Latin to English Sentences and Vocabulary
- Proficiscere ad bellum maximā cum celeriate et fac itinera quam maxima in illōs montēs totō cum exercitū et persequere illōs hostēs ad Avernī portās. Dulce et decorum est pro patriā morī.
iter, itineris (n) journey, march dulcis, -e = sweet Avernus, -i (m) Avernus, Underworld
- Hoc cum voce magnā dixisset, aquilifer se ex navī proiecit atque in saevōs hostes aquilam ferre coepit. aquilfer, aquiliferi (m) eagle-bearer of a Roman legion coepit = he began
- Hōs item ex proximis prīmī navibus cum cōnspexissent, subsecūtī hostibus appropinquaverunt.
- Hoc cum animadvertisset, Caesar, minores naves militibus complērī iussit. animadverto, ere, -i - to notice compleo, complere - to fill
- Is legatus ūnā cum amicīs sociīsque ad hoc oppidum vēnit ut haec verba regī seniorī diceret.
legatus, -i (m) ambassador or general senior, senius - older, old
- Maiores naves cum appropinquarent Britanniae et ex castris viderentur, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut nulla (navis) eārum cursum tenēre posset. subito (adv.) suddenly castra, -orum (n. pl.) camp teneo, tenēre - to hold Britannia, -ae (f) Britain
- Populus autem eōdem annō me consulem, cum consul uterque bellō cecidisset, et triumvirum rei publicae constituendae creavit (Augustus,Res Gestae). uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two, both cado, cadere, cecidi, casus - to fall constituo, constituere - to restore creo, creare - to appoint, create
- Cum fortior consul senatuī haec dixisset, multi senatores responderunt se pacem quam primum petituros esse.
- Cum nautas plures ex omnibus partibus coegisset, Aeneas ūnā cum hīs sociīs Delum navigare celeriter constituit.
cogo, cogere, coegi – to gather
consto, constare, constitui – to decide
Delum = to Delos (no preposition)
I. Translate into English and state whether primary or secondary and whether the indirect question express on going or completed action.
9) Hic senator in Curiā rogavit cur Caesar, proeliō confectō, rure Romam multō celerius non profectus esset.
10) Marcus dixit Caesarem Romam quam primum profectum esse.
11) Rogēmus quid nobis agendum sit ut domum quam primum eāmus.
12) Nescio quid illī poetae de naturā deōrum cogitent. cogito (1) to think
13) Nescio quid illī poetae de naturā deōrum cogitaverint.
14) Nescimus quid tu, ā rege rogātus, de naturā deōrum dicturus sis.
15) Nescivi quid tu de naturā deōrum dicturus essēs.
16) Priamus rogabat cur omnes matres manibus postes amplecterentur.
17) Iste imperator scivit quid meliores cives, urbe totā deletā, acturī essent.
18) Hic audacior vir immortales deos rogare ausus est quam ob rem hunc mundum regarent.
19) Vīdīmus quō hic hostis maximā cum celeritate fugisset.
I. Translate into English and state whether primary or secondary and whether the indirect question express on going or completed action.
Quam ob rem hī nautae in regnī ultimā insulā relicti erant? relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus - to abandon
2. Petivimus ab duobus consulibus quam ob rem meliores nautae Delī sine cibo vinoque relicti essent. petere + ab = to seek from = to ask Delos, -i (f)
3. Ne tua mater roget quid tu nobiscum superiore nocte egeris.
4. Paris Venerem rogavit quae mulier esset pulcherrima omnium totō in mundō.
5. Venus dixit Helenam esse pulcherrimam omnium totō in mundō.
6. Quod signum in caelō visum est? signum, -i (n) sign, signal
7. Pontifex Maximus rogat quod signum in caelō visum sit.
8. Multī civēs sciunt pessimum signum clarō in caelō tribus ante diebus visum esse.
5) Let it become light in the whole sky in order that we, while we are picking flowers by hand, may see more things (neut.) with our own eyes.
fio, fieri, factus sum
lux, lucis (f)
caelum, -i (n)
lego, legere, legi, lectus - to pick
flos, floris (m)
oculus, -i (m)
6) Let our two consuls, whose power is greater than the power of the other magistrates, speak quite quickly from the Rostra in order that all these things may be accomplished with the greatest speed on this same day. power = imperium, -i (n)
consul, consulis (m)
imperium, -ii (n)
magistratus, -ūs (m)
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
rostra, -orum (n. pl.)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to accomplish
celeritas, celeritatis (f)
dies, diei (m)
7) A few days ago Venus herself said that she was much more beautiful than Juno in order that the queen of the gods might become very angry. Juno prefers to use force rather than to suffers this injury. iniuria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
Venus, Veneris (f)
Iuno, Iunonis (f)
regina, -ae (f)
iratus, a, um - angry
mallo, malle, malui
utor, utī, usus sum
vis, vis (f) force
patior, patī, passus sum
iniuria, -ae (f) injury, wrong
8) This rather miserable war ought to be waged as fiercely as possible in order that our whole state may not be conquered by that evil king, whose armies are the most savage of all in all these lands.
miser, misera, miserum
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus
acer, acris, acre
civitas, civitatis (f) state
vinco, vincere, vici, victus
scelestus, a, um
rex, regis (m)
exercitus, -ūs (m)
saevus, a, um
terra, -ae (f) land
- Let us flee into the highest mountains much more quickly than the speed of light in order that our enemies may not be able to follow us with their whole army.
fugio, fugere, fūgī
summus, a, um
mons, montis (m)
celer, celeris, celere
celeritas, celeritatis (f)
lux, lucis (f)
hostis, -is (m)
possum, posse, potui
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
exercitus, ūs (m)
2) Those very beautiful maidens, who had embraced the posts, gave kisses in order that the gods might bring help, when the whole city has been captured.
virgo, virginis (f)
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum - to embrace
postis, postis
osculum, -i (n) kiss
fero, ferre, tuli, latus
auxilium, -ii (n)
capio, capere, cepi, captus
3) Let us employ the best men in order that we may free this Republic from the fear of all dangers.
utor, uti, usus sum - to employ, to use + _________ case?
libero (1) to free + acc. + ablative of separation
metus, -ūs (m)
periculum, -i (n) danger
4) Let these rather beautiful lovers flee as quickly as possible to the countryside in order that that evil P. Tharpus may not bite them with his very sharp teeth.
amans, amantis - lover
fugio, fugere, fūgī
rus, ruris (n) countryside
scelestus, a, um - evil, wicked
mordeo, mordere, momordi, morsus - to bite
dens, dentis (m) tooth
acutus, a, um - sharp