Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, March 25 and the Week.

Keep review what we read in class.

1) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Finish 58 and 60.

b) Thursday: CAV test

c) Friday: Finish 62

2) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, March 25 on the 3rd Caesar list.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, March 18 and the Week.

Keep review what we read in class.

Quiz on Tuesday, March 18 (value 100 points) on what we have read of book V of De Bello Gallico thus far and one selection from Book II of the Aeneid.

1) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Finish 54, 56 and first paragraph of 58.

b) Thursday: Midterm Quiz (diminutive test)

c) Friday: Finish 58 and begin 60.

2) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, March 21 on the 3rd Caesar list.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, March 4, 2024 and the Week.

1) Test on Tuesday, March 4. 200-250 points. Caesar, De Bello Gallico sections read in Latin from Book 1, 4, 6 and one selection from book 1 of the Aeneid. Questions and content of introduction to Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Know also book one in translation of De Bello Gallico.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: TEST

b) Thursday: Pages 44 and 46

c) Friday: Page 48

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 25, 2024 and the Week.

1) Test on Thursday, February 27. 200-250 points. Caesar, De Bello Gallico sections read in Latin from Book 1, 4, 6 and one selection from book 1 of the Aeneid. Questions and content of introduction to Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Know also book one in translation of De Bello Gallico.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 38 and 40

b) Thursday: Test

3) Crucial and Essential Background material for test:

a) Read the Introduction and complete all questions handout out on Thursday. You have already finished b and c below.

a) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

b) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

4) Continue reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 18, 2024 and the Week.


1) Keep reviewing what we have read thus far. Test in 10-14 days on all Caesar read with one selection from book one of the Aeneid. Know also book one in translation of De Bello Gallico and the content of the introduction to Caesar.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 32 and 34.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 36 and 38

3) Crucial and Essential Background material for test:

a) Read the Introduction and complete all questions handout out on Thursday. You have already finished b and c below.

a) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

b) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

4) Continue reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 11, 2024 and the Week.


Keep reviewing what we have read thus far. Test in 10-14 days on all Caesar read with one selection from book one of the Aeneid. Know also book one in translation of De Bello Gallico and the content of the introduction to Caesar.

1) ESSAY WILL BE DUE (hardcopy with 45 degree angle staple) at the beginning of our next in person class. Zero for late papers.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 28.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 30 and 32

c) Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 34

3) Crucial and essential background material to be mastered mostly outside of class but most certain will appear on tests:

a) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

b) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

4) Continue reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 4, 2024 and the Week.

Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.

1) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 20 and 22.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 24 and 26

c) Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 28

2) Crucial and essential background material to be mastered mostly outside of class but most certain will appear on tests:

a) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

b) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

3) Start reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on 2nd Caesar list on Friday, Feb. 7.

5) See your email for essay prompt on Caesar, De Bello Gallico book 1. Due on Tuesday, February 11.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, January 27, 2024 and the Week.

1) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 14 and 16.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 18 and 20.

c) Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 22

2) Crucial and essential background material to be mastered mostly outside of class but most certain will appear on tests:

a) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

b) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

3) Start reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Monday, January 27 on the core list for Caesar.

5) See your email for essay prompt on Caesar, De Bello Gallico book 1. Due in two weeks.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, January 24, 2024 and the Week.

1) Read and prepare to translate in class Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page 12 (book 4, first invasion of Britannia in 55 BC.

2) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 28 on the core list for Caesar.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, January 21, 2024 and the Week.

1) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class. Make sure that you have finished this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

2) Start reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

3) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 10 and 12 (book 4, first invasion of Britannia in 55 BC.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 14 and 16

5) Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, January 23 on the core list for Caesar.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, January 13, 2024 and the Week.

1) 5) Read the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, “Caesar’s Career” and answer the questions for that section. Be able to answer in class.

2) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the essential points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

3) Start reading Caesar’s De Bello Gallico in translation . See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

4) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 4 and 6.

b) Thursday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 8 and 10.

c) Friday: TBA

5) Vocabulary Quiz on Monday, January 20 on the core list for Caesar.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 17, 2024 and the Week.

a) For Tuesday prepare to read page 2 and some of 4 of De Bello Gallico book one. You have a pdf of his in your email and new text has been handed out in hard copy but email if you need this.

b) Dido and Aeneas essay is due on Tuesday, December 17. Value 200 points.

c) Keep reviewing for all Vergil read test prior to the winter break on Thursday, December 19 on all four books of the Aeneid read in Latin. One passage from each of the four books. 200 points.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 10, 2024 and the Week.

1) Read Vergil’s Aeneid, book SIX in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on Tuesday, December 10. Know in detail. Value 70-80 points.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Aeneid, 6.847–901 (Elysium and Procession of Heroes or Summi Viri)

b) Thursday:

c) Friday:

5) Keep reviewing for all Vergil read test prior to the winter break on Thursday, December 19.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 and the Week.

Mid-Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 19. One selection each from book 1, 2, 3. Three sections total. Value 100-150 points.

1) Read Vergil’s Aeneid, book SIX in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on Tuesday, December 10.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 and the Week.

Mid-Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 19. One selection each from book 1, 2, 3. Three sections total. Value 100-150 points.

1) Read Vergil’s Aeneid, book SIX in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation soon.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Aeneid, Book 6.295–332 (Charon) and 6.405–425 (Katabasis).

b) Thursday: Aeneid, 6.847–901 (Elysium and Procession of Heroes or Summi Viri)

c) Friday: Finish Aeneid, 6.847–901 (Elysium and Procession of Heroes or Summi Viri)

3) Begin learning 5th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, December 6. New Purple list for book 4 and 6.

4) Dido and Aeneas essay is due on Tuesday, December 10. Value 200 points.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 26, 2024 and the Week.

1) For Tuesday prepare to read: Aeneid, Book Aeneid, Book Book 6.384–425 (Katabasis).

2) Start working on the Dido vs. Aeneas essay. It will be due in approximately 2 weeks.

3) Start reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book Six in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading.

4) Begin learning 5th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Tuesday, December 3. New Purple list for book 4 and 6.

5) 2nd quarter test is coming soon. It will include one selection from book 1 as well as selections from books 2 and 4 and 6 in Latin and also question on those books in translation. Value 250 points.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 18, 2024 and the Week.

Mid-Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 19. One selection each from book 1 and 4 and two from book 2. Four sections total. Value 150 points. Be able to translate, explain morphology and syntax, and analyze Latin in detail. Know back ground, context and be able to explain mythological, historical, literary and geographical references.

1) Continue reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book FOUR in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation on Thursday, November 14.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

b) Thursday: Aeneid, Book Aeneid, Book 4.680 - 705 (death of Dido)

c) Friday: Aeneid, Book Book 6.450–76 (see pdf of commentary for DIDO in the underworld. N.B. this book 6.

3) Begin learning 5th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, November 22. New Purple list for book 4 and 6.

4) 2nd quarter test is coming soon. It will include one selection from book 1 as well as selections from books 2 and 4 in Latin and also question on those books in translation. Value 250 points.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 and the Week.

Mid-Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 19. One selection each from book 1, 2, 3. Three sections total. Value 100-150 points.

1) Continue reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book FOUR in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on the entire book in translation on Thursday, November 14.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Aeneid, Book 4.296-339

b) Thursday: Aeneid, Book 4.339 -360 and 4.659–680

c) Friday: Aeneid, Book Book 6.450–76 (see pdf of commentary for DIDO in the underworld. N.B. this book 6.

3) Begin learning 5th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, November 22. New Purple list for book 4 and 6.

4) 2nd quarter test is coming soon. It will include one selection from book 1 as well as selections from books 2 and 4 in Latin and also question on those books in translation. Value 250 points.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 7, 2024 and the Week.

Come to 335 on Monday to get new commentary and book four in translation.

1) Continue reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book FOUR in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Thursday: Aeneid, Book 4.200-218 & Book 4.259–75

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book Book 4.275-300

3) Begin learning 4th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Thursday, Novermber 7.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 29, 2024 and the Week.

Come to 335 on Monday to get new commentary and book four in translation.

1) Read pages 69-74 of Vergil’s Aeneid, book FOUR in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading.

2) Latin Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Aeneid, Book 4.160-200

b) Thursday: Aeneid, Book 4.200-218 & Book 4.259–75

3) Begin learning 4th Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Thursday, Novermber 7.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 22, 2024 and the Week.

1) Continue to read the 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book two (liber secundus) in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading. Quiz on book two in translation on Thursday, Oct. 24.

2) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Finish the two sights tests and Book 2.559–590

b) Thursday: Aeneid, Book 2.590-620.

3) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Tuesday, October 22.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 17, 2024 and the Week.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

Thursday: 2.268–297 (Hector appears in Aeneas’ dreams) and Book 2.559–600

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Tuesday, October 22.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 14, 2024 and the Week.

1) Quiz on Tuesday, October 114. First half (page 23-41) of Vergil’s Aeneid, book two (liber secundus) in translation. See your email or schoology if you need this reading.

Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid 2.212–249 (Laocoon) 2.268–297 (Hector appears in Aeneas’ dreams)

b) Thursday: Book 2.559–600

c) Friday: Read and prepare Aeneid, Book 2.600-620.

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Thursday, October 18.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 10, 2024 and the Week.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid Ecphrasis of Temple Doors to the end and

b) Thursday: Finish the purple sight test and prepare Book 2.40–56 abbd 2.201–15. (Laocoon)

c) Friday: Read and prepare Aeneid, Book 2.216–240

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Quiz on Thursday, October 10. 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation.

4) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Tuesday, October 16.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 8, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

It is crucial and essential that you keep reviewing what we read in class. Expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid Ecphrasis of Temple Doors to the end and Book 2.40–56 (Laocoon).

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid, Book 2.201–249

c) Friday: TBA

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Continue reading 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on Thursday, October 10.

4) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, October 11.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 4, 2024 and the Week.

1) First Quarter Test. Study: 1) all Latin read thus far, including the Jupiter’s Prophetic Speech, first Half of book one in translation and introductory questions; 2) Be able to translate Latin with accuracy and precision and explain morphology and syntax; 3) know background information (life and times of Vergil and literary works and their literary antecedents) and historical and mythological references; study boxes in commentary with background and intertextual information; 3) Be able to analyze Latin and discuss diction, figures of speech, epic conventions, meter/scansion, etc.

2) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, Oct. 14.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 1, 2024 and the Week.


ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Read and prepare Aeneid Book 1.550–578 and first 20 lines of Ecphrasis of Temple Doors. See handout for text and commentary. Email if you need it.

b) Friday: First Quarter test on all Latin read thus far.

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Continue reading 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on Tuesday, October 8.

4) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz on Friday, Oct. 14.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 24, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

It is crucial and essential that you keep reviewing what we read in class. Expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid Book 1.418–440 & Book 1.494–520

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid Book 1.520–578

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Continue reading 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on Monday, September 30.

4) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this. Quiz in early October.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

It is crucial and essential that you keep reviewing what we read in class. Expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Quiz on the content of first half (down to line 440 on page 15) of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on the first half of this book in translation on Monday, September 16. The etiological story of Carthage is especial important. Similes, ecphrases and speech are especially important. Know also characters and events.

2) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.177-209

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid Jupiter’s Prophetic Speech to Venus. See your email for this text and commentary.

c) Friday: TBA

3) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Continue reading 2nd half of Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation.

5) Begin learning 3rd Vocabulary List for Vergil’s Aeneid, Book I & II (Beginning) for upcoming quiz. See your email for this.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

It is crucial and essential that you keep reviewing what we read in class. Expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.132-169

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.170-209

c) Friday: Finish any lines not completed on Thursday above

2) Bring all completed question for William’s Introduction (handout). Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Begin learning the 2nd Vocabulary list for the Aeneid handed out in class. Quiz on Friday, September 13.

5) Begin reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on the first half of this book in translation on Monday, September 16. The etiological story of Carthage is especial important.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 3, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Review what we read in class this week and expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.76-115

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.116-156.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, Thursday, August 27, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Complete the first page of the Declension Fun Game for the proem.

4) Begin learning the first Vocabulary (PURPLE PAPER, 3 pages) list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these words are familiar to most of you. Quiz on Tuesday, September 4.

5) Begin reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, August 29, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Review what we read in class this week and expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

For Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.46-101.

2) For Thursday read the proem of the Iliad and Odyssey in translation (a handout form class) and compare with the proem of the Aeneid. Be able to cite words and phases to support your answers.

3) Old but bring William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, Thursday, August 27, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Begin learning the first Vocabulary (PURPLE PAPER, 3 pages) list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these words are familiar to most of you. Quiz on Tuesday, September 4, 2024

5) Begin reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation. Quiz on the content, events, characters, epic features in approximately 2 weeks.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, August 27, 2024 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Review what we read in class this week and expect an unannounced quiz soon.

1) Reading and preparation schedule for the week:

a) Tuesday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.36-70

b) Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.71-101.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, Thursday, August 27, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Complete the first page of the Declension Fun Game for the proem.

4) Begin learning the first Vocabulary (PURPLE PAPER, 3 pages) list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these words are familiar to most of you. Quiz on Thursday, August 29.

5) Begin reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, August 22, 2024

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) For Thursday: Read and prepare Aeneid 1.12-49. Remember the Aeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should. No translations will be used in class but you make some notes on the text. I will check this from time to time.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, Thursday, August 22, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Complete the first page of the Declension Fun Game for the proem.

4) Begin learning the first Vocabulary (PURPLE PAPER, 3 pages) list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these words are familiar to most of you.

5) Begin reading Vergil’s Aeneid, book one (liber primus) in translation.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.1-33. We will read through the rest of the proem quite quickly so be especially well prepared for lines 34-49. Remember theAeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Begin learn first Vocabulary list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you.

Agenda for Monday, May 13, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Continue reviewing Latin for AP test start with books 1, 2, 4 of the Aeneid.

  2. Finish the translation of The Death of Priam which should be with the Camilla selection. Email if you need this.

  3. Go on AP Website and practice multiple choice questions.


Agenda for Monday, May 6, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Complete 3 presentations, beginning with Rohini and Ethan.

  2. Finish the translation of the Book 7 Caesa Sight test and the Death of Turnus from Book 12 of the Aeneid. Email if you need commentary/vocabulary for the Death of Turnus.

  3. Start review for the AP Test with book 1, 2, 4 of the Aeneid.

  4. Review and know the list of names for Aeneid books 7-12 and handouts from presentation.

Agenda for Monday, April 29, 2024 and the Week.

  1. 4th quarter test on Monday, April 29. Caesar in Latin from Book 5 and 6 (ethographical excursus) and Aeneid, Book 2. Book 1 and 7 of DBG in translation. Value 200 points.

  2. Work on Aeneid, book 8 and 12 presentation.

  3. Small Things to finish:

    1. Finish sight test on Caesar.

    2. Finish reading the end of book 12 of the Aeneid in Latin. Did I give you commentary for this?

Agenda for Monday, April 15, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 28 and 30

b) Firday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 32 and 34

2. 4th quarter test on Monday, April 22. Caesar in Latin from Book 5 and 6 (ethographical excursus) and Aeneid, Book 2. 4 pages in total. Value 200 points.

4. Start work on the book five essay. It is due on Friday, April 19. Email with questions.

Agenda for Monday, April 8, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 70 and 26

b) Firday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 28 and 30

2. Make sure that you have emailed this to me: Free & Formal Writing Ass.

3. 4th quarter test is coming soon and will be on Caesar in Latin from Book 5 and 6 (ethographical excursus) and Aeneid, Book 2. 4 pages in total. Value 200 points.

4. Start work on the book five essay. It is due on Monday, April 15. Email with questions.

Agenda for Monday, March 25, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 64, 66 and 68 (at least part of it.

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 70.

2. Turn in the free & Formal Writing Ass. as soon as you can via email - Saturday at the latest. March 20. Value 100 points.

Agenda for Monday, March 18, 2024 and the Week.

  1. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 58 and 60

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 62 and 64

2. Turn in the free & Formal Writing Ass. on Wednesday, March 20. Value 100 points.

Agenda for Monday, March 11, 2024 and the Week.

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

  1. Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

  2. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 56

b) Wednesday: TEST

C) Friday: NLE

3. Essay on book four is due on Monday, March 11, 2024. Value 200 points.

5. 3rd Quarter Test is Wednesday, March 13. 200-250 points.

Latin AP: Caesar & Vergil 

 Caesar - Morphology and Syntax Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Caesar, De Bello Gallico at at Dickinson College Commentaries 

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse

Notes on Quality of Syllable

Agenda for Monday, March 18 2024 and the Week.

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

  1. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 58 and 60

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 62 and 64

2. Turn in the free & Formal Writing Ass. on Wednesday, March 20. Value 100 points.

Agenda for Monday, March 4 2024 and the Week.

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

  1. Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

  2. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 50 and all of 52

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 54 and 56

3.Essay on book four is due on Monday, March 11, 2024. Value 200 points.

5. 3rd Quarter Test is Wednesday, March 13. 200-250 points.

Agenda for Monday, February 26, 2024 and the Week.

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

  1. Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

  2. Read the section Caesar’s Targets(page XXV) in the introduction and complete the questions for this. Email if you have questions.

  3. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 42 and all of 44

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 46 and 48

b) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 50

4.Essay on book four is due on Friday, March 8, 2024. Value 200 points.

5. Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

Agenda for Wednesday, February 21, 2024 and the Week.

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

  1. Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

  2. Read the section Caesar’s Targets(page XXV) in the introduction and complete the questions for this. Email if you have questions.

  3. Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

    a) Wednesday: Finish Page 36 and 38

    b) Friday: Page 40 and 42

  4. Keeping review for 3rd quarter test which is coming soon. It will include: a) all Caesar read thus far; b) one Latin selection from book one of the Aeneid; c) introduction to Caesar.

Be reading book VIII of the Aeneid in translation and book I of the De Bello Gallico in translation.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 22

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 24

b) Friday: TBA

2) Essay on book is due on Monday, February 12, 2024. Value 200 points.

3) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

Agenda for Monday, February 5, 2024 and Week

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

Be reading book VIII of the Aeneid in translation.

Be reading book I of the De Bello Gallico in translation.

1) On Monday bring completed questions for Caesar’s Army (pages xix-xxv)

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page16 and 18

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 20

b) Friday: Page 22

3) Second Caesar vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 9. See your email for a list.

4) Essay on book is due on Monday, February 12, 2024. Value 200 points.

5) Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes. This covers many of the crucial points for reading Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

Agenda for Monday, January 29, 2024 and Week

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

Be reading book VIII of the Aeneid in translation.

Be reading book I of the De Bello Gallico in translation.

1) On Monday bring completed questiond for The Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. Complete the question for both Caesar's Career (pages xi-xix) and Caesar’s Army (pages xix-xxv)

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 12 and beginning of 14

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 14 and 16 questions for Caesar’s Army (pages xix-xxv)

b) Friday: Page 18

3) Second Caesar vocabulary quiz on Friday, February 9. See your email for a list.

4) Essay on book is due on Monday, February 12, 2024. Value 200 points.

Agenda for Friday, January 27, 2024 and Week

1) Finish page 10 of De Bello Gallico.

2) Vocabulary quiz will be on Monday.

3) Finish questions on Caesar’s Army (pages xix-xxv)

Agenda for Monday, January 22 , 2024 and Week

Be reading book VIII of the Aeneid in translation.

1) On Monday bring completed questiond for The Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. Complete the question for both Caesar's Career (pages xi-xix) and Caesar’s Army (pages xix-xxv)

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 4 and page 6 and some of 8.

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, the rest of pages 8 and 10.

b) Friday: Vocabulary Quiz.

3) First Caesar vocabulary quiz on Friday, January 26. See your email for a list.

Agenda for Wednesday, January 17 , 2024 and Week

Be reading book VIII of the Aeneid in translation.

Book IV Essay: Dido vs. Aeneas is due on Thursday, January 18 by 3:30 PM. Hard copy delivered to me. Value 150-200 points

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Wednesday: Aeneid, Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 2 and half of 4

b) Friday : Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 4 and all of 6.

2) Introducton to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico.

a) For Wednesday: Do the questions for Caesar's Career (pages xi-xix).

b) For Friday: Do questions

4) First Caesar vocabulary quiz on Monday, January 22. See your email for a list.

Agenda for Monday, January 8, 2024 and Week

Be reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation. This book requires a precise and careful reading with close attention to detail.

Book IV Essay: Dido vs. Aeneas is due on Monday, January 15. Value 150-200 points

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 6.871-901

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 2 and half of 4. See email if you need this.

b) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish page 4.

2) Highly detailed quiz on book 6 in translation on Friday, January 12.

3) Email me with partners for Aeneid, book 8 presentations.

4) First Caesar vocabulary quiz on core list coming in 10 days. See email for the list.

Agenda for Monday, December 18, 2023 and Week

Second Quarter Test. Value 200-250 Points.

Same format as first quarter test.

Know the Latin text in detail, precisely and with great intimacy and be able to critically precisely analyze Vergil’s Latin.

Test will cover all selections read in class from Aeneid, Librī II, IV, VI and books 2 and 4 in translation. There will be four to five Latin selections on this test.

Accurate translation is crucial.

Be able to give the immediate context within the epic of each selection and answer comprehension questions.

Be able to explain morphology and syntax of individual words and phrases. Knowledge of subjunctive syntax and case usage is crucial.

Be sensitive to meter, phonetics and stylistic devices in analyzing text.

Know historical, geographical and historical information that is germane to the text.

Agenda for Monday, December 11, 2023 and Week

Be reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation. This book requires a precise and careful reading with close attention to detail.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 6.295–332 and Book 6.384–405

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 6.406-25 and Book 6.847–870

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book 6.8701-901

2) Vocabulary quiz on Monday, December 11.

3) Test on Monday, December 18 on Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6. Value 200 points.

Agenda for Wednesday, December 6, 2023 and Week

Be reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation. This book requires a precise and careful reading with close attention to detail.

Essay is due on Friday, December 9. Hard copy to me in room 330 by 3:30 PM.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 4.659–705 (death of Dido)

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 6.450–76 (Dido in Hades)

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book 6.295–332.

2) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, December 9.

3) Test on Monday, December 18 on Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6. Value 200 points.

Agenda for Monday, November 27, 2023 and Week

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 4.291-330

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 4.331-361 and 4.659-671

b) Friday: Aeneid, Begin Aeneid, Book 6

2) Quiz on Aeneid, Liber IV in translation - The second half of the book on Wednesday, November 29

3) Essays are due on December 5.

4) If you would like to get ahead or want something complex and interesting to read, start reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation. See email or Schoooloogy for a pdf of this.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, November 20, 2023 and Week

1) Midterm test on all Latin read in class thus far in books two and four of the Aeneid. Value 100 points. One section from book two and one from book four.

2) Essay is due on Monday, December 5. Value 200 points. Late papers will receive a zero.

Agenda for Monday, November 27, 2023 and Week

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 4.291-330

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 4.331-361 and 4.659-671

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book Book 6

2) Quiz on Aeneid, Liber IV in translation - The second half of the book on Wednesday, November 29

3) Essays are due on December 5.

4) If you would like to get ahead or want something complex and interesting to read, start reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation. See email or Schoooloogy for a pdf of this.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, November , 2023 and Week

This will be another equally large and even more fruitfully epic Latin reading week.

1) Finish all book four sight passages.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also be able to discuss the whole of book II in translation.

b) Friday: Aeneid, Aeneid, Book 4.160-200

3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 10.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, November , 2023 and Week

This will be another equally large and even more fruitfully epic Latin reading week.

1) Quiz on the first half of book 4 in translation on Wednesday. Down to the end of page 79. Know plot, characters, similes, themes and speeches in detail.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also be able to discuss the whole of book II in translation.

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 4.160-200

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book 4.200-220

3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 10.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 30, 2023 and Week

This will be another equally large and even more fruitful Latin reading week.

Also start reading Book 4 in translation. This is on the AP syllabus. See email for this.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also be able to discuss the whole of book II in translation.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 2.283–297 and 2.559–599.

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 2.600-620 and 4.160-80

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book Book 4.181–218

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 23, 2023 and Week

This will be a large and fruitful reading week.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also be able to discuss the whole of book II in translation.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 2.40–56 and Book 2.201–249

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 2.268–297

b) Friday: Aeneid, Book 2.559–579.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 16, 2023 and Week

Monday: Vocabulary quiz and time to study. See list with Laocoon and Serpentes on the back.

Wednesday: 1st quarter test on Aeneid, Book I. 4 Latin selections.

Friday: Quiz on Aeneid, Book II in translation. Know plot, themes, characters, mythology, similes, ecphrasis, etc.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 9, 2023 and Week

Start reading Aeneid, Liber SECUNDUS in translation. Quiz at some point on plot, characters, mythology, simile, ecphrasis, etc.

First quarter test on Wednesday, October 18 on every book one - Latin and translation.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.520-578

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, 2.40–56 & 2.201–230

2) Bring these completed questions: William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) 3rd vocabulary quiz on Monday, October 16. See list with Laocoon and Serpentes on the back.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 29, 2023 and Week

Quiz on Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on Friday, Sept.29 on book 1 in translation.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 2, 2023 and Week

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.254-296 (Jupiter’s Speech to Venus). See handout

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 1.441-493 (Ecphrasis of Juno’s Temple). See handout or email.

b) Friday: Aeneid 1.520-540

2) ABR (always be reviewing). Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on Latin read in class and prepared for class with some lines to scan.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, September 18, 2023 and Week

Start reading Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz in 6 days on plot, characters, mythology, simile, ecphrasis, etc. I have hard copies in the classroom that I keep forgetting to give to you.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.144-174

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 1.175-207

b) Friday: Aeneid 1.418–440

2) ABR (always be reviewing). Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on Latin read in class and prepared for class with some lines to scan.

2.5) Commentary Assignment. Turn in scansion of these lines and your voice recording of it prior to class on Wednesday, September 20. The commentary itself will be due on Wednesday, September 27. Voice recording/scansion = 50 pointed. Commentary =100-150 points.

3)Use your commentary introduction to correct your Scanned lines 4-11 of book one of the Aeneid. Here are videos if you need help with Latin Metrics and the Hexameter: Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse Notes on Quality of Syllable

4) Bring these completed questions: William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

5) 2nd vocabulary quiz on Friday, September 22. Verb game of fero, ferre or fio, fieri on the back.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, September 11, 2023 and Week

Start reading Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz in 10 days on plot, characters, mythology, simile, ecphrasis, etc.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.84-123

Wednesday: Aeneid 1.124-165

b) Friday: Aeneid 1.166-179

2) Unannounced preparation and review quiz is coming soon on Latin read in class and prepared for class with some lines to scan.

3) Bring this: Scan lines 4-11 of book one of the Aeneid. Here are videos if you need help with Latin Metrics and the Hexameter: Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse Notes on Quality of Syllable

4) Bring these completed questions: William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, August 28, 2023 and Week

1) Start learning the pink list of Aeneid vocabulary. Quiz on Wednesday, September 6.

2) Read the proem of both Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and be able to compare and contrast these with the proem of the Aeneid.

3) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Wednesday: Aeneid 1.54-95.

b) For Friday: 1.95-130

4) Bring this: Scan lines 4-11 of book one of the Aeneid. Here are videos if you need help with Latin Metrics and the Hexameter: Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse Notes on Quality of Syllable

5) Bring these completed questions: William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, August 28, 2023 and Week

1) Start learning the pink list of Aeneid vocabulary. Quiz on Wednesday, September 6.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book: 1.15-45

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 1.45-80.

2) Scan lines 4-11 of book one of the Aeneid. Here are videos if you need help with Latin Metrics and the Hexameter: Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse Notes on Quality of Syllable

3) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda &Homework for Friday, August 25, 2023

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Scan lines 4-11 of book one of the Aeneid. Here are videos if you need help with Latin Metrics and the Hexameter: Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse Notes on Quality of Syllable

2) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.10-33. Be prepared to read from the Latin text with only notes.

3) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer all questions for next Monday’s class. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda &Homework for Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Review notes from class on Vergil and his poetry, including selections of Eclogue 4 and Georgics 3.

2) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.1-33. Be prepared to read from the Latin text with only notes.

3) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, May 8, 2023 and Week

1) Continue reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico and Book 8 Aeneid. Quiz on content of Book 7 of De Bello Gallico on Monday, May 8. Email with the day this week on which you would prefer to present.

2) Presentation on Book 7 on Monday.

3) Keep review all Latin read this year for the AP test.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, April 1, 2023 and Week

Continue reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico and Book 8 Aeneid. Quiz on content of Book 7 on Friday, April 4. Email with the day this week on which you would prefer to present.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, April 24, 2023 and Week

Test on all of Book 5 of De Bello Gallico and Aeneid, Book 2 (one selection) on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Know geography and any and all crucial background information, e.g. parts of a Roman castra. Value 200 points.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 68 and 70

b) Wednesday: TEST

c) Friday: TBA

2) Start reading book 7 (Vercingetorix and Alesia) of De Bello Gallico in translation. Quiz and presentations on this material in the following week. See email for this document

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, April 12, 2023 and Week

We will read with speed this week.

a) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 54 and 56

b) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, pages 58 and 60

Vocabulary quiz on Friday April 14. Email if you need this list.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 27, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Wednesday, March 23 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points. Study questions for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and Caesar’s Army. There will be one Latin selection from the following Latin read in class: Book 1 Aeneid, De Bello Gallico, Books 1, 4, 6, 5. Translating, parsing, comprehension and analysis.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 50 and 52

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 54 and 56

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 58

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 21, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Wednesday, March 23 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points. Study questions for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and Caesar’s Army. There will be one Latin selection from the following Latin read in class: Book 1 Aeneid, De Bello Gallico, Books 1, 4, 6, 5. Translating, parsing, comprehension and analysis.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 44 (fast review) and 46

b) Wednesday: 3rd Quarter Test

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 48

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 13, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Monday March 13 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 40 and 42

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 44

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 46

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Friday, March 10, 2023

Prepare and read for Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 40 and begin 42, lines 1-10.

3rd Quarter Test on Monday, March 20 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200-250 points.

Essay on book four of Caesar on Friday, March 17, 2022. Value 200 points.

Prepare and read for Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 40 and begin 42

Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 6, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Monday March 13 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 38 and 40

b) Wednesday: Caesar, CAV Test

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 42

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, March 8, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Monday March 20 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 17, 2022. Value 200 points.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

b) Wednesday: Caesar, CAV Test

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 40 and begin 42

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 6, 2023 and Week

3rd Quarter Test on Monday March 13 on all Caesar read thus far. Value 200 points.

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico page 38 and 40

b) Wednesday: Caesar, CAV Test

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 42

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section

Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 27, 2023 and Week

1) Essay on book four of Caesar is due via email on Friday, March 10, 2022 Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 32 and 34

b) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 36

c) Friday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 38

3) Begin reading book one of De Bello Gallico in Translation. See email and/or get a hard copy in class. Quiz on comment of this book coming soon.

4) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and Caesar’s Target and write out answers to the questions for this section.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, February 22, 2023 and Week

1) Vocabulary quiz on Mostly Martial Words List on Friday, February 24.

2) Complete question for the introduction for Caesar’s Army and Caesar’s Targets.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Wednesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 28 and all of 30

b) Friday: Page 23

c) Friday: Page 28

3) Continue reading book one of De Bello Gallico in Translation. See email and/or get a hard copy in class. Quiz on comment of this book coming soon.

4) Start working on book 4 essay. it will be due in two weeks.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 13, 2023 and Week

1) Essay on book one of Caesar is due via email on Tuesday, February 14 by 8:00 AM. Make sure that you put your name on the pdf.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Finish page 22 and all of 24

b) Wednesday: Page 26 (see email for this, section of book 6)

c) Friday: Page 28

3) Begin reading book one of De Bello Gallico in Translation. See email and/or get a hard copy in class. Quiz on comment of this book coming soon.

4) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and write out answers to the questions for this section.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 6, 2023 and Week

1) Essay on book one of Caesar is due on Friday, February 10. You have a 1/2 fortnight. Festina lente!

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Page 16 and first paragraph of 18

b) Wednesday: De Bello Gallico, finish page 18 and page 20

c) Friday: De Bello Gallico, page 22

3) Begin reading book one of De Bello Gallico in Translation. See email and/or get a hard copy in class. Quiz on comment of this book coming soon.

4) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and write out answers to the questions for this section.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 3, 2023 and Week

Essay on book one of Caesar is due on Friday, February 10. You have a fortnight. Festina lente!

Vocabulary quiz for the list with the most common words in Caesar. Quiz on Friday, February 3, 2023.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, February 6, 2023 and Week

1) Essay on book one of Caesar is due on Friday, February 10. You have a fortnight. Festina lente!

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. See mail for book 4 of De Bello Gallico - Latin and commentary. ZOOM

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Page 16 and first paragraph of 18

b) Wednesday: De Bello Gallico, finish page 18 and page 20

c) Friday: De Bello Gallico, page 22

1) Begin reading book one of De Bello Gallico in Translation. See email and/or get a hard copy in class.

2) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and write out answers to the questions for this section.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, January 23, 2023 and Week

1) 2nd Quater Test on Wednesday, January 11. Value 250 points. Know historical, literary, mythological and cultural material and Latin for book 2, 4, and 6. Study also the content of book 2, 4, 6 in translation.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, finish 4 and page 6

b) Wednesday: De Bello Gallico, page 8

c) Friday: De Bello Gallico, page 10

3) Bring completed questions for the Introduction to Caesar’s De Bello Gallico titled Caesar’s Career and write out answers to the questions for this section.

4) Begin learning the four page vocabulary list with the most common words in Caesar. Quiz on Friday, January 27, 2023.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, December 12, 2022 and Week

1) Dido vs. Aeneas essay is due on Friday, January 6. Late papers will receive a zero.

2) 2nd Quater Test on Wednesday, January 11. Value 250 points. Know historical, literary, mythological and cultural material and Latin for book 2, 4, and 6. Study also the content of book 2, 4, 6 in translation.

3) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Finish Aeneid, Book 6.320–332 and 6.384–410

b) Wednesday: Aeneid, Book 6.410-425 and 6.847–6.877

c) Friday: Aeneid, Book 6.878–901.

4) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, December 12, 2022 and Week

1) Keep reviewing the 2nd quarter unannounced preparation and review quiz in coming sooooooooon.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Finish Aeneid 6.450–76 and Book 6.295–332

b) Wednesday: Aeneid Book 6.384–425

c) Friday: Vocabulary Quiz - End of book 4 and book 6 list.

3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, December 9. Email if you need the list.

4) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, December 5, 2022 and Week

1) Keep reviewing the 2nd quarter unannounced preparation and review quiz in coming soooon.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Aeneid 4.323-361

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 4.659–705

c) Friday: Begin Aeneid 6.450–76

3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, December 9. Email if you need the list.

4) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, November 28, 2022 and Week

1) Keep reviewing the 2nd quarter unannounced preparation and review quiz in coming soon.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Aeneid 4.259–300

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 4.300–361

c) Friday: Begin Aeneid 4.659–705

3) I will post a new vocabulary quiz soon.

4) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, November 21, 2022 and Week

1) Keep reviewing the 2nd quarter unannounced preparation and review quiz in coming soon.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book: Aeneid 4.198–218 and 4.259–275.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, November 14, 2022 and Week

Quiz on Book IV in translation on Friday, November 18.

1) Keep reviewing the 2nd quarter unannounced preparation and review quiz in coming soon.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book: 2.610-20 and 4.160–195 (Dido)

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 4.195–218 and 4.259–275.

c) Friday: Quiz on all of Book IV in Translation. Speeches are particularly important in this book. Also be able to discuss book IV in relation to Book II. Pay attention to similes, imagery, reference to Athenian Tragedy, especially those of Euripides, fate and the rise and fall of cities.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, November 7, 2022 and Week

1) Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book: 2.559–600

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 2.601-620 and vocabulary quiz.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 31, 2022 and Week

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. A big reading week for big bunnies and Viswa.

a) Monday: Aeneid, Book 2.201–249

b) Thursday: Aeneid 2.268–297

c) For Friday: 2.559–580

2) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday & Friday, October 26 & 28 2022.

1) Quiz on book 2 in translation on Wednesday, October 26. Email if you need a copy of this.

2) For Friday, October 28 prepare to read Aeneid, Book 2.40–56 and Book 2.201-225.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, October 21, 2022.

1) Vocabulary quiz on new vocabulary list on Friday, October 21. Email if you need the list.

2) Quiz on book 2 in translation on Wednesday, October 26. Email if you need a copy of this.

3) For Friday, October 28 prepare to read Aeneid, Book 2.40–56 and Book 2.201-225.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, October 19, 2022 and Week

First quarter test on Wednesday, October 19. Value 200-250 points. Approximately 25% on back ground information and 75% on Latin read in class. See me, if you wish to reread or review any passages. Translation, parsing, syntax of cases, infinitives and subjunctives, scansion, comprehension and textual analysis.

2) Vocabulary quiz on new vocabulary list on Friday, October 21. Verb game of fio, fieri, factus sum or eo, ire, ii, iturus on the back.

3) Quiz on book 2 in translation on Wednesday, October 26. Email if you need a copy of this.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 17, 2022 and Week

First quarter test on Wednesday, October 19. Value 200-250 points. Approximately 25% on back ground information and 75% on Latin read in class. See me, if you wish to reread or review any passages. Translation, parsing, syntax of cases, infinitives and subjunctives, scansion, comprehension and textual analysis.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.555–578 and complete the emailed sight test.

b) Wednesday: First Quarter Test

2) Vocabulary quiz on new vocabulary list on Friday, October 21. Verb game of fio, fieri, factus sum or eo, ire, ii, iturus on the back.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 10, 2022 and Week

First quarter test will arrive on Monday, October 17. Value 200-250 points. Approximately 25% on back ground information and 75% on Latin read in class. See me, if you wish to reread or review any passages. Translation, parsing, syntax of cases, infinitives and subjunctives, scansion, comprehension and textual analysis.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. We meet Dido for the first time. This will be an intensive week of reading.

a) Monday: Aeneid 1.494–540.

b) Wednesday: Aeneid 1.541–578

2) Vocabulary quiz on new vocabulary list on Friday, October 21. Verb game of fio, fieri, factus sum or eo, ire, ii, iturus on the back.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 3, 2022 and Week

First quarter test will come in just over a fortnight. Value 200-250 points. Approximately 25% on back ground information and 75% on Latin read in class. See me you wish to reread or review any passages. Translation, parsing, syntax of cases, infinitives and subjunctives, scansion, comprehension and textual analysis.

See email for a new vocabulary list. Quiz in approximately 7-10 days. Verb game of fio, fieri, factus sum or eo, ire, ii, iturus on the back

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: We first finish 1.418–440 and then finishing reading the Ecphrasis of Doors of Juno’s Temple at Carthage.

b) Thursday: read/prepare Aeneid 1.494–520.

c) For Friday: Quiz on the second half in translation. It will be a little more detailed and demanding than the quiz on the first half.

2) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, October 3, 2022 and Week

First quarter test will come in just over a fortnight. Value 200-250 points. Approximately 25% on back ground information and 75% on Latin read in class. See me you wish to reread or review any passages. Translation, parsing, syntax of cases, infinitives and subjunctives, scansion, comprehension and textual analysis.

See email for a new vocabulary list. Quiz in approximately 7-10 days. Verb game of fio, fieri, factus sum or eo, ire, ii, iturus on the back

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) Monday: We first finish 1.418–440 and then finishing reading the Ecphrasis of Doors of Juno’s Temple at Carthage.

b) Thursday: read/prepare Aeneid 1.494–520.

c) For Friday: Quiz on the second half in translation. It will be a little more detailed and demanding than the quiz on the first half.

2) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 30, 2022 and Week

1) Quiz on the first half of Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Stop at the end of page 15 for this quiz. Value 50-60 points.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for Friday read/prepare Ecphrasis of the doors of Juno’s Temple. See handout from class for Latin text and commentary/vocabulary attached. We also need to finish 5 lines from Jupiter’s speech.

3) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, September 28, 2022 and Week

1) Continue reading Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on the content of this book is coming late in the following week. Know it in detail.

2) Preparation/Reading Schedule for Wednesday read/prepare Jupiter’ s Speech to Venus (see handout from class with commentary and vocabulary attached).

3) Voice recording is due before Saturday, September 24 and commentary on Wednesday, September 28. Value 150.

4) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, September 12, 2022 and Week

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz on text read and prepared for class soon, including some scansion. See me if you need help with meter and scansion

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Monday read/prepare Aeneid 1.95-130

b) For Wednesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.131-161

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.162-179

3): Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTIONs 13-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

4) Start learning the 2nd list (the 4 page one) Vocabulary for the Aeneid. Quiz on Friday, September 16.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 9, 2022 and Week

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz on text read and prepared for class soon, including some scansion. See me if you need help with meter and scansion

1) Complete green scansion assignment prior to Friday’s class.

1.5) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Wednesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.65-101

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.102-34

3): Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTION 8-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

4) Start learning the 2nd list (the 4 page one) Vocabulary for the Aeneid. Quiz on Friday, September 16.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, August 29, 2022 and Week

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz on text read and prepared for class soon, including some scansion. See me if you need help with meter and scansion

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Wednesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.65-101

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.102-34

3): Read William’s Introduction (handout) and COMPLETE QUESTION 8-19 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

4) Start learning the 2nd list (the 4 page one) Vocabulary for the Aeneid. Quiz on Friday, September 16.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, August 29, 2022 and Week

Video on Metrics and Scansion of Dactylic Hexameter

Notes on Latin Hexameter Verse

Notes on Quality of Syllable

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also use the pdf of College Vergil to for vocabulary and

a) For Monday read/prepare Aeneid 1.20-60

b) For Wednesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.61-100

2) Watch this short video which summarizes the plot of the Iliad. Then read the selection of the Iliad in translation that feature Aeneas as a Homeric (Trojan) Hero, answer the question on page one and be able to discuss in class.

3) BRING ON MONDAY: Read William’s Introduction (handout) and complete question 1-7 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

4) Start learning the first Vocabulary for the Aeneid. Quiz on Wednesday, August 31.

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, August 24, 2022 and Week

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Preparation/Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. Also use the pdf of College Vergil to for vocabulary and

a) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.1-33

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.34-60

2) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and complete question 1-7 with detailed answers. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are especially important.

3) Start learning the first Vocabulary for the Aeneid. Quiz in one week.

Agenda &Homework for Tuesday, Augustus , 2019

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.8-49 (lines 8 to 49 of book one) We will read through the rest of the proem quite quickly so be especially well prepared for lines 34-49. Remember theAeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 10th of the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Ross know?

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, May 10, 2022 and the Week

a) Keep reviewing Latin on the AP syllabus. Bring last test to class.

b) Complete the two emailed multiple choice practices tests in your email .

c) Read pages 129-133 in translation on the Customs of the Germani from Book 6. Be able to discuss in class.

d) Finish all presentations on Tuesday on book 7.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 26, 2022 and the Week

Begin reading the end of book 5 and all of book 6 in translation. See email for this.

Reading Schedule for the Week:

a) On Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 68 and 70

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 26 and 28 and the very beginning of 68.

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page Finish 30

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 19, 2022 and the Week

a) On Tuesday: Vocabulary Quiz (book 6 list) and Sight Test on Caesar

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 64 and 66 and the very beginning of 68.

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page Finish 68

Agenda/HW for Thursday, April 14, 2022 and the Week .

3rd quarter test on all Caesar read prior to test which isLatin for Book 1, 4, 5 (down to section 44) and also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. 250 points. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction, outline of books (1 to 5) of De Bello Gallico, book one in translation and military stuff. Test on Thursday, April 14.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 12, 2022 and the Week

Book Four Essay is due Friday, March 25. Value 200 points

Quiz and presentations on Book One in Translation on Tuesday, March 15.

3rd quarter test is coming soon (fortnight) all Caesar read prior to test and also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. 250 points. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction and military stuff. Test on Thursday, April 14

1) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 62 and 64

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 22, 2022 and the Week

Book Four Essay is due Friday, March 25. Value 200 points

Quiz and presentations on Book One in Translation on Tuesday, March 15.

3rd quarter test is coming soon (fortnight) all Caesar read prior to test and also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. 250 points. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction and military stuff. Test on Tuesday, March 29.

1) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 54 and finish presentations.

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 56 and 58

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page 60

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 15, 2022 and the Week

We do the NLE some time later in the week - Poetry Level IV. Here are old exams and keys to practice.

Book Four Essay is due Friday, March 25. Value 200 points

Quiz and presentations on Book One in Translation on Tuesday, March 15.

3rd quarter test is coming soon (fortnight) on mostly Caesar but also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. 250 points. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction and military stuff.

1) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Quiz and Presentations of Book One in translation.

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 50 and 52

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page 54

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 8, 2022 and the Week

Quiz and presentations on Book One in Translation on Tuesday, March 15.

You will do the Advanced Poetry CAV Test on Tuesday, March 8. You only HW for Tuesday is to complete and self-correct the practice CAV test. Key is on the last 2 pages.

3rd quarter test is coming soon (fortnight) on mostly Caesar but also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction and military stuff.

1) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: CAV Test

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 48 and 50

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page 52

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 1, 2022 and the Week

Quiz and presentations on Book One in Translation on Thursday, March 10. See email for pdf of the book one in translation. Same partners as last presentation???? Let me know.

3rd quarter Test is Coming Soon (fortnight) on mostly Caesar but also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid. Also study background questions for Caesar from the introduction and military stuff.

For Tuesday read the section of Hammond’s Introduction on Caesar’s Writings. (see email for list of questions)

1) We will have on Tuesday a short quiz (preparation and review), which will have on short selection from Caesar read thus far and what you prepared for the class.

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 42 and 44

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 46 and 48

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, page 50

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 and the Week

3rd quarter Test is Coming Soon (fortnight) on mostly Caesar but also on the Latin of Book VI of the Aeneid.

Essay is due Tuesday at the beginning of class in the form of hard copy with staple in left hand corner at 45 degree angle.

2nd Caesar Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, February 22. Mostly Martial Words.

1) Old but bring For Tuesday read the section of Hammond’s Introduction on Caesar’s Writings. (see email for list of questions) We have three or four of these to finish in class.

2) Soon we will have on another a short quiz (preparation and review). This one will be unannounced to lower and lessen your level of stress.

3) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 38 and 40

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 42 and 44

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 15, 2022 and the Week

1) For Tuesday read the section of Hammond’s Introduction on Caesar’s Writings. (see email for list of questions)

2) We will have on Tuesday a short quiz (preparation and review), which will have on short selection from pages 2-22 of Caesar with which you will be asked to do the usual stuff. I need to see how well you are reading and retaining Caesar’s Latin.

3) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 22

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 24 and 26

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 28

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 8, 2022 and the Week

1) For Tuesday read the section of Hammond’s Introduction on Caesar’s Targets. (see email for list of questions)

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 12 and 14

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 16 and 18

c) For Friday: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 20

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 1, 2022 and the Week

1) For Tuesday read the section of Hammond’s Introduction on Caesar’s Army (see email for list of questions) and click for things to learn about the Roman Army and listen to these podcast and take detailed notes. I will ask to see or may collect these notes.

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 4 and 6

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 6 and 10

c) For Friday: Vocabulary quiz on long Caesar list.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 25, 2022 and the Week

Listen to this introductory podcast on Caesar. Take notes and be able to discuss in class and know material for our first Caesar test.

1) We have one presentation to finish.

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 2 and 4.

b) For Thursday. Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, pages 6-8

3) Read the section on Caesar’s Career in Hammond’s introduction and answer the questions for this section. Email if you need this.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, January 20, 2022 and the Week

1) Read the section on Caesar’s Career in Hammond’s introduction and answer the questions for this section.

2) For Thursday. Read/prepare The first and second page of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico

3) Bring the end of the Aeneid/Death of Turnus in Latin.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 16, 2022 and the Week

1) We will finish presentation on book 8 and 12 and the end of book 6 in Latin.

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare The first page of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico

b) For Thursday. The second page of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico

3) Book 4 essay in due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. Hard copy only. Do not email

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 16, 2022 and the Week

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.847–886 (munere).

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.886-901

c) For Friday: TBA

3) Book 4 essay in due on Friday, January 8th.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 11, 2022 and the Week


2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.847–886 (munere).

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.886-901

c) For Friday: TBA

3) Book 4 essay in due on Friday, January 8th.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 4, 2022 and the Week

1) Finish reading book 6 in translation (Cumae, katabasis, Eylsium) for Tuesday’s class and be able to discuss. Quiz on Thursday, January 6.

2) Reading List for the Week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.847–886 (munere).

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.886-901

c) For Friday: TBA

3) Book 4 essay in due on Friday, January 8th.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 17, 2021 and the Week

1) Continue reading Aeneid, Book 6 in translation.

2) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week. Be able to read directly from the Latin text without looking at your translation.

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Aeneid, Book Aeneid, Book 6.310–332 and Book 6.384–425. WE WILL READ WITH SPEED. Be well prepared.

b) For Thursday. Test, the Test. See below and email me with questions.

c) For Friday: TBA

3) Test on all selections read in Latin from Book 1, 2, 4, 6 (-final section) and books 1, 2, 4 in translation on Thursday, December 16. 250 points. Translation, parsing (morphology/syntax), comprehension, cultural/historical background to text, analysis, figures of speeches, scansion.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday to Friday, November 30 to December 3, 2021

Test on the Aeneid - all selections read in Latin from Book 1, 2, 4, 6 on Thursday, December 16 and the same books in translation. 250 points.

Tuesday, November 30

Quiz on Aeneid, Book Four in translation. Focus on characters, speeches, the narrative, imagery, similes and themes that connect to book II and/or the epic as a whole.

Thursday, December 2

We will do an intense zoom class like the good old days. Be well prepared to read the Death of Dido, which is Book 4.659–705. We also have a few lines to finish from the earlier section. I will email the the zoom like prior to class on Wednesday.

Friday, December 3


Agenda/HW for Tuesday, November 23, 2021 and the Week

1) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare AeneidBook 4.310-361

2) Finish reading book 4 in translation and be able to discuss in class as we read selections of the book in Latin. See email for this pdf. Quiz coming soon.

3) Test on all selections read in Latin from Book 1, 2, 4, 6 on Thursday, December 16 and the same books in translation. 200-250 points.

4) See your email for vocabulary list for book 4. Quiz on Tuesday, November 23.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, November 23, 2021 and the Week

1) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare AeneidBook 4.310-361

2) Finish reading book 4 in translation and be able to discuss in class as we read selections of the book in Latin. See email for this pdf. Quiz coming soon.

3) Test on all selections read in Latin from Book 1, 2, 4, 6 on Thursday, December 16 and the same books in translation. 200-250 points.

4) See your email for vocabulary list for book 4. Quiz on Tuesday, November 23.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, November 30, 2021 and the Week

1) Quiz on Book 4 in translation on Tuesday. Start reading book 6 (Cumae, katabasis, Eylsium) in translation. See email for pdf of this book

2) A BIG RABBIT READING WEEK. Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare AeneidBook 4.659–705 (Death of Dido) and quiz on Book 4 in translation.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid, 6.450–76 Book

c) For Friday: Aeneid. Book 6.295–332

3) Test on all selections read in Latin from Book 1, 2, 4, 6 on Thursday, December 16 and the same books in translation. 200-250 points.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, November 16, 2021 and the Week

1) Review sight passages from book 2 and 4. We still have one from book 2 to finish in class.

2) Continue reading book 4 in translation and be able to discuss in class as we read selections of the book in Latin. See email for this pdf. Quiz coming soon.

3) A BIG RABBIT READING WEEK. Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare AeneidBook 4.189-218 and 4.259-282.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid. Book 4.283-319

c) For Friday: Aeneid. Book 4.320-30

4) See your email for vocabulary list for book 4. Quiz on Tuesday, November 23.

5) Begin reading book 4 in translation. See email for this pdf.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 and the Week

1) Complete the two sight passages from book 2 and bring to class.

2) Finish reading the Aeneid, Liber Secundus in translation. Quiz on content of book II on Thursday, Nov. 11.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare AeneidBook 2.559-2.620. We will focus on the last half of these lines but review the first part.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid. Book 4.160–218

c) For Friday: We will finish what was not finished on Thursday above.

4) See your email for vocabulary list for book 4. Quiz on Thursday, December 18.

5) Begin reading book 4 in translation. See email for this pdf.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, November 4, 2021 and the Week

1) Finish reading the Aeneid, Liber Seconds in translation.

2) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week: For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid. Book 2.559-2.600

3) First Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 2. Value 200 points. Background, inter texts, all Latin read in class from books one and two and book one in translation.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 26, 2021 and the Week

1) Finish reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation.

2) Complete the emailed sight test and hand in on Tuesday at the beginning of the class.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read/prepare Aeneid 1.570-8, Aeneid. 2. 40-56, Aeneid. 2. 201-221.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid. 2. 201-249.

c) For Friday: Aeneid.Book 2.268–297.

4) First Quarter Test on Tuesday, November 2. Value 200 points.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 19, 2021 and the Week

2nd Vocabulary quiz on Friday, October 22. See your email for the list.

1) Finish reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Final quiz on the whole book in translation coming soon.

2) Unannounced preparation and review quiz this coming week.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Finish the ecphrasis of the temple doors and read/prepare Aeneid 1.494–545.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid 1.546-78 and have finished Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation and Aeneid. 2. 40-56 (Latin).

c) For Friday: Aeneid. 2. 201-221.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 12, 2021 and the Week

2nd Vocabulary quiz on Friday, October 22. See your email for the list.

1) Continue reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Turn in Open Book Take Home Quiz on Tuesday at the beginning of class.

2) Unannounced preparation and review quiz this coming week.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday:

i) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.254-71 (Jupiter’s Prophetic Speech to Venus). See handout for text and commentary and Aeneid 1.418–440

ii) Finish and bring all the remaining questions for William’s Introduction.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid 1.494–545 and have finished Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation.

c) Friday: Turn in your commentary by sundown but I would like to have a hard copy submitted at school, if possible.

4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon for the next quiz.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 5, 2021 and the Week

1) Continue reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on content in 12 days.

2) Unannounced preparation and review quiz this coming week.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday:

i) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.159-206

ii) Finish and bring all the remaining questions for William’s Introduction.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid 1.418–440

c) For Friday: 494–525

4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon for the next quiz.

Ajax Nikki drawing .png

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, September 28, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

1) Continue reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on content in 12 days.

2) Unannounced preparation and review quiz this coming week.

3) Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

a) For Tuesday:

i) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.102-141

ii) Finish and bring all the remaining questions for William’s Introduction.

b) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid 1.142-173

c) For Friday: Read/prepare Aeneid 1.174-193

4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon for the next quiz.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, September 21, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Continue reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on content in 8 days.

We will increase our reading speed this week. Keep review all Latin read in class. Unannounced quiz coming soon.

Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

1) For Tuesday:

a) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.35-70

b) Finish and bring all the remaining questions for William’s Introduction. Numbering is weird.

c) Read the proem of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica and compare their characteristic with the proem of Vergil’s Aeneid. Take notes and be able to discuss in class.

2) For Thursday. Read/prepare Aeneid 1.71-100

3) For Friday: Read/prepare Aeneid 1.101-120.

Vocabulary retake quiz must be done before Friday, Sept. 24.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Begin reading the Aeneid, Liber Primus in translation. Quiz on content in 10 days.

Schedule of Reading and Other things for the week:

1) For Tuesday:

a) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.12-53.

b) Vocabulary quiz. See handout for list or email if you need it.

c) Read the selection from Homer’s Iliad and answer the question on the Aeneas as it begins in Homer. This was handed out in class. Email if you need it or anything else.

2) For Friday:

a) Read/prepare Aeneid 1.54-91.

b) Finish the remaining questions for William’s Introduction. Numbering is weird.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 9, 2021

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource to help you read/translate: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze Aeneid 1.10-45. If you would like additional commentaries, email me.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout from or on schoooology) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Core Vergil Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 14th on the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Schubidoo know?

Agenda/Homework for Week of September 7, 2021

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week One:

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.1-33 (the proem). Remember the Aeneid begins in medias res as any quality epic should.

b) ) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.34-62.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Core Vergil Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 14th on the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Schubidoo know?

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, May 10, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Quiz on Book 7 in translation.

b) For Thursday: Presentations on Book 6 and 7.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, May 3, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: TEST on all of Caesar, De Bello Gallico, book 5 and book 6, pages 26, 28, 30 (all Latin) and one Latin selection from book 2 of the Aeneid. I will available if anyone would like to review with me.

b) For Thursday: Finish pages 32 and 34 (Book 6 - Ethnographic Excursus)

2) Start reading books 6 and 7 in Translation. I will assign presentations for book 6 and 7 soon to be presented the following week (May 10-14).

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 28, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 68 and 70 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: TEST on all of Caesar, De Bello Gallico, book 5 (all Latin) and one Latin selection from book 2 of the Aeneid. I will available if anyone would like to review with me.

c) b) For Friday (2:30-3:10 PM): Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 26 (Book V, 54 BC). This is the section on Gallic/Celtic ethnography or his digression/excursus on Gallic Culture with cute little Druids.

2) Start reading books 6 and 7 in Translation. They are on the AP syllabus.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 20, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Book four essay is due on Wednesday, April 14 before high noon. Value 200 points. See email for essay prompt.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 58 and 60 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 62 and 64 (Book V, 54 BC)

c) b) For Friday (1:45 -2:30 PM): Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 66 (Book V, 54 BC)

2) Start reading books 6 and 7 in Translation. They are on the AP syllabus.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, April 13, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Book four essay is due on Wednesday, April 14 before high noon. Value 200 points. See email for essay prompt.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 48 and 50 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 52 and 54 (Book V, 54 BC)

c) b) For Friday (1:45 -2:30 PM): Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 56 (Book V, 54 BC)

2) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 30, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Book four essay is due on Wednesday, April 14 before high noon. Value 200 points. See email for essay prompt.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 44 and 46 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: 3rd Quarter Test on Thursday, April 1 on all Caesar that we have read thus far, book one in translation and Hammond’s introduction with questions - Caesar’s Career, Caesar’s army and Caesar’s targets. Value 200-250 points.

2) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 23, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

3rd Quarter Test on Thursday, April 1 on all Caesar that we have read thus far, book one in translation and Hammond’s introduction with questions. Value 200-250 points.

List Two for Caesarian Vocabulary - Martial Words and Idioms Quiz on Asynchronous Friday, March 26.

Book four essay is due on Wednesday, April 14 before high noon. Value 200 points. See email for essay prompt.

1) Read Hammond’s Introduction and answer questions for Caesar’s Targets. Be able to discuss in class on Tuesday. See email for these questions.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 40 and 42 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 44 and 46

3) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation.

4) Work to be done on Caesar’s Army: Have this material ready to discuss in class and know if for the next test.

a) In the introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico, read the section Caesar’s Army and answer the questions for this. b) Listen to these two podcasts and take detailed notes. c) Click here for images to study d) Read the emailed handout of Caesar’s Army and take notes.

b) Read Hammond’s Introduction and answer questions for Caesar’s Targets. Be able to discuss in class on Tuesday.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 8, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Unannounced large quiz coming soon on a selection of Caesar read in class. Keep reviewing. Large test on Caesar read thus far, background info. and book one in translation. thus far in 10 days.

Essay is due before 8:00 AM on MONDAY, March 15. Value 150-200 points. Late essays will receive a zero.

List Two for Caesarian Vocabulary - Martial Words and Idioms Quiz next week

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 26 and 36 (Book V, 54 BC)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 38 and 40

2) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation.

3) Work to be done on Caesar’s Army: Have this material ready to discuss in class and know if for the next text.

a) In the introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico, read the section Caesar’s Army and answer the questions for this. b) Listen to these two podcasts and take detailed notes. c) Click here for images to study d) Read the emailed handout of Caesar’s Army and take notes.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, March 8, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Unannounced large quiz coming soon on a selection of Caesar read in class. Keep reviewing.

1) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation.

2) Go on school website and pay for the NLE and CAV test. NLE will done on Friday, March 12.

3) Essay is due by 9:00 AM on Sunday, March 14. Value 150-200 points.

4) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 18 (last paragraph), 20 and 22 (at least 1/2)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 24 and 26

5) Work to be done on Caesar’s Army: Have this material ready to discuss in class and know if for the next text.

a) In the introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico, read the section Caesar’s Army and answer the questions for this. b) Listen to these two podcasts and take detailed notes. c) Click here for images to study d) Read the emailed handout of Caesar’s Army and take notes.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 30, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

1) Continue reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation?

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 14 and 16

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 18 and 20

3)Work to be done on Caesar’s Army:

a) In the introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico, read the section Caesar’s Army and answer the questions for this. b) Listen to these two podcasts and take detailed notes. c) Click here for images to study d) Read the emailed handout of Caesar’s Army and take notes.

4) Work on First Caesar Essay in is due on Friday, March 12 at sunrise.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 22, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

.05) Begin reading book one in Translation. We will do partner presentation within a fortnight and a quiz. Same partners are last presentation?

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 8 and 10

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 12 and 14 (Book 4 Caesar goes to Britannia)

2)For Tuesday: In the introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico, read the section Caesar’s Army and answer the questions for this. This introduction is crucial to your understanding of Caesar whom you must comprehend as both an historical figure and writer.

3) Listen to this podcast on Sexy Caesar and take detailed notes. Take detail and pretty notes (yes, Adriel, pretty). Email these to me. Graded Ass. Due by Sundown on Wednesday, February 23.

4) See email for vocabulary list of most common works in Caesar. Quiz on Asychronouns Friday, February 25.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 16, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

Listen to this podcast and take detailed notes.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 4, 6, 8

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 10 and 12

2) Begin reading this introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico. This introduction is crucial to your understanding of Caesar whom you must comprehend as both an historical figure and writer. Do first section of questions for Tuesday, Feb. 9 and second for Thursday.

3) See email for vocabulary list of most common works in Caesar. Quiz on Asychronouns Friday.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, February 9, 2021 and the Week with Sexy Caesar.

We finish the end of the Aeneid book 12. Be well prepared for this.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 2 and 4

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 6 and 8

2) Begin reading this introduction to Caesar and his De Bello Gallico. This introduction is crucial to your understanding of Caesar whom you must comprehend as both an historical figure and writer. Do first section of questions for Tuesday, Feb. 9 and second for Thursday.

3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 19, 2021 and the Week (More Katabasis)

Test on the Aeneid, Liber Primus et Secundus et Quartus et Sextus on Thursday, January 28. Value 300 points.

1) Essay is due by sunrise of Monday, January 18, 2021

2) Email book 6 quiz to me prior to Tuesday’s class

3) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Finish Aeneid,   6.847–-901 (Catalogue of Heroes and Eulogy for Marcellus)

b) For Thursday: Caesar, De Bello Gallico, page 2.

4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

5) Book 8 Presentations will be on Tuesday, January 26. Value 100 points. Book 8 quiz at the beginning of this class. See assignment.

6) Begin reading book 12 of the Aeneid in translation. See Email.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 12, 2021 and the Week (More Katabasis)

Test on the Aeneid, Liber Primus et Secundus et Quartus et Sextus is coming with a fortnight of our return in January. End of the second week or beginning of 3rd. Value 300 points.

1) Quiz on book 6 in translation on Wednesday, Jan. 14.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Finish Aeneid,  6.401–425 and  6.847–868 (Catalogue of Heros and Eulogy for Marcellus)

b) For Thursday: Aeneid 6.869-901 and quiz on Book 6 in translation.

3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

4) Find a partner and email to me ΑΣΑΠ for Book 8 presentations.

5) Begin reading books 8 and 12 in translation. See Email.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, January 5, 2021 and the Week (Katabasis Time)

Test on the Aeneid, Liber Primus et Secundus et Quartus et Sextus is coming with a fortnight of our return in January. End of the second week or beginning of 3rd. Value 300 points.

1) For Tuesday’s class have read and be able to discuss Book 6 in translation, pages 115-127 (Beginning of the Book at Cumae (oracle of Apollo) to Dido in the Underworld). Quiz coming on this book in the following week. It is dense with philosophical, mythological and literary allusions and the literary antecedent for Il Dante’s Inferno. See email for books in translation.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid, 6.295–332 (underworld) and Book 6.384–400 (more katabasis)

b) For Thursday: Finish Book 6.401–425 and Book 6.847–868 (Catalogue of Heros and Eulogy for Marcellus)

3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

4) Find a partner and email to me ΑΣΑΠ for Book 8 presentations.

5) Begin reading books 8 and 12 in translation. See Email.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 15-18, 2020 and the Week

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid 6.450–76 (Dido in Underworld) and 4.659–705 (Death of Dido).

b) For Thursday: Finish Aeneid, 4.659–705 (Death of Dido) and Aeneid, 6.295–332 (underworld)

2) Vocabulary quiz on Asynchronous Friday, December 18.

3) Start reading book 6 of the Aeneid in Translation.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 8-12, 2020 and the Week

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid Aeneid 4.300-350

b) For Thursday: Aeneid, 4.351-361 and 6.295–332 (NOTE that we just to book 6 before finishing book 4).

2) Quiz on all of book four in translation on Asynchronous Friday.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 1, 2020 and the Week

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid Aeneid 4.205–218 and 4.259–300 See image below.

b) For Thursday: Aeneid, 4.301-360

2) Keep reading book 4 of the Aeneid in translation to the end. It is on the AP syllabus. See your email for this.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, November 17, 2020 and the Week

1) Complete vocabulary quiz prior to Tuesday’s class and email it to me.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid 2.590- 620 and 4.160–180. See image below.

b) For Thursday: Aeneid, 4.180–218

3) Keep reading book 2 of the Aeneid in translation to the end. It is on the AP syllabus. See you email for this.

Agenda/HW for Thursday & Friday, November 5 & 6

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Keep reviewing the Latin, having been read in class. 200-250 points test is coming soon. The following week.

1) On Friday in class: First Quarter Test on: 1) all Latin read thus far - approx. 70 % of the test. 2) books 1 and 2 in translation; 3) all intertexts -Homeric and others; 4) All questions from William introduction, especially Aeneas legend, themes of the epic, the structure of the epic and content of individual books. 200-250 points.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Thursday, November 5: A few lines from last class to finish and Aeneid, 2.268–297 (Aeneas dreams of Hector) + SIGHT TEST FOLLOWING AENEAS’ DREAM

3) Keep reading book 2 of the Aeneid in translation to the end. It is on the AP syllabus. See you email for this.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, November 10. See our email for the list.

Agenda/HW for Friday, Oct 23 and Tuesday, October 27, 2020 and the Week

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Keep reviewing the Latin, having been read in class. 200-250 points test is coming soon. The following week.

1) Today on Assynchronous Friday you will complete and return to me the comprehension QUIZ on pages 16-33 of the Aeneid in translation. Value approx. 50 points. I will post the quiz before high noon and want it back prior to sundown today, Friday.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid 2.40–56 and 2.201–249 (Laocoon get eaten by sneaking snakes). See image below.

b) For Thursday: Aeneid, 2.268–297 and a little bit of the next section.

3) Keep reading book 2 of the Aeneid in translation to the end. It is on the AP syllabus. See you email for this.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda/HW for Friday, Oct 16 and Tuesday, October 20, 2020 and the Week

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Keep reviewing the Latin, having been read in class. 200-250 points test is coming soon. The following week.

1) Finish reading book one of the Aeneid in translation to the very end. Quiz on content on Tuesday in class.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Aeneid 1.530-578. This will finish the Latin for Book I + quiz on book one in translate. See # 1 above.

b) For Thursday: Aeneid 2.40–56 and 2.201–249 (Laocoon get eaten by sneaking snakes). See image below.

3) Start reading book 2 of the Aeneid in translation. It is on the AP syllabus. See you email for this.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 13, 2020 and the Week

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Revised exegetical commentary with detailed analysis is due on Friday, October 9 by 5:45 PM. Late submissions will not be graded. Value 100 points.

2) Email your completed open book quiz by sundown on Sunday.

2.5) Keep reading book one of the Aeneid in translation. Quiz coming within a week.

3) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for the week:

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Jupiter’s Prophetic Speech to Venus (see your email for text and commentary). It is also in the blue book. Aeneid 1.254-296. What types of epic are present in this speech?

b) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.494–545.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, October 8, 2020

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Revised exegetical commentary with detailed analysis is due on Friday, October 9 by 5:45 PM. Late submissions will not be graded. Value 100 points.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis: For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.200-209 and 1.418–440 and Aeneid 1.494–515.

3) QUIZ ON 1ST HALF (page 3-17 in translation) on Thursday Start reading the Aeneid, book one in translation. Value 50-60 points. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. Know characters, events, similes, speeches, etc.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Complete VOC. Quiz and send to me. 2nd Vocabulary on Thursday, Oct. 1. Here is the list. See your email for the quiz. Sign Pledge.

2)) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Five Four:

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.170-209 and 1.418–440

b) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.494–530

3) Voice recording is due by the end of Friday’s Class (2:30 PM) and commentary is due by Saturday at 11:59 PM. Value 100 points, perhaps more.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

5) QUIZ ON 1ST HALF VERY SOON: Start reading the Aeneid book one in translation. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. There will eventually be presentations and a QUIZ on the content of this book.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, October 1, 2020

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Review notes from class and read emailed handout from book II Iliad with two similes - bees and storm.

2) Schedule for Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.150-197

3) Voice recording is due by the end of Friday’s Class (2:30 PM) and commentary is due by Saturday at 11:59 PM.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

5) Start reading the Aeneid book one in translation. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. There will eventually be presentations and a QUIZ on the content of this book.

6) 2nd Vocabulary on Thursday, Oct. 1. Here is the list.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, September 28, 2020 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Finish scan assignment and send to me by end of class time on Friday, Sept. 25. Practice reading this aloud in meter. You will eventually send me a voice recording of this once it is perfected.

1.5) Watch this short video which summarizes the plot of the Iliad.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week Four:

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.118-161.

b) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.162-197.

3) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Start reading the Aeneid book one in translation. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. There will eventually be presentations and a QUIZ on the content of this book.

5) 2nd Vocabulary on Thursday, Oct. 1. Here is the list.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, September 24, 2020

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Seminar Discussion on Homeric Intertextual Continued. See email for selections of the Iliad featuring or meeting Aeneas. Answer questions in handout and be able to discuss at the beginning of Thursday’s class along with the selection (old email) from Book V of the Odyssey and the selection about Sarpedon from book XVI of the Iliad. See email with image of Sarpedon and or below HW for Red Figure Crater with Sarpedon from Iliad book XX. Email if you need any of these readings.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week Three: For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.94-138

3) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

4) Start reading the Aeneid book one in translation. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. There will eventually be presentations and a QUIZ on the content of this book.

5) 2nd Vocabulary on Thursday, Oct. 1. Here is the list. 

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 22, 2020 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Consistent review of the text that we read, discuss and analyze in class is a sine qua non for success in AP Latin. I am here if you wish or need to review or reread something with me.

2) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week Three:

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.64-101.

b) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.102-141.

3) For Thursday’s class have read and be able to discuss in terms of intertextuality the selection from book 5 of the Odyssey and the two selection from the Iliad which were email to you on Thursday, Sept. 17.

4) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer all the remaining questions by for Thursday, Sept. 24. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

5) Start reading the Aeneid book one in translation. Book One in translation as a whole is part of the AP syllabus. Read carefully and take notes. There will eventually be presentations and a quiz on the content of this book.

6) I will post a new voc. list soon.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Core Vergil Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 15th of the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. Value 50-70 points. Same old format. You should have the list in an email.

2) Review the proem of the Aeneid and then read in translation the proem of the Iliad and Odyssey for the purpose of comparison. In what ways does the Aeneid recall and reflect both the Iliad and Odyssey? How does Aeneas differ from Odysseus? God? Anger/Wrath? Other things? Be well prepared to discuss and cite the texts to support your ideas at the beginning of class.

3) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week two.

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.27-62. Remember the Aeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should. We will pick up speed after the proem when the narrative begins.

b) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.62-97.

4) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 10, 2020 and the Week.

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Schedule of Reading and Analysis for Week One.

a) For Tuesday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.1-33 Remember theAeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should.

b) ) For Thursday: Read and prepare to reread and analyze via zoom Aeneid 1.34-62. Remember theAeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout in email or on schoology) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Core Vergil Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 15th of the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Ross know?

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 4, 2020 and the Week

On your own be reading and studying Caesar, Book 1, 4, 6 in Latin and all of one in translation.

1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week at the usual times. Look sharp.

a) For Tuesday (May 4): i. Vergil, Aeneid, 1.171-208; ii. Complete the At Sight Multiple Question test prior to class.

b) For Thursday (May 6): Vergil, Aeneid, 1.418–440 and 1.494–578

c) b) For Friday (May 8):  Vergil, Aeneid, 1.494–578

2) On your own be reading and studying Caesar, Book 1, 4, 6 in Latin and all of one in translation.

3) Review the biography of both Caesar and Vergil.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, May 4, 2020 and the Week

On your own be reading and studying Caesar Book 1, 4, 6 in Latin and all of one in translation.

1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week at the usual times. Look sharp.

a) For Tuesday (May 4): Vergil, Aeneid, 1.171-208

b) For Thursday (April 23): Vergil, Aeneid, 1.418–440 and

c) b) For Friday (April 24):  Vergil, Aeneid, 1.171-208

2) At some point we will do a sight test or two for exam practice.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and the Week

1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week at the usual times. Look sharp.

a) For Tuesday (April 21): Vergil, Aeneid, 2.268–297 + a little more

b) For Thursday (April 23): Vergil, Aeneid, 2.559–600

c) b) For Friday (April 24):  Vergil, Aeneid, 2.600–620

2) At some point we will do a sight test or two for exam practice.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 and the Week

Vocabulary Quiz on Book 6 and More review of book 2 Aeneid

Here is the vocabulary quiz. Download, complete and return to me before Tuesday, April 14.

1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week like we used to do in normal times. Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico.


a) For Tuesday (April 14) : Prepare to read the Laocoon Episode of Aeneid book II.

b) For Thursday (April 16): TBA

2) Here are videos to help you with preparation for the AP test.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 31, 2020 and the Week

(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people

1) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week like we used to do in normal times. Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico.


a) For Tuesday (March 31) : Prepare to finish page 32 and 34 of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico and review Laocoon Episode of Aeneid book II.

b) For Thursday (April 2): Test on Caesar book 6 and Aeneid book 2.

c) b) For Friday  (April 3): Vocabulary Quiz on Book 6 and More review of book 2 Aeneid

2) Here are videos to help you with preparation for the AP test.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 24, 2020

(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people

1) I am in the process of adjusting our schedule and approach to the AP curriculum now that it has been truncated by those…. (see Catullus 16), I mean to say kind souls from the college board. I do not see that change is to our advantage as we were in very good shape to finish the entire syllabus with time to spare. So we pivot to book 6 (Latin sections still on the AP syllabus) - the short ethnographical digression or excursus on the customs, habits and mores of the Gallic folk, which we would have started this week regardless.

2) Assignment due prior to Thurday’s class. Read this article and write a one page summary of the salient points and essence of this article. 12 point font. Value 80 points. See email for the article

2) We will do three full (via ZOOM) classes next week like we used to do in normal times. Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it. For these sessions we will all paint ourselves blue. The schedule below is slightly ambitious and most likely we will need other half or full class to complete. We shall see.

a) For Tuesday (March 24) : Prepare to finish page 26 and 28 (Book 5).

b) For Thursday (March 26):  Prepare to finish page 30 and 32 (Book 5).

c) b) For Friday  (March 27)  Finish page 34

3)Hold off on book five essay. Book 5 essay is due on Friday, April 3rd by 2:00 PM, 2020. This will be the bulk of your work for the next 2 plus weeks and should do much to prepare you for the AP test and our own book 5 test. Email me with questions or ideas. Make sure that you have read book five down to page 70 and then have finished reading book 5 in translation in order that you see how Caesar brings closure to his argument concerning the disastrous events of the winter of 54 BC.

5) We have a TEST (250-300 POINTS) on book V Caesar and book II Aeneid soon after we return to school. Keep reviewing text.

6) Start reading the end of book 5 and all of book 6 in translation. You have a handout of this. Email for a digital copy.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 & the Week of Pandemic Plague 

(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people


1) 4TH VOCABULARY LIST FOR CAESAR - Quiz on Thursday, March 19. When you have studied the vocabulary list sufficient, download this very sexy vocabulary quiz and complete it the same manner as if you were in class. Send it back to me (pfd or picture or whatever works) before the end of class on Thursday, March 19 by 1:45 PM. SIGN PLEDGE. Deus omnia videt! THERE IS NO VERB GAME ON IT FOR THESE ARE DIFFICULT TIMES FOR MORTAL LATIN RABBITS.

2) Why does Annika insist on using right justification for her essays?

3) Book 5 essay is due on Friday, April 3rd by 2:00 PM, 2020. This will be the bulk of your work for the next 2 plus weeks and should do much to prepare you for the AP test and our own book 5 test. Email me with questions or ideas. Make sure that you have read book five down to page 70 and then have finished reading book 5 in translation in order that you see how Caesar brings closure to his argument concerning the disastrous events of the winter of 54 BC.

5) We have a TEST (250-300 POINTS) on book V Caesar and book II Aeneid soon after we return to school. Keep reviewing text.

6) Start reading the end of book 5 and all of book 6 in translation. You have a handout of this. Email for a digital copy.

HW/Agenda for Friday, March 20, 2020 & the Week of Pandemic Plague 

(plaga, plagae, f. - a strike, wound) πᾶν = all δῆμος = people


1) 4TH VOCABULARY LIST FOR CAESAR - Quiz on Thursday, March 19. When you have studied the vocabulary list sufficient, download this very sexy vocabulary quiz and complete it the same manner as if you were in class. Send it back to me (pfd or picture or whatever works) before the end of class on Thursday, March 19 by 1:45 PM. SIGN PLEDGE. Deus omnia videt! THERE IS NO VERB GAME ON IT FOR THESE ARE DIFFICULT TIMES FOR MORTAL LATIN RABBITS.

3) Book 5 essay is due on Friday, April 3rd by 2:00 PM, 2020. This will be the bulk of your work for the next 2 plus weeks and should do much to prepare you for the AP test and our own book 5 test. Email me with questions or ideas. Make sure that you have read book five down to page 70 and then have finished reading book 5 in translation in order that you see how Caesar brings closure to his argument concerning the disastrous events of the winter of 54 BC.

4) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday (March 17) : Prepare to finish page 62 and 64 (Book 5). Page 64 is Pullo and Voremus from HBO’s Rome.

b) For Thursday (March 19):  Prepare to finish page 66 and 68 (Book 5).

c) b) For Friday  (March 20)  Finish page 70

5) We have a TEST (250-300 POINTS) on book V Caesar and book II Aeneid soon after we return to school. Keep reviewing text.

6) Start reading the end of book 5 and all of book 6 in translation. You have a handout of this. Email for a digital copy.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 10, 2020 & the Week. 


Complete the practice NLE and self-correct. NLE THIS WEEK.

4TH VOCABULARY LIST FOR CAESAR - Quiz on Tuesday, March 17.

1) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.


a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 54 and 56 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 58 and 60 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

c) b) For Friday:  TBA and Essay is due.

2) Book 4 essay is due on Friday, March 14, 2020.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 3, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.


a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 46 and half 48 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 50 and 52 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

c) b) For Friday:  Prepare to finish page 54 (Book 5)

2) Make revisions to first essay, if needed. Start working on the book 4 essay. Due on Friday, March 7, 2020.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 25, 2020 & the Week. 


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Thursday, February 27.

1) The presentation on Speeches.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 40 and half 42 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 44 and 46 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

c) b) For Friday:  Prepare to finish page 48 (Book 5)

3) Make revisions to first essay, if needed. Start working on the book 4 essay.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, March 3, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 46 and half 48 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 50 and 52 (Book 5). Email if you need this.

c) b) For Friday:  Prepare to finish page 54 (Book 5)

3) Keep working on Book IV Essay. See me to discuss.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Quiz on Tuesday, February 25

1) For Tuesday:

a) Read and prepare pages 38 and 40 of De Bello Gallico.

b) Finish the Questions for the Introduction to Caesar titled, Caesar’s Targets.

2) Presentation on speeches in book one on Tuesday.

3) Podcasts that will appear on the upcoming test.

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

c) Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4) Test (200 points) on Thursday, February 20. Caesar book one Latin sections and all of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 18, 2020 & the Week. 


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Quiz in one week.

1) Three presentations of Tuesday: Army, Enemy, Speeches.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 20 and half 22 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 22 and 24 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

c) b) For FridayTBA. ESSAY IS DUE.

3) Podcasts that will appear on the upcoming test.

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

c) Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4) Test (200 points) on February 20. Caesar book one Latin sections and all of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One in just over a fortnight.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 12, 2020 & the Week. 


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Quiz in one week.

1) Three presentations of Tuesday: Army, Enemy, Speeches.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 20 and half 22 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 22 and 24 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

c) b) For FridayTBA. ESSAY IS DUE.

3) Podcasts that will appear on the upcoming test.

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

c) Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4) Test (200 points) on February 20. Caesar book one Latin sections and all of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One in just over a fortnight.

HW/Agenda for Friday, February 14, 2020


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Quiz on Tuesday, February 25

1) Reading Schedule For Friday: Be able to read page 36 from De Bello Gallico, Book 5 (new handout).

2) Presentation on Speeches in book one on Tuesday.

3) Podcasts that will appear on the upcoming test.

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

c) Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4) Test (200 points) on Thursday, February 20. Caesar book one Latin sections and all of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 12, 2020 & the Week. 


Vocabulary List Three - Caesar, De Bello Gallico. Quiz in one week.

1) For Thursday finish the Questions for the Introduction to Caesar titled, Caesar’s Targets.

2) Finish presentation on speeches in book 1.

3) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

b) For Thursday:  Prepare to finish page 22 and 24 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

c) b) For Friday: Begin book V ESSAY IS DUE or may be emailed before 12:30 PM on Sunday.

3) Podcasts that will appear on the upcoming test.

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

c) Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4) Test (200 points) on February 20. Caesar book one Latin sections and all of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One in just over a fortnight.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, February 4, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Vocabulary Quiz for 2nd Caesar Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 4th.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 16 and page 18 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday:  Book one presentations and comprehension quiz on this book

c) b) For Friday: Prepare to read page 20 (Book 4)

3) Continue to read book one of Caesar’s Gallic Wars in translation. Presentation are due on Thursday, February 6 and quiz on this same day.

4) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Army  and in detail answer the questions in new handout (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these document. Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

5)Two podcasts to provide useful biographical information on Caesar. Take notes:

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

6) Test (200 points) on Caesar book one Latin sections and part of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One in just over a fortnight.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, January 28, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Vocabulary Quiz for 2nd Caesar Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 4th.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to finish page 10 and page 12 (Book 4). Email if you need this.

b) For Thursday: Prepare to read page 14 (Book 4)

3) Continue to read book one of Caesar’s Gallic Wars in translation. Presentation are due on Tuesday, February 4.

4) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Army  and in detail answer the questions in new handout (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these document. Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

5)Two podcasts to provide useful biographical information on Caesar. Take notes:

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

6) Test (200 points) on Caesar book one Latin sections and part of book 4 and Aeneid, Book One in just over a fortnight.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, January 21, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Vocabulary Quiz for 2nd Caesar Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 4th.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Tuesday: Prepare to read pages 6 and 8

b) For Thursday: Prepare to read page 10

3) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Army  and in detail answer the questions in new handout (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these document. Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4)Two podcasts to provide useful biographical information on Caesar. Take notes:

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

HW/Agenda for Thursday, January 23, 2020 & the Week. 


1) Vocabulary Quiz for 2nd Caesar Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 4th.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

b) For Thursday: Prepare to read page 8 and 10

3) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Army  and in detail answer the questions in new handout (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these document. Listen to these two podcasts and take notes on Caesar’s Army and Caesar as a general.

4)Two podcasts to provide useful biographical information on Caesar. Take notes:

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

HW/Agenda for Tuesday, January 14, 2020 & the Week. 


Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, January 21 on core vocabulary for Caesar. The four page pink handout Email if you need this. Most words you should already know.

1) Very short quiz on the content of Book 12 of the Aeneid and finish presentations and read the last few lines in Latin of book 12.

2) Reading Schedule for the week for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. You have a copy in the email, if you need it.

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 2

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 4 and 6

c) For Friday: Prepare to read page 8

3) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Caesar (pages xi-xix) and in detail answer questions 1-18 (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these documents. 

4)Two podcasts to provide useful biographical information on Caesar. Take notes:

a) Julius Caesar;

b) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. Take notes.

Agenda/Homework for the Week of January 6, 2020.

1) For Tuesday be able to read and translate: Aeneid, Book 12.939-952 (the last lines of the epic - Turnus vs. Aeneas.) See new handouts or your Blue Book.

2) For Thursday: All Presentations/Handouts on Book 8 and 12 are due and to be preformed See handout for you group presentation.

3) Friday: Quiz on Aeneid, Book 12 in translation.

4) We begin reading Caesar in the following week. See earlier email.

Agenda/Homework Thursday, December 14, 201

1) For Thursday, Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.868–901 and Aeneid,10.457-478 (Pallas vs. Turnus). See new handouts or your Blue Book

2) For Friday: Book 12.939-952 (the last lines of the epic - Turnus vs. Aeneas. )See new handouts or your Blue Book

2) Quiz on THURSDAY on Aeneid, Book VI in translation pages 131-138 in translation - A LITTLE OF TARTARUS, MOSTLY ELYSIUM Value 60-80 points. This will require detailed and careful reading. You will need to look things and people up. Know who is who in the underworld and where they are. Note how Aeneas confronts people from his past. I have emailed a glossary of names to help. Email if you did not get this.

3) Fat Test (Exāmen Obesissimum) on Vergil, Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6 on Latin and translation on Tuesday, December 17. Value 250-300 points

Agenda/Homework - Week of December 16-20, 2019.

1) For Tuesday: Read book 8 in translation for Tuesday class and prepare for a comprehension quiz on book 8 at the beginning of class. Pallas, Evander, Hercules, Cacus, Venus, Vulcan, Aeneas, Ecphrasis of the Shield, Roman History, Augustus, Agrippa, Following the quiz you will work with your group on the Book 8 and 12 presentation.

2)Thursday: Fat Test on THURSDAY (Exāmen Obesissimum) on Vergil, Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6 on Latin and translation on THRUSDAY, December 19. Value 250-300 points

Agenda/Homework Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Essay is due by 3:30 on Sunday, December 8 by 9:00 AM. Send it to

1) Read/prepare Aeneid, Book 6.847–901 for Tuesday.

2) Quiz on Tuesday on Aeneid, Book VI in translation pages 113-130 in translation. Value 60-80 points. This will require detailed and careful reading. You will need to look things and people up. Know who is who in the underworld and where they are. Note how Aeneas confronts people from his past. I have emailed a glossary of names to help. Email if you did not get this.

3) Fat Test (Exāmen Obesissimum) on Vergil, Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6 on Latin and translation on Tuesday, December 17. Value 250-300 points

Agenda/Homework Thursday, December 4, 2019

Essay is due by 3:30 on Friday, December 6 by 3:30 PM. Email with questions or send essay if you finish early.

1) Review notes from class on Book 5 and 6 of the Aeneid. Finish reading the selections from book 5 in translation and keep reading book 6 in translation. Quiz coming soon.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week- BOTH LATIN & TRANSLATION Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 6.385- 425 and translation pages 113-125

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 6.847-867 and translation pages 126-138

4) Here is the Book VI Vocabulary List. Quiz on Thursday, December 5. With verb game on eo, ire or pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus

5) Fat Test (Exāmen Obesissimum) on Vergil, Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6 Latin and translation on Tuesday, December 17. Value 250-300 points

Agenda/Homework for the Week of December 3, 2019

Essay is due by 3:30 on Friday, December 6 by 3:00 PM. Email with questions or send essay if you finish early.

1) Starting Aeneid, Book VI in translation. I have emailed this and there is hard copy in the classroom. This book will require detailed and precise reading and rereading. What is eschatology? What is a katabasis? What heroes prior to Aeneas have gone down? Where are Cumae and Lake Avernus? What is Elysium? What does it mean to be Ross George?

2) Review the Scene of Dido’s Death and look for ring composition.

3) Reading Schedule for the Week- BOTH LATIN & TRANSLATION Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare: LATIN Aeneid 6.305-332 and 6.384–400 and translation pages 113-125 I have emailed more commentary to you for these sections.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 6.401-425 and 6.847-867 and translation pages 126-138

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 6.868–901

4) Here is the Book VI Vocabulary List. Quiz on Thursday, December 5. With verb game on eo, ire or pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus

5) Fat Test (Exāmen Obesissimum) on Vergil, Aeneid, Books 2, 4, 6 Latin and translation on Tuesday, December 17. Value 250-300 points

Agenda/Homework for the Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019

Here is the Book VI Vocabulary List. Quiz on Tuesday, December 3. With verb game on eo, ire or pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus

1) Tuesday will be an intensive reading day. Be able to read Aeneid 4.690–705 (Dido’s Death) and Aeneid 6.295–332 (Aeneas in the Underworld).

2) It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.

Agenda/Homework for the Week of Nov. 18, 2019

Email with partners or groups of three for upcoming presentations.

Here is the Book VI Vocabulary List. Quiz on Tuesday, December 3. With verb game on eo, ire or pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus

1) Short preparation and review quiz on all book 4 Latin material on Monday. Value 60-100 points.

2) It will be behove you to read over and start learning the IMPERSONAL VERBS from the new impersonal verb handout - 4 pages. Note meaning, syntax, usage. Quiz in future.

3) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 4.340-361. and Aeneid 6.450-76 (Dido in Underworld) Keep reading book 4 in translation.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.659–705 (Dido’s Death). Quiz on Book 4 in translation.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid. TBA

Agenda/Homework for the Week of Nov. 11, 2019

1) Keep reading book four in translation to the end.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help. .

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.300-336.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 4.337-355.

Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon. 

Agenda/Homework for the Week of Nov. 11, 2019

1) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 4. 265-305. Keep reading book 4 in translation.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.305-336.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 4.337-355.

Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, November 7, 2019

1) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.175-218

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 4.259–300

2) Essay is due on November on Wednesday, November 6 by 3:30 PM. and will go on the first quarter. See me outside of class to discuss your ideas about the essay.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 31, 2019

1) Quiz on the content, events, characters, etc. for all of book 2 in translation and book 4, pages 69-73 (end of the page). Give special attention to speeches and similes. Value 50-70 points. Email if you need book 4 in translation.

2) Reading Schedule for the rest of the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.160-95 and read book 4 in translation down to line 160.

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 4.196-218

2) Essay is due on November on Wednesday, November 6 by 3:30 PM. and will go on the first quarter. See me outside of class to discuss your ideas about the essay.

Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 28, 2019

1) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 3.582-620 and finish reading book II in translation.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 4.160-95 and read book 4 in translation down to line 160.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 4.196-218

2) Essay is due on November on Wednesday, November 6 by 3:30 PM. and will go on the first quarter. See me outside of class to discuss your ideas about the essay.

Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 25, 2019

1) Reading Schedule for for Friday: Aeneid 2.559–590. Click here for images of the Ilioupersis.

2) By Monday’s class have finished reading Aeneid, book 2 in translation. Expect a quiz and know events and characters in detail.

3) Essay will be due on November on Wednesday, November 6 by 3:30 PM. and will go on the first quarter. It is good idea to think about the essay as you review for the test.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 22, 2019

1) First quarter test on Tuesday, October 22. Know Vergil’s Latin text intimately. It will have selection from Aeneid, book one and some of two (down to almost to the end of Aeneas’ Dream of Hector -stop at line 286). The will be questions on book one in translation and some on book two in translation from first thirds of the book - Sinon, equus, Priam, Laoccon, etc. Also know the biography/vita of Vergil, Eclogues and Georgics, the structure and content of the Aeneid and literary antecedents/influence of the Aeneid. William’s introduction to Vergil and the Aeneid. 200-300 points. Email with questions or needs.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 2.287-297 and 2.559–590 See image below.

b) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 2.590-620. Read book two in translation pages 30-34.

3) Essay will be due on November on Tuesday, November 5 and will go on the first quarter. It is good idea to think about the essay as you review for the test.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First quarter test on Tuesday, October 22. Aeneid book one and some of two - both Latin and in translation. Also introduction to Vergil and the Aeneid. 200-300 points.

1) Watch this video on Adjective that describe part of a noun.

1.5) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz on Tuesday, October 15.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 2.211-250 (Laocoon). See image below.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 2.268-297 (Aeneas’ dream of Hector) Read book two in translation pages 30-34.

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 11, 2019

1) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 2.201-240 (LAOCOON EPISODE) and read book two in translation pages 25-30. Email if you need this. Be able to discuss characters and plot in class. I WILL ASK INDIVIDUAL TO DISCUSS THE CHARACTERS AND THE PLOT.


3) Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz on Monday, October 14.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 9, 2019

1) Complete the sight test. You may look up three words on logeion but must write the dictionary of each word below the provided vocabulary. Sign pledge.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 2.40–56 and 2.201-231. Read book two in translation pages 25-30. Email if you need this. Be able to discuss characters and plot in class.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 2.231-250.

3) Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz on Friday, October 11.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 7, 2019

1) Finish reading book one in translation to the end. QUIZ on content of all of book one - Alpha to Omega, ab ovo usque ad mala, from proem to party on Tuesday.

1.5) Watch this video on Adjective that describe part of a noun.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.550-578. Enough of Ilioneus. Find commentary/vocabulary here. See Dido and Aeneas picture below.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 2.40–56 and 2.201-231. Read book two in translation pages 25-30.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 2.231-250.

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz on Wednesday, October 9.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, October 4, 2019

1) Keep reading Aeneid, book 1 in translation to the end. Know content in detail. We will have one quiz when the book is finished.

2) Reading Schedule for Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.539-568. The building of Carthage.

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz in 4 days approximately.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, October 3, 2019

1) Keep reading Aeneid, book 1 in translation to the end. Know content in detail. We will have one quiz when the book is finished.

1.5) Watch this video on Adjective that describe part of a noun.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.509-560.. Aeneas’ speech to his men.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.561-578. The building of Carthage.

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz in 6 days approximately.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, October 1, 2019

1) Quiz on Aeneid, book 1 in translation, pages 9-17 . Know content in detail. Do not neglect the jupiter speech and the ecphrasis.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

a) For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.430-40 and 1.494-522.

b) For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.523-560.. Aeneas’ speech to his men.

c) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.561-578. The building of Carthage.

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 27, 2019

1) Read Aeneid book 1 in translation from Aeneas speech to the building of Carthage. Pages 6-15 in your translation. You have this from last year and it is also in the folder of Vergil things on Schooooolooogy. Know in detail and be able to discuss in class.

2) For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.418-440. The building of Carthage and APES - Bees

3) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

Keep a place in your notebook for intertextual readings. Review Homeric similes handout Read the two selection on descriptions of harbor from the Odyssey

1) Watch this video on Latin’s Supine (verbal noun). Take notes.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

-For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.157-191. Before you begin. Read descriptions of harbors from the Odyssey. These lines come the ecphrasis of Dido’s Harbour, the landing on the shore of Carthage and Aeneas hunting stages.

-For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1. 192-209. Aeneas’ speech to his men.

-For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.418-440. The building of Carthage.

3) Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

4) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list: Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I (middle section). Quiz in 10 days approximately. 

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 19, 2019

1) REVIEW TEXT read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

1.5) Complete and turn the scansion beaver assignment.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

-For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.113-141

-For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.142-161

4) Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

3) NEW VOCABULARY LIST: Here is the first list vocabulary list for Aeneid, Book One. CLICK HERE Be able to decline tālis longa nāvis or tāle grave saxum as part of this quiz. Quiz on Friday, September 20.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 17, 2019

1) Review text read and notes from class. Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

2) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

-For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.81-112. Where is Aeneas at beginning of book one? See map below?

-For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.113-141

-For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.142-161

4) Bring questions from William’s Introduction (handout). They should all be finished Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. We will detail with literary antecedents to Aeneid on Tuesday.

3) NEW VOCABULARY LIST: Here is the first list vocabulary list for Aeneid, Book One. CLICK HERE Quiz on Friday, September 20.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, September 13, 2019

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.


Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

1) Reading Schedule: For FRIDAY read/prepare Aeneid 1.70-112

2) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout) and complete all remaining answers for Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3)NEW VOCABULARY LIST: Here is the first list vocabulary list for Aeneid, Book One. CLICK HERE Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 12, 2019

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

Expect a preparation (what was assigned for class) and review (what we have read together already in class) quiz soon.

1) Reading Schedule:

For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.45-86.

For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.87-112

2) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout) and complete all remaining answers for Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3)NEW VOCABULARY LIST: Here is the first list vocabulary list for Aeneid, Book One. CLICK HERE Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Review text read and notes from class.

1.5) Reading Schedule for the Week. Try to keep ahead of this. I am available at lunch for help.

For Tuesday read/prepare Aeneid 1.33-56. Where is Aeneas at beginning of book one? See map below?

For Thursday read/prepare Aeneid 1.57-86.

For Friday read/prepare Aeneid 1.87-112

2) Finish reading William’s Introduction (handout) and complete all remaining answers for Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 10th of the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Ross know? EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS LIST OR CLICK HERE Quiz

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, September 5, 2019

Download: Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil for reference.

A useful resource: Vergil’s Aeneid at Dickinson College Commentaries.

1) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.8-49 (lines 8 to 49 of book one) We will read through the rest of the proem quite quickly so be especially well prepared for lines 34-49. Remember theAeneid begins in medias res as any good epic should.

2) Begin reading William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Thursday, and finish all questions for next Tuesday. Be able to answer orally in class. Detail is important. The questions about the Aeneas Legend, literary influences both Greek and Roman on Vergil, and the structure and themes of the Aeneid are the most important.

3) Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, September 10th of the list of core vocabulary for the Aeneid handed out in class. Most of these you are already well known by most of you. How many does Ross know?

Agenda/Homework for Week of May 13-17, 2019

Set aside time each day to review some text of Caesar and Vergil for the AP exam. See me for help at lunch.

1) Monday, May 13:

Be reading De Bello Gallico, Book VII in translation.

Finish presentations and review text. Email me if you have questions about your topic

2) Wednesday, May 15:

Quiz on Aeneid, Books 8 and 12 and De Bello Gallico, Book 7in translation.

Finish presentations and review text.

Set aside time each day to review some text of Caesar and Vergil for the AP exam. See me for help at lunch.

Book 4/6 Essay is due to me before Thursday, May 9 at 3:00 PM. Value 200 points.

1) Monday, May 6:

a) Be reading Aeneid books 8 and 12 (they are on the AP syllabus) in translation.

b) Correct and turn in the 50 multiple choice partice test and complete the free response question handout on Friday. Email if you need this.

C) Presentations on Book 8 and 12. If you have not received an email from with topic and date for presentation. EMAIL ME.

2) Wednesday, May 8:

a) Be reading Aeneid books 8 and 12 (they are on the AP syllabus) in translation.

b) Presentations on Book 8 and 12. If you have not received an email from with topic and date for presentation. EMAIL ME.

3) Friday, May 10:

a) Presentations on Book 8 and 12. If you have not received an email from with topic and date for presentation. EMAIL ME.

b) Quiz on the content of book 8 and 12 in translation.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, May 3, 2019

1) Read and prepare 6.6.870–899 (the end). The is the last of the Latin on the AP syllabus.

2) Complete and bring the multiple choice practice AP Test.

Agenda/Homework for Wednesday and Friday. May 1 and May 3, 2019

Divide yourself into groups of three and email me with partners for presentation on Book 8 of the Aeneid in translation on Wednesday, May 8.


4th Quarter test on Wednesday, May 1. 200-300 points. It will cover Aeneid, Books 4 and 6 (Latin sections and translation) and Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Books 1 and 4 (Latin sections only).


1) Read and prepare 6.6.870–899 (the end) The is the last of the Latin on the AP syllabus.

2) Dido/Aeneas Speech essay will be due on Friday, May 3rd. This date will not move. Email if you need the prompt.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, April 26

a) Read and prepare 6.405–425 and 6.6.847–867

b) Quiz on book 6 in translation in Monday. There is a lot of detail to get straight in this book.

Upcoming Things:

-COMPLETE take home quiz on book four in translation. Use you text to support your and answers and quote from it. Here is the quiz. Turn this in before Thursday at 3:30 PM

-Divide yourself into groups of three and email me with partners for presentation on Book 8 of the Aeneid in translation on Wednesday, May 8.

-Dido/Aeneas Speech essay will be due on Friday, May 3rd. This date will not move. Email if you need the prompt.

-4th Quarter test on Wednesday, April 31. 200-300 points. It will cover Aeneid, Books 4 and 6 (Latin sections and translation) and Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Books 1 and 4 (Latin sections only).

Agenda/Homework for Week of April 22, 2019 and the Week

Upcoming Things:

-COMPLETE take home quiz on book four in translation. Use you text to support your and answers and quote from it. Here is the quiz. Turn this in before Thursday at 3:30 PM

-Divide yourself into groups of three and email me with partners for presentation on Book 8 of the Aeneid in translation on Monday, May 6.

-Dido/Aeneas Speech essay will be due on Friday, April 3rd. This date will not move. Email if you need the prompt.

-4th Quarter test on Wednesday, April 31. It will cover Aeneid, Books 4 and 6 (Latin sections and translation) and Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Books 1 and 4 (Latin sections only).


1) Wednesday, April 24:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid. 6.300–332 and 6.384–425

b) Starting reading book VI carrels and know detail. This is a very complex book that rewards careful reading. You will need to look up some things and people on logeion.

2) Friday, April 26

a) Read and prepare 6.6.847–867

b) Quiz in class on Friday April 26: Know in detail.

Agenda/Homework for Week of April 15, 2019 and the Week

Essay is due by 3:30 PM on Tuesday, April 16

1) Monday, April 15:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.659-705 and Aeneid 6.450–76 (Aeneas speech to Dido in the underworld).

b) Finish reading book 4 in translation.

2) Wednesday, April 17:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid,6.295–332 and 6.384–425

b) Continue reading book four in translation. Know in detail.

3) Friday, April 19:

a) Quiz on book 4 in translation

Agenda/Homework for Week of April 8, 2019 and the Week

1) Monday, April 8:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.305-346

b) Continue reading book four in translation. Know in detail.

2) Wednesday, April 10:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.347-360 and 4.659-705

b) Continue reading book four in translation. Know in detail.

3) Friday, April 12:

a) Essay on books one and two is due. See me to discuss ideas or email.

Agenda/Homework for Week of March 25, 2019 and the Week

1) Monday, March 25:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.268-330. Poor Dido. Infelix Dido.

b) Have read for Monday the first 300 lines of the Book 4 in translation.

2) Wednesday, March 27: 3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 27 (value 300) points. Aeneid, books 1 and 2 and beginning of 4 in Latin and books 1 and 2 in translation and introduction and life and times of Publius Vergilius Maro. Know the outline and structure of the 12 books of the Aeneid. See William’s introduction for this. Know also Aeneas Legend, Homeric Intertexts -Iliad and Odyssey. Know literary antecedent for Vergil, such as Ennius, Callimachus, Apollonius Rhodius, Catullus 64, Lucretus - again see William’s introduction. Email or see me with questions.

3) Friday, March 29: TBA

Agenda/Homework for Week of March 18, 2019 and the Week

Unannounced Aeneid Preparation and review quiz coming soon (value 100 points) and 3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 27 (value 300) points. Aeneid, books 1 and 2 and beginning of 4 in Latin and books 1 and 2 in translation and introduction and life and times of Publius Vergilius Maro.

1) Monday, March 18:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.165-205

b) Read the first 200 lines of the Book 4 in translation.

c) Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Monday, March 18.

2) Wednesday, March 20: Read and prepare Aeneid, 4.206-219 and 4. 259-285

3) Friday, March 22: Aeneid, 4.285-308.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, March 15.

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Unannounced Aeneid Preparation and review quiz coming soon (value 100 points) and 3rd quarter test on Monday, March 25 (value 300) points.

3) For Friday:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 4. 160-183. Dido and Aeneas post cave.

b) Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Monday, March 18.

Agenda/Homework for Wednesday and Friday, March 13/14.

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Unannounced Aeneid Preparation and review quiz coming soon (value 100 points) and 3rd quarter test on Monday, March 25 (value 300) points.

1) Wednesday, March 13: Read and prepare Aeneid, 2.590-620.

2) Turn in take home quiz on book 2. Sign the pledge.

3) For Friday: a) Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Friday, March 15. b) Friday, March 14: a) Begin book 4 - Dido goes down and Carthage.

4) Complete, self-correct and bring the practice NLE handed out Friday. Click here for another practice test. The key is on the last two pages. Some do III-IV PROSE others V-VI test. You may wish to watch this video to review the outline of Roman History.

Agenda/Homework for Week of March 11, 2019 and the Week

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Unannounced Aeneid Preparation and review quiz coming soon (value 100 points) and 3rd quarter test on Monday, March 25 (value 300) points.

Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Wednesday, March 13.

Complete, self-correct and bring the practice NLE handed out Friday. Click here for another practice test. The key is on the last two pages. Some do III-IV PROSE others V-VI test. You may wish to watch this video to review the outline of Roman History.

Complete, self-correct and bring the practice National Latin Exam.

1) Monday, March 11:

Finish Hector/Dream section and read and prepare Aeneid, 2.559-590 and Quiz on Book II in translation (all of it). Value 50-80 points.

 2) Wednesday, March 13: Read and prepare Aeneid, 2.590-620.

3) Friday, March 14: a) Begin book 4 - Dido goes down and Carthage.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of March 4, 2019 and the Week

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Monday, March 11.

1) Monday, March 4: a) Read and prepare the last few lines of the sight test from Friday and Aeneid, Book 2.40–56 & Book 2.201–249; b) Start reading book II in translation

 2) Wednesday, March 6: a) Read and prepare Aeneid . 2.268–297; b) Keep reading book II in translation

3) Friday, March 7: a) Read and prepare Aeneid, 2.559-581. b) Quiz on Book II in translation.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of February 25, 2019 and the Week

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Unannounced Aeneid Preparation and review quiz coming soon (value 100 points) and 3rd quarter test on Wednesday, March 27 (value 300) points.

Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Friday, March 1.

Wednesday, February 27:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.542-578

b) Finish reading book one in translation and be able to discuss.

Friday, March 1, 2019.

Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz on Friday, March 1. Finish reading book one in translation. Expect a Janus (double-sided quiz) with vocabulary on front and comprehension quiz for 2nd half of book one on the back.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of February 18, 2019 and the Week

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Aeneid Preparation and review quiz. Monkey.

Here is the new vocabulary list for Vergil. Quiz in 7-8 days.

1) Monday, March 4: Read and prepare Aeneid 2.78-117

 2) Wednesday, March 6:

a) Read and prepare 1.184-209 and Book 1.418–440

b) Read Aeneid in translation (you have pdf of this - email if you need it) book one pages 3-18 or at least the parts that we have not read in Latin. Short quiz on content. Know speeches especial and the foundation legend of Carthage.

3) Friday, March 7: Read and prepare Aeneid,  1.494–538.

Continue reading the Aeneid in translation book one pages 19-24. Know events, content, speeches, characters in detail.

Listen to these podcasts on Vergil and Augustus over the next few days. Mary Caroline should listen to these while running very fast.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on VirgilComplete, self-correct and bring the practice NLE handed out Friday. Click here for another practice test. The key is on the last two pages. Do III-IV PROSE You may wish to watch this video to review the outline of Roman History.

neptune mosaic ostia .jpg

Agenda/Homework for Week of February 4, 2019

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

First Vergil Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, February 8. The four page handout. Email if you need this.

Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz soon.

1) Monday, February 4th:

b) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.78-117 Be able to read from the text itself without using a translation. Most of you read this last year but it is important that you read the Latin and know it well. Bring and be able to answer/discuss all questions for the introduction. Know SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID in detail.

c) Read in translation the handout with selections from the Odyssey and Iliad in English, labeled 1, 2, 3. Be able to discuss these in class. The discussion on the proem of Iliad and Odyssey was weak.

2)  Wednesday, February 6:  

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.117-147.

b) Keep practicing scansion. Quiz coming next week.

Friday, February, February 8:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.148-168. Storm Scene

Listen to these podcasts on Vergil and Augustus over the next 10 days. Mary Caroline should listen to these while running very fast.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of February 11, 2019 and the Week

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz soon.

1) Monday, February 11th:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.101-150 Be able to read from the text itself without using a translation. Most of you read this last year but it is important that you read the Latin and know it well. Bring and be able to answer/discuss all questions for the introduction. Know SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID in detail.

2)  Wednesday, February 13TH:  

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.151-183.

3) Friday, February, February 15TH:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.184-209.

WILL BE ON NEXT TEXT: Listen to these podcasts on Vergil and Augustus over the next few days. Mary Caroline should listen to these while running very fast.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of February 4, 2019

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

First Vergil Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, February 8. The four page handout. Email if you need this.

Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz soon.

1) Monday, February 4th:

b) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.78-117 Be able to read from the text itself without using a translation. Most of you read this last year but it is important that you read the Latin and know it well. Bring and be able to answer/discuss all questions for the introduction. Know SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID in detail.

c) Read in translation the handout with selections from the Odyssey and Iliad in English, labeled 1, 2, 3. Be able to discuss these in class. The discussion on the proem of Iliad and Odyssey was weak.

2)  Wednesday, February 6:  

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.117-147.

b) Keep practicing scansion. Quiz coming next week.

Friday, February, February 8:

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.148-168. Storm Scene

Listen to these podcasts on Vergil and Augustus over the next 10 days. Mary Caroline should listen to these while running very fast.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of January 28, 2019

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

First Vergil Vocabulary Quiz on Monday, February 5. The four page handout. Email if you need this.

Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

1) Monday:

a) Quiz/Short test on Monday, Jan. 28 on De Bello Gallico Latin sections on Ethnography and all of book 6 in translation. Turn in chart/grid on Custom/mores of the Galli, Romani, Germani. Use Latin terms where possible. Useful resource is commentary for Book 6 here. Also here is all of book 6 in Latin. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

b) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.33-54 (the proem). Be able to read from the text itself without using a translation. Most of you read this last year but it is important that you read the Latin and know it well. Bring and be able to answer/discuss all questions for the introduction. Know SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID in detail.

c) Read in translation and be able to discuss the Proem of the Iliad and Odyssey (handout). Be able to compare with the proem of the Aeneid.

2)  Wednesday, Jan. 30.  

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.55-91.

b) Keep practicing scansion. Quiz coming next week.

Friday, February 2

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.91-112. Storm Scene

Listen to these podcasts on Vergil and Augustus over the next 10 days. Mary Caroline should listen to these while running very fast.

The Aeneid (BBC)

The Augustan Age (BBC)

Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

Agenda/Homework for Week of January 21, 2019

Bring $ 5.00 for the NATIONAL LATIN EXAM

Quiz/Short test on Monday, Jan. 28 on De Bello Gallico Latin sections on Ethnography and all of book 6 in translation.

Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

1)  Wednesday, Jan. 23:  

a) Read and prepare Aeneid 1.1-33 (the proem). Be able to read from the text itself without using a translation. Most of you read this last year but it is important that you read the Latin and know it well.

b) Scan lines 1-10 of the proem. Michael and Spencer should come at lunch to learn how this is done. Click here for the dirt on scansion and metrics.

c) Read William’s Introduction (handout) and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 5, 6 (yes there are two fives and two sixes). You will need to read down page xvi - stop at SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID.

2)  Friday, Jan 25:

a) Vergil, Aeneid 1.34-54.

b) Finish reading the introduction and complete all the remaining questions. Begin at SYNOPSIS OF THE AENEID.

c) Turn in table/chart on the customs/ethnography of Gauls/Romans/Germans. Value 50-70 points. The links and commentary on this may be helpful. Use a many Latin terms as you can. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

vergil mosaic tunis aeneid .jpg

Agenda/Homework for Week of January 14, 2019

1) Reading and Schedule for the Week (Caesar Ethnography of Gaul):

a)  Monday

  1. Read and prepare: Finish 30, all of page 34 and 1/2 of page 34.

  2. Work on the chart of comparison of Roman, Gallic, and Germanic cultures. It will be due in few days. Email if you need this. Answer in point form with as much Latin as possible.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare: finish page 34 (last of Caesar’s Latin) and read sections 29-44(page 133-141) of De Bello Gallico in translation. Expect a quiz on content.

c)  Friday: Vergil, Aeneid, lines 1-33. You should have this from the summer assignment.

2) Essay is due on Tuesday, January 15th by 3:30 PM. Email with questions. Agenda/Homework for Week of January 14, 2019

1) Reading and Schedule for the Week (Caesar Ethnography of Gaul):

a)  Monday

  1. Read and prepare: Finish 30, all of page 34 and 1/2 of page 34.

  2. Work on the chart of comparison of Roman, Gallic, and Germanic cultures. It will be due in few days. Email if you need this. Answer in point form with as much Latin as possible.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare: finish page 34 (last of Caesar’s Latin) and read sections 29-44(page 133-141) of De Bello Gallico in translation. Expect a quiz on content.

c)  Friday: Vergil, Aeneid, lines 1-33. You should have this from the summer assignment.

2) Essay is due on Tuesday, January 15th by 3:30 PM. Email with questions.

Agenda/Homework for Week of January 7, 2019

1) Reading and Schedule for the Week (Caesar Ethnography of Gaul):

a)  Monday

  1. Read and prepare: Pages 26 and 28

  2. Read in translation end of book five and first part of book 6 (pages 113-133). Then complete and turn in the take home quiz. You may use the translation to complete this. Detailed answers are desired. 50-70 points.

  3. Complete and bring sight test. Do parsing and figures of speech.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare: Page 30 and 32

c)  Friday: Read and prepare: Page 34 (our last page of Caesar) 

2) Essay is due on Friday

HW/Agenda for Friday, January 4, 2019

1) Be prepared to finish reading book V, section 58 on page 70 and section 13 on page 26 (new book VI handout.

2) Start reading book 6 in translation. Take notes as you read.

3) Book V Essay is due on Monday, January 7.

HW/Agenda for Monday, December 17, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the 6th vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, December 19.

Second Quarter Test (all of Liber V of De Bello Gallico) will be on Monday, December 17th. Value approx. 300 points. It will behoove you to read and study book 5 to the very END of section 48. Review the outline of De Bello Gallico as a whole and know the dates of each book and what happens in each of the 7 books.

I recommend that you read book 6 in translation over the break.

We will start Latin book 6 section on Thursday after the break.

HW/Agenda for Monday, December 10, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the 6th vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, December 19.

TEST DATE WILL NOT MOVE: Second Quarter Test (all of Liber V of De Bello Gallico) will be on Monday, December 17th. Value approx. 300 points. Keep reviewing. Review the outline of De Bello Gallico as a whole and know the dates of each book and what happens in each of the 7 books.

1) Reading Schedule for the week:

a) Monday: a) Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.44, 45, 46 on page 64-66. b) Read Hammond’s Introduction and answer the questions for Caesar the Writer. Email if you need this. I think that it is pink, at least most of them.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.47-8 page 68 and 70.

c) Friday: TBA

3) Second Quarter Test (all of Liber V of De Bello Gallico) will be on Monday, December 17th. Value approx. 300 points. Keep reviewing.

HW/Agenda for Monday, December 3, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the 6th vocabulary list. Quiz on Wednesday, December 19.

1) Reading Schedule for the week:

Expect a preparation and review quiz this week. Two short chunks of Latin from Book V.

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.41-43 on page 58 and 60.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.43-44 page 62 and 64

c) Friday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.41 on page 66

2) If you were at the VJ Convention, arrange to take Ambiorix’ Speech review quiz and turn in outline of Ambiorix Speech essay. Email if you need this.

3) Second Quarter Test (all of Liber V of De Bello Gallico) will be on Monday, December 17th. Value approx. 300 points. Keep reviewing.

Seige of a roman camp castra.jpg
Roman Castra camp seize valum px-Muséoparc_d'Alésia_fortifications.jpg

HW/Agenda for Monday, November 26, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the 5th vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 28.

1) Reading Schedule for the week:

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.35-37, page 52 and 54.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.38-40 page 54 and 56

c) Friday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.41 on page 58 and 60.

2) If you were at the VJ Convention, arrange to take Ambiorix’ Speech review quiz and turn in outline of Ambiorix Speech essay. Email if you need this.

3) Second Quarter Test (mainly book V of De Bello Gallico) will be on Monday, December 17th. Value approx. 300 points. Keep reviewing.

HW/Agenda for Monday, November 19, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the 5th vocabulary list. Quiz on Friday, November 28.

1) Review quiz on Ambiorix speech on pages 40 and 42. Translation, parsing, figures of speech. Those at Latin Convention should arrange to make it up asap.

2) Group work on Ambiorix’s speech.

3) See below for reading schedule following the Thanks Giving Break. Review and get ahead over the break. Book 5 and 6 (2nd quarter Test) on Monday, December 17 (250-300 points).

HW/Agenda for Monday, November 26, 2018 & the Week.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, November .

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.35-37, page 52 and 54.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.38-40 page 54 and 56

c) Friday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.41 on page 58 and 60.

HW/Agenda for Monday, November 12, 2018 & the Week.

Expect a preparation and review quiz for book V this week, probably on Monday.

We will read at a faster pace this week. Keep reviewing and see me at lunch for help.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, November .

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.32-34, page 48 and 50. We also have to finish a little of 5.31 on page 46.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.35-6, page 50 and 52

c) Friday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.37, page 54

HW/Agenda for Monday, November 5, 2018 & the Week.

Expect a preparation and review quiz for book V this week.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 22.

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.29-31, page 44 and 46.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.32-4, page 48 and 50

2) Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday, November 7. Here is a 4th vocabulary list for Caesar.

3) Book 4 Essay is due on Friday, November 9 before 3:30 PM. Hard copy in my paw.

HW/Agenda for Friday, November, 2018 & the Week.

1) For Friday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.28 and 29, page 42-44

2) Start working on the essay for Book IV - Caesar’s first Expedition to Britannia. Here is the prompt. See me to discuss and organize your essay. Build this essay from careful textual analysis of Caesar’s Latin. Essay is due Monday, November 5. 250-300 points.

3) Here is a 4th vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz in 10 days.

HW/Agenda for Monday, October 29, 2018 & the Week.

Some of you will wish to retake the verb game from last vocabulary. Must be done on or before Friday, Oct. 26.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 29:

a) Monday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.27, page 40-42. This a crucial section. Note the oratio obliqua TOM, JERRY and SPENCER will recap/finish there wonderful presentation on speeches in Caesar on this day. We will also go over test.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.28 and 29, page 42-44

c) Friday: TBA

2) Start working on the essay for Book IV - Caesar’s first Expedition to Britannia. Here is the prompt. See me to discuss and organize your essay. Build this essay from careful textual analysis of Caesar’s Latin. Essay is due Friday, November 2. 250-300 points.

3) Here is a 4th vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz in 10 days.

Michael and Spencer.jpg

HW/Agenda for Monday, October 22, 2018 & the Week.

Some of you will wish to retake the verb game from last vocabulary. Must be done on or before Friday, Oct. 26.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 22.

a) Monday: First quarter TEST on Monday, October 22 . Study: a) book one and four Latin; b) all background information, podcasts, questions, etc; c) Book one translation. 300 points.

b) Wednesday: Read and prepare to translate/discuss Book 5.24-25, page 36 and Book 5.26, page 38. All is in new Book V handout. Email if you need this.

c) Friday: Book 5.26, page 38-40.

2) Start working on the essay for Book IV - Caesar’s first Expedition to Britannia. Here is the prompt. See me to discuss and organize your essay. Build this essay from careful textual analysis of Caesar’s Latin. Essay is due Friday, November 2. 250-300 points.

HW/Agenda for Monday, October 15, 2018 & the Week.

Here is the third vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz on Friday, OCTOBER. 19.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 15.

a) For Monday: Prepare to review page 22 and finish all of page 24 (end of the book 4 for the AP syllabus in Latin)

b) For Wednesday: Seminar/Quiz/Presentation on Wednesday, October 17 on Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation. See me this week to discuss your topic.  Total value 100-120 points - seminar, comprehension quiz and presentation. c) For Friday: Prepare to read TBA

c) For Friday: Here is the third vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz on Friday, OCTOBER. 19

2) Start working on the essay for Book IV - Caesar’s first Expedition to Britannia. Here is the prompt. See me to discuss and organize your essay. Build this essay from careful textual analysis of Caesar’s Latin.

3) First quarter TEST on Monday, October 22 . Study: a) book one and four Latin; b) all background information, podcasts, questions, etc; c) Book one translation. 300 points.

HW/Agenda for Monday, October 8, 2018 & the Week.

Here are forms for Latin Convention. Last call.

Here is the third vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz on Friday, Oct. 12.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 8.

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 22 and expect preparation/review on book 4 (what we have read thus far - one or two short selections to trans. parse, analysis, discuss)

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 24

c) For Friday: Prepare to read TBA

2) Seminar/Quiz/Presentation on Monday, October 15 on Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation. See me this week to discuss your topic.  Total value 100-120 points - seminar, comprehension quiz and presentation.

4) First quarter TEST on Monday, October 22 . Study: a) book one and four Latin; b) all background information, podcasts, questions, etc; c) Book one translation. 300 points.

HW/Agenda for Monday, October 1, 2018 & the Week.

Here are forms for Latin Convention. They are due this week. 

Here is the third vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz on Friday, Oct. 12.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of Monday, October 1. We will pick up the speed of reading this week.  Keep reading, keeping reviewing, and the gods will love you. 

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 18 & 1/2 of 20 & complete (pink handout) questions for Caesar’s Targets

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 20, (2nd 1/2) and 22 & Book One essay is due (200 points). Late papers receive a zero.

c) For Friday: Prepare to read page 24

2) Expect an unannounced quiz on what we have read or what you have prepared for class fairly soon

3) Keep reading Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation. Take notes. Seminar, presentations and  quiz on Book One content in translation in a fortnight.  Book one in translation is part of the AP Syllabus.    Total value 100-120 points - seminar, comprehension quiz and presentation.

4) First quarter test will occur in approx. two week. Study: a) book one and four Latin; b) all background information, podcasts, questions, etc; c) Book one translation.

HW/Agenda for Monday, September 24, 2018 & the Week. 

We will pick up speed of reading this week. Keep reviewing, working on essay and reading book 1 in translation.

1) Reading Schedule for the week of September 24-29 We will pick up the speed of reading this week.  Keep reading, keeping reviewing, and the gods will love you. 

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 12 and 14

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 16

c) For Friday: Prepare to read page 18

2) Here is the list for a quiz on Geography.   Use your blank maps to locate people, places and geographical features.  Quiz on Monday, Sept. 24. There are several maps including blank ones to download on the page link above.

3) Expect an unannounced quiz on what we have read or what you have prepared for class fairly soon

4) KEEP reading Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation. Take notes. Seminar, presentations and  quiz on Book One content in translation in a fortnight. EMAIL ME WITH YOUR PARTNER(S) FOR THE PRESENTATION.  Book one in translation is part of the AP Syllabus.    Total value 100-120 points.

HW/Agenda for Monday, September 17, 2018 & the Week. 

1) Reading Schedule for the week of September 17-22. We will pick up the speed of reading this week.  Keep reading, keeping reviewing, and the gods will love you. 

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 8 and 10

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 12 (note that this is now book 4 - Caesar first expedition to Britannia).  

c) For Friday: Prepare to read page 14 (2/3 of it.)  

2) Due Monday, Sept. 17: Read the section in Hammond’s Introduction entitled Caesar’s Army and complete questions for this section. Be able to answer orally in class. Latin terms are important.

3) Listen to these two podcast on the Roman Army and take detailed notes. Organize notes into a clever and intelligible format and turn into me on Wednesday, Sept. 19. Value 50-60 points.

Two Podcasts on Caesar’s Strategy and Army

4) Here is the second vocabulary list for Caesar.  Quiz on Friday, September 21

5) Here is the list for a quiz on Geography.   Use your blank maps to locate people, places and geographical features.  Quiz on Monday, Sept. 24. There are several maps including blank ones to download on the page link above.

6) Expect an unannounced quiz on what we have read or what you have prepared for class fairly soon

7) KEEP reading Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation. Take notes. Seminar, presentations and  quiz on Book One content in translation in a fortnight. EMAIL ME WITH YOUR PARTNER(S) FOR THE PRESENTATION.  Book one in translation is part of the AP Syllabus.    Total value 100-120 points.

HW/Agenda for Monday, September 10, 2018 & the Week. 

1) Reading Schedule for the week of September 10-15. We will pick up the speed of reading this week.  Keep reading, keeping reviewing, and the gods will love you. 

a) For Monday: Prepare to read pages 4 and 6 

b) For Wednesday: Prepare to read page 8

c) For Friday: Prepare to read page 10

2) Here is the list for a quiz on Geography.   Use your blank maps to locate people, places and geographical features.  Quiz in one week. 

3) Expect an unannounced quiz on what we have read or what you have prepared for class fairly soon. 

4) Here is the second vocabulary list for Caesar.  Quiz on Wednesday, September 19.

5) Begin reading Book I of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on content in a fortnight.  Book one in translation is part of the AP Syllabus.    

Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 5, 2018 and the Week. 

A.  For Wednesday, Sept. 5:

1) Read, prepare and write out a translation for Caesar, Be Bello Gallico 1.1.1-7 (page 2 -lines 1-20- of College Caesar).  EMAIL IF YOU NEED THIS.  Be able to read orally/translate in class from the Latin Text itself.  You will not be permitted to refer to your English translation in class.   The first section of DBG is essentially a lesson in Gallic geography.  Use/download the map below to find places and regions as you read.  When you finish reading watch the video under Media on this page:    Begin learning the geography of Gaul and adjacent areas.   See links sidebar for a geographical list and blank maps. 

2) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Caesar (pages xi-xix) and in detail answer questions 1-18 (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these documents. 

3) You may wish to listen to this BBC program for biographical information on Caesar. 

B. For Friday, Sept. 7:

1) Here is the list for the first vocabulary quiz on Friday, September 7.     Do not learn proper names.  Most of these word you know well, so focus on words that you do not know.  

2)For Friday, Sept. 7 read/prepare 2.1-6 and 3.1-7 of Caesar, Be Bello Gallico (pages 4 and part of 6)

Investigate and play with website in order that you may find useful resources.

Map gaul gallia omnis gallia .jpeg


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Wednesday, May 30, 2018

1) Read/translate  Galatea and Polyphemus to the end.   A translation grade will be assigned for fluency and participation. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Wednesday, May 16, 2018

1) Read/translate the first full page of Galatea and Polyphemus.  A translation grade will be assigned for fluency and participation. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, May 14, 2018 - The Week of Truth

Be reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Friday, May 11

1) Monday: 

a) Devote serious time to review both the Latin of Caesar and Vergil that we have read this year.  I am available to you day or night should you need help or have a questions. Here is the full reading list for the test.         Here is the thing from the College Board.  

b) Complete the entire practice multiple choice test.  All four passages. I will ask to see this complete.  Email if you need this. 

c) Two Presentations on De Bello Gallico 3 presentation of book 7 of De Bello Gallico.   See assignment for schedule.  Katy/Virginia & Claire/Alex

d) Quiz on De Bello Gallico, Liber VII in translation.  

2) Wednesday:

a) TBA

b) Study, Study, Study. 

3) Friday:    

Essay on Book Six Due.  Click here for the Prompt


Homework/Agenda for Friday, May 11, 2018 

 Start reviewing all of Caesar's and Vergil's  Latin on the syllabus.   See me if you have questions or need help with any sections.   I will be available at anytime to help.   My elbow thinks that Laocoon episode, Aeneas' dream of Hector and a selection from book V of De Bello Gallico will be on the AP Exam.  Here is the reading list for the AP Exam. 

Be reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Monday on Friday, May 13.  If you not be in class arrange to take it outside of class. 


a) Complete multiple choice AP practice test - The Pliny the Younger Passage.   

b) Review and be able to discuss the end of the Aeneid.   Should Aeneas have killed Turns?  Be able tomake and support an argument that rises from the Vergil's text. 

c)  3 presentations on book 7 of De Bello Gallico.  See assignment for schedule.  

 1) Geography;  ) Caesar on Caesar in Book VII; 3)Virginia/Katy; 4) Alex/Claire will present on Monday. 

d) Be reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Monday, May 14

Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, May 9, 2018 

 Start reviewing all of Caesar's and Vergil's  Latin on the syllabus.   See me if you have questions or need help with any sections.   I will be available at anytime to help.   My elbow thinks that Laocoon episode, Aeneas' dream of Hector and a selection from book V of De Bello Gallico will be on the AP Exam.  Here is the reading list for the AP Exam. 

Essay on Dido/Aeneas speeches is due at high noon on Tuesday, May 8.  Late paper receive an egg. 

Be reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Friday, May 11

2) Wednesday:

a) Complete multiple choice AP practice test   

b) Review and be able to discuss the end of the Aeneid.   Should Aeneas have killed Turns?  Be able tomake and support an argument that rises from the Vergil's text. 

c)  4 presentations on book 7 of De Bello Gallico.  See assignment for schedule.  

1) overview of final 3rd of book;  2) Geography;  3) Caesar on Caesar in Book VII; 4) One more?

3) Friday:    

a) Final presentation (Virginia/Katy) on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico continued. 

b) Have finished reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Friday, May 11

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, May 7, 2018 

 Start reviewing all of Caesar's and Vergil's  Latin on the syllabus.   See me if you have questions or need help with any sections.   I will be available at anytime to help.   My elbow thinks that Laocoon episode, Aeneas' dream of Hector and a selection from book V of De Bello Gallico will be on the AP Exam.  Here is the reading list for the AP Exam. 

Essay on Dido/Aeneas speeches is due at high noon on Tuesday, May 8.  Late paper receive an egg. 

Be reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Friday, May 11

1) Monday: 

a) Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Monday, May 7. 

b) 3 presentation of book 7 of De Bello Gallico.   See assignment for schedule.  

c) Turn in scansion assignment

2) Wednesday:

a) 3 presentations of book 7 of De Bello Gallico.  See assignment for schedule.  

3) Friday:    

a) Final presentation on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico continued

b) Have finished reading Book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation.   Quiz on Friday, May 11

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 23-30, 2018 

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Monday, May 7.  

Essay on book four is due on Friday, May 4.  200 points.   

1) Monday: 

Test on Aeneid book 6 Latin and books 6, 8, 12 in translation on Monday, April 30.  Value 200-300 points. 

2) Wednesday:

a) Begin presentations on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico     See assignment 

3) Friday:    

presentations on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico continued

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 23-30, 2018 

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Monday, May 7.  

Essay on book four is due on Friday, May 4.  200 points.   

1) Monday: 

Test on Aeneid book 6 Latin and books 6, 8, 12 in translation on Monday, April 30.  Value 200-300 points. 

2) Wednesday:

a) Begin presentations on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico     See assignment 

3) Friday:    

presentations on Book 7 of De Bello Gallico continued

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 23-30, 2018 

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  

Be reading books 8 and 12 of the Aeneid in translation.

Test on Aeneid book 6 Latin and books 6, 8, 12 in translation on Monday, April 30.  Value 200-300 points. 

1) Monday: 

a) Finish book 6 - Latin and English.   Have read Elysium part of book 6 and know the Catalogue of heroes in detail. 

b) Three presentation on book 8.   See assignment.   

2) Wednesday:

a) Three presentation on Book 8.  See assignment.   

b) Quiz on book 8 in translation.    

3) Friday:    

a) Two presentations on Book 12.   

b) Vocabulary quiz.  Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  


Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  

Be reading books 8 and 12 of the Aeneid in translation.

Test on Aeneid book 6 Latin and books 6, 8, 12 in translation on Monday, April 30.  Value 200-300 points. 

1) Monday: 

a) Finish book 6 - Latin and English.   Have read Elysium part of book 6 and know the Catalogue of heroes in detail. 

b) Three presentation on book 8.   See assignment.   

2) Wednesday:

a) Three presentation on Book 8.  See assignment.   

b) Quiz on book 8 in translation.    

3) Friday:    

a) Two presentations on Book 12.   

b) Vocabulary quiz.  Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 23-30, 2018 

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  

Be reading books 8 and 12 of the Aeneid in translation.

Test on Aeneid book 6 Latin and books 6, 8, 12 in translation on Monday, April 30.  Value 200-300 points. 

1) Monday: 

a) Finish book 6 - Latin and English.   Have read Elysium part of book 6 and know the Catalogue of heroes in detail. 

b) Three presentation on book 8.   See assignment.   

2) Wednesday:

a) Three presentation on Book 8.  See assignment.   

b) Quiz on book 8 in translation.    

3) Friday:    

a) Two presentations on Book 12.   

b) Vocabulary quiz.  Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Quiz on Friday, April 27.  

Homework/Agenda Friday, April 20, 2018

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Late next week. 

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  finish 6.867–901

b) Finish reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation.  Know Eylsium section in detail and Catalogue/Parade of Heroes. See new handout on Parade of Future Heroes.    Quiz on 2nd half coming soon

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 16-20, 2018

Continue reading book 6 of the Aeneid in translation.  Quiz on 2nd half coming soon. 

Here is the vocabulary list for our next vocabulary quiz.  Late next week. 

1) Monday: 

Test on Monday, April 16 on Books 2 and 4 of Aeneid - Latin and Translation and one selection from Book 4 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico          250-300 points. 

2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,   6.847–901 and the few lines we have to finish from the Charon/Cerberus episode

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  finish 6.847–901

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 9-14, 2018

Test on Monday, April 16 on Books 2 and 4 of Aeneid - Latin and Translation and one selection from Book 4 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico  


2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  Book 6.384–425 

b) Quiz on sections of Book V and Book VI pages 115-127 in translation. Know who is who, what is what and where it is.  Read for detail for this book is the most doctus of all.  

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  6.847–869 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, April 9-14, 2018

Test on Monday, April 16 on Books 2 and 4 of Aeneid - Latin and Translation and one selection from Book 4 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico  

1) Monday: 

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  6.295-332

b) Read book V in translation (only parts hand out in class) and book six in translation down to 

2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  Book 6.384–425 

b) Quiz on Book VI in translation.

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  6.847–869 

Homework/Agenda for the Week of March 26-30, 2018

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test.   Essay is in my inbox or in my hand before 12:15 PM on Tuesday, March 27. 


a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid, 4.675-705 (Death of Dido) and 6.450-76 (Dido in Underworld).  Be especially well prepared for these crucial selections of Vergil.  

b) Begin reading book 6 in translation - Aeneas' katabasis - journey to the Underworld.   It is a complex book  and a very challenging read.   It is also the  primary literary antecedent of Dante's Inferno


a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid, 6.295-332. 

b) First Book IV Vocabulary List - Quiz on Wednesday, March 28. 

Homework/Agenda Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test.   ESSAY IS DUE MARCH 26. Nos gratias maximas tibi, Mr. Ross, agimus.   Discuss ideas with me because prompt is somewhat amorphous. 

2) Wednesday:

a) Complete the CAV Test for 2016 . Then use the key on the last page to  Self-correct. Sign pledged that you have not used key to do this test. Mark number of correct answer on the first page of this test.  Hand in at the beginning of class. GRADED ASSIGNMENT. 

b) We will do the 2018 - the actual CAV test on Wednesday. 

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  4.685-705 and 6.295-314. 

b) First Book IV Vocabulary List - Quiz on Friday, March 23

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, March 19-24, 2018

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test.   ESSAY IS DUE MARCH 26. Nos gratias maximas tibi, Mr. Ross, agimus.   Discuss ideas with me because prompt is somewhat amorphous.  

Unannounced quiz coming soon.  I wonder when it will be. 

First Book IV Vocabulary List - Quiz on Wednesday, March 21.

Do the practice CAV test and bring to class. 

1) Monday: 

a) Prepare to read Vergil, Vergil, Aeneid,  4.337-360 and 4.659-685

b) Quiz on book IV in translation ab ovo usque ad mala.  Give special attention to all speeches in book IV. 

2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  4.685-705 and 6.295-314. 

b) First Book IV Vocabulary List - Quiz on Wednesday, March 21

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  6.315-332

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, March 12-16, 2018

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test.   ESSAY IS DUE MARCH 19.  Discuss ideas with me because prompt is somewhat amorphous. 

Keep reading Aeneid, Book IV in translation to end. 

Unannounced quiz coming soon.  I wonder when it will be. 

First Book IV Vocabulary List - Quiz on Wednesday, March 21

1) Monday: 

a) Prepare to read Vergil, Vergil, Aeneid,  4.195-218 and 4.259-285

2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  4. 286-336

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,   4.337-361

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, March 5-10, 2018

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test.   ESSAY IS DUE MARCH 16.  Discuss ideas with me because prompt is somewhat amorphous. 

Think of March as Vergil Month.  Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

1) Monday: 

a) Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

b) Prepare to read Vergil, Aeneid,  2.587-620 and Vergil, Aeneid,  4.160-77 (new handout). 

c) Quiz in translation on Vergil, Aeneid, book II, pages 32 to 47 and Book IV, pages 69-73 (emailed to you).   Know especially how Aeneas' acts and reacts to the destruction of his city and how he comes to the decision to flee.   How how Dido is described a the beginning of book 4.  Parallels between books 2 and 4 will be important.  

2) Wednesday:

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  4. 177-218.  

3) Friday:    

a) Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,   4.259-295

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, February 26-March 3,  2018

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

Continue reading book 2 Aeneid in translation during the week.  Know in intimate detail.  Quiz on full book in translate on Monday, March 5.    

Here is the prompt for Aeneid, book 1 & 2 essay. Think about it as you study for the test. 

1) Monday - Test  

First 3rd Quarter test (200-300 points) on Monday, February 26 on: a) Know WILLIAM'S INTRODUCTION, including outline of books and structure of the Aeneid and life of Vergil;   all background and introductory material for Vergil and Aeneid and Homeric and Alexandrian Intertextual material; b) Latin - all of book one Aeneid and book one of De Bello Gallico.  c) Book one in translation of the Aeneid.    The will be one section of Latin from De Bello Gallico book one.  

2) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 2.268–297  and 2.559–587.  Also review Laocoon and the bring of horse into the city walls (moenia). 

ii. Here  is the Beginning of book II Vocabulary List. Quiz on Wednesday, February 28. 

b) Friday:    

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid,  2.587-620

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, February 21-23,  2018

First 3rd Quarter test (200-300 points) on Monday, February 26 on: a) all background and introductory material for Vergil and Aeneid and Homeric and Alexandrian Intertextual material; b) Latin - all of book one Aeneid and book one of De Bello Gallico.  c) Book one in translation of the Aeneid

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

1) Here  is the Beginning of book II Vocabulary List. Quiz on Wednesday, February 28. 

2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week (even Ananya should be well prepared): 

a) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 2.40-56 and 2.201-224

ii. Quiz on Aeneid in translation pages 19-33 (end of book 1 and beginning of book 2).  You should have received the text via email. 

b) Friday:    

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid  2.225-249 and 2.268-297. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, February 12-6, 2018

This will be an epic reading week and we really must stay on schedule.  Be super prepared and keep reviewing.   Unannounced quiz coming soon.  You may ask how soon, but I will not tell you, for I am mad, bad and dangerous to know. 

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

1) Here  is the 2nd Vergil Vocabulary list for a quiz on Monday, February 12th.

2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week (even Ananya should be well prepared): 

a) Monday:  

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.494-538  

b) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.539-578 

c) Friday:    

i. Quiz on 2nd half of book one in translation. Pages 19-25.   

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, February 5-9, 2018

This will be an epic reading week and we really must stay on schedule.  Be super prepared and keep reviewing.   Unannounced quiz coming soon.  You may ask how soon, but I will not tell you, for I am mad, bad and dangerous to know. 

Bring $5.00 for National Latin Exam ASAP.   Click here for the syllabus. 

Here  is the 2nd Vergil Vocabulary list for a quiz on Monday, February 12th.

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week (even Ananya should be well prepared): 

a) Monday:  

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.174-215.  

ii. Bring all completed question for the Introduction to the Aeneid by Williams and bring completed  questions on Aeneas as a character in the Iliad by the reading the attached selections from Homer's Iliad.  Be able to discuss in class. 

b) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.418–440 and 1.494–512  

ii. Comprehension Quiz on first half of book one in translation.  Pages 3-17  of West's translation. Email if you need this. 

c) Friday:    

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.512-32.   

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, January 29 to February 3, 2018

This will be an epic reading week and we really must stay on schedule.  Be super prepared and keep reviewing.   Unannounced quiz coming soon.  You may ask how soon, but I will not tell you, for I am mad, bad and dangerous to know. 

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Monday:  

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.84-123.  

ii. Bring all completed question for the Introduction to the Aeneid by Williams and bring completed  questions on Aeneas as a character in the Iliad by the reading the attached selections from Homer's Iliad.  Be able to discuss in class. 

iii.  Scan lines 12-33 of the 2nd copy of the proem and turn into me. Here is the whole text.   Email if you need this.  Review metrics and scansion and scan lines 1-11 of the Aeneid

b) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.124-158.  Email if you need the new handout. 

c) Friday:    

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.159-195


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, January 22-27, 2018

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Monday:  

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.15-64.  

ii. Complete questions all  for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams. This should be finished already and is crucial material for background and for first test on Vergil. Know in detail. 

iii.  Read the proem of the Iliad, Odyssey, and Argonautica in translation and be able to compare with the proem of the Aeneid.  Be able to cite the text in your discussion. 

b) Wednesday:

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.65-101.  Email if you need the new handout. 

ii. Complete the question on Aeneas as a character in the Iliad by the reading the attached selections from Homer's Iliad.  Be able to discuss in class. 

 iii. Here is the first vocabulary list for Vergil's Aeneid    Quiz on Wednesday, January 24.

c) Friday:    

i. Read/prepare Vergil, Aeneid 1.101-123

ii. Scan lines 12-33 of the 2nd copy of the proem and turn into me. Here is the whole text.   Email if you need this.  Review metrics and scansion and scan lines 1-11 of the Aeneid

Agenda/Homework for the Week of January 15-20


A. For Wednesday, January 17

1) Read and prepare, lines Aeneid, Book I, lines 1-33 (the proem) and Watch this video 

2) Read William's Introduction (all of it) and answer all question.  These questions are crucial and will be on a future test.  Email if you do not have this.  Does Ben of the beautiful calves  have this? 

3) Review timeline from class notes - Caesar to Vergil - 52 BC to 31 BC.   Email if you would like my notes on this. 

B. For Friday, January 19

1) Read and prepare, lines Aeneid, Book I, lines 34-65

2) Here is the first vocabulary list for Vergil's Aeneid    Quiz on Friday, January 19.  

Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, January 10

Test on books V and VI.  Study: 

a) Books 5 and 6 (Latin) 3-4 selections - translate, parse, figure of speech, literary analysis and comprehension questions. b) Introductory questions, especially on Caesar as a writer. c) Book 6 in translation.   Know also the basic content of book five.  

Agenda/HW for Week of January 8-13, 2018

1) Monday, Jan. 8:

Test on books V and VI is moved to Monday, January 8th. Study: 

a) Books 5 and 6 (Latin) 3-4 selections - translate, parse, figure of speech, literary analysis and comprehension questions. b) Introductory questions, especially on Caesar as a writer. c) Book 6 in translation.   Know also the basic content of book five.  

2) For Wednesday, Jan. 10

See email sent over the break with the material needed for work below or email me, if you need anything below. 

Click here for more text, commentary and vocabulary

Download this for reference:  Grammatical Appendix with Metrics and Figures of Speech for Vergil. 

a) Watch this video and Read and prepare, lines Aeneid, Book I, lines 1-11.  Most of you did these lines last year in PreAP. 

b) Read William's Introduction ix-xvi and answer the question for these pages.  Will be on semester exam.  Keep reading and answer question if you wish to get a head. 

3) For Friday: Read and prepare, lines Aeneid, Book I, lines 12-33

4) Over  the next 10 days consume these podcasts on Vergil and his Aeneid.  They contain valuable crucial and essential back information on Vergil and his Epic.  

a) The Aeneid (BBC)

b) The Augustan Age (BBC)

c)  Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

d) BBC In Our Time: The Epic (only first 21 min.

5)  Here is the first vocabulary list for Vergil's Aeneid    Quiz on Wednesday, January 17.   

Agenda for Week of January 2-6, 2018

Recommended podcasts on Vergil and his Aeneid: 

a) The Aeneid (BBC)

b) The Augustan Age (BBC)

c)  Dr. Rhiannon Evans on Virgil

d) BBC In Our Time: The Epic (only first 21 min.)

1)Wednesday, January 3: 

a) Finish reading in class page 34 (Latin) of Caesar's Ethnographical Excursus.  

b) Finish reading Book 6 in translation.  Expect a short comprehension quiz and be able to discuss its content in class.  Begin reading immediately follow Caesar's ethnographical excursus on the Germani, who do not engage in the physical act of love before their 20th year of life. 

2) Friday, January 5:  Test on: 

a) Books 5 and 6 (Latin) 3-4 selections - translate, parse, figure of speech, literary analysis and comprehension questions. 

b) Introductory questions, especially on Caesar as a writer

c) Book 6 in translation.   Know also the basic content of book five.  

3) Here is the first vocabulary list for Vergil's Aeneid    Quiz in 2nd week of 2018. 

Agenda/Homework for Week of December 11-15, 2017

1) Reading Schedule for the Week of December 11-15:

b) Wednesday: Finish page, 28 and Page 30 and 32

c)  Friday: Page 34 (our last page of Caesar). Complete and turn in the chart on the mores/customs of the Romani, Galli, and Germani.  


Agenda/Homework for Week of December 11-15, 2017

1) Reading Schedule for the Week of December 11-15:

a)  Monday: Pages 26 and 28 and read in translation end of book five and first part of book 6 (pages 113-133) - expect a comprehension quiz.  

b) Wednesday: Page 30 and 32

c)  Friday: Page 34 (our last page of Caesar) 

Essay is due on Friday,  December 5 or you may email it to me before Wednesday, December 18 at 12:23 PM.  Late papers will not be accepted.  See me to discuss outlines and ideas. 

Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 8, 2017

1) Read/prepare page 28 of liber VI (Caesar's ethnological digression on the the culture of the Gauls).   And/or uses this website

2) Begin reading the end of book 5 in translation and book 6 in translation.  New handout. Email if you would like a digital copy. 

Agenda/Homework for Monday, December 4, 2017

1) Reading Schedule for the week of December 4, 2017 to December 10:

a)  Monday: Pages 66 and 68

b) Wednesday: Page 70

c)  Friday: Page 28 (this is book 6) 

Book Five test on Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Essay is due on Monday, December 11.  See me to discuss outlines and ideas. 

Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 1

1)  Reading Schedule for  Friday: Finish 64 & Page 66

2) Vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, December 1. 

3) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.    Be able to discuss questions 3-7.  

4) Start working on Book Five Essay.  Email if you did not receive an email with this essay prompt

5) Complete sight test if you did not do it in class on Monday, November 20

Agenda/Homework for Wednesday, November 29

1) We read a lot today in class. Good work, good rabbit!  Keep reviewing.  Major test in a fortnight. 

2)  Reading Schedule for the week of November 28 to December 1:

a) Wednesday: Pages 64 and the beginning of 66 and Hammond's questions. See below. 

b)  Friday: Page 66 (let's try to finish it in order that we may damn Caesar to hell)

2) Vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, December 1. 

3) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.     Be able to discuss the reading and the questions in class on Wednesday, November 27. 

4) Start working on Book Five Essay.  Email if you did not receive an email with this essay prompt

5) Complete sight test if you did not do it in class on Monday, November 20


1) Reading Schedule for the week of November 28 to December 1:

a)  Monday: Pages 60 & 62

b) Wednesday: Pages 64

c)  Friday: Page 66 (first half)

2) Vocabulary list for quiz on Friday, November 29

3) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.     Be able to discuss the reading and the questions in class on Wednesday, November 27. 

4) Start working on Book Five Essay.  Email if you did not receive an email with this essay prompt

5) Complete sight test if you did not do it in class on Monday, November 20. 



Homework for Friday, November 17 , 2017

Final vocabulary list for Caesar. Quiz on Wednesday, November 29.  

Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP

1)  For Friday: sections 41 and 42 on pages 58 and 60

2) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.     Be able to discuss the reading and the questions in class on Wednesday, November 15. 

Homework for Wednesday, November 15 , 2017

Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP

1) An unannounced book 5 preparation and review quiz will happened this week.  Value 70-100 points. 

2) Reading Schedule for the week of  November 13-17:

b) For Wednesday: Pages 56 and half of 58 (finish section 40). 

c) For Friday: sections 41 and 42 on pages 58 and 60

3) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.     Be able to discuss the reading and the questions in class on Wednesday, November 15. 

Homework for Monday, November 13 , 2017

Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP

An unannounced book 5 preparation and review quiz will happened this week.  Value 70-100 points. 

1) Here is the vocabulary list for a vocabulary quiz on Monday, November 13. 

2) Reading Schedule for the week of  November 13-17:

a) For Monday: Pages 54

b) For Wednesday: Pages 56 and half of 58 (finish section 40). 

c) For Friday: sections 41 and 42 on pages 58 and 60

2) Come to get essay at 3:10 on Thursday. 

3) Read the section of Hammond's Introduction on Caesar's Writings (pages xxix-xxxvi) and answer these questions.     Be able to discuss the reading and the questions in class on Wednesday, November 15. 


Homework for Monday, November 6 , 2017

Return these forms for Latin Convention ASAP

An unannounced book 5 preparation and review quiz will happened sOOn. 

Here is the vocabulary list for a vocabulary quiz on Monday, November 13. 

1) Reading Schedule for the week of  November 6 to 10:

a) For Monday: Pages 48 (finish) and all of 50. 

b) For Wednesday: Pages 52 and half of 54

2) Essay is due by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, November 7 or before.   I know you do not have school but that is why email has been invented.  Email or hard copy.  Late papers will not be accepted. 

3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon. 

4) KEEP REVIEW AND ReREADING or Ambiorix (see below) will mess you up.   

Homework for Wednesday, November 1 , 2017

An unannounced book 5 preparation and review quiz will happened soon. 

1) Reading Schedule for the week of October 30 to November 3:

a) For Wednesday Finish page 44 and all of Page 46

b) For Friday:   Page 48.

 2) Essay is due by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, November 7 or before.   I know you do not have school but that is why email has been invented.  Email or hard copy.  Late papers will not be accepted. 

Homework for Monday, October 30 , 2017

This will be a reading intensive week. You may wish to get ahead over the weekend. 

1) Reading Schedule for the week of October 30 to November 3:

a) For Monday: Sections 28 and 29 on pages 42 and 44.

b) For Wednesday:  Page 46

c) For Friday:   Page 48.

 2) Essay is due by 12:00 noon on Tuesday.  Email or hard copy.  Late papers will not be accepted. 

Homework for Wednesday, October 25 , 2017

1) Here is the 4th vocabulary list for Caesar.  Quiz on Wednesday, Oct. 25.         VERB GAME ON THE BACK for one verb from the list.  

2) Bring Ambiorix assignment and be prepared to work in your assigned group for most of the block.  Hand in assignment at the end of the period. You will need to work quickly and efficiently to finish in time. 

3) Essay on Book four is due by Tuesday, Oct. 31 at 12:00 noon - hard copy or email. 

4) For Monday's class read, translate and prepare sections 28 and 29 on pages 42 and 44. 


Homework for Wednesday, September 7, 2016

1) Read, prepare and write out a translation for Caesar, Be Bello Gallico 1.1-5 (page 2 of College Caesar).  This is essentially a lesson in Gallic geography.  Use/download the map below to find places and regions as you read.  When you finish reading watch the video under Media on this page:    Begin learning the geography of Gaul and adjacent areas.   See handout with list and blank maps. 

2) Read the section of the INTRODUCTION (pdf from an email) titled Caesar's Caesar (pages xi-xix) and in detail answer questions 1-18 (handout from class).  Email me if you need either of these documents. 

3) Begin learning Caesar Running Core Vocabulary (handout or in college caesar on pages xiv-xix) our first vocabulary quiz on Friday, September 9.   Do not learn proper names.  Most of these word you know well, so focus on words that you do not know.  

4) Prepare 2.1-6 and 3.1-7  of Caesar, Be Bello Gallico (pages 4 and some of 6) for Friday's class.

Investigate and play with website in order that you may find useful resources. 


Homework for Tuesday, August 30, 2016

1) Review and study sections 21, 22, 23 and notes from class on reading strategy for Caesar.  Do not forget the impersonal verb: opus est = there if need + ablative case. 

2) Reading and write out a translating of sections 24 and 25.  See plan of the Battle of the Sambre River below. 

3) Investigate and play with website in order that you may find useful resources. 

Homework for Monday, August 29, 2016

1) Review and study sections 20 and notes from class on reading strategy for Caesar.  Do not forget the impersonal verb: oportet, oportere, oportuit

2) Reading and write out a translating of sections 21, 22, 23 of book II of De Bello Gallico (2nd handout).   You may wish to do the parsing as well.   Work on sections 24 and 25, if you wish to get a head over the weekend.  See plan of the Battle of the Sambre River below. 

3) Investigate and play with website in order that you may find useful resources. 


Readings for AP Latin 2016-7

The required syllabus lists the minimum number of readings that students need to study in Latin and in English. Encourage students who work quickly to read beyond the minimum for each language. Offer students many opportunities to develop the ability to read Latin poetry and prose at sight.

Required Readings in Latin

Vergil, Aeneid
Book 1: Lines 1-209, 418-440, 494-578
Book 2: Lines 40-56, 201-249, 268-297, 559-620
Book 4: Lines 160-218, 259-361, 659-705
Book 6: Lines 295-332, 384-425, 450-476, 847-899

Caesar, Gallic War
Book 1: Chapters 1-7
Book 4: Chapters 24-35 and the first sentence of Chapter 36
            (Eodem die legati . . . venerunt.)
Book 5: Chapters 24-48
Book 6: Chapters 13-20

Required Readings in English

Vergil, Aeneid
Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12

Caesar, Gallic War
Books 1, 6, 7

Readings in English

The required syllabus includes readings in Latin and English from Vergil's Aeneid and Caesar’s Gallic War. Reading in English helps students identify significant themes, central characters, and key ideas in the Latin passages.

Reading Latin at Sight

To develop students' ability to read Latin at sight, choose texts with relatively common vocabulary and straightforward grammar and syntax. Recommended prose authors include Nepos, Cicero (but not his letters), Livy, Pliny the Younger, and Seneca the Younger rather than Tacitus or Sallust. Recommended verse authors include Ovid, Martial, Tibullus, and Catullus, rather than Horace, Juvenal, or Lucan. We also recommend portions of the works of Vergil and Caesar that are outside the required reading. Teachers may use the works listed here to develop at-sight reading skills in preparation for the exam. The list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive.


Start reviewing Caesar and see me if you need help. 

Homework/Agenda prior to AP Test. 

Monday, May 9

1) Presentations/handouts on book 7 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico in translation. 

2) Quiz on book 7 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico in translation 

3) Essay on Book 4 and 6 (Dido and Aeneas) is due.  Late paper will receive a zero. 

Wednesday, May 11

1) Practice AP test and finish anything remaining. 



Wednesday, May 4

1) Test on book six Latin and translation. 

2) Have finished reading book 12 Aeneid and try complete last lines of book 12 in Latin (handout). 

Friday, May 6

1) Quiz on book 12 in translation

2) Finish practice AP Test. 

Monday, May 9

1) Presentations/handouts on book 7 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico in translation. 

2) Quiz on book 7 of Caesar, De Bello Gallico in translation

3) Essay on Book 4 and 6 (Dido and Aeneas) is due.  Late paper will receive a zero. 

Wednesday, May 11

1) Practice AP test and finish anything remaining. 


Homework/Agenda for Friday, April 29. 

1) Quiz on book 8 in translation and books 12 of the Aeneid in translation, pages 305-315. 

2) Keep reviewing Caesar for AP test. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of Monday,  April 25, 2016:


1) Read all of book VIII in translation and be able to discuss this in class. 

2) Book VIII presentations and handouts.  Come to class with 15 copies of your handouts.     See me if you have questions.   

3) Finish reading/preparing book 6 in Latin, lines 6.887-901.


1) TBA

Homework/Agenda for Friday, April 22. 

1) Read and Prepare: Vergil, Aeneid  6.847-867 but go to end if you have time. 

2) Begin reading the remainder of Book 6 in translation. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of Monday,  April 11, 2016:


1) Test on Aeneid, Books 2 and 4 on Monday, April 11 (Latin Selections and Whole books in translation). 


1) Read and Prepare: Vergil, Aeneid 6.295-332 and 6.384-414.   Katabasis time. 


1) Essay is due.   

2) Read and Prepare: Vergil, Aeneid 6.415-42. 

Homework/Agenda for Friday April 8, 2016:

  1)  Vergil, Aeneid 4.671-4.705.

2)   Quiz on all of  Aeneid, Book 4 in translation.   Know details, themes, similes, gods/goddesses, settings, etc. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  April 4-8, 2016:

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4.331-361 and 4.659-4.670. 

 ii. Vocabulary Quiz.  Here is the list. 


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4.671-4.705.

ii.  Quiz on all of  Aeneid, Book 6 in translation.  


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 6.295-332



Homework/Agenda for Week of  March 21, 2016:


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4.265-308. 


  ii. Vergil, Aeneid 4.309-333. 

ii.  Read Mandelbaum's  Aeneid, pages 81-86.  Short Quiz


Expect a preparation and review quiz this week. 

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4. 193-218 and  4.259-276. 

ii. Vocabulary Quiz First Vocabulary List for Book II. 


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4.276-308. 


  ii. Vergil, Aeneid 4.309-333. 

ii.  Read Mandelbaum's  Aeneid, pages 81-86.  Short Quiz

Homework/Agenda for Week of  March 15-19, 2016:

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 2.580-620. 

 ii. Comprehension quiz on pages 39-55 of Mandelbaum's  Aeneid. Know events and characters in some detail.  Furor/ira/dolus,etc. are significant. 


 i. Vergil, Aeneid 4.160-190.

ii.  Read Mandelbaum's  Aeneid, pages 81-86.  Short Quiz


 i. Vocabulary Quiz First Vocabulary List for Book II. 

 ii. Vergil, Aeneid 4.190-210

Homework/Agenda for Week of March 7-12, 2016:

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

 Monday: Read and prepare 2.  Comprehension quiz on pages 21-36 of Mandelbaum's translation of the                    Aeneid

 Wednesday:  TEST (200-250 points). Test on Wednesday, March 10.   

NLE on Thursday, 6th Period in Cafeteria. 

 Friday:     Vergil, Aeneid 2.80-297 and 559-593. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  February 29, 2016:

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:


 a) Vergil, Aeneid 2.201-49

 b)  Comprehension quiz on pages 21-36 of Mandelbaum's translation of the                    Aeneid

 Wednesday: Vergil, Aeneid 2.68-297

 Friday:              TBA


Homework/Agenda for Week of  February 22, 2016:

Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

 Monday:          Vergil, Aeneid 1.500-545.

 Wednesday:      i. Vergil, Aeneid 1.546-578. 

 Friday:               i. Read rest of book one in translation. Quiz

                                    ii. Vergil, Aeneid 2.40-56


Hw for Friday, Feb. 12: Vergil, Aeneid 1.166-207

Homework/Agenda for Week of  February 14, 2016, Wednesday and Friday

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Wednesday:  i. Vergil, Aeneid 1.418-440 and Vergil, Aeneid 1.494-512

                         ii. Quiz and discussion on first half of book one in translation.

        You are responsible for pages 1-18 of Mandelbaum's translation of the Aeneid.  

b) Friday:      Vergil, Aeneid 1.513-550.

2) Review the Neptune episode, epic simile and ecphrasis of Dido's harbour. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, February 8, 2016

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Monday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.125-165.  Bring introduction questions. 

b) Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.166-207

 c) Friday:     TBA

Agenda/Homework for  Wednesday, February 3

a) Vergil, Aeneid 1.131-169

b) First scansion quiz. 

c) Review notes from class on literary antecedents of Vergil's Aeneid from the archaic, classical and hellenistic Greece and Rome.   Know significance of Tydidus, Hector and Sarpedon (see krater above).  Review Homeric passages from Iliad and Odyssey and be able to discuss intertextuality with the Aeneid.   What is a patronymic

d) Bring questions for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.


Agenda/Homework for Monday, February 1 to Wednesday, February 3

1) Monday:  

a) Vergil, Aeneid 1.93-130 and complete questions all for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.

b) Read and know in detail the selections handed out from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Be able to discuss these at the beginning of class with reference to the text. 

c) Vocabulary Quiz

2) Wednesday:  

a) Vergil, Aeneid 1.131-169

b) First scansion quiz. 


Homework/Agenda for Monday, January 25 to Wednesday, January 27:

1) Vergil, Aeneid 1.64-119.  We need to pick up speed. 

2) Old: Complete questions 9 to end for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.

4)  Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.120-150 and Second Vocabulary quiz for Aeneid, Book I.

Monday, January 25 to Wednesday, January 27

a) Monday:  Caesar, Book 7 Presentation and Quiz on book 7 content. 

b) Wednesday:  TBA

Homework/Agenda Monday, January 11, 2016

1) Prepare; Vergil, Aeneid 1.1-45.  Email if you need the new handout

2) Complete questions 3-8 for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.  Questions are at the end of the handout.

3) Second Vocabulary List for Aeneid, Book I. 

4) Examine Schedule from now until semester exam: 

 Reading/Preparation Schedule from Monday, January 11 to Wednesday, January 27

Monday, January 11 to Friday, January 15

a) Monday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.1-45 and complete questions 3-8 for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.

b) Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.46-75 and complete questions 9 to end for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams. 

c) Friday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.76-90 and essay is due. 

Wednesday, January 20 to Friday, January 22

a) Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.91-119 and Second Vocabulary quiz for Aeneid, Book I. 

c) Friday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.120-150

Monday, January 25 to Wednesday, January 27

a) Monday:  Caesar, Book 7 Presentation and Quiz on book 7 content. 

b) Wednesday:  TBA


Start reading book 7 of De Bello Gallico in translation. 

Book V Essay in Due Friday, January 15, 2016

Homework/Agenda Friday, January 8, 2016

1) Prepare; Vergil, Aeneid 1.1-33 (the proem).  Email if you need the new handout

2) Old: Complete questions 1-6 (pages 1-2) for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.           Questions are at the end of the handout.

3)  Vocabulary Quiz - see new list. 

Homework/Agenda Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

b) Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.1-33 (the proem).  Email if you need the new handout. 

                           Complete questions 1-6 (pages 1-2) for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.           Questions are at the end of the handout. 

c) Friday:            Vocabulary Quiz - see new list. 

2) Complete and turn in five lines of scansion.  See me if you need help with scansion. 

3) Examine map of Aeneas' Journey below. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, January 4, 2016

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) MondaySecond Quarter test on Monday, January 4 (book 5 and 6 - translate, parse, background information and short essays) Value 300 points. 

b) Wednesday:  Vergil, Aeneid 1.1-33 (the proem).  Email if you need the new handout. 

                           Complete questions 1-6 (pages 1-2) for the introduction to the Aeneid by Williams.           Questions are at the end of the handout. 

c) Friday:            Vocabulary Quiz - see new list. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, December 7, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18 and discuss the end of Book 5 iii translation and read (prior to coming to class)  sections 1 to 12 of book 6 in translation (expect comprehension quiz) 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 6.19 and 6.20 (last one) and read (prior to coming to class) sections 21 to 44 of book 6 in translation (expect comprehension quiz) 

c) Friday:  Final Caesar Vocabulary Quiz and To Hell with Caesar Party 

 2) Expect another preparation and review quiz this week. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the new vocabulary List: Caesar, Book 6.  

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Wednesday, December 9, 2015

1) Read the remaining sections of Book V in translation (handed out in class/email if you need this)  and expect a short quiz on content. 

2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  6.14 & 6.15

2.5) Expect another preparation and review quiz this week. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the new vocabulary List: Caesar, Book 6.  Quiz on Monday, December 14.

Second Quarter test on Wednesday, December 16 (book 5 and 6 - translate, parse, background information and short essays) 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Wednesday, December 9, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.48 & 6.13 & 6.14

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  6.15

2) Expect another preparation and review quiz this week. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the new vocabulary List: Caesar, Book 6.  Quiz in one week.

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, December 7, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.45, 46, 47

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.48 & 6.13

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  6.14

2) Expect another preparation and review quiz this week. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the new vocabulary List: Caesar, Book 6.  Quiz in one week.


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Friday, December 4, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

b) Review 5.44

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  45 & 46

2) Expect another preparation and review quiz soon. 

3) Essay Commanding Rhetoric is due on Friday, Dec. 4.   Value 200 points. See me if you wish to discuss analysis, ideas, organization.     Late papers will not be accepted. 

4)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

5)  Here is the new vocabulary List: Caesar, Book 6.  Quiz in one week. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Second Quarter test on Wednesday, December 16 (book 5 and 6 - translate, parse, background information and short essays) 

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.44 & 45

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  46 & 47

2) Expect another preparation and review quiz soon. 

3) Essay Commanding Rhetoric is due on Friday, Dec. 4.   Value 200 points. See me if you wish to discuss analysis, ideas, organization.     Late papers will not be accepted. 

4)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

5)  I will post a new vocabulary list soon. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, November 30, 2015

Second Quarter test on Wednesday, December 16 (book 5 and 6 - translate, parse, background information and short essays) 

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.42 & 43

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.44 & 45

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  46 & 47

2) Essay Commanding Rhetoric is due on Wednesday.  Value 200 points. See me if you wish to discuss analysis, ideas, organization.     Late papers will not be accepted. 

3) Preparation and review quiz for book 5 on Monday. 

4)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  I will post a new vocabulary list soon. 


Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, November 16, 2015

This week we will read at pace equal to a forced march of Caesar. 

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.36, 37, 38

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.39, 40, 41

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.42 & 43

2) Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz this week. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the vocabulary list for the 2nd half of book five. Quiz on Monday, November 23

Homework/Agenda for Friday, November 13, 2015

1) Keep reviewing. Expect a preparation and review quiz soon. 

2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week


c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.35

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the vocabulary list for the 2nd half of book five. Quiz on Monday, November 16. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, November 9, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.31-32. 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.33-34.

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.35

2) Expect an unannounced preparation and review quiz this week. 

2.5) Here is the book four essay prompt.   It will be due on November 9, 2015. Give hard copy to me in class.   You may wish to discuss your argument and its organization with be before hand.  Maximum length of paper is 8 pages but you must cover all points. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4)  Here is the vocabulary list for the 2nd half of book five. Quiz on Monday, November 16. 

Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, November 4, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.29-30

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.31-32

2) Review and reread Ambiorix's speech. Note all rhetorical features, figures of speech and the structure/content of his argument (outline point by point).  Record this information and be able to discuss in a seminar format. 

3) Correct test and revise section three of the test -the short essay. 

4)  Here is the new vocabulary list.  Click on Clare for the list.   Quiz Friday, November 6. 

5) Here is the book four essay prompt.   It will be due on November 9, 2015.  You may wish to discuss your argument and its organization with be before hand.  Maximum length of paper is 8 pages but you must cover all points. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of  Monday, October 26, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.27-5.28.  These sections are difficult but crucial.  See me before class if you need help. 

b) Wednesday:  Test. Value 200 points.  See 4 below. 

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.29

2) Second Round of master translations are due on Monday, Oct. 26.  Email me if you do not have the schedule.  I will return first round on Monday. 

3)  Old but crucial:  Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

4) Test on Wednesday on book one and book four.   a) Be able to translate with accuracy and appropriate elevation; b) parsing and justification of cases, infinitives and pronouns/nouns; c) know historical background, geography and individuals as they relate to the text of book one and four; d) figures of speech - click here for more info; e) textual analysis and criticism of style and content. 

5)  Here is the new vocabulary list.  Click on Clare for the list.   Quiz Monday, November 1. 

6) Here is the book four essay prompt.   It will be due on November 9, 2015.  You may wish to discuss your argument and its organization with be before hand.  Maximum length of paper is 8 pages but you must cover all points. 


Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 23, 2015

1) Old: Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

2) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of Oct. 19 to 24.

 Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.26 & 5.27

3)  Here is the new vocabulary list.  Click on Clare for the list.   Quiz in 5 days but I recommend starting on the list asap, for it is long.

4) Here is the book four essay prompt.   It will be due on November 9, 2015. 

5) The second master translation will be due on Monday, October 26, 2015.  See the schedule. Email if you need this. 


Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Look over your returned essays, see me, revise and resubmit.   The processes should be done asap.  I will augment grades if amelioration is achieved in a timely manner. 

1) Test on Book One and Four is be on Wednesday, October 28.  Be able read/translate, parse and justify, and find and discuss figures of speech and know back information. 

2) Read the section of Hammond's introduction titled Caesar's Writings and answer the double sided page of questions that was handed out in class.  Email if you need this. 

3) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of Oct. 19 to 24. 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.24, 5.25, 5.26

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.27

4)  Here is the new vocabulary list.  Click on Clare for the list.   Quiz in 10 days but I recommend starting on the list asap, for it is long.

5) Here is the book four essay prompt.   It will be due in approx. two weeks. 


Homework/Agenda for Monday, October 19, 2015

1) Review Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.35. 4.36   We will finish and refine the end of  book IV at the beginning of class. 

2) Review. Test is coming in 10 days on books one and four.  I will take input on the date, which I will fix soon. 

3) Reading/Preparation Schedule for the Week of Oct. 19 to 24. 

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.24. 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 5.25, 5.26

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  5.27

4)  Here is the new vocabulary list.  Click on Clare for the list.   Quiz in 10 days but I recommend starting on the list asap, for it is long. 

Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Essay One on Book One is still due on Friday, even though we do not have class.   It must be in my hand or emailed to by 3:00 PM on Friday, October 16.   

1) Read/prepare Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.35. 4.36    As you finish book IV consider the next essay question which will involve Caesar's literary account of the crises faced in Britannia and his depiction of Caesar as an effective leader and general in solving each crisis.   Veni, Vidi, Vici. 

2) Review. Test is coming.   Probably late next week on Latin of books I and IV.  Translation, parsing, figures of speech and textual analysis - relate style to content. 

4) Vocabulary on Wednesday, October 14 on Martial Words.  Click on Clare for the list.   This is a change from Friday but you will have very little or other HW for Wednesday. 


Homework/Agenda for Monday, October 12, 2015

1) Read/prepare Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.33, 4.34, 4.35. 4.36    As you finish book IV consider the next essay question which will involve Caesar's literary account of the crises faced in Britannia and his depiction of Caesar as an effective leader and general in solving each crisis.   Veni, Vidi, Vici. 

2) Review. Test is coming.   Probably late next week on Latin of books I and IV.  Translation, parsing, figures of speech and textual analysis - relate style to content. 

3) Master translations round one are due Monday, Oct. 12.  See list. 

4) Vocabulary on Wednesday, October 10 on Martial Words.  Click on Clare for the list.   This is a change from Friday but you will have very little or other HW for Wednesday. 

5) Essay One on Book One is still due on Friday, even though we do not have class.   It must be in my hand or emailed to by 3:00 PM on Friday, October 16.   

Homework/Agenda for Friday, October 9, 2015

1) Read/prepare Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.32 and we may also start 4.33

2) Review. Test is coming within a fortnight.  

3) Master translations round one are due Monday, Oct. 12.  See list. 

4) Essay is due one week from Friday. 

Homework/Agenda for  October 7-9, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation: Continue with the schedule for the week:

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.30, 4.31 and 4.32  

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.33

2) Here is the 3rd vocabulary list for Caesar.    Click on Claire for the list.  It is long. Get an early start.  Quiz will be on Friday, October 16. 

3) Review. Unannounced quiz coming soon. 

4) Work on essay for Book One.  I am always available to help and discuss.  

5) Bring application for Latin Convention by Wednesday. 

Homework/Agenda for Week of October 4-9, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation: Continue with the schedule for the week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.27, 4.28 and  4.29 (or all of page 12 and the begin of 14 of College Caesar).   Vocabulary Quiz. 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.30, 4.31 and 4.32  

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.33

2) Vocabulary quiz and verb game on Monday Here is the list. 

3) Review. Unannounced quiz coming soon. 

4) Work on essay for Book One.  I am always available to help and discuss.  

5) Bring application for Latin Convention by Wednesday. 



Homework/Agenda for Week of October 4-9, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation: Continue with the schedule for the week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.27, 4.28 and  4.29 (or all of page 12 and the begin of 14 of College Caesar).   Vocabulary Quiz. 

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.30, 4.31 and 4.32  

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.33


Homework/Agenda for Wednesday, September 30, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation: Continue with the schedule for the week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.24 and 4.25 (or all of page 12 and the begin of 14 of College Caesar).  

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.26-4.28  

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.29

2) Old: Questions for Caesar's Army

3) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, October 2.   Here is the list.      

4) Review. 


Homework/Agenda for Monday, September 28, 2015

1) Reading/Preparation: We need to finish the last paragraph of 1.7 and then we move to Book IV where Caesar lands on the coast of Britannia and fights the Barbari. Read the summary of books 2 and 3 on page xi following the cover page of book IV and read the box on page 13.                          Here is the reading schedule for the week:

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.24 and 4.25 (or all of page 12 and the begin of 14 of College Caesar).  

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 4.26-4.28  

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico  4.29

B) Finish presentations for Book One of De Bello Gallico on Caesar, Caesar's soldiers and speeches in book one You know who you are.   

C) Old: Questions for Caesar's Army

D) Vocabulary quiz on Friday, October 2.   Here is the list.      

E) Examine map below for geography of book one. 


Homework/Agenda for Friday, September 25, 2015

A) Keep Reviewing and revise the last paragraph on 1.7 for Friday's class. 

B) Seminar/Presentations on Book One of De Bello Gallico

1) Make 15 copies of your double-sided handout prior to class. 

2) Comprehension quiz on major events and people in Book One. 

3) Presentations and seminar discussion on Book One of De Bello Gallico.   See handout with topics for paired rabbits.  

C) Old: Questions for Caesar's Army

D) Behold below Vesontio (modern Besançon). Find on a map of Gaul. 


Homework/Agenda for the Week of September 21-25, 2015

On Friday, Sept.  25 you will present on book one and discuss in seminar format following a little quiz on the content of book 1.  See handout for details. 

1) Review.  Unannounced quiz is coming very soon.   Be able to translate, parse and analyze content and Caesar's writing style.   As you review 1.1-.1.7 think about writing an essay on Caesar's presentation of the Gauls as a serious threat in order to establish his justification for war beyond the provinces in which he has imperium.  Consider also how Sexy Caesar presents himself as responding to this threat in chapter 1.7. 

2)  Reading/Latin Preparation Schedule for the Week: 

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.6 and 1.7 (page 10) 

Link to Vocabulary/Commentary for Caesar

b) Damn Bike race.  Caesar is not happy. 

c) Friday: No Latin to prepare for Friday because of seminar/presentation on Book I in translation. 

3) For Monday read and complete questions for Caesar's Army. Email if you did not get questions in class. 

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz in 7-10 days.  Quiz on Sept. 28. 

5) Begin learning figures of speech that we mention in class, such as asyndeton, ellipsis, polysyndeton, alliteration, hyperbation, hendiadys, zeugma  CLICK HERE FOR A PDF WITH EXAMPLES.


Homework for Friday, September 18, 2015

1) Review.  Unannounced quiz is coming soon. 

2)  Reading/Latin Preparation Schedule for the Week: 

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.3 and 1.4 (end of page 4 and all page 6 of College Caesar).  

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.5 and 1.6 (page 8)

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.7 (page 10) 

Link to Vocabulary/Commentary for Caesar

3) Some of you (see powerschool) made a mess of this vocabulary quiz.   You may retake it before or on Monday, Sept. 21,  no later. 

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz in 7-10 days. 

5) Begin learning figures of speech that we mention in class, such as asyndeton, ellipsis, polysyndeton, alliteration, hyperbation, hendiadys, zeugma  CLICK HERE FOR A PDF WITH EXAMPLES.


Homework for Monday, September 16, 2015

1)  Read the section of Hammond's introduction Caesar's Targets (pages xxv-xxix) and answer these questions.   Be able to answer and discuss in class. 

2) Review the SUPINE in both -u and -um.   What is supine?  How is it formed?  Be able to distinguish between supine in -u and -um.   Click here for a short handout on the supine

2)  Reading/Latin Preparation Schedule for the Week: 

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.3 and 1.4 (end of page 4 and all page 6 of College Caesar).  

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.5 and 1.6 (page 8)

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.7 (page 10) 

Link to Vocabulary/Commentary for Caesar

3) Some of you (see powerschool) made a mess of this vocabulary quiz.   You may retake it before or on Monday, Sept. 21,  no later. 

4) Review and be able to discuss what we read in class on Friday.  See me outside of class for help, if needed.  Expect an unannounced quiz soon on what we read in class.  Keep reviewing the Latin text.  You may also wish to review the chronology of Caesar's mortal existence.  See timeline on the sidebar on left of page


Homework for Monday, September 14, 2015

1) Review and be able to discuss what we read in class on Friday (2.25 and 1.1).  See me outside of class for help, if needed. Expect an unannounced quiz soon on what we read in class.  Keep reviewing the Latin text.  You may also wish to review the chronology of Caesar's mortal existence.  See timeline on the sidebar on left of page

2)  Reading/Latin Preparation Schedule for the Week: 

a) Monday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.3 and 1.4 (end of page 4 and all page 6 of College Caesar).  

b) Wednesday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.5 and 1.6 (page 8)

c) Friday:  Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.7 (page 10) 

Link to Vocabulary/Commentary for Caesar

3) First Vocabulary Quiz (Monday) on the most common words in Caesar.  It is not on the web, so email if you need a pdf.   Value 80 points

4) For Wednesday read the section of Hammond's introduction Caesar's Targets (pages xxv-xxix) and answer these questions. 

Homework for Friday, September 11, 2015

1) Review and be able to discuss what we read in class on Wednesday (2.25 and 1.1).  See me outside of class for help, if needed. Expect an unannounced quiz soon on what we read in class.  Keep reviewing the Latin text.  You may also wish to review the chronology of Caesar's mortal existence.  See timeline on the sidebar on left of page

2)  Read/prepare CaesarDe Bello Gallico 1.2 & 1.3.1 (all of page 4 of College Caesar).    Steadman's commentary is useful as is the website on Caesar from Dickinson College with notes, vocabulary and other media: click here for 2.1 

3) Map quiz (value 40 points). Study your list or find in the sidebar on the left of webpage. See also map below, if it is helpful.  You should also rewatch this video as you listen to the Latin read aloud:   Video on the Geography of Gaul


Homework for Wednesday, September 9, 2015

1) Read/prepare Caesar, De Bello Gallico 1.1 (page 2 of College Caesar).  You may wish to write out a translation and then correct it during/following class but in class you will read from the Latin text itself.   Steadman's commentary is useful as is the website on Caesar from Dickinson College with notes, vocabulary and other media: click here for 1.1

2) Label maps with places, peoples and geographical features on handout (40 points) and begin learning these for an upcoming quiz.   Watch this short video:  Video on the Geography of Gaul

3) Old: Complete questions 12 - 20 of Caesar's Career as you begin reading Hammond's Introduction to De Bello Gallico.   I will call on individuals to answer these. 

4) Begin learning vocabulary for Caesar by looking at the two handouts on common words in Caesar. Email if you need these lists. They are not on the website. 

5) Reading Strategy: Review Caesar 2.20. 2.24, and 2.25 to consolidate our observations on Caesar's prose style and grammatical particularities:  Caesar's sentence structure: periodic sentences and framing, gerund/gerundive constructions, causā + preceding genitive, ablative absolutes, verbs that require special cases (occurro, potior, etc.), indirect statement,  clauses with subjunctive mood, ellipsis of sum, esse, fui, futurus, use of substantives (nostros=our men), military vocabulary (castra, impedimentum, equites, miles, acies, etc.), asyndeton, use of coordinating conjunction (-que, et, sed, atque, ac, etc.), dative of agent, dative of purpose, the double dirt dog dative.    Steadmen's commentary has box with grammatical reviews scattered throughout his commentary.   Email if you need this.  See side bar for handout on morphology and syntax for Caesar


Homework for Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1) New: Finish reading/writing out a translating of section 24 and 25 of Caesar at Sight (two handouts).  You may wish to do the parsing as well.  Email with questions: aberrant

2) Old: Complete questions 1 to 12 of Caesar's Career as you begin reading Hammond's Introduction to De Bello Gallico.   I will call on individuals to answer these. 

3) Scroll down to see pictures of baby Latin rabbits. 


Homework for Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1) New: Finish reading/writing out a translating of section 24 and 25 of Caesar at Sight (two handouts).  You may wish to do the parsing as well.  Email with questions: aberrant

2) Old: Complete questions 1 to 12 of Caesar's Career as you begin reading Hammond's Introduction to De Bello Gallico.   I will call on individuals to answer these. 


Homework for Tuesday, September 1, 2015

1) Finish reading/writing out a translating of section 20 and 25 of Caesar at Sight (two handouts).  You may wish to do the parsing as well. 

2) Complete questions 1 to 12 of Caesar's Career as you begin reading Hammond's Introduction to De Bello Gallico.  I will call on individuals to answer these. 

3) Investigate and play with website in order that you may find useful resources.