Latin II
Vocabulary for Sentences
Both magistrates, who had been disturbed for many days by this sad affair, acknowledged that this matron was not able be dragged from tomb of her dead husband with great strength of their own hands.
ambo, ambae, ambo
magistratus, -ūs (m)
turbo, turbāre, turbavi, turbātus
tristis, -e
res, rei (f)
confiteor, confitērī, confessus sum
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus
conditorium, -i (n)
morior, mori, mortuus sum
vir, viri (m) husband
vis, vis (f)
2) If anyone had seen this matron mourning in that tomb with his own eyes, he would have wept and raised the greatest groans/sighs to the sky in order that all gods might bring help to the poor woman.
video, videre, vidi, visus
lugeo, lugere - to mourn
oculus, -i (m)
tollo, tollere, subtuli, sublatus - to raise
caelum, -i (n)
gemitus, -ūs (m) groan, sigh
deus, dei (m)
fero, ferre, tuli, latus
miser, misera, miserum
mulier, mulieris (f)
3) The commander, who had been sent to Asia to manage Roman affairs, gave an order that those two robbers be fastened to crosses in order that they might been seen by all who lived in Ephesus.
imperator, imperatoris (m)
mitto, mittere, mīsi, missus
Asia, -ae (f)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus
Romanus, a, um
res, rei (f)
do, dare, dedi, datus
duo, duae, duo
latro, latronis (m)
affigo, affigere, affixi, affixus
crux, crucis
video, videre, vidi, visus
vivo, vivere, vixi or habito (1)
Ephesus, -i (m) Ephesus (a city in Asia Minor)
tempestas, tempestatis (f)
navis, navis (f)
ago, agree, ego, acts - to drive
acutus, a, um - shape
vis, vis (f)
nauta, -ae (m)
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus
tutus, a, um - safe
sum, esse, fui, futurus
litus, litoris (n) shore
iam (adv.) now
acer, acris, acre (adj.) fierce
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
exercitus, -us (m)
collis, collis (m) hill
legatus, -i (m)
totus, a, um
nox, noctis (f)
castra, -orum (n. pl.)
ingens, ingentis (adj.)
video, videre, vidi, visus
eques, equitis (m) knights
curro, currere, cucurri - to run
de+ abl.
eripio, eripere - to rescue (ex+rapio = to snatch away_
periculum, -i (n) danger
tego, tegere, texi, tectus
discipulus, -i (m) student
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus - to find
tempestas, tempestatis (f)
rex, regis (m)
regina, -ae (f)
spelunca, -ae (f) cave
Venus, Veneris (f)
tueor, tueri, tutus sum - to protect, watch over
laetus, a, um - happy
laudo (1) to praise
pavo, pavonis (f) peacock
signum, -i (n) sign, signal
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus - to run
mare, maris (n) sea
pirata, -ae (m) pirate
venio, venire, veni - to come
terra, -ae (f) land
praeda, -ae (f) booty, plunder
causa + preceding genitive case = “for the sake of”
res, rei (f) affair
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus - to manage
duo, duae, duo
consul, consulis (m)
occido, occidere - to kill
turba, -ae (f) crowd
iratus, a, um - angry
scelestus, a, um - evil, wicked
civis, -is (m) citizen
1) Although that storm had driven our ships into those sharp rocks with great force, nevertheless many sailors said that most ships were now safe on the shore. tutus, a, um = safe
2) Since that fierce enemy had not followed our army into these hills, our legates said that we would be safe for the whole night in this camp. tutus, a, um = safe
3) When that huge storm had been seen in the dark sky, these knights ran down from the capitoline hill in the forum in order that they may rescue themselves from this danger.
4) Let us cover these students with straw in order that P. Tharpus may not find them.
5) When that fierce storm had driven the king and queen into that cave, Venus, who protects lovers, became much happier that a praised peacock. spelunca, -ae (f) cave
6) When the signal had been given, we ran as fast as possible from the sea to the city in order that we may not be captured by those pirates who kept coming into our lands for the sake of booty.
7) These affairs must be managed by our legates much more quickly in order that our two consuls may not be killed by this angry crowd of evil citizens.