Sentences with Relative Pronouns

Translate into English. See website for some vocabulary.   Due Monday. 


1) These men, who were approaching the forum, with their own eyes saw three beautiful maidens, whom our king, Numa by name, himself had chosen as Vestal Virgins.      “as” signals apposition


appropinquo (1) 

oculus, -i (m)

virgo, virginis (f) 

lego, legere, legi, lectus - to pick, chose

Vestalis Virgo



2) In three days these serious affairs will be managed by our king, to whom the leaders of the whole senate will give a new plan, which will save our Republic/state.  


res, rei (f) 

gravis, -e 

gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage, wage

senatus, -us (m) 

consilium, -ii (n) plan

servo (1) to save

princeps, principis (m) leader, chief 

Res Publica, Rei Publicae (f) 




3) For many days our men in three battle lines, which had been led onto the plain by Caesar himself, against these savage enemies made huge attacks, which drove their whole army and many bands of hostile men into the sea itself. 



acies, aciei (f) battle line; edge

tres, trium, tribus, tres, tribus - three

campus, -i (m) plain 

duco, ducere, duxi, ductus - to lead

saevus, a, um - savage 

impetus, -us (m) - attack 

manus, -us (f) band; hand

inimicus, a, um - hostile 

mare, maris (n) 

exercitus, -us (m) army




4) On the third day these very gods, whom our good citizens have always both night and day for many years worshiped, will bring help to us sad mortals, who are managing these affairs with no courage and a great fear of death. 



nox, noctis (f) 

colo, colere, colui, cultus - to worship

fero, ferre, tuli, latus - to bring

tristis, -e sad

mortalis, -e  - mortal 

auxilium, -ii (n) help

nullus, a, um - no

metus, -us (m) fear

mors, mortis (f) death