Practice Sentences for First Quarter Test
3) The whole army of our enemies was driven from the battle by three bands of our brave soldiers. These three bands of soldiers had the best plan. This victory seemed miraculous to all.
exercitus, -us (m) army
ago, agere, egi, actus - to drive
proelium, -ii (n) battle
manus, -us (f) band; hand
victoria, -ae (f)
consilium, -ii (n) plan
miles, militis (m) soldier
optimus, a, um -best
tres, trium, tribus, tres, tribus - three
mirabilis, -e - miraculous
4) Our ships have been driven into those rocks by the great force of these winds. The sailors themselves were thrown into the sea to their death without any help of their own gods.
navis, -is (f) ships
saxum, -i (n) rocks
vis, vis (f) force
ventus, -i (m) wind
nauta, -ae (m) sailor
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus - to throw
mors, mortis (f) death
auxilium, -ii (n) help
deus, dei (m) god
ullus, a, um - any
5) The leader of the whole army will be led in this battle by a great hatred of these enemies. It will make many attacks into the right wing at first light.
dux, ducis (m)
exercitus, -us (m)
proelium, -ii (n)
odium, -ii (n) hatred
impetus, -us (m)
hostis, -is (m) enemy (i-stem)
cornu, -us (n) wing of an army
lux, lucis (f) light
6) In a few months this savage war will be waged by you with great eagerness for victory. You have sharp swords and great strength. For you victory seems certain. certus, a, um
mensis, -is (m) month
gero, gerere - to wage
saevus, a, um - savage
studium, -ii (n) eagerness
victoria, -ae (f)
actus, a, um - sharp
certus, a, um - certain