class for Vergil, Eclogue Four lines 26-63
2) Preparation and review quiz on all of Vergil, Eclogue Four. One selection from what we have read, one selection from what we have not yet read.
3) Read and be able to discuss in class the handout of the following. You will be asked to make connections between these works and Vergil's 4th Eclogue.
a) Theocritus, Idyll 17
b) Hesiod, Works and Days
c) Aratus, Phaenomena
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, May 7.
Here is the new vocabulary list for a quiz in 7 days.
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue Four lines 26-63
2) Scan and turn in lines 11-17. Use the sheet with larger text.
3) Read and be able to discuss in class the handout of the following. You will be asked to make connections between these works and Vergil's 4th Eclogue.
a) Theocritus, Idyll 17
b) Hesiod, Works and Days
c) Aratus, Phaenomena
For Thursday:
For Friday
Drawing is due.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, May 4
1) Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz on Friday, May 4
2) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue Four lines 12-47
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday of May 1 & The Week
Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz on Friday, May 4
For Tuesday:
Test: 1) The Latin of Periocha of 43 BC and Eclogue One: 2) Vergil's life and works and literary influences (Hellenic and Hellenistic authors and their works); 3) Historical background to Vergil's poetic career and civil wars - 43 BC to 19 BC. Know dates of significant battles. 4) Scansion.
For Thursday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Finish Vergil, Eclogue One and Eclogue Four, lines 1-25. Be prepared to translate with a greater deal of fluency in class. See me at lunch if you need help reading Vergil's Latin.
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue Four lines 26-47
2) Vocabulary quiz. See above for list.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday of April 26
Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz on Friday, April 27
Keep reviewing Eclogue One and general notes on Vergil and Hellenic and Hellenistic literature. Test coming soon on this poem and background
For Thursday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 46-70. Be prepared to translate with a greater deal of fluency in class. See me at lunch if you need help reading Vergil's Latin.
2) Scan the line handed out on Friday. See below if you need to review the videos or come at lunch if you would like to practice scanning the hexameter.
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 70-83
2) Vocabulary quiz. See above for list.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of April 23-27
Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz on Friday, April 27
For Tuesday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 22-45
2) Scansion:
a) Read the handout on Meter and Scansion and review notes from class. Email if you need this.
b) Watch these two videos on scansion and take notes: Video One and Video Two
c) Scansion lines 11-18 of Eclogue One and bring to class
For Thursday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 46-70.
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 70-83
2) Vocabulary quiz.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of April 16-20
Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz in 6 days
For Thursday:
1) Review notes from board on events of civil wars, Hellenistic/Alexandrian authors - Callimachus, Apollonius Rhodius, Theocitus and the pastoral genre. doctus and tenuis
2) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 7-35.
3) Listen to the Podcast on Vergil and take detail notes. Hand in notes which will be graded for depth, detail and organization. 50 points. Also be able to discuss in class.
4) Read and complete questions for the World of Rome for After the Ides (pages 45-47). Email if you need these. Here are the questions
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 36-50.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of April 16-20
Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz in 6 days
For Tuesday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 1-18. Email if you did not get this in class. This will be difficult at first. See attached vocabulary and commentary. We will also finish the Periochae.
2) Read and complete questions for the World of Rome for After the Ides (pages 45-47). Email if you need these. Here are the questions
For Thursday:
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 19-35.
2) Listen to the Podcast on Vergil and take detail notes. Hand in notes which will be graded for depth, detail and organization. 50 points.
For Friday
1) Reading/Preparation for class: Vergil, Eclogue One, lines 36-50.
Homework/Agenda for Friday, April 15
1) Be able to read and translate Livy Periocha to the end of the 2nd page.
Homework/Agenda for the Week of April 9-14
Keep reviewing all reading passages from Lucretius to Philippic XIII for 3rd Quarter test on Thursday, April 12. 250-300 points. Know also question from the World of Rome, background notes from class and content from podcasts.
1) We will finish the selection from Philippic XIII and read the Periocha of Livy, which takes us through 43 BC to the death of Cicero on Dec. 7th.
2) Here is the vocabulary for the next quiz in 7-9 days
For Thursday:
TEST. See above.
For Friday
1) TBA
Homework for Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23
For Thursday:
1) Complete the CAV test and use key at back of test to self-correct. Sign pledge and write number correct at top of first page of test Turn in at the beginning of Thursday's class.
For Friday
1) Read and write out a translation for Cicero, Philippic III, section 5. See vocabulary for help. Write translation on the lines provided in handout and be able to show this to me. Be ale to read with fluency in class. Email if you need this. From where is the word philippic derived and why does Cicero use it for these 14 orations?
2) Vocabulary List for Quiz on Friday, March 23
3) Due on Tuesday, March 27. Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty. Value 80-100 points. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
Homework for Tuesday, March 20
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Keep review all reading passages back to Lucretius for approaching 3rd Quarter test. 250-300 points.
Watch this video on the Theater of Pompey
1) In Ecce Romani III read page 93-95 Genitive and Dative with Special Verbs and complete exercises 62b and 62c on page 95. I will ask to see this complete.
2) Read and write out a translation for Cicero, Philippic III, sections 3 and 4. See vocabulary for help. Write translation on the lines provided in handout and be able to show this to me. Be ale to read with fluency in class. Email if you need this. From where is the word philippic derived and why does Cicero use it for these 14 orations?
3) Vocabulary List for Quiz on Friday, March 23
4) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year. Organize the material in a creative and clever visual formate and depict on a 11x17 sheet of paper which I will give to you. Detail and organization are essential elements. Extra points possible for beauty. Due on Thursday, March 22. Value 80-100 points. Late assignment receive a zero.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
6) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III. Click here for images and vocabulary for the Roman Army.
7)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
8) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Friday, March 16
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Watch this video on the Theater of Pompey
1) In Ecce Romani III read page 84 Ablative with Special Verbs and complete exercises 61a and 61b on page 85. This should also be in our handout with the passages from Pharsalus. I will ask to see this complete.
2) Finish and review all of Suetonius' account of Caesar's Death from De Vita Caesarum. Be prepared to read with fluency. Use vocabulary in handout to help. Write your translation on the provided lined paper.
3) Vocabulary List for Quiz on Friday, March 23
4) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
VII: The Legacy of Caesar
6) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III. Click here for images and vocabulary for the Roman Army.
7)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
8) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, March 13
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Complete and correct the 2014 NLE. I will ask to see it. CLICK HERE FOR THE SYLLABUS.
1) Finish all of Suetonius' account of Caesar's Death from De Vita Caesarum. Be prepared to read with fluency. Use vocabulary in handout to help. Write your translation on the provided lined paper.
2) Vocabulary List for Quiz on Thursday, March 15.
3) Begin listening to these podcasts and take detailed notes that will form the basis of graded assignment. This material is crucial for both this year and AP next year.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Caesar:
VII: The Legacy of Caesar
6) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III. Click here for images and vocabulary for the Roman Army.
7)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
8) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, March 13
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Complete and correct the 2014 NLE. I will ask to see it. CLICK HERE FOR THE SYLLABUS.
1) Review Caesar on the Battle of Pharsalus from Ecce Romani III. We will review page 91 on Tuesday. Be prepared to read with fluency. Test is coming soon.
2) Prepare to read Suetonius' account of Caesar's Death from De Vita Caesarum. Be prepared to read with fluency. Use vocabulary in handout to help. Write your translation on the provided lined paper. For Tuesday finish down to kai su teknon.
3) Vocabulary List for Quiz on Tuesday, March 13.
4) Hand in notes from these videos Graded. Video One Video Two
5) Review the dative of purpose and the damn dirty dog double dative. See case syntax handout. Id erit tibi auxiliō salutīque.
6) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III. Click here for images and vocabulary for the Roman Army.
7)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
8) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for THursday, March 6 and reading schedule for the week of March 5-10, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Vocabulary List for Quiz on Tuesday, March 13.
1) Study notes from board on the Roman Army. Watch these two videos and take notes in detail. I may ask to see notes for a HW grade. Video One Video Two
2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of March 5-10.
b) For Thursday. Prepare to read page 87 and 89 of Ecce Romani III.
c) For Friday, Prepare page 91of Ecce Romani III.
3) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III. Click here for images and vocabulary for the Roman Army.
4)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
5) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, March 6 and reading schedule for the week of March 5-10, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Vocabulary List for Quiz on Tuesday, March 13.
1) Complete the green handout for Syntax of Cicero's Letters. Justify cases and subjunctives and include others that are crucial to the syntax. Graded Assignment.
2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of March 5-10.
a) For Tuesday. Prepare to read page 81 and 83 of Ecce Romani III.
b) For Thursday. Prepare to read page 87 and 89 of Ecce Romani III.
c) For Friday, Prepare page 91of Ecce Romani III.
3) Read and begin learning military terms on pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III.
4)Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
5) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Friday, March 2, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
1) Reading/Preparation for Friday, Prepare page 81of Ecce Romani III.
2) HW Grade: Old Bring for Friday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
Homework for Thursday, March1, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of Feb 27-March 2:
b) For Thursday. Prepare to read page 71 and 73 and 79 of Ecce Romani III.
c) For Friday, Prepare page 81of Ecce Romani III.
2) Here is the Vocabulary list for the Murder of Clodius. Quiz on February 29, Thursday.
3) Review of Crucial and Essential Grammar:
a) Old Bring for Thursday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
b) Old: Complete in Ecce Romani III Exercises 59c on pages 63. You will need the book. You may need to read page 61-2. Here are two videos, if you need greater review: 1) Watch this video; 2) Watch this video Write out answers and be able to show me.
4) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
1) Complete and handout in parsing assignment for Cicero' Pro Milone. Download this assignment.
2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of Feb 27-March 2:
a) For Tuesday. Prepare to read page 69 and 71 of Ecce Romani III.
b) For Thursday. Prepare to read page 73 and 79 of Ecce Romani III.
c) For Friday, Prepare page 81of Ecce Romani III.
2) Here is the Vocabulary list for the Murder of Clodius. Quiz on February 29, Thursday.
3) Review of Crucial and Essential Grammar:
a) Bring for Tuesday class: Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
b) Old: Complete in Ecce Romani III Exercises 59c on pages 63. You will need the book. You may need to read page 61-2. Here are two videos, if you need greater review: 1) Watch this video; 2) Watch this video Write out answers and be able to show me.
4) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Thursday, February 22, 2018
Keep reviewing 2nd unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Here is the Vocabulary list for the Murder of Clodius. Quiz on February 27, Tuesday.
1) Reading/Preparation: Schedule for Thursday, Feb. 22: Prepare to read page 55, 57, 59 and 60 (the Verdict ) of Ecce Romani III. Also read the introduction above. Email if you need this.
2) Review of Crucial and Essential Grammar:
a) Compete entire handout on Conditional Sentences. Here is the assignment with more vocabulary to save you time. Here is a video on conditions, should you need review.
b) Complete in Ecce Romani III Exercises 59a, 59b, 59c on pages 62-3. You will need the book. You may need to read page 61-2. Here are two videos, if you need greater review: 1) Watch this video; 2) Watch this video Write out answers and be able to show me.
3) Always have these questions at hand: Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Keeping review unannounced review quiz is coming soon.
Here is the Vocabulary list for the Murder of Clodius. Quiz on February 27, Tuesday.
1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:
a) For Wednesday: read/translate/prepare PAGES 47 (BURNING OF THE SENATE HOUSE) and 53, 55, 57 of new handout or Ecce Romani III. Also read the introduction above. Email if you need this.
b) For Friday: read/translate/prepare PAGES 59 and 60 of new handout or Ecce Romani III.
c) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Old but we will cover this on Monday. Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Friday, February 15, 2018
1) Reading to prepare and review for Tuesday's class:
a) Read/translate/ prepare PAGES 45 and 47 (BURNING OF THE SENATE HOUSE) of new handout - CLODIUS AND MILO ON THE VIA APPIA. Also read the introduction above. Email if you need this.
b) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Old but we will cover this on Monday. Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Thursday, February 15, 2018
1) Reading to prepare and review for Tuesday's class:
a) Read/translate/ prepare PAGES 43 and 45 of new handout - CLODIUS AND MILO ON THE VIA APPIA. Also read the introduction above. Email if you need this.
b) Finish and review Catullus XI. Here is the text if you need it. Scan the rest of poem by marking long and short syllables. See Sapphic metrical pattern below. Recite aloud.
c) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Old but we will cover this on Monday. Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
Homework for Tuesday, February 13, 2018
1) Reading to prepare and review for Tuesday's class:
a) Read/translate/ prepare page 43 of new handout - CLODIUS AND MILO ON THE VIA APPIA. Also read the introduction above. Email if you need this.
b) Finish and review Catullus XI. Here is the text if you need it. Scan the rest of poem by marking long and short syllables. See Sapphic metrical pattern below. Recite aloud.
c) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Old but we will cover this on Monday. Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Tuesday, February 13.
4) Revised essays are due on Monday, February 12 by 3:13 PM. Value 100 points. See me if you need guidance.
Homework for Friday, February 9, 2018
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP. Click here for the syllabus.
1)Nothing new to prepare but review and be able to read and discuss:
a) Read and write out a translation for Catullus XI. Here is the text if you need it. Email if you need the vocabulary and commentary. Be able to translate, parse and discuss the text. Study notes from class and commentary.
b) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Be able to show me these answered questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Tuesday, February 13.
4) Revised essays are due on Monday, February 12. Value 100 points. See me if you need guidance.
Homework for Thursday, February 8, 2018
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP. Click here for the syllabus.
1) Preparation for Thursday:
a) Preparation and Review Quiz on b and c below:
b) Review lines 1-43 of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura for a quiz. Be able to translate, parse and discuss the text. Study notes from class and commentary.
c) Read and write out a translation for Catullus XI. Here is the text if you need it. Email if you need the vocabulary and commentary. Be able to translate, parse and discuss the text. Study notes from class and commentary.
d) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
2) Answer questions for Cicero's Rome and Motum Ex Metello by reading pages 40-3 of the World of Rome. You have this book but email me if you would like PDF. Be able to show me completed questions and answer orally in class.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Tuesday, February 13.
5) Revised essays are due on Monday, February 12. Value 100 points. See me if you need guidance.
Homework for Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP. Click here for the syllabus.
1) Background for Lucretius:
a) Make sure that you have Listened to this podcast on Lucretius' De Rērum Natūrā and be able to discuss in class.
b) Read the Introduction to Lucretius in the handout and take detailed notes. Know this material.
2) Preparation for Monday:
a)Read/prepare lines 17-43 of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura. New handout. Email if you need it or would like a digital copy.
b) Old but review and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515.
3) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz in 5 days with verb game.
4) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before 12 midnight of Saturday, February 3rd. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
5) Revised essays are due on Friday, February 9. Value 100 points. See me if you need guidance.
Homework for Friday, February 2, 2018
1) Listen to this podcast on Lucretius' De Rērum Natūrā and be able to discuss in class.
2) Preparation for Friday:
a) Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 504-515. Review what we read in class on Thursday and notes on Greek and Roman philosophy. Also know/review the periods of Greek/Hellenic history.
b) Read/prepare lines 9-20 of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura. New handout. Email if you need it or would like a digital copy. Also read the introduction in English at the beginning of handout on Lucretius.
2) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz in 7 days with verb game.
3) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before the end 12 midnight of Friday, February 3rd. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework for Thursday, February 1, 2018
1) Preparation for Thursday:
a) read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 482-515. Review what we read in class on Tuesday and notes on Greek and Roman philosophy.
b) Read/prepare lines 1-9 of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura. New handout. Email if you need it or would like a digital copy.
2) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz in 10 days with verb game.
3) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before the end 12 midnight of Friday, February 3rd. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework for Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Please email me with questions at any point
Test on the Pro Caelio (all that we have read) and Catullus poems on Tuesday, January 30. 200 points. Be able read/translate, parse, interpret and analyze Cicero's Latin and any poems by Catullus that we have read. Know figures of speech and any back material germane to the text. Know historical background and life/times of Cicero, Cicero as literary figure, background to the Pro Caelio, the charges, individuals involved, Ludi Megalenses, Magna Mater, Ennius, Catullus, Greek and Roman comedy, Plautus, Terence, things read in translation, the charges, etc
Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before the end 12 midnight of Friday, February 3rd. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework for Friday, January 26, 2018
1) For Thursday Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 482-515. Review what we read in class on Tuesday and notes on Greek and Roman philosophy.
2) Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Friday, January 26. No verb game.
Test on the Pro Caelio (all that we have read) and Catullus poems on Tuesday, January 30. 200 points. Be able read/translate, parse, interpret and analyze Cicero's Latin and any poems by Catullus that we have read. Know figures of speech and any back material germane to the text.
Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or beforeJanuary 27th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework for Thursday, January 25, 2018
1) For Thursday Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 482-515. Review what we read in class on Tuesday and notes on Greek and Roman philosophy.
Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Friday, January 26.
Test on the Pro Caelio (all that we have read) and Catullus poems on Tuesday, January 30. 200 points. Be able read/translate, parse, interpret and analyze Cicero's Latin and any poems by Catullus that we have read. Know figures of speech and any back material germane to the text.
Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or beforeJanuary 27th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework for Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Here is the new vocabulary list quiz on Friday, January 26.
Test on the Pro Caelio (all that we have read) and Catullus poems on Tuesday, January 30. 200 points. Be able read/translate, parse, interpret and analyze Cicero's Latin and any poems by Catullus that we have read. Know figures of speech and any back material germane to the text.
Essay is still due on Tuesday, Jan. 23. Email with questions. Late submissions receive a zero. Put quoted Latin in italic font, e.g. Caelius se nulla cupiditate (Cic. Cael. 465). You can cite either the line number or the section number. Use logein to support arguments concerning diction. Here is the prompt for your first essay. It will be due on Tuesday, January 23. See me to discuss and formulate your ideas.
1) Reading schedule for the Week of January 23-27:
a) Tuesday will be a reading day primarily with the goal of having every one read/translate aloud Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 460-496. USE COMMENTARY Keep reviewing Latin read in class.
b) For Thursday Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 496-515.
2) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before January 27th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework/Agenda for Thursday, January 18, 2018
Here is the new vocabulary list quiz in 10.
1) Thursday will be a reading day primarily with the goal of having every one read/translate aloud Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 460-494. USE COMMENTARY Keep reviewing Latin read in class.
2) Begin working on ESSAY ONE: Here is the prompt for your first essay. It will be due on Tuesday, January 23. See me to discuss and formulate your ideas.
3) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before January 20th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework/Agenda for Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Here is the new vocabulary list quiz in 10 or 2/3s of a fortnight.
1) Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 440-483. Use commentary to help with quotations from Roman Comedy.
2) Work on Roman Comedy: Plautus and Terence. Quiz all material below on Tuesday, January 17. That is a and b.
a) Have read and know in detail the handout with Terence's Adelphoe (Brothers). Know introduction, character and the text of the play in handout.
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes.
3) Begin working on ESSAY ONE: Here is the prompt for your first essay. It will be due on Thursday, January 18. See me to discuss and formulate your ideas.
4) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before January 20th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
Homework/Agenda for Week of January 8-12 , 2018
Test on the Pro Caelio (all that we have read) and Catullus poems on Thursday, January 25. 200 points. Be able read/translate, parse, interpret and analyze Cicero's Latin and any poems by Catullus that we have read. Know figures of speech and any back material germane to the text.
For Thursday, January 11th:
Read this short article from the BBC on Baiae and be able to discuss significance.
a) Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 425-447. Keeping up with reading schedule and reading orally in class is the most important part of this class.
b) Here is the next parsing assignment for Pro Caelio Due on Tuesday, January 9. Value 50 points. Use your handout on subjunctive syntax and case usage to help with justification.
c) Review what we read in class on Tuesday and Catullus 49. Study notes on Catullus from the board and figures of speech found in Catullus 49. Review fearing clauses ut/ne + subjunctive and the subjunctive with impersonal verbs (substantive clause) such as oportet and necesse est. Nota bene that "ut" is often omitted.
d) Begin working on ESSAY ONE: Here is the prompt for your first essay. It will be due on Thursday, January 18. See me to discuss and formulate your ideas.
For Friday, January 12.
a) Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 448-461
b) Here is the current vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, January 12th
For Tuesday, January 16th.
a) Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 462-487.
b) Crucial Work on Roman Comedy: Plautus and Terence. Due on Thursday, Jan. 11. Quiz all material below. That is a and b.
a) Have read and know in detail the handout with Terence's Adelphoe (Brothers)
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes.
a) Voice Recording/Dramatic Read of Speech of Appius Claudius Caecus is due on or before January 20th. Email your recording to Click here if you need to refine or perfect your pronunciation of classical Latin.
b) In 10 days: Quiz on figures of speech in second week of January. Add correctio and prosopopeia. Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda for Week of January 2, 2018
1) Reading Schedule for Week of January 2, 2018
a) For Tuesday: Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 415-431.
b) For Thursday: Read and be prepared to read orally Pro Caelio, lines 432-447.
3) Here is the next parsing assignment for Pro Caelio if you wish to get ahead. Due on Tuesday, January 9.
4) Crucial Work on Roman Comedy: Plautus and Terence.
a) Be reading the handout with Terence's Adelphoe (Brothers)
b) Listen to this podcast on Roman Comedy and take notes.
c) Expect a comprehension quiz at some point on a) and b).
5) If you wish to get ahead or earn some extra credit:
a) you can keep read/writing out a translation down to 481. It is also a good idea to keep reviewing early section for the Semester Exam. b) Extra is available for completing the Self-Tutorial exercises for any of the Wheelock, Chapter 28-40. Read the chapter, do the exercises, self-correct and sign pledge.
6) Here is the current vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, January 5th
7) Quiz on figures of speech in second week of January. Add correctio and prosopopeia. Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 15, 2017
1) For Friday: Read and prepare to read orally, lines 415-431.
2) Review Appius Claudius Caecus inscription, his offices and achievements and read the OCD article.
3) Here is the current vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, January 5th
4) Add correctio and prosopopeia. Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, December 14, 2017
1) Reading Schedule for the Week:
Expect a review quiz of what we have read post test. KEEP REVIEWING. BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY CASES, INFINITIVES AND SUBJUNCTIVES.
a) For Thursday: Read and prepare to read orally, lines 405-420 (esse confidam). Read commentary closely.
b) For Friday: Read and prepare to read orally, lines 420-431.
I will move this quiz until after the break: Quiz on independent subjunctives, correlatives, impersonal verbs. Study your handouts.
Agenda/Homework for Week of December 11-15, 2017
1) Reading Schedule for the Week of December 11-15:
a) Tuesday: Read and prepare to read orally, lines 380-405 (ac libido). Read commentary closely. See the Via Appia below. How does these relate to the section of the Pro Caelio that we are reading?
b) Thursday: Read and prepare to read orally, lines 405-420 (esse confidam). Read commentary closely.
c) Friday: Quiz on independent subjunctives, correlatives, impersonal verbs. Study your handouts.
2) Use blue handout to help determine the syntax of each subjunctive.
3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.
4) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
1) For Tuesday (a big reading day), translate and prepare lines 382 -(hic erro). Be prepared to read in class with fluency. Makes are fine but you must be prepared. I will ask to see write out translation and notes on the text as evidence of preparation. REVIEW WHAT WE READ ON THURSDAY ASAP
2) For Tuesday correct your test and bring it to class. You may see me if you have questions or need help
3) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 8, 2017.
1) For Friday read, translate and prepare lines 370-81 (hic erro). Be prepared to read in class with fluency. Makes are fine but you must be prepared. I will ask to see write out translation and notes on the text as evidence of preparation. REVIEW WHAT WE READ ON THURSDAY ASAP
2) For Tuesday correct your test and bring it to class. You may see me if you have questions or need help
3) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, December 7, 2017.
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 29.
1) For Thursday read, translate and prepare lines 354-375 (from sunt autem down to postulant nominamus). Be prepared to read in class with fluency. Makes are fine but you must be prepared. I will ask to see write out translation and notes on the text as evidence of prepar
2) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 5, 2017.
1) Test on Tuesday, December on lines 1-216 of the Pro Caelio (translation, grammar, figures of speech and rhetorical devices, etc.) and historical and literary back ground information for Cicero, life of Cicero, life of Caelius, the charges, Caelius' trial, charges, and list of derivatives. Email with questions. Value 200 points. Please email with questions or come at lunch if you need to review some sections.
2) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Add enjambment, pleonasm, and anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 30, 2017.
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 29.
1) Finish reading and translation the passage of Ennius and be prepared to read/translate orally in class. Review lines 197-216 (sermonen fuisse). See commentary and know who Ennius and Medea are and their significance to Caelius' trial.
2) Pro Caelio in translation: Read the sections of Pro Caelio in translation that we will not read in Latin. This is pages 134-141 of the new handout. You also have this in Latin in another handout should you wish to refer to the Latin as you read the English. QUIZ on content of reading and attacked commentary. Read in detail and take notes.
3) Test on Tuesday, December on lines 1-216 of the Pro Caelio (translation, grammar, figures of speech, etc.) and back ground information for Cicero or Caelius' trial and list of derivatives. Email with questions.
4) 3) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
Agenda should you wish to get ahead over the break.
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 29.
1) On Tuesday, November 28 we will finish lines 197-216 (sermonen fuisse). See commentary and know who Ennius and Medea are and their significance to Caelius' trial.
2) Study new handout on impersonal verbs, especially the ones like paenitet that govern an acc. of person and a genitive of thing. Quiz on new grammar - independent subjunctives, correlatives and impersonal verbs within 10 days of the break.
3) Pro Caelio in translation: Read the sections of Pro Caelio in translation that we will not read in Latin. This is pages 134-141 of the new handout. You also have this in Latin in another handout should you wish to refer to the Latin as you read the English. We have a quiz on this with 2/3 of a fortnight.
4) Lean the meaning, usage and etymology of the first list of derivatives and Latin phrases for Pro Caelio, Cataline section. Quiz soon.
5) Test on Thursday, November 30 on lines 1-216 of the Pro Caelio (translation, grammar, figures of speech, etc.) and back ground information for Cicero or Caelius' trial. Email with questions.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 22, 2017
1) For TUESDAY read, translate and prepare lines 197-216 (sermonen fuisse). We also need to finish lines 160-7.
2) Lean the meaning, usage and etymology of the first list of derivatives and Latin phrases for Pro Caelio, Cataline section. Quiz soon.
3) Keep reviewing figures of speech. Find anadiplosis on the green list where you will find anadiplosis. Continue to learn figures of speech and rhetorical devices: Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma.
4) Complete sentences 1-8 of More Correlatives for Bunnies. Quiz coming soon on independent subjunctives and correlatives. Quiz on Tuesday, November 28.
5) Keep reviewing all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
6) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 17, 2017
1) For FRIDAY read, translate and prepare lines 145-167 (crimen reformidet). You may need the new handout for the last few lines. Be prepared to read with some fluency in class. You should review before coming into class so it is fresh in your mind. For TUESDAY read, translate and prepare lines 197-216 (sermonen fuisse):
2) Complete sentences 1-8 of More Correlatives for Bunnies. Quiz coming soon on independent subjunctives and correlatives. Quiz on Tuesday, November 21.
3) Keep reviewing all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
4) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 16, 2017
Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP
1) For Thursday read, translate and prepare lines 140-163 (suspicione deprendi). Be prepared to read with some fluency in class. You should review before coming into class so it is fresh in your mind. For Friday read, translate and prepare lines 197-206 (ante dixit):
2) Complete sentences 1-8 of More Correlatives for Bunnies. Quiz coming soon on independent subjunctives and correlatives.
3) Keep reviewing all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
4) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP
1) Read, translate and prepare lines 123-152 (luxuriose vivere). Be prepared to read with some fluency in class. You should review before coming into class so it is fresh in your mind.
2) Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Tuesday, November 14.
3) Read 4 page handout on Lucius Sergius Catalina, take notes and be able to discuss in class. Material will appear on next test.
4) Review 5 independent subjunctives and correlatives. Quiz in a few days.
5) Keep reviewing all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
6) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 10, 2017
Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Tuesday, November 14.
1) Read, translate and prepare lines 112-135 (stimuli ac labors). Be prepared to read with some fluency in class. You should review before coming into class so it is fresh in your mind.
2) Keep reviewing all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
3) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 9, 2017
Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP
Here is the new vocabulary list. Quiz on Tuesday, November 14.
1) Reading schedule for the week:
a) For Monday read and prepare lines 96-114 (venit umquam).
b) For Wednesday read and prepare lines 115-126 (nemo loquebatur).
2) Work on New Grammar:
a) Complete sentences English to Latin sentences 1, 2, 2 on page 3 of Independent subjunctive handout. Study the five independent subjunctives and know their syntax.
b) Complete sentences 14 to the end on page 429 of second correlative handout. Start learning the various correlatives in both handouts.
3) Keep review all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
4) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, November 3, 2017
1) Be well prepared to read and translate orally in class from line 90 to 116 for Friday.
2) Work on New Grammar:
a) Complete sentences English to Latin sentences 1-4 on page 3 of Independent subjunctive handout. Study the five independent subjunctives and know their syntax.
b) Complete sentences 6 through 13 on page 428 of second correlative handout. Start learning the various correlatives in both handouts.
3) Keep review all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
4) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 2, 2017
1) Be well prepared to read and translate orally in class from line 85 to 101 for Thursday and 102 to 116 for Friday.
2) Keep review all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. There will be an unannounced quiz on what we have read from the Pro Caelio soon. Be able to translate, identify/discuss figures of speech in the text, explain what is happening, parse/justify words.
3) New Grammar:
a) Read/study the handout on correlative conjunctions, such as quails...talis, quantus...tantus, etc.
b) Study handout on the 5 independent subjunctives, especially the potential subjunctive.
c) If you need to review the basics of subjunctive morphology. Click here. I expect you to know all subjunctive morphology at the point, including irregular verbs.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 31, 2017
1) Be well prepared to read and translate orally in class down to line 116. You should have largely finished this in class on Thursday and Friday last week but will need to review it to read with fluency.
2) Complete parsing assignment. Email if you need this.
2) Keep review all that we have read thus far of Pro Caelio. Test coming in a fortnight.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 27, 2017
2nd Cicero Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, Oct. 27. Here is the list. with VERB GAME ON THE BACK for one verb from the list.
Agenda/Homework for Monday, October 23, 2017
2nd Cicero Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, Oct. 27. Here is the list. with VERB GAME ON THE BACK for one verb from the list.
1) Read/translation/prepare lines 65-83 (...tueri debeo) of Pro Caelio. These lines concern pudicitia. Be able to read and discuss orally without looking at a prepared translation.
2) Keep reviewing what we read in class and see me if you have questions or problems.
4)Old but should be finished: Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
5) Study the indefinite pronouns and adjective directly below.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October , 2017
1) Read/translation/prepare lines 50- 58 (...suorum) of Pro Caelio Be able to read and discuss orally without looking at a prepared translation.
2) Review and be able to reread quickly and fluently lines 30-50.
4)Old but should be finished: Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
5) Study the indefinite pronouns and adjective directly below.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 19, 2017
1) Read/translation/prepare lines 42 - 56 (miserunt) of Pro Caelio Be able to read and discuss orally without looking at a prepared translation. There is a sentence missing from your text at the beginning (line 30) . Here it is:
2) Complete parsing assignment for the exordium. Email if you need it. Not late assignments will be accepted.
3) Review and be able to reread quickly and fluently in class lines 27-42. Our first reading was unsatisfactory.
5)Old but should be finished: Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
6) Study the indefinite pronouns and adjective directly below.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 17, 2017
1) Review the exordium of Pro Caelio, LINEs 1-29 or down to resistendum est.
2) Read/translation/prepare lines 30-42 of Pro Caelio (new handout) for Tuesday's class. Be able to read and discuss orally without looking at a prepared translation. There is a sentence missing from your text at the beginning (line 30) . Here it is:
Ac mihi quidem videtur, iudices, hic introitus defensionis adulescentiae M. Caeli maxime convenire, ut ad ea, quae accusatores deformandi huius causa, detrahendae spoliandaeque dignitatis gratia dixerunt, primum respondeam.
2) Review the impersonal use of Latin verbs. Translate:
a) pugnatur b) pugnatum est c) pugnandum est.
3) Here is the new vocabulary for the the exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz on Tuesday, October 16.
5)Old but should be finished: Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
6) Study the indefinite pronouns and adjective directly below.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 12, 2017
1) Review and finish Pro Caelio, LINE 10-29 or down to resistendum est.
2) Test will be Thursday, Oct. 12. Translation, morphology, syntax, comprehension and back ground information. Short test (100 points) on the three selections read thus far and background information - notes from class and World of Rome questions.
3) Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma...
4) Here is the new vocabulary for the the exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz on Tuesday, October 16.
5) Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
6) Study the indefinite animals below.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 10, 2017
1) Read and write out a translate for lines of Pro Caelio, LINE 10-29 or down to resistendum est. Expect complicated syntax so use the COMMENTARY FOR HELP. Email if you need the text or commentary.
1.5) Here is a list to help with figures of speech/rhetorical devices. Thus far we have encountered anaphora, polyptoton, anastrophe, chiasmus, synchysis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, tricolon, zeugma...
2) Review background material: a) notes from class; b) The Life of Caelius and The Pro Caelio (pages xxvii-xxx of the Introduction to the Pro Caelio); c) questions from Introduction to the Pro Caelio. Know Bestia, Atratinus, Clodius, Clodia Metelli, Cicero's exile, Ludi Megalenses, Magna Mater, Plautus, Terence, biography of Marcus Caelius....
3) Here is the new vocabulary for the the exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz in 5 days.
4) Listen to this podcast on the Life and Times of Cicero. Take notes.
5) Test will be Thursday, Oct. 12. Translation, morphology, syntax, comprehension and back ground information. Short test (100 points) on the three selections read thus far and background information - notes from class and World of Rome questions.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 6, 2017
1) Read and write out a translate for lines of Pro Caelio, lines 6-18 or down to in liceat esse. Expect complicated syntax so use the COMMENTARY FOR HELP. Email if you need the text or commentary.
2) Old but review and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and The Pro Caelio (pages xxvii-xxx of the Introduction to the Pro Caelio). It is crucial to know this information before beginning number 2.
3) Here is the new vocabulary for the the exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz in 7 days.
4) Old: We need to finish in class a few World of Rome Questions for Crisis Section. Remind me.
5) Test will be Thursday, Oct. 12. Translation, morphology, syntax, comprehension and back ground information. Short test (100 points) on the three selections read thus far and background information - notes from class and World of Rome questions.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 5, 2017
1) Read and be able to discuss in class The Life of Caelius and The Pro Caelio (pages xxvii-xxx of the Introduction to the Pro Caelio). It is crucial to know this information before beginning number 2.
2) Read and write out a translate for lines of Pro Caelio lines 1-11 or down to in iudicio requirat. Expect complicated syntax so use the COMMENTARY FOR HELP. Email if you need the text or commentary.
3) Old but have ready to discuss: Read the introduction to the Pro Caelio pages xiv-xxii and answer the questions numbers 1-46. Be able to answer orally in class. Email if you need these questions.
3.5) Here is the new vocabulary for the the exordium of Pro Caelio. Quiz in 10 days.
4) Old: We need to finish in class a few World of Rome Questions for Crisis Section. Remind me.
5) Keep reviewing all Latin read and class along with your notes from class. Test on first three reading passage is coming soon. Translation, morphology, syntax, comprehension and back ground information. Short test (100 points) on the three selections read thus far and background information.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 3, 2017
1) We begin Cicero's Pro Caelio this week but first there is much back information for conquer. Read the introduction to the Pro Caelio pages xiv-xxii and answer the questions numbers 1-46. Be able to answer orally in class. Email if you need these questions.
2) We need to finish in class The Roman Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus to the end (deiectum est). See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
3) We need to finish in class a few World of Rome Questions for Crisis Section. Remind me.
4) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, Oct. 3.
5) Keep reviewing all Latin read and class along with your notes from class. Test on first three reading passage is coming soon. Translation, morphology, syntax, comprehension and back ground information.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 29, 2017
1) For Friday complete and turn in the parsing assignment for Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus, numbers 1-18 begin with collegae and ending with ictus. Make sure you justify cases.
2.5) Reading Agenda:
a) Finish reading and translating The Roman Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus to the end (deiectum est). See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
2) World of Rome Questions: Do the Crisis Section and its questions. This is the important background to the Gracchi.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, Oct. 2
4) Keep reviewing all Latin read and class along with your notes from class. Test on first three reading passage is coming soon.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 28, 2017
1) Reading Agenda:
a) Finish reading and translating The Roman Historian Velleius on Gaius Gracchus to the end (deiectum est). See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment. Be able to read and translate orally in class.
2) World of Rome Questions: Do the Crisis Section and its questions. This is the important background to the Gracchi.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Sept. 21 Click for the list.
4) Keep reviewing all Latin read and class along with your notes from class. Test on first three reading passage is coming soon.
5) For Friday complete and turn in the parsing assignment for Titus Livius on Tiberius Gracchus, numbers 1-18 begin with collegae and ending with ictus. Make sure you justify cases.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 26, 2017
1) Reading Agenda:
a) Old: Read/write out translation of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus, lines 20 end (proiectus) See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment.
b) Read/write out translation for the first half of Gaius Gracchus. New Handout - email if you need it.
2) World of Rome Questions:
a) Historical Background: In new handout answer (write out) questions 1-13 (Graecia Capta & Spoils of Empire) by read page 22-25 of The World of Rome.
b) Read also Crisis Section and its questions. This is the important background to the Gracchi.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Sept. 21 Click for the list.
4) See below the statue of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus and their mother. Find Tiberius and Gaius Gracious on the genealogical table below the picture.
Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 19, 2017
1) Read/write out translation of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus, lines 5 to the end (proiectus) See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment.
2) Historical Background: In new handout answer (write out) questions 1-13 (Graecia Capta & Spoils of Empire) by read page 22-25 of The World of Rome.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Sept. 21 Click for the list.
4) See below the statue of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus and their mother. Find Tiberius and Gaius Gracious on the genealogical table below the picture.
Agenda/Homework for Thusday, September 19, 2017
1) Read/write out translation of Livy on Tiberius Gracchus, lines 5 to the end (proiectus) See vocabulary in handout and email if you need this assignment.
2) Historical Background: In new handout answer (write out) questions 1-13 (Graecia Capta & Spoils of Empire) by read page 22-25 of The World of Rome.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Sept. 21 Click for the list.
4) See below the statue of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus and their mother. Find Tiberius and Gaius Gracious on the genealogical table below the picture.
Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 15, 2017
1) Read and translate Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC, LINES 21-32 (prelata sunt). For class be prepared to read from the Latin text without looking at your prepared translation. You may make notes on the Latin text but do not write translation on it. KEEP REVIEWING.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, Sept. 21 Click for the list.
Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 14, 2017
Latin Club Meeting Tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 14 at Lunch, 12:00 noun in 335
1) Read and translate Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC, lines 16-32(prelata sunt). For class be prepared to read from the Latin text without looking at your prepared translation. You may make notes on the Latin text but do not write translation on it. KEEP REVIEWING.
2) Declension Review Quiz. Value 50 points. Morphology and conceptual questions based review exercises and questions. Click here for videos and paradigms.
3) Vocabulary quiz in 7 days. Here is the list.
4) Hand in completed self-corrected summer review/preparation assignments. Sign pledge. Due Thursday, Sept. 16.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, September 12, 2017:
1) Watch this video (the last half only if you are pushed for time) on the battle of Cynocephalae (Μάχη τῶν Κυνὸς Κεφαλῶν) fought between the Antigonid king of Macedonia, Philip V and the Roman general Titus Quinctius Flamininus in Thessaly (find on map) in 197 BC. Here is the video. Take notes regarding the Greek/Macedonian Phalanx vs. Roman Maniple Legion.
2) Declension Review Assignments:
a) Rapid Review: Latin Nouns & Adjectives. Do questions 8-15 for Tuesday. Quiz late next week. Click here for videos and paradigms.
b) Noun-Adjective Agreement. Do the second page (B) for Tuesday. Quiz late next week. Click here for videos and paradigms.
3) Read and translate Imperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC, lines 10-24 (maneret Carthaginis). For class be prepared to read from the Latin text without looking at your prepared translation. You may make notes on the Latin text but do not write translation on it. THERE ARE DIFFICULT PARTS. YOU MAY SEE ME AT LUNCH ANY TIME TO GET HELP WITH READING PASSAGES. KEEP REVIEWING.
4) Noun-Adjective review QUIZ on Thursday, Sept. 16. Click here for paradigms or see Wheelock, Page 495-499. Click here for videos and paradigms.
5) Hand in completed self-corrected summer review/preparation assignments. Sign pledge. Due Tuesday, Sept. 14.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, September 7, 2017:
1) Review notes from class on Roman Imperial expansion and Hellenistic Kingdom in the Greek East and the significance of 146 BC and 31-30 BC and AD 14. Examine map below HW. Know: Athens, Alexandria, Antioch, Pergamum, Kingdoms/Hellenistic Dynasties: Macedonia, Antigonids, Attalids, Seleucids, Aegyptus, Ptolemaic Dynasty (Ptolemy I to Cleopatra), Carthage
2) Declension Review Assignments:
a) Rapid Review: Latin Nouns & Adjectives. Do questions 1-7 for Thursday and 8-15 for Tuesday.
b) Noun-Adjective Agreement. Do the first page (A) for Thursday and the second page (B) for Tuesday.
3) Read and translateImperium Romanum in the 2nd Century BC, lines 1-16 (consul creatus est). For class be prepared to read from the Latin text without looking at your prepared translation. You may make notes on the Latin text but do not write translation on it.
4) Noun-Adjective review quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 14.
5) Hand in completed self-corrected summer review/preparation assignments. Sign pledge. Due Tuesday, Sept. 14.
Final Exam
1) Multiple Choice Questions 40 on mainly historical background of Late Republic and Augustan Principate, civil wars, life of Vergil and Horace and literary antecedents (Homer, Aratus, Theocrtus Callimachus, Catullus, etc) and one selection of Latin read in class and one sight passage.
2) Translation/parsing/literary references/literary analysis/short essay
a) One selection from Eclogue 1 or 4 b) One selection from Georgics c) Two selections from Aeneid
Click here for a handout to help you justify verbs in the subjunctive mood.
Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ
Download this PDF of Virgilian Grammar. Study it and use it for reference as you read.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, June 8:
1) For Thursday read and prepare lines, Aeneid 1.460-95 (the end). Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Quiz on Thursday on Podcast on the Aeneid.
3) Continue reading book one in translation. HAVE FINISHED READING PAGES 11-16 FOR TUESDAY. Know material in detail. Characters, events, epic conventions. Email if you would like a PDF of this
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, June 6:
1) Keep reading the first book on the Aeneid in translation, the content of pages 1-18 will be on the exam.
2) For Monday read and prepare lines, Aeneid 1.460-95 (the end). Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
3) By Tuesday, June 6have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Expect a quiz on Tuesday, June 6.
HW/Agenda for Friday, June 2:
1) For Friday read and prepare lines, Aeneid 1.460-90 (ecphrasis) and finish the ecphrasis for Friday's class. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Vocabulary list for Jupiter's Speech to Venus for Quiz on Friday, June 2.
3) Continue reading book one in translation. HAVE FINISHED READING PAGES 11-16 FOR TUESDAY. Know material in detail. Characters, events, epic conventions. Email if you would like a PDF of this.
4) By Tuesday, June 7 have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz on Tuesday, June 7.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 30 and the Week:
1) For Tuesday read and prepare lines, Aeneid 1.450-80 (ecphrasis) and finish the ecphrasis for Friday's class. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Tuesday: Quiz on one selection from Eclogue 4, End of Georgics One, Proem of Aeneid, Aeneas' first speech and Jupiter's Speech to Venus.
3) Continue reading book one in translation. HAVE FINISHED READING PAGES 11-16 FOR TUESDAY. Know material in detail. Characters, events, epic conventions. Email if you would like a PDF of this.
4) By Tuesday, June 7 have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz on Tuesday, June 7.
5) Vocabulary list for Jupiter's Speech to Venus for Quiz on Friday, June 2.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 26, 2017:
1) Read and prepare lines, Aeneid 1.440-58 (ecphrasis) and finish Jupiter's Speech to Venus - Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 268-96 (the end) Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Keep reading book one in translation. This content will be on the final exam.
3) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
4) By Tuesday, May 30 have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz on Tuesday, May 30.
5) Vocabulary list for Jupiter's Speech to Venus for Quiz on Thursday, June 1st.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, May 25, 2017:
1) Read/translate Jupiter's Speech to Venus - Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 268-96 (the end) Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Keep reading book one in translation. This content will be on the final exam.
3) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
4) By Friday, May 26 have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz on Friday, May 26.
5) Vocabulary list for Jupiter's Speech to Venus for Quiz on Thursday, June 1st.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 23, 2017:
1)Read Aeneid, Book one in translation from line 101 to 265 from the storm scene to the Jupiter Speech. Know in detail and be able to discuss in class.
2) Read/translate Jupiter's Speech to Venus - Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 254-71 for Tuesday and finish the speech for Thursday. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Review notes from class on Homer and the Epic genre. Review notes from class on epic and book I and proem of Iliad and Odyssey. Who is Sarpedon? Who is the son of Tydeus? Who is Hector? Know Aeneas as character from the Iliad.
3) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
4) By Friday, May 26 have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz on Friday, May 26.
5) Vocabulary list for Jupiter's Speech to Venus for Quiz on Thursday, June 1st.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 19, 2017:
1) Finish and review Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 87-101. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation. Review notes from class on epic and book I and proem of Iliad and Odyssey. Who is Sarpedon? Who is the son of Tydeus? Who is Hector?
2) Read the selections of Homer's Iliad in translation and write out answers to the four attached questions. Email if you need this.
3) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
4) By MONDAY have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, May 18, 2017:
1) Read and prepare to read orally in class Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 87-101. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Read the proem of the Iliad and Odyssey as you reread the poem of the Aeneid make a list of similarities and difference between the two Homeric poems and the proem of the Aeneid. Write out answers clearly and support with textual evidence.
3) Read in translation lines 34-86 in West's translation of the Aeneid.
4) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
5) By MONDAY have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 16, 2017:
Who is who in the images above and below HW?
1) Read and prepare to read orally in class Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 12-33. Be able to read/translation orally in class from the text with a translation.
2) Mid-term quiz (100 points) on one selection from Eclogue 4, End of Georgic One and Cleopatra Ode 1.37. Be able to translate, parse, analyze, discuss figures of speech and textual references.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, May 16. Here is the list.
4) Complete scansion assignment of first page of the Aeneid.
5) By Friday have listened to this podcast on the Aeneid. Take detailed notes and expect a quiz.
HW/Agenda for Friday, May 12, 2017:
1) Read and prepare to read orally in class Vergil, Aeneid, LINES 4-18.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, May 16. Here is the list.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, May 11, 2017:
1) Read and prepare to read orally in class Vergil, Aeneid, lines 1-11. You should have already reviewed an email with these materials. Email if you did not receive it.
2) Review and Finish Horace 1.37 (The Cleopatra Ode) to the end.
3) Comprehension Quiz on Thursday on the following:
a) Read Suetonius' Vita of Horace.
b) Watch this video from 29 min. to 45 min. and be able to discuss the Battle of Actium in class. Know people, events and tactics.
c) Listen to this podcast on Cleopatra. Take notes. Be able to discuss in class and know for approaching test. Know about her Ptolemaic queen, her relationship with Rome and Romans, and how she has been presented by the Romans and in Augustus' propaganda.
4) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
5) Revise essays, meet with me to discuss and resubmit before Monday, May 7 in order that I may augment grades. Last date to submit revised essay. Submit revised essays before Wednesday, May 9. You must also include the first submission.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 8, 2017:
1) Finish Horace 1.37 (The Cleopatra Ode) to the end. USE COMMENTARY and attached vocabulary FOR HELP.
1.2) Read Suetonius' Vita of Horace.
1.5) Watch this video from 29 min. to 45 min. and be able to discuss the Battle of Actium in class. Know people, events and tactics.
2) Listen to this podcast on Cleopatra. Take notes. Be able to discuss in class and know for approaching test. Know about her Ptolemaic queen, her relationship with Rome and Romans, and how she has been presented by the Romans and in Augustus' propaganda.
3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, May 11. Here is the list.
4.5) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
4) Revise essays, meet with me to discuss and resubmit before Monday, May 7 in order that I may augment grades. Last date to submit revised essay. Submit revised essays before Wednesday, May 9. You must also include the first submission.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, May 4, 2017:
1) Read and write out a translation for Horace 1.37 (The Cleopatra Ode) down to line 24. This poem will itinially be quite difficult. USE COMMENTARY and attached vocabulary FOR HELP. See me if you would like a 2nd one. Finish the poem for Friday.
2) Finish reading/writing out translation of Vergil, Georgics Book 1.480 to end. . Be able to read orally in class without looking at your prepared translation. See commentary attacked to the text and additional commentary handed out on Friday.
3) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
4) Revise essays, meet with me to discuss and resubmit before Monday, May 7 in order that I may augment grades. Last date to submit revised essay. Submit revised essays before Wednesday, May 9. You must also include the first submission.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 2, 2017:
1) Finish reading/writing out translation of Vergil, Georgics Book 1.480 to end. . Be able to read orally in class without looking at your prepared translation. See commentary attacked to the text and additional commentary handed out on Friday.
2) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
3) Vocabulary list for quiz on Tuesday, May 2.
4) Revise essays, meet with me to discuss and resubmit before Monday, May 7 in order that I may augment grades.
HW/Agenda for Friday, April 28, 2017:
1) What is hysteron proteron?
Read/write out translation of Vergil, Georgics Book 1.470-495. Be able to read orally in class without looking at your prepared translation. See commentary attacked to the text and additional commentary handed out on Friday.
2) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
3) Vocabulary list for quiz on Tuesday, May 2.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, April 27, 2017:
1) Review what we read in class and see me at lunch if you need help.
2) Read/write out translation of Vergil, Georgics Book 1.450-480. Be able to read orally in class without looking at your prepared translation. See commentary attacked to the text and additional commentary handed out on Friday.
3) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
4) Vocabulary list for quiz on Tuesday, May 2.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, April 25, 2017:
1) Finish questions 1-6 for Eclogue 4 and hand in on Tuesday.
2) Read/write out translation of Vergil, Georgics Book 1.424-460. Be able to read orally in class without looking at your prepared translation. See commentary attacked to the text and additional commentary handed out on Friday.
3) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
HW/Agenda for Friday, April 21, 2017:
1) Review Vergil's 4th Eclogue and complete questions 1 to 4 with answers supported by textual references.
2) Review the selections from Aratus and Hesiod. Finish reading Theocritus' Idyll 17.
3) Will do group presentations from museum activity soon
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, April 18, 2017:
1) Review/Finish Vergil's 4th Eclogue . Be prepared to read, translate and discuss in class.
2) Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 20.
3) Will do group presentations from museum activity soon but not on Thursday.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, April 6, 2017:
1) Finish Vergil's 4th Eclogue or get as close to the end as you can. Be prepared to read, translate and discuss in class.
2) Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 20.
3) Will do group presentations from museum activity soon but not on Thursday.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, April 4, 2017:
1) Test on Tuesday, April 4th. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III (Cicero's letters and Caesar on Battle of Pharsalus), Suetonius, Philippic Selections, Vergil's first Eclogue. Know significant historical events and dates from 60 BC to 30 BC. Know battles, their significance and dates. Back ground material/historical information for questions, readings, notes from class and podcasts below. Know background material for Caesar, Vergil and Ovid. Hellenistic/Alexandrian Authors.
2) List to this podcast on Pubilus Ovidius Naso.
Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 20.
3) On Thursday we will do group presentations from museum activity and read Eclogue Four.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 28, 2017:
Bring permission TOMORROW form for trip to Washington on Wednesday. We will leave Wednesday at 8:40 AM and should be back at MLWGS by 3:30-4:00.
1) Finish reading/translating Lotis and Priapus to the end and be able to read orally in class.
2) vocabulary quiz Tuesday, March 28.
3) List to this podcast on Pubilus Ovidius Naso.
Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 6.
Test coming will be on Tuesday, April 4th. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections, Vergil's first Eclogue and selection from Ovid's Fasti. and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 24, 2017:
Here is a list for the next vocabulary quiz in one week. Tuesday, March 28.
Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 6.
1) For Friday have a rough translation of the proem of the Fasti and solid translation for the first page of Lotis and Priapus. See handout for a full vocabulary.
Test coming will be on Tuesday, April 4th. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections, Vergil's first Eclogue and selection from Ovid's Fasti. and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
HW/Agenda for Thursday, March 23, 2017:
Here is a list for the next vocabulary quiz in one week. Tuesday, March 28.
Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue. Due Thursday, April 6.
1) For Thursday's class complete the 2016 CAV and 2015 (or whatever other one I give you) test and self-correct when finished. Sign pledge and hand-in with your mistakes corrected with different pen. Bring the corrected test to class with number of mistakes indicated on front page. The reading passages are attached toward the end of the test. Remove and use to answer questions for the reading passages.
2) For Friday have a rough translation of the proem of the Fasti and solid translation for the first page of Lotis and Priapus.
Test coming will be on Tuesday, April 4th. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections, Vergil's first Eclogue and selection from Ovid's Fasti. and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 21, 2017:
Here is a list for the next vocabulary quiz in one week.
Here is the prompt for the essay on Vergil's First Eclogue.
1) Read/translate lines 60-82 of Vergil's First Eclogue.
2) Complete the 2016 CAV test and self-correct when finished. Sign pledge and hand-in with your mistakes corrected with different pen. The reading passages are attached toward the end of the test. Remove and use to answer questions for the reading passages. You may also do 2015, if you have the time and lust for greatness.
3) Tit. and Mel. in their Pastoral World, Having to be Visualized by You.
Reread Eclogue One and, as you read, depict visually by means of drawing and/or colouring the descriptive elements of this poem based as closely as possible on the Latin text. Label each element of the picture with the Latin dictionary entry and/or Latin phrases where appropriate of each thing depicted. Make lines 46-58 the core of picture but also include other descriptive elements of the poem. This is first an exercise in reading the Latin text closely and secondly an exercise in creativity. So be creative, damn it! Try to include as many images, elements and words as you can. I do realize that the gods have not distributed artistic talent equally (Grace didn’t get much) but do your best to imagine Tityrus‘ pastoral world and depict it accurately with an expressive and expansive genius. It is crucial that you show visually a detailed understanding of the text and label each element with Latin words and phrases. I will also give extra credit (real, not the kind given to Virginia) for extreme effort, superior labeling, artistic brilliance and pastoral or bovine audacity. Value 100 Points. Due Tuesday.
Email with questions.
Test coming soon. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 17, 2017:
1) Read/translate lines 48-82 of Vergil's First Eclogue.
2) Test coming soon. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 7, 2017:
Vocabulary List for Eclogue One. Quiz in 10 days.
1) Tuesday:
a) Do practice NLE.
b) Listen to this podcast on Vergil and take detailed notes, especially regarding the Eclogues or Bucolics. Know details about the pastoral genre, life of Vergil and works, and Greek/Hellenistic influence. First 15 minutes should be enough for now but whole podcast is useful going forward. Be able to discuss in class.
c) Read introduction to Vergil's first Eclogue and then Read/translate lines 1-35 of Vergil's First Eclogue.
2) Thursday:
a) Quiz (80 points) on Grammatical Exercises from Ecce Romani III, pages 74-5, 84-5, 92-95. Vocabulary from these pages is crucial and essential.
b) Read introduction to Vergil's first Eclogue and then Read/translate lines 36-58 of Vergil's First Eclogue.
3) Friday:
b) Read introduction to Vergil's first Eclogue and then Read/translate lines 59-82 (end) of Vergil's First Eclogue.
Test on Tuesday, March 14. Study all reading from Ecce Romani III, Suetonius, Philippic Selections and back ground material/historical information for questions, readings and podcasts below. Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
HW/Agenda for Friday, March 3, 2017:
1) Reading/Translation:
a) Review and sections of all Philippics and finish the section from Philippic XIII.
2) Quiz on Ecce Romani III exercises on Tuesday. Know all verbs that govern special cases.
3) Here is the next vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 3. The Livy, Periochae list. KNOW WHO THE PEOPLE ARE.
4) Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
5) Mid-Quarter Test is coming soon. Keep reviewing Latin and background information.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, March 2, 2017:
1) Reading/Translation:
a) Read and translate news selections from Cicero's Philippic V and XIII. Use vocabulary on last page for help. Be able to read/translate orally in class. Email if you need this.
b) Review all sections and finish (section 5) of Philippic III. See me, if you need help.
2) Old Ecce Romani III 62c. Quiz soon on these exercises. Know all verbs that govern special cases.
3) Here is the next vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 3. The Livy, Periochae list.
4) Review notes and content of the materials below:
a) Pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
c) Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
4) Mid-Quarter Test is coming soon. Keep reviewing Latin and background information.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 28, 2017:
1) Read and translate all selections from Cicero's Philippics. Use vocabulary on last page for help. Be able to read/translate orally in class. Email if you need this.
2) Study Passive Voice Impersonally and Genitive and Dative with Special Verbs on page 92-95 of Ecce Romani III and do all exercises 62b and 62c. Write out answers and learn any new vocabulary. I will ask to see this. HW grade.
3) Here is the next vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, March 3.
4) Review notes and content of the materials below:
pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages.
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
4) Mid-Quarter Test is coming soon. Keep review Latin and background information.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, February 23, 2017:
For Thursday:
1) Read and translation Livy, Periochae (both pages). Here is vocabulary list to save big bunnies time.
2) Have listened to this podcasts and made notes by Thursday's class.
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
3) Study Passive Voice Impersonally and Genitive and Dative with Special Verbs on page 92-95 of Ecce Romani III and do all exercises 62a, 62b, 62c. Write out answers and learn any new vocabulary.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 21, 2017 & the Week
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
For Tuesday:
1) Finish Suetonius' account of the Assassination of Caesar.
2) Review Chapters of Ecce Romani Test is coming soon.
3) Finish sentences with various and random subjunctives. Email me if you need this. Do the first half for Thursday and the second half for Friday.
4) Read pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages. Emil if you need the questions or the reading. Review, study argument your timeline from Cicero to Octavius.
For Thursday:
1) Have listened to this podcasts and made notes by Thursday's class.
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
2) Study Passive Voice Impersonally and Genitive and Dative with Special Verbs on page 92-95 of Ecce Romani III and do all exercises 62a, 62b, 62c. Write out answers and learn any new vocabulary.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, February 16, 2017
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages and 89 & 91 of Ecce Romani III and begin Suetonius' account of the Assassination of Caesar.
2) Finish sentences with various and random subjunctives. Email me if you need this. Do the first half for Thursday and the second half for Friday.
3) Read pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages. Emil if you need the questions or the reading. Review, study argument your timeline from Cicero to Octavius.
For Friday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Suetonius' account of the Assassination of Caesar.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 14, 2017 & the Week
Spend some time of this page learning about the Roman Army
For Tuesday:
1) Here is a new vocabulary list for a Quiz on Tuesday, February 14. On back will be a verb game on fero, ferre, tuli, latus or fio, fieri, factus sum. Click here for the dirt on irregular verbs.
2) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 83, 87, 89 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
3) Old: Read pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III and begin learning the military vocabulary in bold font.
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 91 of Ecce Romani III and begin Suetonius' account of the Assassination of Caesar.
2) Finish sentences with various and random subjunctives. Email me if you need this. Do the first half for Thursday and the second half for Friday.
3) Read pages 44-47 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages. Emil if you need the questions or the reading. Review, study argument your timeline from Cicero to Octavius.
For Friday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Suetonius' account of the Assassination of Caesar.
HW/Agenda for Thursday, February 9, 2017 & the Week
For Thursday:
1) 1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 79, 81, 83 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
2) Old: Read pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III and begin learning the military vocabulary in bold font.
3)Old but we will finish discussing in class: Read pages 40-44 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages. Emil if you need the questions or the reading. Review, study argument your timeline from Cicero to Octavius.
4) Work on sentences with various and random subjunctives. Email me if you need this. Do the first half for Thursday and the second half for Friday.
For Friday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 87 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 7, 2017 & the Week
Here is a new vocabulary list for a Quiz on Tuesday, February 14. On back will be a verb game on fero, ferre, tuli, latus or fio, fieri, factus sum. Click here for the dirt on irregular verbs.
For Tuesday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 71, 73, 79 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
2) Read pages 76-77 of Ecce Romani III and begin learning the military vocabulary in bold font.
3) Read pages 40-44 for The Idea of Rome in The World of Rome book and answer all questions for these pages. Emil if you need the questions or the reading. Review, study argument your timeline from Cicero to Octavius.
For Thursday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 81, 83, 87 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
For Friday:
1) Read, prepare, translate Ecce Romani III pages 89 (2nd handout that I sent as Pdf) of Ecce Romani III.
Homework for Thursday, February 2, 2017
1) Read, prepare, translate From Cicero to his Family on page 60 of Ecce Romani III.
2) What is depicted above.