Questions: Roman City



1) When did Vesuvius erupt destroying _________ and _____________ along with other places on the bay of Naples? 





2) On what three continents do we find the ruins of Roman cities? 





3) How did Rome build its empire? 





4) Describe the ancient city of Rome.  What was its population? 





5) How were almost all Roman cities laid out?  What structures did a Roman city require?





6) What was the pomerium?  Why was it so significant?





7) What was the forum and where was it typically located in a city? 







8) What temple dominated the forum at Pompeii and in other Roman cities? What was it significance? 







9) Who did Caesar conquer in northern Italy and the area of modern France? How did Caesar treat his conquered enemies?






10) What structure was the 1st concern of a Roman city?  





11) What did the conquered people have to gain from their relationship with Rome? 





12) Who were the druids? 






13) What was the pont di guard? Where is it located?  How did this structure work? 






14) What is an arch and how does it work? For what purposes did the Romans uses the arch?





15) What were thermae?  How was water used in this building?  What were the calidarium, frigidarium, and tempidarium





16) How did the Romans use concrete? 







17) What was an impluvium?  What purpose did it serve? How was the Roman house orientated? 







18) What positions in society did slaves occupy? 







19) What was Ostia?  What kind of activity took place here?   In what kind of buildings did most people live in at Ostia? 








20) What was surprising about the scale of Augustus’ house?






21) What activities took place in the Roman theatre?








22) What was an amphitheater? What is a barrel vault?  What was their purpose in amphitheater construction? 






23) What was a valerium?  How was it used? 







24) Why did the Romans have such a passion for violent entertainment? 







25) How did the Romans make their cities more livable? Give specific examples.









26) How did the Romans attempt to deal with overpopulation in cities?