AP LATIN: Book Five Essay



Essay on Book Five of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico


Following several successful years of warfare, Caesar was able to consider Gaul largely pacified under Roman imperium, to cross the Rhine, and to make two heroic incursions into Britain.  Upon his return from Britiannia at the end of the summer of 54 BC, he decides to scatter his legions through Gaul because, as he himself relates, there was  a general shortage of grain in Gaul that year.  However, what results form this plan is a disaster for the Romans with the forces of Cotta and Sabinus ambushed, slaughtered and the hiberna under Cicero’s control almost taken by the Nervii.  In narrating these events which all took place in his absence, Caesar presents a Gallic enemy that is much more unified and under the clever and competent leadership of Ambiorix, whom Caesar presents as a real threat to Roman imperium in the region on account of his masterful leadership, sound consilium, and rhetorical and diplomatic abilities.  Caesar also evalutes and contrasts the actions of his own legati, Sabinus, Cotta, Cicero as their generalship is put to the test by Gallic consilium, celeritas and virtus.   Some have considered this section of Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico to be a true commentarius, a handbook on art of generalship itself. 


In a well-organized essay discuss Caesar’s presentation of his legati, Sabinus, Cotta and Cicero regarding successful and unsuccessful leadership, generalship and heroics.  Virtus and consilium are crucial concepts to discuss.  How does Caesar evaluate and contrast the actions of Sabinus and Cotta?  How do the actions of Cicero compare with those of Sabinus?    How does Caesar present Ambiorix as a Gallic commander, tribal leader, and enemy of the Romans? 



Your essay should be build from and upon precise and detailed textual analysis that is sensitive to nuances created from both choice of diction and use of rhetorical devices. 



Grading Rubric or Check List for a “A” paper. 


1) Quality and precision of textual analysis.

2) Your paper displays a close and detailed reading of Caesar’s Latin and make all the points that are to be made from analysis of the Latin. 

3) Sensitivity to diction, phonetics and figures of speech or rhetorical devices. 

4) Introduction and conclusion are appropriate to the argument presented in your paper. 

5) Argument and evidence are presented in an organized format or structure. 

6) Paper presents a clear and coherent argument that is supported by textual analysis and citation of Latin words and phrase. 

7) Quality and clarity of your prose.  

8) Correct format. 



Value 250 points. 

Due Monday, December 1, 2014.   Late papers will be eaten by the instructor.