Weekly Agenda

Latin II                                      Agenda/Study Guide                                  Sept. 3-6, 2013



Overview of Latin II and Syllabus

Why Latin?

An outline of Roman History 

Declension Review and Exercises  




1)     Exercises on declensions 1 & 2 (complete all handouts) - pages 7 and 8 of Troia Capta handout. 

2)     Quiz on declensions 1 & 2 – adjectives and nouns

3)     Read (translate, know grammar, and be able to discuss) TROIA CAPTA. Be prepared to read orally and discuss without looking at your prepared translation (Complete 1st and 2nd paragraphs).  This is a graded assignment. Write out a translation on the attacked sheet. 

4)  Questions for The World of Rome, pages 1-8.  Do only the first 10 questions for Friday. 

     Begin learning vocabulary on handout for TROIA CAPTA. Vocabulary quiz sometime next week. 



Declension Quiz – 1st and 2nd declensions adjectives and nouns (Include APPIAN words).

Roman History and the History of the Latin Language

Oral reading and translation (translate and discuss) TROIA CAPTA–Chapter One (handout)

Correct Exercises on declensions

The third declension

Review Case usage         





HW:  See Home Page




Latin II Agenda/Study Guide   Sept. 24-30, 2012



Quiz on Demonstrative Pronouns

Slides: Apollo and Daphne 

Oral Translation of Phoebe Et Daphne

Introduction to Personal Pronouns




HW:   Finish reading and translating Phoebe Et Daphne

Read Chapter XI of Wheelock 

Exercises for Caput XI (page 420) numbers 2, 3 and 4 (1 to 15 only) 




Personal Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives 

Finish reading and translating Phoebe Et Daphne

Correct Exercises Caput XI (page 420) numbers 2, 3 and 4 (1 to 15 only)


HW:  6 sentences 

Vocabulary Quiz on Phoebe Et Daphne & Wheelock pages 74-75 (UNUS NAUTAE). 





Vocabulary Quiz on Phoebe Et Daphne & Wheelock pages 74-75 (UNUS  NAUTAE).

Collect Six Sentences. 


HW: Quiz on Personal Pronouns:  ego, tu, nos, vos, is, ea, id & adjective: idem, eadem, idem

Wheelock, page 92 EXERCITATIONES # 1 to 12  and on page 93 Cicero Denounces Catiline in  the Senate (read and write out a translation). 

Latin II                                    Agenda/Study Guide                    September 17-22, 2012



Correct verbal morphology exercises pages 4-7.

Correct sentences from Wheelock.

Finish all sentences from Troia Capta

Introduction to demonstrative pronouns, ille, hic, iste.




Vocabulary Quiz: Troia Capta

Read CAPVT IX, pages 69-75.

Exercises on demonstrative pronouns

Quiz on demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Roman History questions finish down to # 27 (handout) – read World of Rome




Vocabulary Quiz: Troia Capta

Correct all exercises

Quiz on demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Discuss Roman History questions


HW:     Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo

            Sentences –English to Latin with demonstrative pronouns and irregular verbs




Quiz on regular and irregular verbs: sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo

Collect sentences                    


HW:     Read and write out translation of Phoebus et Daphne

            Quiz on demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Latin II                                      Agenda/Study Guide                                  Sept. 4-7, 2012



Overview of Latin II and Syllabus

Why Latin?

An outline of Roman History 

Declension Review and Exercises  




1)     Exercises on declensions 1 & 2 (complete all handouts) - pages 4 and 5 of Troia Capta handout. 

2)     Quiz on declensions 1 & 2 – adjectives and nouns

3)     Read (translate, know grammar, and be able to discuss) TROIA CAPTA. Be prepared to read orally and discuss without looking at your prepared translation (Complete 1st and 2nd paragraphs).  This is a graded assignment. Write out a translation on the attacked sheet. 

4)   Begin learning vocabulary on handout for TROIA CAPTA. Vocabulary quiz sometime next week. 



Declension Quiz – 1st and 2nd declensions adjectives and nouns (Include APPIAN words).

Roman History and the History of the Latin Language

Oral reading and translation (translate and discuss) TROIA CAPTA–Chapter One (handout)

Correct Exercises on declensions

The third declension

Review Case usage         





Latin II                                    Agenda/Study Guide                    October 25-31, 2011


Introduction to the intensive adjective
Collect Morphological Videos

Correct sentences and review the reflexive pronoun. 

Return quiz on the passive voice
FInish oral translation of Midas et Vis Aurea (paragraphs one and two)

History questions, historical worm with slides and maps down to number 27. 



Exercises on reflexive pronoun and intensive adjective

Work on Mythological pumkins

Roman History Questions

Finish Midas et Vis Aurea




Correct exercises on intensive adjective
Assign Six Sentences
Finish Midas et Vis Aurea

Roman History questions

HW:     Quiz on reflexive pronoun and intensive adjective
            Six sentences are due
  Quiz on relfexive and intensive
            Six sentences are due
HW: Mythological Pumpkins and the presentations are due. 


 Projects:  1) Morphological video; 2) Mythological Pumkins

Latin II                                    Agenda/Study Guide                    October 17-22, 2011


Correct Exercises on the passive voice
FInish oral translation of Atalanta et Hippomenes (Pars Secunda)

Morphological Quiz: Passive Voice

History questions, historical worm with slides and maps down to number 27. 

Finish Video: The Roman City



Morphological Quiz: Passive Voice (40 points) - present and perfect systems, infinitives, and Verb Game

Sentences: English to Latin 

Roman History Questions




Quiz on passive voice

Roman History questions

HW:     Morphological Videos are due



Collect morphological videos                 



HW:    TBA

Latin II Agenda/Study Guide October 10-16

Practice quiz on passive voice
Correct Exercises
Finish Video
Review relative pronoun and passive voice
Introduction to the 4th declension 
Return sentences and quiz
Finish oral reading of Atalanta and Hippomenes. 
Roman History Questions


Vocabulary quiz for Pyramus and Thisbe (both chapters)
Learn the 4th declension paradigm for a quiz. 
Exercises on the 4th declension.
Translate the 1st two paragraphs of Atalanta et Hipponenes (pars secunda)

Vocabulary Quiz
Correct exercises on the 4th declension.
Introduction to the passive voice in the perfect system

Quiz on the paradigm of the 4th declension.  Be able to decline noun-adjective pairs.  Such as manus gravis, vultus pulcher, cornu magnum, etc. 
Sentences: English to Latin.


Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo

Collect sentences 

HW: Vocabulary quiz on Pyramus and Thisbe

Exercises on Personal Pronouns 

Roman History Questions

Latin II                                    Agenda/Study Guide                    September 26-30, 2011


 Oral Translation of Pyramus et Thisbe

Vocabulary Quiz: Phoebus et Daphne

Review of irregular verb eo, ire, ii, iturus

Introduction to personal pronouns: ego, tu, nos, vos and meus, tuus, noster, vester

Correct exercises on demonstrative pronouns/adjectives

History questions, historical worm with slides and maps down to number 27. 



Exercises on personal pronouns

Quiz on ego, tu, nos, vos  & demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Read and write out a translation of Pyramus et Thisbe (pars secunda) 




Group work on is, ea, id

Review: volo, nolo, malo paradigm

Introduction to is, ea, id as personal pronoun and weak deomonstative adjective


HW:     Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo            Sentences –English to Latin with demonstrative pronouns and irregular verbs



 Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, eo, volo, nolo, malo

Collect sentences                    


HW:     Vocabulary quiz on Pyramus and Thisbe

            Exercises on Personal Pronouns 

            Roman History Questions


Latin II                                    Agenda/Study Guide                    September 19-24, 2011


 Oral Translation of Phoebus et Daphne

Vocabulary Quiz: Troia Capta

Review of verbal morphology

Exercises on demonstrative pronouns/adjectives

History questions, historical worm with slides and maps



Review exercises on verbal morphology including irregular verbs

Quiz on demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Roman History questions finish down to # 27 (handout) – read World of Rome



 Correct all exercises

Quiz on demonstrative morphology of ille, illa, illud; hic, haec, hoc; iste, ista, istud

Discuss Roman History questions


HW:     Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo

            Sentences –English to Latin with demonstrative pronouns and irregular verbs


 Quiz on irregular verbs: sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo, malo

Collect sentences                    


HW:     Phoebus et Daphne vocabulary quiz – words on pages 116-7 of Latin Via Ovid

            Read and write out translation of ________________


Latin II                          Agenda/Study Guide                        Sept. 12-17, 2011


Please join Latin Club this week




An overview of Roman History

Review of case usage

Quiz on declensions 1, 2, 3,

Oral Translation of Troia Capta

Group Work: Case usage exercises  

Roman History Questions



1)     Review Troia Capta (reread Latin, study vocabulary, and parsing)

2)     Last page of Troia Capta handout: English to Latin Sentences

3)     Work Book (handout): Review of Syntax of Cases

4)     Morphological quiz: the present system of 4 conjugations of verbs




Review of Verbal Morphology: Perfect System

Group Work: Chapter Two Story and exercises on Latin Animals and Case Usage

Roman History Continued




HW:     Complete to hand in Latin Animals and Case Usage (completely finished)  - graded

            Troia Capta vocabulary quiz from Chapter One Nova Verba Discenda.




Verbal Morphology

Vocabulary Quiz: all words from Chapter One Nova Verba Discenda.



1) Begin reading and translating Chapter Two story

2) Continue learning Chapter II vocabulary

3) Derivatives

Roman History Questions


Latin II                                      Agenda/Study Guide                                  Sept. 6-9, 2011



Overview of Latin II and Syllabus

Why Latin?

An outline of Roman History 

Declension Review and Exercises  




1)     Exercises on declensions 1 & 2 (complete all handouts) - pages 7 and 8 of Troia Capta handout. 

2)     Quiz on declensions 1 & 2 – adjectives and nouns

3)     Read (translate, know grammar, and be able to discuss) TROIA CAPTA. Be prepared to read orally and discuss without looking at your prepared translation (Complete 1st and 2nd paragraphs).  This is a graded assignment. Write out a translation on the attacked sheet. 

4)  Questions for The World of Rome, pages 1-8.  Do only the first 10 questions for Friday. 

     Begin learning vocabulary on handout for TROIA CAPTA. Vocabulary quiz sometime next week. 



Declension Quiz – 1st and 2nd declensions adjectives and nouns (Include APPIAN words).

Roman History and the History of the Latin Language

Oral reading and translation (translate and discuss) TROIA CAPTA–Chapter One (handout)

Correct Exercises on declensions

The third declension

Review Case usage         




HW:  See Home Page